Gaiadimension Neptunia

Hallway, Celestia
The sleepy one seems vaguely familiar

Histy smiles at learning all of your names before you hear two more pairs of feet arrive. A sleepy looking girl with pink hair, and the girl who got mad at Histy.

She promptly backs up into a corner. The pink haired girl looks to her. "Robin, Ruby, whichever you prefer, you okay?" She asks, before yawning gently.

And then a sixth girl arrived.

Histy smiled gently. "I am glad almost all of us are here. Hm. I hope the seventh CPU arrives shortly..." The bookfairy muses.

I raise an eyebrow. Robin? Ruby? One person with both names? What else, Roland? Though there remains a chance of her being someone else...

It's not only her, though. There's also the pink-haired one, her sleepy demeanor ringing a bell. I wonder...

I follow suit after Juno's introduction. "I'm Rae," I say with a brief, gentle wave and a smile, after which I turn towards the fairy.

"Is the sleepy one Lilliana?" I quietly ask Histy. It's either her or the tall, tanned one, but Lilliana was the one who was asleep.

@Jhin Lemon
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I raise an eyebrow. Robin? Ruby? One person with both names? What else, Roland? Though there remains a chance of her being someone else...

It's not only her, though. There's also the pink-haired one, her sleepy demeanor ringing a bell. I wonder...

I follow suit after Juno's introduction. "I'm Rae," I say with a brief, gentle wave and a smile, after which I turn towards the fairy.

"Is the sleepy one Lilliana?" I quietly ask Histy. It's either her or the tall, tanned one, but Lilliana was the one who was asleep.
Oh crap I haven't figured out what to call my-"I'm Sarah, nice to meet you." Well that works I suppose. "I made some food, should be ok for reheating if you want any."
Currently invisible
Not actually invisible
Histy smiles at learning all of your names before you hear two more pairs of feet arrive. A sleepy looking girl with pink hair, and the girl who got mad at Histy.
More Introductions!

"Hi there! I'm Juno!" I say, possibly too enthusiastically again. Hey, it worked last time, and if it works it works, I guess. Hopefully...

Blah. No. Self-doubt is bad. Be the enthusiasm.
Hallway, Celestia
The sleepy one seems vaguely familiar

I raise an eyebrow. Robin? Ruby? One person with both names? What else, Roland? Though there remains a chance of her being someone else...

It's not only her, though. There's also the pink-haired one, her sleepy demeanor ringing a bell. I wonder...

I follow suit after Juno's introduction. "I'm Rae," I say with a brief, gentle wave and a smile, after which I turn towards the fairy.

"Is the sleepy one Lilliana?" I quietly ask Histy. It's either her or the tall, tanned one, but Lilliana was the one who was asleep.

@Jhin Lemon
Oh crap I haven't figured out what to call my-"I'm Sarah, nice to meet you." Well that works I suppose. "I made some food, should be ok for reheating if you want any."
I shuffled nervously at the sound of yet more people arriving. 'More people who'll think I'm weird for hiding like this.' I thought glumly, hunkering down further into my protective bastion of bedclothes as I tried to will myself invisible. At this point, I had basically given up on any hope of snapping myself out of 'shy and introverted' mode without a break from being around people- the flaws of doubling down on an action revealing themselves too late for me to actually do anything about it.

'Though that doesn't excuse being rude by ignoring whoever the new people are.' I mentally added, my shoulders slumping as I realised what that meant. Bracing myself, I took a deep breath before forcing myself to mumble, "'m Eri," my voice muffled by the duvet surrounding me, but still understandable.
Robin Styles
Stealth Hikki Robby

She promptly backs up into a corner. The pink haired girl looks to her. "Robin, Ruby, whichever you prefer, you okay?" She asks, before yawning gently.

"I'm alright and Robin works." I said quietly hoping not to draw attention to myself... Hmm It seems I will have to resort to THAT if I want to keep myself from the eyes of my peers.

