Freelancer: Terminus (Freelancer/MassEffect)

Interlude: First Contact I
First Contact: Part I

Now that you have decided that its finally time to approach the aliens of Alpha05 openly there are two major decisions you need to make first.

One of them is the decision of who should lead the mission:

[] Yourself
While the idea of being one of the first humans to meet the new aliens is admittedly quite alluring the real argument for going yourself is that you would hopefully be able to keep direct control over the events while also having the necessary authority to make wide-reaching deals etc. should the situation allow it. On the other hand a First Contact scenario always carries a certain risk and if the aliens were to prove hostile the potential loss of your leadership could destabilize the DSX at a critical time.

[] Ambassador
Instead of yourself you could send an ambassador who while lacking your authority would also be easier to replace if something were to happen.

The other big decision you need to make is in regards to what ships and forces you want to send on this mission.

[] Show of Force:
One option would be to send the Hood and a full complement of fighters. That much military power wouldn't only be most likely be enough to keep your delegation safe but could also serve as a statement of your power and ability which may impress the aliens and give you an advantage in the talks (and in fact allow you to hold said talks/first contact on your ship). On other hand they might view such a massive martial display negatively, perhaps even as an attack (though your rudimentary understanding of their language should be more than enough to prevent a escalation there), and might unveil more of your capabilities than your are comfortable with.

[] Velvet Glove:
Another option would be to send the corvette, Valiant, and a small escort. Depending on the military power of the alien ships that might still be safe enough (it would certainly be less problematic to retreat back through the jump-hole with than it would be with the Hood) and don't unveil as much of your capabilities while still showing off some of humanities skills and technologies.

[] Minimalist Approach:
The last option would be to simply send a handful of fighters which while unlikely to be very impressive are your best bet if you want to keep your capabilities secret.
Interlude: First Contact II
First Contact: Part II

[] Yourself
While the idea of being one of the first humans to meet the new aliens is admittedly quite alluring the real argument for going yourself is that you would hopefully be able to keep direct control over the events while also having the necessary authority to make wide-reaching deals etc. should the situation allow it. On the other hand a First Contact scenario always carries a certain risk and if the aliens were to prove hostile the potential loss of your leadership could destabilize the DSX at a critical time.

[] Velvet Glove:
Another option would be to send the corvette, Valiant, and a small escort. Depending on the military power of the alien ships that might still be safe enough (it would certainly be less problematic to retreat back through the jump-hole with than it would be with the Hood) and don't unveil as much of your capabilities while still showing off some of humanities skills and technologies.

"GravSens green, no unusual activities detected"

"Very good. Tactical what is the status on the satellites?"

"Analysing data now. Nothing unusual so far, it seems like the aliens haven't discovered them. Last known location of the alien fleet is still on orbit around Alpha 05-03"

"Very well. Nav, we will follow course Alpha 3 at minimal acceleration, if possible I want to keep the location of this Jumphole secret. Coms, notify Blue Squadron of this and then double check that nobody is broadcasting our presence here. Tactical I want..."

As you stand on the bridge of the Valiant and listen to its captain you can't help but feel out of place. The captain and his crew have the situation well in hand, leaving you to with nothing to do which is something you are not used to when it comes to possible combat ops. Still you know from personal experience that there is nothing worse than a commanding officer trying to micromanage everything and thus keep your mouth shut while checking on the latest deciphered and translated intel. Alexandra and her team did good work and your now have a solid understanding of their language in both written and spoken form and in fact have provided you (and the rest of your team) with audio translator devices that should hopefully come in handy when you face to face with the aliens.


As planned the Valiant travels several hours on a randomised course before leaving the asteroid field, hopefully making it impossible to track them back to the jumphole. Once you leave the field you drop out from silent running and send a wide-spectrum first contact message towards to alien planet and its fleet. It consist of little more than "We come in peace" but you and your advisors thought it best to keep things simple. Due to the nature of space travel it will take the message nearly an hour to reach the planet (and your fleet several days if you don't want to constantly redline your engines) which gives you and your crew ample to time to imagine all the ways this could go wrong.

You thus quite relieved when you receive an answer from the aliens asking you to identify yourself and state your intentions...


After several back and forths between you and the aliens you are not only quite happy that you took the time to study their language but also reasonably sure that they now longer view you as pirates coming to blunder their planet , which was they first accused you off. In fact, once they were convinced that you were in fact aliens they became quite "nice" and quickly extended you an invitation to meet with their leadership. The only question is where you want to meet them and what escort you take along.

Meeting Place:
[] The Valiant
You could try and convince the aliens to come onboard the Valiant. It might not be as impressive as the Hood (or have the same internal security measures) but its has a briefing room that should be big enough for a small delegation.

[] Alien ship
The aliens have invited you onboard of one of their frigates. Accepting the invitation would put you safety in their hands but it would also be a good opportunity to get a first impression on how their ships are built internally.

[] Alien planet
Or you could accept their invitation to meet on their planet. It would likely be a more official affair and you would have to leave the Valiant in orbit since it is not capable of landing on planets but you and you team could get a great impression of how their society functions and how their city looks.

[] Armoured Marines:
If you are concerned about your safety than taking a squad of heavily armoured (and armed) marines might be a good idea though your hosts might be discomforted by such a martial display.

[] Marines:
While still deadly outside their armour this option would be more akin to a honour guard than a military force and less likely to upset your hosts.

[] Bodyguards:
If you want to keep a low profile there is the option of only taking two of Alexandra's security operatives with you.
Interlude: First Contact III
First Contact: Part III

Meeting Place:
[] Alien planet
Or you could accept their invitation to meet on their planet. It would likely be a more official affair and you would have to leave the Valiant in orbit since it is not capable of landing on planets but you and you team could get a great impression of how their society functions and how their city looks.

[] Armoured Marines:
If you are concerned about your safety than taking a squad of heavily armoured (and armed) marines might be a good idea though your hosts might be discomforted by such a martial display

The sensor suite of the Valiant might be designed for the intricacies of space combat but the hour long approach gives your men still ample time to thoroughly asses the alien home planet and the ships surrounding it. As the initial study suggested the planet is only sparsely populated with only a few notable settlements. Orbital scan reveal seven city/metropolises like infrastructures that are each surrounded by a few smaller enclaves, all of which are located on a single continent with temperate climate. Energy readings hint at them utilising a wide range of power sources ranging from geothermal to fusion reactors which is more or less what you suspect on a human planet and while the atmosphere shows evidence of industrial activity it is clearly relatively minor. Interestingly enough all of those settlements also emit the same strange energy readings that your surveillance satellites noticed during the jump of the alien ship with the highest concentration of the originating from a small and isolated settlement showing clear signs of an extensive mining operation.

The strange energy is also present in the ships and stations orbiting the planet, with the ships showing an increased energy reading as they prepared to welcome your little fleet suggesting it is connected to their weapons or energy systems. Otherwise the alien ships remain mostly a mystery, especially since you decided against using your more powerful active scanning against them in case it would cause diplomatic problems. What you can tell is that the ships seem to have some sort of active shielding, likely gravitonic based, and that their main armament seems to be a "rail" type of weapon with extremely long barrel seemingly spanning nearly the entire length of the alien ships.


While many of the smaller human ships are capable of landing on a planet without utilising an orbital elevator the immense shaking and trembling you experience while sitting in the hold of an Eagle type heavy fighter as it makes it way to surface reminds you why it is generally advised against (plus it plays hell on maintenance). Luckily your armour has an advanced shock absorption system that prevents this journey from becoming to uncomfortable, allowing you to focus on what happens outside of the ship. Your descending ship and its escorts are met by squadron of alien flightcraft which according to you scans originated from the airfield you are advised to land on. Compared to most human fighters, which are all designed to be capable of lengthy autonomous space operations, the alien craft is quite small and filigree looking, mounting a a smaller set of rail-guns similar to the ones you observed in the alien capital ships. It seems likely that such a small ship is unlikely to be capable of lengthy independent operation and might be in fact be only capable of operations within an atmosphere which could suggest a different doctrine than what you are used to.

Thoughts about possible military applications of such a thing however quickly vanish from your mind when you approach the alien city because what your sensors and optical feeds tell you is far more interesting. Perhaps the most surprising thing is how humanlike everything looks, indeed at a first glance you might well believe this to be a city on Denver or Honshu. The skyline is dominated by tall, smooth skyscrapers, reaching up to over a kilometre into the air, and large, park-like structures with extensive green areas. Extensive holographic displays can be observed nearly everywhere and you are quite sure that the analysts back at Solitude will have a field day with this data while the air between them seems to be full of vehicles and other objects, suggesting an extensive use of anti-grav technology. Soon you approach the landing site, a massive aerodrome located on the outskirts of the city that seems be bustling with alien activity.


You are the first person stepping out of the landing ramp, having overruled your bodyguards desire to go first and secure the platform, aware of the publicity connected to such an event and the need to show strength and confidence. That is also the reason why you choose to go with an fully transparent helmet instead on the faceless visors of your bodyguard, most of your anthropologist and xenoligst think that showing your face will create a more favourable expression. You thus are also the first person to see one of the alien eye to eye and your first thought is that somebody is playing a trick on you. You were prepared for pretty much anything but not the fact that the alien looks like a green coloured woman with tentacles for hair and for a few moments can do nothing but stare at her/him/it in disbelief. The alien reaction is eerily similar to your own but she gather her wits soon and steps forward, bows and greets you:

"My name is princess/important social position/vice-president Nisyxa M'priros and I welcome you in the name of the Republic/state/nation/monarchy/group of Larrisa."

