GCPD: The Dark Deparment

Members pages
Captain of the Supernatural and Occult Bureau: Marcus White

A middle-aged officer who keep quiet about his powers. He tried to do good where he could and the best when he could not. Raised in the roughest areas, Marcus knows the trouble the hardier folk had to deal with.

Now he leads the newest department that already people are talking about. Quacks, a waste of money, a joke.

He would change this or go down fighting.

Leadership 5
Plotting: 1
Admin: 2
Learning: 3
Diplomacy: 2
Combat: 9

-The scar that ran down their throat. It spoke of experience.
+2 to combat

Magic: Aeromancy: +3 to combat

Lieutenant: Nina Ramonaz
Leadership 1
Plotting: 0
Admin: 2
Learning: 2
Diplomacy: 3
Combat: 1

Trait: Calming words: +2 to rolls where hostages or potentially dangerous suspect is about to do something rash.

Magic: Scrying hobbyist: +2 to rolls in which the task is to find a lost person or item.

Nina is a soft-spoken woman who talked a woman off a building and then made sure she was looked after.
Caring and honest, to a fault.

Lieutenant: Luke Kilpatrick
Leadership 1
Plotting: 2
Admin: 3
Learning: 0
Diplomacy: 1
Combat: 2

Traits: Perfectionist. Luke looked ill at the sight of the paperwork hidden under a towel in the corner. +3 to research and organisation rolls.

Magic: None: Knows small time casters and even some non-humans. +3 to locating wizards and +1 to werewolves and vampires.

Luke tidied the slightly ajar piece of paperwork. The neat pile was perfect on a microscopic level.

Lieutenant: Patricia Star
Leadership 1
Plotting: 2
Admin: 1
Learning: 3
Diplomacy: 2
Combat: 0

Trait: Fluid Tongue: Patricia could speak a lot of languages, but only if they were written down... +3 to researching tomes and non-human languages.

Magic: Telekinesis +1 roll to plotting and +1 to admin.

Patricia looked like someone had stolen her from some nunnery library and stuffed her into a police officer's uniform.

Lieutenant: Vincent Morelli
Leadership 6
Plotting: 2
Admin: 0
Learning: 1
Diplomacy: 0
Combat: 5

Trait: Wise-ass: Vinnie couldn't help it. +3 to leadership, -1 to diplomacy.

Magic: Pyromancy. +2 to combat and +1 to resisting or fighting cold related threats.

Vinnie was a handsome guy who liked setting things on fire. Fabulous.

Morale: 53% The spirit within the department, higher morale makes better workers.
Value: 1 How much the city needs this department, pass events to increase rewards.
Diplomacy: 0 How influence does SOB have in the city
Plotting: 0 How many fingers does SOB have in the pies
Admin: 0 How much legal power SOB has to help or hinder the dark community.
Money: 3 points. 1 per turn gained, 1 per turn spent

Morale boosts:
+3 from turn 1 result. Lasts until a member dies or leaves.

+5 diplomacy with GCPD rolls
Last edited:
Turn 1
[x]Marcus White
[x]The scar that ran down their throat. It spoke of experience.
[x] Supernatural and Occult Bureau. S.O.B.

Morale: 50%
Diplomacy: 0
Plotting: 0
Admin: 0
Money: 3 points.
You looked around your newest department space.

The four desks occupied the somewhat tiny room. They guarded the door at the back which was open to reveal a closet of a room that was to be your own office. The smell of stale air and the thick coating of dust was a little disheartening but Commissioner Gordon cleared his throat.

"This is it, you're one chance son," he stopped to sigh, acknowledging the state of your workspace. "It's not great but this opportunity was never going to be fair. The boys below are still expecting me to say this is a joke and the men above are just humouring me on this," Gordon admitted and he rubbed his nose with a finger in frustration.

"Ignore them, I need you to do this, Captain White, you hear me?" Gordon's tone turned professional and you straightened in respect.

This was your moment and you would not waste it.

Gordon nodded and the shook your hand. "Marcus...I honestly wish you luck, you're going to need it," he let a small smile show.

"Kick ass," he finished and left.

Leaving you alone with the dingy desks and your office. It wasn't a great start but it was a start. It's time to quit whining and get on with it.

Sitting in your lump grey chair, you laid out several folders that Gordon had supplied you with. Each vanillin folder contained names and sheets of different officers that had come forward to admit they had connections to the unseen side of Gotham or actually had minor powers.

This surprised you, thinking perhaps you were the only hiding hedge in the force.

Opening the pages, Gordon had tacked a small note to the first one.

The message was clear, each employee hired would be paid out of SOB's, you forced an internal smirk down at the name, expenses.

With the funding, you would able to only employ four people on your current budget. These four would be your direct lieutenants.

4 people in the department cost 1 money point. Marcus's pay comes from above and is not included.
If you hire 3 people then the remaining point quarter will be added to extra funding. This is adaptive but I'll see how it flows.

That explained the four cramped desks.

You had to choose four people from a select six. The remaining two members would see work in other departments and may or may not be recruitable later.

Choose four
[] Nina Ramonaz
Leadership 1
Plotting: 0
Admin: 2
Learning: 2
Diplomacy: 3
Combat: 1

Trait: Calming words: +2 to rolls where hostages or potentially dangerous suspect is about to do something rash.

Magic: Scrying hobbyist: +2 to rolls in which the task is to find a lost person or item.

Nina is a soft-spoken woman who talked a woman off a building and then made sure she was looked after.
Caring and honest, to a fault.

[] Jessie Wagner
Leadership 0
Plotting: 1
Admin: 2
Learning: 2
Diplomacy: 1
Combat: 3

Trait: Silent creed: Jessie is a model stone. He says nothing, even when the wrench hit his face. +4 to undercover work or being captured.

