Talon88.1 said:
If this is the case, why do the angry gods not slay Gaia's human-form jouten? Wouldn't that slay Gaia-Oh, wait. Right. Neverborn. Nevermind. Forgot that little detail for a second.
On another point, Auto is a E10 god. Doesn't that put him on par with the top eight or so gods in Creation? Even if hes not combat focused, he should be dangerous if pushed, right?
Gods can't so much as touch the Primordials menacingly with the Geas in place. Otherwise, they wouldn't have thought to use the Exalts in the first place.
Also, Auto may be an E10 god, but he's specialized in
craft. Unlike every other example of an E10 god we have (the Incarna), Auto is not built with combat in mind. Sol was made to patrol the borders of Creation when the Primordials got bored of Fey invading, Luna was made to sex up Gaia and, though I don't recall exactly, deal with everything that slipped past Sol, and the Maidens are each individually weaker than the other two
and have access to the hax that is Fate and SMAs that they're all dangerous in their own right, too.
Auto was none of that. See, even as a god-body, one-man-pantheon Primordial Autocthon was the weak, sickly outcast nerd of the Primordials. Not much of a fighter, not much of a socializer, the only thing he was good at (by Primordial standards) was making
really sweet shit. Which the others stole and broke and threw back at him to fix when they got bored.
As a
god, Auto is now even more restricted. Gods are not Exalts. They aren't meant to be versatile engines of destruction designed to take down the architects of reality. They're extremely-specialized autonomous vacuums that were made to ensure that their responsibility doesn't violate casuality and, say, have a river flow upwards, or have leaves smell of mathematics. It doesn't matter that he used to be the King of Craftsmen and Engineer of Exaltation; he's a god now, though an
incredibly powerful one, but his powers only extend to his
ridiculous prowess at craft, even though even that pales in comparison with his former simultaneously-greater-yet-weaker self that has become Deus Machina.
Now, this isn't to say Autochton the god is not a force to be reckoned with. He is, especially in a place like the ME Galaxy where technology, his domain, runs everything, is everything and is utilized by everyone in basically every aspect of their lives. He can also do things like make giant robots (that he can pilot) capable of reducing a city in Creation to ash. Unfortunately, the forces he faces (Yu-Shan, the Bronze Faction, angry gods) are many, are powerful, and are in Creation, which since the fall of the First Age (High or Low) is very much devoid of technology, IE: Autobot's comfort zone.
So yes, even as an E10 god Autocthon is one of the most powerful beings in Creation thus far, on par with each of the Incarnae. Unfortunately, he'd still get creamed in a fight against a God of War if he doesn't have his toys. And those might not save him if the Bronze Faction and every god who holds a grudge catches wind that Autochton the
Primordial is now Autochton the
God, and thus
easily killable.
tl;dr: Autochton the God is not an omnipotent, omnipresent, all-powerful tech-ubersmesnch who will casually and wantonly throw giant robots who gob mountains at his enemies. Because that would be
retarded and get him killed.