While you respond to "her" and get some of the initial pleasantries out of the way you escort scans the crowd and brings several interesting factors to your attention. One is that many of the aliens seem to posses extensive mechanical/bionic implants well beyond what you would expect in a human group of this size. Second is the presence of at least three different types of aliens that seem to mix and interact with the other aliens. One is a small, amphibian looking creature, another is a reptilian creature looking a bit like a walking alligator and the third is a human-like creature with four eyes.

Soon however the alien dignitary has finished her greeting and invited you and your followers to meet with the local government which mean this is the last opportunity to think about your approach.

How open do you plan to be?
[] Secretive: You will give out as little information about yourself and humanity as possible
[] Basic information: You will give them some basic information about humanity and roughly describe the area claimed by the DSX on this side of the JumpGate but keep Sirius and everything it entails a secret
[] Full Briefing: You will give them extensive information about humanity and the DSX and give them the location of the DSX inhabited systems
[] Write-in:

What information do you want to focus on to get from the aliens?
(Ranked voting here please)
[] Military capabilities
[] Technological capabilities
[] Culture
[] Surrounding space
[] Other aliens
[] Write-In

Republic of Larrisa
Founded by the Asari Matriach Voniy M'priros who, with her followers, was exiled from Thessia due to her unconventional views regarding body-modification and gene-modding shortly after the Rachni Wars. She and her followers were of the opinion that self-improvement via implants and genemodding were necessary for the continued survival and prosperity of the Asari race, a view strongly opposed by the cultural and religious authorities of the time. After her banishment Voniy severed all ties to the rest of the galaxy and travelled for over a decade through the Milky Way before deciding to settle on Larrisa, a temperate planet in the Terminus expanse.

Rediscovered by a Lystheni prospector just a few decades ago the Asari of Larrisa have developed their own society and culture and quickly made a name for themselves in the bionic and medical field while keeping their distance from the Citadel races.

(More investigation needed)

Status: Minor Power
Inspiration: Deus Ex Series

GM Note:
There you have it. I actually had several possible scenarios (including a pirate base or a wartorn Turian world) prepared and rolled every turn for which one would be up for possible discovery with you getting, I think, quite lucky.

Edit: Feel free to ask questions
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Interlude: First Contact - Intermission I
Sorry, I haven't yet have had the time to finish the update in a satisfactory manner though I will try to do so tomorrow. To tilt you over I thought it would be nice to give you a glimpse of what you can expect so here you have (part of) the result from your actions.

Terminus Regions:
(This is not the totally of the Terminus system, just the regions near you. Also you will get more info as you explore the sector)
DSX (Mundus Cluster)

Organizations present:



Located on the south-western part of the Terminus sector its lack of an active Mass Relay means it is only sparsely explored/settled with the Asari colony of Larrisa being the only significant known settlement in the area. Recently rumours of a new alien species connected to it have surfaced on the Holonet though official confirmation of that is still missing.

Republic of Larrisa
Organizations present:

Republic of Larrisa

Terminus Companies

Terminus Criminals


Part of the Mundus sector that is claimed by the rogue Asari colony of Larrisa, spanning around ten systems. Like the rest of the region it is only sparsely explored and relatively isolated though companies from the nearby Lysenthi Confederacy have put their feelers out, trying to secure a new, as of yet unexploited market.

Tion Cluster
Organizations present:
Terminus Companies

Terminus Criminals


Like the Mundus cluster, Tion is only sparsely explored and not claimed by any known entity. The few small colonies and outposts located there are mostly self-sufficient and of little interest to the rest of the galaxy, though some of the bigger criminal groups maintain a few bases near the Lystheni border.

The Tion cluster sector is also the object of a long running legal dispute between several (Terminus) companies and the Citadel regarding the activation of two Mass Effect Relays suspected to connect into it with an ruling expected in the next decade.

Lystheni Confederacy
Organizations present:

Lystheni Confederacy
Hogane Protectorate

Terminus Companies
Citadel Companies
Mercenary Groups

Terminus Criminals


This area space is claimed by the Lystheni Confederacy, one of the major powers in this region of the Terminus sector and is thus comparatively well explored, with several settled worlds being located in it. Compared to many other areas of Terminus it is relatively secure and stable, provided you can pay your "taxes", making it the destination of choice for many Citadel companies wishing to expand into Terminus.

That said piracy is still a serious problem in many border regions of the Confederacy (or if corporate competition gets out of hand), resulting in a significant demand for mercenaries and other security services.

The Lsytheni cluster is also home to the Hogane Protectorate, a race of amphibious alligator like aliens who are something of a junior partner of the Confederacy.

Hell's Gate
Organizations present:

Elkoss Combine
Blood Pack

Terminus Criminals
The Horde


Hell's Gate was formerly known as the Corporate Cluster and is the site of one of the biggest scandals in recent Citadel history. When large Eezo deposits were found in the Cluster a consortium of Citadel races gained the rights to develop the region and for a few decades enjoyed massive economic successes. However with the deposits getting smaller the companies looked for alternative ways to make money, one of which was the use of cheap Vorcha labour in their manufacturies.

The demand for such cheap labour, and the goods produced by it, was however limited and covered to a large degree by the Batarian Hegemony, which caused the companies to turn against each other in a series of over escalating violence,utilizing the Vorcha as cheap cannon fodder. This went relatively well till one day the Vorcha rebelled and the whole cluster descended into total anarchy.

Today the cluster is home to the largest known group of Vorcha in the galaxy and one of the most dangerous parts of the known galaxy, a constant source of pirates and other criminals as well as less a source of near endless manpower for less scrupulous mercenary companies like the Blood Pack.

The previous companies have all left with the only exception being the Volus company Elkoss Combine which escaped most of the trouble by the simple virtue of choosing a colony world, Coyopa, suitable for the Volus anatomy which automatically meant a world inhospitable to pretty much every other known race.

Omega Nebula
Organizations present:

Citadel Military

Citadel Companies
Terminus Companies

Citadel Criminals
Terminus Criminals


The Omega Nebula is the major gateway between Citadel space and the Terminus sector, rich in resources and claimed by many but controlled by none. While both the Turian Hierarchy as well as the Batarian Hegemony maintain naval outposts in the region and try to enforce some semblance of order most of the region follows the example of Omega and its philosophy of might makes right.

The number of groups active in the the area ranges from political splinter groups trying to their thing over companies wanting to escape stifling regulation to criminals and outcasts from all over the galaxy, sharing little but a desire for independence.

Akvian Dominion
Organizations present:

Akvian Dominion

Citadel Companies
Terminus Companies

Terminus Criminals


The Akvian Cluster is home to the Akvian Dominion, one of the major powers in the Terminus sector and spans over fifty systems. It is one of the more prosperous and safe regions of Terminus and the Dominion is quite welcoming to most outsiders though the low gravity common to the Akvians means few stay.

It's central location in south-west Terminus meanwhile is a double edged sword. One hand it means it is the centre for a lot of the trade but on the other hand it also means it is surrounded by enemies. Be it Batarian slavers from the south, Lsytheni acquisition agents from the north or the Vorcha scum of The Horde from Hell's Gate the Akvian border guard is generally stretched thin and overworked, though few if any raids make it into the Dominion proper.

Eastern Frontier
Organizations present:

Batarian Hegemony
Independent Systems

Drell Remnants

Citadel Companies
Terminus Companies

Terminus Criminals
Batarian Criminals


The Eastern Frontier is the region of Terminus that partly "borders" the Batarian Hegemony who a therefore pretty active in the area. Like the Omega nebulae it lacks a central authority and is rife with crime though it also holds a significant number of settled, civilised planets that to a large degree are inhabited by Citadel races.

Candarian Republic
Organizations present:

Candarian Republic


The Candarian solar system is the home of the Candarian Republic whose fear of a Batarian attack has led them to create extensive fortifications that are nearly unrivalled in the Terminus Sector. Due to the isolationist nature of the Republic outsiders are discouraged from visiting the system and thus little more is known about it.

Xian Cluster
Organizations present:

Madaniak Ascendency
Independent Systems

Terminus Companies

Terminus Criminals
Batarian Criminals


The Xian Cluster is a bit like the Eastern Frontier without the constant meddling of the Batarian Hegemony. Conflicts between the various groups active in it are common but generally of limited scale and intensity and unlike the Eastern Frontier non-Citadel aliens are a far bit more common here.

It is also home to the Madaniak Ascendency which has only recently made contact with the rest of the galaxy and of which not much is known.

Like with the Tion Cluster there is also an bid to convince the Citadel to allow a more liberal exploration of the Mass Effect Relays but the Akvian Consortium spearheading the effort lacks the connections of the Lystheni and it is thus highly unlikely that the Citadel will allow it any time soon.

Grimgor's Empire
Organizations present:

Grimgor's Empire

Blood Pack
Lystheni companies

Terminus Criminals
The Horde


There are many warlords in the Terminus systems but few if any have managed to reach the heights that the Krogan Warlord Grimgor has. From humble beginnings as a contractor of Elanus Risk Control Services (ERCS) Grimgor has managed to create his own little petty kingdom located on the border of Hell's Gate, centered around the planet of Amerath VI.

Consisting mainly of Krogan, Turian and Batarian mercenaries overseeing a large Vorcha slave population his kingdom is still a pretty rough place but as his recent cooperation with the Lystheni corporations Tri Technical and Anyc show Grimgor is determined to build something lasting, despite the ever present danger of Vorcha attacks and raids.

Chad Theocracy
Organizations present:

Chad Theocracy



The Chad Theocracy was one of the first races discovered during the initial exploration of the Terminus sector but it remains a mystery to this very day due to its isolationist policy and location inside a dense nebulae, which causes problems for most scanners. Many have tried to discover what lies behind it but few if any have lived to tell the tale.