Adopting the most uninterested body language and exuding an aura of utter irrelevance I activated my legendary skill

Loner technique 77 Stealth Robby! I shouted in my mind a mental avatar of myself preforming a Jojo esque pose.
As the silence stretches I decide to start talking. The problem? I kind of just start rambling, "So, what do you all think of this? I'm having some trouble keeping myself from bursting out in laughter, tears, or screams of rage myself. I think it's the hormonal imbalance personally. Hey Histy, any ideas on how to help with that? Because I could really use some help with that. I'm sorry, I tend to babble when I'm nervous or excited, nervous in this case, I'm just going to shut up and go hide in a corner now..." I finally manage to cut myself off and immediately proceed to go the same color as a tomato. Why did I say all of that? Oh dear sweet Tachibana why?!
Hallway, Celestia
The sleepy one seems vaguely familiar

I raise an eyebrow. Robin? Ruby? One person with both names? What else, Roland? Though there remains a chance of her being someone else...
It's not only her, though. There's also the pink-haired one, her sleepy demeanor ringing a bell. I wonder...
I follow suit after Juno's introduction. "I'm Rae," I say with a brief, gentle wave and a smile, after which I turn towards the fairy.
"Is the sleepy one Lilliana?" I quietly ask Histy. It's either her or the tall, tanned one, but Lilliana was the one who was asleep.
@Jhin Lemon
Historie nodded. "Yeah... Her situation was kinda bad after she woke up. Her and her mother got into a screaming match..." The book fairy whispered to you before sighing.
More Introductions!

"Hi there! I'm Juno!" I say, possibly too enthusiastically again. Hey, it worked last time, and if it works it works, I guess. Hopefully...
Blah. No. Self-doubt is bad. Be the enthusiasm.
Oh crap I haven't figured out what to call my-"I'm Sarah, nice to meet you." Well that works I suppose. "I made some food, should be ok for reheating if you want any."
Robin Styles
Stealth HikkiRobby

"I'm alright and Robin works." I said quietly hoping not to draw attention to myself... Hmm It seems I will have to resort to THAT if I want to keep myself from the eyes of my peers.
Adopting the most uninterested body language and exuding an aura of utter irrelevance I activated my legendary skill
Loner technique 77 Stealth Robby! I shouted in my mind a mental avatar of myself preforming a Jojo esque pose.
As the silence stretches I decide to start talking. The problem? I kind of just start rambling, "So, what do you all think of this? I'm having some trouble keeping myself from bursting out in laughter, tears, or screams of rage myself. I think it's the hormonal imbalance personally. Hey Histy, any ideas on how to help with that? Because I couldreallyuse some help with that. I'm sorry, I tend to babble when I'm nervous or excited, nervous in this case, I'm just going to shut up and go hide in a corner now..." I finally manage to cut myself off and immediately proceed to go the same color as a tomato. Why did I say all of that? Oh dear sweet Tachibana why?!
Histy smiled gently. "It should cease on its own in a hour or so. The horomones and such simply need time to calm down."

The purple haired CPU blinked before yawning. "My name's Lilliana. You all sound nice. Um... Histy.. The.. the gender euphoria's gonna stay right? It feels really nice..." She mumbled the last part, yet Histy nodded all the same.
@Atma Warrior, you woke up late, reply to the OP.
Hallway, Celestia
I like this

As the silence stretches I decide to start talking. The problem? I kind of just start rambling, "So, what do you all think of this? I'm having some trouble keeping myself from bursting out in laughter, tears, or screams of rage myself. I think it's the hormonal imbalance personally. Hey Histy, any ideas on how to help with that? Because I could really use some help with that. I'm sorry, I tend to babble when I'm nervous or excited, nervous in this case, I'm just going to shut up and go hide in a corner now..." I finally manage to cut myself off and immediately proceed to go the same color as a tomato. Why did I say all of that? Oh dear sweet Tachibana why?!

It's not the same way for me. If anything, I feel... happy and nice. I like what became of me...

"I like this," is my response.

Historie nodded. "Yeah... Her situation was kinda bad after she woke up. Her and her mother got into a screaming match..." The book fairy whispered to you before sighing.

"Goodness... will you be able to help her?" It once more reminds me of a certain online friend. First the name, sleepiness, and Share Power, and now a familiar-sounding situation...

Histy smiled gently. "It should cease on its own in a hour or so. The hormones and such simply need time to calm down."

