[x] Sirroco.
Silently, you curse yourself. You're acting like a child, and you've left those days behind you. You're an adult now, so it's time to act like one. To do otherwise will bring shame upon you and make your superiors question whether or not you are fit for your responsibilities.
And more to the point, it's not like you can avoid looking at Shasa for the entire trip. She's your partner in protecting Yasuki Goro. The Ashigaru are mainly there to back the both of you up, not take up the slack for you being negligent. So that means no matter how pretty she is, you've got to interact with Shasa.
Your mind briefly turns to the words Yasuki Goro spoke with you yesterday, about how conversation and diplomacy is like a battlefield. Could that be what is happening now? Are you engaging in some form of sparring with Shasa, only with your words instead of your weapons? If so, then she has won the first round.
But this is good… This means you have some opportunity to practice a little bit before you reach a true Court. You can learn from this conversation, grow to better protect yourself. Shasa is a good partner in this regard. Yes, she is embarrassingly attractive, but that I just a natural advantage like your height against those you have physically sparred with. It is not insurmountable, but instead something to be worked around.
You must shift the conversation. You have allowed yourself to be flanked and have had the ground swept out beneath your feet. You must change the focus and settle yourself so that you can recover and gain an advantage.
"Enough about what we might see," you say, turning back to Shasa. She quirks an eyebrow at you, and you manage to contain your blush. "Let us talk more about ourselves. I am curious about your deeds, Shasa-san."
"My deeds?" Shasa asks, confused. "What do you mean?"
"Battles you have fought, time training with your instructor. Perhaps a bit about your parents, if you are so inclined." You grin. "It might be best if we know a bit more about each other if we are to be working together these next few months."
"Ah…" Shasa says. "Well, I was involved with all the assaults on Shiro Hiruma, like everyone else was." She looks downward, hiding her face a little. "I… I don't really have many deeds to my name. Not like you, Sosuke-san. You helped save Shiro Hiruma and Shinsei's Last Hope. That makes you a hero for the Clan. Everyone has heard your name in Crab Lands, Sosuke-san."
"I hardly did anything," you say, and you can't help the twinge of sadness you feel from bleeding into your voice. "A Nezumi named Gazat'ken saved Shinsei's Last Hope. He gave his life for it, sacrificed everything. All I did was give him the chance."
"That is still more glory than most can attest to," Shasa says, her tone rather quiet and reserved compared to before.
"It's not glory I'm seeking," you say. "Not really. My Sensei instructed me well on my duties, beat my responsibilities into my flesh. If that brings fame, then fine. But all I want is to perform my service to the Clan as best I can."
"My Sensei did the same with me," Shasa says. She's looking away now, and you get the feeling she is frowning. "At my parent's behest, too. Growing up I didn't believe it would be my fate to train with the Hida…"
She stops talking, and you ride for the next few minutes in awkward silence. Shasa seems to be dwelling on something. Perhaps what you have said sparked an unpleasant memory for her? If so, then perhaps you have caused her offense of some sort? You're not certain how, exactly, but you're fairly sure Shasa is upset. Perhaps not at you, but maybe at what your words have reminded her of? You can't really be sure.
"Shasa-san?" you ask, hoping to get an answer. "Is everything all right?"
"I must apologize," Shasa says, turning back to you with a smile. It doesn't seem to reach her eyes, though. "I think I'm a little less familiar with riding than I thought. If it is not too troublesome, I would like to spend the next few hours getting used to the saddle. If you would please allow me some time to myself, Sosuke-san? I would appreciate it."
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