GDI Platoon Commander: A "GDI Edition" side-quest (non-canon)

Mission 1, Turn 2: August 4, 2058
Raw plan and outcome dice rolls:
-[X][APC1] Guided missiles: -5 vs infantry, +10 vs fast units/aircraft
Guardian APC #2
-[X][APC2] Guided missiles: -5 vs infantry, +10 vs fast units/aircraft
-[X]APC1, Transporting Infantry Squad 1, Scout, C1 -> B1 -> B2 -> C2
--[X]Infantry Squad 1, Defend C2
-[X]APC2, Transporting Infantry Squad 2, Scout, C1 -> B1 -> A1 -> B1
--[X]Infantry Squad 2, Defend B1
-[X]Garrison APC #1, Transporting Garrison Infantry Squad 1, Scout, C1 -> C2 -> C3 -> C2
--[X]Garrison Infantry Squad 1, Defend C2
-[X]Garrison APC #2, Scout, C1 -> B1 -> A1 -> B1
-[X]Garrison APC #3, Scout, C1 -> B1 -> A1 -> B1
-[X]Rapier Hydrofoil, C1 -> B1

B1 Evasion:
APC x4 vs Turret x3, Infantry x1
3d100 (+5 commander bonus) x4 vs 1d100x4
raw 88/204/244/147 vs 39/7/55/98
mod 93/209/249/152 vs 39/7/55/98; Infantry intercepts
B1 Combat Round 1
APCs vs Infantry
2x 1d100 - 5 (missile vs infantry) + 5 (commander),
2x 1d100 + 10 (minigun vs infantry) + 5 (commander) vs
1d100 - 10 (small arms vs vehicles)
raw 47, 34, 55, 76 vs 90
mod 47, 34/2, 70/4, 91/8 vs 80
result = 93 vs 80; infantry takes 13% damage

Boat B1
B1 Combat Round 1
Boat vs 3x Turret
1d100 vs 1d100 x3
raw 23 vs 33, 40, 22
mod 23 vs 33 + 40/2 + 22/4; boat take 36% damage

C2 Evasion:
3d100 (+5) x1 vs 3d100x2, 1d100x2 (2x MG Buggy, 2x Infantry)
raw 158 vs 188, 191, impossible, impossible
mod 163 vs 188, 191; Buggies Intercept
C2 Combat Round 1
APC3 vs MG Buggies
1d100 + 5 (commander) vs 2x 1d100 - 10 (loadout)
raw 5 vs 5, 94
mod 10 vs -5 (crit, stunned), 89/2
result = 10 vs 40; APC takes 30% damage

B1 Evasion 2: 3d100 (+5 commander) x4 vs 1d100 (turrets already revealed)
raw 127, 243, 175, 95 vs 24
mod 132, 248, 180, 100 vs 24: APCs evade

Boat B1
B1 Combat Round 2
Boat vs 3x Turret
1d100 vs 1d100 x3
raw 23 vs 73, 90, 86
mod 23 vs 73 + 90/2 + 86/4; boat sunk

C2 Evasion 2: 3d100 +5 (commander) vs 3d100, 1d100x2
raw 115 vs 152; Buggy intercepts
C2 Combat Round 2
APC3 vs MG Buggy
1d100 + 5 (commander) vs 1d100 - 10 (loadout)
raw 95 vs 32
mod 100 vs 22; Buggy takes 78% damage - disengaging

3x APC vs 1x Infantry
A1 Evasion: 3d100 (+5 commander) x3 vs 1d100
raw 85, 119, 210 vs 3: APCs evade

APC 2: B2
1x APC vs 1x Infantry
B2 Evasion: 3d100 (+5 commander) vs 1d100
raw 129: impossible to beat, APC evades

C2 Evasion 3:
APC3 vs MG Buggy
raw 239 vs 140
mod 244 vs 140; APC evades

APC1, GAPC2, GAPC3: B1. Deploy 1x Infantry Squad
3x APC vs 1x Infantry
B1 Evasion: 3d100 +5 (commander) x3 vs 1d100
raw 160, 68, 199 vs 73
mod 165, 73 (reroll tie: 102), 204 vs 73; APCs evade, infantry deployed into defense

APC2: C2. Deploy 1x Infantry Squad
APC vs Buggy, 2x Infantry
C2 Evasion: 3d100 +5 (commander) vs 3d100, 1d100 x2
raw: 152 vs 100, impossible, impossible; APC evades, infantry deployed into defense

APC vs 4x infantry squad
C3 Evasion: 3d100 (+5 commander) vs 1d100x4
raw 155; impossible to beat APC evades

APC vs Buggy, 2x Infantry
C2 Evasion: 3d100 +5 (commander) vs 3d100, 1d100 x2
raw: 174 vs 113, impossible, impossible; APC evades, infantry deployed into defense


August 4, 2058
1300 local time

"Quite the aggressive plan, ma'am." 1st Squad's sergeant comments as you swipe orders into your G-Pad.