The purple haired CPU blinked before yawning. "My name's Lilliana. You all sound nice. Um... Histy.. The.. the gender euphoria's gonna stay right? It feels really nice..." She mumbled the last part, yet Histy nodded all the same.
@Atma Warrior, you woke up late, reply to the OP.

From being beside Histy, I could overhear what was mentioned. Gender euphoria... that just so happens to describe well my feelings on the matter. "You're not the only one," I quietly say.
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Across the world, several individuals awoke after a strange dream. Though much of the dream escapes their memories, they all remember fragments of the dream. It was lucid, and in it, a certain book fairy named Histoire from a certain video game series appeared and explained the world was in danger from another book fairy, one with malevolent intent. In exchange for fighting to protect the world, they would be granted divinity. Each of them remembers accepting the deal, their reason as to why, and most importantly, how to find Histoire. Simply think of wanting to be where she is, and she'll bring you to where she's staying.

When each of them woke up, they would find themselves changed. To those who lived alone, they would awake to silence in the calm of the morning or night. Whenever it was they awoke. To those who lived with others, they found that they awoke to the sound of Histoire explaining to said others. Though her voice sounded as if she was speaking through a phone, compared to how she sounded in the dream.

And in Celestia, the pocket dimension Historie had made, yet another of the newly ascended CPUs was fast asleep. She was the first to awaken, and had entered Celestia and fallen asleep after a tense and hectic awakening.
@Jhin Lemon
Mondays am I right?

That was a strange dream. I mean there were stranger of course, but you know fighting evil faeries in a land where the characters are console people, okay thats up there. I mean yeah, I agreed, it was just a dream afterall.

I fumble around in my bed with my eyes shut today was monday wasnt it? Did I set my alarm clock at all? I hope not, today was the evening shift and I like lazy mornings... Shit is it Tuesday?

I get up, blearily reach for my glasses, and run my hands through my hair.




"Why do I have so much hair?" I ask aloud. I mean I keep it short. Borderline buzz cut because Im too lazy to comb it... why is my voice different? No.... nonononono.....

I scramble out of the bed, nearly tripping over the sheets to a small mirror. I was female... okay so that dream wasnt so much as a... okay breath Morgan breath, thank God you were given a unisex name... Not helping! Just gotta!

I pause give and my reflection a good look.

"Cono carrajo... Just get yourself dressed and fed Morgan." I say to myself. "You'll think straighter that way."

It wasn't that difficult honestly. I mean the clothes were there, they fit, hell I even threw in some black bands around my fingers and wrists for a why not moment. I fixed my glasses, looked myself in mirror before looking towards the door.

"Food or anwsers in any order. Getting Ranma-ed... there are probably other peoole here like me here... I'll break ice with them if thats the case, or listen to Dio for hour and just deal with it. Shit I'm talking to my own reflection ..." I say before leaving.

As the silence stretches I decide to start talking. The problem? I kind of just start rambling, "So, what do you all think of this? I'm having some trouble keeping myself from bursting out in laughter, tears, or screams of rage myself. I think it's the hormonal imbalance personally. Hey Histy, any ideas on how to help with that? Because I could really use some help with that. I'm sorry, I tend to babble when I'm nervous or excited, nervous in this case, I'm just going to shut up and go hide in a corner now..." I finally manage to cut myself off and immediately proceed to go the same color as a tomato. Why did I say all of that? Oh dear sweet Tachibana why?!
God d-grr. Why did you have to bring up gender stuff? I don't want to think about it... and I can't just tune out...

It's fine. I'm fine. Just don't care about it. It doesn't matter.
"Is the sleepy one Lilliana?" I quietly ask Histy. It's either her or the tall, tanned one, but Lilliana was the one who was asleep.
Historie nodded. "Yeah... Her situation was kinda bad after she woke up. Her and her mother got into a screaming match..." The book fairy whispered to you before sighing.
"Goodness... will you be able to help her?" It once more reminded me of a certain online friend. First the name, sleepiness, and Share Power, and now a familiar-sounding situation...
It's times like these I'm not sure how I feel about my hearing... On one hand, listening in is intruding. On the other, Lilliana, sleepy, and shouting...could it be Arkos? And Rae seems to know her too...