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Interlude: First Contact - Intermission II
GM: I am still working on the update but progress has been slower than I hoped for so here you have another snippet. Critic is welcome (and tell me if you would rather wait for the full update) and I am happy to answer any possible question. I don't think that this part has that much new information for people who know Mass Effect but I still found it important to write it down.


Citadel Council:
The Citadel Council is a multi-species coalition who have united to form the most powerful government in the known galaxy. It takes it name from the impressive Citadel station, one of the few active (suspected) Protean relics besides the Mass Relays, located in the centre of Serpent Nebula in Citadel space. Its economic, cultural and military is unmatched by any political organization in known space resulting in it having a huge influence in galactic politics. Despite being the supreme authority in Citadel space the various member states do whoever enjoy a large degree of autonomy with the core principle that anything to explicitly decided by the Council is up to the member states themselves.

The membership of the Citadel is divided into two tiers, the full members who are part of the executive council consisting of the Asari, Turian and Salarians, and the associates members who don't have a seat on the council but maintain permanent embassies on the Citadel and are granted limited participation rights like for example the right to submit opinion pieces regarding new legislation, speak during council meetings etc. There also a exists a third, less.official, group made of a selected group of influential megacompanies and non-Citadel states who have been granted observer status on the Council and also maintain a presence on the Citadel.

While the Council generally doesn't openly interfere with people outside its borders there are two major policies it tries to enforce galaxy wide. Those are the Citadel Conventions regarding the use of weapon of mass destruction against Garden worlds and the unauthorized activation of new Mass Relays.

Asari Republics:
The Asari Republics are likely the most influential nation in space. Though its military is outmatched by the Turians and its intelligence agencies are no match for the Salarians the Asari Republics are the economic and cultural centre of the Citadel and thus the galaxy.

Unlike most other races they lack an central government besides their representation on the Citadel council and are instead organized around smaller "republics" following an extreme basic/e-democratic model. Policy debates take place at all hours of the day, in official chat rooms and forums moderated by specially-programmed virtual intelligences. All aspects of policy are open to plebiscite at any time. In any given debate, the Asari tend to lend the most credence to the opinions of any Matriarchs present, nearly always deferring to the experience of these millennia-old "wise women".

Culturally speaking the Asari are a very open and communal society that puts great value into cultural endeavours. They are also highly xenophile and interested in new discoveries, especially during their Maiden years, and are of the few nations known to regularly grant citizenship to other races.

The Asari possess one of the most powerful navies in the galaxy, favouring smaller units like frigates and corvettes but also fielding a significant number of dreadnoughts. Like their government the Asari military tends to be organized decentrally and lacks a powerful permanent central authority. It land based forces meanwhile are something of a mixed bag, the longevity and biotic nature of the Asari make them some of the finest infantry soldiers in the galaxy, exemplified by their nearly unmatched commando teams, but their decentral organization and lack of a heavy armour and machines put them at a distinct disadvantage on any modern battlefield.

The Asari Republics activities in the Terminus sector are mostly limited to diplomatic missions by the Citadel council.

Status: Great Power
Inspiration: Mass Effect, Greek City states

Turian Hierarchy:
The Turian Hierarchy is one of the three full members of the Citadel Council and is generally viewed as its guardian. Famous for its massive military and ruthless, pragmatic nature the Turians are one of the most feared races in the galaxy and the ultimate bogeyman for many in the Terminus sector.

The Turian government, known as the Turian Hierarchy, is a hierarchical meritocracy. While it has great potential for misuse, this is tempered by the civic duty and personal responsibility turians learn during their childhood. Their society is organized into 27 citizenship tiers, ranging from lowly civilian or client races to Primarch. There is a strong focus on doing one's duty and following orders though superiors are encouraged to take note of the subordinates concerns and criticisms.

Turians enjoy broad freedoms. So long as one completes their duties, and does not prevent others from completing theirs, nothing is forbidden. For example, there are no laws against recreational drug use, but if someone is unable to complete their duties due to drug use, their superiors step in. Judicial proceedings are 'interventions.' Peers express their concern, and try to convince the offender to change. If rehabilitation fails, turians have no qualms about sentencing dangerous individuals to life at hard labor for the state.

The Turian military is not only unmatched in size but also their discipline and morale that mean that Turian units almost never break, no matter how horrendous the losses are. Lacking the biotic powers of the Asari, the technical genius of the Salarians or the sheer strength of the Krogan the Turians follow a combined arms approach that is heavily depended on heavy armour and drones. Since almost every Turian citizen has serves at least 15 years in some capacity the Turian military outnumbers its enemies often by several degrees. Turian planets and colonies are also notoriously difficult to conquer with the cities often designed as fortresses and extreme resistance by the general population that often requires extreme measures to break.

The Turian Hierarchy also possess several (alien) client states, originally conquered due a perceived superiority by the Hierarchy and wish the bring order to uncivilised barbarians. Nowadays however those clients races enjoy nearly the same opportunities as the Turian and can increase their social standing through service like any other Turian, though higher ranking aliens remain a rare sight. And while the Hierarchy reserves the right for further conquests the opposition of both the Asari and Salarian (as well as the associates members of the council) make it highly unlikely that the Hierarchy will return to its imperialist past anytime soon.

Due to its role as the peacekeeper of the Citadel the Turian navy is active in the border regions of the Terminus systems where it works with the Batarian Hegemony to secure the often porous border. The various Turian colonies present in the Terminus system are however not connected to the Hierarchy and are in fact often with viewed with distrust if not hostility by its.

Status: Great Power
Inspiration: Mass Effect, Starship Troopers

Salarian Union:
The second species to join the Citadel, the Salarians are warm-blooded amphibians native to the planet Sur'Kesh. Salarians possess a hyperactive metabolism; they think fast, talk fast, and move fast and they are known for their observational capability and non-linear thinking. This manifests as an aptitude for research and espionage.

The salarian government is a labyrinthine web of matrilineal bloodlines, with political alliances formed through interbreeding. In many ways, the salarian political network functions like the noble families of Earth's Medieval Europe. Structurally, the government consists of fiefdoms, baronies, duchies, planets, and marches (colonization clusters). These are human nicknames, as the original salarian is unpronounceable. Each area is ruled by a single Dalatrass (matriarchal head-of-household) and represents an increasing amount of territory and prestige within the salarian political web.

The Salarian culture is perhaps described as "knowledge is power" with information gathering and even spying being viewed as natural. Normally, the rare salarian females are cloistered on their worlds out of tradition and respect from where determine the political course of their respective regions through shrewd negotiation. Though male salarians rise to positions of great authority in business, academia, or the military, they rarely have any input on politics which has led to conflicts in the past. Due to their method of reproduction, salarians have no concept of romantic love, sexual attraction, or the biological impulses and social rituals that complicate other species' lives. Male-female relationships are rare (due to the scarcity of females) and more akin to human friendship. Sexuality is strictly for the purpose of reproduction. Ancient social codes determine who gets to fertilize eggs, which produces more daughters to continue the bloodline. Fertilization generally only occurs after months of negotiation between the parents' clans, and is done for purposes of political and dynastic alliance. No salarian would imagine defying this code.

The Salarian military is relatively small and volunteer based, focusing on maneuver warfare. What makes them special is their cutting edge equipment and focus on intelligence activities. Well before fighting breaks out, they possess complete knowledge of their enemy's positions, intentions, and timetable. In war Salarians always follow a first strike policy with the goal being to defeat the enemy before he has time react and organise itself.

Officially the Salarians are not active in the Terminus systems, but rumours suggest the Special Task Group (STG ), the top salarian intelligence agency, is very active in the area.

Status: Great Power
Inspiration: Mass Effect, Renaissance+Spies

Batarian Hegemony:
The Batarian Hegemony is a relatively newcomer to the galactic stage and despite a being a member of the Citadel has long be viewed as something of a rogue state. Especially during the early days of its membership clashes with the Council were common and with being still being locked in a heated dispute with the Council regarding the issue of slavery.

The Batarian Hegemony is organised according to a strict caste system led by an autocratic Hegemon that is based on the wealth of an individual, with it not being unusual that a Batarian "buys" himself a better position. Nation states still play an important role in internal politics of the Batarian core systems but over the last few decades the Hegemon has strengthened his position significantly and now reigns supreme. The Batarian Hegemony maintains a massive bureaucracy and is active and present in nearly every part of society, either directly or indirectly through state owned corporations.

Compared to the rest of the Citadel the Hegemony is considerable more restrictive when it comes to its citizens rights with a censorship and state propaganda relatively common and open criticism being rare. While violent oppression has thankfully become relatively rare the lower classes, who proportionally make up a large part of society, are still often ignored and social services are extremely limited. Economically speaking the Hegemony has long suffered from the fact that its techbase is and to some degree still is rather primitive compared to the other Citadel races, a fact Batarians blame on the fact that the Prothean ruins in their system were heavily damaged. However over the last few decades the Hegemony has managed to capitalise on its relatively cheap labour cost and has become the prefered location for the production of various "low-tech" consumer goods. This and the continued pressure/influence of the Asari has led to the creation of a more liberal middle class that is slowly growing in power.