"It is, do you have any concerns I should know about?" You reply, looking up at him. He's not even that tall, but he still towers about 30cm above you.

"I think it's reasonable given what we know. We don't have any reason to expect serious opposition, and you're pushing out without leaving any gaps in our defense. So it should be fine."

You nod. "Of course - let me know if you do have any concerns. Better to have that conversation now than in the middle of a firefight."

You finish issuing orders and your troops mount up and roll out, most of the APCs heading west, with one intending to split off to the north sweep through the intervening sector, and rejoin the lone Guardian heading north. The APCs passing through sector B1 trundle along, enjoying the southern mediterranean coast and pleasant afternoon. Until the small arms fire starts. It seems that some stray Nod infantry were hiding in the rocks and have now opened fire. Our APCs are undeterred, and a combined barrage of rotary cannon fire and rockets nails a couple of Nod soldiers, scattering the rest. The force reports the hostile unit position to the naval hydrofoil standing by, then moves on to sector C1.

The naval hydrofoil moves to deliver some rockets to the designated coordinates, but is surprised by a trio of popup turrets on the shoreline, equipped with anti-tank guns. A few lucky shots damage the vessel's main motive drive system, and in a few minutes, instead of gliding majestically above the Mediterranean, it's only the tip of the bridge that's poking out above the shallow waters, the surviving crew's lifeboats making their way towards your outpost.

1st Squad and its accompanying garrison APCs finish their recon of sector A1, where they observe another Nod infantry squad, then return to sector B1, where they park outside line of sight of the turrets, disembark the infantry and hunker down to await further orders.


2nd Squad peels off from B1 to the south, sweeping through sector B2 to uncover a Nod infantry squad (that thinks they haven't been noticed) hiding in the rocks, then moves into sector C2, avoiding a patrolling Nod buggy (machinegun-equipped) and linking up with the garrison APC (#3) that arrives there a few hours later, with quite the story to tell.

Seems that #3 was intercepted by a pair of Nod buggies - a few gouges in the side armor plating indicate some battle damage, but one of the buggies was forced to retreat after a stream of minigun rounds sliced off the top half of the vehicle, along with the gunner.

More importantly, though, Garrison APC #3 has located what appears to be a small Nod Tiberium harvesting operation. A small, temporary compound surrounded by sandbags, with a small construction yard, a power plant, a refinery and two silos. No harvester was observed, but it is likely harvesting Tiberium from the reported small northern field.

The two APCs deploy their infantry squads and square off against their Nod counterparts, awaiting further orders.

Not the best start to your first command, but you crack your neck and determine to do better next time.


"... understood, Lieutenant. At least the Navy will get their sailors back." your commanding officer tells you after you give your report. "That harvesting operation is likely why Nod is in this area. I have a new objective for you, and will be sending an additional APC with an engineering team to help you accomplish it. Capture that Nod refinery. Intact."

"Understood, sir. Any chance of additional reinforcements? Or maybe... " you cringe sheepishly "... another naval vessel? We've located quite a few Nod infantry units." You reply.

"Send your requisitions over, and I'll see what I can do." the captain says. "Over and out."

You nod, putting your mask on before stepping out of the construction yard - your G-Pad informs you that your construction crews have just finished putting up the power plant pre-fab. You watch the barracks' external fans spin up to full power and the indicator light on the backup battery stop blinking red. Well, that's at least one problem solved. Although, having spent some time looking at it, that building looks like it's a couple of rockets, bullets or a stiff breeze short of collapsing. Now, to decide what to do next - you ping 1st and 2nd squads' sergeants comms to figure out what to do next.


EVA Report
Current Objectives:
Re-establish power to local structure (self-entered) (completed)
Recon surrounding area (self-entered) (reconnaissance conducted on 5/8 local sectors)
Re-establish GDI facility (primary command directive) (completed)
Construct additional housing for engineers and APC crew (self-entered)
Locate and eliminate source of Nod attack (primary command directive) (Nod base located)
Capture Nod Tiberium Refinery in Grid C3 (secondary command directive)

Base Status:
Funding: 4500 Credits
Power: +85
Building Slots Available: 2/8
Housing Available: 0/8; Expected change -2
Structures in C1: Construction Yard, Power Plant, Barracks (7% integrity remaining)

Construction Options: Pick 1
[] Clear Construction Yard Debris: +2 Building Slots
This is pretty straightforward. Get the construction yard crew to break out the demo charges and bulldozer and clear the wreckage so you can have more room to construct buildings.

[] Clear Power Plant Debris: +1 Building Slot
Another straightforward project. Safely remove the radioactive nuclear fuel, then break out the demo charges and bulldozer so you can have more room to construct buildings and also don't have to worry about glowing in the dark.

[] Barracks: -500 Credits, -1 Building Slot, +4 Housing, -15 Power, Infantry Requisition Capacity 2->3 (diminishing returns)
The construction yard crew can put together additional living quarters and an armory so that you can get more troops in the field. You'll need to do this anyway to give the incoming engineers and their APC crew somewhere to stay.