The third hand is that this is a good distraction.
Histy smiled gently. "It should cease on its own in a hour or so. The horomones and such simply need time to calm down."
Pfft, yeah right. That's not how hormones work. This is forever now, maybe not to the same extent, but the hormones stay there...
The purple haired CPU blinked before yawning. "My name's Lilliana. You all sound nice. Um... Histy.. The.. the gender euphoria's gonna stay right? It feels really nice..." She mumbled the last part, yet Histy nodded all the same.
From being beside Histy, I could overhear what was mentioned. Gender euphoria... that just so happens to describe well my feelings on the matter. "You're not the only one," I quietly say.
...of course you two are perfectly fine with this. She's almost definitely Arkos at this point. And other other one...maybe Ube? Blah. Can we just get off this topic?

"Sure," I force myself to say, agreeing with the pair.
Robin Styles

Gender euphoria huh? Meh, not really feeling it myself still consider myself gender fluid so guess I only have to deal with the hormonal shift, letting out a quiet sigh I closed my eyes stealth Robby had been a complete success. Hopefully, this meeting ended soon I wanted another Tea and a good hour or two to lose myself in a book, this entire experience was hella stressful and left me feeling quite exhausted.
Apartment Kitchen --> Celestia Castle Grounds
Onwards and Upwards I guess

Breakfast ineviatbly came first and it really boiled down to a toasted bagel, an apple and banana with a glass of water. Then the phone call came... So that was an interesting conversation. My parents knew, kinda... They were good about it, a good deal after the inital grilling of making an agreement with something and treating it like a joke. Maybe I did... I was also asked if Absinthe was involved the night before... and it was, but hey special occassions such as a friend's birthday require special tidings.

The phone call ended after a few minutes and the meal a short time later. I felt okay about it. Not great, but I'd be lying if I said I was not in some way concerned about the future both mine and well....

"Time to meet the new boss." I said while grabbing, I smiled as I grabbed my keys and phone. It was a weird feeling like moving for the first time. I may never come back to this apartment... Who was I kidding of course I was coming back here, all my stuff was here.

I closed my eyes and envisioned the floating isle, the castle built upon it and then, I felt something shift around me. The feeling of tile floors was replaced with something else, stone work maybe and the temperature was also a factor. I was standing on path with arches and pillars on either side, the castle looming in the distance. I took a breath and began to jog in its general direction. Watch, I was probably late for all the important stuff.
Historie nodded. "Yeah... Her situation was kinda bad after she woke up. Her and her mother got into a screaming match..." The book fairy whispered to you before sighing.

Histy smiled gently. "It should cease on its own in a hour or so. The horomones and such simply need time to calm down."

The purple haired CPU blinked before yawning. "My name's Lilliana. You all sound nice. Um... Histy.. The.. the gender euphoria's gonna stay right? It feels really nice..." She mumbled the last part, yet Histy nodded all the same.
@Atma Warrior, you woke up late, reply to the OP.
Hallway, Celestia
I like this

It's not the same way for me. If anything, I feel... happy and nice. I like what became of me...

"I like this," is my response.

"Goodness... will you be able to help her?" It once more reminds me of a certain online friend. First the name, sleepiness, and Share Power, and now a familiar-sounding situation...

From being beside Histy, I could overhear what was mentioned. Gender euphoria... that just so happens to describe well my feelings on the matter. "You're not the only one," I quietly say.

God d-grr. Why did you have to bring up gender stuff? I don't want to think about it... and I can't just tune out...

It's fine. I'm fine. Just don't care about it. It doesn't matter.

It's times like these I'm not sure how I feel about my hearing... On one hand, listening in is intruding. On the other, Lilliana, sleepy, and shouting...could it be Arkos? And Rae seems to know her too...

The third hand is that this is a good distraction.

Pfft, yeah right. That's not how hormones work. This is forever now, maybe not to the same extent, but the hormones stay there...

...of course you two are perfectly fine with this. She's almost definitely Arkos at this point. And other other one...maybe Ube? Blah. Can we just get off this topic?

"Sure," I force myself to say, agreeing with the pair.
If this had been an anime, then at this point there would have been a cutaway to a confused chibi-me with question marks popping into existence over my head as the conversation and its context flew right over my head. I mean yeah, arguments with your parents were bad, but how did gender and euphoria and hormones relate to all that? I had no idea, but the rest of them seem to understand what they were all talking about so I probably wasn't going to get an explanation just from listening to them.

