Eh? Garden lent her Shiva and taught her to junction magic to Str but not Vit? Would have been safer to go with Vit too so she'd be guaranteed to survive getting shot.
Eh? Garden lent her Shiva and taught her to junction magic to Str but not Vit? Would have been safer to go with Vit too so she'd be guaranteed to survive getting shot.
Problem is that she needed to actually die in the side timelines. If she junctioned vit then she wouldn't have and the jig would have been up.

The biggest issue with her completely surviving would be that she wouldn't have had the timing that her alarm gave her. That gives Coil time to plan, even if a little. If he sees how screwed he is in one timeline before the die is cast in the other then he is entirely capable of going for the "fuck you" option and setting off the base bomb.

That was, after all, the whole reason behind the alarm on the phone. To spring the trap in both timelines fast enough that he would be unable to do anything in either.
Spell Count, Seed 4
For anyone who's interested, here's Garden's spell count as of the end of the latest chapter:

Fire: 12
Blizzard: 11
Thunder: 24
Cure: 9
-All of these are from ordinary draw points around the city of Brockton or left over from New York.

And now the interesting ones:

Sleep: 100

Blind: 100

Scan: 100

Bitch has no spells at all; but all of the Undersiders and in fact all capes in general can obtain more spells as they increase their levels.
Only FF8 spells, or other FF games? 'Cause I imagine Bitch would be getting Bravery if non-VIII spells are available.
Only FF8 spells, or other FF games? 'Cause I imagine Bitch would be getting Bravery if non-VIII spells are available.

There will be elements from other FF's included, but even if she did have it, Bravery is an extremely high level spell. Usually the second or third strongest buff in the game.
Shiva.... Enjoy your icy treat, coil.
The only parahuman sources of Zombie I can think of would be Bonesaw, Echidna(Noelle), or a cracked Panacea. Its possible there might be a natural draw point at one of the city graveyards but that would at most provide 1 or 2 a pop.

Honestly it'd be a lot easier to obtain Flare(Purity), or Comet(Rune, Whirlygig) once those particular parahumas hit a high enough level (Purity may already be high enough level as of this point).

Haste is also a pretty important buff which could be obtained from Velocity, as well as possibly either Squealer's vehicles and/or Battery.
The only parahuman sources of Zombie I can think of would be Bonesaw, Echidna(Noelle), or a cracked Panacea. Its possible there might be a natural draw point at one of the city graveyards but that would at most provide 1 or 2 a pop.

Honestly it'd be a lot easier to obtain Flare(Purity), or Comet(Rune, Whirlygig) once those particular parahumans hit a high enough level (Purity may already be high enough level as of this point).

Haste is also a pretty important buff which could be obtained from Velocity, as well as possibly either Squealer's vehicles and/or Battery.

Squealer's stuff isn't usually on the whippy and fast enough end to use Haste as a theme. Her constructions are more likely to contain attack spells, as well as Protect and Shell.

Purity is out of the game at this moment and it's not clear if she'll return or not. It remains to be seen whether he'll be able to get anything from the Protectorate; he's still somewhat skeptical of them, and they're likely to be so of him, especially considering recent events.
Glory Girl for Reflect.
Clockblocker for Slow.

Would multiples of capes sharing the same power boost? As in New Wave for the related ones --adoption and by marriage don't count.
Seed 5
Getting out of Coil's base was a lot easier than getting in. Of course part of me wanted to stick around, maybe even use the place for myself, but it was too risky. Who knew what little goodies he might have left behind, and in any case the commotion would probably have led people to find out where it was before long. So we abandoned it, got out with as much as Bitch's dogs could carry, which turned out to be... a lot.

We were in a secondary safe house, one of the Undersiders, not mine, and Regent had emptied out a whole duffel bag of cash and flopped down into it, making money-angels and giggling to himself. Tempting prospect, but I resisted.

"Ohoho! I hate to admit it "Hero", but you were right. A payday like this is all worth it. No more boss, lots of money, and nothing but free time to spend it!" He giggled to himself. "How much did we get anyway?"