[] Tiberium Refinery: -1500 credits, -2 Building Slots, +1000 tiberium storage, -40 Power, harvesting capability
Perhaps not the most optimal option, but you could get a refinery set up and get the harvester rolling. It's no fancy railgun harvester, but if you can plow through to one of the Tiberium fields in the area, you could get yourself some additional income.

[] Sandbags: -500 credits, 0 Building Slots, limit 1 per grid, +5 to all combat rolls when defending this grid
Fancy GDI bases have concrete perimeter walls with auto-turrets on the corners. You're not a fancy GDI base, but if the Nod guys have sandbags to help defend their base, why can't you? It'll give your forces attempting to defend the base a little bit of extra cover, absorbing some of the incoming projectile rifle fire.

Additionally, you can choose whether to repair the damaged barracks or not. Kind of a no-brainer normally, but with limited raw materials, even a tiny expenditure can make all the difference:
[] Repair the damaged barracks: 93 credits
[] Leave it

Requisition Options: Pick between 0 and 2, may pick each option multiple times
New troops will arrive next turn.
[] Infantry Squad: -500 credits, -1 housing.
-[] Standard loadout
-[] 3x grenade launcher: +15 vs infantry, -15 vs armored units/aircraft
Your troops have run into a turret nest, a substantial amount of infantry, and a small Nod base. You think you're justified in requisitioning some infantry. You also consider asking that they load up on grenade launchers to help deal with the infantry swarms.

[] Engineering Squad: -500 credits, -1 housing
You also consider asking for some mechanics to fix your APCs, above and beyond the engineering squad you're being sent. It's inevitable that your APCs will take damage, and being able to fix them in the field rather than having to drive them back to base is invaluable.

Additionally, pick a load out for the APC arriving next turn:
Reinforcement APC
[] Rotary cannon (default): +10 vs infantry, -5 vs armored units
[] Guided missiles: -5 vs infantry, +10 vs fast units/aircraft
[] Grenade launcher: +15 vs infantry, -15 vs armored units/aircraft

Graphical representation of operational area:
A3 B3 C3
A2|B2 C2
A1 B1 C1

Updated reconnaissance report:
Grid A1. Open coastal terrain. Rocky coastline prevents landings here. One Nod light infantry squad reported within the last 24 hours.

Grid B1. Hilly coastal terrain. Rocky coastline prevents landings here. Three Nod turrets (anti-tank) and one light infantry squad confirmed. GDI force of three APCs and one infantry squad present.

Grid C1. Open coastal terrain. Landing Zone. The site of the damaged GDI base. Barracks is currently functional, but has sustained damage from rocket attacks and needs repairs. Construction yard re-established. Power plant constructed.

Grid A2. Open terrain. Light concentrations of green Tiberium reported by orbital monitoring. No recon data available.

Grid B2. Rocky terrain. One Nod light infantry squad reported within the last 24 hours.

Grid C2. Extremely rocky terrain. One Nod buggy (machine gun) and two light infantry squads confirmed. One Nod buggy was driven off during combat. GDI force of two APCs and two infantry squads present.

Grid A3. Extremely rocky terrain. No recon data available.

Grid B3. Open terrain. Very light green Tiberium concentrations reported by orbital monitoring. No recon data available.

Grid C3. Open terrain. Nod Tiberium refinery located - base has a construction yard, a power plant, two silos, and the refinery. No harvester observed. Four light infantry squads reported within the last 24 hours.

Current force status:
APC #1 - guided missiles
APC #2 - guided missiles
Infantry Squad #1
Infantry Squad #2
Garrison APC #1 - rotary cannon - 30% damage
Garrison APC #2 - rotary cannon
Garrison APC #3 - rotary cannon
Garrison Infantry Squad #1

[] Write-in deployment order plans; you may deploy any number of units along any routes in any combination (as long as speed limits and transport capacity are respected).

This is definitely a plan vote, open for ~24-ish hours.
Last edited:
Grid B1. Hilly coastal terrain. Rocky coastline prevents landings here. Three Nod turrets (anti-tank) and one light infantry squad confirmed. GDI force of three APCs and one infantry squad present.
Just to check, if we select the Defend action, we can set up in a position where the turrets cannot engage, but still have a good chance of interdicting against travel through the grid sector, right?
Plan is to build a barracks, repair the damaged one in case of a stiff wind, and requisition a couple anti-infantry squads. And concentrate forces to try and take out the NOD units in C2, to prepare for attacking the base in C3.

