From Under the Shadow(LotR/???)

[X] A proud lord of Gondor, in whom the blood of Numenor is still strong. Your father followed the new king to the Black Gates, and perished for it. Your two elder brothers followed him in death, and now only you and your sister remain. Your father ruled a rich and powerful city, and controlled a good part of the remaining Gondorian fleet. Now that Sauron has risen, it may be time to abandon these lands.
[X] A Dwarf Lord of the Ered Luin, descendant of those that fled from the ruins of Belegost and Nogrod. Long had you dwelt here, even after Thorin and Dain reclaimed Erebor. Now the time comes, that you may have to flee. Orcs, goblins, and worse creep down from the misty mountains. They've become bold now that their master has returned, and you cannot weather their assaults forever.
[X] A Dwarf Lord of the Ered Luin, descendant of those that fled from the ruins of Belegost and Nogrod. Long had you dwelt here, even after Thorin and Dain reclaimed Erebor. Now the time comes, that you may have to flee. Orcs, goblins, and worse creep down from the misty mountains. They've become bold now that their master has returned, and you cannot weather their assaults forever.
Could we tame unspeakable horrors? Who knows!
[X] A proud lord of Gondor, in whom the blood of Numenor is still strong. Your father followed the new king to the Black Gates, and perished for it. Your two elder brothers followed him in death, and now only you and your sister remain. Your father ruled a rich and powerful city, and controlled a good part of the remaining Gondorian fleet. Now that Sauron has risen, it maybe time to abandon these lands.
[X] A Dwarf Lord of the Ered Luin, descendant of those that fled from the ruins of Belegost and Nogrod. Long had you dwelt here, even after Thorin and Dain reclaimed Erebor. Now the time comes, that you may have to flee. Orcs, goblins, and worse creep down from the misty mountains. They've become bold now that their master has returned, and you cannot weather their assaults forever.

Dig Deep. Find unspeakable nameless Things from before the world was old. Tame them or worship them. Sick em on Sauron. ??? Maybe Profit?
SUPPORT FOR DWARF LORD! BECAUSE OUR DWARF LORD WILL WIELD A HAMMER FULL OF FUCK YOU! (to the baddies ofc.....and maybe some humans.....and elves.....maybe some animals.....and constructs.)
[X] A proud lord of Gondor, in whom the blood of Numenor is still strong. Your father followed the new king to the Black Gates, and perished for it. Your two elder brothers followed him in death, and now only you and your sister remain. Your father ruled a rich and powerful city, and controlled a good part of the remaining Gondorian fleet. Now that Sauron has risen, it maybe time to abandon these lands.
02: Character Creation
Diplomacy: 16
Martial: 12
Stewardship: 18
Intrigue: 6
Piety: 4

Stats are also influenced by traits. The three with the highest vote number will be chosen.

Strong: +2 Martial, +10% fertility

Architect: +2 Stewardship, -10 percent building costs.

Administrator: You've spent years at your father's knees watching him run the hall efficiently. (+3 stewardship)

Quick: You are brighter than the average dwarf. (+3 Martial, +3 Stewardship, +3 Learning, +3 Intrigue, +3 Diplomacy. Counts as two traits.)

Brave: You fear nothing. (+3 martial)

Scholar: You love books! (+4 Learning, +2 Piety, -2 Intrigue, -2 Martial)

Blacksmith: "Metal wrought like fishes' mail,Buckler and corslet, axe and sword, And shining spears were laid in hoard." You know the value of good steel, especially in these dark days.(+1 martial and learning, Weapon Research and Forging bonus)

Jeweler: Sapphire blue and opal pale, silver shining and gold glimmering. You love working with the most beautiful bounties of the earth, refining them into fine art. (+1 stewardship. Forging bonus. Potential spousal approval bonus.)

Attractive: Your beard is long and lustrous, the envy of many, with the feel of silk and the strength of steel. (+2 Diplomacy, Bonus Spousal Approval)

Honest: Deceit and lies are the tools of orcs and dragons. (+2 Diplomacy, -2 Intrigue.)

