From Shadows we Rise (Kim Possible/Shadowrun Quest)

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It started out as a routine sitch for Kim and I. Stories like this always seem to do so, you...
Prolouge: Just a normal sitch...


It started out as a routine sitch for Kim and I. Stories like this always seem to do so, you know?

The objectives were clear. Drakken was attempting to use the pan-dimensional vortex inducer once more for some invention or other of his. We needed to go to his lair and stop him from activating whatever it was he had created.

As per usual, she and I silently made our way into the base, a sleek and polished building that simply exuded "lair". It didn't take long for her to find the nearest vent system and enter it, following the directions of Wade, our mission control and local techie, to guide us towards the area that was storing the device the Doctor was making.

After about five minutes of wandering through the cramped confines of the duct system, the sounds of Drakken's voice loudly announcing his plans and desires could be heard coming out of the nearest grate. I only took a few seconds for Kim to get it unlocked, before kicking it open, interrupting the doctor mid-monolouge.

"And with this ability to cross dimens- Kim Possible!"

She jumped into the room, which was empty of anything save for the huge device whose core contained the PDVI, Drakken and Shego. After she made her way from the vent to the floor, I jumped down as well, and for once managed not to lose my pants.

That may have been the first sign that things were wrong.

Everything was quiet for a few moments, likely from the shock at my amazing display of not failing utterly, but that quickly ended once the doctor yelled at Shego to get rid of Kim. That left me to do my usual job of trying to find whatever self-destruct switch Drakken had placed on the machine. It took a few moments of observation, with my trusty mole rat Rufus helping out until I came across what was likely the correct button, given that it was big, red and had a very large skull and crossbones marking it.

This was only reinforced by Drakken yelling at me not to touch it, so I made the logical assumption that the button must have been a self-destruct switch. Carrying that idea, I pressed it, only to have everything I thought shattered by the doctor himself.

"You fool! You just pressed the switch to overload it! Did you not see the skull and crossbones I put there as a warning?!"

No sooner had that been said when the machine started making ominous noises. The entire thing started crackling with electricity, all centered around the inducer before there was a flash and I saw strange strings of light protruding from myself, some leading to the people in this room, others elsewhere. Then everything went black.

As I regained consciousness in the darkness that had enveloped me, I looked around only to find myself facing four mirrors. Each of them held a different reflection of myself, but one resonated with me more than I would have imagined, it was:

[] The martial artist, using a old form along with the powers I had gained to perform incredible feats. (Adept build)
[] The warrior, holding a blade I had been blessed enough to have been able to wield. (Street Samurai build)
[] The spiritualist, channeling the powers I had gained into the world around me. (Shaman build)
[] The tinkerer, using whatever I had available to create machines and devices for my own gain. (Rigger build)

Yeah, that was who I was. As the mirrors around me shattered, leaving behind the strangely warm darkness.

I waited there only a few moments, before the sensation of falling overtook me. I looked around to see many lights descending towards the unknown, of many different colors. Briefly I saw the flash of a golden one far away from me. As I quickly approached what my soul was telling me was the end of my drop, I saw two lights near me.

Choose two (these will be your first two runners):
[] Blue
[] Green
[] Orange
[] Red

A/N Welcome one and all to my new quest! This is just an idea that had been floating around in my brain for a few days that I thought would be entertaining to play for myself and all of you. Since shadowrunners seemed awfully similar to what the characters on both sides of KP do and well, it progressed from there.

Hope you guys enjoy it!

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Ron's sheet
Character sheet:​

Basic description

Age: 17
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Blonde
Race: Human

Living under the motto "never be normal" Ronald Dean Stoppable is known to be quite an enigma. Most consider him a freak or loser, but just as many have reported hidden depths to the teenager. Those closest to him say he is capable of great good, but hushed voices say that he could also be capable of great evil if he so chose.

In a world with such blurred morality, will he become a hero, a villain, or perhaps something more?

Body: 4/6
Agility: 6/6
Reaction: 6/6
Strength: 5/6
Charisma: 2/6
Intuition: 3/6
Logic: 3/6
Willpower: 5/6

Special stats:
Essence: 6.0
Edge: 5/7
Magic: 6/6

Physical: 7
Mental: 5
Social: 5

Combat health stats:
Physical health points: 10
Stun health points: 11

Current Karma: 15

English: Natural
Japanese: 4
Mandarin: 2
Spanish: 2

Knowledge skills:
Food: 4

Active skills:
Unarmed combat: 6
-Specialized in Tai Shing Pek Kwar
Blades: 2
Running: 3
Gymnastics: 2
Swimming: 3
Navigation: 2
Survival: 3
Lockpicking: 1
Escape Artist: 1
Sneaking: 3
Pilot Ground craft: 1
Influence: 2
Perception: 1
Adept powers

Astral perception
Combat sense: Lv. 2
Killing hands
Wall running
Critical strike:
-Unarmed: Lv. 2
Enhanced perception: Lv. 1
Adrenaline boost: Lv. 2
Light body: Lv. 2
Rapid healing: Lv. 1

Blandness: There's a reason Drakken always ended up forgetting your name.
Natural Athlete: Running for your life on a semi-weekly basis does wonders for the body.
Astral Chameleon: Apparently even your spiritual signature comes off as unremarkable to others (much to their detriment).
Companion: Rufus: You have a naked mole rat that can sometimes be smarter than you. Whenever doing anything dealing with technology or devices, you can re-roll one glitch.

