Friendly Foreign Exchange Student Spiderman! (My Hero Academia x MCU)

The act or process of simulating.
An imitation; a sham.
Assumption of a false appearance.

Also, a hero office would have lots of people working in it. Not quite hundreds, but still lots of them.
I know what a simulation is, my point is this feels like such a significant deviation that it is not an accurate or valuable simulation. A hero office would have non heroes working in it. Hence why USJ is not an accurate disaster to model an attack on a hero office on.
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Chapter 49
"Alright…" Peter sat in his chair, looking over the blueprints, all of them displaying various ideas that he had devised in an effort to enhance his Spider Sense.

"So, the suit I want to make needs to accomodate my sense of touch." He turned around in his chair.

"You know, when Aizawa made Hero Period a time for you guys to train, this is not what I expected a student from the Hero Course to be doing," Power Loader mused with crossed arms.

"He said that we should use the period however we can to become better heroes." Peter shrugged. "And this is one of them. Before coming to U.A., I made a lot of my own gadgets."

"Did you mentor with someone?" Melissa asked from her side of the room. "Or work with a support company in the states?"

"Peter's Mentor, the late Metal Maestro, passed away sadly. Heart disease." Karen spoke from Peter's phone from where it rested on the table.

Peter felt a buzz and looked down at his smartwatch.

'MM was a confirmed hero who passed 3 years ago. Based in New York too'

'Atta girl Karen.' Peter mentally cheered.

"So," The American muttered, turning about. "Going by everything … we can eliminate some of the heavier and bulkier stuff." He began to gather up some blueprints, tossing them into the holographic trash bin.

"You want materials that can more easily translate your sense of touch without fully exposing your skin," Power Loader mused, one hand rising to cup his chin as he eyed the blueprints.

"Don't suppose really thin socks would work?" Melissa asked as she sipped from a thermos of tea.

"Not enough protection. Even if I avoid all the glass, just pavement alone would tear up my skin and the socks after a while..." Peter mused. "Maybe something as thin as sock linen but more durable? I know Mt. Lady's suit is what I would like to get, but when she told me how much it costed, she's still paying off the loan needed to buy the material for her support company..." He heard the microwave ding, making him perk up as he raised his hand, his web shooters attached as he aimed. He fired, with a light tug opened the door and with another raised arm, latching onto the paper-shielded Hot Pocket inside, bringing it to him as he caught it.

"Ack!" He immediately cried as he set it down on the desk. "Hot…"

"Can you not please?" Power Loader asked, seeing the two strands of webbing on the floor. Peter blushed bashfully.

"Sorry -" He yelped before reaching up to rip the webbing free and moving to toss it in the trash after bunching it into a sticky ball.

As his hand rose up he paused, staring at the ball in his hand.

"That's it!" Peter exclaimed, beaming as he turned around, using the keyboard in front of him to write up a new blueprint as he began to type.

"What did you figure out?" Melissa asked, looking confused.

"What is thinner than polyester, but can allow my foot to breathe and be protected?" Peter began to write down the chemicals needed for web fluids, listing them down practically by heart. "My web. If I can make a material like it, but used only for my feet, then I will be able to use my Spider Sense to the fullest."

"But doesn't your web fluid make it so that it evaporates after a period of time?" Power Loader inquired.

"It does but that's because of a dissolving agent. Just eliminate it and the webbing can last for days, almost weeks before it degrades." He explained.

"I ran a simulation featuring every various chemical compound and protein, and I may have found the right one." Karen added, and Peter could see out of the corner of his eye modifications being made to his formula.

He grinned.

"Seems like you got the hang of things Peter," Melissa added with a small smile. "Now to get back to my own project… Got to find the right kind of gear for him."

"For who?" Peter asked, focused on his blueprint as he minimized windows and began to create the skeleton basis for his new web grenade.

"Izuku. I'm trying to come up with the right kind of tools to help support him in the field." Peter turned his head, seeing Melissa at work on her own station and the holographic blueprint before her.

He could see it in motion, the glove expanding and contracting. It started as something that would only cover the hand, then expanded to cover the forearm in a bulky kind of protection…

"Well… I know Midori is a frontline fighter, and while he's good at parkour," Peter mused aloud. "He may need something to help him with movement."

"And something to help subdue enemies too…" Melissa added, before turning to get back to work.

"Okay…" Peter studied his new blueprints, one featuring the bare bones of his new suit, the other listing the bullet points for his new web bombs. "Go time…"


Mt. Lady sat on the ledge of the building, munching on a hamburger as she looked out over the skyline of Musutafu.

Above her, leaning against a billboard of Uwabami selling her newest skin lotion, Kamui Woods rested while sipping from a thermos that he had brought along.

She wiped her mouth a little, looking out beyond Musutafu and seeing the massive skyline of the greater Tokyo area far in the distance.

Today was like any other with Peter at school and her on the job. She would transform in a wide area, smash any sort of unruly villain or punt them to the next county while Kamui would handle any kind of criminal in environments that would be… hazardous for her quirk.

Something however was at the front of her mind as she ate.

"If it's true and at the absolute least Parker believes it to be true, coupled with the events he's gone through within his time in U.A, despite what you may think he might need more help than he's letting on."

"The constant insomnia from before the U.S.J, the fact that he's been here for over a year and the fact that he hasn't gotten anything close to treatment regarding what happened to him on Titan. This issue might point to larger problems brewing under the proverbial hood."

"You've been letting him sit on a landmine, and that is on you."

Yu glared at the card, hoping she could find a way to voodoo doll Aizawa somehow just to spite him.

"You're his guardian. So start acting like it."

"Hey Kamui," Yu spoke up, looking up and seeing her colleague look down at her. "Go ahead on the route without me. I'll catch up."

"Why's that?"

Yu pulled out her phone and began to dial in the number on the card. "Family issue."

"Alright." He got up, giving her a nod. "I'll meet you by the bridge." He pointed, Yu seeing a bridge a good four miles down the river which went out to sea.

"Thanks." Yu smiled, relieved as she brought the phone to her ear and got up, beginning to pace along the rooftop under the bright blue sky. Kamui nodded, stowing his thermos as he lashed his wood-tendrils out and began to swing about town.

What to say for introductions?

'Hey, my student's dick of a teacher recommended you to be his shrink, wanna discuss rates?'

No no… Be more formal? Polite?

Then she might get asked where she got the number? And she wasn't in a mood to… glow about Eraserhead.

She heard the dial tone ring once, twice, thrice…

"Hello, this is Tyla Taira." Yu perked up. Saying their name in a Western fashion with the surname last? "I am currently on vacation at the moment." Her voice also sounded a bit older too. Mid-forties?

"Shit…" Yu muttered aloud as she leaned against the back of the billboard in the shade, sighing as she gazed upwards.

"Feel free to leave a message after the beep, and if this is an order on plushies, be sure to leave your email so we can talk business."

"What the-" Yu muttered, blinking in surprise before she heard the tone.

She coughed a bit. "Hi there ummm, my name is Takyama Yu and I got your number from my ward's teacher who…" She licked her lips. "Pointed me your way. For the record, that teacher's name is Aizawa Shouta, if that rings any bells. Here is my number." She gave it before sighing. "And… I… just call me back when you can and we can set something up. Thanks."

She hung up and let out a big sigh, running a hand down her face. "If Aizawa made me spill my heart to a plushie maker I swear to god that I'll punt him to Australia."

There was a beeping sound, looking down she tapped on her smartwatch communicator and pocketed her phone, walking back to her burger and munching on it. "Yeah?"

"Villain near downtown!" Kamui said. "I'm gonna direct it to the river. It's a giant snake! I hope you finished your business."

Yu scarfed down her sandwich. "Lead him on Kamui! I'm in a mood to vent my frustrations! Just muzzle him will ya!?"

Yu saw a coiling tail in the distance, and she got to the ledge, jumping off and transforming to her sixty-four foot height

"Time for me to kick some ass!"


The walk out of the hospital was a familiar sight.

Enji kept himself somewhat casual, no flames, just him. Flames in an open building, in front of her, wouldn't do anyone any good. A few people walking through recognized him, taking pictures with their phones, but did their best to keep the hell out of his way. He wasn't in armor or costume as well, but his face was a dead giveaway.

A spark at his side, and Enji felt his quirk spike up the fire on his face. He specifically requested not to be disturbed until the afternoon. Yet, when he reached for his phone, the call wasn't from the agency.

It was the emergency line, indicating a disturbance.

"What?" He asked.

"Gang war! About two miles away southeast at 99th Street and Kozuki Avenue! You're the closest hero to respond and-Wait is this Endeav-"

His clothes burned off, revealing the black skinsuit he kept under them as his flames roared around his shoulders, fists and feet. The buildings became blocks under him as he soared through the air, only to drop down as gravity forced its hold back on him. The address updated as he got closer, moving him closer to an alleyway. A single jet of flame adjusted his course and a slow exhaust of power set him down on the edge of the alley.

The alley itself was off the beaten path, the sort of place where muggings would occur and desperate scum with knives tried their luck. Now though, there was no one around, and for good reason. He could see the bullet holes along the walls as cracked concrete pointed towards a battle, firearms and quirks being used in equal measure.

Yet, no bodies.

No corpses, no remains splattered against the walls, not even pools of blood to indicate any casualties. On one hand, it was a good thing. The fewer deaths, the less paperwork required.

Only, this was the tenth battleground in the last month alone without any victims. It shouldn't be possible for things to be so… clean. Three months ago, these streets would have a possible homicide every other week.

Now? There wasn't even a stray mugging or a petty theft to be seen.

It was like someone was going down and taking out every single member of the gangs before just leaving the battlefields as a calling card.

First suspect on the list could be the League of Villains.

Nothing publicly had happened with them since the Hosu incident, but the leader had a quirk that could turn people to dust. Ideal for getting rid of evidence.

Endeavor pulled out his phone, clicking the signal for a first responder team. He'd have to ask for specialists to measure the dust, just in case.

And if it wasn't Shigaraki, then whoever did this had a body count well into the dozens.

He entered the warehouse, seeing more destruction. Boxes and crates were strewn about, a fact he glanced over before he noticed some blood on the floor.

A crime scene.

"This is Endeavor, at my signal I want to report a disappearance. Evidence of another disappearing gang is present. Send local forensics teams my way."

"Understood sir." The dispatcher said on the other line.

Shigaraki Tomura could turn people into ash. Yet he saw no piles of ash anywhere…

Endeavor began to walk about the warehouse, seeing no signs of security cameras. Looking at some of the crates and boxes, he peeled some open, reaching down and finding copy paper…

Yet under it, he saw a powdery substance.

He got his communicator out again. "This is Endeavor. Bring the Narco Unit as well. Whatever our disappearing gang was doing, they were running drugs."

Something caught his eye near a destroyed crate with paper and white powder spilling out as he walked over. He knelt down, seeing what looked like a few yen bills and a photo.

He leaned down before looking at it, the picture depicting a rather unsavory looking man looking annoyed with his head full of screws. He was at a family gathering of rather pleasant looking people, a woman that might be his mother with her hair being made of nails smiling and serving him some food.

A happy family… Minus one in their lives for the moment.

"They're disappearing without being held accountable and facing justice." Enji spoke. "It's like they're being treated as dust being swept up in a pan, not as people…"

He reached for his utility belt that he had around his waist and grabbed a plastic bag and marker; he could hear the sirens of the first responders in the distance.


"Mei. You're supposed to order ice cream, not dismantle the guy's freezer." Peter wasn't sure whether he should be laughing or cringing. Maybe both.

"But it had a squeaky cooling fan!" She protested.

It did. But the freezer looked like it was older than both of them, judging by the make and model. The fact that it'd been working at all was no small miracle, squeaky fan or no.

Oh well, at least he'd managed to get what they came for.

Holding out the still not melting prize he smiled at the pink-haired inventor. "Cherry?"

She smiled back, target-like eyes focusing on the frozen confectionary before she snatched it out of his fingers as Peter chewed a bit off from his mix of vanilla and caramel.

Stuffing his free hand in his pocket, they made their way down the street. Mei had been banned for at least a week by his insistence with Power Loader from going anywhere near the Studio, so she'd been predictably going stir-crazy inside her own home. When he'd called she was busy turning her ceiling fan into a high-powered rotor blade system to help people swim faster… or mow down seaweed. Either or.

While he was happy to see his enthusiastic if a little psychotic friend, he made sure to discreetly watch her out of the corner of his eye.

Her skin had returned to a healthier pallor, back to its usual tan rather than the sallow pale he'd seen. But there were still dark circles under her eyes from lack of sleep and he could only hope it was her usual restlessness and thoughts on inventions rather than… other distractions.

"So... how's the vacation been treating you?" He ventured, taking another bite.

Mei's scowl was thunderous, insofar as the perpetually cheerful girl could look thunderous.

"It sucks!" She declared flatly. "I dunno why Power Loader said I couldn't be in the lab! I didn't even blow anything up last week...that he saw at least."

He decided to ignore the afterthought there. "You needed the rest," He justified, subtly reminding the manic inventor of her previous unhealthy state..

"I need to get back to work! Support items don't make themselves!" She contested, looking cross with a frowny face.

Peter sighed, rubbing his forehead. "Mei… I asked Power Loader to give you some time off."

She whirled on him, popsicle still in her mouth as she made an attempt to speak while her mind looked like it'd just blown a fuse.


He nodded. "You were working yourself ragged, Mei."

"I have to make the-"

He reached up, placing his hand on her shoulder as he looked at her. "Mei… I know what happened at I-Island… is something you're thinking about-"

He pretended not to notice her wince, shutting his eyes as he powered on through. "But I'm not gonna let you end up hurting yourself because you wanna avoid me getting hurt."

She looked down at the floor, and for a long moment she didn't say anything- long enough that Peter began to grow concerned again.

"I'm not stupid."

He blinked. "I'm not saying-"

"I know what people say." She interrupted, looking back up at him with eyes that had just the barest hint of glass over them, her target-irises focusing on him. "That I'm crazy or airheaded. Autistic." She spat out. "That I can't keep my thoughts straight or focus. That I don't know when to go home and stop inventing things."

"But I'm not saying any of that." He protested, bewildered.

Her response was an accusation, "You're saying that I don't know me! I know my limits. I know how much I can handle!" She yelled, her previous excitement replaced with offense and anger. "And I can handle whatever I need to, to make sure you're not filled with bullet holes again next time you go out!"

His face fell. "You don't have to do it all at once! I'm not planning on getting into any gunfights."

"You didn't plan to get into the first one either" She shot back, eyes whirring in their target pupils. "Three hundred and seventy-six percent..."

Peter blinked. "What?"

"That's how much higher your statistical probability of being in a dangerous situation involving villains is next to the national student average." She muttered, looking off to the side.

He stared, utterly stupefied by that fact.

"There's a national average?"

"There is now!" She turned, eyes boring into him.

"You made one!?"

"Not the point!" She stamped her foot, her eyes beginning to look moist. "Three. Hundred. Seventy. Six! And that's as a student! A first year!" She turned away clomping over to the side of the building they were next to before planting herself down on the steps, glaring at the floor. "How much worse is it gonna be when you get into your second year? Or get a full time internship in your third? Or when you graduate? I need to work. I need to get you the tools you need so you don't…" She trailed off. "So you don't…" Her voice was shuddering.

For a moment Peter stood there, half-melted ice cream in his hand as he lingered on the sidewalk, staring at Mei as he felt that pit in his stomach get bigger and bigger.

Finally after an interminable moment, he marched closer, sitting down beside the girl who didn't move.

"You're worried." He said.

It was a stupid thing to say. Obvious. But this conversation hadn't really gone the way he'd expected. Saying it aloud let him organize his thoughts, what he could say.

Mei lurched to the side suddenly, and before Peter could say or do much he was wrapped in a tight hug, one arm squished between them, her fingers clutching at his ribs as he used his remaining arm to awkwardly reach over and brush his fingers through her pink hair. Something to give her relief.

"I worry too." He admitted quietly. "And I'm sorry I… didn't even look for so long… but I do worry too Mei. So let's make a deal."

She sniffled into his shoulder and he took that to mean she was listening

"I'll try to drop that average a bit… maybe down to say two-fifty?" He tried not to smile at the absurdity of the statement. "And you work normal hours at the lab, ok?"

"Normal hours for people or me?" She sniffed, and he ignored the dampness spreading across his shoulder. Peter gave a soft smile, seeing her look back up.

"We can work on it." He promised.


Before Peter knew it, the three weeks had passed in the blink of an eye.

"Something on your mind?" Peter perked up, turning as he had been looking out the window at the Tokyo skyline going by.

Seated beside him, Izuku sat with his hands in his lap. Around him, Peter could hear the banter of Mina and Kaminari. Across from him, Ochako seemed to be talking with Tsuyu, and out of the corner of his eye Momo and Shoto were discussing something quietly.

"Kind of. Just wondering what sort of exam it's gonna be…" Peter mused. "I mean… what sort of high school exam takes place in Olympic stadiums?" He asked as the bus got off the freeway and onto the main street leading to it. "Something like the Sports Festival maybe?"

"Every exam is different from what I can tell. Every year those who failed usually come back to retake it." Izuku replied.

"I see… and what happens if you, well, don't pass at any of your attempts?" Peter asked, seeing the stadiums grow bigger as they approached.

"Well, you won't be able to do significant hero work as a student save for internship duties." Izuku cupped his chin, thinking. "Although I'd have to imagine you can still aim to become a hero, but without that experience and the boost that the Provisional License gives on your resume, it would be a lot harder…"

"So the ones who fail go out to the sticks?"

"The… sticks?" Izuku tilted his head.

"Sorry, old phrasing back home. More like the country. Out of the major metropolitan or town areas. Like Central Honshu or Hokkaido up north."

"Ohhhh okay. I would think so," Izuku perked up. "We're almost there…" Peter turned, and he saw the bus pull up along a sidewalk which caused Iida to stand up near the front of the bus, Aizawa still sitting up there.

"Alright everyone! Orderly lines!" The bespectacled boy called out as Peter saw everyone in front get up to depart from the shuttle bus. Then they were out of the bus, standing in the courtyard of the Fujitome Stadium District.

"So this is where the Olympics are held in Japan huh." Peter mused aloud.

"Yeah, and other sporting events or Hero showcases nowadays. Due to the Olympics being completely quirkless, it's not that popular anymore." Ochako spoke out as they got off the bus. "Kinda sad really."

"Jeez, this is big…" Ojiro said as he looked up at the stadium, seeing other buses filled with other students. Peter noted the various different school uniforms too, all of them forming their own little cliques.

"And there must be hundreds of other kids too… Can we really pass with all of those other guys?" Sato asked.

"You will pass." Aizawa spoke out or rather ordered, making the muscular boy turn back in surprise. "Show no doubt, and pass this exam. Once you do, you will no longer be considered just students." His eyes focused as he walked in front of the class, most of them standing by the bus to collect their costumes. "You will be Semi-Pros, so do your best out there, all of you." He said, hands deep in his pockets.

"Yeah that's right! We're all gonna pass here!" Mina exclaimed, hands high above her head.

"And we'll show the world what we're made of!" Kirishima said, just as eager as the pinkette. Peter chuckled in good nature. "Let's give it a big Plus-!" He readied his fist back to pump into the air...


"Ack!" Peter yelped in surprise, skipping back at the sudden shout as he turned to stare at the source. Even Izuku backed off in surprise as Kirishima looked confused.

Standing behind him was a taller looking boy in a more casual school uniform that reminded Peter of the private high schools Midtown Tech would face in the Academic Decathlons, consisting of a simple collared shirt and slacks. He was built very well, and wore a cap with a unique S at the rim, and had a large smile upon his visage.

"You shouldn't intrude on others, Inasa. Apologize," grumbled another as Peter saw him and a group of others approach, all wearing similar attire, caps and all. A boy, a girl, and some… fur person. Reminded him of that furry guy in the Addams Family, the name escaping Peter.

"Oh! You're right!" The boy said, his tone speaking as if he didn't know the concept of an indoor voice as he leaned back.

"I!" He continued to lean back. "Am very!" And came down, the crown of his head meeting the ground as he stood. "Sorry!"

"Uhhh…" Peter blinked, seeing everyone else around him was as perplexed as he was. "Is his quirk being very flexible? Or is he made of rubber?" Peter asked aloud.

"He's like Iida combined with Kirishima…" Sero mutterd.

"I'm not that loud!" Kirishima exclaimed in defence, pointing at the boy as several others came to approach. "Hey… doesn't that hat look familiar?"

"It is." Shoto spoke up. "They're one of the few schools in all of Japan that is capable of rivaling U.A. in the quality of its Hero courses." He said, as the boy, Inasa, rose back up, the look of exuberance fading a bit as he focused eyes on the dual-haired boy. "You're from Shiketsu High."

And Peter noticed the shift, the good nature fading into a glare as the other boy who had called out Inasa stepped forth, and Peter noticed his incredibly narrowed eye, his other covered by his violet hair. "Seems like U.A. has arrived to suck up all the air again. As usual." He drawled with a hint of venom.

"Hey now, it's totes okay Shishikura," The girl with blonde hair said. "Like, you know he absolutely loves that Plus Ultra thing y'know?" She said as her eyes drifted, and Peter felt her settle on him. "Oh hey! The Sports Festival guy is here too!"

Peter blinked, seeing the girl approach. "Like, totally hi there!" She said in English, albeit accented. "My name is Camie Utsushimi~!" She smirked, finger to her lips and winking. "Like, so nice to meetcha, Peter Parker. Let's do our best okay~." That shirt hugging her form, and was that skirt a little too… low? Or was that his imagination?

Yeah. She… looked nice. Very nice.

"Umm, hi. Seems ya know my name." Peter said with a wave, smiling awkwardly. "Guess me winning is going to make it tough for me to introduce myself properly, huh." He felt the stares at the back of his head too.

"Everytime…" Kaminari grumbled.

"I really should have done my best to make him lose… We don't stand a chance now," Sero added.

"Don't get the wrong idea, Parker." Shishikura said as he stepped up, standing in front of Utsushimi as he glared. "We're not here to make friends with the enemy. We're here-"

"To become the best heroes!" Inasa yelled, practically bulldozing Shishikura out of the way as he came forth and took Peter's hand, shaking it fast and wildly. "It's an honor to compete with the best of the best! Especially from a place like U.A.! I am Yoarashi Inasa, and I am excited to work with or face you! But let's do our best at the end of the day and go Plus Ultra like the best heroes U.A. has made!"

"Stop making friends, you fool!" Shishikura barked, glaring at his taller peer, but Yoarashi didn't seem to care as he continued to shake Peter's hand, his arm flailing in the process.

Peter was wide-eyed as he shook the taller boy's hand. "Ummm, yeah, of course. N-Nice to meet you too, Yoarashi-san!"

Aizawa was silent, eyes fixed on Yoarashi entirely.

"Easy now Yoarashi, you'll tear his arm off." The fur-guy said as he approached. "And don't mind Shishikura, he's just competitive is all. Trying to put on a game face and what not. I'm Nagamasa Mori." He raised a hand.

"Oh! I am sorry!" Yoarashi yelled, letting go of Peter and… bowing again with another blow to the floor.

"Dude, you don't have to do that!" Peter exclaimed, seeing blood drip down Yoarashi's face. Yet as the boy rose back up, he was completely unfazed and unaffected.

"Like don't worry 'bout it, we tried to get Yoarashi-kun to stop, but he's like, super into that thing." Utsushimi explained. "Like with U.A. too. He's totally cray-cray about it."

"Ummm, if he's into U.A. a lot…" Izuku said, stepping up as the blonde girl turned, and she smirked lightly.

"Ohhh, you're like, totes the kid who blew up his own fingers back then didn't cha?" Utsushimi beamed, leaning his way, hands behind her back. "Like, when did U.A. have so many cuties~."

Izuku paled, becoming white as a sheet and shuddering on the spot. The girl only seemed to giggle and skip away from him, Shishikura growling in Izuku's general direction.

Or Class A's general direction. That made more sense.

"We should get going too you guys." Nagamasa said. "Come on, we need to get back to our class."

"Yes, we cannot fraternize with the enemy here…" Shishikura growled as he turned around and began to stalk off.

"Parker-saaan~, gimme your number when we pass, okay?" Utsushimi waved. "Or fail, like, no diff to me." She said as she walked backward. Peter couldn't help but wave back, awkwardly and dumbly.

"Um, sure."

Nagamasa bowed. "If you'll excuse us."

"Let's do our best, U.A.!" Yoarashi yelled, beaming as the other group walked/marched off towards what seemed to be their bus.

"What's with those guys…" Kirishima mused aloud.

"For someone who talks a lot about U.A., wonder why he didn't apply here?" Jirou asked aloud.

"He did." Momo spoke up. "He was in the Recommendation Exam with me and Todoroki." Her eyes were locked onto the retreating Shiketsu students.

"He was?!" Sero exclaimed.

"So he was as good as you and Todoroki…?" Tokoyami muttered.

"If not better," Aizawa spoke up, eyes locked onto the Shiketsu students, primarily Yoarashi. "He was able to pass the exam, yet he left for reasons unknown." The man had a stern look on his face. "That boy will be problematic if you face him in battle." He turned back to the class. "Take note, and be on guard. He's the real deal."

"You sure?" Sero asked. "With those blows to the head there might be brain damage… like serious brain damage."

"Underestimate him and lose then." Aizawa shrugged.

"I bet Ace here can beat him. Or even Todoroki too!" Kirishima said with a big grin.

"I mean, I don't know what he does but, hopefully we don't run into each other." Peter commented.

"Assume the worst, hope for the best." Aizawa replied. "That's all I can say when you're dealing with a monster like-"

"Eraser!" Aizawa's face flinched, and his shoulders slumped as he let out...a very frustrated sigh.

"Crap…" He uttered, and Peter looked past Aizawa… as did Kirishima, Izuku and the others. Approaching with a wave and the biggest grin from the other direction was a woman with green hair under an orange bandana, and a unique costume with… jester's pantaloons?

"It's been so long! All I've been seeing is ya being on TV and stuff! Doing well?" She chirped, voice full of enthusiasm as she seemed to beam like the sun… while Aizawa looked like he wanted to be as far away as possible from her.


"Wanna get married?"


And the girl barked out in laughter. "Anyone ever tell ya you were good at off-the-cuff comedy!?"

"And has anyone ever told you that your sense of humor falls flat, Joke?" He asked rhetorically.

"Who's she?" Peter asked aloud, utterly stunned by the ongoing interaction.

"Ohhhh that's Ms. Joke, the Smile Hero!" Izuku explained, looking excited. "Her Quirk is Outburst and it allows her to force others to laugh uncontrollably! She's an expert in villain suppression!"

"Hehe, come on Aizawa!" She said, playfully elbowing the gloomy shaggy-haired man. "Think of the happy and vibrant house we can have! Always full of laughter and joy! Our kids would just be bouncing off the walls!"

"That sounds like an insane asylum." Joke let out a laugh again at that.

"Are you… friends?" Tsuyu asked in curiosity.

"Oh yeah, me and Aizawa go way way back! We did so many underground cases! We both neutralized so many criminals it was gut-bustingly funny!" Joke explained with a beaming smile.

"Your quirk was efficient," Aizawa uttered.

"And on top of the countless times we saved each other's backs! We totally have to settle down!" Joke lunged to hug the man's arm who flinched, baring his teeth, eyebrow twitching. She then looked towards Peter and blinked.

"Hey you, Parker was it?" Peter perked up. Man, everyone knowing who he is is going to take getting used to...

"Gotta say, I liked the material you exposed during the Sports Festival!" Aizawa turned her way, eyes wide. "Like 'Come up and Fight like a Spider'! That was hilarious!"

"Well, it just came sort of naturally I guess… Whenever I fight baddies, my mouth just… ya know. Doesn't stop."

"And don't let it stop, just keep the jokes flowing!"



Oh god there's two of them.

Shouta could feel the migraine starting to form already, teeth beginning to grind.

"I mean, how else are you going to enjoy the fight if people aren't loosening up a bit?" Parker asked, "Not like we can't loosen up, or is that a bit like being 'strung along?'"

The boy holds a piece of webbing between his fingers, smiling without a care in the world.

"Well, unlike Aizawa, you won't get 'tangled up', right?" Mrs Joke added.

"Leave me out of this," the teacher pleaded.

"Why? Afraid that you'll get 'wrapped up'?" Peter asked, a slight smirk forming.

"I will give you extra homework." Shouta growled out.

"Oh what's wrong Eraser, your undies all in a bunch?" Joke asked.

Parker sniggered, and Shouta began to glare at him.

"You…" Joke said with a pointed finger towards Shouta's face accusingly. "Have kept this ray of sunshine from me." She said, wrapping an arm around Parker. "Wanna trade? My American transfer student would be tailor-made for you. Glum, gloomy, moody and super serious." She spoke in a mocking tone, making Parker let out a small laugh.

"Okay everyone," Shouta said, voice raised, glaring at his class as his hair began to wave about. "We're going to get signed in. Now. " He turned around, and he looked back at Parker, who was standing by Joke's side. "You need to tend to your class as well, Joke."

"I have a good class rep. But, fair enough." She walked over, patting him on the shoulder. "Let's root on our kids together, kay?"


"And that is the codeword for yes." Joke exclaimed as she walked off, leaving a befuddled Class A as they carried their costume cases.

"I like her." Parker declared with a grin, earning another glare from the man.

'There are two of them now. What have I done...'


"Man, did you see the look on Aizawa-sensei's face?! I don't think I've ever seen him so annoyed!" Mina giggled. "That means Ms. Joke and him make the best couple!"

"You think that?" Ojiro inquired.

"Oh yeah! Like, he was totally brought out of his comfort zone, and she seemed to love working off of him too! Warts and all!"

Momo paid them no mind, walking at the head of the class as she looked back, seeing Peter trot up to them with his costume case.

"Parker getting cozy with a hot teacher like that…" Kaminari muttered.

"Lucky sonnuvabitch…" Sero added.

"Do you two ever not think with your pants? Not even once?" Kyoka snarked as they made their way to the locker rooms to change. They saw various other students from other schools going to their selected locker rooms and Momo noticed a few of them staring at them. There were many kids of varying heights and dimensions, all in unique costumes and quirks on display.

"I can safely say that I've never been in a location with this many fellow students before…" Iida surmised.

"Yeah, I feel it too…" Izuku mentioned.

"Don't worry too much about it guys. " Peter said as he finally caught up to the front of the group.

"Indeed. Let's just focus on the exam for now," Momo breathed.

"Well well well! Look who the cat dragged in!" Jeered a voice, making the group pause as they stared down the hallway. They found their locker rooms, with the labels of 'U.A. Class A Boys' and 'U.A. Class A Girls' written over the doors.

But beside those, 'U.A. Class B Boys' and 'U.A. Class B Girls' was present, and with it, Monoma Neito. He was dressed in a fancy suit, leaning by the door, leering their way with his arms crossed. "I suppose it's to be expected that Class A were to appear at this exam. Going to hog all the glory and attention as per usual?" He drawled, several of his classmates beside him, all dressed in their hero costumes too.

"Monoma, please calm down." The pudgy boy, Nirengeki if Momo's memory was correct, spoke. "We're here to pass the Exam, not cause a squabble."

"Oh please, like they'll do whatever THEY can to get to the top, even using others as stepping stones! Not unless we use THEM first!" Monoma declared.

"Seriously, if you keep this up, I'll sic Kendo on you." A short brunette with hair covering her eyes and wearing a red dress with white dots added.

"Heh, go ahead and tell her Komori. Not like I care." Monoma oiled.

"I'll tell Pony then."

Monoma's jaw clacked shut as he looked back at her, thighs clenching lightly. "You wouldn't."

"Keep acting a fool and I will."

"Who is he again?" Sero inquired.

"I think he's the naked dude." Peter exclaimed.

"Gah I remember you! You had to keep touching me back during the War of the Flags" Hagakure yelled, her gloved hand pointing his way. "Pervert!"

"I was doing what I could to win, thank you, and you consented." Monoma rolled his eyes.

"You were still flashing people!"

"Like you are now?"

"I was born this way!"

"You can still wear clothes!"

"Come along everyone, we should get changed." Momo said, dispelling a potential argument. The boy simply rolled his eyes before smirking, leaning against the wall and eyeing them as the entire group walked past.


"Okay… all set." Izuku said to himself, putting on his gloves and making the final adjustments as he looked around, waiting outside the hallway. Everyone was dressed up and ready in their costumes. They all got into orderly lines set by Iida as he saw Kirishima walk out of the locker room.

"Hey check out Ace you guys!" The redhead exclaimed as Izuku turned, seeing Peter walk out of the door.

A new costume. It was mostly black save for the chest, forearms and legs with red gloves and shoes.

Blue spider webbing traced along the red areas, and Peter had donned a red mask with blue webbing and blue trim around big white eyes.

Izuku noticed the inclusion of pads around the elbows and knees, and the shoes themselves looked quite thin in appearance. Izuku even saw some kind of webbing on the arms connecting to his torso.

The wrist web launchers looked modified as well. Perhaps for more web or gadget compartments?

"Whoaaa, is that a new costume Parker-kun?" Hagakure said, her gloves floating close by.

"It seems so." Iida surmised.

"Yeah, made it myself during the last three weeks." Peter said through his mask, showing off his larger wristguards with the modified web launchers on them.

"Ohhhh, so that's why you weren't around for Hero Course training at the Battle Centers. You were making a whole new costume from scratch?" Jirou asked, eyes wide.

"Very impressive Peter-san." Momo mused, hand on her chin, looking over the outfit with a keen eye. "I was wondering where you were, it seems you were making good use of your time."

Peter's eyes crinkled and closed as he rubbed his head. "I did have help from the Support Department here and there, but yeah, I needed a new costume since the other one was getting a little worn."

"I can't wait to see it in action!" Ashido said, waving her arms.

"Well, if we all stick together, I'm sure we'll pass."

"Assuming we can stick together. Wouldn't surprise me if they split us up." Todoroki mused with crossed arms as he leaned against the wall.

"Agreed." Tokoyami nodded.

"For now, let's get going everyone." Momo called out, and everyone in the class began to depart from the locker room down the hall, following the arrows that would lead out to the stadium proper.

"Coming," Peter trotted to the front, joining his fellow Class Rep.

As they walked Izuku began to run through the various possibilities going forward in his head, the gears churning and turning..

The exam could be combat-oriented. Or solving crime? Or resolving a disaster? There were a lot of possibilities but handling unexpected tasks was par for the course for a hero.

Maybe there were scouts in attendance too? That could explain the stadiums with seating, and no massive audience or TV networks set up. Could the exam have them respond to a disaster event in a stadium perhaps, hence the selection of the site that had multiple stadiums for a second-rate global event? What if All Might was there and-

"Yo, Midori." Peter spoke, hand on Izuku's shoulder as the boy perked up.

"Y-Yes?" He asked, turning as he saw everyone else looking at him.

"It goes from the brain straight to the mouth, eh?" Kaminari smirked, and Izuku paled.

"Oh… I was thinking aloud again, wasn't I."

"I wouldn't worry too much about it, Midoriya-chan." Tsuyu said with a light smile. "It adds to your charm."

"Helps to have someone thinking on point I say!" Hagakure waved her gloves, and Izuku blushed, looking away.

"That goes double for me!" Kirishima said with a beaming grin. "I don't usually think on that kind of stuff."

"Don't sweat it." Peter's eyes crinkled up as he smiled behind his mask. The way his eyes curved reminded Izuku of Edgeshot.


"Eeee!?" Izuku jumped as the rest of the group stopped. Before them, a small robot was carrying a massive cart filled with circular white tags, practically half-empty already.

"PLEASE TAKE YOUR TAG." The robot commanded. "IT IS FOR YOUR EXAM."

"Oh, well… S-Sure."

Ever the organizer, Iida rushed to the front to help dispense the tags in an orderly fashion, arms waving like an air traffic controller, handing everyone the tags as Izuku held up his. It had a metallic surface on one side and a soft rubbery face on the other.

"PRESS THE BUTTON ON THE SIDE AND WRITE YOUR NAME." The robot commanded, and Izuku looked on ahead, seeing the door leading out to the stadium. Izuku looked down at the tag, pressing the small button along the edge of the tag, and with it, a holographic screen appeared, alongside a similar holographic keyboard.

Izuku filled in his name, pressing on the submit key as the holographic screen disappeared.

"ONCE COMPLETE, PLACE YOUR TAG UPON YOUR CHEST OR SHOULDER. " Izuku nodded at the small robot's command, placing the tag's soft end upon his breast… He then heard a light suction noise and perked up. The tag was now attached to his chest with some kind of miniature suction or sticky function.

"ONCE COMPLETE, PROCEED TO YOUR SCHOOL'S SECTION WITHIN THE STADIUM STANDS. THANK YOU FOR YOUR COOPERATION." The robot then putted away with the cart, probably going to another locker room area.

"Alright!" Kirishima cheered, smacking his fist into an open palm. "I'm getting antsy here! Let's get on with it!" He exclaimed as the class began to walk through the hallway and out into the open stadium.

It was large, capable of seating tens of thousands as it also had an open roof. Izuku looked about, seeing plenty of other schools and their students seated throughout the stadium, signs of the school names and their classes situated amongst them. Following the arrows, the students got to their section, noticing how sparse it was.

Izuku noticed Class B close by to their own section, seeing some waves and stares directed their way. He noticed Peter wave, looking towards two people in particular. Tsunotori and Shiozaki, sitting side by side as the former waved more enthusiastically, the latter more reserved. And of course Monoma was there, smirking their way. As per usual it seemed.

"Ok, now we wait, it seems…" Izuku mused out loud as he took his seat, seated between Peter and Todoroki. Looking out to the green football field, it was pretty bare. But the video board hanging from the roof down into the stadium was on, with the logo and Japanese kanji of the Hero Public Safety Committee listed on it.

"Hmm… Hey," Peter seemed to mutter under his breath, in English curiously enough. Izuku turned his way. "What's the HPSC?" He inquired to… seemingly no one. Yet before Izuku could reply, Todoroki spoke up.

"It's a government bureaucratic agency that handles interactions between Heroes and civilians," Todoroki elaborated. "They handle a lot of criminal cases too, alongside having a considerable sway with law enforcement and other hero-related matters." He explained, making Peter stare.

"Oh, uhh," Peter stammered in Japanese. "That's a… good summarized version. Sorry I was just, ya know…" He tapped the side of his head, making Izuku tilt his head in confusion.

"Her, right?" Todoroki surmised, understanding as Peter beamed.

"Y-Yeah, her." He whispered back in English. He turned around, seeing Izuku stare his way as he leaned over. "Was talking to Karen." He whispered.

"Oh, can you talk to her?" Izuku whispered back, Peter nodding in conjunction. "She's not gonna affect the exam, is she?"

"Nah, Academic Safeguard. Can't help with school stuff." Peter whispered back, to which Izuku nodded. Looking at Todoroki, he gave the barest of nods and sat back. He noticed Kacchan standing up and walking down the aisle.

"Kacchan? Where are you going?" Izuku asked as the blonde bomber kept on walking.

"Goin' to the fuckin' bathroom, mind your own business" He grumbled back, not even turning around as he kept walking down the stairs and into the depths of the stadium. Izuku shrugged, sitting back in his seat.

"Hey everyone, look! It's starting!" Hagakure called out as the giant scoreboard flickered to life.

"Mmngh… is this thing on?" Muttered an old voice as the video feed came through, and with it, the visage of a very tired and gaunt looking man with platinum blonde hair appeared on the frame.

"Ah, there we are…" He leaned back, sitting on his chair. Judging by the background, he must be in the press boxes up top. "Now then," He coughed into his hand a bit before rubbing his eyes. "Welcome to this year's second Provisional Hero License Examination. My name is Mera Yokumiru and I am your proctor." He let out a yawn. "A pleasure to meet you all…"

"He looks like he could use some shuteye." Kirishima said behind Izuku.

"Think he and Aizawa-sensei could trade notes?" Peter asked, eyes showing that he was smirking.

Sero barely held in a snort. Mina audibly giggled while Momo smiled, rolling her eyes.

"My favorite thing to do is sleep, especially non-REM sleep, because I can certainly use that." Mera dawdled on, looking down at a script of sorts with the bare minimum of effort. "Even with the salary I get, the workload can kill a man with how understaffed we are… it's ridiculous…" He muttered.

"Uhhh, he knows he's on camera, right?" Uraraka mused aloud. Mera perked up, looking offscreen as he gave a light roll of his eyes.

"You heard me Abe," He muttered before looking back at the screen. "Now then, with my personal grievances aside, time to get to the meat and potatoes of this exam. As you all entered the stadium, one of the custodial droids helped dispense a certain tag to you. These tags will designate your teams for the preliminary exam. Which I'll explain shortly so pay attention boys and girls, you're not getting any repeats from me."

Peter and the others of the class stiffened, watching as the man on screen adjusted his script and began to read.

"In this simulation you are members of a hero agency. Teams Red, Blue, Green, Violet, Orange, Yellow, Pink, Navy Blue, Gold, Gray, Brown, White, and Black."

"Creative." Kaminari whispered before Jirou elbowed him.

"These agencies will each be working independently, and will be your agency from the beginning of this exam to its eventual conclusion a few days from now. Each will have a different number of heroes and resources to complete their task." The proctor yawned wide, closing his mouth as he rested his chin over his hand.

"A few days?!" Jirou squawked.

"Of nonstop battle?!" Hagakure added.

"The task is simple." The proctor continued. "Your agencies have received word of a terrorist attack that's going to take place."

"I bet we're gonna have to fight mock villains." Kirishima grinned. "This is gonna be sweet!"

"Yeah, I'll fry those robots to a crisp!" Kaminari exclaimed, a small spark forming in his hair.

"And I'll melt 'em good!" Ashido beamed, flexing her arms.

"So your job boys and girls-" For the first time the man seemed to smirk at the camera. "Is to read."

It was somewhat amazing how far one could hear a pin drop when four hundred plus students go dead quiet.

Peter, equally as stunned, blinked. Not… what he expected.

Kirishima's jaw was on the ground, Ashido looked pale as a sheet with wide eyes, while Kaminari's classic dud face made an appearance, giving off a weak and confused "Whey?"

"Within your designated offices we've left all the materials you'll need to 'investigate' the terrorist threat. Discover when, where and who will be leading the attack. The teams or team members who successfully determine who, what, when, where and how and arrive in time to intercept- well they'll pass onto the next stage. Those that don't, fail. Simple really."

Getting no response at all, he sighed before clearing his throat. "Hope you all brought your thinking caps and reading glasses. We have prepared accommodations for you all to spend two nights here, along with food and running water within the trailers provided. For sleeping accommodations, the neighboring hotel has been booked for all of you. The contents within your lockers are being relocated to your rooms as we speak. The tag you have will essentially act as a de-facto room key for your hotel room and your admission to and from this exam, so keep it on your person at all times. Naturally, if you feel the need to take a breath of fresh air or go for a walk, you're welcome to leave the trailer as well as your quote-on quote 'hero office.'"

