Gaiadimension Neptunia


You hear a announcment about breakfast from inside the castle. Your stomach growls faintly.
I'm forced out of my peace by a loud and semi-metallic voice announcing breakfast. A pang of hunger comes from my stomach shortly after. That's right, I haven't eaten anything yet. With an annoyed sigh, I stand up and gently tap the back of my head against the wall. On one hand, food; on the other hand, those girls who saw me being weird and running over here are probably there. Well, I'll probably have to deal with them eventually any way, might as well bite the bullet when I have control over it.

I push off from the wall and begin my walk back around the castle to the door. After what feels like long enough that I start to wonder if I'm going the wrong way, I turn and find the doors. And, upon walking through, I announce my existence.

"Hello?" I say, awkwardness filling my voice as I see no one. I'm not really sure where to go either...
Mobile Duvet Fortress
The Book Fairy curled up on herself. "No. Whatever you are referring to I do not... I simply want to help." She was telling the truth.
Robin Styles
A state that I can't allow

Seeing the genuine confusion in her eyes I backed up and gave a small sigh. "Sorry about that, I have certain issues that you could have exploited to make me agree and I needed to be sure you didn't have them in mind during your recruitment." I apologized before turning on my heel putting in my earbuds and walking away.
I was now even more curious what that exchange had been about, but seeing as it was clearly personal to the brunette I again refrained from interjecting- instead, choosing simply to stand aside as she left.
I accompany Histy for a bit. "May I know which power I was granted with?" I ask. I'd like to treat it as a... gift from her, a sense of responsibility to go with it.

"I'm... sort of curious about that too?" I said, my hand emerging from my duvet cocoon for a moment as I raised it in the air. I kept it there for a moment, before hurriedly dropping it back down and re-engulfing myself in my bedding as I shyly continued. "And... also what you meant by HDD and Share Loss and CPUs? And that sort of thing?"

As I finished my questions I could feel my cheeks starting to burn from the attention I knew I'd just brought upon myself by speaking up and showing my ignorance, and in a sudden fit of self-consciousness I looked down at my feet and huddled deeper into my duvet- reaching the point that my eyes would only barely be visible from the outside. Hugging myself tightly with my bedding, without looking up I added in a trailing mumble, "I know it all sounds computery, but I don't know what you mean in this context..."
The girl nods before gesturng to the seat. "Sure. Never seen ya around here before. What's ya name?" She asks, brushing a lock of brown hair outta her field of vision.
For a moment, I panicked. I forgot to think up a name! As I scrambled to come up with one, I looked within myself and saw... Lightning?

Whatever, doesn't matter, you have an aesthetic now, think Xal, Lightning-themed names.

The first one to spring to mind is, obviously, Lightning from Final Fantasy XIII, but that always struck me as an odd name-choice and doesn't really fit in today's culture, maybe in 20 years or so.

Another is Nora from RWBY, but she was always my 'least favourite among the nine main kids, even if Sab' did raise my opinion of her.

Who else is there... Come on, think; Lightning, force, power, might, grandeur, Set, Fenrir, Tyr, Thor, Odin, Zeus, Herecles, Zoe, Atlas, Artemis, Percy, Luke, Annabeth... Thalia?

Thalia Grace


The girl who refused to bow to gods or Fate...

When her attention-seeking mother gave up her (half? Full? What's the blood relation of different aspects of the same god?) baby brother to the House of The Wolves, Thalia ran from home. Slaying who knows how many monsters from Hades and possibly crossing interstate borders at the age of 14.

Later, probably a year later, her and her two friends, Luke Castelian and Annabeth Chase, were taken to Camp Half-blood, a summer camp for Greek Demigods like them, Thalia being a daughter of Zeus while her brother Jason was a son of Jupiter.

Unfortunately the three friends and their Satyr guide were being chased by a horde of monsters, all after Thalia.

The Big Three, Zeus, Poseidon and Hades had sworn an oath shortly after World War II not to sire anymore Demigods following a Prophecy stating that one such child would decide the fate of the world.

Thalia, rather than let her friends be captured, stood against the horde alone until her last breath... or so she thought.

Whether he was moved by her valour or simply wanted to deny Hades the victory, Zeue transfigured his daughter into a pine tree as she was dying and imbued her with protective magics to gaurd the camp she died for.

Thus were the gods denied.

Years later, when she was released from the tree by Luke's machinations, rather than succumb to the whims of Fate fully, she gave up her right to love a man and joined Artemis' Immortal Huntresses, locking her age at 15 years, 364 days, 23 hours and 45 minutes old, thus diqualifying her from the prophecy as one of the criteria was that the child had to be 16.