Gregarious: You always know just what to say. (+2 Diplomacy)

Greedy: Gold! Gold! Gold! It is said that gold is the toy of the dwarves, but you love little more than the sight of that precious metal. (+4 stewardship, -2 each diplomacy and piety.)

Wroth: Your temper runs as hot as the forges fire. (+2 Martial, -1 Diplomacy, -1 Intrigue.)

Silver Tongue: You have a pleasing, calming voice. (+2 Diplomacy, Small Diplomacy Bonus)

Sneaky: Why take a straight path when a roundabout one will do more? (+2 Intrigue, Small Intrigue Bonus)

Pious: You have the utmost respect for Mahal. (+3 piety)

Well-Read: In your spare time, you could often be found in the archives, reading about the deeds of your forefathers. (+2 Learning, Small Learning Bonus)

Haggler: Every coin that's ever left your palms has creases from how tightly you gripped it. (+2 Stewardship, Small Trade bonus)

Brewer: Your mother is from a line of well-known brewers. Dwarven Ale is a cornerstone of society, with a properly brewed drink capable of sustaining a Dwarf in the harshest of conditions and most dire of sieges. (+5 Stewardship, +1 Diplomacy, +1 Martial. Alcohol Trade Bonus, Siege and Food Stores last twice as long due to the quality of your ale, Population Growth Increase. Counts as two trait choices.)

Veteran of the War of Dwarves and Orcs: When Thrain II called upon all the Dwarven clans, you answered. You were a young dwarf, not even of age by the reckoning of your people, but the rage at the dishonor done to Thror could not be quenched. Despite the protestations of your father and mother, you marched alongside the warriors of Buzra-dum. What followed was six long years on campaign, as you fought in the darkness of the Misty Mountains. You were there for the sacking of Mount Gundabad and the slaughter that followed, and also participated in the Battle of Azanulbizar. You rejoiced much when Dain took Azog's head. While you did not win as much fame as the eventual King Under the Mountain, you availed yourself well during the conflict, and returned home to some honor...And a slap to the back of your head from your mother. (+6 martial, +1 Intrigue, +1 Piety. Tunnel Guard (Much harder to attack your Hall from underground), Large Personal Combat Bonus. Prestige Bonus. Character starts out old. Counts as two trait choices) (Buzra-dûm only.)

Mind of Metal and Wheels: You love the sight of grinding cogs, burning forge, and mechanisms turning. The sight of a catapult firing, or a crossbow impaling a foul orc provides you with great pleasure. You love tinkering and inventing, often being dragged forcibly from your workshop to actually run the Hall. Honestly, the matters of rule often bore you. Why waste time assuaging some puffed up dwarf lords ego or listening to the problems of the common dwarf, when you could be inventing weapons to slay your Halls enemies? Or a better way to transport water? Or a host of other more productive things? For some reason, you don't have many allies. Or friends. (+5 Learning, +2 Martial, -3 Diplomacy. Bonus to research rolls. Counts as two trait choices.)


[] Your name is? (At least try to make it sound dwarven. Tolkien took a lot of Dwarven names from the Poetic Edda, specifically the Voluspå, and other Norse mythology. For example: N‡i, Nidi, Nordri, Sudri, Asutri, Vestri (four cardinal direction), Althiöf, Niping, An, Anar, Ai, Miödvitnir, Veig, Gálf, Vindálf, Thekk, Vitr, Núr, N‡rád, Regin, Rádsvid, Hepti, Vili, Hanar, Svior, Billing, Bruni, Bild, Búri (or Búrin), Hornbori, Fræg, Lóni, Aurvang, Iari, Eikinskialdi (used in a way, since it means Oakenshield), Draupnir, Dólgthrasir, Hár, Haugspori, Hlævang, Skirvir, Virvir, Skafid, Ai, Alf, Yngvi, Fjalar, Frosti, Finn, Ginnar, Heri, Höggstari, Hliódolf, Móin)


You are the lord of:

[] Buzra-dûm. This ancient city almost stands in the center of the Ered-Luin. This city was an ancient mining outpost of Belegost. It barely survived the sinking of Beleriand, and much of its population left for the halls of Khazad-dûm. It struggled on through the Second Age, and into the Third Age by trading with the men of Eriador and the hobbits of the Shire. It is the largest dwarven settlement west of the Misty Mountains, though many of the refugees are settling in Thorin's Hall. The mountain is still rich in precious gems and silver, though gold and iron are a rarity. Coal is its most abundant resource, though few dwarves wish to work in those mines. Its warriors are few, but valiant, though its fortification leaves much to be desired.

