You let out a breath, as that was a pretty solid reaming you got. Not entirely undeserved, but that doesn't make it any less pleasant. With repairs on the garrison APC complete, you order it to pick up an infantry squad from sector B3 and move on to sector C3, to see if the Nod guys really did pack up their base.
Turns out they did - the area is completely flat, other than a couple of random sandbags and some metal scrap. And the Tiberium. But as far as the buildings are concerned, it's "like a cow licked them up", as the APC's commander puts it.
"Right. Await backup from #1 and #2, then move into sector C2. Let's figure out where that Elephant went." you respond.
The two APCs from your strike force and the garrison APC both move into C2, where they spot a Nod Mobile Construction Vehicle slowly trundling along to the south, escorted by four squads of Nod militants. Normally, you'd try to take them, but you don't know where those Nod buggies are, nor do you feel confident that your damaged APCs are in any shape to engage in battle - thus, your APCs remain at maximum visual range, keeping the MCV and infantry in their sights.
Your troops are able to recover the bodies of the lost infantry squad, but, as expected, neither the Elephant nor the buggies are anywhere to be found. Your APCs report heavy tread tracks and multiple lighter tracks leading to the south, however, which means that's where they went.
Much further to the south, and you're getting into the "mountainous" scrublands separating the coast from the desert - you'll have trouble navigating it and terrain surveys of the area aren't too recent, while relying on historical maps isn't always the best idea, as you never know when a Tiberium glacier has decided to poke out.
A notification beeps on your G-Pad, indicating that a GDI carryall and an Ox are entering your airspace, carrying the engineering squad you requisitioned and the harvester headed to sector A1, where the pre-fabricated refinery has just completed. It's just as well, since you're about to run out of credits, thus greatly limiting your construction options until said harvester gets to work. As the aircraft icons move along their routes, you briefly lament your lack of local air transport. But without the means to properly coordinate the air traffic, you wouldn't derive much use from it anyway - and it'll be a few days before your harvester gets enough Tiberium together that you'll be able to undertake any sort of project like that.
"Well, at least this time we didn't get shot up." 2nd Squad's sergeant comments.
EVA Report
Current Objectives:
Restart Tiberium Harvesting (self-entered) (complete)
Verify Presence/Absence of Nod Base in sector C3 (secondary command directive) (base dismantled, MCV + infantry evacuating, complete)
Eliminate Nod MCV (self-entered)
Continue Escorting Elephant vehicles (next Elephant arriving in 48 hours) (primary command directive)
Follow Elephant Tracks (primary command directive) (tracks lead to sector C1)
Base Status:
Power: +20
Housing: 13/16
Building Slots A3: 4/8
Building Slots A1: 3/4 (rocky terrain, tiberium reduce building slots)
Credits: 648
Infantry Requisition Capacity: 3
Infantry/Engineers can change their loadout if at A3
Tiberium Storage Capacity: 1000
-Construction Center, 2x Barracks, 1x Power Plant at A3;
-Outpost, Tiberium Refinery at A1
Construction Options (pick 1):
[] Barracks: +4 Housing, -15 Power, -1 Building Slot, -500 Credits, +1 requisition capacity
In addition to some "freed up" housing, you've built another barracks, so you should be all set with living space for a while. This will eat most of your remaining power generation capacity and money, and you don't really have the APCs to move more infantry around either.
[] Tiberium Silo: -10 Power, -1 Building Slot, -100 Credits, +1000 Tiberium Capacity
With your initial "credits" mostly gone, if you intend to save up for larger structures, you will need to build a Tiberium silo to hold enough of the crystals unless you want those large projects stretching over multiple days. And even if you don't intend to do that, your harvester will fill up the refinery with a little over a day's worth of crystals, so if you don't want your harvester idling, it's also a worthwhile project. You briefly regret demolishing both of the ones this outpost had when you arrived, vowing to temper your excitement at watching building de-construction next time. Although you still think you were right to take the refinery down.
[] Power Plant: +100 Power, -1 Building Slot, -500 Credits
With your power capacity approaching zero again, it may be time to think about firing up another couple of turbines.
[] Sandbags: -500 Credits, +5 to all infantry combat rolls where built
While the immediate need to improve outpost fortifications has passed, it still won't go amiss in case the Nod raiders come back and decide to take a bite out of your base or your outpost.
Requisition Options: Pick between 0 and 3, may pick each option multiple times
New troops will arrive next turn.