Mera paused to yawn and rubbed his eyes a little. "In short, this preliminary exam is to give you all the experience of working at a hero agency along with the more technical aspects of hero work, primarily research and investigations, which can be quite time-consuming and difficult. As such we expect you to work as hard as possible and resolve this threat from dusk till dawn."

There was a sound, like grains of sand passing over glass and Peter looked down.

His white name tag shifted, showing his name and with it… A number. 74.

"Hey mine turned green!" Kirishima shouted. "And I'm 98!"

"I'm red and 45." Tsuyu added. Izuku looked around, seeing that his classmates had a variety of different colored tags and numbers.

"Let me elaborate on the sorting of this exam." Mera espoused. "We have a grand total of…" He narrowed his eyes at the screen. "Hmmmn, my my, four hundred and five examinees today, and you will be divided into major blocks depending on the colors. Your agency teams will also be dependent on the last number of your tag as well. For example, if you are Gold 2 you are paired with Gold 12, Gold 22 and so forth. As I said, there will be uneven numbers of students among these groups to represent the dynamics of larger and smaller agencies. Likewise, you will be graded in the overall portion of the exam depending on how well you perform with your colleagues, whether it be in a small man team from out in the countryside, or a large established Top Ten firm here in Tokyo."

Beside Mera, a graphic appeared that showed the various other stadiums in the Fujitome District. "This stadium you all are in currently is the White-Black-Gray Stadium. All other students are to go to the other stadiums that are color-coded for your convenience. Simply follow the signs leading out of the stadium to your assigned one." The graphic showed the other stadiums and their outlines with a different color upon them, the stadiums almost being divided like a pizza being sliced.

"Please don't waste time." He yawned. "We have a good twenty minutes for those who have to go to the other stadiums. Those who have White, Black and Gray Tags will remain here in your seats please…" The man yawned, resting his head in his arms.

"Well, guess we gotta get going..." Iida stood up. "I'm Blue 61."

"Yeah, I'm Pink 43." Momo turned towards the others. "Do your best everyone."

"We will." Peter said with a thumbs-up, beaming at them as everyone began to stand up. "Kick ass Momo!" He beamed, the girl nodding back with a smile. "That goes for everyone!"

"We will, Parker-kun!" Uraraka exclaimed.

"We'll be pros in no time, Ace!" Kirishima pumped his fists up.

"See you." Todoroki uttered, standing up as Izuku noticed his tag was Green 23. Izuku turned towards Peter…

His tag was White, and his number was 34! "Peter-san, we're in the same team!" Izuku beamed, joy rushing through him as Peter turned, looking down at the tag on his breast and back to the green-haired boy.

"That we are, partner. We got this." He said, cheekbones rising in a grin as Izuku looked back as everyone else filed out…

"Guess I'm with you guys." Shoji said, his white tag reading 4.

"You too? Sweet!" Peter beamed.

"Guess so." Izuku said as he turned about and saw that everyone else had gone to the tunnel.

"Hey Shoji, guess we're working together again." Peter mused, looking back between Izuku and the taller boy.


"Alright, let's get to our trailer!" Peter got up from his seat, Izuku smiling as he followed, with Shoji trailing from behind. They made their way down to the field via the stairs, navigating through the various large trailers and other gathering students to find their assigned location.

"Hmm… Six… Seven... " Izuku turned around, and spotted it. "There!" Four, at the edge of the arena. Yet already there…

Izuku gulped. Such a… tight body suit! And an unzipped outfit showing cleavage too! L-Look away, just don't pay attention!

But she has her White 14 tag right on her B-b-b-b-b-b-b-

"Like, oh em G! You're in my team too?" Squealed that girl from Shiketsu, Utsushimi beamed. Her figure almost seemed to bounce as she trotted over. "I recognize the tall guy there, like who's mister maskie here?" She tilted her head, looking at the just as flabbergasted Peter.


"Um, hey Camie…" Peter waved, his own eyes wide behind his mask.

"Ohhhh!" She batted her own forehead lightly. "The Spider motif was like, a dead giveaway, My b there." She walked around, eyeing him up. "Niiiice costume."

"T-Thanks." Peter muttered, looking about at the platinum blonde who was looking back up at him with a playful grin.

"It's like, a bummer that our Prelim is so boring. Why would they even design a test around reading!? Like, we're totes heroes. Leave the reading stuff to like, the unpaid interns I say!" Camie said with a nonchalant shrug.

"Crimes and threats don't investigate themselves." Shoji said matter of factly. The girl pouted while Peter shrugged.

Camie's eyes looked to the sky as she "Hmmm"ed to herself. "I guess so, but I'm like, totally gonna need help. I'm not the best in like, booksmarts so... heads up."

"That's what teamwork is for! I hope you can help too!" Izuku added, while the blonde girl giggled.

"Well, since you did ask so nicely~" And the boy's attempt at trying to up her spirits suddenly became stiff as a statue at the girl giving him a wink.

"It's nice to meet you as well." Shoji added, offering his hand to shake, as the girl looked at it and took it.

"Whoa, your hands are like, super huge." She said, shaking them. "And strong too! You totes like Yoarashi, hitting the gym and getting those big strong muscles?"

"I do." Shoji nodded, and the girl smiled back.

"Oh! We're not the first ones here!" Said a voice as Peter turned, seeing two people approach their direction.

The first leading the way and with a bright grin was a tall, muscular young Japanese man with shaggy, unruly black hair, sticking up in all directions around his head which reminded Peter of Izuku. His brown eyes had unique diamond-shaped pupils as well. His costume consisted of a gold jaw-guard around his cheeks, a thick green strap over each of his shoulders, attached at the front to two black plates with golden trimmings which covered the sides of his chest, black elbow pads, and green wrist-guards. He had unique baggy pants with some small green markings and plain black boots with heeled soles. On his shoulder, the White 24 tag was present.

Behind him was a girl with Caucasian features and a sour look on her face, one that reminded Peter of Mrs. Yaoyorozu in a sense. She had knee and elbow pads, and wore a light fitting costume of knee-high boots, short shorts, and a tank top with what seemed to be body armor with an array of black with yellow trim. She also wore unique gloves on her hands too, her long dark hair down to her shoulders as her dark blue eyes scanned the crowd. Much like her compatriot, she had a White 54 tag on her shoulder.

"Whoaaa… I recognize those arms!" The black-haired boy said. "You're that armsy guy from the Sports Festival in U.A. right?" He asked.

"Yes, I am." Shoji nodded. "Shoji Mezo. These are my classmates." He gestured to Izuku and Peter.

"Heya, names Peter, and this is Midoriya Izuku." Peter waved, and he saw the boy's face light up with a bigger grin. The girl with the frown perked up, gazing his way.

"Ohhhh! You're the Sports Festival champ Peter Parker right? You must be the strongest one here!" He ran up to them, shaking each of the boys' hands. "And you can fire huge gusts of wind from your fingers too, right?" He said, shaking Izuku's hand fervently.

"I-uhhh, not really. Just flicking is all b-b-ut I got it under control. N-No more finger breaking!" Izuku said, his face showing a little unease.

"Man, U.A. sure knows how to put on a show with characters, don't they? That Sports Festival had me at the edge of my seat!" He said enthusiastically. "With how much talent you guys displayed, you guys ought to be fine heroes for tomorrow!" He was… really keen on smiling.

"You're making a big deal over nothing," The girl muttered, her Japanese highly accented. Peter could recognize it. American.

"Oh, don't worry about it. Oh right, where's my manners haha! My name's Shindo Yo, and it's nice to meet you all!" He gestured to himself with a thumb. "And I'm from Ketsubutsu Academy, Class 2-2, and this here is -" As his arm went to the girl she immediately glowered at him.

"Elle." She muttered. "Just call me Elle."

"No last name?" Izuku inquired, only to get a glare from the girl and he promptly shut up. "O-Okay, Elle-san…"

Shindo chuckled, shrugging. "She's just really shy and doesn't like giving out her name. But she's from America and is super strong too!" He turned towards Peter. "Makes me wonder how if you two were to fight it out who would win."

"Well, hopefully we don't have to. Assuming we pass the preliminary anyway." Peter said with hands raised. Elle noticed and scoffed.

"Scared?" She asked.

"So like, am I chopped liver or somethin'?" Camie asked, finger pointed at herself.

"You might as well be Miss!" Called out another name as Peter turned, and noticed two more figures approaching.

"You?" Peter asked in surprise, and Monoma Neito smirked back. "You're on our-" His eyes settled on the tag on Monoma's breast, it read White 64. "Oh… of course." He sighed. He then noticed another individual beside him. "Oh! Hey Shiozaki!" Peter perked up, waving.

He couldn't miss that vine-like hair belonging to Shiozaki Ibara anywhere. Her costume looked relatively simple, a pure white toga of sorts as Ibara nodded.

"Parker-san. It's a pleasure to see you." She said with a soft smile. Monoma winced.

"Hey, hey, don't buddy up Shiozaki!" Monoma exclaimed as he gave Peter a smug-looking grin. "I don't suggest bonding with those three from Class 1-A of U.A. High," Monoma drawled, running his hand through his blonde locks. "All they will do is toss you down and step on you all the way to the top. It's what they do after all. I mean, did you see how he handled his own classmate during the Sports Festival final? Practically ripped his arm off for the win!" He leered, grinning at him as Peter's eyebrow twitched.

"You really need to chill, dude." Peter muttered, and Monoma almost seemed to revel in it until Ibara stepped forward.

"Please forgive my childish and… unwise classmate's ramblings on my behalf…"

"Hey!" Monoma cried out indignantly.

"Loud…" Elle muttered under her breath.

"Who's he?" Camie asked, pointing at the posing Monoma as she looked up to Shoji.

"Someone with an inferiority complex the size of Mt. Fuji," Shoji replied through one of his arms. Camie perked up, eyes wide and amazed.

"Whoaaaa your arms talk! Like, super weird but cool! Hashtag Keep Japan weird yo!"

"I heard that! See!" Monoma pointed up at Shoji. "All they do is look down on everyone else."

"That's because I'm taller than you." He replied dryly.

Monoma leered at the other students, ignoring Shoji's response. "Isn't that right, Ketsubutsu and Shiketsu?" He put his hands in his pockets. "Right? Riiiight?" He drawled.

"Nnnnnnot really." Shindo shrugged, rubbing the back of his head awkwardly, not sure how to respond to the question.

"Bit over the top for me personally, sorry dude." Camie mused, reaching into her side pocket and pulling out a hand mirror before she began to look over herself.

"So… we're all teammates then," Peter said, stepping up, already knowing this wasn't gonna be as easy as he hoped.

"Three minutes" A robotic voice spoke over the video board. Mera was still snoozing up there too…

"Hope our last member legs it. I don't wanna know what happens if we're down a man!" Shindo put his hands on his hips.

"We'll be fine. Don't worry." Elle uttered.

"Well, we'll cross that bridge when we get to it." Peter took a deep breath. Him, Izuku, Shoji got along well enough. Camie, despite acting like a total airhead, seems to have a good heart. Shindo seemed friendly enough, while Elle seemed to mostly keep to herself. She may still be new to Japan given her lack of speaking too. Shiozaki would be a great addition, while Monoma…

Well, it could be worse. This seemed like a passable te-

"Oh for fuck's sake!"


Shouta had his eyeglass up in the higher seats, since the lower section was reserved for the students. He found his students, taking note of Mera's rules as he spotted who was remaining in the White's.

"Oh Fuck..." He breathed.


Bakugo Katsuki stood there, his tag being white, with the number being 44 as he walked towards the group standing outside the trailer. Everyone was staring at him, from those Class B clowns to some new guys he didn't recognize. Armsdude was there, as was Deku…

But him.

Parker in his stupid new suit narrowed his eyes at him, and Katsuki glared back.

"The fuck you looking at?"


It begins!
Anyone recognise Elle? OC, Expy, Crossover, Canon character I just don't know?
the unpaid interns I say!" Camie
I'm surprised everyone didn't clock on that she was a villain here. Its more evil than anything the LoV have done so far.

Bakugo Katsuki stood there, his tag being white, with the number being 44 as he walked towards the group standing outside the trailer. Everyone was staring at him, from those Class B clowns to some new guys he didn't recognize. Armsdude was there, as was Deku…

But him.

Parker in his stupid new suit narrowed his eyes at him, and Katsuki glared back.

"The fuck you looking at?"
Hmmm, so in SB chat, one thing comes up a lot and thats how will Peter and Bakugo's relationship develop. And the answer is usually, it won't they'd rather just avoid each other unless circumstances force them to interact.

So looks like circumstances are forcing them to interact.
Chapter 50
"Fuck…" Peter cursed under his breath, turning back around and walking away, eyes narrowed.

Izuku winced. Three of his own classmates being on the same team should be an incredible stroke of luck. But while Shoji seemed easy to get along with…

Kacchan and Peter together…

This wasn't gonna go well. At all.

Peter abruptly turned away, marching/stomping into the trailer and Izuku followed him.

From an intercom they could hear the voice of the exam proctor-

"We meant it when we said you have to get reading. It's one in the afternoon now. You have seventy-two hours to find where the villains are going to attack. Best of luck students."

"Move it Deku or I'll-THIS MUCH PAPER?!" Kacchan yelled in surprise as everyone else began to file in afterward.

"Ohhhh, wowie that's a lot…" Camie uttered as she walked in, others gazing at the vast collection of boxes, all filled with various documents throughout the carpeted trailer.

Peter saw desks, shredders, a water cooler, and couches.

The boxes themselves had titles too, all numbered and arranged in large stacks... "Suspects", "Potential Targets", "Criminal records", "Recent activities", "Official Documentation/Records", and "Miscellaneous".

"Whoa-kay then." Shindo whistled as he walked deeper into the trailer, Elle by his side. "There's quite a lot of this stuff we're gonna need to comb through," He mused, running a hand through his hair.

"Well, s-shouldn't we sort things out first?" Izuku asked. "I mean, we do need to find out who the villains are, where they're attacking and when."

"It's obvious, moron-" The bomber growled back as he walked around the place, inspecting some of the boxes. "We have three days, so the villains will attack then. Has to be a clue."

"Really?" Monoma drawled on as he walked in, Ibara behind him. "Or maybe that's something to throw us off?" The blonde glared back at him.

"In any case, I don't think we will need most of our heavy equipment. Take off the cumbersome parts of your costume and get comfortable. We'll be here a while." Shoji spoke up as some of his eye-arms gazed around.

Peter blinked as well, shrugging as Shindo removed his jaw guard and Elle removed her armored vest. He even spotted Bakugo setting his grenade gauntlets onto a desk close by.

"If I may speak," Ibara said, stepping up and gazing up at Shoji. "I think it's fair that we nominate a leader for this team: since most prominent hero agencies tend to have, well, a leader."

"Should we bring it to a vote of hands?" Shindo asked.

"Ohhh like, that's a good idea! But we totally should have it at like, a majority.'' Camie said as she twirled her hair around. "Since like, if we all vote for ourselves, but like, one other person votes for another, that may totes make things complicated."

"Good idea." Elle agreed, nodding towards her.

"Well… there's nine of us here. So whoever gets five wins," Peter suggested.

"No, I'll be the leader here." Kacchan growled out. Peter turned, glaring his way as the bomber walked forth, arms crossed.

"No one nominated you." Peter spoke, and Kacchan rounded on him, glaring right back.

Kacchan crossed his arms."Who, then; you Parker? You're no leader."

"You're not one either." Peter hissed, stepping forward.

"I ain't following Deku, or you." Kacchan growled. The green-haired boy started to walk towards the blonde bomber. As he did, Kacchan turned, and Izuku winced under his glare.

"I-I-well Kacchan, I mean,-"

"Fuck off Deku, this doesn't concern you." Bakugo hissed, not even looking his way as he glared at Peter.

"Don't waste your breath on him, Midoriya. He's not worth it." Peter scoffed. He turned around, and sat on the couch.

Kacchan's eyes widened, looking stunned at the comment. No, more like insulted. "What did you say?" He hissed.

Peter didn't even turn. He looked at his web launcher and tapped some buttons to show his smartwatch as he inspected it, not even paying Kacchan a second glance.

"I'm fucking talking to you Parker!" Kacchan roared, marching forward. Izuku paled, walking after him, hoping to defuse whatever might follow.


Peter's eyes glanced up, seeing cameras within the trailer. No doubt the proctors were spying on them. One of them out of the corner of his eye zoomed in on Bakugo's approach.


Then Izuku got between them.

"K-Kacchan calm down! We have to team up or else we'll fail!"

"My my, a house divided." Monoma drawled, sitting on the couch, clearly enjoying the show. "It's clear as day that Class 1-A is filled with problem children up the wazoo, who only care for taking all the glory. Even if they have to ruin each other in the process." Peter gazed back at him, as did Bakugo.

"If anyone should be in charge, it will be me! After all, who else but the best of U.A. to do all the box sorting and reading?" He grinned at them, his nose practically pointed at the ceiling. "And I've led my class pretty well in plenty of assignments and class exercises if I do say so myself."

"Momona, please, we are all in this together here." Ibara said, looking torn as she walked forth.

"Go preach to the choir, extra!" Bakugo barked. "No one fucking cares!"

"Okay… this isn't good." Shindo rubbed his arm.

"We're gonna fail…" Elle sighed, seeing little point in getting involved.

"I vote for Midoriya. He has the smarts and the know-how." Peter spoke up from his sitting on the couch.

"Well I-, well…"

"You're just sayin' that to piss me the fuck off. He can't lead for shit and you know it!" Bakugo barked, again. Peter turned, glaring back at him as Bakugo bared his teeth in a snarl.

"Okay, who do you want to vote for? Because let's see our lovely options: the Ace of Class 1-A; who rips his own classmates' arms off, someone who stammers like a shivering child and looks like a deer in headlights most of the time, and U.A.'s resident silver medal-" Monoma leaned back, hands in his pockets. "Can't stand to lead even a pack of puppies."

Peter whipped around, glaring at the tuxedo-wearing blonde; jaw tightening at being reminded of his less than stellar actions. Bakugo did the same, judging by a mirror on the wall, reflecting a similar reaction. Monoma blinked, and suddenly that bravado shrunk under their combined stares.

"Silver medal… you say?" He growled dangerously, turning towards him, hands open.

"K-Kacchan wait!"

"Okay dude, can we all get along here!" Shindo exclaimed, hands raised in defense.

"Whelp-" Camie sighed. "Least I can like, hit the malls with my besties ASAP…"

'Good riddance,' Peter mused mentally, reclining on the couch as Bakugo advanced towards a pale-looking Monoma, despite Izuku's protests. A feeling of illness washed over the green-haired teen's face. Peter saw the camera following Bakugo.


"I'm gonna kill your ass dea-!"

"ENOUGH!" There came the crashing of a table, and everyone in the room bolted upright and turned. Even Bakugo and the surprised Monoma, the latter yelping in surprise.

Shoji's arms had punched a dent into the table, his eyes wide with anger. His normal ones, and ones now forming on his arms.

"All of you, get your heads in the damn game!" He barked, his arms extending and speaking as one. Peter saw a very cross looking tentacle-eye glaring down at him, and at Izuku. "Midoriya, Parker, get to the Suspects and Recent Activity boxes and start reading."

Peter blinked, turning to a just as flabbergasted Izuku. "Ummm, sure." He shot up off the couch.

Shoji's arms then turned to Shindo and Camie. "You two, contribute by sorting through the Criminal Records and Potential Targets; corroborate with Midoriya and Parker."

"Y-You got it..." Shindo just gave a shaky thumbs-up, while Camie gazed up with her mouth open.

"Like, he's speaking like a demon I saw in this one anime, that's like, totes cray cool." She said, a smile forming on her face. "Like, with all the voices talking on top of each other!" She then turned, noticing a stairway leading down. "Oh, what's down there…" She mused, walking the other way.

Shoji's body rounded on Ibara, who looked up at Shoji's main body with wide, almost terrified eyes. "Get to Official Documents, sort by building codes, taxes, or whatever pattern you find."


He turned again, glaring at Monoma who was dumbfounded. "You can copy quirks right? Copy mine, and help me in overseeing how everyone is doing, help Ibara as well. Keep your stupid rivalry out of this." Shoji glared down at him. "We're not in Class A or B anymore, we're heroes in this exam. Start acting like it, or leave." One of the tentacles stabbed harshly at the door..

Monoma was silent, sucking his lips as he tapped the larger teen. His sleeves bulged as multiple arms sprouted out and ripped his tuxedo to shreds.

Shoji turned, glaring at Bakugo.

"You, stop acting like an ass for once in your life and focus." He growled at Class A's resident problem child.

"I'm not following you, Arms." The blonde glared right back, but Shoji wasn't backing down as his eyes bored into his shorter classmate. Raging red meeting boiling black.

"I vote for Shoji." Elle raised her hand high. Shoji turned, seeing her. Bakugo glared her way, as usual.

"I vote for Shoji-san too." Ibara exclaimed, Monoma turning in surprise. Bakugo rounded on her too.

"Well, why not?" Shindo shrugged, raising his own. Peter looked at Izuku…

He saw Izuku nod his way, raising his hand.

Peter raised his hand in support.

Shoji turned, taking a deep breath, facing Elle and ignoring the bare-toothed snarl from Bakugo.

"Are you good at reading Japanese?"

"Still getting used to it." Elle replied. "Can speak ok. Reading and interpreting Kanji and Katakana is… a challenge." She looked to the side, ashamed.

"Okay, you seem to have a combat quirk, correct?"


"Stick with me and help the others. Get them supplies, water, whichever and whatever they need. Offer help whenever you can."

"S-Sure." The brunette nodded, trotting over to the supplies desk.

"Well,-" Shindo's smile returned. "Was a little worried there, but it seems like we got our ducks in a row!" He turned, looking at a sulking Bakugo. "Well, almost all of them." The blonde glared back at him, scowling as the black-haired boy looked towards Peter and Izuku. "He's like this all the time isn't he?" He asked rhetorically.

"Yes.." Peter and Izuku replied as one, one annoyed and factual, the other sullen and disappointed.

"Bakugo," Shoji's voice seemed to have calmed down, but Peter could sense the steel behind his tone. "Handle the Miscellaneous section. Sort by whatever patterns you see."

Bakugo remained silent, glaring up at him as Shoji glared right back at him. Seconds passing between them. "If you don't want to be a hero, the door's right there." Shoji stated.

"Tch." Bakugo scoffed. "Whatever. Don't get the wrong idea, I'm only doing this to pass." He turned, hands carrying his grenade gauntlets as he walked over to the Miscellaneous section, setting them down before grabbing one box and going over to one of the desks.

Shoji walked to a couch and sat down, his arms grew and extended, eyes going about. "I'll keep a tab on things and-"

"Whoa there's a whole kitchen down here you guys! Oh! And UltraEats and UltraDelivery codes for free food!" Camie shouted, voice echoing from down below. "Totes rad!"


"-and I'm Yaoyorozu Momo, from U.A." Momo introduced herself, seeing everyone else taking seats or leaning against the walls of the massive trailer they resided in. The group had just finished all of their introductions. From her count, there were thirty-eight in total, including herself. Thankfully, she was matched with some of her fellow Class A comrades.

"Hehe-" Kaminari rubbed his nose. "With Yaomomo here we're gonna ace this no sweat!"

"Darn right!" Hagakure's gloves were gripped, the girl pumped up as Momo smiled their way.

"In that case," spoke the blonde girl from Ketsubetsu Academy, Nakagame Tatami. A hero prospect, she was dressed in blue with pink gloves and boots. "Should we decide on who'll take which?" She asked, eyeing the loads of boxes throughout the trailer. Momo looked behind her, noticing one pile larger than the other. Was it like this for all the other examinees?

"We'll take this one then." Shishikura Seiji, the violet-haired boy from Shiketsu, stepped towards what appeared to be the smallest amount of boxes, a pile of ten. Momo noticed the labels on all of them, being 'Suspects'.

"Oh? What makes you decide that?" Said Nakata Nezumi, a rather small looking boy with mouse-like features as he stepped forward towards Shishikura… only for a large shape to get in the way.

"Because Shishikura is the smartest kid in our school, the genius of Shiketsu High." A large gorilla-like boy loomed, arms crossed as he leered down at the smaller rodent-boy. He was also from Shiketsu, Ikari Mako. "And I'm willing to bet that some country bumpkin ain't worth their salt to go through the most important place of all."

"Hey hey, you can't just decide for yourself here." Nakagame said, hands raised, not the least bit intimidated. "We should delegate on who-"

"And we are." Shishikura cut her off. "Ikari and I will handle these and dispense any information worthwhile to you lot." He turned around. "Figure out the rest, we can touch base later."

"Hey! Who died and made you king, huh?!" Fujimi Romero, a boy with teal hair, narrow eyes, and a black button-up coat barked. Momo recalled he was from Isamu High, a smaller scale hero school near Osaka.

"I asserted myself." Shishikura took his seat, selecting a box. He began to open it, continuing to drawl. "I come from a prestigious academy that does not care for putting on over the top spectacle with no substance." He glared towards Momo. "Nor do I come from some backwater town or some random school." He spoke with a straight face, and Romero only seemed to boil at that.

"Calm down Romero, no need to listen to this guy." A girl with a snake-like head explained, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"He has the 'Suspects' list here Habuko!" Romero snarled, growling at the violet-haired youth. "And in case you guys have forgotten, we didn't get any kind of pamphlet or prompt. Everything we know on what to do is from those boxes!" He pointed at the boxes that Ikari was stacking on a table, shuffling them about as Shishikura began to read through the documents.

"If you think I'm not going to give you anything, you're mistaken. I'll give you what you need, likewise I expect you all to return the favor." Shishikura glared back.

Momo looked around. Throughout the introductions, she'd stayed with her own class. The rest of the students here were from other academies, and most of them were here by themselves. All too easy for tempers to flare.

"Now partner up, me and Ikari will handle this. I suppose Isamu High and the rest of you can peruse the 'Criminal Records' folder."

"You're not even gonna give us a chance? What the heck!" Hagakure complained. Shishikura didn't flinch as he began to look through the papers.

"Did you do work studies?" Shishikura responded.

"That's not answering my-"

"Answer me, or are you as deaf as you are shameless?" Shishikura glared back with his good eye, Ikari letting out a chuckle. Hagakure's gloves flinched.

"Hey! Quit throwing out insults, jerk!" Kaminari shouted, standing beside her.

"I bet none of you went to any notable heroes to learn much of anything, did you?" He turned towards Yaoyorozu. "Save for her, but she was with one of the old guard in Yoroi Musha." He spoke with all the deference of one gazing at a feeble cripple.

"Yoroi Musha is an accomplished and outstanding hero, and is in the Top Ten." Momo spoke out, stepping forward. Ikari noticed, as he stood beside the violet-haired youth.

"I said he was old, well past his prime. Clearly grandfathered in on old triumphs. I worked at the prestigious agency of Crust." Shishikura elaborated. "An innovative hero with his pulse on modern society, and a man who is willing to assert himself for the greater good." He took a folder out and began to read it's contents. "Those who stand up to lead, must lead. Showoffs you may be, I expect you U.A students to accomplish what your school's reputation should imply. Plus Ultra. Now get to work, lest our proctors decide to fail us for pointing fingers instead of figuring out who our villains are going to be."

Kaminari practically began to spark-up, snarling through gritted teeth. Behind him, other members from other schools were already looking through the boxes. Spreading out the information to investigate further. Momo sighed, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"E-Easy Kaminari, just ignore him…"

"Hey, ummm,…" Said Nakagame. "I think we should band together and-"

"I don't believe Ketsubutsu is in any position to talk about who is in charge." Shishikura added, glaring her way. Momo had observed her mother haggle with numerous stock traders. She remembered how her mother would press on for a deal, a compromising bargain, or try to cut losses if a prospective partner was unwilling to yield.

Shishikura was falling into that latter category like a comet.

"This… is not good…" Hagakure whispered as Momo looked at the pair of gloves.

"Yeah… He's a real dick." Kaminari added as Momo could see another group of students bickering. Romero was pointing fingers with a student who looked hairless head to toe.

"He looks like one too…" Hagakure mused, as the hairless boy suddenly sprouted hair atop his head, as the two became more vocal. Momo looked around, noticing they had about thirteen people in their group. Their trailers were connected, so in a sense this was supposed to be two teams working together...

"For now though…" Momo said, turning to her fellow U.A. classmates. "We need to find a way to solve the crime… without gazing at who our suspects might be at first." She looked about, trying to find some people to work with. Habuko seemed to be trying to calm Romero down.

"Shiketsu gets all the easy work… It's not fair!" Hagakure whined.

"Yeah, well, if Aizawa were here he'd tell us to suck it up." Kaminari muttered, before he turned and saw Momo gazing about. "Watcha thinkin' about, Yaomomo?"

"Potential teammates." She crossed out Shishikura and Ikari. They made it clear they had no intention of working with others, or are at least trying to strong-arm their way to the top. She saw a few other students working together, but they were telling off single straggler students, like that one girl from Ketsubutsu. One student with… metallic teeth and wide eyes, looked repulsed and walked off, half in disgust, half in frustration.

"I'll see what I can do. Kaminari, think you can get started on sorting things out on our end?" Momo asked. The blond perked up.

"Eh?! You see all this?!" He said, gesturing to the mountain of boxes. "There's no way we can cover this much in two days! We won't be able to-"

"We can." Momo surmised. "I'd have to imagine us having a miscellaneous case of this size and magnitude… maybe a clue or a hint of who our villain will be, alongside their objective." The girl looked at Hagakure. "Mind giving him a hand?"

"Sure thing Yaomomo!" Hagakure's gloves gave a mock salute as they went over and began to lift up a box, opening it. Kaminari took a deep breath, nodded, and joined her, placing a box on a table.

The black-haired beauty then walked through the trailer, going up to the snake-girl and the masked boy. Romero turned, his narrow eyes glaring at her through his matte-blue hair. Habuko's serpentine eyes settled on her, an unsettling sight to be sure.

"Hey, you're that girl from the Sports Festival, right? With the skateboard and hookshot." Habuko spoke up.

"Yes." Momo offered her hand. "I was hoping that we could work together and sort through our case load. Shiketsu seems to have confiscated the suspects box for themselves for now and…"

"What, you want us to take your orders or somethin'? Think you can boss us around?" Romero asked sharply. His demeanor reminded her of Bakugo a little…

"Romero, calm down." Habuko elbowed him, and the boy winced at her. "Forgive my classmate. We're all a little on edge now, aren't we..." She gestured to the boy, who sulked before looking back, saying nothing.

Momo nodded. "I understand, and I'm not here to give orders, I'm just wishing to work together. As equals."

"Your group is the one with the gloves and electric guy right?" Habuko asked, as Momo felt herself being more turned off by Shishikura's conduct by the minute. Were he and Ikari the exception at Shiketsu? Those Nagamasa, Yoarashi, and Utsushimi characters were not like this at all…

"You seem to know a lot about us." Momo observed. "Let me guess, Sports Festival?"

"Not entirely. My best friend is in your Class A." Habuko seemed to give a smile despite her serpentine maw. It looked creepy, but the tone of her voice and the way her slitted eyes softened showed the genuine sincerity of a normal schoolgirl trying to be a hero. "A friend of Tsu is a friend of mine."

"You're friends with Asui?" Momo's eyes widened, before she smiled, offering her hand as the red headed serpent girl shook it. "The pleasure is mine."

Alright, found some people who are compatible... now to-

"Gah, I need some air!" Yelled a student, who stormed past some others and out the door, slamming it.

"Not so loud!"

This was going to be a long few days...


"They're breaking up quicker than I thought," Shouta muttered, seeing the students in the stadium below leave their trailers for fresh air. He can only imagine this was happening in other stadiums. "They should be getting to work, not needing a break within minutes."

Beside him, Ms. Joke shrugged. "Can you really blame them? They're kids from completely different schools and getting along is hardly something they're trained to do on a personal level."

Shouta was close to giving her a sideways glance at the mention of working together, but stopped at the personal level. That was correct, in a sense at least. Working with rival organizations, even towards the same goal, could lead to a whole host of problems if maturity was an issue. Especially with people that the students were unfamiliar with.

Which is why it was part of the test.

People didn't care if heroes did or didn't like one another. Outside of meaningless publicity events, that didn't matter.

When they could make their own agencies and hire their own, they'd get the privilege of hiring based on chemistry and relationships. For now? Deal with the cards one was dealt with.

"Could have a lot of people 'blown away' by your students' explosive personalities, right?" Joke asked with a playful smirk. Shouta closed his eyes, breathing through his nose

"Please stop."


For the longest time, no one really said anything.

A bunch of students that simply stared at one another after the announcement was made.

It was a large group; the largest from what he could tell. Nearly eighty students from various years and schools...

Then, slowly, they started grouping together. Not by team, but by school. One school gathered with another, forming mini groups within that room, drawing lines without a single word being said.

There was one familiar face in Kendo Itsuka. She'd been looking everyone over, no doubt trying her best to find a moment to introduce herself. Or at least establish some semblance of order into the small set of craziness that everyone had found themselves in. Shoto didn't really see the point, they all knew the rules and the expectations, after all.

"So then… how do you want to do this?" Kendo asked him, unsure of what to do.

Shoto shrugged. "I'd say divide into groups and convene when we can, but that would involve setting up groups."

Shoto glanced up, both he and Kendo were looking at a girl wearing a Seiai Academy uniform, if Shoto was placing the design correctly. She had a small benee with her school logo, and a golden monocle over one of her blue eyes, silver hair cascading down around her head. Two other girls stood behind her, all of them wearing similar outfits, their hair color being the biggest distinction between them. A pinkette and a brunette. She approached, a small smile upon her silver-framed face as she stopped before the dual-haired boy and the red-haired girl.

"Saiko Intelli of Seiai Academy, pleasure to meet you, son of Endeavor." She bowed lightly.

"... nice to meet you too." Shoto said as neutrally as he could given the less than stellar greeting.

Next to him, Kendo raised an eyebrow, but none of the Seiai students paid much mind beyond a cursory glance.

"This is Kendo Itsuka." Shoto introduced, trying to get the ball rolling.

"Nice to meet you." Kendo said, bowing slightly.

Intelli gave the red-haired girl an almost dismissive nod. Little more than an acknowledgement of her existence..

"Things here will soon escalate." She said, matter of factly. "Frankly if all my girls were here I wouldn't bother, but seeing as how we are lacking, I'll make do with you and my two classmates."

Shoto's eyebrow hiked to his hairline.

Not to be crude but-

The balls on this girl.

He crossed his arms. "I'm not your lackey."

"Oh no, of course not." The words and tone were as patronizing as the smile on her face. She reached into her purse, pulling out a thermos which she uncorked and began to sip from. "But frankly you and I together hold the best chance of passing this exam."

"Why is that?" Shoto asked, tone as evenly balanced as his quirk.

The girl closed her eyes soon after as she began to talk.
"Simple; as I said, things here will soon escalate, in about another thirty to sixty seconds a fight will break out. My intelligence can decipher the evidence presented here easily enough to allow us to pass but I lack your… brute force. My intelligence does neither of us any good if I can't actually get my hands on enough of it to read. Just as your brute force will do you no good in snatching up evidence you won't be able to fully decypher in time, not alone anyway." She sat back in her chair, smirking as she reopened her eyes. "Quite the pair we make, don't we? I am certainly not complaining with someone of your pedigree."

"How do you know this? Your Quirk?" Shoto inquired, once again ignoring the jab at his lineage. The girl seemed to preen like a peacock.

"Indeed. My quirk is titled IQ. My intelligence skyrockets as long as I drink tea, the information feeding into me when I close my eyes. The boost depends on the type of tea brand as well." She nodded her head, the pinkette bringing forth a briefcase. Which, upon opening it, seemed to be jam-packed with various tea bags, a teapot / kettle, and miniature stove. "As I said, you can be my muscle." She smirked at him slyly. "And I your brains, Todoroki Shoto."

Shoto quirked an eyebrow. 'Well, she sure is something.'

Kendo gave a very pointed cough, looking at Intelli awkwardly.

Intelli raised an amused eyebrow "Oh, but perhaps I'm mistaken and… one of you is versed in investigation and speed reading?"

"No," Shoto admitted. It was true. His father had focused on physical training more than anything. Even though investigations were something that Endeavor excelled at, that was a lesson they hadn't reached yet.

Even so he knew the basics.

Kendo spoke up "We should at least…."

Her voice faded away, catching sight of the rest of their little 'group'. Shoto followed her gaze.

Students from several academies had begun haphazardly looking through the documents.

Careless, worse than careless; ignorant and reckless.

Which started… complications.

"Hey, don't throw them down, we need to look at them!"

"Oh piss off!"

"You're making a mess dude! We gotta organize them!"

"All we need is the villains, right? Then we go for them!"

Shoto nearly sighed, even before the first real insult was thrown. It appeared Intelli wasn't just boasting after all. The girl seemed to sense his mood, smirking all the while at being proven right.

Beside him, Kendo held out a hand, as if to reach out and stop them, only to pause when the volume grew.

"Hmmm… this isn't good."

Behind them, a man stood with more hair than Shoto had seen on anyone else. He was tall, with a single eye coming out of his fur. It was that Shiketsu student from before, outside the stadium. Mori if he remembered correctly.

"It would honestly be best to try and save the documents before they're lost."

"As best we can." Shoto agreed, finally getting up and observing the diplomatic process self-destruct in front of him.

Intelli looked exceedingly pleased with herself. "I see you're from Shiketsu. I suppose we can use your assistance, as you seem to have an observant eye to you."

"Mori Nagamasa, at your service." The furboy replied.

"Saiko Intelli, at yours." She gestured to Shoto, and the hairy hero-in-training looked his way.

"Take what you can-" Shoto said, "Don't bother asking or trying to break them up; we don't have time to waste here. Besides-" He saw students begin to shove each other, not even paying attention to their paperwork. "I don't think they'll notice."

"We're just… stealing documents from them?" Mori asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Borrowing. From their table." Shoto added.

"But, what about the others?" Kendo asked, looking unsure about the idea.

Shoto raised a single eyebrow. Intelli let out a simple huff, brushing aside some of her hair.

"What about them?" The Seiai girl asked, "This is a test, and if they're wasting time arguing, That's their problem." She held out a hand, and snapped her fingers. "Now, do inspect the dining area, girls."

"Yes, Saiko-sama." The girls beamed, and trotted off towards the stairwell leading down within the tent-connected van.

"We've already fallen behind," Shoto said, holding out his icy-cold hand. "So we better get started." He turned towards his own boxes, and began to open them.


It was several hours into the Preliminary Exam, and Shouta was enjoying a cup of coffee outside the stadium. He got his phone out and made a call.

A moment passed as the call went through, connecting with an audible click..

"Aizawa?" It was All Might, in his shrunken form going from the tone of his voice. "What is it? I thought you would still be at the Provisional Exams."

"Are you free over the next few days?" He asked, looking out the window. It was a beautiful blue day outside. Some scant clouds, but overall pleasant.

"I can be. But isn't Vlad with you?" He could hear sipping on the other end of the line. Yagi must be sipping some drink or other.

"He's doing his own thing." Shouta muttered under his breath. "Parker and Bakugo are grouped up together for the Provisional Exam."

What came next was sputtering and coughing from the Symbol of Peace. "You're shitting me!" He shouted in English.

"I'm not." What came next was a heavy sigh.

"You want me to come over?"

"If you want." Shouta mused. "I doubt your intervention on HPSC grounds will be seen in a favorable light though."

"Aizawa…I mean, it shouldn't be too long, right? The exam should be over soon."

"It's going to last three days."


"Calm down." Shouta said sternly.

"H-How can I be calm?!"

"If something was going to happen it would've happened at the camp," Shouta intoned. "When they slept in the same building, ate in the same room and trained on the same grounds, away from their parents or technology. And away from you, the real you."

Aizawa heard the Symbol of Peace's jaw clack shut.

"Then why tell me all of this?" The other man spoke up, after a moment.

"Since this Provisional Exam is different from years past, taking place over several days rather than several hours, I had a feeling you were going to call and inquire. I figured I would tell you."

"You're… placing a lot of faith in those two, Aizawa…"

Shouta sipped his coffee. "If they're going to become top Pros, they're going to have to learn that sometimes they'll be grouped with people they don't like. It's an aspect of life. You can't be there to get between them forever."

All Might was silent, taking a deep breath.

"And… if Young Parker and Young Bakugo have an… altercation?"

"Midoriya and Shoji are grouped with them, I imagine they would act as cooler heads. Although if anything does happen, depending on the circumstances, one or both will be expelled. You know the circumstances with Parker," He glared lightly at his phone. "-And don't think I've forgotten you let Bakugo off the hook at the beginning of the year either. He's on thin ice as well."

He could feel All Might wince. "That sounds rather harsh..."

Shouta sipped his coffee. "I'll let you know if anything pops up. For now, consider no news to be good news."


"Okay so… we got…" Peter mused aloud, sipping some water as he organized his notes with Izuku on their table. They'd combed through the 'Suspects' and 'Recent Activities' and had grouped them all accordingly. "Pros. Our villains are going to be legit top pros."

"Under new villain monikers at the very least." Shoji said as he sat at his spot in the center, eye, ear, and mouth arms extended all over. Peter looked down at the notes they'd organized and, so far, they had four potential villain groups.

"So, what do we got? The IDs for our villains?" Shindo mused, leaning in a chair with Elle coming by to deliver him some juice. Izuku went over to the billboard in the center of the trailer and began to tack on notes and pins, with strings. A whiteboard was set up off to the side as well.

"Here are our suspects." Izuku began to list them out. "First, we have The Hateful Eight. A group of Creature Rejection Clan elites who commit villainous acts towards those with mutation-type quirks." Photos of skull-masked people in robes burning someone at a stake… although thankfully, that someone was just a dummy scarecrow. "They have kidnapped and murdered some people with fish-like Quirks up in Sapporo, along with burning other mutants in Sendai... and have been spotted around Tokyo." Peter rolled his eyes. Even after, supposedly, hundreds of years, humans were still doing the same old shit. Then again, Bakugo proved people could be assholes for all kinds of reasons.

'Flash I miss you,' Peter mused to himself, sighing a little.

"Seems kinda vanilla if you ask me." Shindo shrugged.

"Simple as they may seem… their acts cannot be forgiven for how heinous they are…" Ibara added as she sat in her own chair. "To think… that Death Arms would be in such a foul organization!`` She pointed at the sticky note, with 'Death Arms' tagged near a robbed individual wearing bulky gauntlets with muscular arms, head underscored by a massive square jaw.

"Eh, don't worry Shiozaki." Monoma patted her shoulder sympathetically. "It's all just an act, you know, for the exam. Think of it like… he's performing for a play!"

