Gangster Squad Redux - One Crimefighter At Sufficient Velocity...

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I'll be first then!

Archetype: Sleuth

Name: Morley Falls, PI.

Race: Human

Age: 32

Class: 2

Origin: City-Dweller [Gotham]


Vice and Virtue: Pride and Chivalry

Convections: A Quick Mind is just as Good as a Quick Gun.


Fisticuffs (Fs): 1

Steadiness (Sd): 1

Dexterity (Dx): 1

Grit (Gt): 2

Daring Do (Dd): 2

Slickness (Sl): 2

Sleuthiness (Su): 3

Covertness (Co): 2

Intelligence (Iq): 2

Stature (St): 2

Connections (Cn): 1

Contacts (Ct): 1

Hardiness: 4

Vitality: 10

Resolve: 8 (+1)


Gut Feeling: You have twice your base Sleuthiness for Intuition

Burst Of Insight: If you Use an Intuition to identify a Guilty Party or unknown person during a case reset your intuition to full.

Cynic: Add +1 to your base Resolve

Four Eyes

Graduate [Criminal Sciences]


Just A Hunch

Point Away From Face

Deductive Reasoning

Bullet Counting


Coldstone Revolver

Silk Vest

Ill-Fitting Suit


Morley has always been unremarkable, at least physically, short for a man, at 5'5 with an odd insistence somewhat unflattering, ill-fitting suits, a fairly bland face he's always been the sort of man that blends into a crowd. Where he shines is in his occupation, and what he uses for his occupation, his mind. Morley has always been an incredibly intelligent individual. With an eye for detail, despite his poor eyesight, at the age of 20 he joined the police academy and was top of his class and joined the force with honors.

Unfortunately Morley got bored quickly with the whole business, he felt underappreciated, underpaid, and underutilized they never gave him any of the interesting cases, ones that would hold his attention.

(Unknown to Morley, this is mostly because his captain detested his dark sense of humor, found him abrasive, arrogant, and annoying.)

So five months after he had joined the force, he left and opened up shop in a small cramped office Somewhere in Gotham.

Falls' Investigations was open for business and has been for nearly 12 years.

And then he stumbled upon The Gangster Squad (well, one of its retired members) and has been doing the occasional odd job with them ever since. Everyone needs a little excitement in their lives, I suppose.
Here are my characters:

Character Creation

Name: Nathan W. Sanders (Wounded)
Age: 22
Human or Servo: Human.
Class: 1 (Nathan had gone up in the World when he had signed up for the UCMC, though he's but a simple working man.)
Archetype: Partner
Friend Indeed - Whenever another member makes a skill check using their Archetype skill, the Partner can roll a skill check as well and use the results if it is higher.
Lean on Me - During Downtime, if both the Partner and another character in the party attempt to get rid of Stress points, the Partner can forgo a roll to allow the other character to roll an extra dice.
Rally the Troops - During combat, Partners can spend an Intuition point to raise the rest of the party's resolve by 1 for the rest of the fight.

Fisticuffs (Fs): 1
Steadiness (Sd): 3
Dexterity (Dx): 2
Grit (Gt): 3
Derring Do (Dd): 2
Slickness (Sl): 0
Sleuthiness (Su): 1
Covertness (Co): 1
Intelligence (Iq): 2
Stature (St): 2
Connections (Cn): 1
Contacts (Ct): 0
Hardiness: 5
Vitality: 3 + 8 = 11
Resolve: 6 + 2 = 8

[X] Maintenance Freak (A Soldier's Rifle is his companion and his lifeline. To neglect it is to neglect himself.)
[X] First Responder (Medics won't always be available so Nathan kept his basic First Aid in mind, better to have his comrades in the Hospital than in the Morgue.)
[X] Battlefield Medic (Steady hands make for good Medics as much as they do good Marksmen, apparently.)
[X] Stay Down! ("The best protection against bullets is to not get hit at all." - Nathan has taken this maxim to heart.)

Gangster Squad AP: 1

[2] R1 Battle Rifle (The rifle that had served Nathan well... well, it's not actually his but it's still a familiar gun.)
[1] Trench Knife (Just in case.)
[2] Barrier Vest (Police) (Better safe than sorry, Nathan would rather not test his luck.)