'...well, I guess someone will explain it if I need to know.' I concluded, hugging myself with my duvet again, grateful that nobody was focusing on me right now. Closing my eyes for a moment, I sighed before leaning back against the wall behind me and mentally chanting a mantra to myself as I began to try to pull my head back together a little. 'This is good. I'm safe. Nobody's out for me. I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm fine...'
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Historie nodded. "Yeah... Her situation was kinda bad after she woke up. Her and her mother got into a screaming match..." The book fairy whispered to you before sighing.

Histy smiled gently. "It should cease on its own in a hour or so. The horomones and such simply need time to calm down."

The purple haired CPU blinked before yawning. "My name's Lilliana. You all sound nice. Um... Histy.. The.. the gender euphoria's gonna stay right? It feels really nice..." She mumbled the last part, yet Histy nodded all the same.
@Atma Warrior, you woke up late, reply to the OP.
Ok, so this won't last too much longer. That's good. I don't know what I can do. That's not as good. One of my now allies goes by Lilliana. That sounds familiar... I'll try to figure it out later. "Is there somewhere we can figure out what we can do while we're here? I mean if we're going to be fighting, it would probably be a good idea to know our limits right?" That's a good thing to ask, I'm glad I thought of it! "Also, I would like to once again say that I made a lot of food, and if you'd like any it is in the kitchen."
Hallway, Celestia
I like this

It's not the same way for me. If anything, I feel... happy and nice. I likewhat became of me...

"I like this," is my response.

"Goodness... will you be able to help her?" It once more reminds me of a certain online friend. First the name, sleepiness, and Share Power, and now a familiar-sounding situation...

From being beside Histy, I could overhear what was mentioned. Gender euphoria... that just so happens to describe well my feelings on the matter. "You're not the only one," I quietly say.
The book fairy nods. "She's staying here, each of the CPUs has a room, and she basically took everything that belonged to her from her place and dumped it in there. Well. She asked me to at least."

I perked up. Someone like me? That'll make it easier... Waita... Rae? Hasn't Ube used that name before?

God d-grr. Why did you have to bring up gender stuff? I don't want to think about it... and I can't just tune out...

It's fine. I'm fine. Just don't care about it. It doesn't matter.

It's times like these I'm not sure how I feel about my hearing... On one hand, listening in is intruding. On the other, Lilliana, sleepy, and shouting...could it be Arkos? And Rae seems to know her too...

The third hand is that this is a good distraction.

Pfft, yeah right. That's not how hormones work. This is forever now, maybe not to the same extent, but the hormones stay there...

...of course you two are perfectly fine with this. She's almost definitely Arkos at this point. And other other one...maybe Ube? Blah. Can we just get off this topic?

"Sure," I force myself to say, agreeing with the pair.
Is she okay? I looked to her with worry in my eyes, Histy as well. "Heya Histy, if someone's uncomfortable with the results of their ascension would you have any ways of helping them with that?"

The book fairy nodded. "Yes, but the exact method would depend on the cause and what they want."
Robin Styles

Gender euphoria huh? Meh, not really feeling it myself still consider myself gender fluid so guess I only have to deal with the hormonal shift, letting out a quiet sigh I closed my eyes stealth Robby had been a complete success. Hopefully, this meeting ended soon I wanted another Tea and a good hour or two to lose myself in a book, this entire experience was hella stressful and left me feeling quite exhausted.
Noticing Robin was getting stressed out... Yeah if she's like me then his nerves are probably exhausted by now.
If this had been an anime, then at this point there would have been a cutaway to a confused chibi-me with question marks popping into existence over my head as the conversation and its context flew right over my head. I mean yeah, arguments with your parents were bad, but how did gender and euphoria and hormones relate to all that? I had no idea, but the rest of them seem to understand what they were all talking about so I probably wasn't going to get an explanation just from listening to them.

