From Under the Shadow(LotR/???)

That being said, I'll volunteer three other lovely trait combinations. :D

1. Hard Mode
[][Trait] Honest

Deceit and lies are the tools of orcs and dragons. (+2 Diplomacy, -2 Intrigue.)
Gold! Gold! Gold! It is said that gold is the toy of the dwarves, but you love little more than the sight of that precious metal. (+4 stewardship, -2 each diplomacy and piety.)
[][Trait] Wroth
Your temper runs as hot as the forges fire. (+2 Martial, -1 Diplomacy, -1 Intrigue.)

Reasoning: This adds up to Intrigue 3 and Piety 2. And a terrible personality. Like, any backstabbing attempt is going to succeed. Well, presuming that he doesn't get struck down by the gods first.

2. Dwarvish Rabbits
[][Trait] Strong

+2 Martial, +10% fertility
[][Trait] Brewer
Your mother is from a line of well-known brewers. Dwarven Ale is a cornerstone of society, with a properly brewed drink capable of sustaining a Dwarf in the harshest of conditions and most dire of sieges. (+5 Stewardship, +1 Diplomacy, +1 Martial. Alcohol Trade Bonus, Siege and Food Stores last twice as long due to the quality of your ale, Population Growth Increase. Counts as two trait choices.)

Reasoning: Self-explanatory. And great Ale!

3. Dwarvish Romance Quest
[][Trait] Jeweler

Sapphire blue and opal pale, silver shining and gold glimmering. You love working with the most beautiful bounties of the earth, refining them into fine art. (+1 stewardship. Forging bonus. Potential spousal approval bonus.)
[][Trait] Attractive
Your beard is long and lustrous, the envy of many, with the feel of silk and the strength of steel. (+2 Diplomacy, Bonus Spousal Approval)
[][Trait] Silver Tongue
You have a pleasing, calming voice. (+2 Diplomacy, Small Diplomacy Bonus)

Reasoning: :whistle:
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[X] [Trait] Architect: +2 Stewardship, -10 percent building costs.

[X] [Trait] Mind of Metal and Wheels

[X] [Location] Thorin's Hall

We shall conquer the world with Dwemer Animunculi! We shall make the foolish Chimer regret their transgressions.

Er. Wait. Am I thinking of some different Dwarves? Doesn't matter. Elves... Chimer... they die all the same when an army of shiny metal spiders stick them full of crossbow bolts.
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[X] Administrator: You've spent years at your father's knees watching him run the hall efficiently. (+3 stewardship)

[X] Greedy: Gold! Gold! Gold! It is said that gold is the toy of the dwarves, but you love little more than the sight of that precious metal. (+4 stewardship, -2 each diplomacy and piety.)

[X] Blacksmith: "Metal wrought like fishes' mail,Buckler and corslet, axe and sword, And shining spears were laid in hoard." You know the value of good steel, especially in these dark days.(+1 martial and learning, Weapon Research and Forging bonus)

[X] Búrin

[X] Thorin's Hall. The home Thorin and Thrain delved during their long exile from Erebor. Youngest of all dwarven settlements, carved out of a long abandoned outpost of Nogrod, and least populated since much of its Longbeard population left to repopulate Erebor. It stands in the Vale of Thrain, near Mithlond. It is poor in silver and gold, but rich in iron. The settlement has swelled in numbers in recent years, as many dwarves from the east settle there, bringing much needed new blood to the city.

Because what's a proper LOTR Dwarf Quest without greed and quality craftsmanship?
[X] Blacksmith
[X] Veteran of the War of Dwarves and Orcs

[x][Name] Ai

[X] Buzra-dûm.

Forge and Battle.
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State of the Hall
  • Morale: Decent
  • Ale: Running Low
  • "Religion": Veneration of Mahal and the Seven Fathers
  • Political Ties:
    • Eriador (Trading Partners)
    • Hobbits of the Shire (Trading Partners)
Current Population: 4,000 adult dwarves.


Mining Income
Iron Mine - 800 Wealth
Coal Mine - 200 Wealth
Mining Income Subtotal: 1,000 Wealth
Mining Income Total: 1,000 Wealth

Trade Income
Raw Iron - 400 Wealth
Forges - 1350 wealth
Total Trade Good Income Subtotal -1,750 Wealth
Total Trade income - 1,750 Wealth

Total Mining Income: 1,000 Wealth
Total Trade income: 1,750 Wealth

Current Hold Income: 2,750 Wealth
Current Reserves: 10,000 Wealth

Current Military Forces:

400 Full-time Dwarven warriors: Dwarven men that have dedicated their lives to the axe and sword instead of the forge and kiln. These men carry the best weapons and armor that you are capable of making into battle, and are fierce combatants.