Magic: Slight subtle skin toughening magic. +3 to handling physical abuse and injuries.

Jessie is a quiet man, his eyes seem to drink everything in, process it and judge accordingly. His inability to act without a clear order makes him a loyal officer but not a leader in a crisis.

[] Sasha Montreal
Leadership 2
Plotting: 3
Admin: 0
Learning: 2
Diplomacy: 1
Combat: 1

Trait: Smile and daggers: Sasha played with the man, sensing a bit of usefulness in him. +3 to diplomacy rolls when attempting to gain information from a target.

Magic: Awareness: Sash stopped, not quite seeing the danger she felt. +3 to trap sensing and ambushes.

Sasha was a girl that toed the line between fun cop and dangerous cop.

[] Luke Kilpatrick
Leadership 1
Plotting: 2
Admin: 3
Learning: 0
Diplomacy: 1
Combat: 2

Traits: Perfectionist. Luke looked ill at the sight of the paperwork hidden under a towel in the corner. +3 to research and organization rolls.

Magic: None: Knows small time casters and even some non-humans. +3 to locating wizards and +1 to werewolves and vampires.

Luke tidied the slightly ajar piece of paperwork. The neat pile was perfect on a microscopic level.

[]Patricia Star
Leadership 1
Plotting: 1
Admin: 2
Learning: 3
Diplomacy: 2
Combat: 0

Trait: Fluid Tongue: Patricia could speak a lot of languages, but only if they were written down... +3 to researching tomes and non-human languages.

Magic: Telekinesis +1 roll to plotting and +1 to admin.

Patricia looked like someone had stolen her from some nunnery library and stuffed her into a police officer's uniform.

[]Vincent Morelli
Leadership 3
Plotting: 2
Admin: 0
Learning: 1
Diplomacy: 1
Combat: 2

Trait: Wise-ass: Vinnie couldn't help it. +3 to leadership, -1 to diplomacy.

Magic: Pyromancy. +2 to combat and +1 to resisting or fighting cold related threats.

Vinnie was a handsome guy who liked setting things on fire. Fabulous.

Hire as many as you like or as little.

Reading these own made you think how these people would work with your own magic. It was a pretty decent field if you were allowed to say so yourself.

It was...

[]Aeromancy: +3 to combat and gains bonuses against certain foes.
[]Cyromancy: +3 to combat and gains bonuses against certain foes.
[]Aura reading: +3 to diplomacy and gains bonuses with certain people.
[]Medium: +3 to learning and allows talking of ghosts.
[]Illusionist: +3 to plotting and allows for slightly different plan making.
[]Aura user: +3 to leadership and allows bonuses with teams.
[]Mentalist: +3 to Admin and allows bonuses when dealing with fine details.

Stretching, you noticed that an hour had already passed since you began. The day did have a habit of slipping away from you when you were consumed by work.

Looking around, you decided to set things into motion. Time spent sitting was time spent not doing what needed to be done.

Gordon had also left small memos on another stack of paper, suggesting that you do some of the listed items first.

You began to plan, waiting for your chosen members to appear the nest day.

Plan of action: Choose Marcus or one of the new four members to do what task. Marcus can do diplomacy if you feel the option suits him more than others at any given time. Some options will require certain skill but you don't want to send your diplomat into a vampire's den if they have zero combat.

Leadership: The state of SOB was a little sad. A leader with under five people. It would need tender care.

[]Do a simple meet and greet. The officer in charge(O.I.C) of this would choose a simple activity to get the ball rolling. Time: 1 turn. Success: 70%. Reward: Department morale +3, 10%of OIC to gain a trait. Morale bonus last until one of the first recruits dies or leaves.

[]The department is a little drab. A chance to make a better-looking place would really improve the mood. Cost 1 Money token. Success: 80%. Reward: +2 morale and Department gains +2 Diplomacy to rolls made inside the station. Morale bonus lasts 2 turns.

[]The men and women of SOB are lacking a little...experience. Marcus would fix that. Time: 2 turn. Success: 60%. Reward: All lieutenants gains +5 to their rolls for the next three turns. Marcus gains +1 to leadership for next three turns.

Plotting: SOB had no connections and no influential power to even make a pixie sweat. Fix this.
[]Send the OIC to wander the station. Collect information on which department is open to SOB and which is not. Time: 1 turn. Success: 60%. Reward: Information gained of the police station and SOB gains +5 to all plotting rolls to do with the GCPD.

[]Marcus suspects there are more hedges hiding in the force. It's up to the OIC to try and see if they can find any. Time: 1 turn. Success: 30. Reward: New recruits to be added to the list of recruitable.

[]Send the OIC to scout nearby bars with a...less than solid reputation. See what magical folk may or may not be just hiding in plain sight. Time: 2 turns. Success: 40%. Reward. Awareness of threats around the station. +5 to rolls with the magical community and other community for the next three turns.
Admin: SOB is in a somewhat...chaotic mess.

[]The OIC sets down to figure out exactly what it can and cannot do in relation to other departments. Time: 2 turns. Success: 70%. Rewards: +5 to diplomacy rolls with GCPD in future rolls.

[]There is an odd number in the account of the department. The OIC might be able to figure out how some money isn't quite adding up. Time: 1 turn. Success: 80%. Reward: One money point added one!

[]The paperwork suggests that quite a few people were watching this department. Knowing who pulled the strings was quite important. Time: 2 turns. Success: 60%. Reward: +5 to plotting rolls next 3 turns. May reveal some conditions that were put on the department.

Learning: SOB knew enough to bang coconuts together to make horse noises. It was bad.

[]The OIC needs to know the common threats that existed in the unseen communities. Time: 2 turns. Success: 80%. Reward: Information about Werewolves, vampires, hedge mages and ghosts become unlocked (level of knowledge: weak(+1 roll))

[]Marcus brought in a tome or two. Never opened. The OIC could learn about a new type of spell of reinforcing their current talent to be more useful. Time: 2 turns. Success: 50%. Reward: 50-80: Upgraded talent. 80-100+ new magic talent.