"Ummm, next up is the House of Black and White. An eco-terrorist group dedicated to the destruction of modern society and returning to nature." Izuku went back, pointing at the next photo, this time of individuals wrapped in skin-tight bodysuits with swirling black and white color schemes. They stood in a square formation, a rather imposing figure in the center of it all in a massive trenchcoat. "They've been more active in the south around Nagasaki, and their attacks have always been at the front in order to make an impression. So, the villain group likes to be at the center of attention. They have been gaining influence throughout the country and- ummm, Parker and I couldn't figure out who the villain was here…"

"Yeah, of the villains we investigated so far, this one was a blank and-"

"It's Gang Orca." Bakugo spoke out, sitting farthest away, as he combed through his own files before slamming one down."One of the codes I picked up mentioned the sewers underneath the stadium. Assuming they're going to attack, I can't think of a better way than to get at our feet. That, and the extras in the photo." He got up, and walked forth past Izuku and tapped on it. "Are Orca's henchmen."

"So like, how do you know all this?" Camie inquired.

"I worked with him." Bakugo shrugged, before walking back to his seat. "Also, Orca is based out of Nagasaki."

"You sure about that?" Peter asked, and Izuku winced as he saw the glare Bakugo sent his way. The American narrowed his eyes back at him through his mask.

"You think I'm stupid or something?"

"F-For now let's assume that they are Orca's henchmen. I mean, i-it does make sense given the villain team name they have, right?"

"House of Black and White? Well… Gang Orca is a Killer Whale, so the coloring theme fits. Plus it connects to the ecological theme too..." Ibara mused, nodding to herself.

"Whoa, that's like, totes smart ya know that. U.A. must be full of big brains!" Camie beamed, leaning in and smiling at him. The vine-haired girl blushed, fiddling with his fingers.

Peter rolled his eyes and shrugged, ignoring the huff from Bakugo as the blonde took a seat, still scowling. "Okay, so that fits Gang Orca's description. What about the others?" He asked as Shoji, who was rather quiet, looked down at the dossiers.

"Flame Emperor Mafia, or better known as Entei Yakuza. A yakuza splinter group of sorts… They function in racketeering, protection scams, and real estate…" Shoji said, pointing at the photo of several men in suits, one larger than the rest of them but covered in shadow, save for the flame on his beard.

"Dead ringer, that's Endeavor for that one." Shindo raised his hand. "The guy has that 'yakuza' air to him ya know? Plus the beard totally gave it away."

"Who's next?" Elle asked, no one bothering to argue with Shindo.

"Parasol. A secret society dedicated to controlling the government, with connections in various medical and military companies. Villain group seems to specialize in assassinations though, as the prompt has stated they're responsible for several targets." Shoji listed off. "Can't really tell anyone apart on who or who might not be a Pro Hero from the few photos we have of them…"

Peter smirked. "Someone's totally watched those cheesy zombie movies once upon a time." He mused to himself.

"And that covers the suspects we have." Shoji said. "Now, let's start tagging which of these villains will target what…"


"Oh my goooood we can't get anything riiiiiight…" Hagakure whined, a thump on the table followed by a muffled moan indicative of her groaning, along with her face right into it.

"This fucking bites…" Romero growled, arms crossed as he glared at the organized papers in front of him as if they'd insulted his mother.

"I think I learned more on building codes and estate laws than my uncle… and he's a realtor." Habeko groaned, her snout against her fist as she looked drained.

And Momo agreed. They had been covering the mountain of miscellaneous cases for the last eight hours, and had made little headway. They were able to eat, go on a walk, and get a nap break on the couch. But with Shishikura and Ikari hoarding the Suspect information to themselves and not sharing, they had little to go off of.

"Wheeeeey…" Kaminari sighed, face in his arms. His mind had short-circuited without even using his quirk.

Momo looked across the trailer, seeing Shishikura going through the files and whispering amongst his schoolmates. Ikari was prowling about, hands behind his wide back as the gorilla-man would look down with a keen eye at the progress of other groups.

'It's dissolved into factions now…' Momo thought. They needed to find a way to get the information. She looked up at the clock. It was past eight, and they had one more hour until their research period was over. Then it was time to head to the hotels for lights out, as soon as they were told where.

She saw Ikari walk through the area, the gorilla man holding a pad of paper, making notes with a pen.

He was gleaning what he could, no doubt to feed back to his own classmate.

What would Mother do in a situation like this?

"Hagakure." Momo elbowed the invisible mass beside her.

"Hmmm? Oh! I know that look in your eye Yaomom-mmph?!" The girl's mouth was clamped as Momo put a hand over it. She can tell from the source of the sound as she gave a 'hush' sound.

"Not so loud. Everyone." Everyone in the group looked their way as Momo gave a small smirk. "I have an idea."



Yokumiru opened his eyes, moving abruptly as he saw an aide looking down at him. The tired looking man rubbed his eyes.

"It's time sir." He looked over, seeing his workstation. He got up, scratching his head as he smacked his lips.

"How long was that nap…" He turned, seeing the clock, it read quarter past nine.

"The applicants have been waiting in the stadiums for the last fifteen minutes sir. We had to check on you." The black-haired aide said. Yokumiru looked his way before sighing.

"Right, right… gonna need to look over some footage from the surveillance teams and go over their reports." The man walked over to his laptop, seeing the camera window open and the many students standing outside their trailers. He moved his mouse over, turned on his mic and pressed record.

"Is this thing on…?" He said, hearing his echoes from the stadium around him. "Alright, good." The beige haired man sat up and yawned. "Congratulations on fulfilling Day One of the Preliminary Exam. I hope you all did your research in an efficient manner. Now it is time to fill you in on your housing." He began to type, bringing up the presentation that the graphics team of the HPSC conjured up.

"The local luxury hotels have offered their services to us, and as I stated earlier, your tag will be acting as your de facto room key." He tapped on a command prompt. "Your rooms will be assigned to your tag, alongside which hotel and the address. There will also be complementary clothing for sleeping in these hotels as well, for pajamas or for going down to the dining areas which yes, are free of charge provided you show your tag."

"Lights out will be at ten for tonight, but this is tentative as we are treating you like adults in this situation, and most heroes tend to burn the midnight oil on a case like this. So whether or not you wish to follow up on this is up to you." Yokumiru continued. "For tomorrow and the following days however, you'll be able to work until midnight at the stadium. With the caveat of an earlier start time too, at six in the morning. That is when the gates open up. Of course these will be when the gates to the stadiums open, not when you start. But I suggest getting in around seven in the morning at the earliest."

The graphics of the time and the day allotted presented itself to the students. "So I recommend you show the results of your research by that time, as it will be the cutoff point for many of you I imagine. Get the right results on the final day at the deadline of one in the afternoon, and you will proceed to the real Provisional Exam location going from the research you find. Get it wrong, and your entire team will fail. Now-" He began to open up a water bottle, leaving everyone waiting..

"Time for rules in the hotel. Just follow normal rules as you would a hotel, but do be in your rooms at one in the morning. Sleep is very vital after all, even if it is only for five or so hours. You will also be in solo bedrooms as well."

"You can use the dining area of the hotel for breakfast and late dinner. You can also corroborate with your teammates in this free period too a little more as well, with the change of scenery maybe providing a spark of sorts. And don't try to glean off of other agencies, their information is completely useless so consider it a waste of time." Yokumiru paused, taking a drink.

"That will be all for now, and I'll see you all tomorrow." Yokumiru cut off the broadcast and stood up, stretching as he could hear his arms creak. "Whelp… time to go over that footage…"


Shoto rubbed his scarred eye, forcing himself to stay awake.

The little group that they'd formed had chosen a spot away from the given madness that had barely stopped. From what he could hear, the groups, such as they were, had now been firmly divided into camps and small cliques. Grapevine said that there were seventeen different schools in this group. That's seventeen rivalries, seventeen grievances, seventeen different methodologies and ideals contesting against each other. All certain that their rivals were going to try something to sabotage their efforts.

Only the largest of hero firms had a comparable size of eighty; firms like his father's and Gang Orca's. But those firms had firm leaders and requirements for joining, not to mention mature and experienced staff.

Here? It was a free-for-all.

Saiko used her girls to fetter out more information. Mori used his own brand of negotiation, along with the prestige of Shiketsu itself to pull together what disparate evidence he could. Documents, photos, bits of information traded to piece together the big picture, as it were.

It was… a mess, at best. But apparently Intelli had enough to make a decent guess at the correct one.

She'd burned through her 'finest brews' for that result; on top of her classmates going about acting like cute secretaries providing drinks or food, gleaning what information they could. But now, their group had a leg up on the others as to where the attack would take place.

Now to make sure Intelli didn't slip them the wrong information. He would not be letting her out of his sight until he was sure she wasn't playing him for a fool.

For now, sleep would do him well, as it would the others. They'd had a productive day, even with the setbacks.

"I think we should be reaching out to everyone else once we come back."

Shoto blinked, giving a sideways glance at his fellow U.A student. Kendo was looking down at her file, face sour.

"Why?" he asked, not thrilled at the idea of navigating through other, equally volatile teams.

"Well, we clearly don't have all the information," Kendo replied.

"I assure you," Intelli said as her group rose in unison from where they were sitting, preparing to leave the conjoined trailers. "We have all the relevant information that the others have been keeping from us. Isn't that right, girls?"

They all nodded, beaming with pride as they seemed to relish in playing the dainty feminine spy.

Kendo narrowed her eyes, but held her tongue as the group trudged their way towards the hotel. It was large, built for housing luxury patrons attending the Olympics, or even those participating in the now niche Quirkless event.

Once inside, it had some robots tending to the floors, cleaning, and some clerks behind the counter. Shoto spied some signs leading towards a dining center, but he held off on that, going straight towards the elevators.

"We're going for refreshments. The simple UltraEats menu for local cuisine would do so much damage to our figures." Saiko mused. "That and I must see their beverage menu to order more tea."

"I'm gonna get something to eat too." Mori waved. "Heading up to bed?"

"Yeah. Have a good night." Shoto replied, and the furry boy nodded as Shoto turned and marched off towards the elevator.

Curiously enough, Kendo followed him step by step. A quick glance is all she got before the two of them stepped into the elevator. He waited by the control panel, while Kendo leaned her shoulder against the elevator wall. The door closed, giving them privacy.

"I still say we should be getting the others involved."

Shoto didn't say anything for a long moment, yet he turned to look at her.

"Do you have an argument that can convince them?"

"To work with us? Maybe," Kendo frowned a little. "Some of them turned me away too, probably due to me being from U.A…"

"Maybe's won't help." Shoto said, staring at the mirror wall across from him, "Besides, any goodwill within this round might not even carry over to the second. They're not worth the effort." He heard a scoff, and saw a look of disbelief from the orange-haired girl.

"Are you hearing yourself right?" Kendo asked, baffled he'd even say such a thing.

"Loud and clear," Shoto answered, even as the door slowly began to open, "Right now, we have the best chance to pass, and I am not going to be ashamed to look a gift horse in the mouth."

He didn't wait for her answer, heading straight out of the elevator as he looked down at his tag, the number for his room displaying on it when he pressed the side button. The small suite was exceedingly commercial, but it was good enough. He needed some sleep, to be rested and ready for what was going to happen tomorrow.


Peter lay in his bed, looking through his phone as he read through some emails. "Been talking with a patent attorney huh?" He asked aloud. "Can I get a cliffnotes summary?" He asked, dressed in the new duds the HPSC provided. A simple white T-shirt and basketball shorts, along with slippers. Enough for traversing the inside of the hotel and that was it.

"So far, going well." Karen said from his phone. "I'm putting the final touches on what I learned from reading through Patent Law Regulations here in Japan and abroad. With any luck, you should have full control over your now-patented web fluid."

Peter grinned, skimming over the correspondence and combing through it as something caught his eye.

"Karen Stark for a name?" He asked, smiling lightly.

"Well, I couldn't choose Parker as we're not related. And Tony was, in a sense, my father." Karen replied, her tone softer as Peter took a deep nostalgic sigh.

"True, I guess." Turning over in bed as he looked out, seeing the luxurious night skyline of Tokyo in the distance.

He winced, feeling his stomach grumble as he looked at the clock, it read 11:18. "I'm hungry…"

Getting up and putting his feet in his slippers, he pocketed his phone and grabbed his tag before walking to the door. Peter poked his head out, seeing some stray kids conversing with each other in the hallways. Their lights out was at one in the morning, so they had time to socialize essentially.

Not seeing anyone he recognized, Peter walked down the hall to the elevator, stepped in and headed to the ground floor.

He got there before long, getting in line at the counter as he made his order. Honey-Teriyaki Chicken Katsu with fried rice and string beans. He collected his tray, said his thanks and walked over to a table and split his chopsticks apart.

"Time to eat." He said, praising the meal in Japanese as was custom here before he got to eating.

"You're doing it wrong." Peter perked up, looking and turning to see a tentacle-eyeball staring above him. He turned around, seeing Shoji approach with a tray of his own.

"Oh, hey Shoji."

"Parker." Shoji replied from one of his arms. "Mind if I join you?"

"Not at all." Peter smiled, gesturing to him to sit across as Shoji walked behind the booth and took a seat. His shirt was a tight fit, and Peter could see the strong legs Shoji had with his basketball shorts. "Get the… right size?"

"Not really." Shoji shrugged. "But I made a request for a bigger size to one of the HPSC clerks here on the grounds. I'll probably get a larger fit soon enough." He said as he set down his bowl. A bowl of ramen with steak, some seaweed, tofu, two halves of an egg, and some… green looking noodles.

"Veggie noodles?" Peter murmured in English.

"Sort of. Protein substitute. They had it so I took it." Shoji said as he took his set of chopsticks and presented them before Peter.

"Thank you for this meal." Shoji muttered lightly, bringing two of his arms together in prayer, as the others formed into mouths. He began to eat with them as they finished forming.

Peter could see the bulges go down his arms too…

"That's creepy but… kinda cool." Peter mused aloud, though thankfully Shoji seemed to take it in stride.

"You haven't noticed my eating?"

"Not really. We haven't had a chance to eat together like this." Peter shrugged as he ate. "Well, maybe once or twice back at the camp, but we were all tired and ragged then."

Shoji nodded. "Mind if I ask you a question?"

"Sure." Peter replied, sipping from some water.

"What happened between you and Bakugo back at the Sports Festival?"

Peter stopped, pausing as he looked back to Shoji, his normal set of eyes looking directly at him.

He set the cup down, leaning back in his booth. "Why do you ask?"

"I'm team lead, so forgive me for being blunt, but I've got to know whether or not you or Bakugo will end up sinking us or not." Peter winced.

"More him than me." He muttered.

"I'm aware, but you throwing fuel on the proverbial fire isn't helping. It's bad enough we have Monoma and a foreigner who isn't as literate in Japanese as you are. The last thing we need is infighting."

Peter pursed his lips, looking away.

"You and Bakugo have never been close." Shoji said. "For what it's worth, I don't like Bakugo either. He's an ass."

"He's worse." Peter growled.

"Why?" Shoji inquired, unable to understand the logic. "Bakugo was all set on beating you and being the number one freshman at U.A. You beat him on national TV and solidified your spot, even brought him down a peg for good measure. So why can't you let it go and move on?"

"Why?" Peter asked, glaring lightly at Shoji. "You're asking me to forgive and look past someone like him? A fraud of a hero?"

Shoji cocked an eyebrow. "So you're agreeing with Monoma that he's just a silver medal? A 'if you're not first you're last' sort of thing?"

"What? No it's… it's…" Peter paused, and leaned forward, his hand running through his hair in frustration.

He took a deep breath, looking at the ceiling as he began to list off the reasons mentally.

Bakugo Katsuki was a jerk. An asshole. He almost killed Izuku during that training exercise and All Might just seemed to ignore it. And that was without including his shitty philosophy and beyond-abrasive personality.

He didn't deserve to be a hero. Not from what he'd done to Izuku back then or to Pony during the Sports Festival.

And then what he said… in that locker room.

And again in the arena, when he was beaten.

Peter was glaring as he looked at the table, Shoji quiet and unmoving.

The silence stretched out between them for a time. Peter glared at first but winced, looking away.

He… couldn't find the words.

Shoji took a deep breath. "Look, I'm not Aizawa, and I'm hardly gonna pretend to be by prying into your business. It's yours; you wanna talk or keep quiet, your choice; I just need to make sure both of you can keep it together for the length of the exam."

Peter raised an eyebrow. "So is he gonna be getting this talk?"

"When I catch him conveniently alone, yeah.'' Shoji nodded frankly. "Frankly, having a shouting match in front of the team isn't appealing."

Peter gave a snorting laugh. At least Shoji was under no illusions on how that conversation was going to go. Though it also made Peter realize Shoji was effectively holding him and Bakugo in the same category.

To be considered as bad as… fucking Bakugo. It made his insides turn.

"Fine." Peter grunted as he looked at Shoji. "You have my word. I won't aggravate him."

Shoji seemed to sigh in relief. "Alright. Thank you." His arms seemed to finish sipping up the ramen bowl, the bowl now empty as he began to dab his arms with napkins. "You're our class's Ace, but that doesn't mean you're perfect Parker. I get that." He said, nodding as he slurped up his ramen once more. "No one's perfect. I bet not even All-Might is either, behind closed doors."

Peter offered a nod, standing up. "True; think I'm done sharing for now though. Goodnight Shoji."

The taller boy watched him, his gaze long but after a moment, nodded, not commenting on the only half-eaten meal. "Alright. Have a good night Parker."

Peter got up, tossing the remaining food into a bin and started walking back towards his room.

"Why can't you let it go and move on?"

It was a fair question. More than fair.

Peter wasn't one for grudges. Never had been.

But this one… this one was easy to hold on to.

Because this one had hit so close to home.

Real Heroes don't lose.- came the memory.

To lose is to fail.

He reached the elevator doors and heard it ping by the time he finished the thought.

Real heroes cannot fail…

'Especially when half the universe was on the line.'


In the dark streets of the Olympic faux-village, a pair of gloves walked about before a crosswalk.

Not a lot of people.

As the crosswalk turned green, she trotted across the street as others began to walk back from the stadium. Seems some people were still willing to burn the midnight oil. The stadium was still open!

'As expected of Yaomomo's prediction!' Tooru thought to herself as she hummed a tune from those spy movies she watched as a kid.

She made it across, moving toward some hedges as she carried her phone. She pulled it out, texting.

"Agent 2ru en route to Intel," She said to herself, sending it before her phone began to vibrate in a ring. She quickly answered it.

"You don't have to go Zero Dark Thirty just yet Hagakure," Yaoyorozu's voice emerged on the other end of the line. "And 2ru?"

"Ya knoooow, Agent 2 from the Super Spy cartoon series! Always trying to catch up to Agent 1 and his exploits, and while she had none of his talent, she never gave up in being a super spy!"

"Wasn't Super Spy a children's anime?" Yaoyorozu asked.

"Sh-shut up!" Tooru looked about, seeing more kids walking to and fro as she sat on a bare bench. Most people would be unnerved sitting naked, but for Tooru, she was used to it. "Gonna need a long shower after this… or a bath! My room has such a great bath…"

"For now, just get to our trailer. If the stadium is still open, then hopefully Shishikura and Ikari are not there. They didn't leave when we left."

"Yeah… then Agent 2ru's difficulty just spiked up immensely! Gonna have to sneak around them and-"

"You should get a move on.'' Yaoyorozu mused. "I'm getting texts from an antsy Romero, and Kaminari is pacing in my room. And… you're narrating to yourself."

"As expected of-, wait, Kaminari-kun is with you?" Tooru blinked, ignoring that last comment. "Hey! Kaminari-kun! You better not do anything lewd with Yaomomo!" She cried out, shaking her gloved fist in indignation.

"Ehh?! I'm not doing anything!" Kaminari yelled in indignation.

"It's fine Hagakure," Yaoyorozu said, her tone still soft. "You should go dark now and make your way to the trailer. Text if you cannot call."

"Right. Agent 2ru out!" Hagakure hung up, and the pair of gloves carrying a phone hummed as she got up, and trotted into the stadium. Taking care to slow down and hide behind pillars and move accordingly to keep her gloves and phone out of sight from people leaving the stadium.

As she made it past the gates towards her allotted stadium, she saw some men in suits standing before the tunnel, no doubt HPSC security guards. She had her phone and gloves hidden behind a fence from their perspective.

"How do I get past them…" She murmured, looking back. She could see some people leaving the stadium. Her eyes drifted to a garbage can close by the guards… "Hmmm…"

An idea popped up in her head. She removed her gloves and set her phone down, keeping them hidden from sight behind the bushes. She tiptoed towards the suits, one a normal looking person, the other having a nose with an electrical socket. She got up beside them and waited, holding her breath and looking into the tunnel with her hand on the garbage can…

Some hero students were coming her way. Good.

'Sorry you guys, but I need to make sure my team doesn't fail because of two jerkwads!' She thought to herself, waiting…

They were near the can, one of them with arms long enough to reach his ankles.


She pushed the can as Long-arms moved past the guard and the can, shuffling away as the can's contents spilt and caught the guard in the leg, and some of Long-arms' teammates too.

"Whoa! What the hell man!?" Asked a boy with a visor around his head.

"Huh?" Long-arms asked dumbly.

"What's the big idea kid?" The Normal guard asked, arms crossed as his fancy pants had some garbage on them now. Such as fast food bags, cups, bowls, plates and take-out boxes. "I just got this suit yesterday!"

"I-I didn't do anything!" Long-arms said sadly.

"Take responsibility for your actions." Socket Nose said, hand on his phone as he stood in front of the kids. "Or else we'll phone in the proctors. I'm sure a point deduction for detrimental conduct will be more than fair for this."

"Way to go Yuya…"

"I didn't do anything!"

"Now pick this mess up!"

The hero prospects got on their knees and began to pick up the litter, all while the invisible heroine-in-training scooted past the preoccupied guards by traveling around the other side, behind the other trash can.

The hero prospects got on their knees and began to pick up the litter, all while a floating pair of gloves scooted past the preoccupied guards. Traveling around the other side, behind the other trash can.

Tooru walked as quickly and silently as she could, finally out of the tunnel and into the stadium seats as she let out a breath of relief. She saw scant few people on the stadium grounds. "Phew…" She trotted down, putting on her gloves and carrying her phone once more as she went into a tunnel and into a lady's restroom. She stepped inside for a minute and got her phone out.

"In the east bathroom. Agent 2ru on the move!" Tooru murmured lightly as she texted Yaoyorozu and put her phone on silent. The girl exited the bathroom, walked down the steps and onto the field, going to her assigned bunch of trailers.

Using her special phone case, she slid a compartment down to reveal her tag as she brought it to the trailer door. The door opened, and Tooru walked on in. It was dark and empty, no signs of life as she turned on a light to navigate through the semi-office towards the area where Shishikura and Ikari were working. Everyone had put away the files in a neat organized fashion into folders or clips.

But the Shiketsu duo didn't. Their paperwork was gone.

"They couldn't have taken it?!" Tooru whispered to herself as she began to move about, grateful for her feet now on carpet instead of asphalt and concrete, but panicking at the prospect of returning empty-handed. She began to look about their area, looking under tables and chairs as she went over to the file boxes and began to rummage through the Suspect section. The boxes were empty. Tooru began to feel a pit form in her gut as she looked about in their section again. Was she missing something?

"What do I do…" She whimpered, slumping to the floor, and sitting on her bottom. She sighed, kneading her forehead as she looked up…

"Huh, that's weird."

There were notebook paper blotters on each desk for students to write notes…

Shishikura's desk calendar blotter looked a bit too… thick of sorts. Like hiding a towel under the sheets of a well made bed.

"A-ha!" She perked up, beaming as she lifted the blotter up, finding nothing before she set it down, and began to kneel down, looking through the blotter's contents.

Low and behold, the all so important Suspect files.

"For Great Justice~!" She cheered silently as she got her photos and began to take pictures. After which, she began to send them immediately to Momo's phone, she then put them back in the blotter, putting the paper folds back under to make it look like it was not tampered with.

She soon locked up the trailer, turning off all the lights. "Super Spy 2ru, mission complete!" She murmured to herself, happy as can be as the pair of gloves and a phone walked towards the stadium exit.


The next morning, Momo was rather cheerful as she saw Habuko and Hagakure talk to the other groups, informing them on what they had learned.

"So, it seems our targets include the House of Black and White, the Hateful Eight, the Entei Yakuza, Ghosts of Kyoto, and the White Falcons." Romero mused, pointing at some of the highlighted areas on some notes he had written down. "Going by what we figured out yesterday… our most likely villain attacking the… Construction Vista is-"


Momo turned, as did Romero and Kaminari as they looked. A livid Shishikura loomed with his hands on their table, as did a growling Ikari.

"The fuck did you do." Ikari snarled, his fangs prominent.

"You stole from us." Shishikura hissed, glaring daggers at Momo. "And you dare call yourselves paragons of society, to uphold public order and decency? You're no heroes. You're thieves, criminals."

"No comment." Kaminari smirked. "Besides, we just figured this out on our own. With all the research here in the trailer as per the rules of the exam." He said with a twirl of his finger.

"Shishikura." Momo cut in, seeing Ikari about to walk over towards the blonde's direction. "At the end of the day, this is about all of us working as a team towards a common goal." She stood up, her face stoic as she took in a deep breath.

What would Mother do…

As much as she'd like to see her mother slap them silly… That wouldn't be her. Rather...

She clenched her jaw, and stared at the violet-haired youth straight in the eyes. "If you don't like working in a team agency, I'm sure there's plenty of smaller agencies out in the country or islands. Okinawa or Tsushima for instance. But for now, let us work together and pass this exam and take that necessary step to become heroes. Together." 'If you want to go solo, play tennis, jerk.' She added mentally, but better not add more fuel to the fire.

"You did this, didn't you?" He leered, slapping her olive branch aside as he bore into her. "You with your schemes and plots, just like all of you U.A. hacks. The moment someone challenges you for leadership. For prestige. For the top, you cut them out from under you." He glared at the gloves who were busy handing out some papers and notes to the other students. "And the brown-nosers in this society who kiss their boots." Shishikura scoffed. "Are even worse for perpetuating this."

Romero laughed. "Wow. I figured you for having a massive stick up your ass." He leaned back, hands behind his head. "But now? I think you just need your dick sucked." Kaminari let out a sniggering laugh, while Momo blinked his way.

"Why you-!" Shishikura was about to charge, hands having a glow to them, but Ikari held him back.

"Shishikura, the cameras…" Ikari whispered, and the snarling teen looked up, seeing the camera looming down on them. Momo followed it, seeing it focus in. Romero let out a scoffing laugh, giving it a two-fingered wave.

Shishikura removed himself from Ikari's grasp violently and pointed his finger at Momo. "This isn't over." He hissed.

"Come on man, let's just focus on how to pass." Ikari whispered, and glared towards the group before Shishikura stomped off, the large gorilla boy following after. Romero gave them the bird as they left.

"Was that really necessary? The dick joke?" Momo asked, quirking an eye at Romero. The light-blue haired boy gave a lazy smile and shrugged.

"He's been asking for it and you know it."

"Preach." Kaminari offered a fist, and the Isamu High student returned it.

"Alright!" Hagakure cheered as she returned to the table, gloved hands going up with joy. "We got all of our notes and fliers handed out, Yaomomo!"

Despite the setback, Momo smiled and turned. "Shall we do this together, everyone?" Romero smirked, Kaminari gave a thumbs-up and Habuko nodded.

"Alright guys!" Hagakure cheered as she got to her feet. "Let's go coordinate our notes together! We got two days to figure out who's our villain, when and where they're attacking, and why!" She even did a skip to the whiteboard, bringing it over. "So let's do our best!"

Momo chuckled, and got up. "Alright everyone, let's begin with our suspects." Shishikura looked away in disgust, and she could hear a few sniggers from the crowd. "We have-"


"Our target location." Shindo spoke up, walking to the whiteboard and drawing a line to one of the locations Bakugo had researched. "The Apollo Tower." He patted the photo of a gleaming skyscraper of sorts. "To be brief, there is an important conference being held there. Energy big-wigs from all over the world will be discussing the need to move from nuclear to solar power and what-not."

"Which makes it the ideal target for the House of Black and White." Shoji added, standing beside the black-haired youth. "Who all want to return the world to its natural state. Nuclear energy doesn't seem to suit their ideology. It matches with the building codes Shiozaki provided me as well."

"Like, thank god because my eyes…" Camie yawned, smacking her lips. "- totes wanna kill themselves…"

"Suck it up." Bakugo muttered, cheek on his fist. Peter paid attention to the presentation.

"What we can gather is that the conference will be held on the second floor. There's multiple conference rooms throughout the building, but the motive for the enemy is that they want to hit highly populated targets." Shindo mused. "Granted, it's odd for them to target a place where they're talking about potentially going green but hey, it's villains." He shrugged.

"Where would the high population areas be?" Izuku asked.

"From what we can gather," Ibara said as she used her vine to poke at some pictures they found. "The representatives and their families will be staying on higher floors. Meaning if the villains strike here, they'll need protection."

"Or evacuation." Elle added wearily.

"Indeed, we will need to take into account where the villains-" Momona paused, yawning. "-Are going to strike…" Peter couldn't blame him. They had just finished the general gist of the research of the day. Looking around, Camie looked washed. Izuku was rubbing his visibly bloodshot eyes, and Ibara and Monoma were looking more tired than the exam proctor. He was tired too. Only Elle, Shoji, and Bakugo seemed to be going strong. Then again, those three were going hard on the coffee.

"Any luck on the building codes?" Shoji asked Ibara, and the girl sighed.

"There were quite a lot of them… many of them for other buildings like a hydroelectric dam, or a derelict building or a school… I have to sort them out in the morning…"

"Which ones?" Bakugo asked, actually sounding calm for a change.

"Sewer and property maps, blueprints…" Ibara rubbed her eyes. "Heaven forgive me, I can't go on reading and squinting at tiny text anymore…"

"Do we have any clue if we will receive backup?" Peter asked Shoji.

Bakugo was the one to answer. "Don't count on help."

"..." Peter grit his teeth, feeling Shoji's eyes on him as he took a deep breath, looking away.

"If other agencies join in, more power to us to allocate resources to save the civilians present. For now, let's assume we're on our own here. Midoriya, Parker, you finished up on your documents, right?" Shoji inquired.

"Yeah, we have." Izuku nodded with a smile. "Sorted them all up. Boxes are empty!"

"Alright. We worked a long day today and the day before." Shoji said, eyeing the rest of the exhausted team. "Bakugo, how are you on your end?"

"Almost done. Could get it done tonight if we work towards midnight."

Happy for the non-confrontation from Bakugo, Shoji turned towards Monoma.

"You help Shiozaki with the blueprints. Parker, you and Midoriya do the same please." Shoji asked. "Elle-san," He turned towards the American girl. "Out of curiosity, do you have a surname?"

"Just Elle is fine." She muttered, looking to the side with narrowed eyes. Shindo smiled, rolling his eyes as he looked at Shoji with a wry grin.

"Okay, you, Utsushimi and Shindo help Bakugo wrap up on the 'Miscellaneous' section in the morning." Bakugo perked up.

"We're not pulling an all-nighter here?"

"We have until one tomorrow. And it's eight now." Shoji looked at the clock to the side. "Right now, I want all of us to be refreshed for tomorrow and at their best."

"I can go to midnight." Bakugo stubbornly said. Camie groaned out loud.

"If he's saying to call it for the night so we can rest, just take it." Peter muttered, earning a glare from the bomber.

"H-he is right Kacchan." Izuku spoke up, smiling awkwardly at him. Bakugo's eyes darted about, seeing eyes on him. Shoji in particular was staring at him intensely.

"Tch, whatever. Don't cry to me if we have to0 cram and jump to conclusions that'll cost us." Bakugo got up from his chair and walked to the door. "I'm going to get dinner." He waved his hand dismissively, departing the trailer.

"Jodio pendejo." Elle muttered under her breath before getting up and stretching. "Let's go Shindo." She reverted back to Japanese. "I wanna check out that burger place across the street from the hotel."

"You mean All-Works?" Shindo asked as he stood up and followed her before he turned back. "See you guys in the morning."

"We'll see you then Shindo-san. Elle-san." Shoji nodded.

"Didn't she order from that place using the UltraEats app?" Peter asked as he looked at Izuku.

"Food got cold." Shindo shrugged as he waved. "Anyways, see ya!" He beamed as he left. Peter looked at his fellow teammates, save Monoma as they began to clean up and shut down the trailer.


Shoto tried not to frown, but it's starting to get harder and harder.

Every other second, he could see Intelli scrutinizing the different pieces of intel that they had.

"Something wrong?" he asked from his seat.

The question was loud enough to get every head on their little team looking towards the white-haired girl. She didn't wilt, nor look annoyed at the attention she was getting, only gently putting her tea back down on the table before her.

"The data is complete," she said with a sigh, rubbing her temple lightly. Several cups of tea ordered by UltraEats lay empty in a wastebasket, alongside some plastic bags ordered by UltraDelivery from various grocery stores.

"So," Kendo said, leaning against the pile of files that she was already looking through, "We're good to go?"

Intelli's gaze sharpened.

"Don't you get it?" She asked. "The data is complete" She hissed, then rolled her eyes as she received a collection of blank stares.

"We've stolen and scrambled together a hodgepodge of information from various disparate groups and yet it paints a clear picture. I barely had to strain myself to piece it together.," she explained, "We have enough to let us know that this... 'Jutenrin' will be the one to attack the bank when the time comes."

Ten Heavenly Rings… Jutenrin, a definite Japanese-based crime syndicate that broke away from the Yakuza to ally itself with some Chinese Triad. Their villain was an unknown, someone named Saikyo.

"Then what's the problem?" Shoto asked, already dreading the answer.

Intelli looked like she wanted to throttle him.

She began tapping the rim of her teacup. "The picture is too clear," she explained. "There should be missing pieces, bits that we don't have. I should be making educated guesses, not… having it handed over to me. What's more is that there's evidence suggesting other attack vectors from other suspects. There are bits and pieces missing for them but not this one.

"So we got lucky?" Mori shrugged. "It can happen."

The tapping stopped as she ran a hand under her chin, her two fellow schoolmates who helped collect the information they desperately needed standing beside her.

"It was easily the obvious choice, almost deliberately put." Intelli looked to the side, and the dual-haired boy perked up.

"Are you saying there's a chance that it's a red herring?"

Intelli scrunched up her features. "If it is, then frankly we've failed. There isn't enough time now to gather more evidence and find the 'real' attack or rule out the possibility." She said, looking at the clock as it was going well into the night.

"Lovely..." Kendo sighed.

"I do doubt it though," Intelli clarified, trying to stay confident. "While I can't one-hundred percent rule out the possibility, I can say that this is the best option. For instance half of these other tips are similar to false leads that occur in most districts that statistically lead to false alarms. Even assuming that some of them are true. Furthermore the possible attack vectors are too numerous to defend against."

A slender finger reached out, tapping a map in front of them.

"This is the only attack that we can reasonably set up a defence for against all possible attack vectors."

Shoto nodded, not as if he could argue with her.

"Then we work with what we've got. Too late to change things now." he said, arms crossed as he looked down at the map. "Let's press on."

Intelli fell silent for a moment before slowly nodding. Though she spared a look at the pile of evidence with another wary eye.


Toshinori awoke to the smell of bacon cooking downstairs, the skeletal man rising from his bed and stretching. He looked to the clock- just past seven.

"Huh… slept in." He murmured, rubbing the back of his head. He groaned as he put on his baggy T-shirt and slippers. He looked down at his custom watch, seeing his time back to full.

Two and a half hours.

"At this rate, I won't be able to teach at U.A. as myself anymore… I'll have to think of a cover story…" He mused aloud. "I hope you get One for All where you said you wanted to by December Midoriya…" He opened the door and began to walk down the stairs. Toshinori sighed, walking out of his master bedroom and downstairs.

He smiled, taking the last step downward before rounding into the kitchen."Good morning my girl." He said with a light yawn. Melissa Shield looked up from her laptop, giving him a soft smile. A plate of cooked bacon sat close by her hand.

"Morning," she greeted back.

It had a little more pep than it did the last few times, which was a good sign. He pulled up a chair, helping himself to some of the toast that Melissa had apparently made. She didn't look up from her laptop, the screen flashing through lines of code from the reflection on her glasses.

"Still hard at work I see."

"Family quirk I guess," Melissa joked, smiling briefly, only for her eyes to go back to the code. "Trying to fit in the right materials for a blueprint I'm working on…"

He was a bit too old of a dog to learn something like coding or the ins-and-outs of Support manufacturing. Thankfully, there was a conversation that you're never too old to talk about.

"You never did tell me what it was supposed to do," Toshinori mused.

Melissa blinked, the realization rushing through her for a moment before a little flush of embarrassment came over her.

"Something for Izuku," she said, "-to help him while he's working on his control." The skeletal man perked up.

"That's good to hear!"

Such a development would certainly put Recovery Girl at ease. Last thing that she needed was another reason for her to unleash her arsenal on Toshinori.

Not that she would seriously hurt him, but she had needles.

Lots of needles. Lots of Big needles.

Shivering at that particular thought, he straightened just as Melissa pressed enter.

"I was hoping to fix it up and send it to him before the final started," she explained, fingers blurring over the keyboard...

"I don't think they allow outside help in the middle of the exam," Toshinori pointed out. "Especially for this one since it's over a several day period."

Melissa rolled her eyes in the way that only teenagers managed to do.

"I know, that's why I said hoping," she said, her voice losing that little edge to it.

An idea came to him.

"You want to see the Provisional Exam for yourself?"

Melissa instantly perked up, eyes wide behind her glasses.

"Can I?"

"Sure," Toshinori said with a smile, "Don't think there's anything against it, and you don't have class today, so it's-"

He didn't get to finish the sentence, not as the blonde threw her arms around him in a quick hug. Toshinori let out a soft grunt. She was quick!

"Thank you, Uncle Might."

Toshinori just sat there for a moment, right before he returned the hug, his dark-blue eyes softening as he patted her head.

There, that was better.


"Okay." Shoji stood before the whiteboard, all of their research displayed there. Complete.
"We have our target. Our location, and the most likely avenue of when the villains will attack."

He turned, and Midoriya put on his gloves before tightening up his boots. Parker put on his mask, attuning his web shooters as well. Bakugo adjusted his grenade gauntlets.

"Are we ready?" He asked, and Monoma in his tuxedo crossed his arms with a smirk, the toga-wearing Shiozaki beside him.

Shindo and Elle were in their hero combat attire, and Utsushimi in her skintight catsuit.

"What does it look like to you?" Kacchan growled, turning towards the door. "Let's get on with it."

"Yeah!" Midoriya beamed.

"Alright." Shoji stepped away from the white board. "Let's go. The enemy is at Apollo Tower."


"Everyone! Let's do our best!" Momo called out, the entirety of the trailer looking at her and her small team.

Romero had his trenchcoat, breath-mask and special gloves on, standing beside Kaminari and Habuko. Hagakure stood by the black-haired beauty in her blue catsuit. Beside them was the board of their target location, and the villain they expected to fight.

"Man, I had my doubts that U.A. could keep it together, but boy was I wrong!" Said one student, Asagami if Momo recalled with his vacuum-hose hands.

"Same here. I thought they were all flash and no substance!"

Momo blushed lightly at all the praise.

Shishikura and Ikari were in the back, glaring daggers. The latter practically snarled and gnashed his fanged teeth. The former was wishing he had lasers for eyes no doubt.

"Gear up, we have fifteen minutes to get to our exam site!" Momo took a deep breath,

Hagakure and Kaminari by her side, and Romero, Habuko and Nakagame behind them as the trailer followed her. She saw other trailers emptying with their teams.

She looked up, seeing a giant blimp of sorts hovering over the stadium district. On it, the HPSC logo was emblazoned on both sides.


"Come on guys! This way!" Said a student as Shoto walked with his small group, right in the middle of the pack of the multi-trailer group. He looked up, seeing their destination…

He turned around, seeing Intelli lug her briefcase, her classmates behind her.

"I have a bad feeling about this…" Kendo mused aloud, looking about as their group followed other students to their stadium. The teams looked uneasy, untrusting of each other. Many of them threw looks at Intelli and her two classmates. Mori walked to Shoto's side.

"We'll have to adapt to what comes our way then." The hairy boy said.

Shoto agreed, narrowing his eyes. "We have what we need. Let's pass. No matter what."


"Well, seems like our students are in position…" Yokumiru toned, sitting in the blimp overlooking the Fujitome District. He had a bit more pep in his voice, looking down as he saw the hero prospects move to their areas, the big middle area cleared. He'd never been on a blimp before!

He looked upon his great console before him, tapping on a button to bring up several screens, various figures featured in them. "Is everyone in position? When you get the green light, engage in your roles." He gave a dark smile, seeing the various heroes who have volunteered for this task. "As villainously as possible."

He heard a chorus of agreements and Yokumiru sat back in his chair. He looked back, seeing Abe Hanako, the current President of the HPSC gazing at him as the older woman stepped forward.

"Is it wise not to inform the prospects of the Help Us Company?" Abe asked. "They are our civilians taking part in this."

"They'll be informed, rest assured." Yokumiru groaned out. "These are kids, and some of these prospects aren't first-timers." Yokumiru yawned a little. "They'll get a clue. Besides, the HUC members will inform them of their roles when they encounter our prospects… but not on their initial point deductions." Abe looked his way.

"These exams are not a natural disaster event, but villain attacks. There is more margin for error since the conditions here are to protect or evacuate, not administer first aid or remove rubble and debris." He turned, seeing the collection of students all appearing at the gates they had assigned. The beige-haired man turned on a screen, bringing up a hologram of the various students in each tunnel. Their tags showed up on the screen as dots on the map. Those who chose wisely in green, and those who did not in red.

"Now then. Time to cut the chaff. First with this lot…"


Peter looked up, he and his team standing close by in a concourse before their assigned stadium. He looked around, seeing a good… thirty or so people present.

"Any sign of any of our classmates?" He asked, whispering to Izuku.

"No… Oh, I can see some of Class B though." He said, pointing over to a group of kids. Peter's HUD in his mask zoomed in, and he spotted Kamakiri and Kodai standing in a group of sorts.

The big screen flickered to life as Peter looked around, seeing various HPSC officials in suits all around the concourse. That sleepy looking guy, Mera, appeared on screen.

"Now then, seeing as all applicants have arrived in your chosen areas. Let us see who chose correctly, and who did not." Mera said. "Look at your tags. Green if you pass. Red, if you fail." Peter looked at the tag he carried, and the white object glowed green.

He let out a sigh of relief, and he heard the shouts of indignation and confusion all around them.

"That's a lot of red…" Monoma murmured aloud, seeing students yelling at the screen. He was right… he saw a LOT of red.