[X] Plan repair and assault
Construction Options
-[X] Barracks: -500 Credits, -1 Building Slot, +4 Housing, -15 Power, Infantry Requisition Capacity 2->3
-[X] Repair the damaged barracks: 93 credits
Requisition Options: Pick between 0 and 2, may pick each option multiple times
[X]2x Infantry Squad: -500 credits, -1 housing.
-[X] 3x grenade launcher: +15 vs infantry, -15 vs armored units/aircraft (both)
Reinforcement APC
-[X] APC3: Rotary cannon (default): +10 vs infantry, -5 vs armored units
Unit orders:
-[X]APC1, Attack C2
-[X]Infantry Squad 1, Attack C2
-[X]APC2, B1 -> C1 -> C2, Attack C2
-[X]Garrison APC #1, Attack C2
-[X]Garrison Infantry Squad 1, Attack C2
-[X]Infantry Squad 2, Defend B1 (do not engage Turrets)
-[X]Garrison APC #2, Defend B1 (do not engage Turrets)
-[X]Garrison APC #3, B1 -> C1 -> C2, Attack C2
The naval hydrofoil moves to deliver some rockets to the designated coordinates, but is surprised by a trio of popup turrets on the shoreline, equipped with anti-tank guns. A few lucky shots damage the vessel's main motive drive system, and in a few minutes, instead of gliding majestically above the Mediterranean, it's only the tip of the bridge that's poking out above the shallow waters, the surviving crew's lifeboats making their way towards your outpost.
Someone's getting court-martialed! Well, so much for fire support, I suppose. Did they take out the turrets?
Mission 1, Turn 3: August 5, 2058
Raw Plan and Resolution:
[X] Plan repair and assault
Construction Options
-[X] Barracks: -500 Credits, -1 Building Slot, +4 Housing, -15 Power, Infantry Requisition Capacity 2->3
-[X] Repair the damaged barracks: 93 credits
Requisition Options: Pick between 0 and 2, may pick each option multiple times
[X]2x Infantry Squad: -500 credits, -1 housing.
-[X] 3x grenade launcher: +15 vs infantry, -15 vs armored units/aircraft (both)
Reinforcement APC
-[X] APC3: Rotary cannon (default): +10 vs infantry, -5 vs armored units
Unit orders:
-[X]APC1, Attack C2
-[X]Infantry Squad 1, Attack C2
-[X]APC2, B1 -> C1 -> C2, Attack C2
-[X]Garrison APC #1, Attack C2
-[X]Garrison Infantry Squad 1, Attack C2
-[X]Infantry Squad 2, Defend B1 (do not engage Turrets)
-[X]Garrison APC #2, Defend B1 (do not engage Turrets)
-[X]Garrison APC #3, B1 -> C1 -> C2, Attack C2

Nod infantry A1 -> B1

APC 2, GAPC #3 B1 -> C1
-Infantry "intercept"
-Evasion: 3d100 x2 (+5 commander bonus) vs 1d100 x2
-raw 115, 39 vs 48, 16
-mod 120, 44 vs 48, 16; Infantry intercepts
B1 combat round 1
-APCx2 vs Infantry x1
-1d100 + 10 (minigun vs infantry) + 5 (commander)
-1d100 - 5 (missile vs infantry) + 5 (commander) vs
-1d100 - 10 (small arms vs vehicles) + 10 (dug in)
-raw 75, 2, vs 1 (lol)
-mod 90, 2/2, vs 1 = infantry takes 86% damage; routed, withdrawing to A1

Nod infantry B2 -> C2
[hidden Nod movement]

Engineers and APC arrive at C1; 2x Infantry Squad (grenade launcher) arrive at C1

APC 2, GAPC #3 B1 -> C1
-Infantry "intercept"
-Evasion: 3d100 x2 (+5 commander bonus) vs 1d100
-raw 111, 146 vs impossible; evaded

[hidden Nod movement]

APC 2, GAPC #3 C1 -> B2
Nod buggy B2 -> C2
C2 Combat Round 1
4x APC, 2x Infantry Squad vs 2x Buggy, 3x Infantry Squad
- 1d100 + 10 (Guided Missiles vs speed > 1) + 5 (commander) x2
- 1d100 + 10 (Minigun vs infantry) +5 (commander) x2
- 1d100 + 5 (commander) + 10 (extreme rough terrain) x2
- 1d100 - 10 (mg vs vehicle) x2
- 1d100 - 10 (nod infantry vs vehicle) + 10 (dug in) + 10 (extreme rough terrain) x2
- 1d100 - 10 (nod infantry vs vehicle) + 10 (dug in) + 10 (extreme rough terrain) x1
raw 31, 20, 93, 88, 17, 85 vs 30, 5, 77, 98, 14
mod 46, 35, 108, 113, 32, 100/2 vs 20, -5, 87, 108, 24
Nod buggy #1 takes 26% damage
Reinforcement Nod buggy takes 40% damage (stunned)
Nod dug-in infantry #1 takes 21% damage
Nod dug-in infantry #2 takes 5% damage
Nod dug-in infantry #3 takes 58% damage; withdrawing