'...well, I guess someone will explain it if I need to know.'I concluded, hugging myself with my duvet again, grateful that nobody was focusing on me right now. Closing my eyes for a moment, I sighed before leaning back against the wall behind me and mentally chanting a mantra to myself as I began to try to pull my head back together a little. 'This is good. I'm safe. Nobody's out for me. I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm fine...'
If Neptune was present, she'd have joked about how more then one conversation could happen. Instead, the book fairy shot Eri a look of concern.
Ok, so this won't last too much longer. That's good. I don't know what I can do. That's not as good. One of my now allies goes by Lilliana. That sounds familiar... I'll try to figure it out later. "Is there somewhere we can figure out what we can do while we're here? I mean if we're going to be fighting, it would probably be a good idea to know our limits right?" That's a good thing to ask, I'm glad I thought of it! "Also, I would like to once again say that I made a lot of food, and if you'd like any it is in the kitchen."
My stomach growled at that. "That sounds nice... I haven't had breakfast today so I'm kinda starving." I yawned, then started to head off to the kitchen to grab something to eat.

Apartment Kitchen --> Celestia Castle Grounds

Onwards and Upwards I guess

Breakfast ineviatbly came first and it really boiled down to a toasted bagel, an apple and banana with a glass of water. Then the phone call came... So that was an interesting conversation. My parents knew, kinda... They were good about it, a good deal after the inital grilling of making an agreement with something and treating it like a joke. Maybe I did... I was also asked if Absinthe was involved the night before... and it was, but hey special occassions such as a friend's birthday require special tidings.

The phone call ended after a few minutes and the meal a short time later. I felt okay about it. Not great, but I'd be lying if I said I was not in some way concerned about the future both mine and well....

"Time to meet the new boss." I said while grabbing, I smiled as I grabbed my keys and phone. It was a weird feeling like moving for the first time. I may never come back to this apartment... Who was I kidding of course I was coming back here, all my stuff was here.

I closed my eyes and envisioned the floating isle, the castle built upon it and then, I felt something shift around me. The feeling of tile floors was replaced with something else, stone work maybe and the temperature was also a factor. I was standing on path with arches and pillars on either side, the castle looming in the distance. I took a breath and began to jog in its general direction. Watch, I was probably late for all the important stuff.

You arrive in the middle of the above scene. Histy notices you after everyone's done taking and smiles. "So the seventh goddess is here. After everyone who's hungry has had something to eat, I'll continue to answer any questions you all have."
Hallway, Celestia
Time to eat

Ok, so this won't last too much longer. That's good. I don't know what I can do. That's not as good. One of my now allies goes by Lilliana. That sounds familiar... I'll try to figure it out later. "Is there somewhere we can figure out what we can do while we're here? I mean if we're going to be fighting, it would probably be a good idea to know our limits right?" That's a good thing to ask, I'm glad I thought of it! "Also, I would like to once again say that I made a lot of food, and if you'd like any it is in the kitchen."

Food? Hm... I haven't had breakfast yet. Some of that would be nice.

The book fairy nods. "She's staying here, each of the CPUs has a room, and she basically took everything that belonged to her from her place and dumped it in there. Well. She asked me to at least."

I perked up. Someone like me? That'll make it easier... Waita... Rae? Hasn't Ube used that name before?

Is she okay? I looked to her with worry in my eyes, Histy as well. "Heya Histy, if someone's uncomfortable with the results of their ascension would you have any ways of helping them with that?"

The book fairy nodded. "Yes, but the exact method would depend on the cause and what they want."

Noticing Robin was getting stressed out... Yeah if she's like me then his nerves are probably exhausted by now.

If Neptune was present, she'd have joked about how more then one conversation could happen. Instead, the book fairy shot Eri a look of concern.

My stomach growled at that. "That sounds nice... I haven't had breakfast today so I'm kinda starving." I yawned, then started to head off to the kitchen to grab something to eat.

You arrive in the middle of the above scene. Histy notices you after everyone's done taking and smiles. "So the seventh goddess is here. After everyone who's hungry has had something to eat, I'll continue to answer any questions you all have."

That's good, that Histy was able to help her. Staying here would be better than a degrading domestic situation.

Meanwhile, it seems that not everyone is exactly happy with being CPUs, but it seems that the historian would be able to handle it. Hopefully.

So, seven of us in all. Huh... but I find it a bit embarrassing to be referred to as a goddess. I was merely granted powers and stuff, is all.