100 Veterans of the War of the Dwarves and Orcs: These venerable Dwarves answered Thrain's call to war. They fought in the long campaign against the Orcs of the Misty Mountains, and have been scarred by their battles in Gundabad and outside the Gates of Moria. These dwarves aren't getting any younger though, and may soon pass on.
Turn 1
Turn 1: 3019 TA, Fall

You are Ai, heir to the lordship of Thorin's Halls. Long had you dwelt here, choosing to stay instead of making the long trip to Erebor. Your family had lived in the Ered Luin for long centuries, originating in Buzra-dum before moving to the reawakened mines of your current home.

You look like:

You're as sturdy as any dwarf, with fiery red hair matching the flames of your forge. You leave your workshop rarely, except when your father or one of your brothers forces the issue. For the past three years it seems you can't go two weeks without having your research disturbed by some issue, be it from orcish raids, complaints of the nobles, or some rumblings from the east drawing your mind away. Somehow, despite all the interruptions, you've continued your research and pursued your true passion.

Its been a while since you've talked to your father, Lord Dólgthrasir. Dólgthrasir is nearly one-hundred and eighty year old, yet is still a brilliant leader. He married late in life to a Longbeard noblewoman from Erebor, who granted him many sons before she passed away. Most of Dólgthrasir's attention has been focused on the orcish incursions and leading the hall, leaving you in the hands of various servants. You always wanted to impress him with your own brilliance (quite a lot of it is from him), but a child's stumbling steps into tinkering are little to an old man who has little interest in such subjects. It wasn't until you split an orc head with a sword that you forged yourself, that you got a solemn nod of respect from him.

Currently its three in the morning and you're busily working in the forge. The axe was a gift for your father's upcoming birthday. Sparks fly as your hammer falls upon the red hot blade. You will continue this process for some time, before you start engraving the runes.

You barely notice when the door to the smithy opens, and you only pay mild attention when your younger brother, Búrin, walks in. He is tall for a dwarf, standing nearly a head taller than you. He was always the warrior of the family, following in your father's footsteps, and he has the scars to attest to his various battles. His hair is as red as your own.

"What is it?" You ask briskly, continuing to hammer the axe's blade. 'Now I wonder if I could fit in-'

"I come bearing a message." He starts, but before he can continue you interrupt with irritable cough. While forging relaxed you, being bothered while doing so, especially by mundane matters never failed to annoy you.

"Tell father that I am busy. I'll attend to whatever task he has for me later." You grunt. 'Hmm. What should I engrave into the blade? Orcsbane? No, to mundane. Perhaps-' You lose your train of thought as Búrin comes up to you and whispers his message into your ear.

You freeze in mid-swing, hammer coming to a stop mere milimeters above the axe. For a moment everything seems to just stop, even the flames of the forge seeming to die down.

Then reality comes back with full force, and you find the other dwarf held aloft in your hand. You snarl outt something, nearly unintelligible, and he quickly reaffirms the statement. You slowly release your hold, letting him fall to the ground.

Your father is dead.


You march on staring stone-faced ahead at the forefront of the procession. The head pallbearer. Your brother and uncles take up the other spots carrying your father to his tomb. Dólgthrasir looks peaceful in death, his wrinkled face carved into an eternal smile. He looks oddly glad in his armor, dwarven steel glinting in the torch light of the Hall of the Dead. Upon his hand are rings of gold and silver, many of which you or your brothers had forged when you were practicing the craft. He always loved to wear those, treasuring the gifts of his sons simple youth. Clasped in his hand is the sword that he had always taken with him into battle, the kingly blade marked with the efforts of over a hundred battles.

Many of the Halls denizens are gathered to the side, heads bowed in respect to their lord. You and your brothers chant a funeral dirge as you pass through the large hall, to your families tombs.

You lay him to rest beside your mother, Ashild, in a large sarcophagus of stone. Upon the lid is inscribed:

"Here lies Dólgthrasir, Lord of Thorin's Hall. Long has he ruled and fought, and now he goes to rest in the halls of his fathers. May he find peace with Mahal".

That inscription was your brothers and uncles idea, as you likely would have cut the bit about Mahal out. You felt little desire to fight the will of the majority though, given the situation.

You remain by your father's tomb long after it was shut, and the crowds had dispersed. You just stare at it, listlessly as the hall empties. Even your brothers and uncles had long since left you to your own thoughts and the silence of the dead.

