From the Egg to the Stars (A Dragon Quest)

[X] Spitfire

What kind of dragon are we? Western? Eastern? Classic D&D? What's the color of our scales? Also are we a boy or a girl?
All the dragons in this setting are along the lines of D&D dragons in terms of body-type, so you are a 6 limbed, (Forelegs, rearlegs and wings) warm-blooded reptile about the size of a kitten or puppy. Your scales are currently a dull grey, though that will change as you grow and develop (all the dragons in this setting start out like that, as they shed, their new scales change in colour to match their identity/demeanor. It is not uncommon for a dragon to shift between different colours as they go through life.)

And I can't answer your last question yet because guess what the next vote is. :V
Also how intelligent are dragons in this setting? It could be that naming a dragon Spitfire is like naming a human baby Speakwords.
Dragons are some of the most intelligent and powerful creatures in the realms. For example, it has been close to three hours since you've hatched, and you are capable of understanding and processing the speech of mortals, though you cannot speak it yourself just yet.
[X] Nebby

Fuck it changing the name. Spitfire ain't gonna work if we ended up with a different breath weapon. And as a baby monster with potential to be very powerful in the future and raised by a little girl, well let's jump in that bag. Also the title is 'From the Egg to the Stars', fits pretty well with the Cosmog line.
So currently we're between "Utterly obvious if they know what a dragon is" (Of course small human and humans are not the best at creative names) or a Pokémon Sun and Moon Reference?

...You know what, if we get Star Dragon from this, that will be awesome.

[X] Nebby
[X] Nebby

The name is adorable and the creature we're giving it to is adorable. It's also thematically correct and potentially ironic.

Welp, that's my standards met.
Looks like we have a winner! Though I'll leave the vote open for a couple more hours just in case.
[X] Neptune..or Neppy for short.

We're a dragon and it would be kind of mean to give our character a pet name as it's only name when it's sapient... that doesn't mean having a pet name is off limits though.;)
[X] Neptune..or Neppy for short.

Capable of both dignity and cuteness, and reasonably gender-neutral to boot. I can dig it.
Alright, I am closing the vote as of now!

Could someone get me a tally please?
Alright, I am closing the vote as of now!

Could someone get me a tally please?
Vote Tally : Fantasy - From the Egg to the Stars (A Dragon Quest) | Page 2 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.9.2

[X] Neptune..or Neppy for short.
No. of Votes: 7
Entropy Engineer

[X] Nebby
No. of Votes: 6

[X] Precious
No. of Votes: 2

[X] Catherine
No. of Votes: 2

[X] Spitfire
No. of Votes: 2

[x] Nibbles
No. of Votes: 1

[X] A Party of Adventurers
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Nommy
No. of Votes: 1
Walkin' Man

[X] Lord Scaly the III
No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 23