[] Infantry Squad: -450 credits (10% discount), -1 housing.
-[] Standard loadout
-[] 3x grenade launcher: +15 vs infantry, -15 vs armored units/aircraft
-[] 3x rocket launcher: +15 vs vehicles/aircraft, -15 vs infantry
You definitely need some extra firepower now, although how you'll get it to the fight is kind of an open question.
[] Engineering Squad: -450 credits (10% discount), -1 housing
-[] Standard loadout
-[] Additional repair gear: can repair 2 units per turn; cannot capture buildings
You've got enough engineers at this point that you don't really need any more.
With your "recon in force" unit indicating that the Nod MCV and infantry are slowly rolling south, you come up with two basic plans. One is aggressive, attempting to attack the MCV and infantry with what you've got in the area. With your infantry and three APCs (two damaged, and two equipped for anti-infantry work), you outnumber the infantry and should be able to take them down - losing an MCV would be a pretty big blow for Nod, though not as big as losing a hundred fifty tons of blue tiberium ("focus, dammit", you remind yourself).
Aggressive Plan:
Garrison Infantry #1 reinforces: -23 credits
Garrison APC #2, APC #3 transports Engineering Squad #1, #2. A3 -> A2 -> B2 -> C2 (engage if enemy outnumbered; engage at C2)
APC #1, #2, Garrison APC #1 transport Infantry Squad #1, Garrison Infantry Squad #2, #3. Follow Nod MCV/infantry. Engage if enemy outnumbered. Disengage if outnumbered. Return to C2.
The other is pretty conservative, having your APCs recon to the south, but avoiding any engagement; again, with those Nod buggies still in the area, you don't know whether a lop-sided fight against some Nod infantry would turn into a rocket buggy ambush.
Recon Plan:
The third is extremely conservative, having your APCs in sector C2 hold position while the engineers arrive.
Repair-Only Plan:
Garrison Infantry #1 reinforces: -23 credits
Garrison APC #2, APC #3 transports Engineering Squad #1, #2. A3 -> A2 -> B2 -> C2 (engage if enemy outnumbered; engage at C2)
Units at C2 allow hostiles to withdraw
In all scenarios, the APCs currently at your outpost would head to sector C2 loaded up with engineers, so that your damaged APCs can get fixed up; the infantry squad in your outpost would remain there and act as base security while getting the replacement troopers set up. Regardless of how it goes, it'll allow you to get some field repairs done in C2 to get all your APCs fixed up, then proceed after the Elephant and/or MCV as a single large force, rather than get chewed up piecemeal.
Unit orders:
[] Aggressive Plan
[] Conservative Plan
[] Repair-Only Plan
[] Write-in
AN: Put up a couple of canned plans - let's see how it goes. Feel free to modify them as desired.
The good news is that, starting next turn, I'm flipping the coordinate system over because the map is expanding "downwards", so I won't keep getting it wrong.
Edit: another note for everyone else, the construction and unit requisition is not covered in the "canned" plans, those are just for unit movement.
APC#1, #2, GAPC#1 with ISquad #2, GISquad #2, #3 C2 -> C3
Nod infantry + MCV C2 -> C3
[hidden nod movement]
Both sides evading, no combat; Elephant+buggy tracks spotted leading south
GAPC #2, #3 with ESquads A3 -> A2
APC#1, #2, GAPC#1 with ISquad #2, GISquad #2, #3 C3 -> C2
Both sides evading, no combat
GAPC #2, #3 with ESquads A2 -> B2
GAPC #2, #3 with ESquads B2 -> C2
ISquad #1, GISquad #2, #3 dig in
August 11, 2058
Things are a little tense for a while with your combat APC squads as they trail the infantry and MCV slowly moving to the south, but nothing engages your "recon-in-force" unit, and 2nd squad's sergeant keeps everyone involved on a short leash. The recon unit reports Elephant tracks continuing into the hilly scrublands to the south, meaning you will have to go in there after them (or explain to your commanding officer, and, probably, a court-martial board, why you chose not to). Your guess is that they're trying to make their way out of the total no-fly zone enforced by GDI carrier fleet loitering just off the coast or towards an underground tunnel with enough throughput to get a hundred fifty tons of Tiberium smuggled to wherever it emerges. Why the MCV is going that direction as well, you have no clue at this moment.