And thus were the fates denied.

Sitting down, I smile as I tuck in to my first proper meal ever. Yes, I can certainly stand to honour such a Hero. "You could say that, Call me Thalia, what's your name?"
Great Hall, Celestia
What form does my newfound strength take?
I raise an eyebrow in confusion. Why so angry, and what's she talking about? I don't want to pry, though. I'll just listen.
But Histy is nice. She's not like Kyubey at all.
Come to think of it, I haven't eaten breakfast yet. All I've had so far was some wolfberry juice, and my stomach audibly reminds me of that. Hm...
Was Histy reading my mind? Ah, no, that can't be it. She doesn't read minds. More likely she was covering her bases when it comes to talking about our powers. So I can transform freely here? Nice... but maybe I'll try that later on. Same with weapons. Huh, magic really is a thing now... and in my world, too, not in another...
So Histoire doesn't know what the other girl was talking about. Okay...
Wait, this Lilliana reminds her of Plutia? That once more sounds like someone familiar... the same friend of mine who likes that name, and who also reminds me of Plutia, sleepiness and all. While the napping CPU could be anyone, well...
I accompany Histy for a bit. "May I know which power I was granted with?" I ask. I'd like to treat it as a... gift from her, a sense of responsibility to go with it.
The Book Fairy turned around and smiled. "Of course, hmmm. On closer examination of how the shares reacted.. It looks like you should be able to stop the flow of time. Hmm. I theroize if you look within, you should be able to figure out what it does in more detail." Historie smiled. "Anything else?"
Robin Styles
A state that I can't allow
Seeing the genuine confusion in her eyes I backed up and gave a small sigh. "Sorry about that, I have certain issues that you could have exploited to make me agree and I needed to be sure you didn't have them in mind during your recruitment." I apologized before turning on my heel putting in my earbuds and walking away.
Walking with no real direction In mind I began to wander the halls of Celestia feeling bitter at my own issues and angry at a lack of choice in some matters, stopping I began to sit down to continue my pity party before stopping myself.
"Is this really this what you're going to allow to take you down? After everything you've been through this is what's going to beat you?" I whispered softly to myself shaking my head a determined expression forming on my face.
"No, it isn't now chin up, shoulders square, eyes forward you have a world to save Styles." I commanded before getting up and walking away with confidence in my step.
In your aimless wanderings, you end up infront of a door with a name plate on it. It reads 'Lilliana'. Under the name, marked down in barely legible hand writing is 'AKA Arkos, in case any of my online friends end up here...' You hear faint snoring from the other side of the door.
I'm forced out of my peace by a loud and semi-metallic voice announcing breakfast. A pang of hunger comes from my stomach shortly after. That's right, I haven't eaten anything yet. With an annoyed sigh, I stand up and gently tap the back of my head against the wall. On one hand, food; on the other hand, those girls who saw me being weird and running over here are probably there. Well, I'll probably have to deal with them eventually any way, might as well bite the bullet when I have control over it.
I push off from the wall and begin my walk back around the castle to the door. After what feels like long enough that I start to wonder if I'm going the wrong way, I turn and find the doors. And, upon walking through, I announce my existence.
"Hello?" I say, awkwardness filling my voice as I see no one. I'm not really sure where to go either...
"Come in!" You hear Historie say, her voice filled with kindness.
Mobile Duvet Fortress
I was now even more curious what that exchange had been about, but seeing as it was clearly personal to the brunette I again refrained from interjecting- instead, choosing simply to stand aside as she left.
"I'm... sort of curious about that too?" I said, my hand emerging from my duvet cocoon for a moment as I raised it in the air. I kept it there for a moment, before hurriedly dropping it back down and re-engulfing myself in my bedding as I shyly continued. "And... also what you meant by HDD and Share Loss and CPUs? And that sort of thing?"
As I finished my questions I could feel my cheeks starting to burn from the attention I knew I'd just brought upon myself by speaking up and showing my ignorance, and in a sudden fit of self-consciousness I looked down at my feet and huddled deeper into my duvet- reaching the point that my eyes would only barely be visible from the outside. Hugging myself tightly with my bedding, without looking up I added in a trailing mumble, "I know it all sounds computery, but I don't know what you mean in this context..."
"Well, in order. HDD, or Hard Drive Divinty, is the power that lets CPUs assume their divine forms. It is powered by Shares, also known as Faith Energy. CPU is simply a term to refer to the exact kind of Divinity I ascended you into." Historie answered, her voice never straying from her kind tone of voice.
I grab a plate and shovel on some food for myself, having set up the food in a buffet style. As I eat, I wonder what I'll tell people that want to know my name...
And nobody came. Well. Yet, at least.
For a moment, I panicked. I forgot to think up a name! As I scrambled to come up with one, I looked within myself and saw... Lightning?
Whatever, doesn't matter, you have an aesthetic now, think Xal, Lightning-themed names.
The first one to spring to mind is, obviously, Lightning from Final Fantasy XIII, but that always struck me as an odd name-choice and doesn't really fit in today's culture, maybe in 20 years or so.
Another is Nora from RWBY, but she was always my 'least favourite among the nine main kids, even if Sab' did raise my opinion of her.
Who else is there... Come on, think; Lightning, force, power, might, grandeur, Set, Fenrir, Tyr, Thor, Odin, Zeus, Herecles, Zoe, Atlas, Artemis, Percy, Luke, Annabeth... Thalia?
Thalia Grace
The girl who refused to bow to gods or Fate...
When her attention-seeking mother gave up her (half? Full? What's the blood relation of different aspects of the same god?) baby brother to the House of The Wolves, Thalia ran from home. Slaying who knows how many monsters from Hades and possibly crossing interstate borders at the age of 14.
Later, probably a year later, her and her two friends, Luke Castelian and Annabeth Chase, were taken to Camp Half-blood, a summer camp for Greek Demigods like them, Thalia being a daughter of Zeus while her brother Jason was a son of Jupiter.
Unfortunately the three friends and their Satyr guide were being chased by a horde of monsters, all after Thalia.
The Big Three, Zeus, Poseidon and Hades had sworn an oath shortly after World War II not to sire anymore Demigods following a Prophecy stating that one such child would decide the fate of the world.
Thalia, rather than let her friends be captured, stood against the horde alone until her last breath... or so she thought.
Whether he was moved by her valour or simply wanted to deny Hades the victory, Zeue transfigured his daughter into a pine tree as she was dying and imbued her with protective magics to gaurd the camp she died for.
Thus were the gods denied.
Years later, when she was released from the tree by Luke's machinations, rather than succumb to the whims of Fate fully, she gave up her right to love a man and joined Artemis' Immortal Huntresses, locking her age at 15 years, 364 days, 23 hours and 45 minutes old, thus diqualifying her from the prophecy as one of the criteria was that the child had to be 16.
And thus were the fates denied.
Sitting down, I smile as I tuck in to my first proper meal ever. Yes, I can certainly stand to honour such a Hero. "You could say that, Call me Thalia, what's your name?"
"Rachel. So how's your day been, if you don't mind me asking." The girl asked, before taking a swig from her drink.
Hallway, Celestia
I'm like Homura now?