[]The OIC would learn about SOB's assets. What could one type of magic do that others could not? They'd best start with their own. Time: 1 turn. Success: 70%. Reward: Magic users unlock another use of their magic. Condition: Must have magic to use this.

Diplomacy: SOB was the new kid on the block. No one liked him.
[]Time to send someone around the departments and try to foster some decent relationships. Time: 2 turns. Success: 60%. Reward: +5 Diplomacy with future GCPD rolls.

[]The OIC would inspire all SOBs to work a little better. Time: 1 turn. Success: 80%. Reward: +3 Morale. +2 to all rolls for next two turns.

[]Send the OIC to a known magic bar, see how they feel about SOB. Time: 1 turn. Success: 60%. Reward: +2 reputation with Hedge Wizards. + 2 diplomacy with Hedges for the next two turns. Gained knowledge of Hedge Wizards(weak). Optional: use 1/4 of a money point to buy the bar a round. increases chance to 80% State if you wish this or not.

Combat: SOB hit like a bad smell. Not dangerous and could be dealt with a stiff breeze.
[]The OIC would work the SOBs to the bone. Time: 1 turn. Success: 70%. Reward: all SOBs get +4 to combat rolls for the next 3 turns.

[]The OIC would research simple foci to enhance magic. Time: 2 turns. Success: 50%. Rewards: All SOBs get +1 to their magic bonus.

[]The OIC will scout out a series of assault cases that seem to happen in the same alley for the last two weeks. No suspect and no one entered or left the alley other than the victims. Time: 2 turns. Success: 60%. Reward: SOB puts a stop the trouble, gains +2 to diplomacy and plotting rolls to the GCPD for succeeding. ???


Money: Money points are able to be split into 4 pieces. Some cheap items may cost less than a point so you could save the remainder of the point to the next turn and have more funding to work with.

Each turn, you get 1 money point to your department. With success, some choices and good rolls, your budget will increase and if things go wrong...decrease. You do not want to be without funding.

So for example: spent 4th of a point on the bar. Next turn you would have 3.3 money points. If you manage to get another 1/4 of a money point, your point changes to 4 MP.

So spent 3 slices of a MP? you would .1 of MP left to added extra.

It's complicated, annoying and so on but I really blow when it comes to working with resources and the more I make big numbers transform into simple dots, the better.

Each MP is rough $2000 making a slice $500, or some.

Just know that buying a lot of poor wizards booze is costly.

Sage advice.
Adhoc vote count started by Stewart92 on May 25, 2017 at 11:52 AM, finished with 60 posts and 14 votes.