"I'm sorry, but you had two and half days to investigate. If there is anyone to blame, it is only yourself for not researching the material hard enough." Mera replied, ignoring one student firing a jet of confetti at the screen. "For those who passed, remain where you are. Those who did not, please exit the confines of the Fujitome District. Your teachers are awaiting you."

The security officials walked on over, going to some angry students. Peter even saw one of them put her hands on another and had to be physically dragged away. But most of them walked out, shoulders slumped, dejected and depressed.

And more… and more…

"Okay, did most of them just choose this because of Gang Orca?" Shindo asked with a worried tone. "I mean, it was pretty telling of a name. Well, that and the Entei Yakuza being totally Endeavor."

"Might be…" Elle mused as she looked about, the concourse becoming more empty by the second.

Peter felt a pit grow in his stomach, and looking around, he could see most of his classmates had the same reaction. More of them were leaving, while Peter and his group were not.

Before long, the only ones remaining in the concourse of the stadium was Peter's group.

"Ummm…" Izuku raised his hands towards a glasses-wearing HPSC suit. "Is there a mistake? We can't be the only ones here right?" He asked. The suit shrugged, and gestured to the screen.

"Well, it seems like of the groups intended to come here, we only had one of the two. And a bunch of layabouts." Mera mused from the screen. "Well, congratulations Agency White-4. You have passed the preliminary portion of the Provisional Exam. Now, your mission?"

"One of two huh… guess we have no backup after all…" Shoji muttered to himself as he stepped up, looking up at the screen. Bakugo scoffed to the side, muttering "told you so" under his breath. "We are an agency going in to intercept the villain group, the House of Black and White at Apollo Tower. Our objectives as heroes are simple- To defeat the villains, and save the civilians present."

"Do you have a theory on what weapon the villains will be using at the Tower?" Mera asked on the spot.

Shoji narrowed his eyes and Peter felt himself stiffen. Looking around, he saw Shindo bite his lip, Elle looked to the side and Camie tilted her head.

Nope… they hadn't discussed what kind of weapon they'd used.

General theory to attack a place like this was a bomb so they'd gone with that assumption.

But they'd never confirmed it, just assumed.

"Bomb." Shoji answered firmly.

"Hmmm." The sleepy proctor shrugged. "Alright then. Best of luck Agency White-4."

Then the screen winked out.

After a brief moment of quiet panic that they'd failed- a voice called out

"This way to your starting gate." A female official said, her big fluffy squirrel tail behind her contrasting her cold professionalism and black sunglasses. Peter saw words come across the screen on the eyeholes of his mask.

'Normally I would help in combat and logistics, as this will be a combat simulation. But this is still an academic test so,' Karen said. 'I cannot help you here.'

"That's fine." Peter muttered under his breath.

'Alright. I'll be grabbing some popcorn ;). Your suit's functions are at maximum efficiency. Best of luck.' Peter nodded and took a deep breath as he and his team made their march into one of the tunnels, silent shade reigned upon the group.

It wasn't a long walk, stepping towards a closed steel gate.

"Okay. The plan is simple." Shoji said as he turned towards the group. "Due to us not having any communicators, we need to be within sight of each other ideally. But, we have our team setup."

"Yeah, we make a line between the civilians at the conference and their families, and the villains." Shindo spoke. "Me and Elle can handle things inside the tower. Question is, who's gonna be out-" He was cut off as he felt rumbling beneath his feet. Peter looked about, as did everyone else. It felt familiar.

"Must be changing the field again." Shoji's arms were made into ears. "Same kind of noises… Something big is coming up to replace the trailers."

"It has to be Apollo Tower." Izuku mused. "After all, the documents we investigated and found correctly focused entirely on the Tower itself. Not outside of it."

"Indoor combat then." Elle said, arms crossed.

"This will be tough… my Quirk is gonna cause some collateral damage here…" Shindo winced, looking down at his hands.

"Buildings can be rebuilt, lives cannot." Ibara said softly. "As much as it would dismay me to cause damage to the tower, but against villains, property should be secondary."

"More or less." The tall multi-armed boy nodded. "Now then, let's go over our team ups. We will split into three teams. Villain Attack Team, Support Team and Civilian Defense and Evacuation Team." Shoji said as he stood before the group. "Now, once we're inside the tower, we need to be in control of two locations. The first floor and the second floor terrace. The Attack Team will be in the First Floor to neutralize the villains, since according to the codes, they plan to attack from the side or underground. The House of Black and White like to make their attacks showy, so they always make some kind of an entrance."

"Team White-4." Said a voice interrupting the taller boy as they turned, seeing a camera and a microphone attached to it. "Your objective is as follows. You are a hero agency coming in to intercept the House of Black and White. There are two completion requirements for this portion of the Provisional Exam." It was female, professional and stoic. "The first is the neutralization and capture of the villains. The second is the complete evacuation of the civilians attending the Apollo Tower Energy Conference. Completion of either of these two will finish this exam, as there is no time limit."

"Got a question," Bakugo stepped forth, glaring at the camera as Peter looked his way. "Did you guys get actual civilians in this, or are they robots?"

"The civilians are a part of the Help Us Company, a company where its members practice playing victim for various hero examinations across the country. They will be playing the role of civilians, but they are quite experienced. They, along with the proctors monitoring your exam, will be keeping a close eye on how you act as heroes in this situation." Peter let out a sigh of relief.

"What are our passing requirements too? What determines if we pass or fail?" Izuku added.

"Before completion of the Preliminary Examination, all examinees are at one-hundred points. Your conduct and acts during the Provisional Examination will have an effect on those points, decreasing your point score given your actions and the ultimate results causant of them." The camera replied.

It bobbed in the air for a moment. "The pass-fail threshold is forty points. Number of Civilians captured or killed will add or detract from your score. Usually it is fifty, but due to the failure of the other agency arriving, your agency will be given a slight mulligan. And rest assured we are taking into account the other team's failure to arrive in the stadium to help you in this score as well. You are not responsible for the other agency's failure but the number of villains you're expected to face will not diminish. Take note."

"Bad guys don't care if half the team is out sick." Petter mumbled, though it seems the proctor heard him.

"Indeed. Once the examination is complete, the HUC volunteers and proctors will tally the deductions for your score. If at the end of the day your score is above forty you pass, thus earning your Provisional Hero License."

"Where is the evacuation site? If we are in a tower, we need to know if we are using the safe rooms present, or the outdoor area." Shindo inquired.

"It will be outside, and is marked for your convenience. You will have to find it though."

"Thank you." Shoji nodded. "Okay, we stick to the plan at first. Defense and Evacuation Team, Shiozaki and Shindo, you'll be on the second floor. Attack Team; Midoriya, Parker, Elle, Bakugo. First floor. Support team will be myself, Utsushimi and Monoma. We'll be on the second floor terrace between the two of you. We'll move between attack and defense/evac as needed."

"When I get to the second floor, I will focus on finding the Evacuation zone." Ibara stepped up.

"You can move fast?" Elle asked.

"Oh she can." Peter said with a nod.

"Indeed! Shiozaki is our class ace!" Monoma preened as he gestured towards her. "In an open area, she can roll the opposition like a bowling ball! Within closed quarters, she can use her vines to pull herself down hallways and rooms at great speeds! And best of all she's more even-keeled than any of Class-"

"Yeah we get it." Shindo cut him off. "We're in your hands to find that evacuation zone Shiozaki-san."

"Or we take out all the villains." Bakugo added. "That's another pass requirement."

"For now, let's focus on the plan. Shindo, provide defense. Shiozaki, find the Evacuation zone and return to us promptly to assist in defense. The civilians are the priority." Shoji commanded, and the green-haired girl nodded. "Everyone else know their roles?" Everyone else nodded or gave a thumbs-up.

"Got it." Peter said, as he looked to Izuku who nodded back. He turned towards Elle. "Hey Elle, what's your quirk do anyway? You didn't mention it back in our meetings." Shoji quirked an eyebrow, and Elle looked to the side as she felt eyes on her.

She let out a sigh of frustration. "Bone manipulation. I'm capable of combat, don't worry."

"Just don't get in my way," Bakugo growled. "And don't fuck up either, I ain't gonna save your ass if you get yourself in trouble."

Peter felt his teeth grinding.

"Bakugo." Shoji glared at him. "Enough."

Bakugo scoffed, looking away from the group. Elle looked at him, nodding lightly in gratitude.

"Typical Class A, fighting amongst them-"

"Monoma." Ibara spoke out, interrupting the tuxedo blonde's rant. "Quiet please." She turned, looking at him with steel in her eyes. The boy blinked in surprise at the normally passive girl being more aggressive before shrinking under her stare.

"Proceed now." The voice said, and the banter among the group died down.

They began marching into the designated building, which was only a stone's throw away, about ten yards from the starting gate. For a 'tower' it was a squat thing, more like the foundation of a tower rather than a full-on tower itself. Made sense, not like they could just stuff a skyscraper into the arena.

Making their way inside, Peter noticed the interior, the first floor being wide and open with some chairs, statues of All Might, and tables all making for a nice and scenic lobby for a convention center. Up ahead, he could see the stairs and escalators leading towards the second floor terrace. He saw a clerk behind the front desk, and a few of those fake civilians mosing about on the first floor, checking their phones.

This scenery… felt familiar.

Way too familiar.

"Yo, Midoriya." Peter spoke out. "This is…"

"Yeah," Izuku replied. "I recognize it too… this is like I-Tower's first floor…"

"Why'd ya say that?" Camie asked.

"I heard there were some kids involved in that incident…" Shindo paused, eyes widening as he gazed at Izuku and Peter. "No way, you two were-"

"Okay everyone, get into pos-" Shoji's hand whipped out, stopping the team in their tracks as they were about to pass him.

"What is it?" Monoma asked.

"Movement," Shoji said, one of the ears on his arms twitching, "A lot of it."

"I can feel it too." Peter added, feeling the rumblings under his feet, as if the entire tower was shaking.

"Already?" Camie started. "But, like, we haven't gotten into position yet! We just walked in!"

"Don't think they care-" Elle muttered, glaring. "Where are they?" She looked about. The windows and walls of the tower lobby were made with some kind of screensaver to imitate an outside view of sorts. Even if ten meters beyond the windows was the stadium wall and seats.

Peter strained, not hearing anything other than the low rumble of machinery that seemed ever present in these spaces.

Then, his senses flared.

"Look out!"

Instantly, everyone tensed, just as a portion of the floor exploded close by. The shockwave alone was enough to push the entire group back, all of them landing hard on the ground.

Izuku, Bakugo and Peter all recovered well; Bakugo's hands popping with sparks as he landed, and lightning arcing off Izuku's form, Peter landing on his feet and one hand.

Peter heard Shoji groan, but he was stumbling to his feet a moment later.

From the smoke and dust, a massive drill was now visible as a giant barrel-like tank seemed to be burrowing out as many of the civilians scrambled away in fear. The tank opened, and the first person to come out wore a thick black trenchcoat, almost looking like a cape. The towering villain walked forwards, with a confidence that none of the students felt as he stood upon debris.

"So then, these are the heroes in our way. Not as many as I expected."

With a sweep of his massive hand, Gang Orca revealed himself. Dozens of people poured out of the hole, all donned in a black-and-white uniform with splotches. All of them had some kind of scuba-board thing attached to their wrists, Peter identifying it as the trademark Gang Orca agency foam-pellet guns.

Gang Orca smirked darkly, his red eyes glaring down on the White-4 Agency.

"Now... let's begin."


So, this took a while.

But hey, it got out eventually. Hope everyone enjoys reading it as the team had writing it.
Hmm, well that's certainly a new twist on the exams I suppose. Actually probably better than what we got in canon in terms of evaluating hero abilities, but not nearly action packed enough for a shonen battle manga. That said, I'm wondering about the rest of Class 1A, did they all fail too? If so tough break.
Hmm, well that's certainly a new twist on the exams I suppose. Actually probably better than what we got in canon in terms of evaluating hero abilities, but not nearly action packed enough for a shonen battle manga. That said, I'm wondering about the rest of Class 1A, did they all fail too? If so tough break.

None of the other UA teams we were listening in on got House of Black and White as their answer, so at least they weren't eliminated from the exam for going there when they weren't supposed to. They're probably okay.

I wonder how many points Peter's team and teammates are down at this point over their initial altercation? Bakugo settled down pretty quick so I can't see him being docked anywhere close to as many points as the two bright sparks who thought hogging the suspect list and then not helping with anything else was a good idea...
Hey, gotta change up canon for them to be legit heroes. Plus the ball test would have given Peter more or less an instant pass. So why not make it more character driven?
True. Still brutal.

Though I guess it does make sense since first years really should not be passing this test.
True. Still brutal.

Though I guess it does make sense since first years really should not be passing this test.
There's a reason there's room for students to come back. Plus not getting a PHL isn't the end of your hero career. It's a fastpass to jumpstarting one's career in getting more epxerience. Instead of being a lame-o intern, you can be a paid intern sidekick legit with a PHL. you're a semi-Pro
Hey, gotta change up canon for them to be legit heroes. Plus the ball test would have given Peter more or less an instant pass. So why not make it more character driven?
It also neatly applies a tire iron to a standing problem with previous exams, the UA purge. By splitting all the schools into mixed teams they put the tribalistic rivalry at odds with the students' own success. If they want to go out of their way to make another student fail then they harm their own odds of passing. Furthermore such actions during a cooperative examination would be highly frowned upon by the proctors. During an adversarial exam having specific targets you want to eliminate is perfectly fine and is still more or less in line with the test, but during a cooperative exam such actions are at best extraneous to the test, counterproductive at worst, and regardless of that still amount to very unprofessionally and rather villainously sabotaging another examinee's test for no good reason during a Pro Hero examination.
Chapter 51
"Well," Kaminari mused aloud. "We're here."

Momo looked about, seeing her and her teammates within the concourse of a stadium.

Her group appeared to be with several others as well. From her count, in total, four of them.

"Hey check it out!" Hagakure chimed in. "I can see Tokoyami!" She waved, and Momo followed the general direction she seemed to be waving in and found their black-cloaked peer standing amongst another group of students. He was scowling, as usual, but he noticed them and nodded in their direction.

"Do you see anyone else from our class? Or from Class B?" Momo inquired, looking over to Kaminari. He was already searching, hand above his brow.

"Hmmm… not seeing anyone in particular…" The blonde mused, looking around. "Guess it'll be just u-"


"YAAAH!" Kaminari yelped, turning around and seeing the source, his scream startling even Momo.

"Sup, fellow Recommended." Tokage Setsuna's mouth floated down from where it was near Kaminari's eyes and slotted back into her head, her hands on her hips in her skintight costume. Beside her, a stoic looking silver-haired girl wearing a mask that covered the bottom half of her face and a lavender, fur-collared, knee-length kimono.

"Sweet! Two Recommended Students in our corner! We got this for sure!" Hagakure's gloves seemed to bounce up and down. Several other students joined in around Tokage.

"Hey," A boy with fire hoses for arms asked as he joined her. "Know these people?"

"Yeah, we go to UA. " Tokage smirked. "

"Tokoyami is with his group too," Kaminari gestured with his thumb behind him. "So, how was your firm-life?"

"We had a firm of eight people, so for me and Yanagi," She gestured to the silver-haired girl. Momo remembered. Yanagi Reiko. She had that ghost-like quirk right? "It was a breeze." Tokage suggested, her typical grin ever so present on her visage. "Was kinda tough on day two but we got it sorted out. How about you guys?"

"I'll… tell you after our exam," Momo shrugged. She looked to the side, seeing Shishikura still glaring daggers at her.

"The screen's on." Yanagi spoke "Did you get the right villain?"

"Hehe," Kaminari brushed his nose with his finger. "You bet we did- oh my tag's green!" He said with surprise, looking at his tag. Momo looked at her own tag on her hip, and she looked about. Tokoyami's group had their tags glow green.

One group, huddled off to the side, were surprised when their tags began to glow red. Momo bit the inside of her cheek.

"Hmmm, alright then." Said a voice as the screen came to life, Mera Yokumiru yawning as he smacked his lips. "Now then, let's see who chose correctly, and who didn't." Mera said. "Look at your tags. Green if you pass. Red, if you fail."

"What the?!- How can we fail!?" Yelled one of the leaders of the group, a tall girl with clamps on her hands.

"Sorry youngsters, but you chose incorrectly. Please proceed to the exit of the Stadium district. Your teachers are waiting."

The sole group, consisting of about ten or so people, departed with their heads hung low.

"Ah. Fukidashi is there." Yanagi muttered and Tokage turned, and she frowned lightly as Momo followed her gaze. A boy with a comic panel for a head was walking out with the group. Her group, Tokage's group of eight, and Tokoyami… five. Thirty-one people remaining

"To those who remain, congratulations on passing the preliminary portion of this Provisional Exam." Mera spoke from the screen on high. "Hmmm, going by the intended groups… We have three of four. Not bad I say." He coughed into his hand a little. "Now, due to the size of your current team of heroes, it is within the range of participants necessary to not enable a point adjustment. As thus, your passing exam threshold is fifty points. As long as you remain above or at fifty, you pass." He then went on to explain the Point Deduction system, with Momo taking note and looking at Shishikura, and then at her team.

Could they be docked points due to their espionage? Even when it was needed to essentially pass??

"You there, with the red scarf." Momo turned, seeing the red scarf boy with shoulder-length black hair with his hand raised.

"You mentioned a point adjustment; Why is that?"

"If there is a circumstance in which the team here in question is undermanned by thirty or more percent of it's ideal fighting strength, the group in question is awarded a point threshold decrease depending on the original intended manpower of the Practical Exam" Mera explained. "I hope that answers your questions. Now then, heroes. What is your mission?"

As the various murmurs broke out between the groups, Momo felt the eyes of her own team on her and stepped forward. "Our mission is to stop the Ghosts of Kyoto. Our intelligence has stated that they plan on destroying a government bureau in protest of recent political law amendments." She took a deep breath. "We are to defeat the villains and save both the civilians and government workers on site from them."

"Do you have a theory on what weapon the villains will be using at the bureau?" Mera asked on the spot.

"Poison gas." Momo replied on the spot, remembering the research.

"Hmm." Mera didn't react overtly on screen. It didn't sound too bad. Reminded her of her mother whenever Momo reported on her acing a test.

The sleepy proctor shrugged, looking off to the side. "Alright then. Best of luck heroes."

Then the screen winked out. "Okay everyone, ready?" Momo turned around, eyeing her group and Tokage's.

"You bet we are!" Kaminari gave a thumbs-up. Hagakure's gloves were gripped as they bobbed up and down, the girl obviously nodding.

"As are we." Said Tokoyami.

"Glad to have you with us, Tokoyami." Momo answered.

"Team Pink-3. Gold-5. And Navy Blue-7, please make your way to the starting gate." Said a loud voice within the concourse. The teen hero prospects made their way down to the gate.

"Soooo Yaoyorozu," Tokage jogged up beside her. "What did you have planned?" Marching up to her as well was Tokoyami , alongside a taller girl with dragon-like eyes and sharp fangs. Her darker skin stood out among the rest of the crowd, along with the small patches of scales along her arms and neck.

"I'm the leader of Tokoyami's group. Name's Tsunami Rivu, hero name Kairyu!" She smirked, showing a toothy grin as she was dressed in a skintight body armor with padding from neck to toe. "But you can call me Rivu!"

"Well, it's nice to meet you." Momo replied as Tokoyami approached.

"I can vouch for her. She rallied our small group well." He said.

"I lucked out and got some smart cookies like you," Rivu replied with a smile and a pat on Tokoyami's head. The crow-headed boy glared up at her as Momo heard stifled giggles from Kaminari and Hagakure.

"Hey hey!" And out from the boy's cloak was Dark Shadow. "If he gets some I get some too!"

"Dark Shadow, get back in there!" Tokoyami commanded.

"Awww, I'd never let my favorite birdie go without some scratches~" Rivu cooed as she knelt and began to pet the beaming shadow demon, who was smiling like a dog whose ears were being scratched. Momo had to look away and cover her giggles while Kaminari and Hagakure outright guffawed in laughter.

"Haaa, this is the stuff…"

"About the Ghosts of Kyoto please." Tokoyami grit out through clenched teeth, and Momo coughed as she looked back, seeing her group. Tokage stood by with an amused grin.

"Alright then." Rivu patted Dark Shadow one last time and stood up. "Game time, people."

On cue, they felt the ground rumble beneath them.

"Must be the arena changing like before at the sports festival." Tokage surmised.

"Alright everyone!" Momo called out, looking at the mass of students. "Our enemy is Best Jeanist, and his presumed minions will be those who have worked in his agency! So expect Hot Iron, Hairspray and Trimmer to act as his lieutenants! They have poison gas tanks that they plan to use to storm the bureau! " Momo turned to Rivu. "How good is your team of fighters?"

"Pretty good I say." Rivu showed off her flashy canines.

"Can I trust you to find which of the minions have the gas tanks?"

Tokage grinned. "Way ahead of ya. We can focus on the civilians too."

Momo nodded, feeling a little assurance. "If we can neutralize Jeanist, do so. Otherwise focus on the civilians. There should be a safe area to take them." Momo's arms were flowing as she made walkie talkies and handed them out. "Use these to keep in contact. It's all on the same frequency." She said, producing more and more. She even saw the perpetual malcontent Shishikura take one, although he glared at it as if it took lunch money from him.

"Right!" Hagakure chirped with a shake of her gloves, her comm unit in hand. Kaminari grinned with Romero as Habuko nodded.

The doors opened behind them.

"Your Provisional Examination begins now." Momo turned, and ran out the door. Already she began to take in the fact that they were in a unique environment. Before them lay a simple ziggurat-like looking building that acted as the government bureau.

"Eight floors. Let's get inside and-" she was cut off as she looked up, seeing a helicopter descend at the top of the building.

The painted logo on the side had a skull in white-blue flames with the characters of Kyoto at the bottom. And at the opened door, the Number Three Hero in Japan, Best Jeanist stood with three other well-dressed sidekicks, all in matching denim jumpsuits.

She saw them jump down to the top of the ziggurat.

"Intercept them!" Momo called out. "We have to get the civilians out!"

Rivu's body changed, her bodysuit fitting perfectly as her human shape contorted into a blue-scaled serpentine dragon with water and moisture forming on her claws as she took off. Tokoyami followed her with Dark Shadow, the monster morphing around him as he took off into the air. Black Fallen Angel that form was, Momo remembered from training. The black-haired girl also saw a boy with jet engines on his knees take off, followed by the fragments of Tokage.

"Crap, it's gonna take ages for us to get up there!" Kaminari yelled. "Come on!"

"Right! Let's go!" She waved as they ran through the front door.

The grapple gun and her web pellet paintball gun in hand, she aimed and took off. They had to get to the ghosts before they reached the ventilation room on the fifth floor!


"This is getting crowded." Shoto muttered, seeing how their massive group was crowding up the concourse.

"Yo, it's Todoroki!" Kirishima exclaimed as he ran forth with a big grin.

"Kendo's here?! Awesome, now we're gonna pass for sure!" And right beside the redhead was the steel-skinned Tetsutetsu.

"Classmates of yours?" Intelli inquired as their group began to file in.

"Yeah." Kendo replied with a nod. "Tetsutetsu is in my class, and Kirishima is in Todoroki's." She turned to her muscular peer. "I see you're grouped up with him again?" She asked with a wry smile.

"Oh you bet!" Tetsutetsu exclaimed with a clenched fist and a thumb pointed his way. "I thought we were going to have an issue but, turned out pretty great!"

"You can say that again bro!" Kirishima said with a grin as wide as his steel-haired peer. "Still, our firm was rather small, like, only 5 people." He said as he pointed at Shoto and the group behind him as they fanned out to give each other personal space. "The other one only had like 6 too. How many are in your group?"

"Eighty plus." Nagamasa said behind Todoroki. "Some of them are here as well actually. Seems like we weren't the only ones to come to the same conclusion." Kirishima perked up.

"Oh hey, you're the hairy guy from Shiketsu! I'm Kirishima Eijiro!" He said, offering his hand with a big grin. Nagamasa accepted it.

"Nagamasa Mori, at your service."

"Eighty plus people…sheesh, how did ya manage all of that?" Tetsutetsu asked Kendo. The redhead gave Shoto a sideways glance.

"Manage is overstating things…" She muttered, Shoto was unphased.

It wasn't his responsibility to corral that bedlam and mass of idiots to the right spot.

"We came up with the correct location and villain using Intelli's quirk and other factors." Nagamasa elaborated.

Intelli meanwhile was cupping her mouth in thought, a thermos in her hand.

Her brow was furrowed- it had been all morning and her nervousness was gnawing on Shoto's own thinning patience and anxieties.

"Alright then," Came a voice over the loudspeaker and the dual quirkboy looked up, seeing the large screen flicker to life.

"So, that's where all the missing teams went…" Mera mused through the screen.

Missing teams?

"Well, let's first see who is supposed to be here. If your tag glows green, you pass the Preliminary Portion. Red, you fail. Now then…" Mera reached over, clicking on something as Shoto looked at his tag.

It was yellow.

He felt a knife of incredulous shock punch him in the chest- and judging by the sounds he wasn't the only one.

"Oh hey our tags are green! We pass!" Kirishima beamed, turning towards Tetsutetsu whose tag also glowed green and clasped his hand in manly vigor. He then noticed everyone else talking up a storm on their changing color tags. "Huh? Why are you guys yellow?"

Shoto took a moment to look around and indeed, he could see more yellow tags, and he noted that they were all from the various disparate members of his agency.

"Administrator!" A female student with hair akin to chains stepped forward. "What is the meaning of this?" She pointed at her flashing yellow tag.

"Wait, he said missing teams…" Intelli muttered, and her hands went to her face.

"What does he mean?" Shoto asked, his voice a little hurried.

"I suppose we should fill you in. Teams Green-8 and Red-5 have passed fine, but for Teams Green-3, and Black-0, your situation is a bit more nuanced" Mera explained. "It is true that the evidence provided to your trailers did have differing locations and attacks and villains. But unlike other agencies where double or triple leads were red herrings meant to mislead; for your agency, every lead presented to you was completely valid."

A wave of mutterings and shouted questions were thrown at the monitor.

Mera spoke over them. "The evidence collected in your agencies points to attacks taking place right now." Mera explained. "The point of this exam is to emulate hero agencies here in Japan. Tell me, what is the difference between your firm, Miss Green-33," He said, looking down at Kendo. "And that of Mr. 98, standing close to you."

"Who? Me?" Kirishima tilted his head. Tetsutetsu lightly smacked his shoulder.

"Who else, idiot?!"

"Well… it's the size of our agencies." She said,

Shoto felt the answer smack him in the face as Intelli muttered a whispered "Oh no…" behind him.

"Exactly. Now tell me, what do large agencies do when they have multiple leads for multiple locations? Something they're uniquely capable of doing by virtue of having so many members?"

"They split their resources as needed." Shoto mumbled, feeling his blood turn colder by the second.

How could he have been so… stupid?!

Apparently Mera heard him. "Ding ding, we have a winner." The man even went so far as to lift up and lazily wave a little flag.

"The fact is, your agencies were meant to split your members into various teams to support other agencies nearby who needed the extra-manpower to take on their villain groups. You didn't. So, at the moment while this isn't an automatic failure, even with you successfully repelling this villain attack here, which let's be honest you are grossly overmatching on sheer numbers alone at this point, your passing the provisional exam now entirely depends on how many other attacks succeed or fail without your participation. If a majority of the teams counting on your support manage to pull it off, then you pass. If they don't then you fail. Simple really. And then there's how you perform in the upcoming exam as well."

The wall of noise and protests bellowed out of the stadium like a wave but Shoto didn't have time for such; he only had one question as he rounded on the pale and sick-looking Intelli. She had a hand over her mouth as her eyes darted back and forth, and she went back to guzzling from her thermos.

"How many other leads were there!?" He barked.

"Including ours- eight." She answered.

He quickly turned, starting to do a headcount of how many other members of his agency were here to try and get an idea of how many had been left high and dry.

"Oh, and given how much manpower you'll have for this exam, there will be a stricter point threshold for passing as well." Mera explained. Shoto wanted to kick himself right now. "Normally, the point deduction system we will be employing has a pass-fail threshold of fifty points. But given your immense numbers… your threshold will be sixty-five points. Fall to sixty-four and you fail. Now who wants to tell me the mission parameters here?"

More yelling, protests and groans. Shoto grit his teeth, feeling his fingers clench.

Dammit… This really wasn't good.

Kendo stepped past him. "Our mission is to save a hero school." she elaborated. "Our villain is targeting the Sutanri Junior Hero Academy."

"And who is this villain, Miss Green-33?" Mera asked.

"Saikyou and the Hateful Eight. Their objective is to kill the children and teachers at the school, all of whom have quirks. Saikyou is our only opponent who has a Quirk of some kind, utilizing physical brute force." Kendo elaborated. Shoto took a moment to look around, finding Intelli gnawing on a nail, no doubt calculating their highly reduced chances at passing. Nagamasa remained silent, inscrutable under the mountain of hair that was his quirk.

"She's your class rep? Reminds me of Yaoyorozu!" Kirishima exclaimed.

"They plan to use firearms." Kendo continued. "several gunmen with military equipment while Saikyou will use her quirk."

"Hmm" Mera nodded lightly in approval. "Very well, best of luck heroes. Make your way to the Starting Gate. You have ten minutes. Take note, with your manpower, the villains won't be as generous as the other villains are in the other examinations. If anything, they'll only respond with greater force when pushed into a corner…" and the screen blacked out,

"Alright, let's move everyone!" Tetsutestu called out as he jogged forward by Kendo's side. "Let's kick some villain ass."

"Let's group up Todoroki." Kirishima said as he gestured to him to follow. "You wanna come too, Nagamasa?"

"If you insist." The hair-covered boy looked down at Intelli. "Will you be alright, Saiko?"

"Y-yes," Intelli nodded, taking a deep breath. "Just needed a moment… once we are in, I'll have to set up."

Shoto nodded, turning and walking ahead through the crowd with Kirishima and Nagamasa at both sides.

He came to the front before long, seeing Kendo talk with Tetsutetsu and a girl with the claws and face of a mole.

"So, our plan for attack is to neutralize the villains fast. Right?" Tetsutetsu asked.

Kendo nodded. "We have the numbers advantage as they said, and they only have one quirk user… that alone tells how frightening this guy is gonna be." She looked out, seeing everyone else arguing, she sighed and rubbed her temples. "This is gonna be a nightmare…"

She took a deep breath. "The doors aren't open yet." she muttered suddenly, then tapped Shoto on the shoulder. "Hey, I need somewhere to stand high."

Shoto raised an eyebrow wondering what she was asking him for when he caught her eyebrow raised expectantly and realized what she was requesting.

Part of his pride chafed at being relegated to a footstool.

The other part of him realized his margin for passing or failing this exam was far far far more thin than he liked right now.

With a shift of his foot Kendo was suddenly standing on a block of ice four feet tall, quite literally towering over the room.

She yelped, nearly losing her footing on the slick surface before she found her stability and let out a shrill whistle to catch the attention of those who hadn't noticed her sudden elevation in height.

Two fingers in her mouth let her make a sound that made Shoto wince where he stood, and sent his ears ringing. "Hey! Guys." She called. "Team leads or whoever- we need to start making a plan like right freaking now."

"Agreed." Nagamasa called in sharp support. "If we all just run in there, with every team acting on their own, we will fail, even if we have a supposed numbers advantage."

There were several seconds of muttering, quick designations of team leads and other such moves before a cavalcade of what the various teams seemed to designate as their "captains" marched up to the block of ice.

"Alright so-" Kendo clapped her hands. "We've got three groups: Combat, Escort and Searchers. Combat's self explanatory, they're the ones that have to fight the bad guys. These are our fighting quirks. Escorts are our support or non-combat quirks. They get the civilians out of the fighting grounds and Searchers are people who can move fast or have quirks suited to searching large areas quickly. Just because it's a fake school doesn't mean they won't have some of the civilian kids hiding away somewhere not in class."

Shoto listened as Nagamasa and several others volunteered to "lead" the combat team; frankly, he didn't care who led. He wasn't a people person and had no interest in the role. As long as everyone stayed relatively out of his way, he could fight freely without worrying too much about collateral damage, making this situation a relatively simple fight. His ice could freeze the whole stadium in an instant if push came to shove after all.

The escort and searcher teams were smaller than the combat team, either because more people wanted the glory or because they just had that many combat quirks, he couldn't really say.

The plan as far as it went was basic, but basic in this case was good when there were so many unknown moving parts. He only recognized a handful of people in this crowd and judging by the number of cliques people were gravitating towards, like Kirishima and Tetsutetsu with him and Kendo, that was likely true across the board.

They didn't know each other's quirks, abilities, dispositions, skills, temperament, reliability or anything else. Very few agencies could ever or would ever work like this unless it was a true emergency.

Before anything more could be hashed out the buzzer went off, the warning light beginning to flare bright yellow before the doors opened and it was time to get moving.

Filing through with the rest of the group Shoto found the school grounds made for them.

Three 'buildings' not dissimilar to an old-fashioned boarding school.

They were square, squat things for the most part, with the third building being three stories where the others were only two. Perhaps eight rooms per floor? It wasn't an insignificant amount of ground to cover but given their numbers it likely wouldn't be a challenge to search- or at least not as much of a challenge as it potentially could have been if they had the "appropriate number" of people meant for this exam.

"Come on, let's go faster." Someone said, and like that the crowd of examinees rushed forward, all but sprinting across the lawn towards the school grounds.

Shoto was no exception, but his eyes moved back and forth, searching for where the villain team might make their approach. There were only a few cargo-sized doors in the open baseball stadium, as the school wouldn't fit inside a normally enclosed arena, that could be opened to admit a group of any significant size to the arena at once and all were a fair distance away, giving them plenty of warning.

The second their feet hit the courtyard proper orders were being shouted out.

"Form a perimeter around the grounds!" Nagasama demanded, "Split yourselves in groups of three! Call for backup immediately if you hear or see anything!"

"Come on Todoroki." Kirishima smacked his shoulder, startling him. Frankly he'd completely blanked on the redhead's presence. Following him and Tetsutetsu, they made their way to the eastern side of the practice area.

Slipping between the buildings he could already see the escort and searcher teams starting to move. Various kids with big printed number signs on their shirts, all excited to watch the exam, were being filed out in short order.

Where are they- He thought to himself.

He didn't have to wonder much longer-

When the blow came- it came fast, unbelievably fast.

There was no explosion, no sudden door opening or warning, one second they were in the relative calm of the faux school grounds. The next, villains were literally firing from all around them.

They burst from beneath the loose sand of the arena grounds, emerging from maintenance tunnels and hidden boxes, the mouth of their ramps leading upwards, having been seemingly hidden there this whole time, waiting. They came up with weapons raised and it was only on pure panicked reflex that had Shoto bring up an ice wall that saved him, Kirishima, and Tetsutetsu from being hosed down with automatic fire.

Other combat team members weren't so lucky.

He saw several of them get hit, the red from the paint balls mimicking real blood so much Shoto almost believed for a moment that they'd been shot for real, especially as they hit the ground with screams of genuine pain.

The villain group surged forward, tightening the noose like a constricting predator.

"Hey! Get back here!" Someone shouted behind him.

Whirling back around to look, he saw kids, several of them, running… sprinting away from the main group.

Some of them were caught by other Hero hopefuls before they made it too far but one moved past the line of combat team members now openly fighting the villains, slipping towards the villain lines at the stadium seats.

One of the villains straightened up…

And pointed down, pulling a second trigger twice on the weapon, releasing puffs of air that ruffled the kid's shirt and hair, before planting a hand on his shoulder.

The kid sat down on the sands of the arena, the little sign on his shirt turning to a bright red X.

Shoto's teeth were grinding now.

Panicking civilians to add to the chaos.

Panicking civilians who, if they got killed would make things even harder, points-wise.

And to top it off the little Help Me Company bastard was grinning, pleased at having succeeded at 'dying'. "Guuuh I'm dyiiiiing~."

One of the villains rounded the corner of his ice wall and with a slap of Shoto's hand against the cold surface the ice moved again, a thin spear bursting out of the wall to skewer the weapon in the man's hand and ripping it out of his fingers.

The goon recovered quickly, ducking low under the spear and to Shoto's surprise, drawing a knife and coming straight at him hand to hand.

Very few if any ever got close enough to fight him in melee, and for a moment the Todoroki prodigy was struck almost stupid at the fact. He stepped back, dodging swipes from the knife with a painted edge before he got his bearings and shifted his foot to freeze the man like a winter carnival statue.

Then Kirishima slammed into the guy like a linebacker and crushed him against the wall.

"Come on!" The redhead demanded. "We gotta go help!"

Shoto turned, seeing some gunmen still raining fire on the heroes as they had recuperated and were taking defensive positions.

He saw some kids form a wall of earth, others using their quirks to act as human shields like one slime boy and a girl made of some sort of rubber.

Tetsutetsu was suddenly and violently thrown into a concrete wall with enough force to crack it. Shoto's head whipped about, scanning the courtyard.

A massive chunk of earth erupted around the students as if a missile had crashed into it, hero-hopefuls being sent flying as he turned in surprise. A shape moved within the massive cloud of dust and debris, causing the dust cloud to part almost instantly.

"My my, seems like Endeavor's little pup has come to play."

A little old woman with whitish-pink hair and dressed in a red cheongsam with a black bodysuit underneath stood there.

She might be small, but she was not hunched over, standing proud as the screams from the heroes, children, and teachers began to ring out.

Shoto felt his fire come to life. This had to be her.

"Come on everyone!" Kendo was rallying the befuddled heroes. "Let's get her!"

"Hn." The old woman made a sound, raising her hands as her fingers moved in a flicking motion…

What came next was like being smacked in the face by typhoon gales. Shoto grit his teeth, digging in his heels to form icy footholds to stop himself from flying back.

The winds died down, but most of the attackers were now far from the older woman who still stood perfectly still…

Memories of the Sports Festival flooded into him. 'Her quirk… is it as strong as Midoriya's?!'

Shoto noticed more men appear from the hidden bunker entrances under the sands, rushing forward towards the school.

With a grunt, Shoto unleashed his fire towards the incoming armored men in black, but another strong gust dispersed his flames as he looked and saw that Saikyou had flicked in their general direction.

"Come now boy," The old woman snarked. "Should you really be focused on them?" Shoto fired a massive ice surge her way, and the little woman who was standing perfectly still a moment ago was gone, air erupting where she last stood as if someone had taken flight. He looked up and saw her in the air.

As projectiles and laserbeams came rushing at her, he saw her barely move her arm, aiming it his way as Shoto braced himself.

The typhoon gale-like push sent him into the ice walls he'd set up prior. He bounced off them and rolled across the ground, causing Shoto to take even longer before he could steady himself.

He saw her land, but not before firing another power-flick to the ground to slow her descent.

"Take thiiiis!" yelled some students as they charged. Shoto could see a large one with hands like wrecking balls. Another came rushing in while looking like a massive hulking crocodile.

Wrecking ball boy came in with a mighty right hook. Her hand rose, almost languid-like as the back of her knuckles rapped against the oncoming steel ball and sent the youth's fist crashing into the dirt beside her.

With a solid whack of her cane across his face the kid's head whipped about and then a barely there thumb flick on his forehead sent him skidding across the floor, carving a trench with his bare back.

Saikyou pivoted, avoiding the chomp from the crocodile boy's jaws, bending like a leaf in the wind as she swerved to the boy's side with grace unbecoming of her age.

Her shoulder was right beside the titanic mutant boy's ribs, and with the barest of movements, the reptilian youth was knocked back. The impact visibly hurt him as he held his stomach and fell into a kneeling position in the dirt.

She turned, raising an eyebrow towards Shoto.

He felt nervousness swell within his stomach. Kendo, Tetsutetsu, and the others were running towards the school where the mercs were trying to reach the civilians.

"That look in your eyes, much like your father's." The old woman said, and Shoto blinked, feeling a boiling anger swell within him. "Hmm. Yes, exactly that. Now would you humor this old soul?" She mused. "Don't disappoint me."

She doesn't want to be disappointed, huh?

The flames roared and the ice at his feet spread out, cracking the earth as he glared at her. "Bring it."

Saikyou chuckled as more students began to charge in, her arms loose and ready.


'The new generation gets all of the fancy stuff these days. Big stadiums, buildings for simulations… They didn't have these back in my day.'

The thought moved through Toshinori's mind as he stepped into the stadium, but he honestly couldn't help himself.

Back in his day, the license exam was little more than an internship. You proved yourself in the situations that you could control in the field. There weren't enough heroes to hold the line as there were today.

"Nice place," Melissa commented, but Toshinori could already see her trying to look through the different monitors to find her friends as they sat in the arena.

Toshinori himself spotted a few of them, wincing at the opponents everyone was facing. He knew the call for help went out far, but it was still a strange sight to see his peers within the Top Ten heroes on screen.

"It isn't for tourists."

Toshinori turned, and Melissa flinched a little. Aizawa only gave either of them a sideways glance before returning his tired attention to the screen.

"Well, there's nothing to say that other teachers can't join in," Toshinori explained.

Another flicker of a gaze from Aizawa, this one lingering on Toshinori's smaller form and Melissa taking a seat in the bleacher in front of her. The Eraser hero gave a long sigh, seemingly piecing everything together right then and there before Yagi even got the chance to sit down.

"How are they doing?"

Aizawa shrugged.

"They haven't failed yet."

Toshinori's brow flicked up slightly.

"That almost sounds like praise. I saw Vlad steaming a while back. Some of his students must have failed in the preliminaries."

Aizawa just hummed, looking up at the screen, frowning at what he saw.

Toshinori looked up and shuddered as he saw Young Todoroki be sent flying by the force from a flick from that old woman.

"They're fighting ol' Saikyou?"

Melissa turned to him, a curious expression on her face.

"You know her?"

Toshinori chuckled.

"Yeah, back before even my time, she was an accomplished hero," he explained.

"I'm surprised she was willing to come out of retirement for this," Toshinori commented.

"She was convinced when she saw the participant list," Aizawa lazily said, tired eyes drifting over to the screens, "A few names there inspired her, apparently."

Toshinori shivered. If Saikyou got 'inspired', she usually wound up devastating the countryside, hence her being more of a 'rural' hero.

Those poor kids.


Peter tapped on his wrist, his web shooters activating as his HUD began to light up, outlining Orca's minions and the big whale man himself.

The big guy was in red, his minions in orange pouring out of the drill-tank/troop transport which looked as big as an RV, Peter's allies in blue and the civilians in green.

He could see Shindo and Monoma touch hands, a large mass of vines sprouting out from Shiozaki's hair and began moving quickly to collect and shield the civilians.

And then Orca rushed towards them like a runaway train.

Peter leapt into a backflip right before the massive orca's hand slammed down in the space where the boy once was, crushing the tile. He twisted in midair, trying to kick the large beastman.