"One million, two hundred thousand." Tattletale answered, washing her hand in the sink. She hadn't actually gotten any blood on it, but I could understand the impulse. I walked over to her, now that we were in the clear, and set my bare hand on her shoulder. She flinched, but then almost went limp with relaxation as I pulled Shiva back from her. "Aahh... Thank you. I didn't realize how cold it was." She said. It wasn't, in fact, very cold.

"You'll survive. So, how did it feel?" I asked.

She flinched a bit.

"Not that." I clarified. "Shiva."

"Oh. Her." She said and took a heavy breath. "You carry that around with you? All the time?"

I nodded. "More or less. It doesn't sit as heavy on me as it would for you. Your compatibility is fairly low; although it's best with Shiva out of any of the three. Did it hurt? Any memory loss?"

She paused for a moment and I could see the wheels turning. "Power causes memory loss with repeated usage... No. Nothing seems out of place. It was a bit overwhelming, that's all. At least until the end. When I tried to... bring her out, it felt like I was being split in half. Before that, it was just so... objective. Even when he had a gun to my head, I didn't feel afraid, because if he shot me, I would die, and that would just be a fact that was true. How do you live like that?" She asked, staring.

"It's not as hard on me. The three sit more lightly in my head than in yours. Shiva's a little chilly, but Ifrit warms her, and Quetzelcoatl livens her up. Before I got Ifrit, it was harder, but I could live with it."

"You "Got" him? There are more."

"A lot more. And anyway, unless I'm actively keeping them junctioned, they mostly just stay asleep. It reduces the impact they have on me." I shrugged. "Now then, unless anybody else has concerns, I'll just take my share and go."

There were several stares and at least one growl.

"Oh don't be like that. After all, I was the one who got stuck in and did most of the heavy lifting, and it was half my plan. The only one who risked more than me was Tattletale, and if I'm right she'll be compensating herself in other ways." I said, wondering how many hidden offshore accounts Coil had squirreled away if he kept more than a million in cash just sitting around.

"Fine." Grue said, heading off any further protest. "Every share is 240k, that okay by you?"

"Make it 250." I drawled. "Unlike you criminals, I actually gotta pay taxes on this shit."

More stares. I didn't budge.

"Fine, take it out of mine." Grue sighed as he started parcelling out stacks of clean, minty fresh bills. We each took a duffel bag, and I stepped to exit first.

"Pleasure doing business with you. If you ever decide to change your black hat for a grey one, I'm sure you can find me. Oh, and Tattletale, if you ever get caught-"

"You killed Coil because he took me hostage and it was the only way to stop him." She said, cracking a real smile for the first time since we'd gotten done with the plan. "You're such a loser. But thanks."

I flipped the hat from my head and held it as I bowed myself out, weighed down with my... marginally not-ill gotten gains? Shit I really was going to have to pay taxes... Maybe I should look into getting a lawyer. After I hide this.


Emily Piggot, the next morning.

The night had been a typical one for Brockton for the most part; which meant reports of gang violence, drug running, escaped convicts, and assorted and sundry other crimes, most of which thankfully didn't involve a Parahuman, and thus were not her concern, but there were nasty rumblings of a brewing gang war after Lung's run in with a mystery cape had apparently ended in less of an overwhelming victory than Lung was accustomed to, and in order to prove he was still on top of things he'd started making more aggressive moves on Empire 88 territory. But until something actually happened, all she could do was make sure her people were on standby and nurse a migraine.

That was, until the knock on her door.

"Enter." She commanded, pushing reports aside. One of her officers came in; Lawrence, a man she was sad was getting too old for the field.

"Commander." he saluted shortly. "Something strange went on tonight; Brockton police got an anonymous call in for a pick up. A bunch of men in body armor, all strung up together, wrists to ankles, fast asleep. Armor from the same supplier that we get ours from, as it happens."

Her brow furrowed, and she nodded for him to continue.