  • [X] Plan Solid Foundations
    [x]Nina Ramonaz
    [x] Luke Kilpatrick
    [x]Patrica Star
    [x] Jessie Wagner
    [x]Mentalist: +3 to Admin and allows bonuses when dealing with fine details.
    [x]Do a simple meet and greet. The officer in charge(O.I.C) of this would choose a simple activity to get the ball rolling. Time: 1 turn. Success: 70%. Reward: Department morale +3, 10%of OIC to gain a trait. Morale bonus last until one of the first recruits dies or leaves.
    [x]Send the OIC to wander the station. Collect information on which department is open to SOB and which is not. Time: 1 turn. Success: 60%. Reward: Information gained of the police station and SOB gains +5 to all plotting rolls to do with the GCPD.
    [x]The OIC sets down to figure out exactly what it can and cannot do in relation to other departments. Time: 2 turns. Success: 70%. Rewards: +5 to diplomancy rolls with GCPD in future rolls.
    [x]The OIC needs to know the common threats that existed in the unseen communites. Time: 2 turns. Sucess: 80%. Reward: Information about Werewolves, vampires, hedge mages and ghosts become unlocked (level of knowledge: weak(+1 roll))
    [x]Time to send someone around the departments and try to foster some decent relationships. Time: 2 turns. Success: 60%. Reward: +5 Diplomacy with future GCPD rolls.
    [x]The OIC will scout out a series of assualt cases that seem to happen in the same alley for the last two weeks. No suspect and no one entered or left the alley other than the vicitms. Time: 2 turns. Succes: 60%. Reward: SOB puts a stop the trouble, gains +2 to diplomacy and plotting rolls to the GCPD for succedding. ??
    [x]Nina Ramonaz
    [X] Sasha Montreal
    [x]Patrica Star
    [X] Vincent Morelli
    [X] Medium: +3 to learning and allows talking of ghosts.
    [X] Nina - Do a simple meet and greet. The officer in charge(O.I.C) of this would choose a simple activity to get the ball rolling. Time: 1 turn. Success: 70%. Reward: Department morale +3, 10%of OIC to gain a trait. Morale bonus last until one of the first recruits dies or leaves.
    [X] Sasha - Send the OIC to wander the station. Collect information on which department is open to SOB and which is not. Time: 1 turn. Success: 60%. Reward: Information gained of the police station and SOB gains +5 to all plotting rolls to do with the GCPD.
    [X] Marcus - There is a odd number in the account of the department. The OIC might be able to figure out how some money isn't quite adding up. Time: 1 turn. Success: 80%. Reward: One money point added one!
    [X] Patricia - The OIC needs to know the common threats that existed in the unseen communites. Time: 2 turns. Sucess: 80%. Reward: Information about Werewolves, vampires, hedge mages and ghosts become unlocked (level of knowledge: weak(+1 roll))
    [X] Vincent - The OIC would research simple foci to enhance magic. Time: 2 turns. Success: 50%. Rewards: All SOBs get +1 to their magic bonus.
    [X] Plan Solid Foundations
    [x]Nina Ramonaz
    [x] Luke Kilpatrick
    [x]Patrica Star
    [X] Vincent Morelli
    [x]Do a simple meet and greet. The officer in charge(O.I.C) of this would choose a simple activity to get the ball rolling. Time: 1 turn. Success: 70%. Reward: Department morale +3, 10%of OIC to gain a trait. Morale bonus last until one of the first recruits dies or leaves.
    [x]Send the OIC to wander the station. Collect information on which department is open to SOB and which is not. Time: 1 turn. Success: 60%. Reward: Information gained of the police station and SOB gains +5 to all plotting rolls to do with the GCPD.
    [x]The OIC sets down to figure out exactly what it can and cannot do in relation to other departments. Time: 2 turns. Success: 70%. Rewards: +5 to diplomancy rolls with GCPD in future rolls.
    [x]The OIC needs to know the common threats that existed in the unseen communites. Time: 2 turns. Sucess: 80%. Reward: Information about Werewolves, vampires, hedge mages and ghosts become unlocked (level of knowledge: weak(+1 roll))
    [x]Time to send someone around the departments and try to foster some decent relationships. Time: 2 turns. Success: 60%. Reward: +5 Diplomacy with future GCPD rolls.
    [x]The OIC will scout out a series of assualt cases that seem to happen in the same alley for the last two weeks. No suspect and no one entered or left the alley other than the vicitms. Time: 2 turns. Succes: 60%. Reward: SOB puts a stop the trouble, gains +2 to diplomacy and plotting rolls to the GCPD for succedding. ??
    [x]Nina Ramonaz
    [x] Luke Kilpatrick
    [X] Vincent Morelli
    [x]Patrica Star
    [x]Do a simple meet and greet. The officer in charge(O.I.C) of this would choose a simple activity to get the ball rolling. Time: 1 turn. Success: 70%. Reward: Department morale +3, 10%of OIC to gain a trait. Morale bonus last until one of the first recruits dies or leaves.
    [x]Send the OIC to wander the station. Collect information on which department is open to SOB and which is not. Time: 1 turn. Success: 60%. Reward: Information gained of the police station and SOB gains +5 to all plotting rolls to do with the GCPD.
    [x]The OIC sets down to figure out exactly what it can and cannot do in relation to other departments. Time: 2 turns. Success: 70%. Rewards: +5 to diplomancy rolls with GCPD in future rolls.
    [x]The OIC needs to know the common threats that existed in the unseen communites. Time: 2 turns. Sucess: 80%. Reward: Information about Werewolves, vampires, hedge mages and ghosts become unlocked (level of knowledge: weak(+1 roll))
    [x]Time to send someone around the departments and try to foster some decent relationships. Time: 2 turns. Success: 60%. Reward: +5 Diplomacy with future GCPD rolls.
    [x]The OIC will scout out a series of assualt cases that seem to happen in the same alley for the last two weeks. No suspect and no one entered or left the alley other than the vicitms. Time: 2 turns. Succes: 60%. Reward: SOB puts a stop the trouble, gains +2 to diplomacy and plotting rolls to the GCPD for succedding. ??
    [X] Plan Basic
    [x] Luke Kilpatrick
    [X] Sasha Montreal
    [x] Jessie Wagner
    [x]Nina Ramonaz
    [X] Aura user: +3 to leadership and allows bonuses with teams.
    [X] Marcus - Do a simple meet and greet. The officer in charge(O.I.C) of this would choose a simple activity to get the ball rolling. Time: 1 turn. Success: 70%. Reward: Department morale +3, 10%of OIC to gain a trait. Morale bonus last until one of the first recruits dies or leaves.
    [X] Sasha - Send the OIC to wander the station. Collect information on which department is open to SOB and which is not. Time: 1 turn. Success: 60%. Reward: Information gained of the police station and SOB gains +5 to all plotting rolls to do with the GCPD.
    [X] Luke - There is a odd number in the account of the department. The OIC might be able to figure out how some money isn't quite adding up. Time: 1 turn. Success: 80%. Reward: One money point added one!
    [X] Nina - The OIC needs to know the common threats that existed in the unseen communities. Time: 2 turns. Success: 80%. Reward: Information about Werewolves, vampires, hedge mages and ghosts become unlocked (level of knowledge: weak(+1 roll))
    [X] Nina - Send the OIC to a known magic bar, see how they feel about SOB. Time: 1 turn. Success: 60%. Reward: +2 reputation with Hedge Wizards. + 2 diplomacy with Hedges for the next two turns. Gained knowledge of Hedge Wizards(weak). Optional: use 1/4 of a money point to buy the bar a round. increases chance to 80% State if you wish this or not. - Spend money
    [X] Jessie - The OIC would work the SOBs to the bone. Time: 1 turn. Success: 70%. Reward: all SOBs get +4 to combat rolls for the next 3 turns.
    [X] Sasha Montreal
    [x]Nina Ramonaz
    [x] Luke Kilpatrick
    [x] Jessie Wagner
    [X] Aura user: +3 to leadership and allows bonuses with teams.
    [X] Marcus - Do a simple meet and greet. The officer in charge(O.I.C) of this would choose a simple activity to get the ball rolling. Time: 1 turn. Success: 70%. Reward: Department morale +3, 10%of OIC to gain a trait. Morale bonus last until one of the first recruits dies or leaves.
    [X]Sasha- Send the OIC to scout nearby bars with a...less than solid reputation. See what magical folk may or may not be just hiding in plain sight. Time: 2 turns. Success: 40%. Reward. Awareness of threats around the station. +5 to rolls with the magical community and other community for the next three turns.
    [X] Marcus- The OIC would learn about SOB's assets. What could one type of magic do that others could not? They'd best start with their own. Time: 1 turn. Success: 70%. Reward: Magic users unlock another use of their magic. Condition: Must have magic to use this.
    [X] Luke- There is an odd number in the account of the department. The OIC might be able to figure out how some money isn't quite adding up. Time: 1 turn. Success: 80%. Reward: One money point added one!
    [X] Nina- Time to send someone around the departments and try to foster some decent relationships. Time: 2 turns. Success: 60%. Reward: +5 Diplomacy with future GCPD rolls.
    [X] Jessie- The OIC will scout out a series of assault cases that seem to happen in the same alley for the last two weeks. No suspect and no one entered or left the alley other than the victims. Time: 2 turns. Success: 60%. Reward: SOB puts a stop the trouble, gains +2 to diplomacy and plotting rolls to the GCPD for succeeding. ???