You spend a few minutes looking through the harvester's cameras, watching it grind up the fairly dense Tiberium (nothing compared to what's found in a red zone, but more than you've ever seen "in person"). Shortly, your first Tiberium load is deposited in the refinery, which begins its work immediately. As the Ox carrying your rocket-launcher infantry reinforcements arrives, you go out to welcome them to the theater. The days of dedicated rocket squads are over, GDI tactics having received some major revisions since the third Tiberium war, and so each rocket squad is three operator-assistant pairs; one responsible for carrying and operating the bulky anti-tank missile launcher, the other responsible for hauling ammo, reloads and providing "local security". This results in a blistering hail of rockets delivered against enemy vehicles, while the squad isn't entirely defenseless against Nod infantry trying to take them down.
Your report to your commanding officer results in a brief conversation as well.
"So you've got another Elephant coming in. You got an escort ready for it this time, Lieutenant?"
"Yes sir. Should be a little easier without an active Nod presence in the area."
The captain scoffs. "Yeah, I sure hope so. Over and out."
EVA Report
Battlefield Control... expanded.
Adjusting coordinate system to compensate for expanded battlefield control. All units acknowledge coordinate updates.
Current Objectives:
Restart Tiberium Harvesting (self-entered) (complete)
Verify Presence/Absence of Nod Base in sector C1 (secondary command directive) (base dismantled, MCV + infantry evacuating, complete)
Eliminate Nod MCV (self-entered)
Continue Escorting Elephant vehicles (next Elephant arriving in 24 hours) (primary command directive)
Follow Elephant Tracks (primary command directive) (tracks lead south from sector C3)
Base Status:
Power: +20
Housing: 14/16
Building Slots A1: 4/8
Building Slots A3: 3/4 (rocky terrain, tiberium reduce building slots)
Credits: 1375
Infantry Requisition Capacity: 3
Infantry/Engineers can change their loadout if at A1
Tiberium Storage Capacity: 250/1000
-Construction Center, 2x Barracks, 1x Power Plant at A1;
-Outpost, Tiberium Refinery at A3
Construction Options (pick 1):
[] Barracks: +4 Housing, -15 Power, -1 Building Slot, -500 Credits, +1 requisition capacity
You've got enough housing for a couple more infantry units, so you're not feeling too pressured to build any more of these for now, but if you intend to requisition a substantial additional amount of infantry or other units, you will eventually need to construct more.
[] Tiberium Silo: -10 Power, -1 Building Slot, -100 Credits, +1000 Tiberium Capacity
With your initial "credits" mostly gone, if you intend to save up for larger structures or extensive requisitions, you will need to build a Tiberium silo to hold enough of the crystals unless you want those large projects stretching over multiple days. And even if you don't intend to do that, your harvester will fill up the refinery with a little over a day's worth of crystals, so if you don't want your harvester idling, it's also a worthwhile project. You briefly regret demolishing both of the ones this outpost had when you arrived, vowing to temper your excitement at watching building de-construction next time. Although you still think you were right to take the refinery down.
[] Power Plant: +100 Power, -1 Building Slot, -500 Credits
With your power capacity approaching zero again, it may be time to think about firing up another couple of turbines, especially if you intend to build some of the more power-intensive structures.
[] Command Post: -1000 Credits; -50 Power, -1 Building Slot, +Commander Bonus, Detection of Non-Cloaked units within 1 grid square, unlocks static defenses
With a refinery up and running, your construction crews have the equipment to deploy a pre-fabricated command center. In addition to upgrading your command rig from a G-Pad hooked up to a monitor in a closet in the construction yard, it also has the control hardware to remotely operate fixed defences and a RADAR dish mounted up high to keep an eye out on whether hostile vehicles and/or aircraft are trying to move around nearby.
[] War Factory: -2000 Credits, -40 Power, -2 Building Slots, +2 vehicle requisition capacity, repairs all vehicles in grid square, allows vehicles in grid square to swap loadout
With a refinery up and running, your options for base expansion are greatly improved. With not enough available Tiberium storage, you'll have to spend a couple of days setting up this pre-fab structure, but when you get it done, you'll be able to call in additional APCs and maybe even Guardian tanks if you can get clearance for those. The repair and armament switching capabilities are less relevant given where your APCs will be going.
[] Surveyor: -1500 Credits; Allows set-up of remote bases in grid sectors without construction yards
You can build another surveyor and deploy it along the convoy route, allowing you to keep an eye out for Nod units trying to sneak by.