Following Lilly to the kitchen, a thought comes to mind, and as such, I decide to inquire about something not quite related to our situation. "How are Nepgear and the others doing?" I ask Histoire, curious about it since they're actually real now.
If I can't see them, they can't see me!
Ok, so this won't last too much longer. That's good. I don't know what I can do. That's not as good. One of my now allies goes by Lilliana. That sounds familiar... I'll try to figure it out later. "Is there somewhere we can figure out what we can do while we're here? I mean if we're going to be fighting, it would probably be a good idea to know our limits right?" That's a good thing to ask, I'm glad I thought of it! "Also, I would like to once again say that I made a lot of food, and if you'd like any it is in the kitchen."
'Food. Food is good.' I thought, still sheltering in my duvet. 'Maybe I'll get some in a bit. Once everyone else has eaten. And thank her, have to thank her.'
If Neptune was present, she'd have joked about how more then one conversation could happen. Instead, the book fairy shot Eri a look of concern.
Following Lilly to the kitchen, a thought comes to mind, and as such, I decide to inquire about something not quite related to our situation. "How are Nepgear and the others doing?" I ask Histoire, curious about it since they're actually real now.
Nuzzling my bedclothes to myself as I was, I was unable to see the look that Histoire was giving me. Instead, aside from the brief distraction that the mention of food had brought, I kept my attention focused inwards and kept repeating reassuring thoughts as I tried to reign in my shyness and anxiety. Some part of me registered that some of the others were starting to leave the room, but I largely ignored that- only risking a peak out of my shelter to check that coast was clear once the sound of footsteps and talking faded.
The book fairy nods. "She's staying here, each of the CPUs has a room, and she basically took everything that belonged to her from her place and dumped it in there. Well. She asked me to at least."

I perked up. Someone like me? That'll make it easier... Waita... Rae? Hasn't Ube used that name before?

Is she okay? I looked to her with worry in my eyes, Histy as well. "Heya Histy, if someone's uncomfortable with the results of their ascension would you have any ways of helping them with that?"

The book fairy nodded. "Yes, but the exact method would depend on the cause and what they want."

Noticing Robin was getting stressed out... Yeah if she's like me then his nerves are probably exhausted by now.

If Neptune was present, she'd have joked about how more then one conversation could happen. Instead, the book fairy shot Eri a look of concern.

My stomach growled at that. "That sounds nice... I haven't had breakfast today so I'm kinda starving." I yawned, then started to head off to the kitchen to grab something to eat.

You arrive in the middle of the above scene. Histy notices you after everyone's done taking and smiles. "So the seventh goddess is here. After everyone who's hungry has had something to eat, I'll continue to answer any questions you all have."
So, guess I should have waited for breakfast huh?

I looked at the six others and Histoire with a look that I tried to be polite with, I did kinda just run into the place after all, before straightening my clothes and introdcuing myself.

"Good morning!" I say with with a weak smile. "My name is Morgan and I'm sure its a pleasure to meet you all." I look at Histoire before saying, "I can wait, don't worry."

"Son of a bitch, I did miss everything." I thought bitterly.

I look around quickly before taking a seat next to the closest person to me which looked like a mass of blankets in human-ish shape.

Castle Celestia
Caution, Poking Blankets may cause issues...

So I didn't take a seat... I leaned on wall next to... a giant pile of blankets.

"Come on Morgan you can do this." I think to myself. "Resist the urge..."

I mean there's a goddess's goddess standing like a few feet from and someone wrapped up in so many blankets, that they're either trying make a weapon to surpass BLANKET GEAR, or just look like Randy from a Christmas Story.


I can't help but let a low chuckle out at either images as my hand slowly extends the index finger.

"No don't poke BLANKET GEAR SAHALANTHROPUS... Your better than this Morgan... I mean it's not like I'm going Scott Farkus this... Kid? Shit they could be older than me, wallowing in their own bewilderment or just passed out. Hopefully passed out. I mean shit, I would too if the whole evil on the distant horizon wasn't at the semi forefront of my mind."

Mat hand unconsciously moves closer to the approximate head of the mass of blankets.