The Batarian military is the fourth largest in the Citadel and is modelled after the Turian model though it struggles to reach its level of discipline and skill. Its leadership especially suffers from the negative impact of its caste system with many officers having their position due to their social rank and not their skill while its reliance on drafted lower, less educated caste members to fill the ranks can cause issues with discipline, especially when coupled with the Hegemony's tendency to accept extreme casualties to accomplish its strategic goals. The Batarian military however also possess several elite regiments, most notable the feared SIU, that have in the past competitions beaten even famed Turian and Asari formation. In regards to its navy the Batarian is currently cooperating with the Turian to modernize their aging fleet though its fleet remain top heavy, with the Batarian leadership pressing for ever more dreadnoughts due to political reasons despite them being not that useful when it comes to operations in the border regions or Terminus systems.

The Batarians Hegemony is also the only nation within the Citadel that still practices slavery , which has led to repeated diplomatic conflicts with the other members. Slavery plays an important role in the cultural makeup of the Batarian society (indeed its economic impact in negligible) and the Hegemony reacts quite aggressive when pressed on the issue. In recent years however the Hegemon, following immense political pressure, introduced several new laws intended to prevent the targeting of other Citadel members (and nations allied to it) as well as to provide some basic rights for the slaves, making it for example impossible for a slave owner to kill a slave without proper justification. The actual implementation of said laws is however still incomplete with several leading families and especially the border regions (where slave trade is a highly profitable business) doing their best to sabotage the process. The Batarian leadership however remains dedicated to its successful implementation, viewing it is a necessary step to fulfill their long held dream of getting made into a full member of the Citadel Council (and thus assume their rightful position as a leader of the galaxy).

The Batarians have always been active in the Terminus sector but their recent activities into the border regions have increased those activities considerably. And contrary to public opinion those activities do not only consist of slave raiders and other criminal groups, many of which are in fact also raiding proper Hegemony colonies, but also of extensive business activities with Batarian being famed for their cheap and somewhat reliable guns that can be found on pretty much every battlefield in Terminus. In recent years to Hegemony has also tried to establish proper diplomatic channels with the bigger states within the expanse though so far the negative image of the Batarians has prevented those efforts from bearing fruit.

Status: Major Power
Inspiration: Mass Effect, Ancient Rome/Modern China

Vol(us) Protectorate:
The bankers of the Citadel and something of an odd case due to their double status as an associate member of the Council while at same time being an client state of the Turian Hierarchy (interestingly enough not due to being conquered but due to petitioning for such a status themselves after the Krogan rebellion).

Despite being a client state of the Turian the Vol-Protectorates government, based on esoteric mix of meritocratic and oligarchical principles, enjoys comparatively wide-reaching autonomy rights, especially in regards to internal matters. It is however limited in it ability to conduct external diplomacy and only maintains diplomatic ties with the Council and other member states. It is also tightly connected to the finance sector of the Citadel and several of the regulatory agencies are located on Irune.

Volus culture is dominated by trade, whether it be of land, resources, or even other tribe members and they have a reputation as traders and merchants. Due to the volus not being physically adept, they tend not to be violent, and can even seem overly-pacifistic and cowardly to other, more militant species. The volus homeworld Irune is remarkable for having done away with warfare as an institution of the state, as the volus lack the romantic view of war found in the galaxy's more aggressive species. Physical skirmishes between groups rarely last long, and are almost always ended by social castigation, bargaining agreements, or harsh economic sanctions.

As a client state of the Turian the Volus military is tightly entwined with the Turin military. Volus troops serve as auxiliaries alongside their Turian masters where they make up for their small stature with highly advanced power armour and top of the line weaponry. Where possible the Volus prefer to focus on air-combat and the Protectorate maintains several flotillas of heavy-bomber frigates capable of warfare in any atmosphere.

The Vol-Protectorate is not active in the Terminus systems though several Volus led-companies have extensive operations in the area.

Status: Medium Power
Inspiration: Mass Effect, Venice

Illuminated Primacy (Hanar):
The only non-humanoid as well as the only (mostly) aquatic member of the Citadel the Illuminated Primacy of the Hanar is often looked by the casual observer. Their unique anatomy as well as spiritual nature means they are rarely seen outside their own territory and even rarer outside Citadel space.

Little is commonly known of government of Illuminated Primacy other than that it also serves as its high priesthood.

The Hanar homeworld, Kahje, has 90% ocean cover and orbits an energetic white star, resulting in a permanent blanket of clouds. Due to the presence of Prothean ruins on Kahje, the hanar have developed a religion centered on the ancient species, calling them the "Enkindlers". Hanar myths often speak of them as an elder race that uplifted and civilized them by teaching them language. Hanar value politeness and precise speech to the degree that Hanar expecting to communicate with outsiders tend to undergone special training to become more accepting of perceived insults. The Hanar economy is the smallest of all Council members and trade with other races is limited.

The Hanar military is small and its ships don't tend to follow traditional design philosophies making it hard to predict their effectiveness. Its military doesn't tend to leave its borders and has yet to be tested in a true galactic conflict but the Hanar have repeatedly stated their willingness to participate in Citadel operations if so requested by the Council. It is unclear if the Hanar maintain any land based army though it is suspected that they have significant naval forces, which coupled with the aquatic nature of their cities makes any invasion a daunting task. Drell combat specialists are also part of the Hanar military and are known to exceptionally well trained and equipped, even if they are only rarely deployed outside of Hanar space.

The Hanar interactions with other races tend to be limited and are often connected to their worship of the Prothean. They are however are also known for their generosity and willingness to help others, being the major contributor to a number of relief agencies in citadel space and beyond.

There is no known Hanar activity in the Terminus sector.

Status: Minor Power
Inspiration: Mass Effect

Two centuries ago, the Hanar helped 375,000 members of the Drell race migrate to the Hanar homeworld, Kahje, to escape the environmental extermination that had claimed most of the remaining 11 billion Drell.

Nearly all Drell demonstrate tremendous loyalty to their famously reclusive saviors. The intimacy of their relationship, expressed in a formal sociopolitical alliance called the Compact, also results in extremely close personal relations in which some drell actually learn hanar Soul names. While most drell reside on Kahje, some assist hanar off-world as envoys, researchers, co-investors, wayfarers, assassins or otherwise, eager to help their saviors. For a century, galactic wisdom has held that behind any high-ranking hanar hides a resourceful and fanatically devoted drell.

The few Drell active in the Terminus system are thought to be originating from the ruins of the Drell home-world of Rakhana and not connected to the Hanar.​

Courts of Dekuuna (Elcor):
Another of the associate members of the the Citadel the Elcor where only starting to expand into the wider galaxy when the Asari discovered them but have since than become a well respected member of the galaxy.

The Elcor venerate their Elders and their government consequently consists of a council of the oldest and wisest Elders of their race, who spend years poring over ancient records of jurisprudence to determine the precedent that should be followed in any given situation. The Elders record closely argued and minutely detailed instructions on what course to follow in any theoretical crisis. These are filed away in huge libraries of data discs and are consulted when needed. This makes elcor policies very predictable, provided one has done a great deal of research. The Elcor ability for long term planning is famous and perhaps only matched by the Asari.

Elcor usually prefer to stay on their colonies rather than travel in space, which may be why few elcor are seen on the Citadel or on other worlds. Possibly because of their size or evolution in the open air, the elcor find the necessary confines of space travel uncomfortable, and many modern elcor indeed prefer the open sky to the former. Evolving in a high-gravity environment where a fall could be lethal has made elcor psychology deeply cautious and conservative. Their culture is built on small, tight-knit groups, and their conservative nature means the elcor government is extremely stable. Despite this, they are always welcoming to outsiders.

Elcor are traditionally migratory in nature. This reflects on their choice of twin capitals on their homeworld, one for the wet season and one for the dry season. Modern technology has rendered the tradition obsolete, though elcor still observe it. The Elcor economy is no match for the industrial juggernauts that are the Asari or Turians but still compares favourably to similar sized nations. It is also famous for its near total self sufficiency with imports into Elcor spaces being extremely rare.

The Elcor military suffers from the Elcor dislike of space travel and is thus on the smaller side while their thoughtful and careful nature has led to a large degree of automatization as well as widespread use of VI's. The slow speed and immense size of the elcor makes them easy targets in ground combat. Fortunately, their durable hide allows them to shrug off most incoming fire, especially once augmented by sophisticated armour and defense systems. Elcor warriors don't carry small arms; their broad shoulders serve as a stable platform for the same size of weapons typically mounted on fighting vehicles leading to Elcor soldiers being called "living tanks" by their enemies.

Status: Medium Power
Inspiration: Mass Effect, Lawyers

The Krogan Imperium:
Once called the saviors of the galaxy the Krogans of today are but a pale shadow of their former glory and stand as a memorial for the dangers of uplifting a species before its time. Used to rebel the Rachni the Krogan were for several decades a well respected member remember of the Council till the Krogan Rebellion and the resulting genophage which destroyed the Krogan nation and culture, leaving behind an small and embittered populace of warriors without a cause.

Nowadays the Krogans are organised in small clans numbering at best several thousand individuals and lack any form of central government or authority.

The Krogan follow a warrior culture where the only way to gain attention is though martial deeds. This make them superb warriors but has prevented nearly all social, cultural or scientific development for several decades. This is not helped by the fact that the few Krogans who are interested in those topics tend to be ostracized by their brethren and thus tend to either get killed or immigrate. Since the genophage fertile females have become the most valuable commodity for Krogans and it is not unknown for wars to be fought over the possession of a young and fertile female.

There is no official Korgan military but theoretically every Krogan is a deadly soldier though the disunity of the clans makes it highly unlikely that they will ever again become a threat to the galaxy. The Krogan government, should it somehow come into existence, is also forbidden from owning anything bigger than a frigate for at least the next three hundred years and it is well known the the STG keeps an eye out for any Krogan would be warlord trying to change that,

While Krogans are a comparatively common sight in the Terminus Sector the lack of an government means those are nearly always independent actors or mercenaries.