The Book Fairy turned around and smiled. "Of course, hmmm. On closer examination of how the shares reacted... It looks like you should be able to stop the flow of time. Hmm. I theorize if you look within, you should be able to figure out what it does in more detail." Histoire smiled. "Anything else?"

My eyes widen at that. I can stop the flow of time? That's powerful! Am I... like a certain magical girl now? I gently put a closed hand to my heart as I look within myself, and... oh, it's not quite like Homura's. She can stop the world around her. Me? It's not at that scale. Rather, I could stop a single target in its tracks. However, I could feel something within me, an inner coolness (not warmth?), reacting at the thought of using it. I have a feeling that that's my Shares, and calling upon the Stop spell would consume a part of it. Not something to spam... but that does invite more questions.

Continuing to accompany the Tome Fairy, I ask something else. "Stopping a target is one thing, but what about slowing or hastening it?" Those ought to be less costly than outright freezing something in time.

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"Come in!" You hear Historie say, her voice filled with kindness.
Um. Okay. Is that Histy? It sounds like her at least. I walk through a doorway leading to where her voice sounds like it's coming from. I mostly ignore the architecture and design, nice as it is, and instead focus on not getting lost or walking somewhere I shouldn't. The hallway I walk down eventually leads to a great hall. Not wanting to get distracted while I still had a location for Histy in my mind, I turn and enter a hallway to the side. Aaaaand that's two of the girls from outside the castle with Histy. Great.

"Hi there?" I ask them.

@ForgottonFuture (Histy)
"Well, in order. HDD, or Hard Drive Divinty, is the power that lets CPUs assume their divine forms. It is powered by Shares, also known as Faith Energy. CPU is simply a term to refer to the exact kind of Divinity I ascended you into." Historie answered, her voice never straying from her kind tone of voice.
"M'thanks." I mumbled in reply, unable to bring myself to either look up or emerge from my duvet cocoon. Her explanation had been rather lacking in details, but I suppose I hadn't asked for any more than what she'd given me- I wasn't even sure else what I actually wanted to know, in fact, just that I didn't feel that what I did know about myself and the situation was anything close to being enough.