But the pro's hand shot up, catching the kick and swinging him like a bat before releasing the young hero. Peter felt his back hit something hard as he heard a shout of pain and surprise.

"WATCH IT PARKER!" Bakugo screamed, unleashing a series of explosions as he took off and roared, striking at some of the black armored minions and sending them flying, avoiding bolts of those goo guns. He turned as he aimed for Orca, raising his hands he let out a roar as fire and fury surged outwards.

Orca raised an arm, protecting his face as he pushed his hand into the ground, grabbing a piece of tile with his bare hands and chucking it at Bakugo, who ducked and dodged to the side.

Orca moved faster than anyone of his size had any right to, blocking a sparkling green blur that was trying to go for his blindspot.

Izuku grit his teeth as Orca swung his arm, and the boy was sent flying from his backhand.

Several of the minions got into a firing line, leveling their guns onto Shoji and Ibara.

Peter shot up to his feet, webbing lashing out to grab the first gun before they could open fire. A single yank knocked the man into his partner and gave Shoji the moment that he needed as he sprinted forward.


Four arms crashed into two guards, hitting them hard in the chest and sending them flying. However, the other villains rallied instantly, pulling out batons and knives to engage in close combat.

Elle was right by Shoji's side, and to Peter's surprise, her arms swinging with what seemed to be white spikes coming out of her arms, batting aside knives and batons.

"Hurry up!" She screamed, weapons clashing "I got my role, do yours!"

Shoji nodded "Right!" He turned and rushed away, Peter saw Camie doing the same as she gathered some civilians to run out of the lobby.

Orca moved, dodging blasts from Bakugo and weaving between strikes from Izuku. A swing of his massive arm nearly caught Peter as he jumped in to assist.

"You're all blind," he said, "I am not the threat here." Peter could see the ghost of a smirk and fangs poking out of his mouth. "After all, I'm here to kill all of the ones responsible for polluting our planet!"

Peter's eyes narrowed behind his mask. And then it clicked the moment he heard it.

The ticking.

Peter's head snapped to the tank, and on the side, a clock started ticking down. He heard a cocky scoff from the whaleman as he looked his way.

Peter leapt over him, launching off the villain's fist like a gymnast. It gave him a moment to see everything shift around him. The civilians being taken away on vines, and a flash of green that started darting around the edge of the battlefield.

So, at the apex of the flip, Peter shot out his webs, both ropes of the white stuff grabbing onto Orca's back.

"Minnesotaaaaa!" Orca was struck in the gut by a charging Izuku, who staggered him with a flying kick. "SMASH!"

The whaleman stumbled a few steps. Peter chucked a web bomb straight at him, timing the detonation as the hero recovered with a shake of his head.

It went off and Orca became a white-gunk covered heap, struggling to break free. Peter fired more webbing, pelting him to keep him rooted as he heard yelling and screaming behind him. Peter turned, still seeing some of Orca's minions running towards anything that wasn't them. Any leftover civilians, his teammates, and towards the staircase. He saw two big masses of vines at the balcony depositing the bunches of civilians as some were running up the stairs, courtesy of Camie's escort.

Shindo placed his hands to the ground. Peter felt the earth rumble and shake before it exploded, striking some of the minions as tile and earth rose up from Shindo's quirk, Vibrate, creating a makeshift barricade between the villains and the stairs.

Peter heard Orca roar as he broke free of the webbing. The 'villain' turned, glaring his way, micromachine harpoon spear in hand. Peter knelt down, hand to the floor.

"Bring it Free Willy!" He saw the whaleman charge, leaping up with a roar. Peter jumped out of the way from the crater the man made with his landing before firing two web shots past the man, yanking himself forward like a slingshot to slam both feet into Orca's head, knocking the whale man on his ass.

Orca rolled with the blow, smoothly reaching his feet as his red eye glared at Peter.

Peter felt his Sense flare up.

The air seemed to distort for a second, and Peter's legs pushed him to the side, jumping out of the way of… something.

"The hell was that?" Peter muttered to himself as Orca rose. He aimed his web shooters, going into burst-mode as he fired in a rapidfire staccato to bind him…

Orca reached down, ripping a slab free from the ground to stand as a physical shield as Peter rushed forward, using the shield himself to close the distance again.

Sense flare!

Peter twisted in mid-air, firing his web shooter before he pulled hard. Fire and fury erupted, blasting apart the dividing barrier between him and Orca. It caught the whale man, making him yell in pain. The American couldn't see him as he skidded back from the shockwave, the heat rushing over him. Peter landed and turned, glaring hard at Bakugo as he tossed aside the pin from his grenade gauntlet.

"Are you serious?!" Peter barked in anger.

"You were able to dodge with your precog! Quit being a pussy!" Bakugo yelled as he took off into the sky and towards Orca.

Only for the smoke to seemingly part and Bakugo, to his credit, blasted to the side, avoiding the invisible shockwave. Peter changed his web shooters to full burst and aimed two large web bullets that drained his remaining reserve in the current cartridge at the center of the smoke, reloading on the spot. He saw Orca leap out of the debris cloud, cape flared and arms wide. His eyes curved in a dark grin.

"Seems like I need to up the ante." Orca mused. "Now, let's see how you handle this."

Peter rushed in and Orca turned, swinging with a backhand that seemed ridiculously fast. Had the man been holding back?!

His Sense screamed, and he brought up his arms to defend as the strike caught him and sent him flying backwards. He rolled across the ground, getting back on his feet as his arms throbbed.

That… was actually gonna bruise.


He dropped, and Orca's jaws clamped down where his head would have been.

"You're trying to eat me?!" Peter barked, jumping back and firing more webbing as Orca wisely covered his eyes.

Peter felt his sense tingle and he aimed at the wall before he fired and pulled, avoiding another invisible blast. Where was it coming from?!

"You're fighting me, Orca!" Bakugo yelled as he blasted towards Orca. He aimed his palms and fired.

Orca met the attack, rushing in with a speed that caught Bakugo unawares, and he barely avoided a swipe from Orca's mighty paw. Peter landed on the wall, looking back as he reloaded his web shooters. He felt his sense tingle, avoiding a hail of foam bullets from some minions that took aim his way as he dodged and ran across the wall.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Izuku and Elle moving across the battlefield, finding any minions and knocking them out as best they could, trying to clear out the last of the stragglers before pressing the attack on Orca.

He saw Bakugo blast away at Orca, but the whale man was unperturbed, almost smiling as he kept the blonde bomber on the backfoot.

Peter pivoted and pushed off the wall, rocketing towards Orca. He fired his web shooters and they latched onto the man's shoulders. He pulled, aiming to yank him off balance.

Orca had other plans.

Reaching up and behind him the man grabbed hold of the webs, yanking Peter off the ground. At the end of a lasso, the boy from Queens was smashed into a body. He heard a cry of pain as they met the ground and skidded away. Peter groaned.

"Get the fuck off me!" Bakugo snarled, kicking the wall crawler off before stumbling to his feet. "ORCA!" Bakugo yelled, blasting off with a backblast of fire and force not dissimilar to a grenade going off that caused Peter to stumble backwards and against the debris. He snarled.

"You're the fucking worst!" Peter yelled as he fired a web line and swung after Bakugo as Orca rolled his neck and got into a stance.

"HOWITZEEER!" Bakugo spun rapidly, rushing in close like an actual missile, only for the bomber to stop dead mid-flight. His momentum was violently reversed with enough force that it would likely cause the blonde whiplash by tomorrow.

He brought his hands together in front of Orca's face. "STUN GRENADE!" A fury of light and sound erupted in Orca's face.

The whale man cried out at being blinded. Before either of them could press the attack, more of the minions whipped around, breaking off their attack on the civilians. They laid down cover fire for their boss, forcing Bakugo and Peter on the defensive.

Mid-leap Peter stumbled, a glob of rapidly hardening goop catching him at the ankle, and Bakugo too was knocked out of the sky as his hand was swallowed up by its own direct hit. Both of them turned, glaring hard at the black-covered goons.

"Get lost!"/"FUCK OFF!"

They yelled as one before Bakugo fired another full blast and sent the minions flying. Peter fired a full cartridge burst and got several of them as he landed, ducked, and dodged. Leaping rapidly, he knocked out each unlucky villain with a straight punch to the jaw. Once. Twice. Thrice. Four times and four minions went down.

He turned and webbed-up an unfortunate minion as the wall crawler stood and felt the foam harden his foot to the ground.

Peter tugged on the webbing and slammed the minion down on the ruined tile floor. He bent down and bashed the hardened foam on his foot with a fist. Just in time too as his sense flared and Peter leapt away from Orca and his trident. The man then swung in a wide arc, Peter feeling the tip of the dull blade nearly catch his chest. However Orca pivoted and with his motion, swung the weapon towards a rapidly-approaching Bakugo. The boy was caught by the spinning weapon and fell from the sky like a stunned bird as Peter aimed…

Only for the whale man to turn, red eyes gleaming in battlelust as he ripped out a chunk of concrete in the same smooth motion and hurled it at him, catching Peter in the chest as it knocked the wall crawler end over end.

"Is this all you have!?" Orca yelled, arms wide as he showed off those sharp teeth. "Next All Miiiiiiiight!"

Peter was halfway to his feet before Orca was on him, his punch catching him in the chest and sending him flying across the room and into the wall. Peter's vision was spotty as he coughed in his mask while his HUD sputtered and flickered.

Peter got back up, hand against a chunk of debris as he felt the soreness in his chest with each deep breath he took, and he heard a yelp of pain and Bakugo was sent flying through some tiles and debris from a weaponized piece of rubble. Peter reloaded his cartridges and glared at Orca as he approached him.

"Come on." Peter uttered, and he ran back into the fray as he heard the roar of Bakugo charging in with him.


Itsuka was frantic, running towards the school with a mole boy named Momotaro, Kirishima and Tetsutetsu. Behind her was Niijima, a girl with a straw doll-like body from another school who was legging it with Kaibara.

That opening salvo by Saikyou was downright brutal, and had taken out almost a fifth of the hero candidates immediately. The girl kicked herself for not being able to see it sooner.

The right amount of hero candidates meant that a small group would be able to get Saikyou's attention while the others would be able to go to the school and save the civilians. Instead, they had the equivalent of a JSDF battalion of hero prospects. Too many people. Too chaotic and clustered.

It was a perfect chance for the old heroine to cut loose, and for those trained soldiers to take the initiative and go to the school.

The HPSC had brought in legit commandos to play the role of villains? Or had these guys been switched in to handle groups like hers that were over the expected strength parameters of what they were supposed to have?

A scary thought, but Parker, Todoroki, Midoriya, and Yaoyorozu from Class A had fought against similar foes on I-Island according to Vlad-sensei.

Well, time to measure up!

"Can't believe we lost some people at the start already!" Momotaro griped. He was a nasally boy with a large nose and small eyes that looked huge behind his goggles, but his sharp mole-claws were perfect for digging.

"Nothing we can do now!" Tetsutetsu chimed in. He saw a door up ahead. "Alright! Coming throuuuugh!" He roared as he busted down the door.

"The shooters went up top!" Itsuka said as they ran inside, slowing their run. The redhead could hear the roaring and screams outside combined with the sound of windows being shattered.

"Get them away from the side of the school where the fighting is. Put them in opposing classrooms!" Itsuka declared, seeing a camera out of the corner of her eye. "Kirishima, Tetsutetsu, take the lead." She turned towards Momotaro. "Can you dig us some tunnels to help protect the civilians too? The more protection and places to hide, the better." She opened a janitor's closet and the mole boy grinned.

"You can count on me!!" He cheered as he dove, his claws and arms pumping as he punctured through tile and concrete with ease. Itsuka turned towards Niijima and Kaibara.

"Kaibara, you and I are the main attackers. What's your quirk like, Niijima-san?"

"I have the constitution of a straw doll. I can be nimble and strong in grappling and take a light pounding, but I'd rather not get a strong pellet or anything flammable sent my way." The black-haired girl with blonde drills in her hair exclaimed.

"Okay! Stairs!" Itsuka yelled as she remembered the layout. She could hear gunfire topside. "Kirishima, Kaibara, and Niijima take the nearest set of stairs!" She pointed to said location down the hallway of the school. "Me and Tetsuetsu will handle the farthest one!"

"Meet you topside dude!" Kirishima said, giving a thumbs-up towards Tetsutetsu as the dainty looking girl and black-haired youth ran up the stairs.

"Likewise!" Tetsutetsu turned towards Itsuka and nodded. "Lets go, Class Rep!"

"It's Battle Fist!" Itsuka heard more screaming and wind rattling as she opened a door.

Behind it she could see the kids and teacher hiding under the desks in the classroom.

"This way! Move move move!" Tetsutetsu yelled.

"Ohh! Heroes!" Said a kid with a very deep voice and looked… a bit gaunt.

"We're saved!" Another exclaimed with a nasally squeaky voice.

Yep, definitely not grade schoolers…

Itsuka ushered them through, opening the door as kids began to file out quickly into the other classroom where other civilians had been gathered already.

All of a sudden, she heard an explosion go off directly above them on the third floor. Itsuka perked up, as did her steel-haired friend as the kids now bolted for the other classroom…

Running up the emergency stairs, Tetsutetsu was right behind her as she ran, enlarging her fist as she rushed towards where she heard screaming.

Punching the door, she sent it flying across the room where it served as a shield to the rubber bullets that punched through the window. The villain was right outside the glass!

Lucky break.. "Go!" She ordered as she ran ahead, yelling as she jumped on a chair and then out the window at the stunned looking jetpack-wearing soldier.

She brought her big fists down in a slam, making the soldier fall and the jetpack crunching under the impact. The ma- no, woman given the shape of her figure, rolled away before she raised her rifle and took aim.

With a roar, Tetsutetsu leapt out of the window, grabbing hold of the woman in a flying, falling tackle to knock her down.

Itsuka rushed in, closing the distance, her giant expanded hands striking the woman right in the gut. The blow sent her flying multiple yards and she landed on the pavement in a roll.

"How are the kids?" She asked, the steel-haired boy looked her way and grinned.

"Safe and sound." He said, looking ahead and seeing that the villain was both unresponsive and unmoving. "We don't got anything to restrain her, do-"

Itsuka reached into her thigh-satchel, pulling out some simple zip-ties. "I got it covered. After this, we head to the upper floors and help the others."

Tetsutetsu's grin was wide enough to split his face as Itsuka went on ahead. "That's our big sis of Class 1-B!"

Itsuka couldn't help but smile and shake her head, but the good feeling was gone as she felt more gusts of wind from the battle raging in the stadium and the courtyard.


Momo rolled across the floor, biting back a curse. She was NOT having a good time right now…

The primary reason for that conclusion was the absolutely pungent smell of hairspray that literally made her eyes water and her mouth gag.

Through a gas mask!

She could still smell the citrusy scent!

Hairspray's quirk was exactly what it said on the tin as she came out of cover and fired her paintball rifle.

The more acidic his foods that included processed meats, cheeses and onions, the more concentrated the resulting hairspray, almost to the point of being seemingly poisonous. His fingers had hairspray nozzles at the end joints, and he wore a gasmask similar to her own. The poison gas canister had to be in his backpack!

Hairspray ducked behind cover, avoiding the web bullets as Momo's hands began glowing. A brave soul with jet boosters for legs charged in, trying to get Hairspray to come on out. However, Momo could hear the coughing, the grunts, and the hits that they were taking.

But, her tool was finished.

She tossed a flashbang down the corridor, earplugs conjured in her ears as she heard the bang accompanied by a shout of surprise and minor pain. She turned, seeing Hairspray stagger as she began to pelt him full of web.

The repeated impacts and the growing white gunk pinned him to the wall as he struggled and cursed. She made sure to shoot for the hands, binding the nozzles against the wall and smothered them in web.

"Hairspray down!" Momo said into her walkie talkie, speaking aloud in an effort to compensate for the gas mask.

"Hot Iron is being tricky! Hey, Tokoyami! Send in Dark Shadow! He can take the heat! We're on the sixth floor!"

"I like ya but I ain't doin tha-" Dark Shadow's response was cut off as Momo looked around, taking off the gas mask and panting as she heard yelling downstairs and in the general vicinity. So far the majority of the hero team was able to enter through the ground floor. Looking down from her place on the roof, she saw many civilians departing towards the safezone outside.

Momo moved towards the stairwell, making the turn as she remembered the layout of the floors from the group's research.

The door to the stairwell burst open as water surged out of it. Momo backed off and conjured a hand mirror, using the mirror to peek outside while using the wall for cover.

The inside of the halls consisted of widespread carnage, and some walls were scorched. A denim-covered hero with massive steel protrusions on his hands that were glowing red was swiping and dodging with grace from a smaller Dark Shadow. Hot Iron barreled through a wall before lunging for Tokoyami himself. He was strong! Or perhaps the denim was a support item that increased his strength and durability?

She walked down the hall with her paintball rifle, tossing away the mirror. Wincing at the heat searing on the walls, she turned, seeing a fire extinguisher in its casing. Taking the butt of her paintball rifle, she smashed it open as she heard the sounds of combat from another hallway.

She peeked around it, seeing Hot Iron batting away Dark Shadow and making the shadow monster yelp in pain as it retreated and shrank. She saw Rivu dive in, and Hot Iron simply sidestepped her attack.

He came down hard on the dragon girl's back, Rivu yelling in pain.

"Get off of her!" The denim-clad man turned, and was struck by Tokoyami as he swung his arm, Dark Shadow forming around his limb into a giant claw despite his smaller size from the light sources. The man rolled away, the metal irons that made his hands blazing red once more.

Rivu struggled to get up, seething as Momo took aim, firing several shots and hitting the villain in the chest.

The man yelped and staggered as white gunk appeared. As he moved the hot irons on his hands in an attempt to remove the webbing, Rivu roared, firing a surge of water at him and sending him crashing through a wall. Momo heard footsteps and turned, seeing scared civilians behind her.

"W-We were trapped…A-And-" Momo nodded, running back to the fire extinguisher and grabbing it.

"Tokoyami!" She yelled, the raven-headed boy turning as Momo threw the red canister with all her might down the hall. Dark Shadow caught it perfectly

"Dark Shadow!" Tokoyami commanded as he charged, his shadow monster carrying the extinguisher.

"Aye! Eat this, overalls!" Dark Shadow cried as he hurled it at the stunned Hot Iron. The canister exploded into foam upon contact when the fau-villain brought up his iron hands to defend himself from the incoming projectile

Rivu roared, charging and twirling her body. "Kairyu!" Water surged around her claws and face as she sped right towards the stunned villain, twirling as the water formed around her like a drill. The attack struck him dead on with Momo hearing the villain scream as she slammed him into a wall.

Momo felt relief as she turned towards the civilians who were hiding in the other room. "There are other villains on the lower floors fighting downstairs. They have poison gas canisters. Go to the roof. You'll be safe there."

"Thank you heroes!" The civilians said as they trotted past. Momo then heard them mull amongst themselves. "They aren't half bad…" She heard them say. She trotted down the hall, seeing Rivu take the backpack off of Hot Iron's back.

"Jeez, this thing is heavy. They were fighting us with this weighing them down…" Rivu winced, the serpent girl turning towards Momo and Tokoyami. "So, that's two right?"

"All that's left now is Trimmer and Jeanist. They're down below, trying to get to the air ducts no doubt." Tokoyami said.

"Indeed, the air conditioning control system is there." Momo activated her walkie. "Status on civilian evacuations?" Her hands conjured handcuffs which she passed to Dark Shadow who used them to restrain the unconscious villain.

"You're under arrest bub!" Dark Shadow jeered.

"He's totally your inner self right?" Rivu said with a smirk. The cloaked boy rolled his eyes.

"We're ferrying them all out!" Romero replied. "We got a combat team heading up to the fourth floor where the AC unit is. Better hurry! Kaminari and Habuko went with them!"

"Good work, keep at it."

Momo hung up and turned towards her two comrades.

"Shall we?" Rivu smirked, tossing the backpack containing the gas off to the side.

"The combat team hasn't responded back…" Tokoyami mused.

"Jeanist may have taken care of them, or they're pinning them down." Momo mused as she turned around. "We need to hurry down below and-"

"Hey Yaomomo." Rivu spoke, and Momo turned, eyes befuddled at the dragon girl's casual use of a nickname only reserved for Class A. She had a sharp-toothed grin.

"Forget the stairs. I got an idea."


"Jeez!" Setsuna yelled, backing off as she avoided the slash of Trimmer. Like the other sidekicks, he too was covered in Support Company Denim, his hands a complete mishmash of scissors and shaving razor blades.

Trimmer smirked as Setsuna retreated via her floating body, grateful that her costume only had organic mesh material made from her skin cells. One of her eyes was focused on the casually approaching Best Jeanist. All around him, various other hero students were either on the ground or their knees, their costumes betraying them as Jeanist had manipulated the linens to bind them up.

"I won't let you!" Setsuna yelled, seeing Jeanist move towards the air conditioning room. If he got there and had the canisters in the backpacks inserted into the vents, it'd be game over for the civilians still inside! Setsuna split herself up into countless pieces.

"Trimmer." Jeanist ordered. "Don't hurt her too much. She needs to choke on her failure."

Trimmer, grinning like a madman, charged with his bladed hands as he leapt forth, performing a corkscrew motion as she did the best she could to split her body even further to avoid the worst of the damage.

Even so, she had placed her torso and upper arms in front as a barrier, bearing the brunt of Trimmer's blunt-bladed assault.

Obviously he would go blunt considering that he was a hero and this was just an exam… but damn that hurt!

Jeanist was walking casually towards the air room as Setsuna gained on him, her fragments coming back together to form hands, her legs and her face. She decided to take the canister, bite his neck and choke him out using her thighs. She saw something drop out of Jeanist's sleeve and onto the ground as her body was about to form back together…

Only for something to explode out, all fluffy and tightlike as Setsuna gawked in surprise. She wasn't able to move!

"What the hell!?" She yelled, seeing what had been dropped. It was… yarn! Her face bits were stuck.

She attempted to force the rest of herself forwards, arms and le-

More yarn balls fell out, and the strands all caught her pieces as Setsuna cried out. Forty-five pieces… that was as many as she could make!

Best Jeanist turned, eyes glaring at her. "Perhaps you should have considered an alternate approach." The green-haired girl did her best to struggle, but the yarn was stuck to her, and to the walls, floor, and ceiling. "Come Trimmer." He reached into his pocket, pulling out respirators as Setsuna's eyes widened.

"Come on guys!" Said a voice, muffled by doors as Setsuna's eyes turned, and she saw even Jeanist turn slightly too. Setsuna recognized it… it was that Kaminari guy from Class A! She heard a rush of footsteps. He had backup but-!

"Trimmer. You do the honors." He lifted the backpack of canisters up, and his sidekick took it before walking at a faster pace towards the ventilation room. Jeanist turned towards the stairwell door…

Crap… "We're gonna fail…" Setsuna struggled as hard as she could, but she couldn't get out of the yarn!


"This isn't fair."

Toshinori's eyes flickered towards his ward.

Melissa's irritation at the tests had been growing with each hit that her fellow students took and every time that the great heroes of their time simply turned the table with a well-placed move.

Frankly speaking, it wasn't fair, and the worst part about it was that most of them were holding back.

He knew what Endeavor, Orca and Jeanist could really do. He'd fought alongside all of them enough times to see them prove why they were top ten heroes.

To throw them against students, children in the legal sense of the word, was almost cruel.


"Fighting villains never is," Aizawa explained without a hint of mercy, "There is no code of conduct for some villains, while heroes are limited by a whole number of different things. Students have to prove that they can work against these impossible situations as best they can, or else they'll only be a hindrance in the field."

"But against top ten heroes?" Melissa complained.

Aizawa looked pointedly at Yagi. The blonde felt himself sigh slightly.

"It's to make sure that they push themselves. Sometimes, there will be a situation where backup won't come, and you and your team are the only people standing between a villain and disaster."

"And regardless of the fairness, of the hardship, they have to keep going," Aizawa finished.

"In all honesty, I think everyone here hopes that these kids will never have to fight a battle at this scale," Yagi commented.

Or, more accurately, he hoped they would never have to. Being the Symbol of Peace meant that he was the one that needed to take this load, make a better world where they didn't need to.

But… the world needed more symbols than just him.


"Here you go!" Izuku set down the portly old man atop the atrium overlooking the lobby, which was becoming a decimated warzone in a hurry. Webbing patches. Ruined upturned tile and flooring. The drill tank on the other side of the room made gathering civilians all the harder. "Just follow the vines! My teammate is taking you to a safe zone!"

"Thank you!" The man said as he got up, joining other people that were running or limping(as best as one could fake a limp) to the hallway where Shiozaki was. "Not bad for a kid…" He muttered before departing.

Izuku turned and jumped down the stairs, landing near Utsushimi who was blowing rainbow vapor from her lips behind upturned furniture. From her, various shimmering clones of himself, Elle, Peter and Shoji were rushing out to confuse and distract the minions.

Izuku ran past Shindo and Monoma as Elle blitzed around the illusionary-mist covered battlefield, slashing and hacking with her bone blades and taking advantage of the confusion from a distance. Shoji was running about and doing the same but closer towards the escalator as to protect the one viable access point to the second floor and to the safe zone.

"SMAAASH!" He shouted, vaulting over debris to punch one of the men in the side, knocking him into a wall. Turning to look at Shoji, he called out to the multi-armed boy. "Any more civilians?"

"Towards the windows!" He yelled, playing the role of overseer of their rescue efforts.
He ran towards the window area. He should be helping Peter and Kacchan against Orca, but with so many other enemies around they and the other team were at risk of being overwhelmed without any speed to cover multiple angles at once like he could.

Negotiating his way across the lobby he rounded the far corner, only to find several of the gunmen waiting for him. Leveling their guns, they fired and it was only pure reflex that let him fall into a slide, the gray foam bullets whizzing over his mop of green hair.

The slide carried him forward just enough. "Idahooo!" He charged, and threw a backhanded punch towards the closest minion, catching him in the arm and side. "SMAAASH!" The blow sent him flying. Izuku moved on to the next target, jumping and unleashing a roundhouse kick that sent another gunman flying via striking him upside the head. He landed and grabbed hold of a nearby coffee table, lifting the thing one-handed by the leg and using it as a shield, feeling the impact of foam pellets bursting on the other side as he shoved with it. He smashed it against one minion's helmeted head, breaking it with a crack of splintered wood, knocking the last of the gunmen on his ass. He panted, turning and finding three civilians hiding in a corner broom closet. An older couple and what he could only assume was supposed to be their teenage daughter, or perhaps a bystander taking cover with them. "Let's go!" He yelled, helping the older people up and placing the older man on his back and the older woman in his arms while the young lady stood up. "Just follow me, and keep your head low!"

"Y-Yes, thank you!"

He ran with her around the lobby, seeing the battle unfold as he saw Orca locked in battle against Kacchan and Peter.

Orca backhanded Kacchan who was trying to come in with a blast from behind, sending the blonde skidding across the ground. Peter charged in and decked Orca in the head, stunning him as the American webbed Orca's face and kicked off him. As the whaleman tore the webbing off his face and spat a tooth out of his bloodied lip, he stared them down. Orca didn't seem phased at all…

Izuku saw Kacchan land, turning about in a pivot with a battle-hungry grin on his features as the blonde oriented himself towards Orca.

Izuku finally arrived at the atrium, Shindo wisely coming over to take the old lady off his hands as he set the old man down. The young lady also trotted forward, almost out of breath.


"Oh! Check out Shoto! He's about to fire a big blast at that granny you were scared of, Uncle Might!"

There was a snort, and the Symbol of Peace's head whipped around, Aizawa rubbing his mouth. Yagi's impressive eyebrows rose up like a teeter-totter.

"Did you just laugh?"

"Focus on the match," Aizawa said quickly.


It was bedlam out there, and all from… one damn lady!

From her foxhole, Intelli stood by with her two classmates as they finished preparing a new batch of tea while the girl relayed orders. She'd quickly commandeered the services of several "mover" quirks, two with a semblance of increased speed and a girl with wings named Konishi.

So far, throwing their heavy hitters at Saikyou wasn't working. She was anticipating them, sending them all flying back and making it all the harder to land a good hit on her. Any projectiles were dodged with a grace not fitting of a woman her age, or she used any raised debris made from the scarcest of kicks as shields.

Todoroki was holding his own, but he was being thrown around as well. The woman seemed almost fixated on him, taunting him the most. As she sipped some warm tea from a paper cup, she felt her mind flex and expand as her IQ increased.

Saikyou was able to possess the physical power of All Might of all people while barely moving a muscle. Her short, controlled motions resembled those of a martial artist. She always maintained her posture, her stance every time that someone came close and only moved when she needed to. She hadn't even moved from her spot save to dodge and bend down with the occasional leap.

She took another sip, her brain pumping as she ran over her hypothesis in her head.

There was no buildup, no collection of power or even movement for momentum. It was like she wasn't supposed to move to ensure that her quirk would activate.

It clicked.

"Listen up!" She said, pointing to the three she'd 'commandeered' for this. "I need you all to carry the message around. I know how her quirk works and how to beat it!"


Shoto could already feel both of his sides starting to overextend.

With every ice blast, a fire shot needed to go out. Keep things even, keep things moving, all to avoid draining himself.

But it was at moments like this that he was actually aware that his fire wasn't on the same level as his ice.

Saikyou had rarely moved, many of the students in the arena and the stands were trying to attack her en-masse.

"You're all," Saikyou said, her eyes glued on the dual-haired boy as she positioned her foot towards another piece of earth. "So predictable!" And the upturned dirt and grass went flying his way. He conjured another massive ice wall, defending from the onslaught and ducking, feeling the pellets fly overhead.

He charged his fire side as he surged up what remained of his ice block, to prepare a fire blast as he came to the top-

Only for Saikyou to be right in front of him, an amused smirk on her wrinkled face, her open hand outstretched and close to him.

"Predictable." Was she said as she made contact with his gut, a little more motion than usual-

And Shoto felt a sledgehammer hit his stomach, sending him flying and skidding across the ground like a stone before coming to a stop. He coughed out parts of his breakfast as he cradled his stomach.

He saw the woman out of the corner of his eye stand still and approach-only to duck incoming fire from a girl firing her fingernails like a machine gun at her. Or a big hulking girl charging with her rhino horn on her nose.

Shoto focused on her, doing his best to get oxygen back in his lungs as his eyes were locked on her movements. She simply brought her hand up as the girl approached.

"Yo! Todoroki!" Said a voice as Shoto turned as he panted, seeing a rocket girl land close by

"Intelli says her quirk is movement!" The girl shouted. "The less she moves the stronger she is!"

Shoto blinked. What. but… what?


The girl cursed, reaching into her pocket she fished out her phone before holding it up to him.

It was a picture, a picture of a note that he recognized Intelli's handwriting on.

Quirk based on stored kinetic force. Less movement = more stored force. It's why she doesn't move unless necessary. All Might lite while still, weak while moving."

Shoto read the note, the flow of the fight making it ring true as he examined everything that had happened so far. "So we make her move, and she can't use her power."

"Yo Todoroki!" He heard a familiar voice as he climbed to his feet, seeing Kirishima and Tetsutetsu approach at a run.

"Her quirk. It's movement, or rather lack thereof." Shoto shouted as the winged girl took off and the other two boys joined him. "She is capable of incredible strength, but it can only be done with the least movement in any body part. Like a reversal in kinetic physics of some kind."

"Yeah! Kendo got word!" Tetsutetsu said, "She says she's got a plan."

"All we gotta do is keep her eyes on us!" Kirishima exclaimed as his skin became rigid and cragged.

Shoto nodded "Okay." Fire and cold erupted from his arms.

"Let's go!"

"Ohhh man! I can feel that fighting spirit, Todoroki!" Kirishima grinned ear to ear. "Let's take her down! Manly style!" He charged, Todoroki surging with ice right towards Saikyou.

"Can you handle fire?!" Shoto asked.

"I can!" Tetsutetsu was in a dead sprint, and Shoto aimed upwards as he made a glacier to push up and over. He turned in midair, releasing a firestream aimed at the ice mountain he had made, his fire boosting his momentum as he swallowed his left side in an inferno, giving him air as he smothered the Class B metal boy in it.

But Tetsutetsu was right in the thick of it. The heavier and dug-in metal boy who had bent towards the ground to let the gale winds, flame, and steam pass over. They charged right through the steam, smoke, and debris of it all. Kirishima reared back for a punch, and a red-hot Tetsutetsu did the same, roaring as they charged.

Saikyou didn't look phased as she dodged the strikes from the two boys, even as Tetsutetsu's smoldering heat made her back away to avoid the burn. No doubt she was trying to use as little movement as possible for her quirk.

Saikyou unleashed a slight backhand and sent Kirishima stumbling across the ground. Tetsutetsu kept on coming at her, still blazing orange.

Now she looked annoyed.

She stepped on the ground which burst like an egg, tripping the iron-skinned teen mid-charge.

Then, from under the earth behind her something burst out, grabbing onto her. It looked like some kind of straw-made doll?

"What the hell?!" Saikyou yelled. The doll's legs wrapped around her legs like a snake, keeping them separate, and her arms kept her target's arms out of position as she moved, puppeteering the enraged old woman.

"Atta girl Niijima!" Kirishima yelled.

"No doll will…stop me!" Saikyou uttered, writhing as the girl kept doing full motions, forcing her arms in constant motion. She turned about, walking and facing away as Shoto could see Niijima's determined smirk.

"You're right… but she can." Shoto barely made out the girl's retort as she let go, the woman's limbs and her body were wide open, the old woman stumbling forward towards the crater Niijima had burst out of.

And the ground under her erupted again, a massive fist exploding outward.

It collided with Saikyou's jaw, her head whipping back as Kendo Itsuka roared out with her enlarged hand, the redhead being pushed up by some… mole person.

With a battle cry, Kendo then reared back her unused left hand, and grabbed onto the villain, her limbs in her fingers as she came down with a ground-pounding blow, the old woman's face catching the brunt of the blow.

"Down you go!" Kendo yelled out, subduing the villain.

"PRACTICAL EXAM SECTION: SCHOOL ATTACK. COMPLETE. VILLAIN GROUP: HATEFUL EIGHT. CAPTURED AND NEUTRALIZED." Said the electronic voice over the loudspeakers as cheers began to break out.


Saitama Kyouka flexed and stretched her neck, looking back at those kids as they marched out. They came in far more bloated numbers than anticipated, which gave her the green light from that sleepy-eyed dog in Mera to not hold back one bit.

"You knew my old man?" Saikyou turned, seeing Todoroki turn as he finished his talk with Kendo, the girl looking her way as well. "You mentioned him quite a bit."

"Yes, Todoroki Enji was a former pupil of mine." The old woman replied, the villainous nature gone as she stretched her arms a little. "Came to me for training here and there when he was a bit older than you… Truth be told I was enjoying retirement quite a bit until I saw you at the Sports Festival last April." She smiled lightly. "You are making greater strides now than your father ever was." She turned towards the other kids as they approached. "Keep getting stronger in your own way."

"I plan to." Todoroki nodded. "But, my goal is not to become my father. My dream is…"

"Become stronger than him?" Saikyou mused, turning and cocking an eyebrow. That was a typical young'un response and all.

"Maybe… I don't know. I thought as much but right now… right now I…" He paused, looking to the side, seeming a little unsure.

To be fair, most youngsters were unsure these days. He didn't possess that blazing determination she saw in Todoroki Enji forty-some-odd years ago.

She smiled lightly.

"Well, I may not be around to see it but… if I do, I am curious to see what your dream will bring, young pup." She turned towards the redhead. "You there, what's your name?"

"Kendo Itsuka ma'am." The girl replied. Saikyou looked her over, up and down.

"Keep up the good form and keep your mind sharp. I'm going to be feeling that uppercut for a week." She smirked before she turned around, walking towards the JSDF Navy SEALs she was working with as they were bantering and laughing, no doubt going through their experience against these future heroes.

It was fun stretching the ole One Inch Blow. Working with that quirk made her quite the hero back in the day, when she tried to match up to that stupidly curvy minx Shimura and that hunk of a man in Gran Torino. Why did he keep sticking with her anyway? All she did was fly! She couldn't cause the seas to part like Moses with a flick like she could!

"Wonder how ol' Torino is doing these days." The gray-pink haired woman mused aloud as she continued to stretch as she walked, pulling arms and-


And she felt a bone creak and she winced. "Ahhhh there it is…" She rubbed her back. "I wonder how Enji-kun is doing…"


"Take thiiiiis!"

Ochako came down with a yell, hand on her light-as-a-feather plank of wood as she charged, bashing it across Endeav-Entei! It's Entei!

Entei's head.

The man didn't stagger or stumble. There was even some shock, his sidekick Burni-Lady Suzaku turning with a wide-eyed look. Along with several of her teammates.

One second. Two seconds. Three…

And Ochako felt her stomach turn to heavy lead as she saw the man-on-fire turn, eye and lip twitching and blood dripping from his crown as he recognized her. His eyes seemed to burn even hotter as the burnette felt the temperature rise in the room.

"You…" Endeavor snarled. And… she wasn't aware that his eyeballs could light on fire… that was… absolutely terrifying…

"Ehe… ehehe." She laughed nervously.

A part of her wanted to say sorry.

The bigger part of her wanted to run.

She listened to that bigger part of her.


"Ummm sir," Kamiji Moe turned towards her boss as they took on the roles of Vice Boss and Boss of the Entei Yakuza for the Provisional License Examination for the HPSC. "Shouldn't we handle the rest of these heroes? We do need to set the building on fire for the insurance and-"

"She hit me with a plank." Endeavor growled, and he took off like a bullet, somehow even faster thanks to Uravity's quirk. "GET BACK HERE GIRL!!!!"

"SOMEBODY HELP MEEEE!!!!" Came the girl's wail as Moe sighed in sympathy. No one needed to be on Endeavor's bad list for the day…

Did he have a history with the round-faced girl?

"Whelp…" Moe turned, and Burnin smirked as her green hair spotted the enemy heroes now focusing back on her after seeing that display. "Alright then heroes! Try and stop me if you can!" Her hands turned to emerald flame, and she charged into the fray. A horned girl with bright yet determined blue eyes and blonde hair stared her down and charged, standing on two horns with three others floating beside her surging forth.

Ohhhh playing chicken? "Bring it onnnnnnn~!"


"Foolish children." Jeanist muttered, and with a tug of his arm, he brought the entire cavalcade of youths with him like how one would pull clothing bound together from a washing machine, boys and girls yelling in surprise as they were tugged out, like links in a chain.

That fast…

'This is… the Number Four Hero?!' Setsuna thought, fear and the awaiting doom of failure looming down on her. Parts of Jeanist's denim attire along his sleeves were gone, but the threads were growing tight all around them, and they were all trapped.

"Now, die with the bureaucracy that holds our country do-Ugh!" Jeanist' monologue was cut short, and the man was frozen, eyes wide as he seemed unable to move.

"Best Jea-" Trimmer, who had the door open, turned his head.

"Don't look towards me! Stick in the canister!" Jeanist uttered, his entire body stiff and his eye wide. "In... the vent! These heroes…have a paralysis quirk! "

"Heh, not bad, snakeface."

"It's Habuko…" The lizard girl uttered. "Can't blink…. Kaminari, you in position?"

"You bet I aim!" Kaminari, who was bound but had his arms outstretched with his fingers aimed and… some unique gear on his hands too! "How about this! One Million Volt Stream!" He yelled, and from the gloves he possessed, a bolt of electricity raced out and struck Jeanist.

Jeanist was blasted with electricity, the man shaking as he fell to his knees, his denim singed.

"Ha! Idiots! With Jeanist between me and you!" Trimmer yelled in front of the ventilation shaft, one large enough for that canister to be placed in and activated. "You can't hope to get me!"

"Nah…" Kaminari's voice held a smirking edge. "Just needed to distract you for a second."

Before the villain could ask, there was a massive crash.

Trimmer turned, and immediately dropped the canister and brought his hands up to defend himself… as a giant water dragon burst through, with… Yaoyorozu riding on it! A paintball rifle was held up in her hand like some action movie star and Tokoyami was right behind her with Dark Shadow conjured and pinning him!

"Light 'em up!" The dark monster shouted.

Setsuna mentally cheered as Trimmer was slammed into the wall by Rivu, and Momo landed on her feet, pelting the minion with paintball pellets galore. Setsuna couldn't see from her angle, but the shouts of pain and anger made the greenette feel good deep down.

And there was a sudden shout of pain from Habuko, Setsuna unable to turn around to see why, but it must have been the linen Jeanist had under control affecting her sight. The man turned around, and both arms were outstretched as the denim from his costume sleeves remained on the kids who came up with Gorilla kid, Habuko, and Kaminari. The denim from his leggings lashed out towards the other end of the hall, and got Tsunami, Yaoyorozu and Tokoyami!

"What the devil?!" Tokoyami shouted.

"Sleeves and shirts may be my proficiency when it comes to manipulating clothing and fabric, but I can assure you… every piece of linen upon my person," Jeanist spouted. "And upon my foe, is my weapon." He clenched his fingers, and Setsuna yelped, feeling the yarn tighten around her. She could hear the groans and cries of discomfort from the ones behind her.

"K-Kaminari…!" Setsuna shouted.

"Can't…my hands…they're jammed! I'd get all of you!"

"Gnnngh… do it!" Gorilla shouted, as a few others agreed. "We can take it. I am not going to fail! Not no way, not no how!"

"Y-You sure?!"

"Don't!" Habuko shouted. "There's…civilians! In this room!" Setsuna panicked, and she heard a gasp from the other end as she turned as best she could. It was Yaoyorozu. She must have been surprised that some civilians hadn't been evacuated yet.

"A pity." Jeanist spouted as he walked calmly towards the end of the hall, keeping a bound Tokoyami and Dark Shadow pinned to the ceiling near the lamp, and Rivu against the wall with Momo at an awkward angle. Setsuna felt that pit of despair slowly return.

Damnit! They even got the drop on him!

"But, sadly, heroes." He said as he got to the door, his eyes looking down the hall and focusing the attention on the heroes. "I win." He opened it wider and…

A floating fire extinguisher?

It came down, with a girlish "Hiyah!"

The extinguisher clocked Jeanist right in the head. Hard.

A collective. "Oooooooh…" Spoke out from the crowd.

"What the…" Setsuna uttered as Jeanist stood, and stood…

And fell right on his back, a large welt on his crown and his eyes rolled back. Immediately, all of the linens became loose, and the students let out a sigh of relief. Tokoyami fell and landed on his feet, Rivu transformed back into her human state, and Momo landed on her feet.

The fire extinguisher was still floating over Jeanist…



Setsuna felt a little faint.

"Does that mean we win?"



Peter's world rattled when his body hit the wall, leaving the lobby as he broke through and entered a break room/back room of sorts in the convention center.

He barely got a second to breathe right before the living tank that was Gang Orca smashed through it like a runaway train in an attempt to grab the sparking green blur that was Izuku.