Nod Infantry x4 C3 -> C2 ("We need backup now! Now dammit now!")
4x APC, 2x Infantry Squad vs 1x Buggy, 6x Infantry Squad
- 1d100 + 10 (Guided Missiles vs speed > 1) + 5 (commander)
- 1d100 + 10 (Minigun vs infantry) +5 (commander) x2
- 1d100 - 5 (missiles vs infantry) + 5 (commander)
- 1d100 + 5 (commander) + 10 (extreme rough terrain) x2
-- vs
- 1d100 - 10 (mg vs vehicle)
- 1d100 - 10 (nod infantry vs vehicle) + 10 (dug in) + 10 (extreme rough terrain) x2
- 1d100 - 10 (nod infantry vs vehicle) + 10 (extreme rough terrain)
- 1d100 + 10 (extreme rough terrain) x2
raw 16, 15, 45, 93, 57, 10 vs 13, 61, 97, 1, 18, 11, 80
mod 31, 30, 60, 93, 72, 25 vs 3, 71, 107, 1, 18, 21, 90/2
Nod buggy #1 takes 30% damage (56% total); withdrawing
GAPC #1 takes 41% damage (71% total); GM error "in player favor", no withdrawal
GAPC #3 takes 47% damage
Nod reinforcement infantry #2 takes 92% damage; routed, withdrawing
Nod reinforcement infantry #3 takes 54% damage; withdrawing
Garrison infantry #1 takes 40% damage

4x APC, 2x Infantry Squad vs 1x Buggy, 4x Infantry Squad
- 1d100 + 10 (Guided Missiles vs speed > 1) + 5 (commander)
- 1d100 + 10 (Minigun vs infantry) +5 (commander) x2
- 1d100 - 5 (missiles vs infantry) + 5 (commander)
- 1d100 + 5 (commander) + 10 (extreme rough terrain) x2
- 1d100 - 10 (mg vs vehicle)
- 1d100 - 10 (nod infantry vs vehicle) + 10 (dug in) + 10 (extreme rough terrain) x2
- 1d100 - 10 (nod infantry vs vehicle) + 10 (extreme rough terrain)
- 1d100 + 10 (extreme rough terrain)
raw 91, 84, 51, 41, 26, 4 vs 91, 72, 92, 47, 6
mod 106, 99, 66, 41, 41, 19/2 vs 81, 82, 102, 47, 16
Reinforcement Nod buggy takes 15% damage (55%); withdrawing
Nod dug-in squad #1 takes 17% damage
Garrison APC #3 takes 36% damage (83% total); withdrawing
Nod reinforcement infantry #1 takes 3% damage
Nod reinforcement infantry #4 takes 25% damage

3x APC, 2x Infantry Squad vs 4x Infantry squad
- 1d100 + 10 (Minigun vs infantry) +5 (commander)
- 1d100 + 5 (commander) + 10 (extreme rough terrain) x2
- 1d100 - 5 (missiles vs infantry) + 5 (commander) x2
- 1d100 - 10 (nod infantry vs vehicle) + 10 (dug in) + 10 (extreme rough terrain) x2
- 1d100 - 10 (nod infantry vs vehicle) + 10 (extreme rough terrain)
- 1d100 + 10 (extreme rough terrain)
raw 80, 19, 46, 68, 75 vs 13, 4, 76, 31
mod 95, 34, 61, 68, 75/2 vs 23, 14, 76, 41
Nod dug-in squad #1 takes 72% damage (89% total); routed
Nod dug-in squad #2 takes 20% damage
Nod reinforcement squad #1 takes 23% damage (26% total)
Nod reinforcement squad #4 takes 17% damage (42% total)

3x APC, 2x Infantry Squad vs 3x Infantry squad
- 1d100 + 10 (Minigun vs infantry) +5 (commander)
- 1d100 + 5 (commander) + 10 (extreme rough terrain) x2
- 1d100 - 5 (missiles vs infantry) + 5 (commander) x2
- 1d100 - 10 (nod infantry vs vehicle) + 10 (dug in) + 10 (extreme rough terrain)
- 1d100 + 10 (extreme rough terrain) x2
raw 14, 64, 84, 50, 98 vs 99, 60, 48
mod 29, 79, 99, 50/2, 98/2 vs 109, 70, 58
Garrison APC #1 takes 6% damage (77% total); routed, withdrawing
Nod reinforcement squad #1 takes 9% damage (35% total)
Nod reinforcement squad #2 takes 41% damage (83% total); routed

August 5, 2058

"Ma'am, we've got additional Nod infantry entering our area. I think they're getting ready to push. Should we engage?"

"Negative, first squad, hold position. Reinforcements are en route." you tell your troops in C2, then select the icons for a garrison infantry squad and a pair of APCs from B1, drawing a line through your base to C2. "Move to the indicated coordinates via the base, pick up ammo reloads on the way. Do *not* engage those turrets, they'll take you apart."


Your APCs are fired upon by Nod infantry as they attempt to depart grid B1, forcing them to take a detour to avoid the turret cluster. They shouldn't have bothered - their small arms fire dings off our units' armor and then the garrison APC spins up its rotary cannon, shredding the infantry squad's cover. And most of the infantry. Your guided missile APC expends a single rocket as well, sending it off into the Mediterranean sea. "Was that a salute for the boat, or what?" the garrison APC's crew taunts. A couple of bloodied troopers can be seen limping off to towards A1, allowing our APCs to resume their drive.

