Glory of the Emerald Empire (Legend of the 5 Rings Quest)

Hmm. I don't know about this - this smells like a trap. I feel like taking the opportunity to tell the story could bite us in the long run - the chance at glory is bait.

[X] Politely demur. "I'm sorry, Shosuro-sama, but I have only limited time for today, and should like to see a play with my companions before I return to my lord's side. Perhaps if my duties permit me some freedom in the future."
[X] Politely demur. "I'm sorry, Shosuro-sama, but I have only limited time for today, and should like to see a play with my companions before I return to my lord's side. Perhaps if my duties permit me some freedom in the future."
Hmm. I don't know about this - this smells like a trap. I feel like taking the opportunity to tell the story could bite us in the long run - the chance at glory is bait.

[X] Politely demur. "I'm sorry, Shosuro-sama, but I have only limited time for today, and should like to see a play with my companions before I return to my lord's side. Perhaps if my duties permit me some freedom in the future."
In most other L5R quests I'd agree with you. She's a Scorpion. In this quest, though, we have the Bayushi Diamyo endorsing us. That makes the chances that she's planning to stab us in the back much lower, and the chances of her using this to our advantage much higher (especially if she can also use it to her own).

Scorpion support is the gift that keeps on giving.
Well, this assumes every Scorpion knows everything every other Scorpion knows. :V
...or it assumes that given multiple months, word that the Bayushi Diamyo has specifically put out will have made its way to the Imperial Capitol, and that the internal communications among the Scorpion within said capitol are at least good enough that word makes it s way to the primary playwright of a nontrivial Noh theater in sad capitol - especially one who occasionally writes plays based on reasonably recent events, and therefore has reason to have her ear to the ground. We traveled all the way to the lands of the Dragon (with a pause to recover from our wounds), stayed there for a while, and this is on our return voyage. Word has had time to spread.
[X] Sirrocco

Well, it seems the situation has moved away from difficult ground. You're quite certain Shosuro Miohime is smiling, at least. That has to mean something, right? After all, she doesn't seem annoyed any more and even asked you to tell a story. One she has said she might turn into a play.

Granted, it would likely be a Noh play, but perhaps this could be an opportunity…

"To think word of my storytelling has reached even here," you say with a grin. "If the honorable Samurai wish it, I shall of course tell you a tale. Though perhaps there might be a more appropriate venue than the street. I speak of what is, and the threats that we all face. I have heard that there are some who find that disturbing."

"No doubt, no doubt," Shosuro Miohime says, snapping her fan closed. "But I'm sure you have a tale that would be appropriate."

"I am honored that you think my humble stories might be adequate inspiration for your own writing, and would be honored again if you find it to be so in truth," you reply. "I shall do what I can to spin the tale well."

Shosuro Miohime and Kakita Tenshu lead you and your companions inside the theater, her all smiles and him with a frown. You'd thought they might take you to the stage, but instead they direct you through a curved hallway until coming upon a private room.

It's very obviously a staging area, with costumes and props nearly organized within shelves and clothing stands. Inside there are actors taking their ease, drinking water or practicing the movements of certain plays. They all look toward your group as you enter, but none speak or make any motion to approach. Instead they merely observe the proceedings, silent and attentive.

The closer ones bow to both Shosuro Miohime and Kakita Tenshu, indicating they have some status within the theater. You'd suspected as much, but it was good to have confirmation. That makes it all the more important that you impress these two. Perhaps if you make a favorable impression here you can increase the good name of your Clan within the capital itself! That would surely be a most productive use of your limited time.

"I have three stories that I think might be suitable," you say as you all settle into your new surroundings. "I could tell you of the Nezumi, and my part in the Battle of Skulking Shadows. I could tell you of my time at Kyuden Bayushi, and the vile creature that was ended there. I could tell you of our recent experiences in the lands of the Dragon, and the mighty battle that was fought in that place." You throw your arms wide. "Which would you prefer?"

"Hmm, I see," Shosuro Miohime says, tapping her veiled chin with her fan. "Those are certainly grand adventures you offer, Hiruma-sama, but I'm afraid I'm not interested in anything like that."

You blink, taken aback by her words. "Well, what kind of story would you like to hear then?"

"Miohime-san, this is uncalled for," Kakita Tenshu says, his voice so soft you can barely hear him. "There's no need for mockery."

"I assure you, Tenshu-san, no ridicule is intended here," she replies, and then turns back to you. She points her fan at you, and then toward Shirou. "I would like to hear the tale of how you and the monk met each other." She smiles. "It's uncommon to see monks traveling so closely with Samurai, and I would dearly wish to know the story behind your meeting."

[] Tell the story.
[] Politely refuse.
[] Write in.
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[X] Tell the story.
[jk]"Well I was praying, the god of lightning said hello and Shiro was around to witness it. He has been following me around ever since.":o
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Oh that? Just personally tested by Osano-Wo. No biggie.

Major bragging here which might look bad. On the other hand not spilling our guts might be seen as rude if we fail our etiquette roll. I vote we pass the buck to the wise holy man.

[X] Make Shirou tell the tale.
Comon Souske, you're dealing with a Scorpion here. You're playing right into her hands.
Which is, of course, why we will play into it with gusto befitting a Crab and shatter her wrists with the magnitude of our bullheadedness.

She's misread us, expecting us to be someone else based on the stories and is incensed enough by our sideways mockery of her art she's willing to act on it. She thinks us proud, and we've done little to change that. She seeks to waste our time and stoke the flames of annoyance by having us tell, what she feels we feel, trifling tales we are unprepared to tell and make fools of ourselves.
It is quite likely she expects us to back out of this, or to simply tell it poorly, but woe betide the scorpion that tries to sting a crab.

We do as requested, tell a glorious story of our meeting, training, testing, and then take our leave before she can set the second plan in motion.

[X] Tell the story.

Of course, I could be wrong. I can think of at least 5 ways telling the story could be worsening the problem (eg she intends to interrupt it as soon as we tell what could barely be called our meeting, like first laying eyes upon him, and throwing us off while shrugging off the impoliteness due to her position) but we've already goofed by stepping into the scorpion pit in the first place.
Thankfully, many a carefully laid plan can be shattered to bits by doing the unexpected. Playing into the trap.

This was wordy, ill review in a couple hours when i've slept.