[0] I prefer the old fashioned sort of self improvement. (No Augs)

Having been raised in an orphanage in the poorer districts of Union City, Nathan was thrust into the harsh ghetto life that plagued all its residents. As luck would have it, he came under the care of a tough but loving caretaker who he considers to be the closest thing he has to a mother. Once he was of age, he had signed up with the UCMC in order to make something better of himself and to escape the dark spiral of violence which had claimed so many lives. He had found himself to have a talent for Marksmanship and had saved his squad many-a-time with his sharp eyes and steady hand although he had found himself to be quite adept at learning new things, becoming a Medic in particular, if he put his mind to it.

After serving his mandatory 2 years and another 3, all of which were wrought with hardship and pain that he would not wish on anyone, Nathan considered retiring after nearly having his life ended by a chance mortar shell hitting the building that he'd been hiding in and burying him in the rubble. Trying to find a legitimate job proved difficult for the man, seeing as his education was only meager and attaining higher education was something that wasn't available to him at the moment. He only knew how to be a Soldier and he'd be damned if he used his skills to enrich himself unlawfully. It was during this time that he had learned of the Gangster Squad and, after a bit of contemplation, decided to use his talents for a worthy cause and so that at least one child doesn't have to live through the childhood he had.
Name: Grigori Bodrov (Dead)
Age: 35
Human or Servo: Human, Male.
Class: 1
Archetype: Partner
Friend Indeed - Whenever another member makes a skill check using their Archetype skill, the Partner can roll a skill check as well and use the results if it is higher.
Lean on Me - During Downtime, if both the Partner and another character in the party attempt to get rid of Stress points, the Partner can forgo a roll to allow the other character to roll an extra dice.
Rally the Troops - During combat, Partners can spend an Intuition point to raise the rest of the party's resolve by 1 for the rest of the fight.

Fisticuffs (Fs): 3
Steadiness (Sd): 3
Dexterity (Dx): 2
Grit (Gt): 3
Derring Do (Dd): 2
Slickness (Sl): 0
Sleuthiness (Su): 0
Covertness (Co): 1
Intelligence (Iq): 0
Stature (St): 2
Connections (Cn): 2
Contacts (Ct): 0
Hardiness: 3 + 2 = 5
Vitality: 3 + 8 = 11
Resolve: 6 + 2 = 8

[X] Maintenance Freak
[X] Point Away From Face
[X] Short, Controlled Bursts
[X] Stay Down!

Gangster Squad AP: 1


[1] Diamondback Adder
[1] Combat Knife

[2] Barrier Vest

[1] Subdermal Armour

A second-generation Varagian immigrant, Grigori's family moved to Union City in order to escape the deplorable conditions of his homeland. Born to a loving family and a poor household, the young man was no stranger to hardship yet never lacked in warmth and affection from his parents as they worked tirelessly to provide a future for their son and themselves. To this end, Grigori did odd jobs to help make ends meet but a chance meeting would shape his life. During one cold evening, the young Varagian would run afoul of some muggers looking for easy cash. It would have turned out bad for the lad if he had not the chance luck of having a Police patrol come along who came in, arrested the muggers and escorted Grigori home.

It was this event which inspired the Vagarian to try for the Union City Police and after a few years, earned his badge as a Beat Cop at the age of 21. Grigori would then go to patrol around the 34th District's streets while doing his best to keep the denizens safe (especially his own neighborhood) for the next four years. He had been there as the casualties started to pile up and saw some of his friends and their loved ones die at the hands of the various criminal syndicates; all the while being obstructed by red tape and the rampant corruption happening upstairs. Fearing for his family, Grigori was one of the Police Officers who walked out of the job but upon hearing of Gangster Squad the young Vagarian saw a chance to remedy the situation and, hopefully, to make things safe for his family again.

And so he contacted them, in order to bring peace back to the troubled District that was his home.
Character Creation

Name: Khmel Beta
Human or Servo: Servo
Class: 0
Archetype: Punching Bot

Giant - You are much, much bigger than the average citizen of Union City, tall enough that it's considered exceptional and with strength to match your proportions. This could just be random chance of the genetic dice, you could have been designed that way for some purpose, or it is the result of the eugenic efforts of the Golden City, who consider height an overriding marker of genetic health. You get +1 to your base Grit, which can bring you over the starting limit. You must have all clothing and armour custom-tailored to your frame, so it will cost +50%, and you cannot wear found items.
Unsettling Appearance - Maybe its your extra robotic limb or your cold unfeeling glare, but people can't seem to stand being around you for prolonged periods of time. You gain +2 to all intimidation rolls in arguments, and make opponents take additional stress points in fights. However...
No Frills - Your construction is simple and robust, with everything laid out in a straightforward fashion. This makes rendering repairs a great deal more simple. Repair rolls on you are always -1 difficulty.