Status: Minor Power
Inspiration: Mass Effect, Mongols

The Migrant Fleet (Quarians):
Once a powerful member of the Citadel numbering in the billions the Quarians of today are a sad remnant of this once proud civilization and have become a nomadic people travelling all over the galaxy looking for a new home or a way to defeat the Geth.

The leadership of the Quarian people consists of two parts, the democratically elected Conclave, which can roughly be described as the legislative body and the military staffed Admiralty Board, which can be described as an executive with wide-reaching emergency powers. However the various ship captains enjoy a large degree of autonomy when it comes to handling issues on their own ships and thus rules and punishment for minor actions can vary from ship to ship.

The Quarian culture is dominated by the fact that they are refugees and that their civilization is constantly teetering on the brink of collapse. Families and ship crews tends to be extremely close to each other and the common good is viewed as far more important than individual freedoms/wishes. Quarians can be highly emotional and hot tempered which at times clashes with the rather limited space. Due to the limited room and resources available to the Quarian people the Migrant Fleet maintains a zero population growth policy that is strictly enforced.

Officially the Quarian military is rather small consisting only of a few thousand marines and a few, mostly outdated, dedicated combat ships. In truth however nearly every ship of the Migrant Fleet is armed meaning that is it the biggest military force in the known galaxy, maybe even a match for the Turian fleet. Its marines are well trained but suffer from the same problem that every Quarian faces which is that their weak immune system makes every little injury potentially life threatening.

Young Quarians are expected to undergo a pilgrimage to become full adults (via being accepted into a new crew) which means leaving the fleet and traveling to galaxy in search of something of value to bring back to the fleet. While it is not unknown for somebody to return with little more than a few hundred credits and some new skills the true heroes are those who bring back something truly substantial and many young Quarian dreams of bringing back new technology or, the biggest prize of all, a new ship.

The relationship of the Migrant Fleet with the rest of the galaxy is complicated which is partly due to them being blamed for unleashing an AI on the galaxy, partly because a mostly undeserved reputation as thieves and scoundrels but also due to several Migrant Fleet practices like dumping its criminals on other worlds and their strip mining of the system the fleet is passing through.

The decision to abandon the Quarian during the initial Geth rebellion remains of the most controversial to date and is still debated by philosophers and lawmakers all over Citadel space.

Status: Medium Power
Inspiration: Mass Effect, Sinti and Roma/Refugees

Swarm intelligence with a tendency to utilise human-like synthetic bodies/platforms. Defeated the Quarian state in a bloody rebellion and has since then not interacted with the rest of the galaxy, seemingly content to remain within the original Quarian borders beyond the Perseus Veil. The few explorers who have tried to make contact with them have never returned and the Citadel has declared a prohibited area, closed to any form of travel.

Status: ???
Inspiration: Mass Effect, Every AI book/movie ever


The Rachni are an extinct insect-like species from the planet Suen that threatened Citadel space roughly two thousand years ago during the Rachni Wars. Intelligent and highly aggressive, the spacefaring Rachni were driven to expand and defend their territory which brought them into direct conflict with then nascent Citadel Council. They were eventually defeated and completely eradicated by the Krogan, who had been uplifted by the Salarians for their combat prowess and physical resilience which allowed them directly confront the Rachni in the harsh environments of their worlds. This near extinction led directly to the Council heavily limiting the activation of new Mass Relays and research into the Rachni is still heavily restricted to this day. The decision to completely erase a sentient race, even one as hostile as the Rachni, was and is still hotly debated in the scientific field with many a philosopher has written his or her thesis about its justification or lack thereof.

As an extinct species there is unsurprisingly no known Rachni activity in the Terminus sector.

Status: Believed to be extinct
Inspiration: Mass Effect

An alien species that disappeared around fifty thousand years ago and whose ruins seem to be the basis for most of the technology used by the races of the Milky Way. While the Prothean Empire/State is said to have covered most of the galaxy its centre seems to have been in the galactic south-east with Prothean ruins relatively rare in most of the Terminus sector.

Status: Extinct
Inspiration: Mass Effect
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Interlude: First Contact - Intermission III
Terminus Sector Factions:

Terminus Governments:

Lystheni Confederacy:
Lystheni is an archaic Salarian term and originally meant exiled or clanless and was used to describe those banished from their clan/family, a fate far worse than death in the eyes of the ancient Salarians. The term experienced a revival shortly after the Salarian Union met the Asari and joined the Citadel Council where it was used to describe the emerging political movement demanding a more democratic system modelled after the Asari and an end to the oppressive and outdated matriarchal dictature by the Dalatrasses.

Originally little more than a political fringe group its popularity exploded in the aftermath of the League of One scandal, viewed by many at the time as a betrayal of loyal (male) Salarians by a corrupt and power hungry elite, with several minor Dalatrasses joining the movement. Still paralysed by the assassination of the majority of its leadership the Union was unable to effectively oppress the movement and acts of civil unrest and even sabotage started to appear all over the Salarian Union. The Salarians were in the midst of mobilizing their military when the Asari intervened and mediated a compromise between the two factions which resulted in the majority of the Lystheni leaving the Union and settling in the, then barely explored, Terminus systems, far away from the Union and its meddling Dalatrasses.

Nowadays the Lystheni Confederacy is one of the major powers in the eastern Terminus sector and posses its own vibrant and distinct culture. Theoretically it is a representative democracy with two chambers, one directly elected and one made up of representatives from the major colonies, which in fact also enjoy a high degree of autonomy and often compete with each other. Every free citizen has the right to vote and elections are scheduled every two years. However its political system also includes strong meritocratic and oligarchic elements, higher positions are for example reserved for those who made significant contributions to the well being of the state and the sale and buying of votes is permitted. In reality this leads to a political system that is dominated by the corporate and intellectual elite though the population seems generally quite satisfied with the situation and wins by outsiders/populists candidates are not unknown.

Culturally the Lystheni resemble the Salarian Union, favouring the gathering of knowledge over more mundane activities, though they also put a high value on personal freedoms and political transparency, which coupled with their pragmatism often leads to political decisions that outsiders have difficulty to follow/understand. Viewing the clan based breeding policies of the Salarian Union as one of the key reasons for its, in the eyes of the Lystheni, outdated political system the Lystheni breeding is organised directly by the state which is also responsibility for the education and upbringing of the new children, though couples or interested individuals can apply for partial adoptions. Unlike the original Salarians the Lystheni have also no problem with the permanent genetic modification of their genome which over time has resulted in far higher percentage of females, who enjoy the same legal standing as males, and a slightly longer lifespan. The Confederacy also has significant alien minority populations which for the most part are totally assimilated.

While maybe not as advanced as the Citadel Council races the Confederacy is netherless famous for it's highly competitive and advanced economy which maintains extensive ties to Citadel Space. Due to its extremely relaxed laws, which in many cases are practically non-existent, it's is the favoured destination of those finding Citadel regulation to constricting but outsiders should be aware that patent law is generally viewed as a suggestion at best and that corporate espionage is nothing unusual. The same laws also make it the favorite destination for mercenaries, and other organisations operating in the legal grey zone, looking for something more advanced than what Batarian State Arms can provide. There is however also a darker side to those laws since practices like indentured labor, though outright slavery is officially forbidden, and the sale of highly addictive drugs are also permitted (and often exploited by criminal organizations)

The Lystheni military is one of the more powerful in the Terminus sector and the Lystheni shipbuilders, like their Salarian counterparts, favour a modular approach though with no powerful allies like the Turians to fall back on the Lystheni ships tend to be of a more generalist nature than the specialised tools of war the Union fields. Its land based army is fairly small, consisting mostly of non Lystheni troops, and where possible the Confederacy prefers to use mercenaries instead. In cases of emergency the Confederacy has however shown its ability and willingness to field what basically amounts to clone troops, made of specially designed Lystheni.

The Lystheni come sporadically into conflict with the Akvian Dominion regarding their shared border but otherwise maintain cordial ties to most other legitimate factions in the Terminus systems. Their wealth has however made them an repeated target for pirate attacks and it is suspected that several criminal organizations operate in their border areas.

Status: Medium Power
Inspiration: Mass Effect, Cyberpunk

Hogane Protectorate/Kingdoms of Bellatania:
The Hogane, a species of amphibian aliens looking a bit like upright walking alligators who are capable of breathing both in the air and water, were just entering their equivalent of the industrial era when an Lystheni explorer came across them three centuries ago and decided that they were just what he needed to get an edge over his competitors. When the trader returned to Lystheni space it was far too late to do anything and the Lystheni government saw no other choice than to support his plan to uplift the whole species.

While the Hogane society underwent massive changes in the last few years its nobility has far so managed to retain its control over the various kingdoms that make up the Hogane Protectorate. The highest authority on Bellatania is the council of kings, consisting of the nine most powerful nobles, though it tends to focus on internal matters, content to follow the Lystheni on nearly all other matters.

Public speaking plays an important role in the cultural life of the Hogane with theatric ability often just important as the actual information conveyed. Court trials are seen as prime entertainment and have in the past known to draw audiences numbering in the tens of thousands (and are now some of the most watched media) and it is not unusual for talented speakers to gain patents of nobility. The Hogane are no stranger to personal conflict and small scale, nearly ritualised warfare but have never experienced the horrors of a total war. For the Hogane there is no dishonour in surrendering to a superior enemy and captives, especially those of sufficient nobility, are often treated as honoured guests rather than prisoners.