[] Sandbags: -500 Credits, +5 to all infantry combat rolls where built
While the immediate need to improve outpost fortifications has passed, it still won't go amiss in case the Nod raiders come back and decide to take a bite out of your base or your outpost.
Requisition Options: Pick between 0 and 3, may pick each option multiple times
New troops will arrive next turn.
[] Infantry Squad: -450 credits (10% discount), -1 housing.
-[] Standard loadout
-[] 3x grenade launcher: +15 vs infantry, -15 vs armored units/aircraft
-[] 3x rocket launcher: +15 vs vehicles/aircraft, -15 vs infantry
A little extra firepower for local area defense won't go amiss.
[] Engineering Squad: -450 credits (10% discount), -1 housing
-[] Standard loadout
-[] Additional repair gear: can repair 2 units per turn; cannot capture buildings
You've got enough engineers at this point that you don't really need any more.
A1: Flat terrain. GDI Outpost. Construction Center, 2x Barracks, 1x Power Plant. 2x Engineering Squad, 1x APC.
B1: Hilly terrain. No Nod presence reported in the last 48 hours.
C1: Light green Tiberium concentrations reported (estimated 7 harvester loads). No Nod presence reported within the last 48 hours.
A2: Hilly/rocky terrain. Road leading west to east. No Nod presence reported in the last 24 hours.
B2: Hilly terrain. Road leading west to east. No Nod presence reported in the last 24 hours.
C2: Hilly/rocky terrain. Road leading west to east. 3x APC, 3x Infantry Squad;.
A3: Rocky terrain. Light green Tiberium concentrations reported (estimated 8 harvester loads). No passage to A4. GDI Outpost, Refinery.
B3: Rocky terrain. Light green Tiberium concentrations reported (estimated 7 harvester loads). No Recon Data Available.
C3: Hilly/rocky terrain. Very light green Tiberium concentrations reported (estimated 4 harvester loads). 4x Nod Infantry Squad, 1x Nod MCV reported here within the last 24 hours.
A4: Hilly terrain. No passage to A3. No recon data available.
B4: Hilly terrain. No passage to C4, B5. No recon data available.
C4: Rocky terrain. No passage to B4. No recon data available.
A5: Rocky terrain, abandoned highway. No recon data available.
B5: Abandoned highway. Village debris. No passage to B4, B6. No recon data available.
C5: Rocky terrain. No passage to C6. Light green Tiberium concentrations reported (estimated 11 harvester loads). No recon data available.
A6: Hilly terrain. No recon data available.
B6: Hilly terrain, abandoned highway. No recon data available.
Other than a significant amount of griping, the coordinate system recalibration goes smoothly, and now you don't have to reference "grid A negative 1" or other such nonsense that would be very confusing during an actual battle.
A check-in with the N2A outpost tells you that they've had a smaller Nod buggy squad attempt to raid their Elephant, but were able to drive it off with minimal damage. They've also taken your idea of setting up an outpost on a Tiberium field to get things rolling faster. The presence of Nod forces in that area tells you that they're not quite done trying to grab Elephants, and you tell the Lieutenant in charge of N2A to be careful.
"Don't worry." he replies, his face showing some disdain for your advice. "I've got it."
With your engineers having arrived at C2, their APCs full of spare armor plating and replacement parts, you should be able to fix up your damaged APCs and be ready to proceed after the Elephant within the day. With Tiberium harvesting online, the repair costs don't hurt your inner accountant's feelings nearly as much. The next Elephant will also be arriving within the day. It will have ample protection as it enters C2, but its path through B2 and A2 will leave it unprotected, so you consider sending your two infantry squads on foot to rendezvous with it in B2.
You spend some time considering whether to send your fully operational APCs ahead, and how aggressive you want them to be. The two approaches that immediately occur to you is to either continue to tail the MCV or bypass the MCV and press further, although the latter risks getting engaged by rocket buggies and whatever else Nod has in the area.
Infantry at A1:
[] Move both to A2 in preparation to rendezvous with the Elephant coming from C2
[] Leave both at A1
[] Write-in (some mixture of both or an alternate approach)
2x Intact APCs at C3:
[] Pick up 2x infantry squad and move to C3 -> C4 -> C3 (scout)
[] Pick up 2x infantry squad and move to C3 -> C4 -> C5 (scout)
[] Wait until all units are repaired
[] Write-in
Vote by plan, including movement and build/requisition orders.