Adhoc vote count started by Stewart92 on May 25, 2017 at 12:01 PM, finished with 61 posts and 15 votes.

  • [X] Plan Solid Foundations
    [x]Nina Ramonaz
    [x] Luke Kilpatrick
    [x]Patrica Star
    [x] Jessie Wagner
    [x]Mentalist: +3 to Admin and allows bonuses when dealing with fine details.
    [x]Do a simple meet and greet. The officer in charge(O.I.C) of this would choose a simple activity to get the ball rolling. Time: 1 turn. Success: 70%. Reward: Department morale +3, 10%of OIC to gain a trait. Morale bonus last until one of the first recruits dies or leaves.
    [x]Send the OIC to wander the station. Collect information on which department is open to SOB and which is not. Time: 1 turn. Success: 60%. Reward: Information gained of the police station and SOB gains +5 to all plotting rolls to do with the GCPD.
    [x]The OIC sets down to figure out exactly what it can and cannot do in relation to other departments. Time: 2 turns. Success: 70%. Rewards: +5 to diplomancy rolls with GCPD in future rolls.
    [x]The OIC needs to know the common threats that existed in the unseen communites. Time: 2 turns. Sucess: 80%. Reward: Information about Werewolves, vampires, hedge mages and ghosts become unlocked (level of knowledge: weak(+1 roll))
    [x]Time to send someone around the departments and try to foster some decent relationships. Time: 2 turns. Success: 60%. Reward: +5 Diplomacy with future GCPD rolls.
    [x]The OIC will scout out a series of assualt cases that seem to happen in the same alley for the last two weeks. No suspect and no one entered or left the alley other than the vicitms. Time: 2 turns. Succes: 60%. Reward: SOB puts a stop the trouble, gains +2 to diplomacy and plotting rolls to the GCPD for succedding. ??
    [x]Nina Ramonaz
    [X] Sasha Montreal
    [x]Patrica Star
    [X] Vincent Morelli
    [X] Medium: +3 to learning and allows talking of ghosts.
    [X] Nina - Do a simple meet and greet. The officer in charge(O.I.C) of this would choose a simple activity to get the ball rolling. Time: 1 turn. Success: 70%. Reward: Department morale +3, 10%of OIC to gain a trait. Morale bonus last until one of the first recruits dies or leaves.
    [X] Sasha - Send the OIC to wander the station. Collect information on which department is open to SOB and which is not. Time: 1 turn. Success: 60%. Reward: Information gained of the police station and SOB gains +5 to all plotting rolls to do with the GCPD.
    [X] Marcus - There is a odd number in the account of the department. The OIC might be able to figure out how some money isn't quite adding up. Time: 1 turn. Success: 80%. Reward: One money point added one!
    [X] Patricia - The OIC needs to know the common threats that existed in the unseen communites. Time: 2 turns. Sucess: 80%. Reward: Information about Werewolves, vampires, hedge mages and ghosts become unlocked (level of knowledge: weak(+1 roll))
    [X] Vincent - The OIC would research simple foci to enhance magic. Time: 2 turns. Success: 50%. Rewards: All SOBs get +1 to their magic bonus.
    [X] Plan Solid Foundations
    [x]Nina Ramonaz
    [x] Luke Kilpatrick
    [x]Patrica Star
    [X] Vincent Morelli
    [x]Do a simple meet and greet. The officer in charge(O.I.C) of this would choose a simple activity to get the ball rolling. Time: 1 turn. Success: 70%. Reward: Department morale +3, 10%of OIC to gain a trait. Morale bonus last until one of the first recruits dies or leaves.
    [x]Send the OIC to wander the station. Collect information on which department is open to SOB and which is not. Time: 1 turn. Success: 60%. Reward: Information gained of the police station and SOB gains +5 to all plotting rolls to do with the GCPD.
    [x]The OIC sets down to figure out exactly what it can and cannot do in relation to other departments. Time: 2 turns. Success: 70%. Rewards: +5 to diplomancy rolls with GCPD in future rolls.
    [x]The OIC needs to know the common threats that existed in the unseen communites. Time: 2 turns. Sucess: 80%. Reward: Information about Werewolves, vampires, hedge mages and ghosts become unlocked (level of knowledge: weak(+1 roll))
    [x]Time to send someone around the departments and try to foster some decent relationships. Time: 2 turns. Success: 60%. Reward: +5 Diplomacy with future GCPD rolls.
    [x]The OIC will scout out a series of assualt cases that seem to happen in the same alley for the last two weeks. No suspect and no one entered or left the alley other than the vicitms. Time: 2 turns. Succes: 60%. Reward: SOB puts a stop the trouble, gains +2 to diplomacy and plotting rolls to the GCPD for succedding. ??
    [x]Nina Ramonaz
    [x] Luke Kilpatrick
    [X] Vincent Morelli
    [x]Patrica Star
    [x]Do a simple meet and greet. The officer in charge(O.I.C) of this would choose a simple activity to get the ball rolling. Time: 1 turn. Success: 70%. Reward: Department morale +3, 10%of OIC to gain a trait. Morale bonus last until one of the first recruits dies or leaves.
    [x]Send the OIC to wander the station. Collect information on which department is open to SOB and which is not. Time: 1 turn. Success: 60%. Reward: Information gained of the police station and SOB gains +5 to all plotting rolls to do with the GCPD.
    [x]The OIC sets down to figure out exactly what it can and cannot do in relation to other departments. Time: 2 turns. Success: 70%. Rewards: +5 to diplomancy rolls with GCPD in future rolls.
    [x]The OIC needs to know the common threats that existed in the unseen communites. Time: 2 turns. Sucess: 80%. Reward: Information about Werewolves, vampires, hedge mages and ghosts become unlocked (level of knowledge: weak(+1 roll))
    [x]Time to send someone around the departments and try to foster some decent relationships. Time: 2 turns. Success: 60%. Reward: +5 Diplomacy with future GCPD rolls.
