Ghosts of the Ancestors. (A Cultivation Riot Quest).

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[X] Seek knowledge from the collective.
-[X] knowledge of extrem Yin and extream Yang. [0/250] unlock an action to change Yin Qi to Yang Qi and Yang Qi to yin Qi.

I like that the Qi Transmuting actions are something for us Wisdom ghosts to help out, the Qi ghosts have enough on their plates with raw generation.
Mlmiii threw 2 6-faced dice. Reason: Scotty! Invert the Qi Polarity Total: 10
6 6 4 4
Something verse, same as the first (Unless I roll a 12 again, in which case I'm spending the hp.)

[X] The life line- with some work and adaptation the wrath ghost can crave a path into Guang Li lifeline making drawing the power of blood for his body far easier, by necessity they would go slow as to not hurt him [178/300]. Reduce the needed progress for the cut away life by 5.

The hp pool is safe, for now.
HammeredApple threw 2 6-faced dice. Reason: Wrath Ghost Total: 7
4 4 3 3
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-[] Refine his ear. 1 blood Qi, -2 HP per time taken [0/38]. Gain Pulse Dissecting Sense I (hear heartbeats from a great distince and with great clarity grants advantage to the roll when attempting to ascertain whether someone is lying and perception rolls against anything with a heart/pulse).

Can I segguest the Wrath ghosts do this when they get the chance? It seems useful.


-[X] Breakthrough [Advanced] [30/100]. Raise the breakthrough skill to 2.

Would probably be useful yes.

Edit: good rolls.
blankmask threw 2 6-faced dice. Reason: Breakthrough Total: 9
5 5 4 4
He doesn't have the alchemy skill (it's the ghosts who have it and you'll get an action to actually teach him) or the herbalism skill (which would be required to grow herbs for use).
Btw, can we get Li the herbalism skill now he has alchemy?

Also, would growing herbs for Alchemy profit from
[] Dig into the world and sup on its treasure- with their knowledge of Qi restored the Ancestors may now dig into the very fabric of the world and create a well through which Qi may be drawn, [0/500] 1 pure Qi per time taken. Create a location with a 1.1 multiplayer toward gathering Qi of the chosen type.
(Idea being: Qi well-> Qi rich area-> more potent herbs)
[X] The life line- with some work and adaptation the wrath ghost can crave a path into Guang Li lifeline making drawing the power of blood for his body far easier, by necessity they would go slow as to not hurt him [178/300]. Reduce the needed progress for the cut away life by 5.

With this roll the life line has reached 203/300! Only 97 progress left! Join us wrath ghosts!
Redikai threw 2 6-faced dice. Total: 6
1 1 5 5
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[X] The life line- with some work and adaptation the wrath ghost can crave a path into Guang Li lifeline making drawing the power of blood for his body far easier, by necessity they would go slow as to not hurt him [178/300]. Reduce the needed progress for the cut away life by 5.

With this roll the life line has reached 203/300! Only 97 progress left! Join us wrath ghosts!
Really? I've got 200 according to my math. Either way, we're about 2/3 of the way to the goal!
[X] The life line- with some work and adaptation the wrath ghost can crave a path into Guang Li lifeline making drawing the power of blood for his body far easier, by necessity they would go slow as to not hurt him [178/300]. Reduce the needed progress for the cut away life by 5.

I feel junior may miss the screams of wrath ghosts if we concentrate on this but well that too is a lesson for Junior.
StarJaunter threw 2 6-faced dice. Reason: Life Line Total: 4
3 3 1 1
[X] The life line- with some work and adaptation the wrath ghost can crave a path into Guang Li lifeline making drawing the power of blood for his body far easier, by necessity they would go slow as to not hurt him [178/300]. Reduce the needed progress for the cut away life by 5.
SeaTheTree threw 2 6-faced dice. Total: 7
3 3 4 4
[x] craft a Qi siphon [1/7 crafted]
-[X] Yin [25/170]. +1 Yin Qi per turn.

Since other seem to be doing this, will be nice getting another siphon.
Syn threw 2 6-faced dice. Total: 11
5 5 6 6
Guess I'll go for lifeline...

[X] The life line- with some work and adaptation the wrath ghost can crave a path into Guang Li lifeline making drawing the power of blood for his body far easier, by necessity they would go slow as to not hurt him [178/300]. Reduce the needed progress for the cut away life by 5.
DiscordOxymoron threw 2 6-faced dice. Reason: Lifeline Wrath Total: 8
3 3 5 5
[X] craft a Qi siphon [1/7 crafted]- with their knowledge the ancestors can manipulate the Qi around Guang Li spiritual roots into a whirlpool drawing in ambient Qi into his dantian without his or their intervention, unfortunately without active guidance they cannot take advantage of the clear meridians to draw even more Qi.
-[X] Yin [25/170]. +1 Yin Qi per turn.
Catpetter1981 threw 2 6-faced dice. Total: 3
2 2 1 1
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