Fisticuffs (Fs): 4
Steadiness (Sd): 0
Dexterity (Dx): 3
Grit (Gt): 3 (4 due to Giant)
Derring Do (Dd): 3
Slickness (Sl): 0
Sleuthiness (Su): 0
Covertness (Co): 0
Intelligence (Iq): 1
Stature (St): 4
Connections (Cn): 0
Contacts (Ct): 0

Hardiness: 4 + 4 = 8
Vitality: 4 + 8 = 12
Resolve: 6 + 4 = 10

[X] Duck and Weave
[X] Furious Charge
[X] Brawler
[X] Drunken Boxer


[X] Slab Suit
[X] Subdermal Armor (2 or 3 Points of it.)

Khmel wasn't the sharpest Servo around, but he knew how to punch and punch hard. His buddies would call him everytime they got into brawls and he'd win them everytime, pummeling the stuffing out of the poor saps with his fists. Some would say that he could've been a contender, but with how he came from one of the roughest neighborhoods in Union City, he was stuck fighting in back-alley boxing matches to pay for the bills. That was until Gangster Squad rolled along and offered anyone willing to join up a handsome salary. Beating the shit out of stupid gangers and getting paid for it? What more could a guy want?
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Just a quick note regarding the mission I ran recently...

Anyways, you guys captured the person who you thought was being held hostage... turns out the whole scheme was actually his idea to get more money. Didn't turn out too well, of course, because GS had to show up and shoot out his (mechanical) eyes.

The ransom money has already been returned, but now thst you've got him inside a packing crate, you can decide what to do to him. He was a medical student, and was apparently the guy responsible for cooking up drugs and weird chemical shit.

[X]Return him to his father immediately. You'll probably get a monetary reward as a thank you.
[X] Interrogate him for his knowledge, then return him. His father won't be pleased at the delay or where all those bruise marks came from though.
Well, there's always the old standby of turning him over to the cops, too. I mean, he had to have done something illegal in there.
You only linked to the special origins, not the regular ones. If I want to recreate Diode Johnny, angry former servo terrorist, I can't have him be a Golden City superman or an Anglian noble!
Name:Washington Avenue
Background: Union City Thug
Class: 0

Fisticuffs (Fs): 3
Steadiness (Sd): 2
Dexterity (Dx): 1
Grit (Gt): 3

Derring Do (Dd): 2
Slickness (Sl): 1
Sleuthiness (Su): 0
Covertness (Co): 0

Intelligence (Iq): 1
Stature (St): 3
Connections (Cn): 0
Contacts (Ct): 2

Hardiness: 6
Vitality: 11
Resolve: 9

Suppressive Fire: When rolling more than 1 dice, double the amount of Suppression you deal
All Out Attack: You can take a -3 to your attack to double your damage bonus, so long as you are unarmed
Duck and Weave: Shooting at you after you have moved is at an additional +1 difficulty.
Stay Down: While in cover, there is an additional +1 difficulty to hit you.
Sweeping Fire: When firing a gun with multiple attack dice, add one to the range in which other characters are considered clustered.

Manifold Auto-Repeating Carbine (Two Chips)
2d10/3d10-1, +1 damage bonus, no aim bonus, 2 chips in the gun

Built-in Knuckles
Augment Spine

Advancement Points: 0

Name: ED-279 "Ed Sprockets"
Background: Ex-revolutionary
Fisticuffs (Fs): 3
Steadiness (Sd): 1
Grit (Gt): 1
Derring Do (Dd): 3

Dexterity (Dx): 2
Sleuthiness (Su): 1
Covertness (Co): 1
Intelligence (Iq): 2

Slickness (Sl): 2
Stature (St): 2
Connections (Cn): 0
Contacts (Ct): 1

Hardiness: 3
Vitality: 9
Resolve: 8

Knowledge: Human Anatomy
Hot Potato: You can begin priming an explosive the same turn you equip it.
First Responder: During any round you spend applying medical treatment, your patient will not take Ongoing Damage.
First Do Harm: If you have incapacitated someone today all your medical checks are at +1.