Having learned your lesson about escorting Elephants with sufficient forces, you send your two infantry squads south, so that they can rendezvous with the Elephant as it leaves the protection of the APCs. Meanwhile, your undamaged APCs continue following the MCV - it passes through the Tiberium field in C3, heading south into what looks like a valley curling through the hilly scrublands in C4.
The Elephant makes its way through C2 without incident, heading west as your engineers patch up the damaged APCs. By the end of the day, the buckled armor plating has been re-mounted, busted up bearings and joints are fixed, and, the next day, you are ready to roll out and catch up to that damn Elephant.
With the second power plant online, you can now have your construction crew put together some "big ticket" prefabs - a command center or a war factory - without experiencing blackouts. While you're extremely excited about moving out of the construction yard closet and maybe building some turrets, you also want to be able to call up some additional Guardian APCs, a Pitbull (maybe even one of those equipped with a mortar or long-range sensors), or, if you can swing it, a railgun-equipped Predator tank to really stick it to those stupid Nod buggies that got the better of you earlier. Although you never showed as much aptitude for commanding heavy armor back at the academy, so maybe it'd be better to stick to what you're familiar with.
EVA Report
Current Objectives:
Eliminate Nod MCV (self-entered)
Continue Escorting Elephant vehicles (Elephant currently in C2, heading west to B2) (primary command directive)
Follow Elephant Tracks (tracks lead south from sector C4) (primary command directive)
Base Status:
Power: +20
Housing: 14/16
Building Slots A1: 3/8
Building Slots A3: 3/4 (rocky terrain, tiberium reduce building slots)
Credits: 1375
Infantry Requisition Capacity: 3
Infantry/Engineers can change their loadout if at A1
Tiberium Storage Capacity: 150/1000
-Construction Center, 2x Barracks, 2x Power Plant at A1;
-Outpost, Tiberium Refinery at A3
Construction Options (pick 1; income this turn is +750, so you may go over your credit budget by that much):
[] Barracks: +4 Housing, -15 Power, -1 Building Slot, -500 Credits, +1 requisition capacity
You've got enough housing for a couple more infantry units, so you're not feeling too pressured to build any more of these for now, but if you intend to requisition a substantial additional amount of infantry or other units, you will eventually need to construct more.
[] Tiberium Silo: -10 Power, -1 Building Slot, -100 Credits, +1000 Tiberium Capacity
With your initial "credits" mostly gone, you'll need to make sure to keep your spending paced with your income, or build some silos to store the Tiberium;
[] Power Plant: +100 Power, -1 Building Slot, -500 Credits
With the newly-constructed power plant, you won't be needing any more of these for a while.
[] Command Post: -1000 Credits; -50 Power, -1 Building Slot, +Commander Bonus, Detection of Non-Cloaked units within 1 grid square, unlocks static defenses
With a refinery up and running, your construction crews have the equipment to deploy a pre-fabricated command center. In addition to upgrading your command rig from a G-Pad hooked up to a monitor in a closet in the construction yard, it also has the control hardware to remotely operate fixed defences and a RADAR dish mounted up high to keep an eye out on whether hostile vehicles and/or aircraft are trying to move around nearby.
[] War Factory: -2000 Credits, -40 Power, -2 Building Slots, +2 vehicle requisition capacity, repairs all vehicles in grid square, allows vehicles in grid square to swap loadout
With a refinery up and running, your options for base expansion are greatly improved. With a war factory, you'll be able to call in additional APCs, Pitbulls or maybe even Predator tanks if you can get clearance for those. The repair and armament switching capabilities are less relevant given where your APCs will be going.
[] Surveyor: -1500 Credits; Allows set-up of remote bases in grid sectors without construction yards
You can build another surveyor and deploy it along the convoy route, allowing you to keep an eye out for Nod units trying to sneak by.
[] Sandbags: -500 Credits, +5 to all defensive infantry combat rolls where built
While the immediate need to improve outpost fortifications has passed, it still won't go amiss in case the Nod raiders come back and decide to take a bite out of your base or your outpost.
Requisition Options: Pick between 0 and 3, may pick each option multiple times
New troops will arrive next turn.
[] Infantry Squad: -450 credits (10% discount), -1 housing.