With one hand, he forced the boy to dodge, but his other hand was already in motion. Izuku wordlessly gasped as Orca's fist drove the air out of his lungs. It didn't matter how fast Izuku was comparatively, Orca had more combat experience in a week than most students had seen in their lifetime. They weren't the first quickly-moving fighters that he's ever had to battle, and despite that, he was still here.

So the attack hit with Izuku being knocked back, and Orca almost lazily put up an arm to block the series of explosions that came down from Bakugo, but his eyes shifted over to Peter instantly. The body was barely in the air from his attack before Orca simply leaned backwards, letting one of the blasts go wide. Peter's eyes widened, and he had to spin in midair to avoid the fire.

He looked back at his opponent. Or the fist of his opponent.

Peter's head snapped to the side with the blow, and he hit the ground hard. A warcry split the air, only to be cut off as Orca's hand grasped over Ella's mouth.

The next instant, he was bringing his hand down, hard.

Elle's eyes shot open, but with Orca's hand over her mouth, she couldn't even scream in pain. Just then, the room lit up with explosions that looked like they'd been shot out of a machine gun, peppering Orca's back. The larger villain turned, which was when Peter struck. The teen's leg hit the villain's wrist, knocking his grip loose and letting him grab Elle before jumping away. He set her down only a few steps away behind a wall while Orca dealt with a series of explosions that seemed to at least be blinding him for a moment.

"I'd say he's built like a tank, but honestly that's disrespectful to the gains that man has." He mused.

"Then rush him!" Bakugo screamed.

A thought that sounded good but Orca's hand grasped a rock. He threw it like a baseball pitcher, smashing through a wall with the force alone. It was a small moment of respite, one that two students took full advantage of.

As one, Spider-Man and Deku's fists lashed out. Both hit the raised fists of Orca as minor shockwaves erupted from their blows. The whale man retaliated with a series of quick blows that could have turned stone to dust, but Peter and Izuku dodged and counterattacked as Orca either took the hits or brushed them aside.

This dude was made of friggin lead!

Peter latched himself to the ceiling, rolling along the tile to avoid an upward strike that tore through the concrete. Izuku leapt back, a series of rocks in his hand.

They flew out like a machine gun, not damaging Orca, but throwing the dust of the concrete into the villain's eyes. For a single second, Orca was staggered.

Peter dropped from the ceiling, his foot coming down like an ax on the villain's head to finish it!

Remembering Mirko's kicks during their sparring session, as if on instinct, Peter completed the ax kick, the motion looking like a crescent moon, staggering Orca as the blow made him buckle at the knee and went down to it as Peter followed through, the ground cratering under Orca.

The villain's eyes snapped towards him before Peter's sense screamed at him.


"Got you!"

Then, everything was sound.

The sonic blast hit point-blank, and Peter didn't even feel himself hit the ground. He was screaming in his own suit, his hands on his ears, only the vague vibrations telling him what was going on.

Then, a jerking sensation, and a small blast of heat before a sudden stop.

Did he hit a wall? Did someone throw him aside? He didn't know, he couldn't hear anything, he couldn't even see anything!

He grit his teeth. He needed to get up, he needed to help!

But he couldn't, so he laid on the ground, trying to get up. His arms and legs felt like jelly. God, was this what being a newborn horse felt like?!

Peter shook his head, trying to force his eyes to focus. The HUD on his suit was working overtime, and he saw Elle holding him.

"Retreat for now."

"Thanks?" Peter tried to utter, in English as his entire body was on fire and it probably sounded more like a groan.

Elle's head tilted, and Peter felt gravity take him. He nearly hit the floor face-first, only being stopped by a quick hand.

Though, he still hit the floor through his hand, so not the best result.


Elle, for her part, didn't really care as she charged forwards to the battle. Orca stood in a maelstrom, Izuku weaving in and out for quick hits, roaring all the while as lightning arced around him. Bakugo peppered the villain from a distance with explosions, roaring with Izuku as well. Elle jumped right in, ducking just under a backhanded swing from Orca, throwing a fist towards his face.

A fist where bones jutted out of the skin, sharp singular points going straight for Orca's eye. Peter could see his eyes widen, but his other fist hit her dead on the chest. She skipped once, then flipped, and charged again, howling like an animal, bladed bones coming from her knuckles now.

Orca roared in frustration at the thundering strikes from Izuku's jackhammer-like blows, the slashes of Elle at his legs causing him to fall to his knees and Bakugo aimed his gauntlet.

"Move it Deku, Bones!" He barked, and the two jumped as Orca roared.

The pin was pulled, and Bakugo fired as Orca's sonar blast went off. Fire and fury raced out to meet the invisible shockwave as both passed through each other, sound versus a literal explosion. Orca was sent flying, skidding across the ground and slamming into the wall which caused a massive indent. Bakugo staggered on his feet, Izuku going to his side and supporting him as he fell to his knees, although the boy pushed him off as if he had leprosy.

"YOU WON'T WIIIIN!" Orca bellowed, and Peter turned, seeing Orca land on his feet and hands after he had staggered out, his coat falling to the ground, his red eyes wide, sharp teeth exposed. "THIS SOCIETY WILL CHANGE! AND IT WILL CHANGE IN FIRE!"


Shoji's ears were screaming at him from every direction.

The fight with Orca was destroying the building like children knocking down sandcastles, and his own situation was barely any better.

The villain minions weren't strong, but there were a lot of them; as if to emphasize his point a globule of pinkish foam splattered across the edge of the corner he was using as cover and he could hear more of them moving into position under their allies' covering fire.

Shiozaki arrived, but he could see several 'strands' of her hair getting clumped and stuck together by the now hardened cement-like foam coating them.

"The civilians are finally clear!" She shouted

Shoji nodded. Good. One less problem, now all they had to do was beat the villains.

"We're really running the clock here. We may not have time to disarm the bomb! What do we do?" Shindo yelled.

The multi-armed boy bit down a curse. Right… the bomb.

"I have a plan." Shiozaki said, and Shoji turned, as did everyone else.

"What is it?" He inquired and the girl smirked lightly.

"My classmate Tsunotori passed our final of bomb disposal by carrying it away using her horns. I will attempt the same… but I will need time. She had a suitcase bomb. That bomb is attached to that vehicle however…" He heard yelling and saw Elle skid across the ground before getting up with grit teeth and sheer spite, her eyes flashing.

A fresh volley of fire forced them all to duck back into cover. Shiozaki looked at him. "If much more of my quirk gets tangled up I won't be able to get rid of the bomb."

He nodded.

"You all heard her." He shouted. "We're punching through them and getting her to that tank!"

"Right on!" Shindo gave him a thumbs-up. "Let's kick their asses!"

"Utsushimi, stay back, make a glamor cloud to give us cover and make illusionary clones!"

"Can do!" The air-headed blonde brought her hands to her lips, blowing out another kiss. More rainbow-like mist escaped, forming around them and expanding as mirage-like doppelgangers of Mezo and his teammates appeared.

The multi-armed boy ran first, the army of clones all around him, Shindo, Utsushimi, Shiozaki and Monoma. They bolted across the lobby under the cover of Shiozaki's vines and Utsushimi's illusions, bypassing the battle against Orca entirely as they charged the soldiers.

He expanded his arms as far as they would reach, using them as large, fin-like shields, providing cover to the others behind him.

The clones began to dissipate, little more than dust and sound- but it was enough.

He slammed into the first group of men like a rampaging train, arms lashing out, cracking helmets and sending grown men flying. Shiozaki's vines darted around him, slapping away rifles and tripping soldiers as they tried to line up a shot.

Shindo and Monoma's quakes sent whole walls of jagged stone up as obstacles and shields, cutting off enemies from their sightlines and covering positions as Shoji rushed with Ibara towards the tank.


Approaching the tank, Shoji heard the danger before he saw it, giving him enough warning to dive into cover as a line of soldiers emerged from the rubble in a crude firing line, laying down a volley of faux bullets and pink foam that caught Monoma with a startled scream. He went down before Shindo could quake another wall into existence to shield them.

The Drill Tank started to move, its motor roaring as caterpillar treads adjusted its position, providing a mobile cover platform for the soldiers to advance.

Mezo's ear twitched, and he heard the crunch of something coming closer. The muzzle of a gun came around the side of his cover, the soldier trying to flush him out. The white-haired boy's hand snapped up, grabbing hold of the gun and squeezing it for all he was worth. The metal crumpled in his hand, and the bullet that was about to be fired jammed in the barrel.

Surprise let Mezo rip the gun out of his enemy's hand and use it like a baseball bat. It cracked against his head, throwing him down, and in the same moment, he turned and threw it. Metal cracked against the metal of a helmet belonging to another armored minion that dared to come around to his position.

Another groundquake and this time, when Shoji heard the rocks spear out of the ground they were accompanied by the sound of rending metal and groaning steel. Men screamed, and he dared a look around the cover he was standing behind to see a lance of obsidian goring the tank like a boar, its drill pointed up, and its caterpillar treads spun uselessly as it was hoisted off the ground to the point of nearly tipping sideways.

"Rush them now!" He shouted. He didn't care if he was heard, he wasn't even sure how many of his own teammates could follow up on his orders, all he knew was that this was probably their best chance.

He charged in, leaping across rubble and debris to close the distance as the men tried to find their feet.

Then he was on top of them.

His arms were moving again, rapidfire punches taking down six men before he had to grab one and use him as a shield. Vines slammed into a cordon of people across the firing line and more groundquakes opened up fissures and crags in the earth that sent men reeling.

Mezo heard a call, and his head snapped towards the tank. The men were regrouping, focusing their foam guns and stun guns now that their men were no longer in the friendly fire zone.

The tall boy tensed, ready to move, only for vines to appear in front of him. They were shredded in the stun bullet hailstorm, but they were stopped, just barely enough. Mezo moved back behind cover as Shiozaki moved her arms.

"Repent." She said, cold enough that even the white-haired boy felt a shiver down his spine.

Before he could even ask what she was doing, he heard the screams. Shiozaki's vines came down like tentacles, wrapping around the remaining men. Their guns were ripped out of their hands, and the men were pulled up into the air, dangling and yelling before she threw them all aside in different directions.

Shoji didn't even take a second to congratulate his classmate.

"The bomb!" He shouted, rushing to get to the tank's top hatch. Who knew how much longer they had? He had an eye glance towards Orca. He was being assailed on all sides with Midoriya and Elle up close. Parker fired web bullets at a distance but he was limping. And Bakugo was going back and forth. They were applying pressure, holding him.

Before he made it though, Shiozaki's vines snagged him, holding him back.

"Don't concern yourself." She said. "I've got it."

He was confused, but only for a moment.

Vines moved from the men she'd incapacitated to the tank itself, coiling around the large transport vehicle like serpents.

Shoji's eyes widened, hearing the metal groaning under a steady, crushing pressure.

Like a tin can it actually began to buckle, bolts and divots breaking off like bullets, more of Shiozaki's vines taking hold of the machine and crumpling it like a can.

Then, it started sinking.

Shoji didn't feel the ground shaking beneath him, but rather saw more vines travel into the breach, literally splitting the earth under the behemoth transport and pulling the thing underground.

Like a massive, chewing maw the vines crumpled the metal and forced it downward with a steel-groaning crunch, other vines shoving debris and earth on top of it.

In thirty seconds it was buried, or crushed, or both.

Shoji made a mental note that if Shiozaki was ever mad… don't bother looking for a body.


Shoji Mezo heard that, and for the life of him, he just let his head fall back.

It was done.


So, long time no see everyone.

I know this has taken a while, bunch of different projects going all around, but hopefully the wait was worth it. Thankfully, the next chapter should be out a lot quicker, though anything that isn't months is good at this point.

But once again, thank you for waiting, and I hope you enjoy.
Well at long last this is done. I hope to see the outcome pretty soon because the tests themselves while interesting conceptually seemed to drag because there wasn't too much character work involved.
Chapter 52
"Well done," said a rather deep voice as Izuku turned. Orca was brushing off some debris as he turned towards the heroes. He had lost his cape, his suit was in tatters and there were some visible bruises on his body, but otherwise he sounded fine.

"You managed quite well given the circumstances," The whale hero mused as some of the minions who were pinned or lying prone rose back to their feet. Izuku also saw medical robots emerging to treat any injuries.

"Will your men be okay Mr. Orca?" Izuku inquired as Orca turned; his red eyes no longer filled with rage but a calm stoicism.

"They're getting hazard pay and they were all aware of what they were signing up for," The Number 10 ranked hero said as he turned, as did Izuku.

Kacchan had his hands on his knees while keeping his head raised, legs shaking and covered in sweat as Orca walked over to him, picking up his coat along the way. He reached into his pocket and pulled out… a water bottle that was able to survive through all of that.

"Here." He offered it to him. " Drink up."

Kacchan scowled miserably as he took the offered bottle and started chugging. The pro hero took a second before marching off.

Izuku got up to his feet and walked over. "We did great Kacchan." He said lightly, finally able to relax. "You were incredible back there!"

"I didn't beat him though…" he growled, crushing the now empty bottle in his hands.

"But we stopped him didn't we?" Izuku flinched as he felt the boy's glare. "And we saved all the civilians too! I think All Might would consider that a win, right?"

"Hnn." He scoffed, looking away. "Whatever you say nerd." He sulked off, and Izuku felt unsure as he watched his friend's back.

"We passed, didn't we?" Camie asked as she sauntered up. "Like, wonder why he's being so down 'bout it?" She then beamed as she saw Izuku. "You were, like, super cool! Going in and out of my Glamour Clouds and bustin' heads! That was totes crazy in there."

The boy blushed, freezing up on the spot as the girl approached.

"Indeed. Without your help, we would have been overrun." Shoji replied as he joined them, one of his arm mouths smiling at the group. "You and Elle were crucial."

"Umm, yeah-" Elle acknowledged, blushing under the praise. "It was a hard choice to juggle between dealing with the minions or helping Parker and Kacchan against Orca…."

"Oh really? We could've handled it fine!" Called Monoma as he approached with his tuxedo's sleeves in shambles, not that he seemed to care. "Besides! I would have been able to take more of those goons than you Class A-"

"Monoma, enough." Shiozaki replied as she turned, giving the blonde boy a stare with her vines raised like snakes. "I apologize for my tardiness. I'll need to improve my indoor speed using my vines. I will admit, I neglected that area of my quirk over the camp."

"Hey Ibara, don't sweat it." Izuku turned, seeing Peter join the group with a smile on his face. He gave a thumbs-up her way. "Counts as a win in my book!" He sat down on a piece of debris and took a deep breath. "Jeez… I still feel parts of me ringing…"

"From that shockwave you took?" Izuku inquired.

"Just gotta move a bit… kinda like trying to recover from parts of your body falling asleep." Peter said as he wiggled his toes in his shoes. "Still… I'm glad we were able to pass this."

"Not yet." Elle replied as she was being supported by Shindo, her arm over his shoulders. "Still gotta be graded."

"Oh right, the point system…" Izuku muttered, his anxiety starting to flare up again.


"The scoreboard is outside." Shoji said as he began to walk through the ruined battlefield that was the convention center lobby. "Let's go."

They arrived outside, gazing up at the scoreboard hanging above as they made it to an angle to better see it. It flickered on.

"Puñeta, tienen mi nombre."…" Elle cursed, looking away. Shindo gave her an assuring pat on the shoulder.

"What did she say?" Peter whispered as Izuku turned, shrugging as he looked for his own score.












A cute All Might face with a thumbs up was displayed at the end as Izuku gave out a big smile. Relief and accomplishment filling his chest while he struggled not to start crying.

"Most of us passed…" Shoji sighed in relief as Shindo gave out a whooping cry; drowning out the angry sputtering of Monoma.

"How did I-!?" The blonde blabbered out, jaw going up and down.

"We did it Elle! High five!" Shindo said, turning towards Elle, or Laura as it was, her face as sour as curdled milk. She didn't return the gesture that the black-haired boy was giving her.

"So like, why go by Elle?" Camie asked before she blinked. "Ohhhh it's 'cuz of that's the first letter of your first and last names! L and L! I totes get it now!"

"Not a fan of my family back home, okay?" Laura growled as she looked away. Shindo smiled, his arm going back down.

"Hey it's ok Elle, nothin' to worry about here." He looked back to the rest of the group. "Gotta say, I was pretty nervous for a moment there, back when we first met up. But I was glad to have worked with you all." He said as he offered handshakes. "Don't mind Elle as well, I kinda know how she ticks. Her being my classmate and all." The brunette glared his way lightly, though he didn't seem bothered.

"Likewise. Thanks for providing a great defense for us." Shoji replied as he shook it in kind.

"Yeah! Without your Vibrate quirk causing so much debris to shield the stairs and stagger those minions, we would have had big time trouble!" Izuku replied, happily shaking the offered hand. Shindo beamed, rubbing the back of his head.

"Helloooo, like, am I chopped liver or something yeah?" Camie tilted her head. "Like, his raised earth and all those quakes only were totes effective thanks to my Glamour making them all totally confused." She beamed Shindo's way, approaching as the teen boy blinked. "Like, we should all totally be besties and share contacts and-" A light growl was heard, and Elle was glaring at her while standing beside Shindo. "Oh, didju want mine too?"

Shindo laughed lightly, trying to keep his angry classmate from starting something.

"Ah shucks, it's fine. I just did my job is all. You were great too Utsushimi. Still, wonder why I only got a 73." He mused, taking his tag from his pocket and looking at it as a holographic screen emerged, displaying his grading. "Oh, that's why."

"Oh yeah, I should check mine too!" Izuku said as he reached into his pocket, turning and seeing Peter approach. "You doing okay?" He asked, seeing Peter's suit. It was a little ragged and dusted up, sporting some tears and cuts.

"You did take quite the pounding from Orca. Do you need to see the doctors?" Shoji inquired.

"I'll be fine." Peter stretched his arms a bit. "Nothing a day at the Support Department and walking off the numbness of that sonar blast won't fix." He wiggled his foot a little.

"TEAM WHITE-4." Blared a robotic voice as everyone turned, seeing a cleanup robot roll up to them as many others began to sweep up and push the debris into piles. "PLEASE LEAVE THE EXAMINATION GROUNDS. WE MUST PERFORM OUR DUTY."

"Oh right! S-Sorry!" Izuku chirped, pocketing his tag as everyone else began to leave. "Come on, we can check out our scores back on the concourse."

"Agreed." Shoji said. "Let's go."

"Yep." Peter placed his own tag back on his shoulder as Izuku looked his way, seeing him put his mask on. His eyes were narrowed as he rubbed the bridge of his forehead, his one visible eye closed. "Damnit… that score." He muttered in English, enough for Izuku to hear.

"See what your score was about?" Izuku asked.

"Yeah…" He muttered, his eye looking towards the still silent Bakugo and glaring lightly before he sighed. "Still, we passed. Can't complain."

"Yeah, don't worry about that. Let's not fret on that stuff anyway." Shindo added. "Seven out of eight passed. I'll take that as a win." He looked back, the pale and mumbling Monoma still staring angrily at his tag.

"Needs… babysitting?" Monoma said aloud, aghast. Shiozaki rolled her eyes as Izuku winced a little. Monoma… was very rough to handle. Without Shiozaki, research would have been difficult, working with the malcontent, if not impossible with him egging on Bakugo and Peter's feud.

Still, a part of Izuku did feel bad. He contributed a good deal in helping the civilians.

"Let's go Monoma. You shouldn't cause more trouble than you have already…" She muttered. "I hope you will take this as a lesson moving forward." Her tone softened a little, trying to offer some comfort to her classmate.

The boy's jaw locked shut as he stood up straight, sighing deeply. " Vlad-sensei is gonna kill me…" He muttered lightly and the two followed after the students, save for Izuku who had stopped, seeing Kacchan still staring at the board.


"Kacchan?" Katsuki turned, and fucking Deku was standing there looking worried like a fucking idiot. A far cry from minutes ago when he was focused and looked like he had a goddamn spine.

"You doing okay?"

Katsuki let out a sound between tightly clenched teeth, his hand reaching to his tag as robots went about their business. "You got hit a few times from Orca so, if you want we can check out the infirmary together and-"

"Shut the fuck up." He bit out, pausing and looking to the side with a sigh. "I'll go get checked." He added, though lacking his usual aggressive air.

He was pissed off, but he was always pissed off and he had to remind himself that, as much as infuriating as he was, Deku wasn't the one he should be pissed off with.

Deku flinched, and Katsuki had to bite down the snarl and the shout of frustrated anger behind tightly clenched teeth.

When the fuck did this shit get so goddamn complicated? He was Deku and his bullshit shouldn't matter, but it did because the part of Bakugo who knew he'd messed up, the part that knew he'd fucked this up enough already, told him it should.

"Well… okay then. I'll tell Aizawa-sensei you're getting checked out. I'll see ya at the hotel to collect our stuff!" He trotted off, and Katsuki turned his attention away from the mixed bag of complicated bullshit that was Deku and held out his tag, clicking the button on the side as the screen came forth.

The words stuck out to him in bright red letters.

Extreme Uncooperativeness.

Aggressively and negatively Assertive.

Ill Attitude and manner befitting for an Agency hero.

Threatening a teammate during research.

Friendly Fire upon teammate in heat of action.

"He was in the fucking way, and has precog you cunts" Katsuki grit out through his teeth, wanting to blast the device to kingdom come if it wasn't the reason for him to get his license.

He got his Hero Provisional License.

He got his fucking license because of a point mulligan.

He would have failed if the other extras had actually been fucking competent…

"You look defeated, Bakugo." A voice came and Katsuki turned. Gang Orca was walking through the debris, his large lumbering steps sending light tremors through the ground with every step.

Katsuki looked at the giant of a man, his lip curling into a sneer just begging to bloom across his face.

Maybe it was his internship with the man. Maybe he was pissed off, or maybe he just wanted to actually talk.

For whatever reason, the words slipped out of him. "I should have failed."


"Forty-seven." He bit out. "This test- I failed this, Orca!"

"Yet you didn't."

"If we were at full strength and if those extra's had come…" Katsuki growled, struggling to get his actual thoughts out. "I would have lost… again to those two and I couldn't beat you and-"

"You're doing this again?" Orca sighed, his large black-and-white-hand caressing his temple as Katsuki noticed a light discoloration there. Bruising no doubt. He could see plenty of light burns and scrapes along his arms and neck too, to say nothing of the state of his suit. "You really need to stop focusing on surpassing others as the be-all-end-all. I thought you understood that, when that girl embraced you that day."

Katsuki flinched, remembering the look of adulation in her eyes, the way she hugged him and admired him. "But I…"

"You got the lowest of the passing scores, that is true. Your teamwork needs work, badly. But-" Orca rolled his neck. "Being bad at something and acknowledging it is the first step to becoming good at something. I noticed in your fight against me that you didn't work well with him. The American boy." Katsuki didn't reply, looking away. "I understand. There are people in the hero industry I don't like working with either, and they may not like me in turn. However, you need to be able to put all that aside." The blonde's eyes turned, and his red met Orca's. "Because if this was a real scenario? One which you have been in, lives would have been on the line. Life and death." He narrowed his gaze.

"And why am I getting this!?" Katsuki growled. "Don't see him being told-"

"He is not in front of me." Orca interrupted. "And do you wish for him to improve? Or for you to improve?"

That question made the blonde bomber's mouth snap shut.

Orca's large hand reached over, tapping the tag. "I would hope this wouldn't matter, but if it does, I'm not above using that either. You want this score to be better then stop complaining about how it is and start beating the score. What Parker does or does not do is irrelevant. It's about what you do, and whether you're willing to accept your flaws and learn from them. "

Katsuki looked away. "I can never forgive him, you know that." He muttered, hands clenched. "I don't give a shit if I have to work with Deku or whoever but he…humiliated me." He uttered, tongue tasting like ash as his eyes shifted to the ground, memories of the past forever burned into his head.

"I'm not saying you forgive him. I'm saying that you shelve it and act like an adult." Orca rumbled, frowning and eyes soft.

"You're taking this hard because it means so much to you. If half the heroes in this country had your passion, we would be a safer society I say."

Katuski felt something in his chest.

"I hope you can understand and grow from this, Bakugo." Orca's grip tightened further. "I know you can."

He walked off and Katsuki looked at his tag, looking at the words in green that caught his eye.

Excellent Combat Skills.

Excellent Research.

Saving comrades and civilians under live fire.

Towards the end, Teamwork in need of improvement, but average.

He stuffed the tag into his pocket and marched out of the arena, still angry but gaining a new perspective perhaps.


Shoto sat on a bench, the horde of students in front of him choked the hallways, each one standing in front of the monitor, eagerly awaiting to see who passed and who failed. It had gotten so bad that the proctors had to shout several times that there was no need to find the scoreboard, that their own personal scores would be displayed on their tags.

Sixty five points.

Sixty five points needed to pass.

And he'd basically torched half the points for this exam.

He took a deep breath through his nose, holding and slowly releasing it. By and large at this point, he was resigned to failure. Going over everything in his head, the most he could attribute to himself was sixty points. Even that deduction was marginal and wholly dependent on how many other teams had managed to pass their exams in spite of the failures of his own team.

Suddenly, he felt the tag over his chest vibrate, and Shoto shut his eyes taking another deep breath before looking down.


He stared. Blinking at the tag and the number displayed on it with what was, frankly, blank incomprehension.

He flipped the tag over.

The five was now backwards but it certainly reflected the number he *should* be seeing here.

He held his breath, staring at the tag for a while longer.

The words stuck out to him in red.

Negatively Assertive.

Disregard for working with others.

Minimal leadership capabilities.

Failure to research deeper meaning of red herrings.

Then the words in green.

Excellent combat skills against dangerous villain.

Astute research with selected teammates.

Positive trend of teamwork in battle.

Keeping collateral damage to a minimum given nature of Quirk.

Note: While Todoroki Shoto has great control of his quirk, there is more to being a hero than destructive control and assertiveness. Observers note his desire to go forwards and continue pushing, while ambitious, is not conducive to a team environment but the drive to improve is there and can be cultivated.

Looking over those words a few more times, he let out a puff of air that was almost a wheeze, not quite a laugh but not wholly relief either. More like sheer disbelief being expelled with everything else.

He'd passed.

By the margins. With absolutely no points to spare.

But he passed.

Shoto shut his eyes, hands coming up to rest his forehead against them almost like a prayer, with his tag hanging between his nearly slack fingers.

Slowly he let the breath leave his lungs.

He wasn't sure how long he sat there before he got to his feet, the pounding of his heart was sending blood *throbbing* across his skull and making his head ache something fierce now.

Even so, he moved to seek out his UA classmates.

There were a lot of tags in red, indicating a failure. They outnumbered the greens by what he suspected at a simple glance to be a significant margin, and most of those greens were certainly not from his agency.

He spied Intelli across the room with several of her 'girls' now clustered around her. A pleased smile decorated her face, green tag now firmly in her hands.

She caught his eye, smirking as she held up the sign of her unexpected victory

He did the same, nodding once before he saw her return to her conversation.

He kept walking.

Kirishima and Tetsutetsu let out a whoop of joy, so loud he couldn't help but find them near the front of the crowd. The stone and steel quirk users were grinning with sharpened fangs and pumped fists.

They hadn't been part of his 'agency' but it was good for them.

Finally, he spotted Kendo Itsuka.

"Kendo-san." He called, offering a possible congratulations.

She turned at his voice, offering a small grin, one which quickly fell as her eyes trailed down.

He went still.

Her tag was red.

Shoto's eyes widened, and what must have been the dumbest question he'd ever spouted in his whole life tumbled out of his mouth before he could stop it.

"Who's tag is that?"

She looked at him, and then spotted his green tag resting in his now tightly clenched fist, her face souring.

"Mine." She stated, her voice sounding completely flat and defeated, a far cry from her usual fire.

Shoto shook his head. "That's impossible. This has to be a mistake."

Out of any of them, out of all of them Kendo was the one who he'd believed deserved to pass. She'd been the one to pull even a semblance of a plan together; hell she'd been advocating exactly for what the goal of the test was from the very inception. She even got the finishing blow that took down Saikyou!

They must have known that, and if they didn't he was gonna make sure someone knew that!

"No mistake." She mumbled, shrugging, acting as though she'd already accepted the results.

Shoto bared his teeth in a snarl, an uncharacteristic anger building in his chest like a flame. "It is. If I passed then so did you! You-"

She looked at him, and the look was enough to make the words die in his throat even before she spoke. Her eyes were wrought with a storm of pain and anger.

"It's not a mistake." She held up her tag, 64 displayed bright and clear.

Lack of assertiveness.

Failure to correct teammates when they were heading down the wrong path.

Several civilians shot in vicinity.

Shoto's mouth was open while Kendo continued to speak, her self deprecation hanging on every word.

"I'm a nobody. Hard to look at when it's someone like me." She shrugged, scoffing as she gave him a light glare. "But I think someone up top can dig up an extra point or two for the son of Endeavor rather than some girl with big hands."

The building flame in his chest suddenly turned cold, his eyes wide and mouth agog.

Kendo winced. She gave another shrug, pained and torn, the hand falling to her side as she let out a sigh that sounded tired… or perhaps defeated.

"I'm sorry." She said, "That's unfair…" He watched her turn and walk away, arms rising to hug herself.

"K-Kendo wait. I-"

"I'll see ya around, Todoroki." She walked away, hands gripping her arms as she tried to avoid shedding a tear.

Shoto stood there, still as a statue as the throng of students began to brush past him. The dual-haired boy could feel their glares upon him as he looked down…

His fists clenched and for the first time in his memory… Shoto felt like he could have burned the whole of the stadium down.


"I can't believe I passed!" Hagakure gushed, her license floating in midair. "This is so awesome! I'm a legit Pro now!"

"Provisional," Kaminari added, though not taking his eyes off his own license. "But I get what you mean! This rocks!"

"We have taken one step forward into the unknown," Tokoyami muttered as he walked beside Momo. "One that will make us into better heroes."

"Heh, I'm gonna miss your little brooding-isms." Rivu said, petting Tokoyami on the head as the bird-headed boy growled. "It's been a fun few days." She turned towards Momo and gave a toothy grin. "You take good care of my little birdy, okay?"

"I am not your bird." He growled out, a light blush managing to break through his feathered face.

"Awwww, is that some pink I see on your cheeks~?" Kaminari oiled, grinning widely.

"Someone likes being pampered~" Hagakure added, and Momo had to stifle her giggling.

"Be silent! I am not someone to be looked at as some doting sign of affection!" Tokoyami barked.

"But I am!" Dark Shadow burst out of his cloak all of a sudden as Tokoyami sputtered, the creature embracing Rivu. "Pet me pet me! I'm gonna miss youuuuu~!"

"Awww I'll miss you too Shadow-chan." Rivu cooed, happily patting the creature's head like one would a puppy.

"Dark Shadow, return to me this instant!" Tokoyami ordered, even grabbing onto his shadow monster and trying to tug him back inside, his face red, either out of embarrassment or anger. Or both most likely. Momo didn't care as she had a hand to her mouth. "Obey your master at once!"

"Ahhh shaddup! You liked it too!" Dark Shadow barked, eyeing his master accusingly.

"He's totally your inner consciousness or something isn't he? Or your true self?" Rivu mused with a sly grin.

"Ohhh, I never thought of it like that." Kaminari said with a snap of his finger. "That's super deep and cool! I wonder what my own Dark Shadow would be like…"

"Probably someone dumb and goofy." Hagakure said as her gloves pointed at him. "Wheeeeeey duuuuude'."

"Ehh? T-That's not true! That's not my inner self!"

As Momo looked back at her bickering classmates plus Rivu, she saw Habuko and Romero talking excitedly as they walked towards their end of the concourse. They noticed her look and waved, Habuko with a wide grin while Romero was playing it cool.

Momo's eyes wandered, seeing Ikari talking to a marching Shishikura, the man stomping as if he was on a warpath and ignoring everything his much larger peer was trying to say. No doubt due to that of the entire group who stopped Jeanist and his men, Shishikura was the only one of the group who failed.

Perhaps that would make him become more open to teamwork in the future…

"Whelp, I gotta head back to my class. Gotta see how my own transfer student is faring." Rivu let go of Dark Shadow and the tanned girl walked off. "This calls for sushi galore, and he's payin'!"

"Who's he? The exchange student?"

"Oh yeah, my boyfriend." Rivu explained nonchalantly. "Rich kid from the States, but he's a bit snarky but hey, he can fly like a bat so." She shrugged and turned towards Momo. "Well, we may not see each other for a while, but look me up on social media." She grinned and winked. "Ya know where to find me. Heck, maybe we can team up again Yaomomo."

"Working with you would be a beneficial experience Tsunami-san." Momo bowed lightly. "Thank you again for your assistance."

"I just did my job, see ya around." She waved, and walked off as Tokoyami had finished stuffing Dark Shadow back under his cloak, watching her go out of the corner of his eye. His scowl was present, but he didn't look away.

"Man Yaomomo, you really have done the coolest stuff. Lookin' like an action hero back at the Sports Festival on that rocket-board, and now you got to ride on a dragon!" Kaminari exclaimed. "What's next, going to outer space or something?!"

"I bet Yaomomo can totally make a rocket to go to space." Hagakure chimed in.

"I doubt she can with her current materials. Maybe over time though." Tokoyami added in, relieved that the embarrassing situation had been resolved.

Momo giggled. "A fun assessment, I'd have to look over necessary components of a shuttle or ICBM missile or some kind. But for now-" Her stomach rumbled. "I'll need to grab something quick to eat, after I get changed and showered of course."


"Whooo boy, talk about an exam…" Takami Keigo, also known as the Winged Hero Hawks, mused as he sat in the VIP area of the main stadium complex. All around him were countless TVs showing various clips of the exams that took place. He was brought on reserve in case ole Mera wanted to switch things up, but in the end he wasn't needed.

That said, watching Endeavor and his sidekick Burnin engage with that hero agency group was entertaining. That brown-haired girl lured Endeavor away and was on the run constantly parkouring through hallways and stairwells as the man seemed to be hellbent on teaching her a lesson. All while her comrades managed to overwhelm Burnin and save the building from burning down.

'Flame Emperor Mafia Don' and his number two. Handled by children. It was quite amusing to Hawks when Endeavor realized it and tried to blaze back to his number two before the time ran out and other Pro Heroes had arrived for the technical victory condition.

Still, why would Endeavor seem to have it out for that round-faced brunette girl anyway? What did she do, insult his mother or something?

Either way the brunette was pretty impressive in giving Endeavor the runaround like that. And the Number 2 Hero was a damn good actor. Almost had him convinced a few times he wasn't holding back.

"Whelp, it's been fun kicking back. I needed this." He could see other heroes around, talking amongst themselves, but he saw one who was late coming in.

And she was glued to one group of monitors in particular when she arrived, and Hawks looked up. Ah yes, Peter Parker aka Spider-Man. The only person to ever sidekick with the lone wolf Rabbit Hero.

"Yo Mirko." Hawks lazily waved, and the red-eyed tanned woman looked his way with a light glare. At the same time, a highlight of Parker was doing his axe kick on Gang Orca. "Like seeing your intern use your move? I would have recognized your Lunar Ring any day. "

The rabbit-eared woman scoffed, standing up and marching out of the room. "None of your business Hawks."

"Was just asking." Hawks raised his arms in a surrendering shrug. He turned, seeing her walk away, but not before taking one last look on the screen when Parker got blasted by Orca, only to be saved by the green-haired kid and that Bakugo lad.

She muttered something under her breath, and Hawk's little feathers picked up on it. "Should have webbed out of there." And she left the room.

The blonde man smiled, turning back as he got his phone out. He'd definitely spotted some useful prospects here. Hero patrols could be a bit of a dull drag most of the-

He made a call. "Yo." He said. "Mind putting an offer towards the Tsunami Rivu gal? Kairyu is her hero name." His eyes went to a screen, seeing the girl glomping Dark Shadow while Tokoyami looked like he was going to explode. "Yeah, send an invite for a work study to her. She's a little older but hey, she'll add some much needed variety to our agency."


"Feeling better?" Karen asked in his ear.

"Yeah." Peter replied under his breath as he finally sat down in the cafeteria. "Got some feeling back in my fingers again. That sonar blast did a number on me… but… that score I got…"

He got in the 50s all because of Bakugo as he remembered the notes.

Failure to dissolve tense situation, if not encouraging it

That was the biggest one highlighted in red. Sure there was an Unsafe handling of civilians, Procrastination during Investigative Period or Put in vulnerable position to be saved in battle. He got that but…

Peter sighed, rubbing his forehead. Just forget it. 'You passed. You're one step closer to being a legalized hero. Put it behind you…' he thought, though it didn't make him feel any better.

"You did well fighting through it. Your vitals weren't in any danger, but Gang Orca, quite the opponent. I imagine Tony would consider him a fine candidate for the Avengers if possible." Karen mused in his ear.

"Amen to that, wouldn't want to fight him solo…" He uttered, seeing his tray stocked full of pizza slices as he began to dig in. "Haaa… needed this…" He murmured.

"Aren't you feeling more accomplished now as well?" Karen asked, and Peter knew the reason why as he pulled out his wallet, bringing out an ID card in Japanese, with his birthdate, birth city, and name in english, but he was able to translate it as he felt a smile grow on his face, that feeling in his gut fading a little.







"One step closer." Peter mused, putting it back in his wallet. "To do what I love most…"

Karen inquired. "Aren't there other things you love to do too? Inventing among other things?"

"Well yeah, I love building and creating gadgets too…but, with this I can finally take that next step in helping others. To save people. Yu, Momo, Izuku, Mei, my teachers, everyone. I couldn't have done this without them, and I can finally pay them back."

"Heya Ace!"

"Mmph?!" Peter turned, mouth full of cheese, pepperoni, sauce and bread as he turned, seeing Kirishima beaming his way.

"Mind if we join ya?" Beside him was Shoto, both carrying trays. Peter swallowed and nodded. Shoto's eyes were on the ground.

"By all means." He gestured. Shoto looked rather neutral, as always, as he sat down with his bowl of ramen. Kirishima had a tray chock full of meat. "So, how did you guys do?"

"I passed!" Kirishima exclaimed as if on cue, at the same time.

"Me too." Shoto said ruefully, and Peter paused in his bite, looking at him in surprise.

"Congratulations man. Are you ok? You…kinda look pissed off about passing.-"

"I am…" Shoto suddenly snarled, eyes widening which made both Kirishima and Peter inch away before he seemed to calm himself, sighing. "I'll get by. I just… have to find a way to fix this." Shoto replied.

"Wait, you wanted to fail?" Kirishima asked. Peter tilted his head, not understanding the logic.

"Under the circumstances? Yes." The teen hissed again. "Just… eat your lunch. I need to think. Sorry for the snap…"

"It's fine dude, it's been a long few days." Peter waved it off. Kirishima nodded.

Shoto nodded, and then focused on his ramen, eating mechanically. Kirishima and Peter shared a look before shrugging, deciding that they'd touch this problem with a ten foot pole tomorrow or something.

"I was surprised I passed too, but I got by." Kirishima said as he dug into his steak, eyeing Shoto out of the corner of his eye but directing his attention Peter's way. "Like, the research stuff was super hard." He spoke with a full mouth, Shoto's eyes looking his way. "But…" He swallowed finally. "We got through it! By the third day before this exam I got it down pretty well. My head was frigging killing me with all that thinking and reading. Just getting into the action was a relief for me!"

"Tell me about it. Our group had it a little rough too." Peter mused as he resumed eating, frowning a little.

"Oh hey Peter! Todoroki! Kirishima!" Peter's mood changed as he turned, seeing Izuku approach with his own tray. Beside him, Momo was approaching with… two trays' worth of burgers, fries, and rice bowls.

"Whoa. Yaoyorozu with a meal of champions…" Kirishima uttered as the two joined them at the table, Izuku and Momo sitting on opposing sides of Peter as Kirishima and Shoto sat across.

"I did spend a lot of lipids during my confrontation against Best Jeanist and his men." Momo said as she began to eat at her first of two rice bowls. "I need to replenish."

"You went up against the Number Four Hero!?" Peter gawked. "And you won?! Sheesh" He said, rubbing his head while suddenly feeling a little inadequate.

"What about you guys? Midoriya? Ace?" Kirishima inquired.

"We were on the same team actually." Izuku replied with a light smile. "We were paired up with Shoji and Kacchan. Oh, and Monoma and Shiozaki from Class 1-B! As for who we went up against, it was Gang Orca."

"Dang, you guys got someone in the Top 10 too. We just fought a retired hero" Kirishima admitted, feeling a little less proud of his own accomplishment.

"Who did you face exactly to come out of retirement?" Izuku asked. The dual-haired boy swallowed.

"Saikyou, ring any bells?"

"S-Sorry, the name may have been before All Might's time."

"She looked like she came from the Sengoku period, she was so old! But man she was manly too!" Kirishima exclaimed, fists pumped up and grinning. "Like fighting all of us at once and not even moving from her spot! I can't imagine what she was like in her prime!"

"It's not very proper to comment on a woman's age, or call them manly Kirishima." Momo admonished him as she finished her rice bowl.

"Yeah, gotta keep a filter on that, dude." Peter remarked with a light smile as he finished up his pizza. Kirishima looked a little bashful as he rubbed the back of his head.

He set his phone down and looked up, seeing Yu's message.

'Hey Peter, heard you took your exam! When you get home(finally!), let's go out for teppan!'

Peter beamed, typing back.

'You got it Yu! See ya in a couple of hours.'

"Talking to someone?" Izuku asked and Peter looked up, grinning at Izuku.

"Just Yu is all. Going to get a celebratory dinner with her tonight."

"Oh yeah, when is Aizawa-sensei gonna pick us up?" Kirishima's eyes widened as he brought his bowl to his lips and drank. "We gotta skedaddle!"

"We have thirty minutes." Shoto said in monotone, poking his ramen aimlessly. "He sent an email to all of us that he will pick us up at 2:30 and take us back to school."

Kirishima brought the bowl down, cheeks full as he gulped down the broth, noodles, meat and… did he just swallow that egg too? "Ah. I haven't checked."

"They have eggs in ramen?" Peter asked, and all eyes were on him.

"Ummm, yes. Is that a problem?" Shoto's eyebrow quirked, his prior displeasure forgotten.

"Oh! I think in America they only do it cup-style. You know, instant." Izuku said as he was still scribbling in his notes.

"I've had to make do with cup ramen a ton back home as well. Not exactly much of a cook when it comes to that sort of thing," Peter admitted, mentally recalling some of the times he'd also eaten instant back in New York.

"Really Ace? Me too! Best stuff right there!" Kirishima offered a fist, and Peter took it, grinning back. "I'd pound down five instants before working out!"

"Instant," Momo shivered, looking a bit nauseous. "Peter-san, if you'd like, I would be happy to introduce you to a ramen shop sometime. A… traditional ramen place." Peter blinked.

