Why couldn't they have changed a couple of the names and just said it was a Syndicate movie?
Just give more people trenchcoats and have a minigun show up and you'd have one.
So I decided to watch the movie adaptation of Syndicate and I have to say it works so much better if you think of it that way.
Major Imperial Metric or whatever her name is is a brainwashed cyborg enforcer in a cyberpunk universe where you have Aspari... er Hanka running everything. She finds out that everything she knew was a lie from an anti-corporate terrorist and goes rogue.
Also the execution of the CEO, where he falls down backwards into a pit, is literally the ending of Syndicate 2012.
It was a pretty mediocre movie although it had some decent scenes. It thinks it's deeper than it really is. On the other hand it has some good visual design and Aramaki is a huge badass so it works as a dumb sci-fi action movie.
And it's an okay Syndicate movie. Or would be if it had some happy miniguns. Just... it's not a good Ghost in the Shell movie.