[1] The best protection is built in. (Subdermal Armour)
[1] I prefer to get an edge with a blade. (Combat Knife)

Advancement points: 0
Name: Sarah Walker
Human or Servo? Human
Class: 1
Archetype: Partner

- Current AP: 0
Fisticuffs (Fs): 0
Steadiness (Sd): 3
Dexterity (Dx): 3
Grit (Gt): 2
Derring Do (Dd): 3
Slickness (Sl): 1
Sleuthiness (Su): 0
Covertness (Co): 2
Intelligence (Iq): 2
Stature (St): 2
Connections (Cn): 0
Contacts (Ct): 0
Hardiness: 4
Vitality: 10
Resolve: 8


R1 Rifle (Short Scoped)
Silk Vest
Beat Vest
I look on the world through new eyes. (Zoom/Magnify/Night Vision)
The best protection is built in. (Subdermal Armour)

Name: Denine Walker
Human or Servo? Human
Class: 1

Fisticuffs (Fs): 0
Steadiness (Sd): 3
Dexterity (Dx): 3
Grit (Gt): 2
Derring Do (Dd): 3
Slickness (Sl): 1
Sleuthiness (Su): 0
Covertness (Co): 2
Intelligence (Iq): 2
Stature (St): 2
Connections (Cn): 0
Contacts (Ct): 0
Hardiness: 4
Vitality: 10
Resolve: 8

No Kill like Overkill - Steadiness, 4 Point Skill
If you inflict 2 or more Critical Hits on a target with any attack, both hits automatically cause Destroyed damage results regardless of the total damage inflicted. This only applies to humanoids or animals, and never to vehicles.

[4] More Dakka plz (Dillinger Machine Rifle w/ Bipod, Top Rail), Balanced, Calibrated, Precise
Silk Vest
Barrier Vest
[1] The best protection is built in. (Subdermal Armour)

Name: Angelica "Mis" DiPaolo
Archetype: Partner

Fisticuffs (Fs): 2
Steadiness (Sd): 0
Dexterity (Dx): 3
Grit (Gt): 3
Derring Do (Dd): 3
Slickness (Sl): 0
Sleuthiness (Su): 0
Covertness (Co): 3
Intelligence (Iq): 2
Stature (St): 2
Connections (Cn): 0
Contacts (Ct): 0
Hardiness: 5
Vitality: 11
Resolve: 8


[1] I prefer a rather unique weapon - not just for horror film villains. (Retractable claw-blades) (Use Stilletto stats) Sharpened
Stiletto, Sharpened
Longsword, Sharpened
Beat Vest
Silk Vest
[1] A little (or a lot of) extra speed and a light step goes a long way. (Bionic Legs)
[1] I look on the world through new eyes. (Zoom/Magnify/Night Vision)
[1] The best protection is built in. (Subdermal Armour)

All three of my characters... is there anyway to make these drop-down lists for compactness' sake?
Name: Franziska Dossenheim
Age: 25
Human or Servo: Human
Gende: Female
Class: 2
Origin: Deprogrammed Soldier
Archetype: Dame

Fisticuffs (Fs): 4
Steadiness (Sd): 1
Dexterity (Dx): 2
Grit (Gt): 2
Derring Do (Dd): 2
Slickness (Sl): 0
Sleuthiness (Su): 1
Covertness (Co): 2
Intelligence (Iq): 1
Stature (St): 3
Connections (Cn): 0
Contacts (Ct): 0
Hardiness: 2 + 3 = 5
Vitality: 3 + 8 = 11
Resolve: 6 + 3 = 9

Traits: Ambidextrous, Veteran (Infantry), Phobia (Servos), Sociopath.

[X] Knife To a Gunfight
[X] Furious Charge
[X] Into the Shadows
[X] Silent Takedown


[1] (2 nightsticks and dual wielded)
[2] (Diamondback Adder)

Spidersilk fatigues

[1] I look on the world through new eyes. (Zoom/Magnify/Night Vision)
[1] The best protection is built in. (Subdermal Armour)


Born from parents who served in the militant caste, Franziska was taken from her mother and fathers arms right after her birth, like all children from every caste.
Screened like the rest at academy, it was determined that she would serve in the militant caste, as quickly as she was determined for such caste her programming had already begun effectively turning her into a shock trooper.
Throught the 7 years of her service she had climbed through the ranks, joining purges of the impure and servos in the Golden City and in the cities that were under its control, soon enough she was recommended for the Apex Teams for her undying loyalty and ruthlessness to the impure and the servos.
Though all of this went down as her team was jumped by some UCMC's who took down 1 to 2 thirds of the team while the rest surrendered, she fought on injured she may be but she lost soon enough due to her wounds, fatigue and being outnumbered. Forcibly deprogrammed like every captured Golden soldier,
she was alienated from the populace due to her origin and her previous occupation. Wandering through the streets trying to find a decent job and blend in with the rest but the atrocities she had committed as well as her lack of social skill made this impossible for her, after wandering the streets for quite a while she would hear word of a group in the 34th district tackling on various groups that would threaten Union City's peace she had made the decision to join said group using the skills she had honed in her years of service as she had no other purpose than to hunt.
Sorry for the double post, but I figured the BIG IMPORTANT NEWS warranted it.