Dólgthrasir, while not a particularly doting father, had always been a pillar in your life. As sturdy as the roots of the mountains, and as cold as the snow that fell in the winter. He was never overly proud of you, as he was of Búrin. Ever the warrior, he was disappointed when you took up the craftsman's hammer instead of the axe. He still allowed you to do so, where many father's would not have.

Your hands brush over the cool surface of the stone coffin, and you grunt as you push against the lid. It slowly budges, the grinding sound echoing through the hall. You only need it open a little bit.

When you have it open enough, just enough to see his hand. Quickly your own hand darts down to your belt, grabbing your own funeral gift.

That night you are late to the funeral feast, much to the consternation of your brothers and uncles. You are stone faced and unwilling to explain your lateness though. Eventually, your relatives give up on their needling, and leave you to your quiet corner. You lift your ale in a silent toast once they leave, before downing it in one gulp.

'Happy birthday, father.' You think, sadly.

In the tomb of Dólgthrasir, beside the gold and silver ornaments and the masterfully crafted armor, sits a simple, unadorned, steel axe.


Military: Búrin took the most after your father. As your father aged, and laid down his axe for a quill, Búrin took up the axe and sword. He is a dwarf of war, and has often led your Halls warriors into skirmishes against the orcs of the northern misty mountains. It is only natural that he remains the leader of your armies. (Pick 1)

The Valley of Thrain: Thorin's Halls are rest in a valley, named after his father. Búrin suggests constructing a wall at the entrance to the valley, and setting up an outpost there. An early warning for your main stronghold, and it will allow you to control the traffic coming into the valley. Time: 1 year. Cost: 1000 gold. Reward: A basic fort and gate blocks the entrance to the Valley of Thrain.

The Best Defense Is MORE Defense: Thorin's Halls are well protected, but the defenses could be improved on. Búrin suggest carving points into the mountainside, upon which ballistae can be mounted. Time: 1 year. Cost: 1500 gold. Reward: Ballista mounts. 10 Ballistae.

Gate of Ai: The Gate of Thorin is a formidable defense. Set into the mountainside itself, and made of iron, it would hold back most attackers. But times are changing. You think it was high time there was a wall and gate protecting the two outlying towers, which stand before the entrance to Thorin's Halls. Time: 1 Year. Cost: 2000 gold. Reward: A second iron gate and a stone wall.

Guardians of the Hall: Your warriors are few, and they will only become fewer as time goes on. Campaigns and defensive actions against orcs and evil men will see their numbers depleted, and who shall be left to defend the Hall if the last of them falls? Perhaps some of the younger dwarves could be trained, and craftsmen that normally wouldn't consider a military life offered incentive. Not to become full time warriors, but to be trained enough to know which end of the sword goes where. To be called up when times become desperate. Time: 1 Year. Costs: 1,000 gold. Reward: 200 Militia Dwarves.

Diplomacy: Yngvi is the youngest of your brothers, and the most well traveled of you all. He has walked in the fields of the Shire, and the forests of Eriador. He even ventured to Dunland for a time, and stayed in Rohan for a short while. When he returned, Dólgthrasir took much of his advice when it came to matters of diplomacy. You saw little reason to change this state of affairs. (Pick 1)

Men of Eriador: The men of Eriador have been reliable trade partners for a long time. They've mostly bought farming tools from you but, with the chaos of the current Age, perhaps they will be looking to arm themselves? Time: 1 Year. Cost: 100 gold. Chance of Success: 75%. Reward: Small trade income increase.

The Wildmen of the Greyflood: Out of the ruins of Cardolan, arose the Kingdom of Saralainn. Nominally similar to the Clans of Dunland and the barbarous fisherfolk of the Endenwaith, these sheep herders are neither overly populous nor powerful. Still, their men are valiant and proud and it may be worth establishing ties with them. Time: 1 Year. Cost: 150 gold. Chance of Success: 65%. Reward: Diplomatic ties established with the Kingdom of Saralainn.

The Hold: With your father dead, and you the new leader things around the hold are a little chaotic right now. It would be worth it to try and calm everything down, and see what the various 'factions' within the hold think of your succession. Chance of Success: 85%. Reward: Ai gets a handle on the other dwarves, and prevents any possible complications. Time: 1 Year. Cost: 50 gold.

Intrigue: ...You're about as subtle as a Mumak rampaging through a glassworkers workshop. Therefore you need someone to take up said posistion.

A Hunt for Subtlety: You put the word out among your Halls inhabitants that you need someone who's capable of handling problems outside the Hall with a more...delicate...approach than many. Chance of Success: ???. Cost: 0. Time: 1 Year.