Um. Okay. Is that Histy? It sounds like her at least. I walk through a doorway leading to where her voice sounds like it's coming from. I mostly ignore the architecture and design, nice as it is, and instead focus on not getting lost or walking somewhere I shouldn't. The hallway I walk down eventually leads to a great hall. Not wanting to get distracted while I still had a location for Histy in my mind, I turn and enter a hallway to the side. Aaaaand that's two of the girls from outside the castle with Histy. Great.

"Hi there?" I ask them.

@ForgottonFuture (Histy)
I jumped at the sudden unexpected voice, before swivelling around and peeking up over the edge of my duvet to see the last of the other girls from outside- the one who'd run away in a seeming panic. 'Though it looks like she's gotten over that.' I thought. 'Can't just stand here like a lemon, though.'

"Um... hi?" I said shyly, an arm briefly emerging from my bedclothes to wave at the newcomer before promptly disappearing once again as I ducked back into my duvet. I was pretty sure I was coming across as pretty weird here- both to the new girl, and to Historie and the others who were around- but at this point it was too late to back out. I'd initially shied away into my duvet to cover up my momentary nervousness and embarrassment, but now the very fact that I was hiding away was acting as a source of shame, and actually making both even worse. And by now... well, despite of how unnecessary and silly it was and that I knew that it wasn't helping, I couldn't bring myself to stop. Silently, I resigned myself to staying covered up and shy until either enough time had passed that I could stop feeling embarrassed, or something snapped me out of it.
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Robin Styles
Sleeping Songs

In your aimless wanderings, you end up infront of a door with a name plate on it. It reads 'Lilliana'. Under the name, marked down in barely legible hand writing is 'AKA Arkos, in case any of my online friends end up here...' You hear faint snoring from the other side of the door.
huh, Arkos as well small world. Opening the door very quietly I made my way inside gently shutting it behind me. Spotting a pink haired girl gently snoring I pulled up a chair and sat down, from what she's told me waking her up is not exactly a good idea. Putting my earbuds back in I turned on some music waiting for her to wake up naturally, unknown to myself I had begun to softly sing along.
"Stay close, move fast
The darkness cannot last
No hope, no path

But we've got a dream to catch
And we cannot wait
Trust the way we're made
The sparrow's born to fly

The mountains tower
The river knows to reach the sea
Rain will help the flowers be
We're the same, you and me

The lightning doesn't take advice from anyone
The willow doesn't need to learn to stand
As sun seeks day
We'll find our way
And we'll catch that dream together someday soon

We're rising like the moon"
Hallway, Celestia
Hello there

I turn and enter a hallway to the side. Aaaaand that's two of the girls from outside the castle with Histy. Great.

"Hi there?" I ask them.
"M'thanks." I mumbled in reply, unable to bring myself to either look up or emerge from my duvet cocoon. Her explanation had been rather lacking in details, but I suppose I hadn't asked for any more than what she'd given me- I wasn't even sure else what I actually wanted to know, in fact, just that I didn't feel that what I did know about myself and the situation was anything close to being enough.
I jumped at the sudden unexpected voice, before swivelling around and peeking up over the edge of my duvet to see the last of the other girls from outside- the one who'd run away in a seeming panic. 'Though it looks like she's gotten over that.' I thought. 'Can't just stand here like a lemon, though.'

"Um... hi?" I said shyly, an arm briefly emerging from my bedclothes to wave at the newcomer before promptly disappearing once again as I ducked back into my duvet.

Hm? A voice behind me makes me turn around. Oh, it's the one who ran a while ago. Meanwhile, the other one is seemingly using the blanket as a... security blanket, making me raise an eyebrow. Okay, I know I can be shy at times, but that's on another level altogether.

I smile and wave once more. "Hello," I greet, a pause following it as I wonder what else to do or say. Then, I decide to ask for their names, since I'm going to be working with them, anyway. "I'm Rae; may I know your names?"

@Jhin Lemon
Robin Styles


Sleeping Songs

huh, Arkos as well small world. Opening the door very quietly I made my way inside gently shutting it behind me. Spotting a pink haired girl gently snoring I pulled up a chair and sat down, from what she's told me waking her up is not exactly a good idea. Putting my earbuds back in I turned on some music waiting for her to wake up naturally, unknown to myself I had begun to softly sing along.