It takes them a couple of hours to get to C2, which (in addition to the extra Nod infantry squad) gives a fresh Nod buggy time to arrive and attempt to flank your APCs as they advance on the improvised Nod fortifications (basically several well-positioned piles of rocks with good sight lines). The new buggy takes a near miss from a guided rocket, and it's all the driver can do to keep his vehicle from careening off of the plentiful rocks. Your minigun-equipped APCs deliver effective suppressing fire on the Nod infantry position and the other buggy, allowing our dismounted infantry to flank one of the Nod squads and inflict heavy casualties with rifle fire - the remainder of the squad falls back in reasonable order, leaving their wounded to bleed out.

At which point, more Nod infantry swarms out from around the rocks behind the position we're attacking, firing their weapons at our APCs and assaulting infantry. The non-disabled Nod buggy takes a guided rocket to the back, shredding the gunner. Two of the garrison APCs take heavy damage to their armor plating from the hail of small arms fire, but your other rocket equipped APC lands a good shot on a dense cluster of Nod soldiers, sending limbs and guns flying everywhere, while one of our infantry squads is able to set up and gun down several of the advancing Nod troopers as well. Several of the garrison infantry soldiers drop from small arms fire, but, unlike half of the Nod reinforcements, the squad is still combat effective.

Your G-Pad doesn't provide that much detail, but it looks to you like the situation has deteriorated into a general melee. Still, your non-commissioned officers are on the ball. A call for "Second squad, we need fire on those rocks!" saves one of your APCs some serious pain as the garrison infantry squad directs rifle fire at Nod infantry spraying said APC down with small arms, causing them to keep their heads down. The remaining Nod buggy is forced to retreat, one of its rear wheels wobbling dangerously on the axle after a near-miss with a guided rocket, but the driver of one of the garrison APCs is blinded by bullets impacting the front viewport and rams a rock, the damage somehow jamming the rotation mechanism on the turret. "We're pretty beat up, disengaging!" the driver transmits over comms.

Without any Nod buggies to provide (relatively poor) competition to your APCs, they are free to concentrate fire on the remaining infantry. The garrison APC manages to drive around a rockpile used by Nod militants for cover and lets rip with its minigun, only one or two of the troopers managing to scamper out of the area. Your infantry squads hunker down in good position to send small arms fire down range, and the guided missile APCs maintain suppressive fire.

The Nod militants make one last attempt to damage our forces, but your guided missile APCs are able to put down enough suppressing fire to prevent the Nod infantry from concentrating sufficient firepower - this allows your infantry to move up and flank the Nod reinforcement troopers, taking a large number of them out.

The remaining Nod militants, probably realizing that they're about to be overrun, pull back and scatter through the rocks. "They're running! Do we pursue?"

"Negative." You respond. "Regroup and await further orders - we have additional reinforcements coming in by landing craft. Transmit detailed damage and casualty reports and send the wounded back with the damaged transport. Over and out."

You let out a sigh of relief, pulling off your cap and tussling your (short, brown) hair and unclenching your jaw. Your first major engagement (at least you consider it major; some might not think that four APCs, two technicals and 50+ infantry is major, but it's certainly the biggest fight you've overseen in your career) definitely came up a victory. While none of the Nod vehicles were destroyed, their infantry has taken heavy casualties. You've got some damaged APCs as well, and your infantry have taken a few casualties, but, if nothing else, the newly-arrived engineers should help you repair the damage. With the additional infantry squads, you expect to be able to push on the Nod refinery and take it our for good.

Speaking of which, you head out to welcome the new arrivals and direct them to their shiny new barracks as the landing craft disembark their passengers. You note with pleasure that the engineers have fixed up the other barracks, so your housing and small arms situation is "good to go".

Post-Battle Report:
2 Nod buggies sustained heavy damage
5 Nod infantry squads sustained heavy casualties
2 Nod infantry squads remain combat effective and have withdrawn
Garrison APC #1: 77% damage, retreats to C1; Veteran status achieved (+5 to combat rolls)
Garrison APC #3: 83% damage, retreats to C1 next turn
Garrison Infantry #1: 40% casualties

EVA Report
Current Objectives:
Re-establish power to local structure (self-entered) (completed)
Recon surrounding area (self-entered) (reconaissance conducted on 5/8 local sectors)
Re-establish GDI facility (primary command directive) (completed)
Construct additional housing for engineers and APC crew (completed)
Locate and eliminate source of Nod attack (primary command directive) (Nod base located)
Capture Nod Tiberium Refinery in Grid C3 (secondary command directive)

Base Status:
Funding: 2907 Credits
Power: +70
Building Slots Available: 1/8
Housing Available: 0/12
Structures in C1: Construction Yard, Power Plant, Barracks x2

Construction Options: Pick 1
[] Clear Construction Yard Debris: +2 Building Slots
This is pretty straightforward. Get the construction yard crew to break out the demo charges and bulldozer and clear the wreckage so you can have more room to construct buildings.