Open Sketchbook and myself are going through the process of revising how large parts of Hardboiled work. Once we feel these revisions are good (Read; Totally rad), we will be getting ready to Gangster Squad it up again!

As a taste, some of you may remember that characters had their skills split into three categories; mental, physical, and social. Each of these, in addition to their skills, also have special stats, Stress for social, Strikes for physical, and now the new Fatigue for mental.

You will now be using dice pools for checks. You will wager points in these skills in order to receive more dice, but failure means you have to take them, so be careful!

On the upside though, any points you have in a stat are counted as automatic successes.

EX: Ford is trying to decipher a code used by Networked Commune Agents. He has a base Sleuthiness of three, so his player starts off the check with three successes. Although he only has X more dice, his player, fearing that the prolonged existence of these transmissions could lead to some rather tragic Gangster Squad deaths, wagers three fatigue, allowing him to roll three more dice.

Social combat is going to be rolled into the system, and shoot-ey combat is unchanged outside of skill checks.

The number of successes needed, and the number of dice players roll, has yet to be determined.
In the current incarnation of the new rules, you'll be wagering for every dice in a skill check. That might not stick, depending on how that looks in testing. Right now, negative skill point values will mean you need additional Successes; it negates some of your current ones basically.

Combat is totally unchanged outside of skill checks themselves, though Grappling may become an opposed Grit check.
These new rules sound awesome. Will advancement still work the same though? (1 AP for every Nat 1 or Nat 10)

Also, what's the threshold for getting a success on a roll?

Edit: What will you call the new Mental analogue to Resolve and Vitality? Alertness? Sharpness? Concentration? Or are you not going to bother with one?

Double Edit: Just concerned about something. With the failure state of skill checks being codified as "you take X Stress/Strikes/Fatigue" what about more interesting, and possibly more context appropriate failure states such as "your attempt to walk results you in falling and breaking your leg" (granted, you still take the strikes, but there's also the location specific penalties) or "you attempt to sneak by the guard unnoticed, but you step on a branch, which breaks with a loud noise"
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These new rules sound awesome. Will advancement still work the same though? (1 AP for every Nat 1 or Nat 10)

Also, what's the threshold for getting a success on a roll?

Edit: What will you call the new Mental analogue to Resolve and Vitality? Alertness? Sharpness? Concentration? Or are you not going to bother with one?

Double Edit: Just concerned about something. With the failure state of skill checks being codified as "you take X Stress/Strikes/Fatigue" what about more interesting, and possibly more context appropriate failure states such as "your attempt to walk results you in falling and breaking your leg" (granted, you still take the strikes, but there's also the location specific penalties) or "you attempt to sneak by the guard unnoticed, but you step on a branch, which breaks with a loud noise"
Advancement will probably work very similarly, but I'm going to be grouping the Advancement Points slightly more generically into Social, Mental and Physical, grouping the perks the same, and breaking them up across the character sheet. At creation, only the Dame will exclusively use Generic Advancement Points; everyone else will have a mix of Generic and Mental, Physical and Social AP to get Perks with.

Threshold for success is currently 4+ on a D10.

No idea yet, but your suggests are appreciated.

These new effects are in addition to the narrative penalties. For example, you are trying to jump between two rooftops. You need Five successes and have 2 DD so you need 3 more. If you wager 5 dice and fail two rolls, you still make the jump, but take two Strikes as you, say, sprain your ankle on the landing. If you fail 3 dice, the Strikes you take probably represent you slamming into the wall opposite... then you roll for falling damage. :D
That makes sense. Though I think it might be necessary to scale up the numbers of Vitality and Resolve, given that characters are going to be taking Strikes and Stress more often.

Also, what sort of horrifying effects will Fatigue have? The most obvious thing I can think of is that if you go over a certain threshold you basically crash out of tiredness (the GM can have your character randomly crash at the worst possible time, in return for removing several Fatigue points?), and perhaps there could also be penalties to mental stats?

Also, presumably perks (and traits?) will also be grouped into the categories?

EDIT: Will the penalties for having Strikes over your Hardiness be restricted to Physical stats only (I think the penalty previously affected all stats, or am I mistaken?)
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