"Background checks come in, and a lot of them come back with records; some of them even have extradition orders. International gangsters and mercenaries, every one. There was also a single rifle- illegally modified for full automatic fire, and some kind of underbarrel device, which we suspect is tinker tech, with a stenciled note taped to it, reading "Coil's Men: For Evidence."

She rubbed at her temples and sighed. "Have them send the gun here, I'll have Armsmaster look over it. Were these men injured?"

"Superficially. A few bruises and contusions, one had broken ribs, another a concussion from what looks like a pistol whipping, another a broken nose. Medical examiner confirmed, they weren't knocked unconscious, they were literally sleeping. None of them woke up until this morning, and they showed considerable confusion about what had happened to them.

Possibly some kind of gas attack or mind altering power; neither of which boded well. "Did they give any statements?"

"Most of them have been extremely tight lipped. One of them however, mumbled something about a snake in their sleep."

"A snake could refer to Coil, if those are his men. It matches descriptions of reports we've heard; mercenaries armed with tinker tech aren't exactly common, even here in the Bay. If that's the case though, what about Coil himself?"

"Unknown at this time."

"Keep me posted. Whoever did this could be a serious asset, or a serious pain in the ass. Either way, I want to find them and ask them a few questions." She sighed. Either way, it was going to be more work, always more.


Evening, Max Anders.

"Coil's dead." Meadows said, almost the moment Max stepped through the door in his "Other" uniform, the steel one rather than the silk. "One of our guys found him wrapped up in two garbage bags in the bottom of a garbage can. Bigass hole in his chest."

"You're certain it was him?" Max said, somewhat alarmed. Not that he was overly fond of that upstart, but cape killing was rare, and if there was that kind of cape on the loose in his city, it could spell a lot of trouble for he and his.

"Sure as can be. Tall skinny bastard in a zipped up onesie with a snake on it. Plus someone caught all his guys and left them out to dry last night. Looks like he pissed off the wrong person."

"Or people." Max said thoughtfully as he sat in his throne. "...By the way, why were your men looking into a garbage can?"

"Looking for a place to dump a body." Brad replied simply.

"Ah, of course. Great minds."


Evening, Kenta.

"I have already made my decision. There will be no conscription. My people's lives are not so cheaply spent." He declared. For once, Bakuda showed enough sense not to argue. Although not enough to simply stay silent.

"Then can I at least-"

"You will furnish Oni Lee, and that is all. And you will more clearly label your creations. If not for his abilities, I would be missing my lieutenant already." He said, cutting her off with a wave of his hand and turning away, dismissing her. She was a potent addition to his power, but her willfulness was beginning to tire him. And when he had bigger concerns to deal with; such as the repayment for his humiliation.


The Next Day: Taylor.

The Weekend was upon her. Finally, the weekend! And her costume was nearly finished. The going was much smoother now that she had already completed a suit and knew more or less how it was done, and her spiders had the benefit of getting to eat the damaged sections to recoup the loss of protein that had gone into making it the first time. Not to mention, she hadn't had to breed their numbers up from scratch. This time, she was going to reinforce it a bit more, and maybe see about getting some dye for it. Spooky-graveyard grey had never been her first choice for it, she'd just gotten in too big a hurry, and ended up nearly roasting for it.

Remembering Lung made her remember Garden, and then, the Undersiders. She bit her lip, still feeling strange and uncertain about how that had ended up. She decided to follow the training program, and on some advice from Garden, she'd bought a tub of vanilla protein powder that had joined her other secret supplies in her hiding spot. It tasted pretty unpleasant, but it was easy to chug down quickly. She was never going to be the shapely and curvy type, but she figured she could at least put on a little muscle. If Alexandria could make it look good, then so could she. Maybe. A little. And besides that, as nice as an endless swarm of bugs was to have between you and the bad guys, every hero ended up throwing a punch some time.

She was halfway done and sweating like mad when her phone beeped at her, and she paused her count to pick it up.

Moving to a new place. Meet me at 12 on Saturday @ BB Cen. Library- G.

She typed back a quick "OK." and turned the phone off, wiping her brow and taking a few deep breaths, before she dropped back down into her next set of squats, hoping that by then the burning would stop.