The Hogane have no independent naval force and depend on the Lystheni for protection. However several thousand Hogane serve as shock-troopers in the Lystheni military where they are famous for their expertise in close-quarter-combat.

The relationship between Lystheni and Hogane is perhaps described as a patron-client relationship with the Hogane being extremely helpful to the Lystheni for their assistance. Lystheni technicians especially enjoy a an high social standing in the eyes of the often less comparatively poorly educated Hogane and are sometimes viewed as having near mystical powers (much to the amusement of said technicians). Hogane are often willing to work for a far lower wage than other races and are often employed for janitorial duties and the like. With a population still numbering in the single-digit-billions Hogane are only commonly seen in the Lystheni space.

Status: Minor Power
Inspiration: Mass Effect, Stellaris

Akvian Dominion:
The Akvians are an avian race originating from the low gravity world of Serenity who have managed to establish their control over nearly fifty systems, making the Dominion one of the more powerful factions in the sector. Akvians are superb pilots, making extensive use of small strike craft in their combat operations, and their origin from a low gravity homeworld means that they are quite comfortable in a zero-g environment, resulting comparatively high percentage of their society living in space stations scattered around their realm.

The highest authority of the Dominion is the (High) Senate, consisting of over one thousand elected senators, who serves as the highest tier of the legislative, executive and judicative. The position of the Speaker, nominally the leader of the Senate, is decided by lot and changes every month making it a largely ceremonial role.The true power is therefore found in the leadership of the various parties which make up the Senate, organised alongside regional divides or special interests, who often form temporary coalitions. One of the quirks of the Senate is that a simple majority is enough to implement a new policy while a two-third majority is needed to repeal or change an old one, which was originally intended to provide a certain stability to the whole system but has ended up creating something of a bureaucratic nightmare.

The Akvian's are communal creatures and tend to favour cooperative activities over direct competitions. Their theatre productions are famous for their combination of breathatking aerial maneuvers, intricate costumes and music (even if many races in fact require body modification or external translators to hear the total tonal range involved in said music). While the Akvians have left their tribal origins they still place a high value on where they come from, which can often be seen by miniature differences in their clothing or styling of their feathers (well by Akvians at least - outsiders have proven to be notoriously inept at this task).

Like many in the Terminus systems the Akvians suffer from the fact that Prothean ruins in the Terminus sector are rare and seldom as big as the ones found in Citadel space which has put them at a distinct disadvantage in the technological field. Nethertheless the central location of the Akvian Dominion means that a lot of the trade is passing through its systems and Akvian companies are slowly beginning to catch up to their Lystheni and Batarian competitors.

The Akvians maintain a sizeable military that unlike many others in Citadel Space focuses on strike craft, which has proven especially effective against the less advanced ships fielded by the various pirates and other criminals in the area. Its army however is more difficult to categorize since its focus on the low-g environment normally inhabited by the Akvians puts them at a distinct disadvantage when forced to operate in "normal" g environments.

The relative prosperity of the Akvian's makes them an attractive target to many in Terminius, especially the warlords of the Omega region or pirates operating out of Hell's Gate, with raids and counter raids being a common occurrence.

It's relationship with the Citadel is a bit more complicated. The wealth, influence and security of the Citadel races is admired and envied by the Akvians, who have expressed their desire to join several times, but the imperious way the Citadel, especially the Batarians, have treated them in the past has created a lot of anger and mistrust.

Status: Medium Power
Inspiration: Master of Orion, Original

Chad Theocracy:
The Chad Theocracy was one of the first races discovered during the initial exploration of the Terminus sector but it remains a mystery to this very day due to its isolationist policy and location inside a dense nebulae, causing problems for most scanners.

Status: ???
Inspiration: ???

Madaniak Ascendency:
The Madaniak Ascendency has only recently appeared on the galactic stage and not much is known about it. If the rumours on the Holonet are to believed the Ascendency, lacking any local Prothean ruins, was restricted to its home system for thousands of years before finally cracking the secret of the Mass Effect themselves. It seems however that during this time the Ascendency has grown quite comfortable with its situation and now sees little reason to actually leave its home system, favouring to instead enjoy vast virtual worlds and drug induced hallucinations.

Status: Minor Power
Inspiration: Hedonism

Grimgor's Empire/Amerath :
Grimgor was born several hundred years after the Krogan Rebellion on a remote and desolate colony in the Krogan Demilitarized Zone (Krogan DMZ). He is said to have been a smart child and somehow caught the attention of a young Asari officer visiting the colony. When the Asari left the planet young Grimgor accompanied her and for over five hundred years the two travelled all over the galaxy, first in service for the Asari military and then as military contractors for the Asari PMC Elanus Risk Control Services. When the Asari reached Matriach age and announced her intention to retire to Thessia and teach at the prestigious Kal'no military academy she invited Grimgor along but he decided to instead try his luck in the Terminus systems, reportedly seeking a worthy challenge for his talents. Using his extensive military contacts he gathered a sizeable army of mercenaries and conquered the Vorcha occupied planet of Amerath, formerly part of the ill-fated corporate sector. Since then he has been busy restoring the planet's industrial facilities while fending of repeated attacks by the Horde and other Vorcha pirates.

Grimgors Empire is the picture book example of a military dictatorship with all power being held either directly by Grimgor or his lieutenants. They use their army of several thousand Krogan, Turian and Batarian mercenaries to control the several million Vorcha that survived the initial invasion and are currently in the process of training and reconditioning the most promising of those.

Unlike many other would-be warlords Grimgor is well aware that there is more to war than just winning battles and has worked tirelessly to restore some of the old industrial facilities found on the planet back to life. He success on that front has been limited so far but his low prices and -no questions asked policy have ensured a steady supply of criminals and down on their luck merchants looking to fix the rust-buckets that serve as their ships. And even importantly he recently managed to convince the two Lystheni mega companies, Tri Technical and Anyc to relocate part of their infantry weapon production to Amerath.

Grimgor's fleet is rather small, consisting of a single cruiser and a number of smaller ships of varying quality. His army is a bit more impressive consisting of several thousand hardened combat veterans, including the famed, all Krogan Black Guard, supported by large masses of Vorcha irregulars.

Most of Terminus is still unsure what to think of the Krogan warlord. While many would be happy if he dealt with the Vorcha plaque of Hell's Gate others worry if this doesn't simply replace one problem with an even an bigger one and fear that they might be next. For the moment though most are content to wait and see, after all he would not be the first would be conqueror getting eaten by Hell's Gate.

Status: Minor Power
Inspiration: Warhammer - Black Orks, Mass Effect

Republic of Larrisa:
Founded by the Asari Matriach Voniy M'priros who, with her followers, was exiled from Thessia due to her unconventional views regarding body-modification and gene-modding shortly after the Rachni Wars. She and her followers were of the opinion that self-improvement via implants and genemodding were necessary for the continued survival and prosperity of the Asari race, a view strongly opposed by the cultural and religious authorities of the time. After her banishment Voniy severed all ties to the rest of the galaxy and travelled for over a decade through the Milky Way before deciding to settle on Larrisa, a temperate planet in the Terminus expanse.

Rediscovered by a Lystheni prospector just a few decades ago the Asari of Larrisa have developed their own society and culture and quickly made a name for themselves in the bionic and medical field while keeping their distance from the Citadel races.

Larrisa's government is one of the more strange in the galaxy. It is led by a queen, which must be of M'pririos descent, but said queen is elected during a democratic election every fifty years. There is also a royal council, consisting of the most influential matriarchs on the planet, which exists to advise the queen and practically serve as its ministers. And last but not least it has kept its basic democratic elements with its always active e-democracy that can only be vetoed by the queen directly.

Self improvement plays a very important role in Larrisan culture with genemods and extensive augmentations being common. Extreme sports like free climbing or a high intensity for of soccer are popular but it is not uncommon to see somebody trying to master a particularly difficult instrument or researching a philosophical treaty. Asari on Asari relationships are fairly common, after all there weren't that many aliens available, but seldom represent a lifelong commitment and the Larrisan have kept most of the openness and curiosity that is so typical for Council Asari.

Its military is small and exist mainly for self defense purposes. In terms of naval capacity the Larrisan's field a handful of frigates, bought from the Lystheni, and otherwise depend on a network of defense satellites. They maintain only a small professional army, though every citizen goes through basic military training and may be called upon to be part of the militia.

Larrisa is only slowly reconnecting with the rest of the galaxy with their premiere trading partner being the Lystheni Confederacy.

Status: Minor Power
Inspiration: Deus Ex Series

Candarian Republic:
The Candarian Republic was founded three centuries ago by the mutinous crew of the Batarian cruiser "Choli's Pride" on the planet of Candara and over time developed into one of the few truly independent Batarian colonies with its own distinct culture. Disdaining the class system and its resulting inequality the Candarians set out to create a society where everybody was equal which resulted in a communist type of government where everybody may be theoretically equal but also a place where any form of deviation from the norm is viewed as highly suspect, leading as far as widespread genetic modification to ensure maximum conformity. The other defining trait of the Republic is its chronic fear of an attack from the Batarian Hegemony, resulting in the Candarian solar system being one of the best fortified systems in all of Terminus.

Status: Minor Power
Inspiration: Mass Effect
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Interlude: First Contact - Intermission IV
So, this time the delay is really completely my fault. Since I had some free time I thought it would be a nice idea to play some the Witcher which coupled with poor impulse control on my part resulted in me spending far, far too much time doing that. That said I am slowly freeing myself from its clutches and return to a halfway sane schedule. I still haven't come as far as I liked but since I really wanted to post something here you have the last "faction" post with the proper update (which really shouldn't be that big) coming either tomorrow or the day after. A lot of the information here should be familiar to ME players though I will say that I have at time staken teh Canon exmaples as inspriation rather than fact when it came to creating the factions. The list is by no means meant as a total accounting of all the important factions there are but I hope it serves as an starting point for both you guys and me. Feel free to ask questions and offer critic.