"Stay close, move fast

The darkness cannot last

No hope, no path

But we've got a dream to catch

And we cannot wait

Trust the way we're made

The sparrow's born to fly

The mountains tower

The river knows to reach the sea

Rain will help the flowers be

We're the same, you and me

The lightning doesn't take advice from anyone

The willow doesn't need to learn to stand

As sun seeks day

We'll find our way

And we'll catch that dream together someday soon

We're rising like the moon"
My Room in Celestia.
Who the hell are you?

Yawning I felt my eyes flutter open. I sat up and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes. Relief washed over me when I realized earlier was not a dream... I am so glad I accepted Histy's offer. Well she's likely not happy. Fuck her with a rusty knife though. Huh? Who's...singing... Rising... I turned my gaze to the source and blinked at the brown head. Huh. That's one hell of a resting bitch face... Is she a fellow CPU? Frowning I sat up. "Hello? Who are you and what are you doing in my room?" I asked sternly before yawning.
OOC: This is not a GM post. While some GM posts will include my reaction IC, or flat out include my IC stuff, this is not a GM post.
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Robin Styles

My Room in Celestia.
Who the hell are you?
Yawning I felt my eyes flutter open. I sat up and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes. Relief washed over me when I realized earlier was not a dream... I am so glad I accepted Histy's offer. Well she's likely not happy. Fuck her with a rusty knife though. Huh? Who's...singing... Rising... I turned my gaze to the source and blinked at the brown head. Huh. That's one hell of a resting bitch face... Is she a fellow CPU? Frowning I sat up. "Hello? Who are you and what are you doing in my room?" I asked sternly before yawning.

Startling slightly at my friends abrupt awakening I turned to face her. "Sup Arkos, it's me Ruby names actually Robin figured you wouldn't mind a friend right now." I said giving her a small wave before taking another sip of my tea. "So Goddesses now huh?" I offered with a smirk.
And nobody came. Well. Yet, at least.
Well, I could use the intercom again, or I could finish eating and figure out how I'm going to deal with the hormonal imbalance that's making me such an emotional wreck... I'm thinking option two is the better idea right now. Once I finish eating and putting the food into bags in the fridge (or on a cookie sheet in oven in the case of the bacon) I put a note on the fridge that says 'Pancakes, scrambled eggs, and fruit in here, bacon in the oven' and start looking for Histy, she's gotta have some idea of how to help with the hormone issues...
Robin Styles

Startling slightly at my friends abrupt awakening I turned to face her. "Sup Arkos, it's me Ruby names actually Robin figured you wouldn't mind a friend right now." I said giving her a small wave before taking another sip of my tea. "So Goddesses now huh?" I offered with a smirk.
Yawning once more I nodded and smiled. "Yeah. This.. Well to be blunt it deals with most of my issues in some way or another.. Anyways, glad to meet ya in the flesh Robin. Hmm. I wonder if the others got ascended..." I slipped out of the blanket and stood up, wavering slightly as I still needed to get used to my new balance. I'm not the most graceful sort. "Do you know where Histy is? I was half expecting her to wake me up."
"Rachel. So how's your day been, if you don't mind me asking." The girl asked, before taking a swig from her drink.
Digging in to my treat, I carefully thought about my answer. "Well... I got something I've been wanting for a long time today, but while mom's happy for me... She's digging too much into my private life to figure out how I got it..."
Hallway, Celestia
I'm like Homura now?

My eyes widen at that. I can stop the flow of time? That's powerful! Am I... like a certain magical girl now? I gently put a closed hand to my heart as I look within myself, and... oh, it's not quite like Homura's. She can stop the world around her. Me? It's not at that scale. Rather, I could stop a single target in its tracks. However, I could feel something within me, an inner coolness (not warmth?), reacting at the thought of using it. I have a feeling that that's my Shares, and calling upon the Stop spell would consume a part of it. Not something to spam... but that does invite more questions.

Continuing to accompany the Tome Fairy, I ask something else. "Stopping a target is one thing, but what about slowing or hastening it?" Those ought to be less costly than outright freezing something in time.

"You each should have some magic as well. It seems yours is in similar nature to your well 'Share Power' was the name Lilliana suggested for these powers." The book fairy said.

Um. Okay. Is that Histy? It sounds like her at least. I walk through a doorway leading to where her voice sounds like it's coming from. I mostly ignore the architecture and design, nice as it is, and instead focus on not getting lost or walking somewhere I shouldn't. The hallway I walk down eventually leads to a great hall. Not wanting to get distracted while I still had a location for Histy in my mind, I turn and enter a hallway to the side. Aaaaand that's two of the girls from outside the castle with Histy. Great.