[] Clear Power Plant Debris: +1 Building Slot
Another straightforward project. Safely remove the radioactive nuclear fuel, then break out the demo charges and bulldozer so you can have more room to construct buildings and also don't have to worry about glowing in the dark.

[] Barracks: -500 Credits, -1 Building Slot, +4 Housing, -15 Power, Infantry Requisition Capacity 3->4 (diminishing returns)
The construction yard crew can put together additional living quarters and an armory so that you can get more troops in the field.

[] Tiberium Refinery: -1500 Credits, -2 Building Slots, +1000 tiberium storage, -40 Power, harvesting capability
Perhaps not the most optimal option, but you could get a refinery set up and get the harvester rolling. It's no fancy railgun harvester, but if you can plow through to one of the Tiberium fields in the area, you could get yourself some additional income. The main thing discouraging you from doing this is that it'll use more than half your remaining credits and that harvesters are super slow.

[] Sandbags: -500 Credits, 0 Building Slots, limit 1 per grid, +5 to all combat rolls when defending this grid
Fancy GDI bases have concrete perimeter walls with auto-turrets on the corners. You're not a fancy GDI base, but if the Nod guys have sandbags to help defend their base, why can't you? It'll give your forces attempting to defend the base a little bit of extra cover, absorbing some of the incoming projectile rifle fire.

Requisition Options: Pick between 0 and 3, may pick each option multiple times
New troops will arrive next turn.
[] Infantry Squad: -500 funding, -1 housing.
-[] Standard loadout
-[] 3x grenade launcher: +15 vs infantry, -15 vs armored units/aircraft
Your troops have run into a turret nest, a substantial amount of infantry, and a small Nod base. You think you're justified in requisitioning some infantry. You also consider asking that they load up on grenade launchers to help deal with the infantry swarms.

[] Engineering Squad: -500 funding, -1 housing
You also consider asking for some mechanics to fix your APCs, above and beyond the engineering squad you're being sent. It's inevitable that your APCs will take damage, and being able to fix them in the field rather than having to drive them back to base is invaluable.

Repair Options (any units repaired/reinforced will be unavailable for use this turn)
Pick one of these:
[] Garrison APC #1 (veteran): 77 credits
[] Garrison APC #3: 83 credits
Choose whether to do this:
[] Garrison Infantry #1: 40 credits

Graphical representation of operational area:
A3 B3 C3
A2|B2 C2
A1 B1 C1

Updated reconaissance report:
Grid A1. Open coastal terrain. Rocky coastline prevents landings here. One combat-ineffective Nod light infantry squad reported within the last 24 hours.

Grid B1. Hilly coastal terrain. Rocky coastline prevents landings here. Three Nod turrets (anti-tank) and one light infantry squad confirmed. GDI force of one APC and one infantry squad present.

Grid C1. Open coastal terrain. Landing Zone. The site of the GDI base. Two barracks, construction yard, power plant. One APC and one engineering squad present, two infantry squads present, one damaged APC present.

Grid A2. Open terrain. Light concentrations of green tiberium reported by orbital monitoring. No recon data available.

Grid B2. Rocky terrain. No known Nod presence at this time.

Grid C2. Extremely rocky terrain. GDI force of two APCs and two infantry squads present. One damaged GDI APC will retreat to C1.

Grid A3. Extremely rocky terrain. No recon data available.

Grid B3. Open terrain. Very light green tiberium concentrations reported by orbital monitoring. No recon data available.

Grid C3. Open terrain. Nod Tiberium refinery located - base has a construction yard, a power plant, two silos, and the refinery. No harvester observed. Two heavily damaged Nod buggies, five combat-ineffective and two combat-effective Nod infantry squads have been reported retreating toward this sector (estimated reconstituted infantry strength: three squads).

The next day, as you march into one of the barracks' armories to draw yourself a grenade launcher (intending to join the next battle personally), you discuss two points (remotely) with your squad sergeants. The first point is whether to press the attack immediately, or attempt to clean out some of the other outlying sectors while waiting for repairs. You know what retreated to the Nod base at C3 (based on confirmed Nod casualties, you expect them to be able to reconstitute three infantry squads), but you don't know what's in B3, nor do you know if the Nod commander held anything back (you find it unlikely). The lack of a Hand of Nod or war factory indicates that they will be unable to reinforce in a timely fashion, and will have to send their damaged units away to be fixed up, if they choose to do so. The low end estimate is that you'll face the three squads dug in with sandbag fortifications, and possibly three patched-together buggies (unless they're driving elsewhere for repairs). You'll be able to commit well in excess of that if you launch the attack immediately; the grenade launchers will tip the odds in your favor certainly, not to mention the enemy being outnumbered. Theoretically, you could also give up your position in sector B1 to bring another APC and infantry squad into the fight; either leaving the infantry squad in C1 to help guard the base or bringing it to the fight and relying on battle-damaged units and any additional requisitioned infantry squads to defend your base. However, without knowing what's in B3, you could be walking into a trap.

