Generic_Generica Plays: Civilization V

Turn 7

[X] Liberty.

Alrighty then. Here we go.

Alright, we got Liberty which means we get a grand total of... +1 culture. In our main city. And +1 culture for every other city we construct.


Also I pulled our warrior further north.

There's a lot of forest. I'm half tempted to build a worker and send it up there to cut all of that forest down. I'm going to leave that up to the Council to decide though.

After pulling our warrior further north, around the coast...

... I came to the realization that our Scout has completed.

No Barbarian encampments nearby for some reason. I could've sworn I turned Barbarians on...

Anyways. We've got several production options now, including a settler which will allows us to start a new city.

The catch is it completely halts citizen 'growth' in Cusco which is actually... Pretty bad. Personally I'd go for a worker, since... Animal Husbandry is kinda redundant if we don't actually have a worker to construct tile improvements.

But anyways. Councilors. Your options are:

[] Settler (18 turns, halts population growth)
[] Warrior (18 turns)
[] Scout (6 turns plus... We already have one.)
[]Worker (17 turns, necessary for Tile Improvements)
[] Monument (10 turns, gives +1 culture)

Things to note:
- Animal Husbandry is finishing in three turns.

Edit: Also, we're voting for our next research option.

[] Trapping
[] Pottery
[] Archery
[] Mining
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Worker. Worker should have been first. The industrial capacity unleashed is always better than anything else.
Maybe also a vote for the next research to prevent another early vote?

[X] Worker


[X] Trapping

Because I think I see dear near the capital and this technology can use them.
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[X] Monument
-[X] Liberty: Citizenship
[X] Mining

This gets us a Worker 5 turns sooner, as well as a Monument. The catch is that it will take longer for a free Settler.
[x]Worker (17 turns, necessary for Tile Improvements)

[x] Pottery
On the way to Calendar and Writing. Plus getting a Shrine is always important.
There's a lot of forest. I'm half tempted to build a worker and send it up there to cut all of that forest down. I'm going to leave that up to the Council to decide though.

Absolutely not.

Chop down forest only if you have to- yes, it's annoying, but a) that being there means your enemies have to take that path as well and b) come Construction, you can place Logging Camps down on forests for extra production.

Also, there's better things for your workers to be doing, especially if you're playing wide. :V

The Iroquois civ's kinda amazing in Europe in the Earth map overall, btw, just because their civ benefits and Uniques all benefit hugely from forest tiles.

[x] Mining
Turn 18
[X] Mining
[X] Worker

A lot of good news this round.

Work has begun on the worker. 17 turns oh boy.

Also our scout's finished. Now scouts are nice because they can move two tiles per turn regardless of terrain. Very neat.

I decided to move both of our military units around. A bit risky, but there aren't any barbarians around so eh.

After a few turns of nothing...

Oh look. Barbarians.

So basically Barbarians are... Barbarians. They're awful people. They'll steal your settlers and workers if you don't guard your settlers and workers and they'll also raid your tile improvements if they get the chance.

Not fun. So we're going to just exterminate them and burn down their camp before they can spread.

Animal Husbandry finished about this time, revealing horses on the map and allowing us to construct pastures. Neat.

I immediately started researching mining after that.

Also I cleared out that encampment, so we have an additional 25 gold in our coffers. It isn't much all things considered but hey, every little bit, right?

Our warrior has discovered another set of ancient ruins, and I pulled our scout south in order to scout around the peninsula we're on.

So after searching the ruins...

... A free technology.

This is actually really really good. Like seriously good. This was basically the best thing that could've happened. This'll allow us to get a shrine which means we can religion ALL THE THINGS and it unlocks writing and a whole bunch of other useful technologies.

Unfortunately it put us right next to another barbarian encampment. Not a good spot to be so I moved our warrior south and came across...

A city-state. So these are basically mini-countries that you can ally with, trade with, declare war upon, the works.

Also they gave us 30 gold. Which is nice.

Our scout also discovered another city-state.

And they gave us another 30 gold.

Also mining finished researching. Nice.

So now we have a lot of technology we can potentially research. We've got Archery, Sailing, Calendar, Writing, Trapping, Masonry or Bronze Working.

Also because we now have 144 gold after discovering all those city-states and raiding the encampment, we can actually buy things now. We could buy tiles, or we could buy another scout.

Or we could save up our gold to buy something else.

Overall things are going smoothly. Kind of.

Councilors, the vote.

[] Archery
[] Sailing
[] Calendar
[] Writing
[] Trapping
[] Masonry
[] Bronze Working

[] Buy a Scout.
[] Buy some tiles.
[] Save our gold to buy something else.

Social Policies:
-[] Republic
-[] Citizenship
[] Unlock Tradition
[] Unlock Honor
[] Unlock Piety
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[X] Calendar. We're gonna have a worker in 6 turns. He'll improve the cattle and then will basically have nothing to do. So, we need Calendar to allow him to improve the citruses.

[X] Save up. We may need another military unit in the near future (ideally an archer).

[X] Republic. Since we've decided to go down the liberty tree, let's get the prerequisite for the free settler. The bonus production will be nice too as the capital doesn't have much.
This, incidentally, is why the Shoshone are considered really good- their Unique Unit, a Scout variant, can choose Ancient Ruin bonuses. And they start with one instead of a Warrior (oh, and it's stronger than a normal Scout).

You can basically farm technologies, culture and gold off Ancient Ruins for the first 70 or so turns. They don't actually give you technologies past... the second tier, I think, but it's still a really strong early game to work off- especially as the Shoshone found their cities with a lot more land.

[x] Writing
[X] Save Up
[x] Republic
Save the money for buildings or units later in case the barbarians prove annoying.

Calendar, since you've got valuables right beside you.

Something, something moar liberty. Flip a coin for that, if you must.