"Hi there?" I ask them.

@ForgottonFuture (Histy)
Historie faced the new arrival. "Hello! May I ask what your name is? And how are you doing?"
"M'thanks." I mumbled in reply, unable to bring myself to either look up or emerge from my duvet cocoon. Her explanation had been rather lacking in details, but I suppose I hadn't asked for any more than what she'd given me- I wasn't even sure else what I actually wanted to know, in fact, just that I didn't feel that what I did know about myself and the situation was anything close to being enough.
I jumped at the sudden unexpected voice, before swivelling around and peeking up over the edge of my duvet to see the last of the other girls from outside- the one who'd run away in a seeming panic. 'Though it looks like she's gotten over that.' I thought. 'Can't just stand here like a lemon, though.'

"Um... hi?" I said shyly, an arm briefly emerging from my bedclothes to wave at the newcomer before promptly disappearing once again as I ducked back into my duvet. I was pretty sure I was coming across as pretty weird here- both to the new girl, and to Historie and the others who were around- but at this point it was too late to back out. I'd initially shied away into my duvet to cover up my momentary nervousness and embarrassment, but now the very fact that I was hiding away was acting as a source of shame, and actually making both even worse. And by now... well, despite of how unnecessary and silly it was and that I knew that it wasn't helping, I couldn't bring myself to stop. Silently, I resigned myself to staying covered up and shy until either enough time had passed that I could stop feeling embarrassed, or something snapped me out of it.
Histy hasn't commented on it. At all. You have the feeling she's dealt with weirder.
Well, I could use the intercom again, or I could finish eating and figure out how I'm going to deal with the hormonal imbalance that's making me such an emotional wreck... I'm thinking option two is the better idea right now. Once I finish eating and putting the food into bags in the fridge (or on a cookie sheet in oven in the case of the bacon) I put a note on the fridge that says 'Pancakes, scrambled eggs, and fruit in here, bacon in the oven' and start looking for Histy, she's gotta have some idea of how to help with the hormone issues...
You end up in the great hall.
Yawning once more I nodded and smiled. "Yeah. This.. Well to be blunt it deals with most of my issues in some way or another.. Anyways, glad to meet ya in the flesh Robin. Hmm. I wonder if the others got ascended..." I slipped out of the blanket and stood up, wavering slightly as I still needed to get used to my new balance. I'm not the most graceful sort. "Do you know where Histy is? I was half expecting her to wake me up."
After I said that, I started to head to the Great Hall, gesturing for Ruby(@Roland27) to follow me. "So how have you been doing?"
Digging in to my treat, I carefully thought about my answer. "Well... I got something I've been wanting for a long time today, but while mom's happy for me... She's digging too much into my private life to figure out how I got it..."
Rachel hummed for a second. "Well what matters is that it makes you happy. And you can always stand up to her right? Kids aren't just the puppets of their parents."
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"Um... hi?" I said shyly, an arm briefly emerging from my bedclothes to wave at the newcomer before promptly disappearing once again as I ducked back into my duvet. I was pretty sure I was coming across as pretty weird here- both to the new girl, and to Historie and the others who were around- but at this point it was too late to back out. I'd initially shied away into my duvet to cover up my momentary nervousness and embarrassment, but now the very fact that I was hiding away was acting as a source of shame, and actually making both even worse. And by now... well, despite of how unnecessary and silly it was and that I knew that it wasn't helping, I couldn't bring myself to stop. Silently, I resigned myself to staying covered up and shy until either enough time had passed that I could stop feeling embarrassed, or something snapped me out of it.

I smile and wave once more. "Hello," I greet, a pause following it as I wonder what else to do or say. Then, I decide to ask for their names, since I'm going to be working with them, anyway. "I'm Rae; may I know your names?"

Historie faced the new arrival. "Hello! May I ask what your name is? And how are you doing?"
"J-" I start to say my go-to pseudonym, before realising something: I need a new name like this. Okay, quick, think of a random girl's name that starts with j before you look like an awkward idiot.

"Juno!" I announce without much thought, possibly a little too loudly, maybe. Heh, I guess my brain defaulted to Fire Emblem for names. Well, it works I suppose, that's all I really need. "And I'm fine, why?" I answer Histy's question and ask my own. Even if I would say no after that self...pep talk(?), it's not like I want to have someone play therapist for me in front of other people.
Sheltering in the Duvet Fortress
Hallway, Celestia
Hello there

Hm? A voice behind me makes me turn around. Oh, it's the one who ran a while ago. Meanwhile, the other one is seemingly using the blanket as a... security blanket, making me raise an eyebrow. Okay, I know I can be shy at times, but that's on another level altogether.