[] Thorin's Hall. The home Thorin and Thrain delved during their long exile from Erebor. Youngest of all dwarven settlements, carved out of a long abandoned outpost of Nogrod, and least populated since much of its Longbeard population left to repopulate Erebor. It stands in the Vale of Thrain, near Mithlond. It is poor in silver and gold, but rich in iron. The settlement has swelled in numbers in recent years, as many dwarves from the east settle there, bringing much needed new blood to the city.
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[X] Architect: +2 Stewardship, -10 percent building costs.

[X] Veteran of the War of Dwarves and Orcs: When Thrain II called upon all the Dwarven clans, you answered. You were a young dwarf, not even of age by the reckoning of your people, but the rage at the dishonor done to Thror could not be quenched. Despite the protestations of your father and mother, you marched alongside the warriors of Buzra-dum. What followed was six long years on campaign, as you fought in the darkness of the Misty Mountains. You were there for the sacking of Mount Gundabad and the slaughter that followed, and also participated in the Battle of Azanulbizar. You rejoiced much when Dain took Azog's head. While you did not win as much fame as the eventual King Under the Mountain, you availed yourself well during the conflict, and returned home to some honor...And a slap to the back of your head from your mother. (+6 martial, +1 Intrigue, +1 Piety. Tunnel Guard (Much harder to attack your Hall from underground), Large Personal Combat Bonus. Prestige Bonus. Character starts out old. Counts as two trait choices) (Buzra-dûm only.)

[X] Dólgthrasir


You are the lord of:

[X] Buzra-dûm. This ancient city almost stands in the center of the Ered-Luin. This city was an ancient mining outpost of Belegost. It barely survived the sinking of Beleriand, and much of its population left for the halls of Khazad-dûm. It struggled on through the Second Age, and into the Third Age by trading with the men of Eriador and the hobbits of the Shire. It is the largest dwarven settlement west of the Misty Mountains, though many of the refugees are settling in Thorin's Hall. The mountain is still rich in precious gems and silver, though gold and iron are a rarity. Coal is its most abundant resource, though few dwarves wish to work in those mines. Its warriors are few, but valiant, though its fortification leaves much to be desired.
[x] Mind of Metal and Wheels
[x] Silver Tongue
[x] Thorin's Hall. The home Thorin and Thrain delved during their long exile from Erebor. Youngest of all dwarven settlements, carved out of a long abandoned outpost of Nogrod, and least populated since much of its Longbeard population left to repopulate Erebor. It stands in the Vale of Thrain, near Mithlond. It is poor in silver and gold, but rich in iron. The settlement has swelled in numbers in recent years, as many dwarves from the east settle there, bringing much needed new blood to the city.

Weapon Science!
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I added tags for the votes so the vote tally program can easily sort them out. I'll remove them from my vote if most people end up not using them. :)

[x][Trait] Silver Tongue
[x][Trait] Mind of Metal and Wheels

Ooh, an innovative dwarf lord who's unusually good at convincing others of his stupid crazy schemes. Stats would become: Diplomacy: 15 (and bonus), Martial: 14, Stewardship: 18, Intrigue: 6, Piety: 4, Learning: 21 (and bonus to research).

[x][Name] Ai

"Ai! ai!" wailed Legolas. "A Balrog! A Balrog is come!" ^_^ On this path lies many bad puns. ...probably not a good name.

[x][Location] Thorin's Hall

Sounds like people willing to try more unconventional ideas than the more settled-down group.
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[x] Oh I am slain!

The Tony Stark of dwarves. I like!

We shall be the Iron Dwarf.