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Uh no. There is no path to put Brockton Bay under a parahuman autocrat. That's entirely fanon.

The plan was always to leave Brockton Bay be without Cauldron influence to stabilize matters because it was closest to collapse and being naturally taken over by said parahuman so they'd have data on what a post GM society would look like and the kind of traits they need to look out for in good future leaders.
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Uh no. There is no path to put Brockton Bay under a parahuman autocrat. That's entirely fanon.

The plan was always to leave Brockton Bay be without Cauldron influence to stabilize matters because it was closest to collapse and being naturally taken over by said parahuman so they'd have data on what a post GM society would look like and the kind of traits they need to look out for in good future leaders.

Hmm. I may have confused their relationship with Coil after giving him his powers as them doing it for the PURPOSE of putting Brockton under parahuman control. I can eliminate that segment easily, it was really just to establish that Cauldron was aware of what had happened.

And it's gone.

However, this may not be the last time something like this happens, and in the future it might not be that easy to eliminate. It's been a LONG time since I hit Worm and I was never that into it anyway. It's just fun to poke.
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Hmm. I may have confused their relationship with Coil after giving him his powers as them doing it for the PURPOSE of putting Brockton under parahuman control. I can eliminate that segment easily, it was really just to establish that Cauldron was aware of what had happened.

And it's gone.

However, this may not be the last time something like this happens, and in the future it might not be that easy to eliminate. It's been a LONG time since I hit Worm and I was never that into it anyway. It's just fun to poke.

In general, the things to watch out for fanonwise is:

1: Cauldron deliberately (as opposed to accidentally) makes things worse. They're actually trying to stabilize the world and keep capes alive, but the Entities are very good at breaking societies by picking the most broken people and giving them eye lasers. They also actively take down S class threats before they become known, but Contessa is just one lady, so there's an issue of Triage.
2: Fleur's murderer getting killed by Kaiser. That's from someone else's story, Cenotaph I'm told. In reality, the murderer served time and was welcomed into the E88 afterwards.
3: Sophia being a Ward for the entire duration of the bullying period. She was actually caught and put into boot camp in later part of the year just before the locker incident (e.g. about one year before). After coming back, they laid low for a while until they were sure that they were in the clear before jumping straight to the Locker incident.

Those are just the big ones that I can think off the top of my head.
1: Cauldron deliberately (as opposed to accidentally) makes things worse. They're actually trying to stabilize the world and keep capes alive, but the Entities are very good at breaking societies by picking the most broken people and giving them eye lasers. They also actively take down S class threats before they become known, but Contessa is just one lady, so there's an issue of Triage.
This is questionable. In the sense that in theory you are right but in practice their decision making process is so bad, especially after Hero died, that there is virtually no difference.
Reams of content have gone into detailing exactly how bad Cauldron is and then arguing that it's actually not, I would rather this thread instead be about this fanfic itself if you please.
Glory Girl for Reflect.
Clockblocker for Slow.

Would multiples of capes sharing the same power boost? As in New Wave for the related ones --adoption and by marriage don't count.
By marriage totally does. Remember that Glory Girl's forcefield takes more from her uncle than her Mom or her aunt. Blood isn't a requisite for a bud. Aiden wasn't related to Taylor, there was just closeness going both ways.

Uh no. There is no path to put Brockton Bay under a parahuman autocrat. That's entirely fanon.

The plan was always to leave Brockton Bay be without Cauldron influence to stabilize matters because it was closest to collapse and being naturally taken over by said parahuman so they'd have data on what a post GM society would look like and the kind of traits they need to look out for in good future leaders.
That's slightly off. They tested a parahuman feudalism concept there. Coil didn't get powes expressly for that, but with his powers and former position, he made an excellent opportunity to test the concept.

Remember that Cauldron is what you get when your Illuminati are reduced to throwing spaghetti to try and save the world. They're just hoping something they do sticks.
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I hope the following corrections are well received. I'm not attacking you for them, but I figure telling you about typos and odd phrasing to be constructive.

make me a human popcork kernel if he sees me again."