Stewardship: You know the intricacies of how to run the Hall, though you would have much rather been in the forge when your father was giving you those lessons. (Pick 1)

Dig Deeper!: Thorin's Hall has always been rich in iron, the servant of the Dwarves. But you've only truly tapped the surface of its rich veins, and greater treasures may be found deeper in the earth. Delve deeper into the mountains, and see what can be found. Cost: 800 gold. Time: 1 Year. Chance of Success: 50 percent. Reward: Medium Iron Mine (+400 gold income per year). ????

Trees: Stone's the best way to build to last, but you may have need of lumber soon enough. The nearby settlements of men are also always in need of good wood. Time: 1 year. Cost: 550 Gold. Reward: Logging Camp (Building Materials, +200 gold income per year)

Booze in the Deep: Dwarves love to drink. Period. A day without a drink, is not a day properly finished. You can bring in some wheat from some nearby mannish settlements, and carve out a cave for your own brewery. This should greatly swell your own coffers, and make all the dwarves in the hall happier, as your alcohol stocks are running low since the funeral feast. Proper Ale. Time: 1 year. Cost: 600 gold. Reward: Brewery, Increased Morale, Alcohol Trade (+300 gold per year)

Mushrooms: Dwarves do not like growing their own food, as many prefer to focus on their families craft. Wether that be mining, masonry, forging, or war. Times are changing though, and changing quickly. You may not be able to rely on men to supply you with the food you need, and the elves are as flighty as ever. Few things grow well in the halls of the dwarves, but mushrooms could be abundant given the right conditions. Cost: 400 gold. Reward: Mushrooms.

Piety: One of your uncles, Bausi, is a proud man and very dedicated to Mahal. This has led to you butting heads with him on more than one occasion. (Pick 1)

Hall of Mahal and the Seven Fathers: Dwarves don't truly have much of a religion, to tell the truth. However, they revere Mahal above all of the Valar, and the Seven father's stand just below him in that reverence. Not that you really understand why. Bausi recommends that a Hall could be delved, where dwarves could pay respect to their creator and the father's of your race. Such a project, of course, will be quite expensive if it is to be done properly. Time: 2 years. Cost: 3,000 gold. Reward: Hall of Mahal. +2 Piety. Morale Increase.

Annoying Old Dwarves: It's a widely known fact that you do not get along with religion, or what passes for religion amongst dwarves, having little faith in such things yourself. You put your faith in things like a well forged axe, or good stone, and had little respect for dusty old dwarves that focused on things like lineage and pleading to Mahal for aid. But you're lord now, and a public display of trust and acceptance would do wonders in making the codgers dislike you less. Time: 1 year. Cost 100 gold. Reward: +1 Piety, smaller chance of religious disputes between you and overly religious idiots.

Learning: This is where you are most at home. In the forge or your workshop, inventing numerous deadly way to kill your enemies or way to improve your Hall. (Pick 1)

Expansion: You had always begged your father, time and time again, to allocate funds to expand your workshop. Time and time again, you were denied. Well, father is not here now, and you control the treasury. A few more anvils and forges, you could even take on an apprentice or two. Time: 1 year. Cost: 1200 gold. Reward: Workshop expanded. Apprentices taken. Bonus to research rolls.

The Ballistae: The ballistae is the mainstay of siege weaponry, and a good defensive weapon to boot. But, perhaps it could be improved in some way.
Time: 1 year. Cost: 500 gold. Reward: Some improvements made to the design of the ballistae.

An Idea for Pointy Death: Bows are elegant weapons, and many dwarves have practiced using them. However, they are of limited use in some of the more cramped tunnels of Thorin's Halls, and of very little use in the narrow cesspits that are orc dens. Perhaps a more compact ranged weapon could be devised? Time: 1 Year. Cost: 200 gold. Reward: ???

Personal Actions: Pick 1.

Double Down: If you are willing to double the funding on a project it will have a higher chance of success. Though this could be ruinously expensive if tried on a large building or action, it would be useful on those things that are less fund-intensive. Time: 1 Year. Cost: Double of a porject. Reward: +20 on the roll.

Hunt for a Wife: The females of the dwarves are solitary creatures. Much like their men, they often focus to much on their own crafts, instead of desiring to build a family. While you have an heir, many in fact considering the amount of siblings and uncles you have, it would be good to pass rule down to your son when you die. Perhaps there is a female dwarf that would be willing to take a recluse like you. Time: 1 Year. Cost: 0 Reward: List of Potential brides.


From Under the Shadow: Turn 1 Survey
I'll be closing the survey sometime tomorrow. Probably after 12 pm cst.
It's a bit past that time but, as an official Vote Close hasn't been noted, I voted!