Alternately, you could wait until you get an APC repaired and some additional reinforcements, possibly scout out B3, then attack the following day. However, this will likely give Nod the chance to consolidate their forces, carry out repairs somewhere or even launch a counterattack, though you find the latter unlikely.

You also recall from your training that the Nod commander is likely to a) send the "non-combatant" personnel in the buildings into the fight and b) trigger the self-destruct sequence on their buildings if they believe they will be unable to hold the base. You'd need the engineers along to disable any such devices.

Regardless, at the end, when and how to attack is your call.

Your sergeant(s) also object to your intention to hop into an APC and command the next battle from the front. While you'll be able to better direct the battle from up close, you also lose some overall situational awareness. Not to mention the risk of catching lead poisoning.

[] Deploy with the next attack: +5 to all rolls for any battle taking place in the grid where the commander is deployed; dice assignments in battles elsewhere are less "smart" (random die pairings instead of pre-roll optimal); risk of personal injury if attached unit takes damage;
[] Listen to the sergeant and continue commanding remotely


Current force status:
APC #1 - guided missiles - C2
APC #2 - guided missiles - C2
Attached APC - grenade launcher - C1
Infantry Squad #1 - C2
Infantry Squad #2 - B1
Attached Engineering Squad - C1
Reinforcement Infantry Squad #3 - grenade launchers - C1
Reinforcement Infantry Squad #4 - grenade launchers - C1
Garrison APC #1 - rotary cannon - 77% damage, veteran - C1
Garrison APC #2 - rotary cannon - B1
Garrison APC #3 - rotary cannon - 83% damage - C2
Garrison Infantry Squad #1 - 40% casualties - C2

[] Write-in deployment order plans; you may deploy any number of units along any routes in any combination (as long as speed limits and transport capacity are respected). If deploying the commander, specify where and to what unit she's attached. Note that an APC can move to a grid, pick up infantry, then continue moving.

This is definitely a plan vote. Vote open for 24-ish hours.

Phew, that was a nasty fight, but a lot of fun to resolve and write. I goofed a little in your favor, forgetting to force one of your APCs to withdraw during the big fight, which probably caused the whole thing to swing in your direction. Oh well. We're just going to put it down to superior GDI training compared to random guys with AK-47 and pickup trucks with 50-cal machine guns mounted on the back: not everyone over there is a battle-hardened Black Hand operative. Going to introduce an optional "taking direct command" mechanic, see if/how it pans out.
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Just curious, can our infantry squads create foxholes like in CnC3? Would be useful if they have to defend the captured NOD base from a counterattack.
[] Plan First Plan
-[] Clear Power Plant Debris: +1 Building Slot
-[] Load engineers into APC and call in the B1 squad to advance to C2. Send the damaged APCs/squad and 1 intact APC back to base. The intact APC will load up with another infantry squad and return to C2. Then we attack the refinery at C3
Requesting reinforcements, building another Barracks to house them, and attacking with the forces that aren't damaged or being pulled back to defend our base. This should get 2 rifle infantry and 2 grenade infantry squads, and 4 APCs (2 rocket, 1 rotary cannon, 1 grenade launcher) assaulting the NOD base, before they have too much chance to dig in and reinforce, while pulling back forces in case they were planning on attacking through B1, and bringing in reinforcements in case they do manage to overwhelm the damaged units holding the base. (I'm kinda counting on taking the NOD refinery, because otherwise we'll need to clear space and then build a refinery, which will take time and most of our remaining credits.)

I'm assuming that we can reinforce our Garrison Infantry squad at the Barracks in our base, but not doing so this turn, because they would be unavailable for combat, which would be bad.

[X] Plan Toujours l'Audace
-[X] Barracks: -500 Credits, -1 Building Slot, +4 Housing, -15 Power, Infantry Requisition Capacity 3->4
-[X] Infantry Squad (x2): -1000 funding, -2 housing.
--[X] Standard loadout (1x)
--[X] 3x grenade launcher: +15 vs infantry, -15 vs armored units/aircraft (1x)
-[X] Engineering Squad: -500 funding, -1 housing
-[X] Garrison APC #2 - transport Infantry Squad #2 - B1 -> C1 -> C2 -> C3, Assault
-[X] Garrison APC #3 - Transport Garrison Infantry Squad #1 C2 -> C1, Defend C1
-[X] Garrison APC #1 - Defend C1
-[X] APC #1, APC #2 - C2 -> C1, Transport Reinforcement Infantry Squads #3 & #4 -> C2 -> C3, Assault
-[X] Attached APC - Transport Attached Engineering Squad C1 -> C2 -> C3, Assault, Engineers Capture
-[X] Infantry Squad #1 - C2 -> C3, Assault
-[X] Listen to the sergeant and continue commanding remotely

EDIT: Despite the risky strategy, Violent will be *sigh* responsible and not join in with the assault. Yes, she has a map, yes she has a plan, but she also knows she needs to be aware of the larger battlespace.
And yes, that's a typo, but it is so appropriate that I had to leave it in.
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