[x] Go talk to Shirou
You need to go talk to Shirou. After all, you made a promise that you would go speak with him and see if he would lend his support to tonight's operation. However, that can wait for a few minutes longer. You still have some food on your plate, as well as a mostly full cup of tea. It is an awful shame to let tea grow cold, after all.
You take the time to finish your food and drink your tea. You pay your belly contentedly, feeling quite sated. You're good for the next few hours at least where meals are concerned.
Leavin the room, you wander the hallways of Kyuden Bayushi. You've gotten used to the opulence of the decoration by this point, or at least become able to ignore it effectively enough. It's still a horrid waste of resources, but at least it's not so distracting after a day to get used to it.
A servant walks by, managing a quick bow of sufficient deepness in such a way that the woman hardly even halts her motion. It's actually a fairly impressive display. You motion for her to halt, and she waits before you with her eyes downcast.
"Can you tell me where the monk Shirou currently is?" you ask. "I need to speak with him."
"Honored Samurai, the monk was last seen exercising out in the courtyard not half an hour ago," the servant answers. "He is likely still there, should you desire to converse with him now."
"I will do so," you say. "My thanks."
"It is nothing, honored Samurai," the woman responds, bowing. When she rises she continues to make her way down the hall, no doubt to continue with her daily tasks. You leave her to it and go on your way.
You head down the stairs and out the front gates, nodding to the guards at the door as you go. The sky is faintly overcast now, but you don't imagine it's going to rain any harder than a light drizzle at most. The smell in the air isn't wet enough for a true downpour, and you know the scent of rain intimately considering how often water falls upon Crab lands.
You find Shirou going through forms at one end of the courtyard, well away from where anyone might be walking. A heat haze surrounds him, like from the fire of a forge. It makes the air ripple strangely as he goes from one step to the next. It's the same thing he used last night against the Tainted, a technique that burns flesh.
The monk's tempo goes up or down depending on what part of the form he's doing, sometimes moving blindly fast and at others agonizingly slow. His footwork is flawless, and his arms move in lockstep with his legs. When he turns, his entire body goes with him no matter the speed.
Some of the Scorpion Bushi are watching him, talking amongst themselves. They're frowning, but it doesn't appear to be in displeasure. You think it's more like bewilderment than anything else.
"I really don't understand this whole Kiho thing," one of the Bushi says to her companion, waving a hand at Shirou. "I mean, isn't it just what the Shugenja do? Why give it a different name?"
"I don't think that's how it works," the other Bushi says. He cups a hand under his chin. "Shugenja talk to the kami, right? I think monks do what they do just under their own power."
"You mean he's doing that by himself?" the woman asks, incredulous. She shakes her head. "Not sure I believe it."
"Just telling you what I've heard," the man responds. "I don't know much more than you do, honestly."
You grin and shake your head as you walk toward Shirou. It's nice to see that you are not the only one amazed by the wonders monks can accomplish through their rigorous training. Though after getting to know Shirou better, you must admit Kiho is one of the lesser oddities about the man.
Shirou halts I motion and bow to you as you come close, one fist held in his open palm. He has a smile on his face as he rises, and the shimmering of heat fades away. You can still feel some of it on the air, though, as if you've come close to an open flame.
"Sosuke-sama," Shirou greets. "What might I do for you on this fine morning?"
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