"Okay, I mean I get it. You know the proverbial main chassis of A has been swapped in record time with Chassis B, but I mean Chassis B comes with immortality? Yeah lets go with that and I'm totally equating gender changes with car parts! Stop brain, just stop and what else can you think that's in poor taste?"

My hand, which had at this moment been placing itself precariously close to blanket girl's suspected cranium choose that moment to poke it...

I stop my internal diatribe, stare at the indent in the blankets, at my finger, the indent again, everyone else, and then the blanket before pausing.

"In for a penny, in for a pound..."

I poke the blankets again.

Duvet armour: less effective than hoped
Castle Celestia
Caution, Poking Blankets may cause issues...

So I didn't take a seat... I leaned on wall next to... a giant pile of blankets.

"Come on Morgan you can do this." I think to myself. "Resist the urge..."

I mean there's a goddess's goddess standing like a few feet from and someone wrapped up in so many blankets, that they're either trying make a weapon to surpass BLANKET GEAR, or just look like Randy from a Christmas Story.


I can't help but let a low chuckle out at either images as my hand slowly extends the index finger.

"No don't poke BLANKET GEAR SAHALANTHROPUS... Your better than this Morgan... I mean it's not like I'm going Scott Farkus this... Kid? Shit they could be older than me, wallowing in their own bewilderment or just passed out. Hopefully passed out. I mean shit, I would too if the whole evil on the distant horizon wasn't at the semi forefront of my mind."

Mat hand unconsciously moves closer to the approximate head of the mass of blankets.

"Okay, I mean I get it. You know the proverbial main chassis of A has been swapped in record time with Chassis B, but I mean Chassis B comes with immortality? Yeah lets go with that and I'm totally equating gender changes with car parts! Stop brain, just stop and what else can you think that's in poor taste?"

My hand, which had at this moment been placing itself precariously close to blanket girl's suspected cranium choose that moment to poke it...
Caught up in my own self-pity and recriminations at my cowardice, as well as my attempts to reassure myself back to a more normal emotional state, I failed to notice the girl who approached me, or hear their chuckle. No, the first sign I had that someone was trying to get my attention was a part of my duvet to the side of my head suddenly bulging inwards. Not really realising what it was, I swivelled my head towards the bulge in vague curiosity-
I stop my internal diatribe, stare at the indent in the blankets, at my finger, the indent again, everyone else, and then the blanket before pausing.

"In for a penny, in for a pound..."

I poke the blankets again.

-and as a result found my duvet suddenly deforming right into my eye, as Morgan unknowingly poked directly into it.

"Blerk!" I yelled in startled pain, my left arm flying up to knock away the intruding finger as I stepped back from the malicious poker of blankets. Or at least, that was I tried to do as old reflexes that had never quite faded kicked in, but unfortunately those reflexes had never been trained to account for being tightly wrapped up in a duvet. As a result, instead of performing a rising block and creating some distance between me and the person who'd invaded my personal space I instead pulled myself off balance, trod on a trailing end of duvet that I immediately yanked out from under myself, and fell over backwards.


And because of where I was standing, immediately hit the back of my head against the wall behind me before tumbling to the floor in an uncoordinated heap.


"Owww..." I moaned from the ground, my eyes screwed tightly shut as I rubbed the back of my head. Truthfully, the stumble and fall hadn't actually hurt all that much, but it was something of a tradition and habit of mine to overact in this sort situation.

'But anyway, what was that?' I wondered, slowly pushing myself up into a sitting position and rubbing the eye that had been poked with the back of my hand. Why had my duvet suddenly and traitorously poked me in the eye? Frowning, I rubbed my stinging eye twice more, before finally opening my eyes and looking up...

'...oh.' I thought, my gaze immediately snapping back down from the face of the girl looming over me to her feet, a massive blush appearing on my face as I snatched up the edges of my duvet from where it had spread out around me during my fall and wrapped it back around my shoulders.
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Duvet armour: less effective than hoped
Well that's interesting I suppose. "I'm not entirely sure I made enough food, so you two may want to hurry over to the kitchen." With that said I turn to the duvet and, with a grin say "Besides, there are better places to take a nap than on the ground." I hold my hand out to them, grin, and continue with "Give me your hand." Heh, I pulled a Chrom! Why do I find that so hilarious? Meh I'll figure it out later.