    [x]The OIC will scout out a series of assualt cases that seem to happen in the same alley for the last two weeks. No suspect and no one entered or left the alley other than the vicitms. Time: 2 turns. Succes: 60%. Reward: SOB puts a stop the trouble, gains +2 to diplomacy and plotting rolls to the GCPD for succedding. ??
    [X] Plan Basic
    [x] Luke Kilpatrick
    [X] Sasha Montreal
    [x] Jessie Wagner
    [x]Nina Ramonaz
    [X] Aura user: +3 to leadership and allows bonuses with teams.
    [X] Marcus - Do a simple meet and greet. The officer in charge(O.I.C) of this would choose a simple activity to get the ball rolling. Time: 1 turn. Success: 70%. Reward: Department morale +3, 10%of OIC to gain a trait. Morale bonus last until one of the first recruits dies or leaves.
    [X] Sasha - Send the OIC to wander the station. Collect information on which department is open to SOB and which is not. Time: 1 turn. Success: 60%. Reward: Information gained of the police station and SOB gains +5 to all plotting rolls to do with the GCPD.
    [X] Luke - There is a odd number in the account of the department. The OIC might be able to figure out how some money isn't quite adding up. Time: 1 turn. Success: 80%. Reward: One money point added one!
    [X] Nina - The OIC needs to know the common threats that existed in the unseen communities. Time: 2 turns. Success: 80%. Reward: Information about Werewolves, vampires, hedge mages and ghosts become unlocked (level of knowledge: weak(+1 roll))
    [X] Nina - Send the OIC to a known magic bar, see how they feel about SOB. Time: 1 turn. Success: 60%. Reward: +2 reputation with Hedge Wizards. + 2 diplomacy with Hedges for the next two turns. Gained knowledge of Hedge Wizards(weak). Optional: use 1/4 of a money point to buy the bar a round. increases chance to 80% State if you wish this or not. - Spend money
    [X] Jessie - The OIC would work the SOBs to the bone. Time: 1 turn. Success: 70%. Reward: all SOBs get +4 to combat rolls for the next 3 turns.
    [X] Sasha Montreal
    [x]Nina Ramonaz
    [x] Luke Kilpatrick
    [x] Jessie Wagner
    [X] Aura user: +3 to leadership and allows bonuses with teams.
    [X] Marcus - Do a simple meet and greet. The officer in charge(O.I.C) of this would choose a simple activity to get the ball rolling. Time: 1 turn. Success: 70%. Reward: Department morale +3, 10%of OIC to gain a trait. Morale bonus last until one of the first recruits dies or leaves.
    [X]Sasha- Send the OIC to scout nearby bars with a...less than solid reputation. See what magical folk may or may not be just hiding in plain sight. Time: 2 turns. Success: 40%. Reward. Awareness of threats around the station. +5 to rolls with the magical community and other community for the next three turns.
    [X] Marcus- The OIC would learn about SOB's assets. What could one type of magic do that others could not? They'd best start with their own. Time: 1 turn. Success: 70%. Reward: Magic users unlock another use of their magic. Condition: Must have magic to use this.
    [X] Luke- There is an odd number in the account of the department. The OIC might be able to figure out how some money isn't quite adding up. Time: 1 turn. Success: 80%. Reward: One money point added one!
    [X] Nina- Time to send someone around the departments and try to foster some decent relationships. Time: 2 turns. Success: 60%. Reward: +5 Diplomacy with future GCPD rolls.
    [X] Jessie- The OIC will scout out a series of assault cases that seem to happen in the same alley for the last two weeks. No suspect and no one entered or left the alley other than the victims. Time: 2 turns. Success: 60%. Reward: SOB puts a stop the trouble, gains +2 to diplomacy and plotting rolls to the GCPD for succeeding. ???
    [x]Nina Ramonaz
    [x] Luke Kilpatrick
    [x]Patrica Star
    [x] Jessie Wagner
    [x]Mentalist: +3 to Admin and allows bonuses when dealing with fine details.
    [x]Do a simple meet and greet. The officer in charge(O.I.C) of this would choose a simple activity to get the ball rolling. Time: 1 turn. Success: 70%. Reward: Department morale +3, 10%of OIC to gain a trait. Morale bonus last until one of the first recruits dies or leaves.
    [x]Send the OIC to wander the station. Collect information on which department is open to SOB and which is not. Time: 1 turn. Success: 60%. Reward: Information gained of the police station and SOB gains +5 to all plotting rolls to do with the GCPD.
    [x]The OIC sets down to figure out exactly what it can and cannot do in relation to other departments. Time: 2 turns. Success: 70%. Rewards: +5 to diplomacy rolls with GCPD in future rolls.
    [x]The OIC needs to know the common threats that existed in the unseen communities. Time: 2 turns. Sucess: 80%. Reward: Information about Werewolves, vampires, hedge mages and ghosts become unlocked (level of knowledge: weak(+1 roll))
    [x]Time to send someone around the departments and try to foster some decent relationships. Time: 2 turns. Success: 60%. Reward: +5 Diplomacy with future GCPD rolls.
    [x]The OIC will scout out a series of assault cases that seem to happen in the same alley for the last two weeks. No suspect and no one entered or left the alley other than the victims. Time: 2 turns. Succes: 60%. Reward: SOB puts a stop the trouble, gains +2 to diplomacy and plotting rolls to the GCPD for succeeding. ??
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[x]Nina Ramonaz
[x] Luke Kilpatrick
[x]Patrica Star
[x] Jessie Wagner
I feel like these four cover the widest range of abilities right now, which we need to build a solid foundation for the future department. Even with Luke not having actual magic, he makes up for it with his connections.