Currently wearing: Mission clothes (turtleneck and jumpsuit.
Other equipment: -Kimmunicator (Dead)
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Runner Sheet
Allied Shadowrunners:

Basic description

Age: 17
Eyes: Black
Hair: Black
Race: Human

Raised by the mystic sensei of the Yamanouichi ninja school, Yori has been the recipient of one of the better educations in the art of stealth and subtlety that would be available to people. After meeting Ron while he was on a mission for the school, she became fast friends with the American boy and trusts him implicitly, even if his perception of honor is sometimes a little off.

With everything gone so wrong, will she be able to find trust in her friend once more?

Body: 4/6
Agility: 6/6
Reaction: 6/6
Strength: 4/6
Charisma: 2/6
Intuition: 3/6
Logic: 4/6
Willpower: 5/6

Special stats:
Essence: 6.0
Edge: 5/7
Magic: 4/6

Physical: 6
Mental: 5
Social: 5

Combat health stats:
Physical health points: 10
Stun health points: 11

Current Karma: 12

Japanese: Natural
English: 4
Mandarin: 4
Spanish: 4

Knowledge skills:
Wilderness survival: 3
Codes of honor: 3

Active skills:
Stealth group: 5
Gymnastics: 5
Running: 4
Swimming: 4
Medicine: 3
First aid: 4
Blades: 7
-Specialization: Katanas
Survival: 4
Unarmed: 4
Adept powers

Astral perception
Combat sense: Lv. 2
Wall running
Critical strike:
-Blades: Lv. 2
Enhanced perception: Lv. 1
Traceless walk

Ambidextrous: No true ninja would only focus on using one hand alone in combat.
Catlike: Owing to a childhood of training in the art of stealth, she has a very graceful way of moving around.
Aptitude-Blades: She'd been taught how to use swords from a young age, and has shown considerable skill in their use.

Currently wearing: Ninja garb
Current weapon: Katana
Other equipment: -N/A

Basic description

Age: 22
Eyes: Green
Hair: Black
Race: Super-Human

A well known mercenary and criminal, Shego is a formidable foe to anyone that faces her. Using her plasma powers and enhanced strength against Kim Possible turned her into one of the team's most feared enemies. In this new world, she serves as one of the more powerful members of the runners, providing magical support from near and far.

Now will her experiences change her, or those around her?

Body: 5/7
Agility: 6/7
Reaction: 6/7
Strength: 5/7
Charisma: 2/6
Intuition: 3/6
Logic: 4/6
Willpower: 5/6

Special stats:
Essence: 6.0
Edge: 2/7
Magic: 6/6

Physical: 7
Mental: 5
Social: 5

Combat health stats:
Physical health points: 11
Stun health points: 11

Current Karma: 12

English: Natural
Japanese: 3
Spanish: 3

Knowledge skills:
Fashion: 3
Vices: 3
Smugglers: 1
Organized Crime: 1

Active skills:
Sorcery Group: 6
Gymnastics: 3
Running: 2
Swimming: 2
Sneaking: 4
Unarmed: 4
Lockpicking: 3
Pilot Aircraft: 3
Pilot Ground craft: 1
Perception: 2

Analyze magic
Combat sense
Detect magic
Increase reflexes
Circle of healing

Distinctive style: Hey, it's not easy being Green. She's pretty easy to notice as a consequence.
Superhuman: Due to the effects of a comet early in her life, Shego has a much more powerful body than other humans. +1 to max physical stats and +1 to starting physical stats.
Catlike: Years of being a thief and criminal tend to make sure she's as stealthy as possible.
Focused concentration lv.2: She has learned to tune out most distractions while using her powers, probably because she's been working with Drakken for so long.

Currently wearing: Green and Black Jumpsuit
Current weapon: -N/A
Other equipment: -N/A

Montgomery Fiske:​

Basic description

Age: 34
Eyes: Dark Blue
Hair: Black
Race: Human

Once an acclaimed and reputed archaeologist, Lord Montgomery Fiske first met the members of Team Possible when he had hired them to steal a priceless Jade monkey artifact for him. He is obsessed with Tai Sheng Pek Kwar and the mystic monkey power, he was one of the most ruthless and dangerous villains the team would have faced. He considers Ron Stoppable his nemesis, and is possibly the only villain to actually remember his name.

With everything flipped on it's head for him, will he perhaps find a way to make peace with his old grudges?