-[] Standard loadout
-[] 3x grenade launcher: +15 vs infantry, -15 vs armored units/aircraft
-[] 3x rocket launcher: +15 vs vehicles/aircraft, -15 vs infantry
A little extra firepower for local area defense still won't go amiss.
[] Engineering Squad: -450 credits (10% discount), -1 housing
-[] Standard loadout
-[] Additional repair gear: can repair 2 units per turn; cannot capture buildings
You've got enough engineers at this point that you don't really need any more.
Unless something else occurs to you, your intention is to move your entire Guardian APC group south, and follow the valley road which the Elephant no doubt took. Your main decision is whether to engage the Nod MCV and escorting infantry if they get in your way. Since you have more APCs than they have infantry squads, you feel you should be able to take them with minimal damage, but any delays means the Elephant gets deeper into the mountains and will be harder to dislodge and extract. Based on its known speed capabilities, you think it'll take you at least 40 hours to catch up to it currently.
As for the infantry in A2, you intend to have them remain there, moving to protect the Elephant as it enters B2 if it becomes necessary to do so.
[] Engage and destroy/capture MCV group if encountered
[] Ignore the MCV group
[] Write-in
Vote by plan (construction, requisition if any, military action)
AN/statement of intent:
Based on "level of engagement", I misjudged the level of interest in this. @Lightwhispers, I appreciate you keeping things going with plans long as you did. I'll resolve the situation with the Elephant one way or the other, as I hate leaving a story unfinished, but unless something changes (not really sure what - feedback is welcome), I intend to wrap this up after that. We'll probably see Violet again, though.
Just to clarify, a Command Center in A1 would also scan adjacent squares? So A2, B1, & B2?
Does a Surveyor have the same range? Or is it limited to its own square? Which grids have Tiberium in them?
I'm tempted to go with a Surveyor in B3 +Infantry Squad to protect it and really extend our range.
Sorry guys, the complete lack of votes on the last update threw me for a loop. I just want to be clear that I'm not in any way trying to "throw drama", and I really do appreciate everyone taking the time to read this, make plans and vote.
Just to clarify, a Command Center in A1 would also scan adjacent squares? So A2, B1, & B2?
Does a Surveyor have the same range? Or is it limited to its own square? Which grids have Tiberium in them?
I'm tempted to go with a Surveyor in B3 +Infantry Squad to protect it and really extend our range.
Command Center in A1 would cover just A2 and B2, not the diagonals. The Surveyor outpost is limited to its own hex, but detects stealth/underground units (I haven't introduced the mechanics yet, but it's quite paranoia-inducing)
C1, A3, B3, C3 and C5 have Tiberium in them.
Furthermore, as a rules update, I'm going to say that a surveyor outpost counts as "transport" for the purposes of not having infantry die if they're left with one in a Tiberium field, but, looking at the art for the outpost, I just can't see anyone being able to live there.
A1 Evasion: 1x Carryall 3d100 vs 2x infantry 1d100+10 commander x2
92 vs 2, 20; evasion successful
GDI Main force C3->C4
[Nod Movement] Carryall A1 -> A2
Evasion: 3d100 vs 1d00 + 5 x2 (2x infantry squad)
-raw 182; successful
GDI Main force C4->C5; MCV+4 infantry present
[Nod Movement] Carryall A2 -> A3
Evasion A3: Harvester is not a combat unit; evasion successful
Evasion C5: Both forces evading; successful
August 13, 2058
You sigh and smile as you sit down in your metal chair. It's pretty spartan as far as work areas go, but it's a hell of a lot better than commanding troops from a closet while sitting on a cracked plastic bucket (it was the quietest place in the construction yard). While your G-Pad still performs all the computation, the pair of wall monitors allow you to see much more detail without having to "zoom in" on the tiny touch screen. Having an actual RADAR map is also helpful, as now, the only thing that'll be able to sneak up on your base from B1 is slow Nod infantry (which, for obvious reasons, don't show up on RADAR).
As the pair of V-35 Ox aircraft deliver two additional infantry squads to your base, you move the APC group out. Their drive is fairly long, and uneventful, but, by the end of the day, they catch up with and bypass the MCV and its infantry escort, stopping for the night just to the west of the Tiberium field in C-5. The valley doesn't have much visibility to the west beyond the next ridge, but occasional flashes of light, combined with observed tracks, indicate that the Elephant is just a few hours in that direction, just beyond the ruins of a small town visible from the top of your APC platoon's location.
