Glory of the Emerald Empire (Legend of the 5 Rings Quest)


As to Pan'ku still being alive, well, Dragons do not play by any rules but the ones that Onnatangu and Amatretsu forced on them. With them dead...probably just decided to come back to live.

Anyways on to trying to survive.

[x] Be polite.

If we have no candy then:
"My apologies Pan'ku, I did not know that you desired any before hand. Still if you wish I can go fetch some."
Take a moment to breathe. If she says yes go get candy.

"You look well, can I ask if Mirumoto Hanabi is alright?"

If we have candy
"Yes, one moment" Give her the candy.

"You look well, can I ask if Mirumoto Hanabi is alright?"
[X] Be Polite
[X] "If you will give me a moment, P'an Ku-sama." Step out, order sweets and tea, and step back in. "Your sweets will be here soon. Was your trip here nice?"

...why does Naoto get all the nice dragons?
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[X] "If you will give me a moment, P'an Ku-sama." Step out, order sweets and tea, and step back in. "Your sweets will be here soon, Honored Dragon. Was your trip here nice?"

Time for some small talk, before we get to the meat of things.

Sure, she's a mad over powered dragon, but that's no excuse for bad manors.
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You noticed how paranoid I was being? How I wanted to verify that it was Hanabi before we went?

This is why - and I was honestly perplexed why people were ignoring that part.

Also, the Dragon of Madness and Change is indeed alive. It's one of the major arc villains in the OTL some years after this time.

The one who introduces herself as P'an Ku is pretty much guaranteed to be crazy. She might be P'an Ku. She might be an egg-spawn who thinks that she's P'an Ku. She might be lying. Regardless, she's guaranteed to be crazy. If she *is* P'an Ku... well, in OTL, a strong sense of Honor was actually pretty solid protection from the madness.

The "mouthpiece" is most likely the speaking part for whoever was the boss of the guy who came flying out the window - just like P'an Ku is likely associated with the shadow dudes that got ashed.

This is a terribly dangerous situation. It's a peril to our sanity, our humanity, and our life. At the same time, we almost certainly cannot meaningfully harm these people.

Incidentally, "Nisshoku" means "solar eclipse".

[] Respond. "I'm sorry. It appears I have the wrong room."
[] Leave.

On the one side, it's a potential source of information. On the other side, Courtier attacks are a very real thing in Rokugan, and these are our sworn enemies. If they're drawing us into conversation, it's not going to be to our benefit.

Okay, there are hints of struggles between our enemies. It's entirely possible that Nisshoku is actually mouthpiece to the Shadow Dragon (who might actually get along reasonably well with P'an Ku, given their mutual connection to the Nothing) and they're scheming against that one Shadowlands General who hates us personally. They might have useful information for us. It's actually pretty plausible that they're much diminished from the heights of their power. The mouthpiece is just a mouthpiece. He might even die if we hit him with our tetsubo. That, *too*, is a tempting thought - and it would be the most honorable action, in some ways... but even in character, we don't want to try that.

Odd, given that the last time we encountered the Lord of the Shadowlands in a dream, we tried to headbutt him in the face.

I am *deeply conflicted* here.

Okay. When in doubt, be honorable.
- Courage: Abject flight is probably poor. We should master our fear, rather than letting it master us.
- Courtesy: Well, we ought to be polite.
- Honesty: Not lying is good
- Duty: Let us assume for the moment that we *cannot* kill them. It is a not unreasonable assumption. Given that, Duty suggests that we wish to get as much information as we can, and get out without dying, being corrupted, or setting them off. To thedegree that we can encourage the war between Shadow and Tainted, that's all to the good.
- Honor: don't know that it applies
- Compassion: definitely doesn't apply.

P'an Ku (let us assume that it is her) is a massive danger herself, but that's because she's madness incarnate, and does a lot of collateral damage as she goes. At the moment, the fact that she's damaging by default rather than intent is one fo the better aspects about this. As horrifying as the idea is, we might be able to get her on our side at least for the duration of the conversation, if we can navigate the insane dragon logic. Nisshoku, on the other hand, is pretending to be friendly, but actively seeks the dissolution or corruption of all things. The only reason we're not trying to cave his skull in with a tetsubo *right now*, is we think it wouldn't work.