Terminus Sector Factions:

Government forces:
Forces under the direct control of a "main" faction/nation, mostly military and intelligence agencies. Nearly all of the forces here can field significant military assets and all of them are well connected to their related factions and organizations.

Citadel Fleet:
The Citadel Fleet is under the direct command of the Citadel Council and consist of ships provided to it by mainly the full members of said Council. Its duties during peacetime are limited to guarding the Citadel and to act as an emergency reaction force in case of a humanitarian crisis. In times of war it is responsible for coordinating the various member fleets. Its current flagship is the Asari super-dreadnought Destiny Ascension, widely reported to be most powerful ship in the galaxy.

The Citadel fleet almost never leaves Inner Council space and is thus only seen in the Terminus system when they provide an escort for a top-level diplomatic mission.

Office of Special Tactics and Reconnaissance (Spectres):
Little is known about the Spectres. Said to be the top-level agents of the Council and generally viewed as being above the law, given complete discretion by the Council as to the methods used to accomplish their mission. Normally operating on the basis of total deniability the actual identities of the agents are generally kept a secret till their death or even beyond that though exceptions exist. Having one of your "species" being chosen as a Spectre is being thought of as an huge honour, especially by the Citadel affiliates, and generally viewed as an important step to full membership.

The Terminus systems are known to be one of the main areas of operation of the Spectres though little hard evidence exists.

Thessian League:
The Asari possess one of the most powerful navies in the galaxy, favouring smaller units like frigates and corvettes but also fielding a significant number of dreadnoughts. Like their government the Asari military tends to be organized decentrally and lacks a powerful permanent central authority. Its land-forces meanwhile are something of a mixed bag, the longevity and biotic nature of the Asari make them some of the finest infantry soldiers in the galaxy, exemplified by their nearly unmatched commando teams, but their decentral organization and lack of a heavy armour and machines put them at a distinct disadvantage on any modern battlefield.

The Asari military is not active in the Terminus systems though rumours of commando operations surface from time to time.

Turian Military:
The Turian military is not only unmatched in size but also their discipline and morale, meaning that Turian units almost never break, no matter how horrendous the losses are. Lacking the biotic powers of the Asari, the technical genius of the Salarians or the sheer strength of the Krogan the Turians follow a combined arms approach that is heavily depended on heavy armour and drones. Since almost every Turian serves at least 15 years in the military, with many deciding to stay on and become "lifers", the Turian military outnumbers its enemies often by several degrees. Turian planets and colonies are also notoriously difficult to conquer with the cities often designed as fortresses and extreme resistance by the general population that often requires extreme measures to break.

The Turian military has a number of flotillas operating in the border areas of the Terminus sector, especially around Omega, whose mission is the prevention of pirate raids and other criminal activities. Those efforts are however hampered by the need to not upset the local powers too much and Turian ships are known to operate according to very strict rules of engagement. Terminus factions meanwhile do their very best to keep their distance to Turian ships, thinking it common sense to avoid poking the bear.

Blackwatch is the special operations branch of the Turian military and known to have conducted several anti-piracy operations in the Omega cluster as well its neighbouring regions.

Salarian Defense Force (SDF):
The Salarian military is relatively small and volunteer based, focusing on maneuver warfare. What makes them special is their cutting edge equipment and focus on intelligence activities. Well before fighting breaks out, they possess complete knowledge of their enemy's positions, intentions, and timetable. In war Salarians always follow a first strike policy with the goal being to defeat the enemy before he has time react and organise itself.

The Salarian Defense Force normally stays outside of the Terminus systems but is known to have a few ships seconded to the Turian fleet for intelligence gathering and weapon testing purposes.

Salarian Special Tasks Group (STG):
The Special Tasks Group (STG) is a Salarian espionage organization, usually deployed by the Citadel Council or at the order of the Salarian High Command. STG operators work in independent cells, performing dangerous missions such as counterterrorism, infiltration, reconnaissance, assassination, and sabotage.

They are currently very active in the Terminus Systems and have a longstanding rivalry with Lystheni counter-intelligence.

United Batarian Navy (UBN):
The Batarian military is the fourth largest in the Citadel and is modelled after the Turian model though it struggles to reach its level of discipline and skill. Its leadership especially suffers from the negative impact of its caste system with many officers having their position due to their social rank and not their skill while its reliance on drafted lower, less educated caste members to fill the ranks can cause issues with discipline, especially when coupled with the Hegemony's tendency to accept extreme casualties to accomplish its strategic goals. The Batarian military however also possess several elite regiments, most notable the feared SIU, that have in the past competitions beaten even famed Turian and Asari formation. In regards to its navy the Batarian is currently cooperating with the Turian to modernize their aging fleet though its fleet remain top heavy, with the Batarian leadership pressing for ever more dreadnoughts, mostly due to political reasons, despite them being not that useful when it comes to operations in the border regions or Terminus systems.

In the past there was little difference between the various Batarian aligned slavers and other criminal groups active in the Terminus systems and the official Batarian military with it often organising, assisting or even participating in raids itself which has led to it being very negatively in the sector, especially in the border regions. However with the closer cooperation with the rest of the Citadel the Batarian navy has officially distanced itself from said groups and now opposes piracy and (most) slave raids. That said it is a well known fact in the Terminus sector that many Batarian captain tend to be less than zealous in their pursuit of Batarian criminals or anybody else willing to offer a large enough bribe.

Since the stop of its raiding activities the main duty of the Batarian navy in the Terminus systems is the protection of the Batarian aligned planets and colonies in the sector, mainly found in the Eastern Frontier and Omega clusters, as well as general anti-piracy patrols.

Batarian Office of External Affairs (7th Bureau):
The Batarian Office of External Affairs, also known as the 7th Bureau, is the part of the massive bureaucracy that controls the Hegemony and not only responsible for diplomatic missions in the Terminus sector but also the various Batarian planets and colonies found there, well at least those who have submitted to the control of the Hegemony.

It hasn't the best reputation, partly due to the legacy of Batarian activities in this region of space but also due the its often oppressive and confrontational approach to diplomacy, but it tends to keep its agreements (at least on the surface) which is more than many Terminus citizens had initially expected. The 7th Bureau has so far concentrated on establish control over the local Batarian colonies but its recent outreach to several of the local organization suggest that this policy might change soon.

Faithful Guardians of the Illuminated Primacy (Hanar Navy):
Very little is known of the Hanar navy since it tends to keep to its own regions and is rarely if ever seen outside Citadel space. If rumours can be trusted its ships tend to be heavily automated and operating with near zero gravity on its ships. Due to the aquatic nature of the Hanar most of their, very limited, groundside forces are either Drell auxiliaries or combat robots.

Protectors of Dekuuna (PD):
Compared to their sizeable industrial base the Elcor navy is rather small, mostly due the fact that Elcor tend to dislike spaceflight as a whole. The ships they do field are however extremely robust and highly efficient and said to be equipped with the most advanced combat VI's in Citadel space.

Quarian Migrant Fleet (Migrant Fleet):
Also known as the Flotilla, the Migrant Fleet is the massive collection of starships that became home to the Quarians after they were driven from their home world by the Geth. The Migrant Fleet consists of roughly fifty thousand ships that house seventeen million quarians in total. The Fleet is so large it can take days for all the ships to pass through a Mass Relay. Some of the vessels date from the original flight from the Geth three centuries ago.While the level of armament can vary immensely between the ships of the Flotilla it is still the biggest concentration of naval firepower in known space and even the Turian Hierarchy fleets tend to be careful around it. The Migrant Fleet fields only a minimal ground force made up of well trained marines that while not as dangerous in a firefight as most of other races are some of the best combat engineers in the galaxy.

The Migrant Fleet is active in the Terminus systems but its tendency to strip mine entire systems, often claimed by the local powers, has not made it very popular and only its massive size has prevented a military escalation so far though skirmishes between the Flotilla and other factions have occurred on several occasions.

On the other hand Quarian engineers, and their talent to maintain and repair almost anything, are highly sought after by many of the smaller colonies and space stations who thus often play host to Quarians on a pilgrimage or on detachment from the Flotilla.

Lystheni Confederal Navy (LCN):
The Lystheni military is one of the more powerful in the Terminus sector and the Lystheni shipbuilders, like their Salarian counterparts, favour a modular approach. However with no powerful allies like the Turians to fall back on the Lystheni ships tend to be of a more generalist nature than the specialised tools of war the Union fields. Its land based army is fairly small, consisting mostly of non-Lystheni troops, and where possible the Confederacy prefers to use mercenaries instead.

The LCN is one of the very few organizations outside of Citadel space with the capability to build and field dreadnought class ships though considering the massive cost involved in such a project the LCN only tends to field one or two of said class.

Lystheni Foreign Intelligence (LFI)
Like the Salarian Union the Lystheni Confederacy views information as the most important good in the universe and maintains a sizeable intelligence apparatus of which the LFI is part of. Unlike the STG the LFI however tends to focus on "HUMINT" and is said to employ agents from every known species.

Akvian Senatorial Fleet (ASF):
The Akvian Senatorial Fleet is main force of the Akvian military and is centered around their famous carrier formations whose fighters who are rumored to be some of the best in the galaxy. In battle the Akvian employ unique swarm formations that take advantage of their natural instincts as well as a highly advanced network VI that so far nobody has been able to duplicate.