"Traditional how…?"

"Well, one that is proper. With bean sprouts, spinach and all the necessary ingredients that a good ramen provides." Momo replied, eyes closed as she finished her first batch of fries and picked up her hamburger.

"I'm pretty comfortable with a nice warm batch of meat, noodles and broth." Kirishima crossed his arms with a sharp grin.

"Well… I guess I wouldn't mind actually." Peter smiled. "I mean, nothing wrong trying something new. Just like…" He bit his lip, looking to the side.

"Like what?" Momo inquired as Shoto finished his meal.

"Will it have like… chicken feet or… cow tongue or stomach or something? I mean, I know the traditional places back home in New York have them but like, I dunno." Momo tilted her head.

"You've been in Japan for over a year and a half? And you haven't tried our traditional cuisine?" Momo inquired as Peter rubbed his arm, blushing lightly.

"Shame, shame Peter." Karen said in his ear. "How can you not broaden your horizons?"

"Heh, I was just going to what's familiar!" Peter grinned widely.

"Well… I won't hold it against you." Momo answered primly. Obviously trying to be diplomatic. "Everyone must start someplace."

"Okay." Peter clapped his hands together. "I will aim to try out more traditional Japanese food! Pre-New Years Resolution!"

"It's September though." Shoto remarked.

"Like I said! Pre-New Years!"


'Well done Young Midoriya! You, me and Melissa must go out to celebrate!' All Might had typed. 'I know of a peculiar place uptown we should try. I would love to bring you!'

All Might was inviting Izuku out for dinner with Melissa! Izuku grinned as he carried his hero costume case and a bag of the clothes the HPSC had given them.

The rest of Class A was gathering on the bus as Izuku began to take note of his peers, Peter, Yaoyorozu, Todoroki and Kirishima following behind. Tokoyami was talking in earnest with the likes of Iida, Ojiro and Hagakure who seemed quite pleased. Kaminari seemed to be patting a downtrodden Sero on the back, while Jirou was talking with Tsuyu and Ashido.

Kacchan was sulking by a tree, but Koda seemed to be talking energetically with him. Izuku gave him a wave, the blonde seeing it before quietly averting his eyes. Koda at least waved back, and the green-haired boy smiled a little.

Aizawa stood before the bus, hands in his pockets. "Alright, should be about everyone. Stow your costumes and let's get going." He got on board as everyone began loading their belongings in the luggage compartment. Iida and Momo helped ferry everyone in, with Peter hanging back and getting a head count before he joined the line.

They all got inside, with Izuku sitting beside Peter while on the other side, Todoroki sat with Momo as everyone was abuzz.

"You were up against Wash? Talk about a rough matchup…" Tsuyu mused as she spoke with Sero.

"Yeah… my tape kept on getting washed away… how was I supposed to know that walking, talking appliance could just fire a frigging cyclone from his stomach!" Sero yelled, sighing at his unfortunate testing results. "My entire team was not ready for that… got our whole building flooded."

"We should have swapped places. I was up against Ryukyu." Tsuyu mused before Aizawa got in, standing at the front of the bus and everyone stopped talking.

"Good. Everyone's all here." Aizawa mused. "Now, I know it's been a long three days, so we will have a brief homeroom here before we head back to U.A. It'll be after school hours so no need to host a meeting there. Now, by a show of hands, how many of you were not able to pass?" He asked.

Getting right to it, and Izuku saw the hands raised, zeroing in on those who hadn't. Sero, Sato, and Aoyama. The green-haired boy felt bad for the blonde. He'd failed the final, and now this?

"Hnn. I see. " Aizawa murmured. "Alright, I imagine you all must feel down at the moment, but keep your heads up. They are offering remedial classes so you can earn your license in December rather than retake the exam next March." Curiously, Izuku noticed Todoroki's head turn to Aizawa, suddenly attentive.

Hadn't he passed?

"Are you taking it?" Aizawa continued.

"I'll be able to take it." Sato muttered, sitting beside Ojiro as the tailed boy gave his taller peer a pat on the shoulder.

"Same…" Sero added, looking like he was already dreading what awaited him.

"I have an important holiday in December, my family and I are going to see relatives in Paris." Aoyama said, his tone soft. "So I wouldn't be able to take part in the final portion of the classes in December even if I wanted to…"

"Talk it over with me and I'll arrange a course schedule for you, Aoyama." Aizawa added. "Those who are taking the classes talk with me and send me your schedule for the remedials. We will work around it together." He grabbed some eyedrops and began to apply them to his eyes. "You're all still at a point in your career where you can afford to make mistakes. Learn from these last few days on what you can do to become better. You've fallen a step behind, so you'll need to work harder from here on out. Understand?"

A chorus of affirmations from the three as Aizawa focused on the rest of the class.

"Now then, tomorrow is Saturday so I'm giving you the day off combined with Sunday. We will meet again on Monday morning to discuss what to do from there. For those who passed and received your licenses, congratulations. You took the first big step in your hero careers. With your Provisional Licenses, you'll be able to legally take action in any heroic capacity. Even without a Pro Hero's guidance as well, as long as it's an emergency you can act." Aizawa explained. "I trust you'll use this privilege well and not abuse it." He let that statement hang for a moment before continuing.

Izuku looked over, and Peter was looking away, hand on his forehead at that. That's right… the Stain Hunt and the aftermath with Mirko.

He looked down at his license once more, seeing his likeness and name.

He felt his eyes water up, and he felt a nudge.

"Midori, what was that?" Peter asked, and Izuku looked over in confusion. "You sounded like you were choking. Or groaning." He leaned over. "Yo Shoto, Momo, didja hear that?"

"I did… sounded like a creaky door…" Momo mused, and Izuku clamped up.

"Agreed." Shoto added, and Izuku went bone white.

"Yo, don't get all sick and pale on us Midoriya." Kirishima was behind them, poking his head out. "Ya need to see a doctor before we leave? Sensei's sittin' down and all."

"Thank goodness I saw one…" Uraraka added as Izuku perked up, seeing the girl lean in from her side of the aisle. "I had to deal with Endeavor on my butt for ten minutes… I think I lost ten years off my life."

"You faced my father?" Shoto asked as she perked up.

"Y-yeah." Ochako mumbled, scratching the back of her head. "I mean, I was kinda-"

"From what I hear you were totally awesome!" Sero suddenly chimed in, his previous gloom vanishing as he turned his grin towards the rest of the class. "She totally led the big E on a runaround. While dodging fireballs."

Uraraka remembered it distinctly less 'dodging' and more along the lines of panicked flailing. But she kept mum on that.

"And throwing giant rocks!" Sero continued.

"It was the only thing I could find while I was on the run!" The brunette was looking more and more flustered as Izuku saw the grins grow on everyone around him.

"Even sent him on a wild goose chase out a window and brought the roof down on him!"

"I was just trying to not get set on fire!" Uraraka had her hands covering her face, and she slowly began to float up. Shoto, who was sitting in front of her, grabbed her sleeve and helped pull her down.

"Th-that's not-"

"Wow Ochako, when did you take a level in badass and not tell anyone!?" Mina screamed, her smile wide as she ran up to the brunette.

"I- I din-"

"Hey! Is it true you threw him down an elevator shaft?"

"You did?" Shoto asked, eyes widening in awe as the girl had her arms wrapped around her head.

"I threw myself down the shaft. Endeavor followed…" She grimaced, not sure if that made it better or worse.

"THAT'S SO COOL!" Kirishima roared. "You gotta fight me at some point! I bet you could even give Bakugo a good fight!"

A pair of very red, very angry eyes rounded on her from up front. Koda patted the bomber's shoulder in assurance.

Uraraka was not having a good day, Shoto keeping her from floating away with Jirou coming forward to help with her opposing sleeve.

"That's amazing!" Momo exclaimed. "Fighting the number two hero alone is no small feat even if he was holding back."

"Holding back my foot!!!" Uraraka thought, indignant.

"Yeah! And taking one for the team by diverting the final boss onto you while your comrades accomplish your goal, fighting him one on one in solo combat… now that's…" Kirishima sniffed a bit, rubbing his eyes. "You're manly as hell, Uraraka!"

"I'm not manly!" The girl gawked as she floated back down in her seat as Shoto stared at her with wide eyes.

"What did you do to make him so angry?" He inquired, looking at her with great interest.

"I… beaned him over the head with a plank of wood." She fiddled with her fingers, blushing. "Ohhhhh, he's gonna blackball me for sure!"

Shoto's depressive state seemed to have brightened up, the lips curving into a light smile and something… escaped his lips.

"Shoto did you… just laugh?" Peter said, all eyes on Shoto. Izuku himself couldn't believe it. Uraraka… bashing the Number Two Hero in the country with a plank?!

Oh man… he could never imagine himself doing that to All Might!

"I…. never mind." Shoto took a deep breath, sighing while mentally reminding himself to ask Ochako for more details later, maybe even see if he could get a recording of the moment. "Still… you made quite the noise earlier, Midoriya." He said, looking at the green-haired boy. "What was that for?"

"O-Oh! I mean, sorry I just…" Izuku looked down at his license. "I'm just so happy is all… so many people helped me along the way, so… seeing this…" He smiled again, as he lifted the license up closer to his face. "This is a sign of progress, that I'm one step closer to being the hero I want to be. And I'm just… I'm happy." He sighed, leaning back.

Izuku looked down at his license, sighing and beaming. "Oh right!" He felt the bus lurch as it got moving. "I gotta tell Mom… maybe invite her to come out with me and Melissa and All Might too…" He mumbled under his breath, pulling out his phone.

"You're going out to celebrate and eat too?" Peter asked.

"Umm, y-yeah I am." Izuku looked back and nodded. "Where are you going?"

"Local teppan place Yu knows about. One of my favorite joints actually. Where were you thinking of going?" Peter asked, and Izuku opened his mouth to answer as Peter's head jolted, and he was glued to the glass. "NO WAY!" He shouted in English, and it startled Izuku. He even heard a surprised "Kyah!" from Uraraka.

"P-Peter?" He gawked, and he heard movement.

"Is something the mat-Oh. The LEGO Emporium." Shoto mused, and Izuku saw it as they left the complex and passed by a massive store of sorts. "The largest LEGO store in Asia apparently."

It was massive, about five stories on a high rise. Izuku could see the giant colorful LEGO store and people going inside as he heard a… noise coming out of Peter. Like a gasp, or a shuddering moan of awe.

"That… didn't sound normal." Uraraka mused.

"Ummm, Peter-san, are you okay?" Momo inquired. The American perked up before sitting back down and patting his cheeks.

"S-Sorry." He was blushing, rubbing the back of his head. "I… haven't seen one in a while." He looked to the side. "Things have been so busy that I haven't really indulged…"

"Indulged. Like a hobby?" Momo tilted her head. "I didn't consider you to be such a fan of LEGOs."

"Oh yeah, back at home I would go for the best and most complex kits." Peter replied. "I love building them." He said, giving a nostalgic air about the way he said it.

"I never really got into them myself," Momo mentioned.

"Well, it's mostly Death Stars. Really hard stuff."

The girl tilted her head.

"Death Stars?" she asked.

Peter just stared at her as a tiny little tear came out of his eye.

"Okay, so there's this movie series called Star Wars and-"

"Never heard of it myself…" Momo mused, but she then perked up as she saw Peter's face beginning to fall.

"What do you mean it's faded into obscurity…" Peter uttered to himself in English. Izuku was puzzled.

"What do you mea-" He felt his phone buzz and he looked down.

"I'm filling him in. ;)" It was from Karen, and Peter lied back against his seat, quickly realizing the gravity of what he'd just realized.

"There's gonna be no Death Star or Star Destroyer Kits… not even… a frigging Droid Control Ship…" Peter spoke to himself in English, looking pale.

"I can't say I know of those terms Peter," Momo spoke in English as Izuku looked her way. "But Death Star does remind me of the Solar Crusher. That's a popular thing from that… I think it's Galactic Legends?"

"Hey wait, we talking in English now?" Kirishima asked aloud, feeling left out.

"Wazzat?" Peter asked, almost feeling numb. "Sounds like it's for kids…"

"Only the most popular sci-fi hero series around!" Izuku mused in Japanese, picking up enough to understand. "A lot of heroes back in the day were inspired by them."

"Had a popular franchise too." Peter blinked at Shoto's addition.

"Huh… so, where can I start?" He asked, going back to Japanese, as Momo giggled.

"I can share my streaming service so you can get started. And… I heard that LEGO has quite the collection of kits on them."

The American had a small smile blossom as he nodded, looking off to the road as Izuku saw a small forlorn look on his face.

"S-Sure." He looked back, smiling again. "I'd love to get started when I can. And… I like building them with a friend. Maybe we can do some building together?"

"I don't know where I can fit a LEGO model in my own room…" Izuku admitted, blushing. When you have loads of All Might merchandise and action figures… "B-But maybe I can make some room. Maybe I can find something I'd like!"

"I wouldn't mind trying it. It could be fun." Momo smiled, hands on her lap.

"I haven't built a LEGO before…" Uraraka mused.

"Me neither." Shoto added.

"I wouldn't mind building a LEGO! Maybe I can get smarter by building something! Maybe there's hidden math equations going along with building it! Like, that's how architects do things right?" Kirishima had an arm raised, and Peter let out a laugh and leaned back in his seat.

"So Peter," Izuku murmured. "What was that Star Wars you mentioned anyway?"

"You did seem rather intrigued by it." Momo asked, and Peter grinned.

"Well, it started off with a guy from California named George Lucas…"


"Thank you for the meal!" Izuku exclaimed, as did everyone else as they sat at the restaurant.

His mother and Melissa were right beside him, and a shrunken All Might in front of him, all of them looking at him with pride and joy. Izuku and his mother had settled for pork cutlet, and All Might for beef while Melissa had chosen tofu.

"Thank you so much for coming out." Inko said with pride as she began to eat from her order. "I must say, I never would have thought that UA would have such a kind and supportive teacher like you, Yagi-san." All Might laughed, rubbing the back of his head.

"Don't mention it. Young Midoriya and I are similar in a lot of ways." Yagi explained. "When he arrived at school he and I seemed to click, so I've been giving him pointers on how to master his Quirk."

"And he had a hand in saving me at I-Island too." Melissa added. "Least I can do is support my hero." She teased with a wink, Izuku flushing while Inko blinked.

Then she grinned behind her water glass, a grin that made her son uneasy.

'It's not like that mom!' He wanted to say, but kept quiet due to the slight thundering in his chest. His mother turned towards the slim man.

"I can't thank you enough for that too, Yagi-san." Inko said before she drank some water. "So, you're chaperoning All Might's ward for the day too?"

"Oh yes," Yagi laughed a little. "The big guy is always super busy, and Melissa wanted to see how Young Midoriya was doing. So he asked me for a favor." He grinned, eyes closed. "Guess the Number One Hero owes me huh?"

"So he does… to think that All Might of all people would take an interest in my boy." Inko sighed in relief and pride, sniffling a bit. "You have no idea what this means for me… thank you."

"Don't thank him, just thank All Might." Melissa said with a cheeky grin, to which Izuku responded with an awkward one in kind.

"I must say though Melissa, how are you adapting to life here in Japan? Your Japanese is exemplary." Inko complimented. "But will you be returning to I-Island at some point? What will you be doing in the meantime?"

"I'm taking all of my other classes online. I still plan to graduate from I-Academy." Melissa responded. "But U.A. was kind enough to let me use their Support Department to work on my gear. Besides, I have a few ideas for support tech that can help Izuku. " She beamed towards Izuku, and the boy was beginning to feel warm.

"I say you two get along great." All Might said, and Inko looked like she was ready to glomp her son while Izuku was looking as red as the top of the soy sauce bottle.

"My son is such a good boy…" His plump mother rubbed her eyes a little before perking up. "Oh, let me tell you of the time me and him used to play 'hero' when he was a kid."

Izuku paled. "M-Mom?!" Melissa grinned ear to ear, while Yagi simply drank his tea cup in both hands, with a bony pinky out.

"Oh? What did he do?" Melissa asked, eyes wide as she gazed at Izuku with a playful look in her eye.

Izuku groaned as Inko laughed. "Oh, I would be in a blanket and he would be dressed up in his adorable All Might pajamas."

Izuku's groaning was beginning to sound like a creaking door as Melissa giggled incessantly.

"For what it's worth Izuku, I wore the same when I was a kid too." Melissa assured him, patting his shoulder on his far side as her… chest brushed against his arm. "It's alright. Trust me," she said with an assuring smile.

The creaking door was getting louder as Izuku was looking more akin to a tomato with the hair on his head resembling the leafy-stem.

All Might could only laugh as Inko began to tell her tale.

Izuku would feel a little lightheaded at times but… the sight of his mother being so happy and glad, All Might eating with him, and Melissa despite her playfulness being helpful.

All of that made the embarrassing family stories worth it in the end.


"What a day…" Izuku sighed as they arrived home. All Might and Melissa went in their own car as he rode with Inko. His mother was pleased as they walked inside.

"You must be so tired, baby." Inko hung up her coat on the rack as the plump woman looked his way. "Your shows recorded too while you were gone." Izuku perked up, turning before looking back to the living room.

"Oh, is Hero Watch on?" Izuku mused. That was one of his favorite shows to watch in order to analyze future heroes and their quirks! He hadn't had a chance to catch it lately.

"Should be around that time." Inko yawned. "I'm going to take a shower. Do you need one first Izuku?"

"I'll be fine. You go ahead Mom. I'll watch my show and take it after you." He smiled as he trotted over and plopped down on the couch, turning on the TV.

"Today on the Hero Watch Board, we are going to be going over the top Hero Student Prospects in the country!" Host Kaippa Denji exclaimed, the man with dog-like ears stood beside two notable analysts, Kawakami Kyoshiro, a rather bland looking man with a stern expression and Hijikata Megumi, a woman with her nose being an electrical socket, all dressed up in suits. "With news of the HPSC Provisional License Exam coming to a close, combined with individual tryouts and events for other hero exams ending that started with the vaunted U.A. Sports Festival, it's time to go to our big board to see who has the best projection to be the top Pro Hero!" As the board between them came alive, a holographic display of names and photos came up.

Izuku has always wanted to be on that board, to know that he had what it takes to be seen and recognized as a legitimate great hero-to-be. With the exam coming to a close, his third place finish at the Festival, and recent events, surely he might be recognized right?

Of the names and schools displayed in the top ten prospects, only four names from U.A. stood out to him from the top down.

Togata Mirio, ranked first.

Uraraka Ochako ranked third?!

Yaoyorozu ranked eighth??

And Peter Parker ranked ninth.

Still… no sign of himself on there. Izuku winced.

"So this is what's on your big board and agreed upon Kawakami, Hijikata?" Kaippa inquired.

"Indeed." Kawakami surmised as, beside him, video highlights were on display showcasing the top ten prospects' feats.

Izuku noticed his classmates in costume, notably Spider-Man with Mirko, Yaoyorozu at Hosu with Yoroi Musha, and Uraraka jumping along a cliff face with Pixie Bob. "We have an impressive crop this year, with new faces coming out in light of recent events such as the U.A. Sports Festival, various incidents across the country, and the recent Provisional Exam held by the HPSC. However, topping the list is still in my book, Togata Mirio."

On a screen was the image of a tall and rather muscular blonde teen, clad in a white and blue outfit, red cape and the number 1 million in gold across his chest.

"Lemillion has been a consummate pro over this last year, surging out of nowhere to be my top prospect for hero agencies to hire. His speed and unique quirk make him an ideal hero of sorts, combined with his personality." Kawakami gestured towards the feats of that blonde boy that looked familiar to Izuku.

"However, we have an impressive crop so far from what we have heard and seen. Yaoyorozu Momo in particular here." Kawakami looked over to the panels and screens showcasing the black-haired girl at the Sports Festival and at Hosu. "She was instrumental in helping neutralize and chase off the Hero Killer Stain, and her quirk offers a vast array of items that makes her a walking swiss army knife. Just imagine the possibilities once she hits the ground running. And we need to take into account her offshore feats as well."

He sounded excited, and Izuku saw the news-coverage panel of I-Tower in smoke.

"She was instrumental in saving hostages during the I-Island Crisis, assisting the likes of All Might and Endeavor in subduing the villains. Already, her jump in experience is nothing short of extraordinary to behold. And that's not even getting into her amazing leadership in the Provisional Exam, in which she led the charge against Best Jeanist, the Number Four Hero and came out on top."

"In an exam setting where he held back significantly." Hijikata critiqued.

"True, but even so, I know Jeanist well enough not to hold back. Let's take a look at his exit after the exam, as he gave our Kawajima Ryosuke an interview." Kawakami gestured to the camera as a new clip came on screen.

Best Jeanist appeared, the man holding an icepack on his head. "I can safely say that the next crop of heroes coming down the pipeline have plenty of promise. It seems to me that those U.A. ones in particular may be the most obvious of note…" He winced, rubbing his pack on his crown.

"And Yaoyorozu Momo is another one to come out of that hero factory that is U.A. Keep an eye out on her, and agencies need to put on their best dress to impress the future top pro Creati, in my opinion." Kawakami stepped back, saying his peace.

"That's all well and good, but Yaoyorozu is only ranked eighth on your list. Wherever did this U.A. girl Uraraka Ochako come from?" Kaippa exclaimed in surprise, pointing to her. Hijikata seemed to roll her eyes as Kawakami smirked.

"She has had an exemplary exam, one that floored me. She gave the Number Two Hero in this country the runaround. " Kawakami laughed. "Who gives the Number Two Hero, who never gives half-efforts, trouble enough for him to give this interview."

The next clip displayed Endeavor of all people marching off. "Endeavor!" Said some journalist, probably that Kawajima fellow again. Similar voice. "There's been trending hashtags online of a U.A. student having defeated you while you were in the position as temporary-villain. Can you give us your opinion on this student?"

Endeavor stopped, turned around and glared at the journalist as if they had insulted his mother before his flames rippled and he took off into the sky.

"Oh come onnn!" The journalist cried before the broadcast went back to the three people in the studio, Kaippa looking ready to laugh while Kawakami looked smug.

"I believe he did not deny that. And Endeavor's silence usually resonates as a confirmation from the rumors spreading online from the original hashtag of a… @StickyArmsy1212." Kaippa acknowledged.

"Exactly Kaippa-kun." Kawakami said with a snap of his fingers. "On top of past research of this student, one Uraraka Ochako, doing well out with the Pussycats several months ago, a hero as well rounded as this one." A photo of a smiling Uraraka was on the screen. "Is just the kind of thing we need in this society."

"All well and good." Hijikata. "But handling a nature park and trumping a hero who was holding back in an exam setting doesn't amount to much." The woman then pointed at the screen. "After all Kawakami-kun, you forget what we do on this show. It's to discuss and analyze who can be THE top pro." She gestured to a spread of screens where Lemillion was neutralizing some thugs with blinding speed and Peter acting to stop a van.

"However, if there's anyone who has an argument to be the top pro," Hijikata stepped up, gesturing towards Spider-Man. "It's Spider-Man. His strength and feats have drawn comparisons to an early All Might in his day, and that's not even getting into his Sports Festival performance. Not to mention that Peter Parker is only a freshman at U.A. while Lemillion is a third year. For all we know, he could be maxed out on potential. For someone to be seen as THE top pro, they need to have a ceiling that is sky high."

"Or he could be a late bloomer." Kawakami countered. "Lemillion has undergone plenty of drug busts and villain hunts this last year which is unheard of for a teenage hero sidekick. Suffice to say, he's on a fast track to being a Top Ten Pro the moment he graduates."

"Yes, but Peter Parker has the benefit of being inside a strong freshman class at U.A. On top of that, he doesn't seem to have that All Might-kind of impact just yet." Kaippa interjected before the two were about to argue, Izuku feeling a little emptiness growing within him. "From the exam. For instance." He gestured to more screens. "We have some insider info that Peter Parker, for someone who is being hailed as the next All Might, was unable to really do much against a held-back Gang Orca."

"Is that so bad though? You saw his performance at the Sports Festival!" Hijikata exclaimed. "And if he was able to win over MIRKO of all people behind closed doors?"

"Gotta see more." Kawakami mused. "Can't be the next All Might if you struggle against the Number Eleven hero and need backup."

Izuku looked at the screen, Kawakami and Hijikata's ratings-selling bickering droning out as he gazed at the photo of All Might hanging on the wall in the living room.

He needed to become better than All Might, that was true. But right now… where was he?

How good of a hero is he? Where was he compared to those high up the ladder.

He knew that he needed to take this one step at a time. But to become better than All Might… Izuku looked up, seeing highlights of All Might in action with other heroes. One notable clip near to him was Peter swinging in action when he was with Mirko.

He wanted-No. 'I need to know where I am, where I stand next to them.' Izuku sighed and got up before he walked towards the kitchen. That thought niggled him in the back of his head for the rest of the night.


"Finally I'm home…" Peter muttered as he walked into the apartment, closing the door behind him. "Frigging bus traffic was a nightmare."

"There you are!" Yu cheered, the blonde sitting up from the couch as she was lounging. She trotted over, embracing her roommate with a hug as Peter welcomed it. "Sorry for not mentioning the road work being done around town.."

"Should have just webbed on over." Peter mused with a playful sigh.

"That would require ya being a Pro Hero first." Yu winked. "Speaking ooooof, didja pass?"

Peter looked at her before showing his wallet and pulling out his new license with a beaming smile. Yu squealed.

"Oh, we are definitely doing teppan!" Yu turned around, going into her side of the flat. "Go ahead and get dressed if you want!" She called out before she stopped, Peter chuckling lightly. He was able to take a nap on the bus ride after he explained the Star Wars movies to his friends, so he felt a little fresh as he set his bags and belongings in his room and rested on the couch.

He turned, seeing Yu still standing in her doorway, her reaching down towards a counter-top and… holding a card of some kind?

"Yu?" He asked, perking up as the blonde woman stowed away the card. She looked back at him, and… she looked awkward.

"So, uhhh, you know what? It can wait till after teppan!" Yu said with a cheery smile that wouldn't fool anyone.

"Yu," Peter said, "What's up?"

The blonde tapped the card in her hand, eyes flickering before holding it out.

"Just… something that I think could help you."

Peter raised an eyebrow, taking a hold of the offered card. A name. An address.

Certified… psychologist?

A therapist?

"Now I know that this is a little sudden," Yu said, "But I think that-"

"I need a shrink?" He finished. Lips curled as he looked back at her.

He wasn't… angry… or at least he hoped not.

Yu winced. "I…It's just something to… help you get through stuff. I mean…" She looked to the side, unsure of how to continue the sentence.

Peter took a deep, slow breath. Trying to step back and look at this as objectively as he could.

She did know of his past. He did tell her back then, after Mirko kicked him out for the Stain Hunt.


"I… thanks Yu," he said, feeling a little clammy, "I mean it, but I'm fine."

He put on a reassuring smile, one that made Yu's own expression shift.

Suddenly Peter felt like he was watching a replay of Yu in the blonde woman's eyes. Only it was himself.

"Besides, I got my license, we can talk about that, so let's go," he said, turning on his heel.

He saw Yu reach out for him in the corner of his eye, but she paused.

"Just… think about it. Please, for me?" she asked, trying not to sound forceful.

Peter stopped, glancing back. Yu looked almost like he was going to snap at her, nervous and hoping.

He sighed. He owed it to her to at least try and think about it.

"I promise," he said.

Yu's lips twitched, a slow smile coming over her.

"Alright, then let's go," she said, "we can't be out too long."

"Well, we might, if you go off on how things were back in your day when you got your license."

"I am not that old!" Yu declared. "Besides! You could learn from my experience!"

Peter let himself chuckle as he closed the door in his room. He took one more glance at the card before putting it on his headrest.

He'd think about it.

But for now, there was a celebration that he needed to get to!


By the time Todoroki Enji returned home he was tired, irritated, and gritting his teeth as at least half the pings on his phone were reminding him of that irritating round-faced upstart who hit him over the head with a block of wood.

So all in all, he was nowhere near a proper state of mind to have a calm, civil discussion with anyone.

So when he marched inside his house only to hear Fuyumi nervously calling his son, and then saw his youngest marching towards him with grit teeth and a thunderous expression, Enji briefly wondered if the front half of his house would survive the coming storm. Because if Shoto pushed on his last nerve right now… the Todoroki patriarch was hardly hurting for cash to make repairs and he could use the stress relief of a proper explosion.

"Shoto." He greeted as neutrally as possible.

"You had no right to rig that exam!"

Endeavor prided himself on his ability to control his expressions. It was necessary when you didn't, strictly speaking, wear a mask. It reduced your tells, kept your enemies guessing.

But Shoto's accusation made even his control slip, eyes going slightly wide and an incredulous eyebrow hiking up to his forehead.

"The hell are you talking about?"

"Don't play dumb!" The boy shouted. "I had no right to pass if Kendo didn't. You made those judges give me the points, didn't you!"


The eldest Todoroki scoffed. Of course his son would sabotage his own performance to humiliate him. After everything he'd done for him… this was how he repaid him.

Acting out over some no name.

"I did no such thing." He spoke low. "If you passed it was on your own merits and if you failed it would have been your failure." He pointed at his son, his voice now loud. "Not mine!"

"Maybe we should calm down." His daughter called from her place down the hall, inching forward with cautious, hesitant steps.

Enji saw his son's face close off, like a gate slamming shut and his eyes glaring like knives. Endeavor had seen this expression enough to know what it meant..

Enji scoffed. "It doesn't matter what I tell you. You've already determined what I did regardless of what I have to say about it." He marched past the boy. "If you wanted some girl to pass, perhaps teach her to be better. Rather than foisting your failures onto me."

"Go to hell!" Shoto barked, his left side looking ready to ignite.

Endeavor stilled.

He turned. Looking over his shoulder, and the look in his eye made even Shoto's temper cool as the boy visibly straightened. He was glaring back however, standing his ground. Forcing himself to.

Fuyumi flinched and hid behind the sliding door. And Endeavor forced himself to remain calm.

"You're angry." The Number Two Hero said in a voice so quiet it barely carried. "So I'll let that slide. Once." He raised a single finger. "You will not disrespect me like that again. I don't care how angry you think you are." He hissed. "Do you understand?"

Shoto snarled. "She deserved to pass this exam!"

"Then why didn't she?" He retorted on the spot.

"Because I'm your son." His boy bit out. "She doesn't merit that… consideration."

Endeavor's eyes narrowed.

He turned away and kept walking into his home, hearing Fuyumi behind him sigh in relief.

As per usual, they would have dinner at different times of the night.


"Thank you Matou-san." Momo said as she departed from the limo, staring up at her mansion as the driver began to guide the limo into the seven car garage just down the road. Momo carried her bag towards the ornate front door and opened it.

"I'm home!" She called out, the sun having already set and night having fallen. She felt a sense of relief enter her. Matou picking her up from U.A. had caught the unfortunate end of rush hour traffic. At least the limo had AC and a phone charger, but the girl just wanted to be back in her own home.

"Welcome home, Young Mistress." Fujimura, one of the elder maids with graying streaks in her black hair, replied with a light bow as she approached. "How was your school excursion?"

"It was fine." Momo said as she walked past. "Are Mother and Father around?"

"They are in a business meeting at the moment in Shinjuku. Had to be in person." Fujimura replied. "The lady was quite upset… From what I have heard, a hedge fund tried to cheat your father."

"I do not envy them." Momo replied as she set her backpack by the stairs. The girl walked over to the living room and plopped down on the luxury couch and rested her head on the pillows.

"Shall I have the cooks prepare something for you Miss? Your examination must have consumed a lot of lipids, I'd wager." Fujimura asked. Momo could hear the sound of movement upstairs. Must have been several other maids at work, usually dusting or vacuuming to keep things tidy.

"Just prepare a 'Mighty Dozen' shake please. I'm feeling a need for greens at the moment." Momo looked back at the woman who had helped her mother change her diapers. "I had a lot for lunch, so I'll be fine."

"As you wish, Young Mistress." Fujimura smiled, bowing and walking off as Momo turned on the television with her remote.

On the first channel was a popular hero talk show, already beginning a segment. Going by the tagline, the show was named 'Twilight Hero Talk'.

"So now the first thing we are going to get into," the host, an ordinary woman with short black hair, said. Her tagline was 'Asanagi Maria'. "Was the subject regarding a popular trend that is going on in America. Particularly, heroes seeking therapy. Joining us to discuss this segment alongside our host Akatsuki Yoruichi is Miyagi Daikaku from Channel 2 News. Thank you so much for coming on, Miyagi-san."

"A pleasure." The older man with wrinkles and soft blonde hair nodded, one of his two horns having been sawed off. Momo remembered, he was the newscaster who made big news removing said horn to make his job at the station easier. Caused quite a stir in the news and social media.

"So, Akatsuki-san," Asanagi looked over to her fellow co-host, a rather beautiful looking woman with soft red eyes and black hair in a fashionable red business attire. "You've noticed how overseas in America, heroes have been attending counseling and therapy lately. Out of curiosity, what do you think of this? You brought this up in the production meeting."

"It caught me by surprise as well, for this to be our first topic on my first appearance on the show." Miyagi added.

"Well…" Akatsuki mused. "I am only bringing this up as I am pondering on certain things. How can we make our heroes better? In America this trend has been picking up more and more, even after it was widely accepted overseas. When my family and I returned from vacation, we realized that here in Japan we… don't really seem to offer such services to our heroes. It makes one think is all."

The woman leaned back in her chair. "After all, it was here in Japan that heroism began to take off and then spread all across the globe. So why not learn from others?"

"Far from me to criticize it, but," Miyagi leaned forward a little. "I think the reasoning is simple. Akatsuki-san. You are quirkless, yes?"

"I am yes." The woman chuckled. "The irony of someone quirkless like me hosting a hero talk show. I get that a lot."

"Of course, not a problem at all. But tell me, what do you think of someone who is in need of… therapy?" He said while grimacing, the words almost appearing to be bitter in his mouth. "That such an individual is someone in need of help."

"That is true, yes."

"And tell me, do you want to be saved from someone who needs help? Then, by all reasons, that person is not a hero, someone who helps and aids others." Miyagi straightened up. "After all, how can one even save others if they themselves are damaged individuals? With powerful quirks capable of leveling city blocks and causing billions of yen in property damages, and that's not even going into potential casualties of civilians either in case of villain attacks."

"All I wish to say is that we should extend heroes a helping hand." Akatsuki replied. "After all, are they not as human as we are?"

"A Hero by its very definition, is a person who is admired for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities." Miyagi said. "That to me, and I imagine to many of the public, is someone who is beyond human and something extraordinary. After all, we do live in a superhuman society. I myself am not a hero, but I only removed my horn here so that it doesn't get in the way of my work."

"But surely the things heroes go through in everyday life… surely they could use help on the couch."

"Are you implying that the heroes who are tasked with keeping this society afloat Akatsuki-san, have mental or emotional disorders?" Miyagi asked, and the red-eyed woman blinked. "After all, according to the World Hero Association charts, our heroes have a better overall grade in quality in many heroic aspects compared to the United States."

"Well I mean… I only wish that they can be helped and to become better heroes." Akatsuki frowned a bit. "And that last one is misleading. America has over six hundred million people so their hero quantity would vastly outnumber ours. I only want to bring this subject up as to ask the question on how we can better help the heroes on the street."

"Which comes from the implication that they themselves are not suitable to defend our citizens and keep order? To me Akatsuki-san, that is a sign of a wireless individual, and that someone, if they seek the things you have described, is not worthy of being a hero."

The buzz of her phone caught Momo off as she sat up, reaching into her school-jacket pocket to pull it out.

It had some texts. Momo went to the remote, changing the channel to the weather.

It was from her dad, no doubt responding to her 'I passed the exam' text she sent while on the car drive home.

'This meeting may take a little while longer. Your mother is eating them alive ;)' It was from Father.

'Okay.' Momo replied. 'Don't let me distract you.'

"Your drink, Young Mistress." Fujimura came by with a large glass of a deep green juice filled with a combination of various spices, fruits, and vegetables.

"Thank you." Momo took it and leaned back with a sigh. It felt nice to relax at home every now and then. After a moment she perked up.

"Oh yes that's right, I need to set things up." She got her phone out, going to the group chat and spotting Peter in it, tapping on his icon and going to FaceTime. The phone buzzed a bit…

And there was Peter, sitting at a… restaurant?

"Heya Momo." Peter said as Momo chuckled a bit.

"Hello Peter. Are you out at the moment? Should I just text you?"

"Oh oh! Who's that?" came a voice on the other end of the call. Peter blanched a bit as someone came into view. Momo spotted a young woman with blonde hair. "Oh, that's your cute classmate isn't it? Your Class Rep partner?"

The black-haired girl blushed deeply, and Peter got out of the woman's sight. "Seriously Yu!" He sighed, angling it away from the older woman.

"Should I call back? You're out to dinner with Mt. Lady, right?"

"Yeah, celebratory dinner. You on the couch? I recognize that cushion Kirishima used for his nap that time we hosted a study group." Peter said as Momo smiled lightly.

"It is. Comfy as ever too." Momo saw some flame and laughter in the background, no doubt one of the chefs doing his onion-volcano for his patrons. "By the way Peter, you said you wanted to try out traditional ramen at some point this weekend." She asked. "Which day would be fine with you?"

"On Saturday I'm gonna be working on my gear at U.A. Gotta reload my web fluid, patch up the suit and make some corrections." Peter replied. "Gotta look professional when we finally head out there with our licenses right?"

She nodded, smiling a bit. "We have come a long way since classes started several months ago..."

The American boy chuckled. "I actually saw ya for the first time on the day of the Entrance Exams, believe it or not." Peter said with a wry grin. "Don't think ya noticed me." Momo tilted her head.


"Oh yeah, I was on my way and umm, you walked past towards the Recommended Student area for the Entrance Exams while I was grouped with the others that day."

He… recognized her from back then? Not just from when they were in Class A together taking part in the Practical Exam Aizawa set up?

"Oooooh I can see ya blushiiing~" Mt. Lady oiled to the side. "Ask her for a date!" She whispered, loudly.

"Can you not?" Peter muttered from grit teeth, his cheeks pink. "But yeah, I do wanna try going out for ramen. But I'll be tied up all day tomorrow. Wanna go for Sunday?"

"Sure. I'll-"

"Oh yes! My guy's getting a date!" Peter seemed to have been embraced, him blushing as Yu was hugging him with one arm.

"I'm going with friends too Yu!"

"T-That is indeed true Mt. Lady," Momo replied back, a little flustered.

"Of course of course. Whatever ya say." Yu let go of Peter as the boy looked back at her.

"I'll keep in touch via text." He gave Yu a light side-eye.

Momo nodded, smiling. "I'll get in touch and sort things out. I'll see you around Peter."

"You too Yaomomo." Peter smiled as she hung up and got to texting and-


She called him Peter. Not 'Peter-san'.

Momo put that realization to the side, her cheeks warm. San! Add the San next time!
Clearly the writing team feels guilty about Uraka getting dumped for the Mellissa ship so they're marrying her off to the job. :p

One thing I've struggled with this arc is that the alternate exam has meant a lot more people are introduced and its also important to remember who's in who's group and what they where doing.
Just wondering if others have had the same experience.
Chapter 53
"Haa… back in the lab." Peter sighed with a grin as he inspected his tattered Urban Suit.

The Support Department was rather quiet this Saturday. Although given the notices he saw of 'Support Midterms' around the lab and outside of the department here in U.A., everyone present must've been decompressing after essentially their own super test.

Well, everyone except for one.

"How did ya do on the evaluations, Mei?" He asked, looking back at the pink-haired girl as she hovered over a workbench.

He recognized his Iron Spider Module on it, resting beside some tools.

"I did good." Mei said with… not as much enthusiasm as he expected. "Made some good armor that a Third Year requested and showed it off. Got a passing grade."

"Awesome to hear." Peter got up from the repair bench and walked over to another table where the Stark Suit was laid out. "Did you go over my suit while I was gone?"

Mei finally turned, smiling brightly. "Yeah I did. Fixed up some of the worn bits. With Karen's help anyway." Mei walked over, standing by Peter's side.

"I needed something to do while you were busy at the License Exam." Karen said through the lab.

"Awesome to hear. Thanks, you guys." Peter said with a light smile as he inspected the Stark Suit. The spots of wear-and-tear had been fixed up with minor and very similar patches to the material used in the suit. To the untrained eye, it would look as good as new. To the trained eye however…

"This will keep you safe right?" Mei asked, turning towards him as Peter's hand skimmed down his suit.

"More or less. It's better armored than the Urban Suit I made, but it was by design to help enhance my Spider Sense." Peter shrugged. "Never figured it would backfire on me like that though. Guess I gotta learn how to improve with stronger and more durable suits."

"Backfired how? I saw you put in a lot of time in that black suit." Mei asked, her telescopic eyes already scanning every fiber of the costume.

"Oh, I got nailed really bad by Gang Orca during the Provisional Exam." Peter laughed a bit at the somewhat painful memory. "Like, point-blank sonar blast while wearing a suit that enhances your senses? Recipe for disaster."

Rather than simply laugh with him, Mei was glaring at him now, an odd look on her face.

"How badly were you hurt?"

Peter turned his head towards her, surprised and a little worried by how serious she looked.

"I… it was an exam Mei, I am and will be ok." He smiled, patting her on the shoulder. "I've been through worse."

As those words left his mouth, Mei froze and her eyes suddenly went blank.


Been through worse.

Been through worse.

In a flash, the image of a bloodied, exhausted, and wounded Peter appeared before her eyes, the smell of burnt servers, and blood on her hands there and gone in a blink.

She felt her stomach do a backflip and she gulped to steady herself, gritting her teeth.

"If you were to wear that… Iron Spider baby again… would you… not get hurt?" She asked, looking down. Peter was looking up at the diagnostics of the Stark Suit, still oblivious to Mei's shift in attitude.

"Yep. But, I don't think any of the tech we have here can fix it. I've tried, trust me." Peter mused. "We'd need the super accurate microscopic stuff on I-Island's labs to make repairs to the Nanotech Module, the connector to the Arc Reactor, and fixing up the chassis supporting it."

Mei looked back at the box containing the module.

Nothing here in the Support Labs of U.A. could construct something that small and precise to make the necessary repairs.

Nothing here…

Nothing here could do it…

Mei looked back at him, seeing that grinning face of his. "Wanna help? I'm sure you've got some good babies in mind I can use."

She had to ensure that his smile would never go away. No matter what.


The next day…

"So Gintoki's Ramen is the place to go?" Peter mused, walking alongside his classmates.

"Totally! Best ramen in this district!" Kirishima said as he led the way. "I remember coming by here with my folks too!"

"My parents couldn't stop raving about the place." Jirou replied.

"Maybe because the food's that good." Ochako said as she walked with the group. It was himself, Kirishima, Momo, Ochako, Kaminari, Mina, and Jirou. Shoto was sadly busy, as was Izuku.