I... I don't even know.

Edit: what the hell.

[X] Be Polite
[X] "If you will give me a moment, P'an Ku-sama." Step out, order sweets and tea, and step back in. "Your sweets will be here soon. Was your trip here nice?"

I too want to know how Hanabi is doing... but I don't think us asking here is going to be a good thing for anyone we like.
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[X] Be Polite
[X] "If you will give me a moment, P'an Ku-sama." Step out, order sweets and tea, and step back in. "Your sweets will be here soon. Was your trip here nice?"

Hah. Hah. Hah.

We are so incredibly fucked.
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Could Hanabi possibly be the mortal guise of this P'an Ku? Or perhaps the woman in our dreams?

[X] Be Polite
[X] "If you will give me a moment, P'an Ku-sama." Step out, order sweets and tea, and step back in. "Your sweets will be here soon. Was your trip here nice?"
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[X] Be Polite
[X] "If you will give me a moment, P'an Ku-sama." Step out, order sweets and tea, and step back in. "Your sweets will be here soon. Was your trip here nice?"
[X] Be Polite
[X] "If you will give me a moment, P'an Ku-sama." Step out, order sweets and tea, and step back in. "Your sweets will be here soon. Was your trip here nice?"
[X] Be Polite
[X] "If you will give me a moment, P'an Ku-sama." Step out, order sweets and tea, and step back in. "Your sweets will be here soon. Was your trip here nice?"
[X] Be Polite
[X] "If you will give me a moment, P'an Ku-sama." Step out, order sweets and tea, and step back in. "Your sweets will be here soon. Was your trip here nice?"

Well then... Kind of a surprise here heh.

Goddammit >_<
[X] Be Polite
[X] "If you will give me a moment, P'an Ku-sama." Step out, order sweets and tea, and step back in. "Your sweets will be here soon. Was your trip here nice?"

We are so boned.
No, Souske, your monk bro is not patient because of the great things you'd did in a past life, but because of the terrible things his patron fortune knows will happen to you in this one.
[X] Be Polite
[X] "If you will give me a moment, P'an Ku-sama." Step out, order sweets and tea, and step back in. "Your sweets will be here soon. Was your trip here nice?"
[X] Be Polite
[X] "If you will give me a moment, P'an Ku-sama." Step out, order sweets and tea, and step back in. "Your sweets will be here soon. Was your trip here nice?"

[X] Be Polite
[X] "If you will give me a moment, P'an Ku-sama." Step out, order sweets and tea, and step back in. "Your sweets will be here soon. Was your trip here nice?"
Well, that was a thing.

Hmm. @Winged Knight, how much does Sosuke actually know about P'an Ku? He'll presumably make the connection to the aforementioned Egg, but I don't know how prominently the Mad Dragon would feature in his understanding of the world.
It might? We would not want our troubles to affect other people. Is there any way we can manage to warn people so that they can evacuate? To minimise unnecessary civilian casualties if (when) this blows up in our face. Maybe by talking to the server?
In different way too... IIRC P'an Ku started as mild version of Cheese-mode Sheogorath then "life happens". Not that Souske is likely to know that.

PS. It's kinda sad that pulling Sheridan is impossible.
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Well, that was a thing.

Hmm. @Winged Knight, how much does Sosuke actually know about P'an Ku? He'll presumably make the connection to the aforementioned Egg, but I don't know how prominently the Mad Dragon would feature in his understanding of the world.

Well, to see if Sosuke knows anything beyond a few basics would require a Lore Roll that he doesn't have. You can have him do a raw Intelligence Roll, and thus have no explosions, or spend a Void Point to have the requisite Lore Skill for a turn.
Well, to see if Sosuke knows anything beyond a few basics would require a Lore Roll that he doesn't have. You can have him do a raw Intelligence Roll, and thus have no explosions, or spend a Void Point to have the requisite Lore Skill for a turn.
Let's go with the raw int roll. We're more interested in what he knows off the top of his head for RP purposes than in actually getting a wealth of lore for P'an Ku, I think.