"I don't know, Lieutenant." comes the squad leader's transmission, ruining the first pleasant feeling you'd had in days, "I don't like that town. Any number of Noddies could be hiding in there, just waiting to fill us up with rockets. And when we get trapped in there, that infantry with the MCV can just run up right behind us and put the hurt on."
You sigh and shake your head. "Do you see a way around? I could send you back north and through the other pass, but it'll take you two and a half days driving just to get back to where you are now. By that time, who knows where that Elephant will be."
"Sorry ma'am. No real way around the town, at least not for the vehicles. Surrounding terrain is too brittle and steep, we'd just slide back into the town. Suppose we could wait for that MCV to try to go through and take them down first before heading through the town, at least that way they won't be coming up behind us and jamming their guns up our... uh... flanking us from the rear."
You smirk, thinking about the problem.
"Uh, Lieutenant, we've got an unidentified aerial contact, flying low." A corporal from one of the infantry squads that just arrived reports.
"IFF?" You respond.
"Negative, ma'am. They buzzed us and are heading south."
You sigh. Your request for an interceptor to come clean this up is met with a denial, and your EVA informs you that "all combat aircraft are otherwise tasked". Several minutes later, your squads in A2 and your outpost in A3 also confirm being buzzed by the Carryall. This means that whoever is in charge on the Nod side now knows where your base and harvesting outpost is, as well as what troops you have in the area. At least they had the decency to not drop any Tiberium-laced explosives on your base; you've heard a few stories about enterprising Nod commanders using their carryalls as improvised bombers.
Of course, you muse, if this guy gets the Elephant back to his superiors, he'll probably be able to get *actual* bombers.
EVA Report
Current Objectives:
Eliminate Nod MCV (self-entered)
Continue Escorting Elephant vehicles (Elephant currently in C2, heading west to B2) (primary command directive)
Follow Elephant Tracks (tracks lead south from sector C4) (primary command directive)
Base Status:
Power: +130
Housing: 0/16
Building Slots A1: 2/8
Building Slots A3: 3/4 (rocky terrain, tiberium reduce building slots)
Credits: 225
Infantry Requisition Capacity: 3
Infantry/Engineers can change their loadout if at A1
Tiberium Storage Capacity: 1000/1000
-Construction Center, 2x Barracks, 2x Power Plant, Command Center at A1;
-Outpost, Tiberium Refinery at A3
Construction Options (pick 1; income this turn is +750, so you may go over your credit budget by that much):
[] Barracks: +4 Housing, -15 Power, -1 Building Slot, -500 Credits, +1 requisition capacity
You've done it again, and no longer have any room to put infantry or vehicle crews. Time to throw up another one of those half-hex-nut looking domes.
[] Tiberium Silo: -10 Power, -1 Building Slot, -100 Credits, +1000 Tiberium Capacity
You've been doing ok using up the Tiberium as it comes in, but if you want to save up for a War Factory, then you'll need to build one of these to hold a reserve of Tiberium.
[] Power Plant: +100 Power, -1 Building Slot, -500 Credits
With the newly-constructed power plant, you won't be needing any more of these for a while.
[] Command Post: -1000 Credits; -50 Power, -1 Building Slot, +Commander Bonus, Detection of Non-Cloaked units within 1 grid square, unlocks static defenses
You could build another one at your A3 outpost, but it'd overlap with the A1 Command Center's sensor radius, and that kind of sets off your inner perfectionist. Much better would be to set up an outpost at B3 and build the Command Post there, but that'll take some time given your credit situation.
[] War Factory: -2000 Credits, -40 Power, -2 Building Slots, +2 vehicle requisition capacity, repairs all vehicles in grid square, allows vehicles in grid square to swap loadout
With a refinery up and running, your options for base expansion are greatly improved. With a war factory, you'll be able to call in additional APCs, Pitbulls or maybe even Predator tanks if you can get clearance for those. The repair and armament switching capabilities are less relevant given where your APCs are. It'll take you a few days to save up for one of these, though.
[] Surveyor: -1500 Credits; Allows set-up of remote bases in grid sectors without construction yards
You can build another surveyor and deploy it along the convoy route or in B3, allowing you to keep an eye out for Nod units trying to sneak by. But you'll need to hold your Tiberium for a couple of days to afford this.