[x]Mentalist: +3 to Admin and allows bonuses when dealing with fine details.

Leadership: Marcus
[x]Do a simple meet and greet. The officer in charge(O.I.C) of this would choose a simple activity to get the ball rolling. Time: 1 turn. Success: 70%. Reward: Department morale +3, 10%of OIC to gain a trait. Morale bonus last until one of the first recruits dies or leaves.
Plotting: Luke
[x]Send the OIC to wander the station. Collect information on which department is open to SOB and which is not. Time: 1 turn. Success: 60%. Reward: Information gained of the police station and SOB gains +5 to all plotting rolls to do with the GCPD.
Admin: Marcus/Luke
[x]The OIC sets down to figure out exactly what it can and cannot do in relation to other departments. Time: 2 turns. Success: 70%. Rewards: +5 to diplomancy rolls with GCPD in future rolls.
Learning: Patricia
[x]The OIC needs to know the common threats that existed in the unseen communites. Time: 2 turns. Sucess: 80%. Reward: Information about Werewolves, vampires, hedge mages and ghosts become unlocked (level of knowledge: weak(+1 roll))
Diplomacy: Nina
[x]Time to send someone around the departments and try to foster some decent relationships. Time: 2 turns. Success: 60%. Reward: +5 Diplomacy with future GCPD rolls.
Combat: Jessie
[x]The OIC will scout out a series of assualt cases that seem to happen in the same alley for the last two weeks. No suspect and no one entered or left the alley other than the vicitms. Time: 2 turns. Succes: 60%. Reward: SOB puts a stop the trouble, gains +2 to diplomacy and plotting rolls to the GCPD for succedding. ??
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@Avatar0fKhorne forgot magic choice for Marcus but solid planning otherwise! Also, you need to assign an officer to each task. If you aren't bothered, I'll fill in the gaps!
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[X] Nina Ramonaz
[X] Sasha Montreal
[X] Patrica Star
[X] Vincent Morelli
[X] Medium: +3 to learning and allows talking of ghosts.
[X] Nina - Do a simple meet and greet. The officer in charge(O.I.C) of this would choose a simple activity to get the ball rolling. Time: 1 turn. Success: 70%. Reward: Department morale +3, 10%of OIC to gain a trait. Morale bonus last until one of the first recruits dies or leaves.
[X] Sasha - Send the OIC to wander the station. Collect information on which department is open to SOB and which is not. Time: 1 turn. Success: 60%. Reward: Information gained of the police station and SOB gains +5 to all plotting rolls to do with the GCPD.
[X] Marcus - There is a odd number in the account of the department. The OIC might be able to figure out how some money isn't quite adding up. Time: 1 turn. Success: 80%. Reward: One money point added one!
[X] Patricia - The OIC needs to know the common threats that existed in the unseen communites. Time: 2 turns. Sucess: 80%. Reward: Information about Werewolves, vampires, hedge mages and ghosts become unlocked (level of knowledge: weak(+1 roll))
[X] Vincent - The OIC would research simple foci to enhance magic. Time: 2 turns. Success: 50%. Rewards: All SOBs get +1 to their magic bonus.

A diplomatic one to handle delicate situations, a cunning one to deal with investigation and plots, one in R&D to understand what the shit are we looking at.

And one for Fuego work(Dresden reference).
[X] Plan Solid Foundations

[x]Nina Ramonaz
[x] Luke Kilpatrick
[x]Patrica Star
[x] Vincent Morelli

Leadership: Marcus
[x]Do a simple meet and greet. The officer in charge(O.I.C) of this would choose a simple activity to get the ball rolling. Time: 1 turn. Success: 70%. Reward: Department morale +3, 10%of OIC to gain a trait. Morale bonus last until one of the first recruits dies or leaves.
Plotting: Luke
[x]Send the OIC to wander the station. Collect information on which department is open to SOB and which is not. Time: 1 turn. Success: 60%. Reward: Information gained of the police station and SOB gains +5 to all plotting rolls to do with the GCPD.
Admin: Marcus/Luke
[x]The OIC sets down to figure out exactly what it can and cannot do in relation to other departments. Time: 2 turns. Success: 70%. Rewards: +5 to diplomancy rolls with GCPD in future rolls.
Learning: Patricia
[x]The OIC needs to know the common threats that existed in the unseen communites. Time: 2 turns. Sucess: 80%. Reward: Information about Werewolves, vampires, hedge mages and ghosts become unlocked (level of knowledge: weak(+1 roll))
Diplomacy: Nina
[x]Time to send someone around the departments and try to foster some decent relationships. Time: 2 turns. Success: 60%. Reward: +5 Diplomacy with future GCPD rolls.
Combat: Vincent
[x]The OIC will scout out a series of assualt cases that seem to happen in the same alley for the last two weeks. No suspect and no one entered or left the alley other than the vicitms. Time: 2 turns. Succes: 60%. Reward: SOB puts a stop the trouble, gains +2 to diplomacy and plotting rolls to the GCPD for succedding. ??