"It has a lot of good reviews." Momo mused as she looked at her phone. "Oh, I see some foreign language reviews on here too! Must be good with tourists then."

"We've hit the jackpot!" Mina cheered.

"Now, I hope you've brushed up on your chopstick acumen Peter-san." Momo said, looking his way with a small wry grin. Peter blinked.


"Yeah, I mean, you've been living here for what… a year and a half and you still don't have chopstick technique down?" Jirou said with a smirk. Peter blushed and looked to the side.

"Have I really been doing it wrong?" He thought he has been doing it right… Then again, he never needed to use chopsticks back home in Chinatown. They always had plastic cutlery.

"You all gotta learn sometime." Kaminari draped an arm over Peter's shoulders as he looked over, the blond boy looking smug. "I can teach ya all the ropes." He said with a smirk, hands positioned as if he was holding chopsticks.

"As if you can, Charge Dolt." Jirou replied with a roll of the eye.

"Oh come on I can do it! Chopsticks are easy enough!"

"I'm sure you can. But can you explain it to our Vice Rep?" Jirou inquired.

"I wish I could, buuut I just followed my parents and how they did it." Kirishima said with his hands folded behind his back as they walked on the sidewalk together.

"Oh! How about you teach him Yaomomo!" Mina asked, smirking somewhat deviously as her eyes darted between the two, while Momo looked to be considering it.

"Come on, let me be the one to school Parker for once!" Kaminari whined.

"You'd just fumble the bag." Jirou smirked at him.

Ochako turned suddenly towards Momo. "Thank you for covering the bill too! I was nervous about having to pay my fee…"

"Don't worry about it. It's my treat." Momo said with a beaming smile as Peter chuckled a bit, taking in the sight around them.

Downtown Musutafu, complete with the shops, restaurants, and clubs for a night out. At the heart of the downtown area was-

"I remember…" Peter murmured as he stopped walking, looking across the street. Situated between several roads was a large park, based around a hill with various trees for people to relax by.

At the peak of the hill was a specific tree. He went across the street, no cars coming down it.

"Yo, Parker!" Kaminari called out. "Where ya going?" Peter looked back, seeing them all look back his way.

"Just gotta make a light detour. Gintoki's right?" Peter showed off his phone. "I'll meet ya in line!" He said as he began to trot up the hill. Some people were sitting down at various benches on the pathways embedded on the hill, but he kept on trotting up.

Yes, this tree.

He recognized it.

Where he made his memorial so long ago. He had stopped visiting when he began attending U.A…

At last, he made it to the top. Standing before the tree as he looked out, he could see the hills of Musutafu and in the distance the Tokyo Skyline.

The words he had carved in English had begun to fade lately, but they were still there.

Uncle B.
Mr. S.
Aunt M. Ned. MJ.
Peter Q. Drax. Mantis. Dr. S.

Never forget, love you always.

"Hey everyone." Peter spoke lightly in English, hands in his pockets. "Been awhile… Sorry for not coming by to visit lately. Been going to school. Hero school if you can believe it." He smiled softly.

"And things have been going okay… just some high school stuff. I've… made some great friends. Ned, MJ, I bet you'd like 'em. There's this one girl in class that kinda reminds me of you MJ, but she is a bit more… I wanna say, vulnerable at times? She can be flustered in some spots where you would have made some tactful quip, and she has like, super strong hearing thanks to her earlobes too. And Ned," He laughed, cringing a bit. "Star Wars is but a distant memory man… but there is Galactic Legends, which may be the future version of it. I plan to start watching tonight or so. And if there's anything good, I'm getting the best Star Destroyer or Death Star-equivalent they have." He gave a thumbs-up. "I'll make one, for you buddy." He took a deep breath, eyes settling on the top names.

"Aunt May… You'd get along with Yu… she's been awesome." Peter had his hand on the tree. "You could definitely give her some pointers on how to cook and clean up an apartment though. She also wants to spoil me a lot lately… guess being a hero beats doing community service work everyday of the week, huh." He mused aloud.

"Well, there's worse jobs, like being a beat photographer or soup kitchen guy… not like they're not important and all. But she wants to do right by me and…" Peter licked his lips. "Sometimes I make her worry and… I wish I couldn't, you know. I dunno… it's complicated, I guess."

Peter's eyes drifted up towards the top names. "I have been taking steps to become better than you, Mr. Stark. And using my powers to make a difference and being responsible for it too Uncle Ben… I…" He remembered back to when he got here. His experiences… His failures.

"Do you think… that I am becoming better? I…" He paused, hands on his hips. He looked up at the tree branches, seeing the stars in the sky above and taking a deep breath. Unsure of how he could finish that sentence.

"I hope I am…" He said, resolving at that for now. "I-"

"You don't seem to be alone Peter." Karen spoke in his ear. He was about to mention Mr. Stark to Karen as he turned around.

And standing about ten yards away were Kirishima and Momo. The former perked up, looking awkward at having interrupted a private moment.

"Oh ummm, hey Ace."

"Oh, hey." Peter smiled lightly. "I take it that Jirou and the others are in line?"

"Yes, they were going to get checked in. I am footing the bill after all." Momo replied. "I wascurious to see what made you want to come up this hill."

"Yeah, same here. First I thought you were trying to get a good view, but you're Ace! You can get any view you want so…" Kirishima craned his head lightly, and he was able to see the carving on the tree. "You were talking to a tree. What for?"

Peter licked his lips, taking a deep breath. Well, guess that's out of the bag now as he looked back at his friends.

"Well… just talking to some…" Peter murmured. "-friends long gone."

"Long gone? What do you mean by-" Kirishima paused, Momo being silent as she observed as Peter looked to the side.

"Never forget, love you always…" Momo reiterated in Japanese. Kirishima looked back and forth, the redhead blinking. "So… as in…" She paused, not finishing it, looking to the side.

Then it clicked for the brawler.

"Oh ummm… I'm… I'm sorry about that, Ace. I didn't know you were, p-paying your respects." Kirishima uttered as Peter shook his head.

"It's fine. I … I just wanted to catch up, that's all." Peter shrugged. "What with going to U.A. and everything… just lost track of time."

"School can do that." Momo mused, not sure what to say.

"I notice an Aunt and an Uncle on there Ace… are… are they gone too?" Kirishima inquired, Peter looking up at him.

"Yeah… there's nothing left for me to go back home to in the States." He admitted, seeing little point in lying more than he already was.

Nothing left.

"Yu's a family friend so… once I get my legitimate hero license and graduate U.A., I plan to become a hero here in Japan full time."

"Even though you have U.S. citizenship?" Momo tilted her head, and Peter took a deep breath.

"Yep… just… rough memories back home is all…" He gave a big smile, ear to ear as best he could, even if it felt… awkward.

Not like he could go back to the States even if he wanted to.

"Well… if you say you're fine Ace…" Kirishima walked up to him before laying a hand on his shoulder. "If there's anything you need to say though, you can count on me ok?" He had a thumb directed at his own chest. "What friend would I be if I didn't hear ya out, huh?" He said with a big sharp-tooth grin.

"Yes Peter-san, if you need anything at all, we can help." Momo said, nodding lightly.

"Thanks, you guys." Peter nodded. "Well, let's get in line. I'm sure Mina and Kyoka are waiting on us."

"Of course." Momo said as they turned around and began to walk down the hill.

"Sorry I couldn't let you speak to Mr. Stark, Karen." He sent a message to his own cell number and got an immediate response.

'It's alright. We can always come again later'

He walked alongside the redheaded brawler and obsidian-haired beauty as they managed to make it to the bottom as Momo began to talk about nutritional facts.

'Yeah.' He sent as he heard loud music as they passed by a loud club of sorts, various sorts of characters hanging outside of it wearing dark-tight clothing, spiky collars, and dark makeup.

"Goodness, what is that abhorrent music…" Momo murmured, hands over her ears as Peter picked up on it. Yep, that was Death Metal.

"Man, that's some screaming going on in there…" Kirishima mused, before grinning. "I bet whoever is yelling must be one manly guy!"

Peter chuckled. Yeah, that was some throat-killing roaring over the guitar and drums inside as they made their way around the crowd of joyous metal fans. He even spotted someone covered in spikes as well. Makeup or a legitimate quirk? He didn't know but hey, they're living their best life.

"Parker-san!" Called out a voice, making Peter perk up as they made their way around the crowd and onto the main sidewalk.

"Hey, did someone call out for you?" Kirishima asked.

"Down here!" Wait, that sounded familiar! Peter looked down, and just below his waist standing up was a small lady with a unique tail and ears, with a lot of black and white makeup on her face in intricate patterns and… collars and black clothes with grim reapers holding guitars. And she even had skull-shoulderpads!

But he knew that tail.

"Nakiri-san!" Peter smiled. "It's been a while!" He said, kneeling down a bit.

"You know her, Peter-san?" Momo inquired.

"Oh, you're that Creati girl that worked alongside Yoroi Musha!" Nakiri Shizune said with a beaming smile. "Sorry that our first introduction is like this." Her voice sounded a bit raw too… Was she screaming her heart out in there? "I didn't expect you to be around here Parker-san. Out with friends?"

"Yeah, was gonna try out some ramen at Gintoki's." Peter gestured behind him. "You here for a metal band meet-up?"

"Yep! Gotta see how the newbies are doing." Shizune giggled a bit. "I'm glad to see you're doing well. Weren't you at I-Island during that fiasco or something?"

"I was, yeah. I take it that was mentioned in the news a bit?" Peter shrugged.

"A little, although you should have seen Mirko-san when she found out." Shizune said, and Peter felt pinpricks in his gut at the mention of the name.

"I-I see…" Peter mused, eyes to the side. "How's… Mirko been doing?"

"Mirko-san's just being Mirko-san. Doing her cross-country patrols. She came back a few days ago on call for the HPSC in case they were going to ask her to take part in the Provisional License Exam too. She wasn't contacted, so she was a bit miffed at them for wasting her time." Shizune shrugged. "But she's resting for a bit now, going around Endo and Tokyo as a whole." Her smile softened. "I'm glad to see you're having fun with your friends Parker-san. High school life is all about making best friends…"

There were unspoken words in there as she looked to the side.

"Jirou is saying they're at the front and it's time to head in." Momo commented, Peter turning to see her glance at her phone.

"Oh! I'm sorry to have kept ya. I only went outside for some fresh air." Shizune said with a smile as she waved them goodbye.


The next day


Peter perked up, looking up from his spot after he finished some stretching exercises with a little help from Ashido. Most of Class 1A was out in the training field or the Battle Centers to hone their quirks for the Monday afternoon.

It was Izuku, standing in his U.A. gym uniform.

"What's up Midori?" He asked, standing straight up as he felt a soft pop in his back. "Ooooh… needed that. Bothered me this morning…" He smiled towards Mina and gave a thumbs-up. "Thanks!"

"Any time dude!" She beamed at him with a toothy smile. "Okay, let's go to a Battle Center you guys. I'm all warmed up!"

"Same here, although I'll have to get my web shooters. Which Center are you going to?"

"Theta. See ya there!" Mina and the others began going their separate ways as Peter turned towards the green-haired boy. He looked… a little serious.

"So, what's up?" Peter asked.

"Peter-san I…" Izuku took a big gulp, and then bowed deeply. "Can you please fight me!"

"You don't have to yell, dude." Peter laughed lightly. "Or bow that deeply." Izuku immediately raised his head, blushing at his own enthusiasm.

Izuku shook his head. "Sorry but…" When he looked at Peter the fierceness of his expression took the American aback a bit. "I mean that I want you to fight me Peter-san. A serious fight from you."

Peter blinked.

"I… guess, sure. But what brought this on?" Peter walked towards Izuku, and the boy took it as a cue and walked beside him. They were likely going for the open gym by the looks of it as they climbed the steps from the training field.

Izuku was silent for a time, seemingly mulling over his answer.

They got to the door, and inside they saw Ochako doing parkour atop of… raised cement spires!

"Hey Cementoss-sensei!" Peter called out, waving towards the Cement Man. The man turned, offering a bright big smile.

"Ah, Parker, Midoriya. Come to use the gym I see?"

"Yeah, me and Midori here just gonna spar for a bit." Peter gestured towards the green-haired boy as the Cement Hero nodded.

"Do as you wish." He gestured, walking around the gym with his hands around his back while humming to himself.

When they reached the open area of the gym, Izuku looked at him, seemingly ready to answer his previous question.

"Do you remember back then… when we started at U.A. and you helped me? Training with me on the beach, before the Sports Festival?" Izuku then smiled wryly at the memories.

"I've gotten stronger and stronger since then… That's why… I want to measure myself. To see how far I've come. That's why I want to fight you." He raised his fist at him. "You're one of the strongest kids here Peter… and I need to know where I stand next to you! And grow stronger still!"

Peter blinked. "Gosh, put me on the spot here…" He rubbed the back of his head, thinking about what he was asking for.

A chance to cut loose…

Peter looked at Izuku. Really looked at him.

He had gotten stronger. Much stronger. And if his theory about his connection to All Might was true… then Midoriya was gonna keep getting stronger.

So… it made sense that he wanted to push himself. Test himself.

Peter could do that… It'd been a while since he'd given it his allo. Not since his spars against Mirko.

He nodded.

"Alright Midori." He grinned, legs spreading out, hands clenched into fists as he made himself ready. "You asked for this buddy!"

Izuku's smile was one of pure anticipation.

When the fight started, it started quick-

Charging at one another Peter delivered a haymaker, and Izuku a jab as Peter dodged, the glowing green-haired boy using his hand to brush away the blow. They landed on the ground, exchanging rapidfire blows in quick hit and run attacks.

They darted in and out, weaving and ducking through each other's strikes as Peter began to up the speed and power of his attacks.

One slipped through, sending Izuku stumbling across the floor before he rolled back to his feet, hand favoring his side before he charged back once more. As Peter felt the impact of Izuku's blows against his hands as he either misdirected or blocked, he could tell that Izuku was beginning to ramp up as well.

Distantly, he became aware of the other 1-A students stopping their exercises, watching the exchange from their various vantage points. His awareness of them dimmed and vanished as he was forced to use his Spider Sense more and more as his opponent's speed kept increasing.

Izuku's fists crackled with green lightning, bolts of static leaping off of his knuckles to dance across Peter's flesh with tingles that made the thin hairs of his neck stand on end.

His Spider Senses tingled, the intensity increasing in frequency from Midoriya's kicks and fists, until his very presence was a living, moving lightning rod of crackling danger. His senses were screaming at him to get the hell out of the way, not that he wanted to.

The punches and kicks that once could be blocked started leaving his forearms and legs numb where he met the boy blow for blow, dodges that had been so clean were now hasty things or narrow nicks. Midoriya's quirk seemed to roar like a furnace inside him, the bellows finally letting loose to build up fire and heat.

Peter didn't even notice the smile spreading across his face as he kept his pace.


Izuku felt the ache in his arms as he and Peter separated. The world became a blur around them.

Izuku's face contorted throughout the fight as Peter's counter-punches, kicks and shoves sent him sprawling, only for him to recover and get back on the offensive. Anticipation was there.
But so was the growing competitive frustration.

He was pushing as hard as he could while not breaking anything and yet…

And yet…

"Gnnnngh… Nineteen Percent!" Izuku yelled, his body glowing hotter and brighter as Peter's eyes widened.

Izuku rocketed forward, the world becoming an indistinct surge of white at the edges of his vision as he came at Peter with a flying kick, he had the satisfaction of seeing Peter's surprise before that kick cracked into the American's forearms, sending him skidding back on his heels.

The exchange this time sent claps of sound and air pressure around them, kicking up dust and tearing across the arena grounds.

He wasn't done yet.

He could see Peter's smile.

A part of him… felt a little pleased.

But the other part of him, growing all the more, felt frustrated.

Was he still… still so far behind him?

The world kept calling Peter the Next All Might. Izuku had sworn an oath to that man to be better than him in that park. And he had been getting better…

How then…

How could he become the greatest hero when he can't even surpass his classmate?

'More… I need…' Blocking a roundhouse kick from Peter as he brushed it aside… only for his strike to miss as Peter twisted his body… and Izuku felt pain in his head from the dropkick that knocked him to his knees.

Peter threw out both hands, the impact sending Izuku rolling across the ground as he got back up.

"I'm not done yet!" Izuku screamed, his body aglow as lightning arced from his limbs.

Izuku was on his opponent, leaping at him as the ground cracked under the force of his charge. He had the satisfaction of seeing the white of Peter's eyes before the American raised his arms in a hasty block.

The blow punched through, raw power slamming into Peter's ribs, sending him tumbling before he recovered. The sneakers on his feet pushed for traction as the American rushed to meet his next charge.

Push past the limits. Surpass them! Surpass All Might!

Another blow landed, pushing Peter even further back.

Surpass him!


Izuku smiled, and he felt the surge of power within him grow under his control.

Twenty… percent!!

He landed behind Peter as the boy turned back in surprise as Izuku came back for the follow through, toothy grin bared in competitive fire and adrenaline as he saw Peter take backsteps from his punch. And the air gust that came from it blinded the American as he backed off, leaping towards the rattling windows. He was on the backfoot!

Izuku kept up the momentum, charging after him as he wound his arm back, the other arm used to aim as he saw his reflection against the giant set of glass windows…

And in his reflection… he saw eight shadows with glowing eyes behind him.

And then it came and erupted from his limbs. Darkness surged forth as Peter's mouth opened and his eyes widened in surprise, shock, and fear. Izuku couldn't hear him, the wind and the crackle of One for All consuming his hearing.

The darkness erupted, and Izuku screamed.


"Cementoss!" Shouta yelled as he burst into the gym, Yagi panting at his side as the Cement Man had his hands on the ground, stone and earth surging to contain the writhing darkness. Uraraka was near the wall holding her arm as she looked at the darkness in horror.

"It's from Midoriya! It came when they were… sparring!" The man shouted, concentrating. "With Parker!"

"They're in there!" Uraraka wailed.

"Oh no!" Yagi gasped, and Shouta's Erasure blazed on as he gazed at the black sun as he ran towards it and heard… screams.

The black writhing mass that was as large as a three story house began to evaporate. Shouta opened his eyes as far as they could go, the red gleam cutting through the tendrils of black.

The black mass disappeared, letting two figures fall to the ground. Midoriya hit his knees, panting, while the other dropped from the wall.

Shouta ran, sliding and catching Parker in his arms.

"Parker! You alright?!" The teacher shouted, his heart racing as he held the boy, hand cradling his head and his back. He winced, and Shouta felt wetness on the back of his head and he turned, seeing a red stain along the wall above the glass ceiling, rays of light pouring in thanks to the explosion of those black tendrils.

Parker groaned, eyes looking up at him in dazed confusion as he blinked and groaned. "Anyone get the number of that bus?"

"Iida, get Parker to the infirmary and Recovery Girl. Have him checked." The taller boy immediately saluted and took the American in his arms.

"Right Sensei. Parker, you're going to be fine." Iida held him up.

"Everyone's on break. Get some water, rest." Shouta said before the rest of the students dispersed, talking amongst themselves. Yaoyorozu looked pale in particular with her hand over her mouth, but Kirishima was by her side, he too looking stunned.

Bakugo was still staring at Midoriya, face unreadable. "Bakugo." Shouta said again, and the blonde nodded.

"Yeah yeah, I hear ya." He turned, walking off. Shouta turned, seeing Yaoyorozu standing beside Parker and Iida, Kirishima right by her side and making small talk with them, albeit in hurried and concerned tones. Todoroki and Mezo were present as well, but both of them were silent.

Shouta turned towards Cementoss, who had an arm around Uraraka.. "Uraraka, are you alright?" He asked, walking up to the brunette. "What happened?"

"My arm got caught by one of those black tentacle things that came out of Deku…ow…" Shouta looked up at Cementoss as he checked on her arm… pressing a hand on the bruise already forming, it was hot to the touch.

"Might be broken." He muttered. "You're probably still on an endorphin high and adrenaline." The girl looked at her arm, eyes widening at the sight of it but she nodded, her lips tucked in as Shouta turned towards his colleague.

"The two were sparring fine. It was getting a little intense but nothing truly dangerous for either of their strength levels" Cementoss replied. "Almost looked like they were having fun… then when my head was turned I heard them screaming." The cement man sighed, likely blaming himself for such a slip up.

Shouta took a deep breath, nodding. "Okay. Can you escort Uraraka to Recovery Girl's office?"

"Of course. Let's go young lady." The man said with all the kindness of a supportive and loving uncle, his big wide hand on her shoulder.

The black-haired man took a deep breath before he reached into his pocket for his eyedrops. He applied them and turned.

He saw Yagi and Midoriya walking towards one of the doors.

"Midoriya." Shouta said out loud and sternly enough to make the boy flinch as if he had been whipped, recoiling as he turned. Yagi had a hand on his shoulder as Shouta walked cautiously towards him.

"What was that?"

Izuku flinched again like someone had planted a fist in his stomach. Shouta sighed.

"No one thinks that you wanted to do that at all, Midoriya," Shouta said calmly, "But we need to know what happened."

The boy looked back down at his hand. His eyes wide and wet, face becoming as pale as a sheet and lip quivering.

"He's terrified...' Shouta realized. 'Of himself…'

No way in hell he did this on purpose. But still, what was that?

"I… I don't know."

Shouta raised an eyebrow.

"I-I mean it!" Izuku said, "The power welled up, and I-I couldn't control it! I… I just wanted to push myself and… and…"

He stared at his hand, the fingers shaking in his vision.

"It's like… something that I've believed in suddenly turned on me. I was scared and… I hurt Parker and Uraraka!" He shuddered, looking at the bloodstained window, almost ready to cry.
A hand dropped to his shoulder, and the shaking stopped. Above him, Yagi offered a soft smile. The smaller form of the Number One Hero somehow still seemed to stand above even Shouta at that moment, and he had to look up to him instead of the other way around.

"I'll take full responsibility."

"Not the point." Aizawa sighed, rubbing at his forehead, already feeling a headache coming on.

Discovering… mechanics of quirks was nothing new. The classic example was the girl who they originally thought was a water generator but she was instead a hydrokinetic. But the fundamentals were largely still the same. Midoriya was a 'simple' power type quirk. Not any type of emitter or energy-based quirk.

Problem child was still a problem.

"I can make an announcement of an unexpected power development if anything gets out," the teacher promised. "But Midoriya."

The boy perked up, worry still clear on his face.

"Even though you didn't mean to do it, but wanting doesn't mean that people didn't get hurt," Shouta said sternly. "Your first and only priority until I say otherwise is getting that quirk under control. You've done it before, you can do it again. Am I clear?"

His student gave him a shaky nod, then Shouta gestured to the door with his head.

"Get going."


Toshinori really didn't know what he just saw.

That Quirk wasn't One for All, but it had come from young Midoriya regardless. It was like nothing that he'd ever seen before. A quirk that went wild? It was as if the boy had just woken up one day with a quirk and used it against someone without meaning to.

A child's reflex, that's what it looked like.

But why was Young Midoriya the one to have it?

"Are you feeling okay?" Toshinori asked.

The man sat in a visitor's chair in Recovery Girl's clinic. The nurse had given the two some privacy, letting the Number One hero look at his successor as the boy stared down at his hand.

"Physically… I think so."

Toshinori sighed.

He figured as much.

"You can't blame yourself, Young Midoriya, there's no way you could have known."

"You would have." He uttered, looking to the ground still.

Toshinori shook his head.

"No, no I wouldn't have," The blonde said with a small shake of his head, "It would have exploded during the middle of a fight that even I couldn't prepare for. And likely with even worse results."

Izuku shook, his fingers closing into a tight fist.


No, none of this.

"I'm not perfect, Young Midoriya," Yagi stressed, "If I was… the world would be a much better place."

Bringing as much courage as he could, he placed a hand on Midoriya's shoulder comfortingly.

"So don't think that you'll have to be perfect too. People got hurt, but that's it, they'll recover, and I've no doubt that they'll forgive you."

At least, Toshinori hoped.

"But you did surprise me in a way that I could have gone without," Toshinori said, leaning back in his chair. "What was that?"

The question brought a bit of focus back into young Midoriya's eyes, his fist opening and closing reflexively.

"Like I said, I-I don't know. I saw some shadows when I was pushing One for All and then…"

He paused, looking up.

"What kind of shadows?" Toshinori asked, leaning in closely.

"They… they looked like faces. Eight sets of eyes, just staring into me."


Izuku stopped, his palm remaining open, allowing some sparks of One for All to dance along his fingers.

"I felt like… they were expecting something out of me. Like they wanted me to do something."

"Scary," Toshinori intoned.

The boy jumped.

"Th-that's how it felt! I didn't think it would be too scary but now that you mention it-!"

"Breathe," The skeletal blonde said easily, holding his hands placatingly, "I just meant it as a joke."

The boy took a few breaths and nodded.

"But it does bring up the question," Toshinori continued, "'Cause I never saw anything like that when I ever used One for All."

"Nothing?" the boy asked.

Toshinori shook his head.

"Not even a peep, or even a cool vision," he said, pausing to rub his chin, "I remember my mentor mentioning something about voices once upon a time, but I never really gave it too much thought."

"Is… is something happening to One for All?" Izuku asked, and Toshinori could hear the fear in his voice.

"Maybe," Toshinori said, holding up a hand to stop the ranting, "But that might not be a bad thing. For all that we know, the quirk is evolving in a way that I couldn't expect given how it went from me to you."

"So you don't have any ideas?" Izuku asked.

"Not many no," Toshinori admitted, "I had it twice as long as my mentor did, but at the end of the day, it was just a tool to help me in the pursuit of justice. I never really stopped to wonder about its nature or how it really worked. The important things were already there, or were beaten into me by some good teachers. But I doubt it's anything bad regardless. Even the most dangerous quirks couldn't manipulate or destroy One for All, so the chances of any quirk making it go crazy are pretty slim."

He leaned back over and patted the boy on the back.

"So don't worry," Toshinori said with as much confidence as he could, offering that million dollar smile and a thumbs-up. "Whatever it is, we'll figure it out and train with it. I've already gotten in touch with Nezu, he's willing to let us rent out a training facility for privacy until we can get this sorted."

Rising from his seat, and ignoring the way that his back ached from his posture.

"So for now, get some rest. I'll be a call away if you need me."

Izuku nodded, and went back to looking at his hand. The boy clearly wasn't totally okay after that talk, but hopefully Parker and Uraraka would be willing to hit home what Yagi had set up. For now, he left the room with a wave and only then did he let his exhaustion show and asked a question mentally.

'What now?'


It was getting late in the evening as Rumi lounged on the couch, seeing the news go by as she sipped some rejuvenation drink filled with veggies and fruits. She would normally have blanched at the stuff, but it helped her in recovery and digestion. The rabbit hero had a large bowl at Satonaka's on her return trip to the Tokyo area after going up as far north as Sendai. She had earned the extra large.

"Mirko-san? You awake?" Said Shizune from behind the couch, and Rumi's ear-muffed ears perked up.

"Yeah, just chillin." She replied, going to the next channel on the weather. After a day or two of rest, it'd be time to head towards Nagasaki and the southern end of Japan.

"Well… since you're awake and have nothing to do…" She saw her smaller friend trot up to the front, hands on some papers and the dark-skinned woman rolled her eyes.

'Fuck.' "I ain't gonna take on a work study, Shizune. You should know that."

"Well, I am your secretary. With you being a licensed hero and all, I need to show you some viable candidates to overlook and quote. You still need to sign off on them."

"Just forge my electronic signature for me." Rumi waved. "Like, it's not that fucking hard."

"Forging a signature is a crime." Shizune huffed, her raccoon ears and tail twitching.

The white-haired woman groaned, facing into the pillow. "We do this every yeeeeeaar…"

"Well, our deadline is fast approaching. You need to sign off on which Hero Prospects you'll take on for a work study. They'll have more responsibilities than an intern after all and it's required."

Rumi sighed, knowing she couldn't talk or fight her way out of this.

She rose up, rolling her neck as she walked past Shizune, taking the papers in her hands.

"I could see if Parker-san would like to come back." Shizune asked. Rumi stopped, blinking.

"Huh?" She asked, her brain still trying to catch up.

Shizune turned, looking Rumi dead in the eye.

"I talked to him a couple of days ago." She said, looking down at the ground. "He's been… doing well."

"Bullshit." Shizune flinched. "He's not well until he is. It's as simple as that."

"Yet you were glued to the TV, watching the entire coverage of the I-Island Incident from the news." Shizune retorted. Rumi winced.

"You really need to not butt into my shit, Shizune. For fuck's sake." Rumi had a hand to her nose.

"I didn't even ask, he told me himself." Shizune said, arms crossed. "And I bumped into Parker when I was out with my friends at a rookie metal showcase in downtown Musutafu. I wasn't actively looking for him. It was just chance."

"Then I highly suggest you don't go to the casino or play pachinko then." Rumi stormed towards her desk.

"Look Mir-Rumi." She said, and Rumi looked up as she fired up her screen. "I'm not saying you offer Parker a work study, far from it… I just think that… you and him could benefit from a talk."

"What else is there to say? I told him to go home and think on what he's done with his indecisive ass." She retorted, signing in.

"Yet that night he took the initiative to hunt down Stain." Shizune walked up. "Even when you shut him down. Reminds me of a certain someone who would go off on her own to do what she believes is right."

Rumi was beginning to grind her teeth, her red eyes glaring at her shorter secretary.

"All he took was what he learned from you. And you punished him for it."

"He's fucked in the head Shizune. You don't get to play armchair psychologist when all you did was take a 101 course in college!"

Shizune was silent, looking to the ground. "You think I'm dumb, because I'm your secretary Rumi? I see it too, you know."

Rumi was wide-eyed. Her oldest friend lifted her head up, her eyes sad.

"You're not the only one who sees Shohei in him. Why else would you be so angry at his actions? I get it Rumi…" She murmured. Rumi was silent, arms shaking and fists clenched. "But… why don't you just… talk with him? Like, over coffee or something. See how he is?"

'Fuck this…'

"I'm going for a walk." Rumi rose up, taking her earmuffs off and tossing them to the couch as she walked past the smaller woman before slamming the door. After some steps, she sighed, hand running down her face. 'Fuck me I'm acting like a teenager on her period.' She thought before she stretched out her legs, then took a mighty leap onto the roofs.

The silent night of the Tokyo outskirts was nice here in Endo Ward. The ambiance of cars, nightlife from the bars, TVs playing all around her as she leapt through the air, fading in and out with new sounds as she hopped hundreds of meters in a single bound. The feeling of guilt began to gnaw at her stomach.

She hated that feeling…

'I should apologize… give her a raise too.' She mused, before she went back to her words.

As she backflipped, the moon at her back, Rumi landed atop a lamppost, rising up and looking at her hand.

"You're not the only one who sees Shohei in him." Shizune's words resounded and echoed in her head.

Shohei wasn't as strong as Peter. He got killed because of a lot of stupid fucking decisions made by stupid fucking people around him.

And Peter was as stupid as Shohei was to boot.

Her ears twitched, and Mirko heard it. The sound of running, heavy breathing. Footsteps were soft. No shoes, no socks. Bare feet. Someone small.

Her eyes narrowed, suspicions rising.

Her muscles tensed, and the bronze-skinned Rabbit Hero leapt over buildings, jumping off of a water tower, then a subway station awning before she landed on a sidewalk. Taking a few steps forward, the desperate panting was deafening as she rounded the bend of the alley.

She'd expected a few different possibilities. Someone with a mutation quirk trying to be sneaky, maybe someone just rushing to get home.

A three foot nothing girl in a hospital gown nearly knocking her off balance, crashing into her thigh was not it.

A child, with long gray-pale blue hair… a small horn on the right side of her forehead… arms and legs covered in bloody bandages.

"Hey there, you okay?" Mirko asked, kneeling down and the girl looked up, her red eyes the same similar shade as the Rabbit Hero as she almost tackled her, hugging her as the woman gasped in sudden surprise. And she felt it.

The shivering. It was September. It wasn't even that cold out tonight.

"Come on now Eri, it's way past your bedtime." Said a voice, smooth, low and male, the source coming from the darkness of the alleway. "And-Oh my. Now this is awkward."

The girl was looking back, still as a corpse.

Yet Mirko's ears knew she was alive, because the pounding of her heart was as if it was trying to claw its way out.

"My apologies Mirko-san." The man came into the light and she saw him. Black pants, a black dress shirt with a matte-gray tie. A green hoodie jacket with a purple fur trim collar that seemed out of place. He had short brown hair and cold yellow eyes that were sharp and on alert. "My daughter Eri has a very… overactive imagination." He said, his voice muffled by the red beak-like mask he wore, adjusting it with his gloved hands. "She just loves to play and always gets a bruise here and there. I bet she's gonna be a Parkour specialist someday, like you in a way. Haha. Kids sure do love their heroes."

Mirko looked down at her, the girl in her arms, Eri, was looking at her chest, not at her… but through her. She could feel her tremble. The rapid heartbeat in her ears. The bandages on her arms and legs.

She looked ready to cry…. but didn't.

Her mouth moved, and barely a whisper came forth. But she heard it loud enough.

"Don't… go… please…"

She was terrified.

Mirko looked at the man.

She tried to smile. What came out was rather more a baring of teeth.

"That so, huh…"


Later that night

Unable to move. Unable to speak. All around, a dark wasteland. Before him… were several people. Some shrouded in shadow at a distance within this space. But he could see some more clearly than others, and they were the closest.

A stunningly beautiful muscular woman with dark hair and a white cape facing forward. Beside her, a yellow phantom with spiky hair that looked… eerily familiar. A man with a collar that covered his lower face. A man that… appeared similar to Kacchan, save for shorter hair, a somber expression, and a scar on the bridge of his nose.

They were all looking forward… And like something out of a corrupted MP3 file or a scratchy ancient VHS, he saw two figures, phasing in and out of existence.

One was a man in disheveled clothing, a simple aqua long sleeve shirt and trousers, on his knees. Several meters away facing him… was a man standing confidently in a simple tieless suit, hands in his pockets as dark-red wisps emanated from them both. They both had white hair, the kneeling one with long hair down to his chin. The other, well kept and groomed and…

That smile was… uneasy on the man. His eyes were shrouded in shadow.

"I… I can't let you do this…!" Said the kneeling man, his voice young, weak, yet firm. "What you're doing is wrong! You can't… force yourself on the world like this!"

"Oh but I can, dear little brother." The standing man spoke, smirking as he approached, confidently and brazenly. "I am the only one with the power, the knowledge, and the will to act accordingly. I will be the one to rule, and Japan will prosper."

"But not with fear and manipulation! Taking quirks on a whim or the request of vengeful people, giving them to those who follow you… you're not some messiah! You're just amassing an army of sycophants for your own ends! I see how they look at you! You're… you're doing something to their brains when you give them abilities, don't you!?"

Taking… and giving quirks.

Izuku's eyes widened. 'Is this…'

"Yep." Said a voice, and Izuku jumped, feeling an elbow on his shoulder as he turned. The man beside him was rather gruff looking, looking like a biker with a wide and broad jaw, bald head, and leather jacket with yellow goggles. "That's him. One for All's mortal enemy… and its origin."

Izuku's eyes widened. One for All's mortal enemy…

'All for One…'

"So what? Japan will prosper under me." The man stopped before his little brother. "The people I place in power will bring this country back into the light from the dark ages. We will rise to the top, and looked down upon no longer. You only need to join me, little brother." His voice was smooth, yet had a commanding and dark edge to it. "The quirks I can give you to heal and enhance your frail constitution… you need only accept me."

"I won't!" The man shook his head. "I… I won't accept a Quirk from you! Not when it was taken from someone else! I… I may be weak! But I won't submit to you brother! Not after all the things you've done!"

The man paused, and though his face was obscured, Izuku could feel the anger building inside him.

"Our parents… would be alive if the measures I have implemented today would have been there back then you know." All for One spoke, sneering down at his little brother. "I can't believe you don't see that."

"Even so… Mom and Dad… if they had known what you've become… they would have been ashamed!" The little brother wailed, hand over his heart as he coughed. "You only think for yourself! You just want to be like the bad guy in the comics we used to read! I'm not a fool! I know for certain… One day… you will answer for your crimes!"

All for One lifted his head, and Izuku's heart chilled, seeing lavender eyes gazing down at the man as he bore a dark smile. "Maybe, but it won't be this day… I will say this. You are right, little brother…" His hand glowed red, and the brother gasped.

"You are weak." The smile was ear to ear, teeth bared. "Let your dear older brother… help you with that…"

"No! Stop it! No! No!" All for One latched down. Izuku wanted to rush in, to stop it but… his eyes looked down, seeing the familiar dark-teal energy that came from earlier today locking him in place.

'Let… me go!' Izuku growled, trying to budge as the younger man screamed… and All for One's laughter echoed through the wasteland as the darkness swallowed them both.

"And that was how One for All was born kiddo." Said the biker-man, Izuku turning. "And you need to calm down, look at your hands." Izuku's eyes followed… and the wisps of darkness were raging as if they were coming from an angry blowtorch. "Gotta say, never would have thought you would awaken to my quirk first. Hell, I didn't think you'd awaken to any of our other quirks!"

Awaken… other quirks?


'He's a former user of One for All… then the shade from before with the spikey hair!' Now it clicked. He had memorabilia of him all over his entire room! 'That was All Might!' Yet he was only a fiery shade, not a defined person like this man and the others from before.

"Yep. The name's Banjo Daigoro, aka Lariat." He said, pointing at himself. Banjo had an unfriendly face to him, but his eyes, while sharp, weren't hostile. "And you… need to get it together!" He pointed at Izuku's chest. "After all, if you just go berserk like that and let your emotions consume ya, you'll only wind up repeating what you did earlier today on your buddy!"

Izuku's eyes widened, and Banjo blinked.

"Oh yeah you can't talk… can you nod or shake your head?" He asked, and the green-haired youth nodded. "Okay good. Now, ya gotta work harder now ya here! Sure there will always be others stronger than ya, but don't let it get to you okay?" He said, pointing at Izuku's chest. "It's fine to feel the drive and need to succeed when watching others do so as well, but don't go thinking ill of them or yourself okay! Just keep your head down to the grind and you'll come out on top! The same applies with our quirks too!" He said, holding his hand. "Speaking of, I better tell you what the deal is with my quirk." The black wisps of darkness that looked so familiar to Izuku emerged.

"This is my badass power, Black Whip! In a way, it's kinda similar to what your friend had with those web shooters of his. But, they're far more versatile, have unlimited ammunition and don't need to be built in a garage or something so I say it's a lot cooler than your friend's doohickeys but that's my opinion. Anyway, you can latch onto anything, grabbing any target and bringing them to the curb. Whether it be for capturing villains… or saving others." Banjo stated, the dark whips with a teal tint moved and coiled like serpents in his hand as he twirled it around like a lasso, then forming them into tentacles… or even splitting into a hive of them and sticking to the ground! "It can reach and grasp anything in its range, and I bet, now that I think about it… it's why I manifested in you first!" Banjo nodded. "Yeah, you wanted to reach towards him. Or rather, towards your friend's level. Hmmm… a bit metaphorical and deep… but I think that sounds about right!"

He then got serious. "But, you gotta be careful with this. Black Whip is now being empowered by One for All, and the One for All inside you is stronger than it was when I used it. P equals Q, the Black Whip you'll be wielding will be stronger than when I had it! So you got to be able to reign in your emotions. It's okay to be angry, don't let it consume ya. Control it, as you would any emotion, and you'll be able to handle my Quirk like a ride down the fast lane." He smirked, the teal-dark wisps fading away into his hand as he began to think.

Izuku nodded back, the man cupping his chin. "By the way!" He looked down at him. "I know you want to get stronger. To succeed where all of us have failed and stop All for One… but, growing too hard and too fast can have drawbacks."

Izuku looked down at the ground. "But!" He looked back up. "That doesn't mean you can slack off either! You gotta find that perfect medium between working hard and going too hard ya know! Sort of like how Number Eight warned you about overtraining when you were honing your vessel."

'Wait, how do they know?' Izuku mused, eyes wide, and Banjo smirked, tapping his head.

"Hey, even I get a few glimpses down your memory lane when you dream every now and then. But, One for All is growing inside you. What started as a small spark inside the First user, is now growing into a raging flame. From cinders, to embers, to a firestorm. You need to learn to control this power, even as it grows, before it controls you in turn." Banjo crossed his arms. "Black Whip earlier today activated with your anger and frustration to reach the pinnacle you wish to reach. To surpass your friend… Honestly, looking back, most of the past users tried fighting All for One solo… and look where it got us. Me included sadly…" He sighed, rubbing the back of his head. "Dying and living on as a ghost really gives ya perspective ya know what I mean?"

Izuku couldn't help but shrug and nod, but… he had an idea. Sort of. The man then hissed, wincing, and the boy reacted accordingly. Why was he in pain?!

"Gaaah shoot, my time's running out! I'm gonna be…fading away again! Damn… Heh." Even with a pained grimace, he had a confident grin. "Anyways kid, I know you'll get my power under control. You're not the type of kid to make the same mistake twice, heh, better than me anyway. And… my personal opinion? If you want to defeat All for One… try and share the load ya know? After all, I was in a biker gang myself before I went hero." He smirked, patting his jacket. "Succeeding as a team, with friends by your side, there ain't no better feelin." He pointed at Izuku's chest. "So keep your tabs on your heart like you do your pedometer and fuel tank… and you'll be just fine."

"You're the Ninth User now, and One for All is ready to bloom, once the other six quirks manifest…" He smirked. "Into the force that will defeat All for One. But, don't go at it alone. Be better than all of us. Just some words from your friendly neighborhood biking hero."

Soon the darkness began to swim around Izuku's eyes, and Banjo seemed farther and farther away.

"I know you can do it! We all know you can!"



Izuku gasped, turning over in bed and panting as he looked at his hands. "Banjo Daigoro… six other Quirks… One for All…" He looked at his scarred hands… and he took a deep breath, even as the smell of fajitas drifted into his bedroom.

His body glowed, and Izuku brought himself up to fifteen percent and focused… He eyed a pen on the nightstand, aiming for it…

Small black wisps, as thin as floss, emerged from his fingers, appearing and latching on as it retracted back to him, disappearing as they went with the All Might pen in his hand.

His face was alight as he reached for his phone. He needs to call All Might ab-

"It's dead…" He mused, the phone screen black as he sighed. He placed it into the charger. He did drop down for a nap the moment he got home after all.

"Izukuuuu!" Mom called out. "It's been an hour sweetie! Time to wake up from your nap! Dinner!"

While Izuku still felt the drain of today on him, the boy couldn't help but smile and get up from the bed with a pep to his step. "Coming mom!" After dinner, he needed to tell All Might about this, pronto!
Peter's going to get a work study and Miroko is going to spend the whole time talking about her intern Horn-chan is so much better and follows instructions.