[] Sandbags: -500 Credits, +5 to all defensive infantry combat rolls where built
With that Carryall zipping around, you wouldn't feel too bad about setting up some "temporary" defenses to beef up your infantry's survivability.
[] Sentry Tower: -500 Credits, automatically engages hostile units
Having set up the Command Post, you now have the processing power to put up static defenses. You don't have walls, but you do have positions with good lines of sight to put up some tripod towers with weapon mounts. These come in three basic varieties - an auto-tracking machine gun to take out infantry, a railgun to blow away vehicles (these used to be "Guardian Cannons", but have been phased out over the last several years in favor of the much more effective magnetic accelerator weaponry) or a surface-to-air missile setup capable of targeting aircraft, but not so much ground units.
-[] Machine gun; +5 vs infantry; also detects stealthed/underground units in grid square
-[] Railgun; +10 vs vehicles
-[] Surface-to-air Missile; +10 vs aircraft, -10 vs others
Requisition Options: Lack of housing prevents requisition of additional units.
A1: Flat terrain. GDI Outpost. Construction Center, 2x Barracks, 1x Power Plant, 1x Command Post. 2x Infantry Squad.
B1: Hilly terrain. No active sensor contacts. No Nod presence reported in the last 72 hours.
C1: Light green Tiberium concentrations reported (estimated 7 harvester loads). No Nod presence reported within the last 96 hours.
A2: Hilly/rocky terrain. Road leading west to east. 2x GDI Infantry Squad.
B2: Hilly terrain. Road leading west to east. Current location of Elephant.
C2: Hilly/rocky terrain. Road leading west to east. No Nod presence reported within the last 24 hours;
A3: Rocky terrain. Light green Tiberium concentrations reported (estimated 6 harvester loads). No passage to A4. GDI Outpost, Refinery, Harvester.
B3: Rocky terrain. Light green Tiberium concentrations reported (estimated 7 harvester loads). No Recon Data Available.
C3: Hilly/rocky terrain. Very light green Tiberium concentrations reported (estimated 4 harvester loads). No Nod presence reported within the last 24 hours;
A4: Hilly terrain. No passage to A3. No recon data available.
B4: Hilly terrain. No passage to C4, B5. No recon data available.
C4: Rocky terrain. No passage to B4. No Nod presence reported here within the last 24 hours
A5: Rocky terrain, abandoned highway. No recon data available.
B5: Abandoned highway. Village debris. No passage to B4, B6. 5x APC, 3x Infantry Squad, 2x Engineering Squad; 4x Nod Infantry Squad, 1x Nod MCV present in the area.
C5: Rocky terrain. No passage to C6. Light green Tiberium concentrations reported (estimated 11 harvester loads). No recon data available.
A6: Hilly terrain. No recon data available.
B6: Hilly terrain, abandoned highway. No recon data available.
Tactically, you have three options. You can try to plow through the ruins of the town towards where you suspect the Elephant is, you can go back and through another pass which emerges on the other side of the town, or you can engage the MCV and escorts prior to plowing through the town.
Plowing through the town will likely let you get at the Elephant, but you a) don't have any idea what's in the town and b) risk getting ambushed and surrounded. Your force is pretty substantial, but is it enough? You know about the five Nod buggies with the Elephant, damaged to some degree; you know about the four squads' worth of militants with the MCV. You don't know what, if anything, is hiding in the town.
Going back through the other pass will avoid whatever is in the town, but you will also lose track of the Elephant for at least two days, which will obviously make it very difficult to find again.
Taking out the MCV's escorts will reduce the threat as you plow through the town, but you run the risk of getting bogged down out here while Nod (who undoubtedly knows your APCs are here) brings in reinforcements to block your advance towards the Elephant.
[] Plow through the town; try to deal with any ambushes
[] Go back and around through another pass; maybe lose track of the Elephant
[] Take out the MCV's escorts, then plow through the town
[] Write-in; also write-in if you want to redeploy your A1/A2 infantry in any manner
Vote by plan (construction, requisition if any, military action)
Yeah, but so is the vote in the main quest. I don't vote in this one yet because I don't understand what makes a good vote yet. But do remember to remind people in like 8 hours to a day that vote is open here since everyone is currently focused on how many Dice to cram into Philadelphia II.
We don't need to have the infantry loaded up on the APCs.
I say the infantry unloads and escort the engineers into town where they blow/clear a path through for our APC column and in turn fortify the place to fight the MCV and its escort as they come up the rear.