Unless this is a reference I'm completely missing, I think you meant popcorn

with the PRT offering a spot for him if he wanted to join

Capes can only join the Protectorate, officially at least. The PRT only accepts humans, which makes the number of capes actually working there in canon a bit amusing.

t then for some reason kept grinning the whole time he walked her through it. They did the whole process in the apartment's one bedroom, which was apparently just the gym, since he slept in the living room, with the aid of

"with the aid" of what? The sentence just dies there.

Was expecting you. Had alarms set somehow- power is independently aware and warned him. Lisa jerked a bit as the door swung open and she found herself facing a rather large and unimpressed looking gun

Large and unimpressed looking guy (with a gun)? An unimpressive gun?

"We don't even have to do the jobs if we think they don't smell right. But the pot this time was just too big to ignore. Even if we did some dragonly attention over it. See, we actually came to see if the girl behind you wanted to make a little scratch if she didn't like how the other side lives." Regent said, miming picking his nose through his mask.

"if we did get some"

He smashed a fist through the elevator's ceiling, and I hopped aboard his shoulders to let him hop up onto the roof and grip the guide cable before he snapped the suspension and let the elevator drop like a stone.

Contrary to what movies show, the standard model for elevators includes a spring loaded system that instantly engages when the cable is severed, as the spring is kept bound by the tension of the elevator's weight on the cable. From your description, it would have shuddered a few times before the weight of Ifrit overcame the strength of that spring and the track it latches onto.

Uh no. There is no path to put Brockton Bay under a parahuman autocrat. That's entirely fanon.

The plan was always to leave Brockton Bay be without Cauldron influence to stabilize matters because it was closest to collapse and being naturally taken over by said parahuman so they'd have data on what a post GM society would look like and the kind of traits they need to look out for in good future leaders.

My interpretation of canon was that they were seeing if a villain with the right support could produce a stable system. Heroes needed massive support from Cauldron to stay solvent. Arranging for stable villain arrangements would reduce the drain on Cauldron's time and energy that manipulating the markets required of Number Man. Part of why Alexandria was so upset and went so hard after Skitter, IMO, was that by turning herself in, Skitter ruined the experiment.
I hope the following corrections are well received. I'm not attacking you for them, but I figure telling you about typos and odd phrasing to be constructive.

Unless this is a reference I'm completely missing, I think you meant popcorn

I legitimately saw this like the day after I posted it, but by then I was under a two week suspension. Thanks for reminding me.

Capes can only join the Protectorate, officially at least. The PRT only accepts humans, which makes the number of capes actually working there in canon a bit amusing.

The protectorate is a subset of the Parahuman Response Team. This is a weird system, but that's how it works.

"with the aid" of what? The sentence just dies there.

I actually forgot, because that post took two weeks to write, because suspension again.

Large and unimpressed looking guy (with a gun)? An unimpressive gun?

No, the gun is unimpressed. That's the idea.

Contrary to what movies show, the standard model for elevators includes a spring loaded system that instantly engages when the cable is severed, as the spring is kept bound by the tension of the elevator's weight on the cable. From your description, it would have shuddered a few times before the weight of Ifrit overcame the strength of that spring and the track it latches onto.

Well that's not very cinematic at all.
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The protectorate is a subset of the Parahuman Response Team. This is a weird system, but that's how it works.
Actually, there are a few registered parahumans who work directly for the PRT. Accord was one, before he broke bad, and Chevalier's interlude mentioned the existence of others. They just aren't allowed to hold command positions (unless they're Cauldron).
You know I really thought that the plot direction here would generate more discussion, but I guess this story isn't really grabbing people, unfortunately. It's always sad to say but I'm considering just dropping it. Sound off if you really want more I suppose, but it doesn't seem like it'll hit SV like my other story did.
I like it, but I think the problem is that there's not much interest in OCs who don't immediately make a very strong showing straight out the gate.

Other than that, I think Coil's takedown happened a bit too fast pacing wise. Felt like you were trying to clear the deck for something else you wanted to get to.