I smile and wave once more. "Hello," I greet, a pause following it as I wonder what else to do or say. Then, I decide to ask for their names, since I'm going to be working with them, anyway. "I'm Rae; may I know your names?"

@Jhin Lemon
Histy hasn't commented on it. At all. You have the feeling she's dealt with weirder.

"J-" I start to say my go-to pseudonym, before realising something: I need a new name like this. Okay, quick, think of a random girl's name that starts with j before you look like an awkward idiot.

"Juno!" I announce without much thought, possibly a little too loudly, maybe. Heh, I guess my brain defaulted to Fire Emblem for names. Well, it works I suppose, that's all I really need. "And I'm fine, why?" I answer Histy's question and ask my own. Even if I would say no after that self...pep talk(?), it's not like I want to have someone play therapist for me in front of other people.
"Eri." I said quietly, still refusing to peek my head up from my protective duvet and thus oblivious to anybody's actual reactions to my continued huddling. It wasn't my actual name, of course, but given the whole 'suddenly a goddess' thing keeping my old name seemed somewhat inappropriate. And seeing as when I think of goddesses the first name that comes to mind is almost always 'Eris'... well, I wasn't going to go with that because of both the obvious negative connotations, and because there was always a risk of there being an actual Eris I'd offend, but something close should be fine.


', I'm just being weird again. Nobody will get the reference, anyway. Or they will, and that's worse. Stupid, stupid...' I thought gloomily to myself, disappearing yet further into my duvet- by now, even my eyes were covered- and backing away from the other girls until my back hit the wall. It'd be easier for them to talk if I wasn't standing between them, after all, and hopefully this way I'd also get myself out of their direct attentions and buy myself the opportunity to pull myself together.
Hallway, Celestia
We're all shy here

"You each should have some magic as well. It seems yours is in similar nature to your well 'Share Power' was the name Lilliana suggested for these powers." The book fairy said.

Historie faced the new arrival. "Hello! May I ask what your name is? And how are you doing?"

"Wow..." I say. Time magic... I have time magic... Now I really want to try them out... after I eat, that is.

Lilliana... Share Power... in some of those Neptunia roleplays I was once part of, we CPUs would have Share Powers, a unique ability that takes up shares to use. That's a thing now, isn't it? Mine is the Stop spell, isn't it? Magic is really real...

And those particular roleplays were run by a friend who loves to use the name Lilliana. I wonder...


"J-" I start to say my go-to pseudonym, before realising something: I need a new name like this. Okay, quick, think of a random girl's name that starts with j before you look like an awkward idiot.

"Juno!" I announce without much thought, possibly a little too loudly, maybe. Heh, I guess my brain defaulted to Fire Emblem for names. Well, it works I suppose, that's all I really need. "And I'm fine, why?" I answer Histy's question and ask my own. Even if I would say no after that self...pep talk(?), it's not like I want to have someone play therapist for me in front of other people.

Okay, so her name is Juno, like the Roman version of Hera. Hm? Is she really fine? It sounds kinda like the way I'd say it if I'm not really okay. I might be mistaken though.

Sheltering in the Duvet Fortress

"Eri." I said quietly, still refusing to peek my head up from my protective duvet and thus oblivious to anybody's actual reactions to my continued huddling.

', I'm just being weird again. Nobody will get the reference, anyway. Or they will, and that's worse. Stupid, stupid...' I thought gloomily to myself, disappearing yet further into my duvet- by now, even my eyes were covered- and backing away from the other girls until my back hit the wall.

Oh dear, the blanket-girl, now called Eri, is even shyer than me. I know I can be hesitant when it comes to approaching people, but I'm not sure if I'd be hiding in a blanket like that...

"Uh, Eri, are you okay...?" I quietly ask.

@Jhin Lemon
Nobody can touch me when I'm in here
Oh dear, the blanket-girl, now called Eri, is even shyer than me. I know I can be hesitant when it comes to approaching people, but I'm not sure if I'd be hiding in a blanket like that...

"Uh, Eri, are you okay...?" I quietly ask.

@Jhin Lemon
A hand emerged from the duvet and briefly flashed a thumbs up, before retreating back into the concealing layer of bedclothes once more.
Robin Styles
Small talk

After I said that, I started to head to the Great Hall, gesturing for Ruby to follow me. "So how have you been doing?"