Not all that different than @Avatar0fKhorne's plan, but I swapped Jessie for Vincent. He may have lower combat, but that actual leadership stat will be incredibly important for when our lieutenants have underlings. And quite frankly, we are a police force. I'd rather have our dude in charge of combat have the Diplo and plotting to deescalate, instead of escalate. Worst comes to worst, our MC can probably crack any heads in an emergency.
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Ugh, soo many typos, that it's not funny, nor pleasant to read.

First, I think it's Patricia.

[x] Nina Ramonaz
[x] Luke Kilpatrick
[x]Vincent Morelli
[x]Patrica Star
+It's illusionist. Also, how powerful can be these illusions?

Leadership: Marcus
[x]Do a simple meet and greet. The officer in charge(O.I.C) of this would choose a simple activity to get the ball rolling. Time: 1 turn. Success: 70%. Reward: Department morale +3, 10%of OIC to gain a trait. Morale bonus last until one of the first recruits dies or leaves.
Plotting: Luke
[x]Send the OIC to wander the station. Collect information on which department is open to SOB and which is not. Time: 1 turn. Success: 60%. Reward: Information gained of the police station and SOB gains +5 to all plotting rolls to do with the GCPD.
Admin: Marcus/Luke
[x]The OIC sets down to figure out exactly what it can and cannot do in relation to other departments. Time: 2 turns. Success: 70%. Rewards: +5 to diplomancy rolls with GCPD in future rolls.
Learning: Patricia
[x]The OIC needs to know the common threats that existed in the unseen communites. Time: 2 turns. Sucess: 80%. Reward: Information about Werewolves, vampires, hedge mages and ghosts become unlocked (level of knowledge: weak(+1 roll))
Diplomacy: Nina
[x]Time to send someone around the departments and try to foster some decent relationships. Time: 2 turns. Success: 60%. Reward: +5 Diplomacy with future GCPD rolls.
Combat: Jessie
[x]The OIC will scout out a series of assualt cases that seem to happen in the same alley for the last two weeks. No suspect and no one entered or left the alley other than the vicitms. Time: 2 turns. Succes: 60%. Reward: SOB puts a stop the trouble, gains +2 to diplomacy and plotting rolls to the GCPD for succedding. ??

There, that should do it. Too many typos to count, so I skipped to voting.
[x]Nina Ramonaz
[x] Luke Kilpatrick
[x]Patrica Star
[x] Jessie Wagner
I feel like these four cover the widest range of abilities right now, which we need to build a solid foundation for the future department. Even with Luke not having actual magic, he makes up for it with his connections.

[x]Mentalist: +3 to Admin and allows bonuses when dealing with fine details.

Leadership: Marcus
[x]Do a simple meet and greet. The officer in charge(O.I.C) of this would choose a simple activity to get the ball rolling. Time: 1 turn. Success: 70%. Reward: Department morale +3, 10%of OIC to gain a trait. Morale bonus last until one of the first recruits dies or leaves.
Plotting: Luke
[x]Send the OIC to wander the station. Collect information on which department is open to SOB and which is not. Time: 1 turn. Success: 60%. Reward: Information gained of the police station and SOB gains +5 to all plotting rolls to do with the GCPD.
Admin: Marcus/Luke
[x]The OIC sets down to figure out exactly what it can and cannot do in relation to other departments. Time: 2 turns. Success: 70%. Rewards: +5 to diplomancy rolls with GCPD in future rolls.
Learning: Patricia
[x]The OIC needs to know the common threats that existed in the unseen communites. Time: 2 turns. Sucess: 80%. Reward: Information about Werewolves, vampires, hedge mages and ghosts become unlocked (level of knowledge: weak(+1 roll))
Diplomacy: Nina
[x]Time to send someone around the departments and try to foster some decent relationships. Time: 2 turns. Success: 60%. Reward: +5 Diplomacy with future GCPD rolls.
Combat: Jessie
[x]The OIC will scout out a series of assualt cases that seem to happen in the same alley for the last two weeks. No suspect and no one entered or left the alley other than the vicitms. Time: 2 turns. Succes: 60%. Reward: SOB puts a stop the trouble, gains +2 to diplomacy and plotting rolls to the GCPD for succedding. ??
[X] Plan Basic

[X] Luke Kilpatrick
[X] Sasha Montreal
[X] Jessie Wagner
[X] Nina Ramonaz

[X] Aura user: +3 to leadership and allows bonuses with teams.

[X] Marcus - Do a simple meet and greet. The officer in charge(O.I.C) of this would choose a simple activity to get the ball rolling. Time: 1 turn. Success: 70%. Reward: Department morale +3, 10%of OIC to gain a trait. Morale bonus last until one of the first recruits dies or leaves.
[X] Sasha - Send the OIC to wander the station. Collect information on which department is open to SOB and which is not. Time: 1 turn. Success: 60%. Reward: Information gained of the police station and SOB gains +5 to all plotting rolls to do with the GCPD.
[X] Luke - There is a odd number in the account of the department. The OIC might be able to figure out how some money isn't quite adding up. Time: 1 turn. Success: 80%. Reward: One money point added one!
[X] Nina - The OIC needs to know the common threats that existed in the unseen communities. Time: 2 turns. Success: 80%. Reward: Information about Werewolves, vampires, hedge mages and ghosts become unlocked (level of knowledge: weak(+1 roll))
[X] Nina - Send the OIC to a known magic bar, see how they feel about SOB. Time: 1 turn. Success: 60%. Reward: +2 reputation with Hedge Wizards. + 2 diplomacy with Hedges for the next two turns. Gained knowledge of Hedge Wizards(weak). Optional: use 1/4 of a money point to buy the bar a round. increases chance to 80% State if you wish this or not. - Spend money
[X] Jessie - The OIC would work the SOBs to the bone. Time: 1 turn. Success: 70%. Reward: all SOBs get +4 to combat rolls for the next 3 turns.