Body: 5/6
Agility: 6/7
Reaction: 6/7
Strength: 5/6
Charisma: 1/6
Intuition: 4/6
Logic: 3/6
Willpower: 5/6

Special stats:
Essence: 6.0
Edge: 3/7
Magic: 6/6

Physical: 7
Mental: 6
Social: 5

Combat health stats:
Physical health points: 11
Stun health points: 11

Current Karma: 9

Japanese: 4
Mandarin: 3

Knowledge skills:
Archaeology: 5
Ancient civilizations: 4

Active skills:
Unarmed: 6
-Specialization: Tai Sheng Pek Kwar
Blades: 4
Sneaking: 4
Outdoors skill group: 2
Intimidation: 1
Disguise: 2
Running: 2
Gymnastics: 3
Swimming: 1
Escape artist: 1
Adept powers

Astral perception
Combat sense: Lv. 2
Killing hands
Wall running
Critical strike:
-Unarmed Lv. 2
Enhanced perception: Lv. 1
Adrenaline boost Lv. 2
Mystic armor Lv. 2
Genetically modified: After undergoing treatment by D. N. Amy, Monkey Fist literally has fists of a monkey, along with the species' dexterity. Agility & Reaction gain +1/+1
First impression: For all of his flaws, no one can deny that his "English Gentleman" mode that he approaches people with isn't charming.

Currently wearing: Casual suit
Current weapon: Tanto
Other equipment: -N/A
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Organization sheet​
Funds and Expenses

Current funds: 4800 Nuyen
Basic upkeep: 650 Nuyen per week
Runner status

Ron: Healthy
Yori: Healthy
Shego: Healthy
Fiske: Healthy
Current Priorities

Find the other two people who landed in Seattle.
Reward: 5 Karma per person, ???

Make the warehouse into something liveable.
Reward: 5 Karma, base improved, more options for base unlocked.
-Sub-objective: Create a training room. Reward: 3 Karma

Gather up 20,000 Nuyen to get new legs for Felix!
Reward: 10 Karma for everyone, Felix joins your crew as a Rigger.

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Relationships sheet.​

Yori: Friend, 0/100
Shego: Neutral, 20/100
Fiske: Rival, 10/100

Benjamin Lee: Doctor, Loyalty: 1, progress: 35/100
Arnold Crane: Illegal Aug doc, Loyalty: 1, progress: 25/100

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I don't know enough about shadowrun to make an educated choice for the second vote, but I will be watching this quest.
I don't know enough about shadowrun to make an educated choice for the second vote, but I will be watching this quest.

Oh no, those are possible characters from the series that will become the first runner.

It's not specific people that are the lights, but rather how Ron views then.
Oh no, those are possible characters from the series that will become the first runner.

It's not specific people that are the lights, but rather how Ron views then.
Eh, I guess I can vote for something, then.

[X] The martial artist, using a old form along with the powers I had gained to perform incredible feats. (Adept build)

[X] Green
[X] Red
Oooo.... I like the possibilities of this one... Have you gotten your muse awake again?

Anyway, I'm not sure which one to go for here... Magic is all well and good, but tech is also really good too... Gonna skip on the samurai though. Unless we get free augs with it that is, in which case I'll think it over again.
[X] The spiritualist, channeling the powers I had gained into the world around me. (Shaman build)
[X] Blue
[X] Orange
[X] The spiritualist, channeling the powers I had gained into the world around me. (Shaman build)
[X] Blue
[X] Orange
Also, if you guys want to, you can try guessing what the four colored options are.

If you get it right, I'll confirm your guesses.
[X] The martial artist, using a old form along with the powers I had gained to perform incredible feats. (Adept build)
[X] Red
[X] Blue
[X] The martial artist, using a old form along with the powers I had gained to perform incredible feats. (Adept build)

[X] Green
[X] Red
[x] The martial artist, using a old form along with the powers I had gained to perform incredible feats. (Adept build)
[x] Green
[x] Red

Being Kim and not punching people would be like being Jack and not slashing people robtots
[X] The martial artist, using a old form along with the powers I had gained to perform incredible feats. (Adept build)
[X] Blue
[X] Orange
Being Kim and not punching people would be like being Jack and not slashing people robtots
Actually, based off the initial perspective, I would say that we're Ron. For better or worse.

[X] The martial artist, using a old form along with the powers I had gained to perform incredible feats. (Adept build)
[X] Blue
[X] Orange
Nice, a quest staring Ron :)

[X] The martial artist, using a old form along with the powers I had gained to perform incredible feats. (Adept build)
[X] Red
[X] Green
Last edited: guys are boring. Not even trying to guess what the choices you make will get you.
I haven't played SR and don't wanta wiki dive to spoil the quest now.

You should never complain about questers not metagaming. :V
You should never complain about questers not metagaming.

This isn't about metagaming, since whatever you choose is still going to have some chance involved with who you actually end up getting.

I just want to see some reason in the votes rather than just seeing votes.

I haven't played SR and don't wanta wiki dive to spoil the quest now.

There really isn't anything in the second choice relating to SR at all, this is all possible characters from the KP universe, and that's it.

Though if you want an explanation of the roles for the first choice, here it is:

Adept: Uses magic to enhance the body to fight enemies.
Samurai: Uses weapons and later cybernetic modifications to take down enemies.
Rigger: Controls drones to do the fighting for him.
Shaman: Controls spirits to do the fighting for him.
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