EDIT: Looks like I missed the Trait vote? Has the final result of that not been put in a character sheet yet?
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Just voted, probably a bit late. Though, I did have a question: how does budgeting work with survey voting? Will the vote be presented in such a way that we won't accidentally bankrupt ourselves due to less coordination?
The winning options:

The Valley of Thrain: Thorin's Halls are rest in a valley, named after his father. Búrin suggests constructing a wall at the entrance to the valley, and setting up an outpost there. An early warning for your main stronghold, and it will allow you to control the traffic coming into the valley. Time: 1 year. Cost: 1000 gold. Reward: A basic fort and gate blocks the entrance to the Valley of Thrain.

The Hold: With your father dead, and you the new leader things around the hold are a little chaotic right now. It would be worth it to try and calm everything down, and see what the various 'factions' within the hold think of your succession. Chance of Success: 85%. Reward: Ai gets a handle on the other dwarves, and prevents any possible complications. Time: 1 Year. Cost: 50 gold.

A Hunt for Subtlety: You put the word out among your Halls inhabitants that you need someone who's capable of handling problems outside the Hall with a more...delicate...approach than many. Chance of Success: ???. Cost: 0. Time: 1 Year.

Booze in the Deep: Dwarves love to drink. Period. A day without a drink, is not a day properly finished. You can bring in some wheat from some nearby mannish settlements, and carve out a cave for your own brewery. This should greatly swell your own coffers, and make all the dwarves in the hall happier, as your alcohol stocks are running low since the funeral feast. Proper Ale. Time: 1 year. Cost: 600 gold. Reward: Brewery, Increased Morale, Alcohol Trade (+300 gold per year)

Annoying Old Dwarves: It's a widely known fact that you do not get along with religion, or what passes for religion amongst dwarves, having little faith in such things yourself. You put your faith in things like a well forged axe, or good stone, and had little respect for dusty old dwarves that focused on things like lineage and pleading to Mahal for aid. But you're lord now, and a public display of trust and acceptance would do wonders in making the codgers dislike you less. Time: 1 year. Cost 100 gold. Reward: +1 Piety, smaller chance of religious disputes between you and overly religious idiots.

An Idea for Pointy Death: Bows are elegant weapons, and many dwarves have practiced using them. However, they are of limited use in some of the more cramped tunnels of Thorin's Halls, and of very little use in the narrow cesspits that are orc dens. Perhaps a more compact ranged weapon could be devised? Time: 1 Year. Cost: 200 gold. Reward: ???

Hunt for a Wife: The females of the dwarves are solitary creatures. Much like their men, they often focus to much on their own crafts, instead of desiring to build a family. While you have an heir, many in fact considering the amount of siblings and uncles you have, it would be good to pass rule down to your son when you die. Perhaps there is a female dwarf that would be willing to take a recluse like you. Time: 1 Year. Cost: 0 Reward: List of Potential brides.

Total cost for this year: 1,950 gold
Just voted, probably a bit late. Though, I did have a question: how does budgeting work with survey voting? Will the vote be presented in such a way that we won't accidentally bankrupt ourselves due to less coordination?
I'd say something like how @Imrix handles it in Ulthuan Quest. Basically, the issue isn't cash, it's getting time for all the shit that needs to be done.
Just voted, probably a bit late. Though, I did have a question: how does budgeting work with survey voting? Will the vote be presented in such a way that we won't accidentally bankrupt ourselves due to less coordination?
I'd look at TikiTau's dwarf quest for inspiration on that measure - in fact I know that it is partially inspiration for this as well, since I recognize the text of some of the options/traits.
Character Sheet:

Ai, Lord of Thorin's Halls:


Age: 120
Diplomacy: 13
Martial: 15
Stewardship: 18
Intrigue: 6
Piety: 4


Mind of Metal and Wheels: You love the sight of grinding cogs, burning forge, and mechanisms turning. The sight of a catapult firing, or a crossbow impaling a foul orc provides you with great pleasure. You love tinkering and inventing, often being dragged forcibly from your workshop to actually run the Hall. Honestly, the matters of rule often bore you. Why waste time assuaging some puffed up dwarf lords ego or listening to the problems of the common dwarf, when you could be inventing weapons to slay your Halls enemies? Or a better way to transport water? Or a host of other more productive things? For some reason, you don't have many allies. Or friends. (+5 Learning, +2 Martial, -3 Diplomacy. Bonus to research rolls. )

Blacksmith: "Metal wrought like fishes' mail, buckler and corslet, axe and sword, And shining spears were laid in hoard." You know the value of good steel, especially in these dark days.(+1 martial and learning, Weapon Research and Forging bonus)
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