Giving a slight shrug I answered "Eh, I've been better. How bout yourself?." I asked as we neared the door to the hall...where Historie was ughh I just interrogated her this was gonna be hella awkward. Well, I suppose I could just stay far away and blend into a corner, yeah that'll work.
Rachel hummed for a second. "Well what matters is that it makes you happy. And you can always stand up to her right? Kids aren't just the puppets of their parents."
Shrugging a bit, I continue eating. "Yeah, but I've been so dependent on her for so long that she doesn't take kindly to me rocking the boat and this really rocks the boat."
Shrugging a bit, I continue eating. "Yeah, but I've been so dependent on her for so long that she doesn't take kindly to me rocking the boat and this really rocks the boat."
Rachel shrugged. "Ultimately it's your life. Don't let her control it. It's your boat to rock if you feel like it."






"J-" I start to say my go-to pseudonym, before realising something: I need a new name like this. Okay, quick, think of a random girl's name that starts with j before you look like an awkward idiot.

"Juno!" I announce without much thought, possibly a little too loudly, maybe. Heh, I guess my brain defaulted to Fire Emblem for names. Well, it works I suppose, that's all I really need. "And I'm fine, why?" I answer Histy's question and ask my own. Even if I would say no after that self...pep talk(?), it's not like I want to have someone play therapist for me in front of other people.



Sheltering in the Duvet Fortress

"Eri." I said quietly, still refusing to peek my head up from my protective duvet and thus oblivious to anybody's actual reactions to my continued huddling. It wasn't my actual name, of course, but given the whole 'suddenly a goddess' thing keeping my old name seemed somewhat inappropriate. And seeing as when I think of goddesses the first name that comes to mind is almost always 'Eris'... well, I wasn't going to go with that because of both the obvious negative connotations, and because there was always a risk of there being an actual Eris I'd offend, but something close should be fine.


', I'm just being weird again. Nobody will get the reference, anyway. Or they will, and that's worse. Stupid, stupid...' I thought gloomily to myself, disappearing yet further into my duvet- by now, even my eyes were covered- and backing away from the other girls until my back hit the wall. It'd be easier for them to talk if I wasn't standing between them, after all, and hopefully this way I'd also get myself out of their direct attentions and buy myself the opportunity to pull myself together.


Hallway, Celestia


We're all shy here

"Wow..." I say. Time magic... I have time magic... Now I really want to try them out... after I eat, that is.

Lilliana... Share Power... in some of those Neptunia roleplays I was once part of, we CPUs would have Share Powers, a unique ability that takes up shares to use. That's a thing now, isn't it? Mine is the Stop spell, isn't it? Magic is really real...

And those particular roleplays were run by a friend who loves to use the name Lilliana. I wonder...

Okay, so her name is Juno, like the Roman version of Hera. Hm? Is she really fine? It sounds kinda like the way I'd say it if I'm not really okay. I might be mistaken though.

Oh dear, the blanket-girl, now called Eri, is even shyer than me. I know I can be hesitant when it comes to approaching people, but I'm not sure if I'd be hiding in a blanket like that...

"Uh, Eri, are you okay...?" I quietly ask.


@Jhin Lemon




Nobody can touch me when I'm in here

A hand emerged from the duvet and briefly flashed a thumbs up, before retreating back into the concealing layer of bedclothes once more.

Histy smiles at learning all of your names before you hear two more pairs of feet arrive. A sleepy looking girl with pink hair, and the girl who got mad at Histy.

Robin Styles


Small talk

Giving a slight shrug I answered "Eh, I've been better. How bout yourself?." I asked as we neared the door to the hall...where Historie was ughh I just interrogated her this was gonna be hella awkward. Well, I suppose I could just stay far away and blend into a corner, yeah that'll work.

She promptly backs up into a corner. The pink haired girl looks to her. "Robin, Ruby, whichever you prefer, you okay?" She asks, before yawning gently.

Ok, so where do I... go... is that a waypoint? Really? Alright, might as well follow along. Aaaand there she is! "Histy, there you are! I have questions!" And now I notice the others that are present. "Oh, uh... hi."
And then a sixth girl arrived.

Histy smiled gently. "I am glad almost all of us are here. Hm. I hope the seventh CPU arrives shortly..." The bookfairy muses.
More Introductions!

A sleepy looking girl with pink hair, and the girl who got mad at Histy.
"Hi there! I'm Juno!" I say, possibly too enthusiastically again. Hey, it worked last time, and if it works it works, I guess. Hopefully...

Blah. No. Self-doubt is bad. Be the enthusiasm.