The Senatorial Fleet is tightly entwined with the Akvian Senate and famous for its political infighting with membership in of the leading parties being a necessity for career advancement.

Akvian Frontier Guard:
The preference of Senatorial Fleet for big fleet formations may have its advantages in battle but has proven somewhat unsuited for the many small scale pirate attacks that are common in the border regions of the Akvian Dominion. To counter this problem the Senate created the Akvian Frontier Guard who are responsible for patrolling the frontier and maintaining garrisons. Unlike the main fleet the Frontier Guard mostly fields smaller ships like frigates and corvettes which are often modelled after the Lystheni as a mobile force while the fighters wings are stationed as a defensive force on key locations.

Grimgor's Company:
Consisting of solid core of experienced veterans, mostly Batarians, Krogans and Turians, that are augmented by an ever growing number of Vorcha auxiliaries Grimgor's Company is on the the first glance little different than other mercenary companies. But in a region where many governments employ mercenary companies as their security Grimgor's Company is one of the few companies that "employs" a government.

The biggest weakness of the Grimgor's company is its lack of naval assets with their navy consisting of little more than a cruiser and a handful of frigates.

While generally not as independent or powerful (at least in relation to the government) as their Sirius cousins, Citadel space and the Terminus systems is nevertheless home to several mega companies. Those are galaxy wide operating business with tens of thousands if not millions of employees and budgets rivalling those of planetary governments who are often active in nearly every part of the economy, if not directly than via subsidiaries. While in Citadel space competition between those companies rarely gets beyond industrial espionage the relative lawlessness of the Terminus systems can result in a more direct confrontation, often via mercenary proxies.

Armali Council (Asari):
The Armali Council is an affiliation of Asari manufacturing guilds recognized for maintaining consistent standards of excellence. Armali make high-grade omni-tools and their bio-amps are widely recognized as the finest money can buy, though these are only available to a select list of clients.

Armali maintains a small presence on the Lystheni capital planet but is otherwise not active in the Terminus region.

Serrice Council (Asari):
An Asari consortium, the Serrice Council is the creator of the most powerful bio-amp on the market. Not just concerned with profit, they typically make customers undergo a rigorous screening process before being approved to purchase their products. Serrice Council amps are incredibly rare—and highly prized—items on the galactic market.

T'Athos Company (Asari):
One of the oldest and most powerful companies T'Athos is famous for both its Eezo mining and processing as well as its wide range of high end consumer products.

Armax Arsenal (Turian):
The main supplier of elite Turian military units, Armax Arsenal weapons and armor are high quality, high priced and very difficult to acquire for most non-Turians. They also make a basic grade omni-tool which is available to the general public

While Armax itself is not active in the Terminus systems it maintains close ties with the Blue Sons.

Haliat Armory (Turian):
The partly state-owned Haliat Armory is the main supplier of the Turian military and produces everything from simple guns to dreadnoughts. While it customers are normally limited to the Citadel militaries Haliat is also responsible for mustering out outdated or otherwise surplus equipment, with the majority of the naval assets of many a mercenary company of PDF coming from here.

Agarp Capital:
Agarp Capital is the result of a fusion between a Salarian hedgefond and a Volus bank and has since then grown into of the major provides of financial services in Citadel space. Agarp finances everything from a simple consumer credit to entire colonies and is headquartered on the Asari border world of Ilium.

While Agarp itself maintains no presence in the Terminus systems it has financed a number of mining and colony efforts in the area and is known to have campaigned for a larger military Citadel presence in the region numerous times.

Culop R&D (Salarian):
One of the many high tech focused Salarian companies Culop is said to be the technological leader in genetic research and modification. Culop maintains extensive research facilities in Lystheni space and is known to regularly sponsor expeditions to discover new alien life forms.

Synthetic Insights:
Synthetic Insights, Ltd. is one of few corporations licensed by the Citadel Council to develop artificial intelligence though it makes most of profits by selling highly advanced, specialist VI's. The company is also rumored to maintain a close relationship with the research department of the Quarian Migrant Fleet.

Batarian State Arms (Batarian):
Batarian State Arms is a military-controlled hardware manufacturing company who supplies the majority of the goods needed by the Batarian Hegemony and which is famous for its cheap products and loose background checks. BSA is said to sell guns to everybody who has credits to spare and its guns can now be found on pretty much any battlefield in the galaxy. Citadel authorities have started numerous investigations but the protective hand of the Hegemony and the sheer scale of the economy has so far prevented any serious legal challenge.

BSA is very active in the Terminus systems with it not only supplying the defensive forces of many colonies (as well as their attackers) but also have relocated a significant part of its production to the Eastern Frontier.

Bambelor (Batarian):
Focused on labour intensive heavy industries and mining Bambelor is very much the stereotypical Batarian company. It has recently started to expand its operations into the southern Terminus regions stating that it wishes to exploit the many untapped resources found here. Critics however say that Bambelor recent expansion has a far more sinister reason in that the company wishes to escape the tightening regulation regarding slaves and other indentured servants.

Baria Frontiers :
Baria Frontiers is a corporation which specializes in selling star charts and surveying new star systems and is one of the factions pressing for an opening of the Tion and Xian cluster.

Elkoss Combine (Volus):
A Volus manufacturer based in the Terminus Systems, the Elkoss Combine produces less expensive versions of items carried by high-end manufacturers. Functional yet affordable armor, weapons and omni-tools are all available from the Elkoss Combine. It's headquarter is located on the southern border of Hell's Gate and due to the continued danger of Vorcha raids heavily fortified, with Elkoss being of the main clients of the Blood Pack.

Tri Technical (Lystheni):
Founded not even a century ago by a pair of Lystheni gunsmiths who started their business by selling mods for BSA guns over the extranet Tri Technical has become one of the major military companies in the Terminus systems with its weapons and mods being highly popular with the many mercenary companies found in the region.

Anyc Industries (Lystheni):
While Anyc also dabbles in weapons manufacturing its main focus is in providing the booming economy with the resources it needs and it maintains countless mining operations all over Lystheni space as well as the regions bordering it.

Tanith Prospecting (Lystheni):
A rival of Baria Frontiers, Tanith Prospecting makes most of its money by selling claims to the eezo deposits it finds and is heavily invested in the continued exploration of the Tion cluster.

Tai Yong Medical (Larissa)
Despite being a relative newcomer to the galactic market the Larissa based biotechnological company of Tay Yong Medical has won a considerable amount of fame for their highly advanced augmentations.

Cyniad Salvage and Rescue (Quarian):
One of the stranger companies to be found in the galaxy CSAR, whose headquarter is located on Korlus, has specialised on space based salvage and rescue operations. Be it industrial accidents on an asteroid mining base, cleaning up the orbital space of a core planet or salvaging an abandoned freighter in the far reaches of space CSAR has done everything and managed to establish itself as an household name in the industry.

Private Military Companies:
The PMC's are a special breed of megacompanies who focus on providing military services that can range from simply security services or logistical support to providing and supply entire armies, including naval forces. While they have existed for a long time they only became truly powerful in the last few centuries when the Citadel polities started to expand beyond their traditional borders into the Attican Traverse and Terminus sector. Many of these companies operate with a complicated system of subcontractors and companies which it not being unusual to see one of the big companies hiring a small, semi-independent mercenary company for a job or service.

Elanus Risk Control Services (ERCS):
Elanus Risk Control Services (ERCS) is a private security corporation that employs mostly Turians and Asari and which provides a host of services ranging from simple event security to professional mercenary companies and starships to counter piracy. It is very well regarded within Citadel space and its near spotless reputation make it a favourite of Citadel based companies with even the Citadel Council known to hire on it occasions.

Compared to many other PMC's ERCS isn't that active in the Terminus sector, preferring to focus on areas nearer to Council space, but several of the wealthier colonies in the Eastern Frontier and Omega Nebulae are known to employ as a security force.

Eclipse is a relative young mercenary corporation that was founded by Asari commando Jona Sederis. The organization provides effective security and firepower for prospective employers; they have few scruples about the nature of those who hire them, so long as they can afford their services. Eclipse in general favors stealth, discrimination, and "intelligent" ways of conducting battles and is rumored to have close ties with several Lystheni companies. Hiring predominantly Asari and Salarians Eclipse is also known to often deploy combat mechs.

Eclipse is very active in the Terminus systems and its very combative pricing has resulted in being the security service of choice for many company operating the area. It also has a license to operate in Citadel space but recent rumours of it being connected to several smuggling operating have brought it to the attention of law enforcement agencies.

Blue Sons:
Consisting primarily of Batarians and Turians the Blue Sons are known to be the biggest and most powerful mercenary company currently operating in known space. While they provide normal security service, for example guarding warehouses or production facilities, their real focus lies in combat operations that can scale from small commando raids to planetary invasions with it being said that hiring the Blue Sons is the closest you can get to hire a complete army.

The Blue Sons are well connected to the military industrial complex in both Citadel and terminus space and the company maintains stakes in everything from mining companies to cinema's.

Blood Pack:
Many mercenaries companies skirt the law or even break it occasionally but the Blood Pack disregard it entirely. Infact many would indeed dispute that the Blood Pack is a mercenary company in the first place, viewing them as a little more than criminal thugs, though few would dare to voice that opinion near one of its members. Made of mostly Krogan and Vorcha the Blood is a terrifying and destructive force both on the battlefield and off it, famous for the collateral damage they cause whenever they are deployed. Indeed it is not unknown for them to deploy nuclear weapons against particular difficult targets which has resulted in them getting banned from Citadel space as well as many other planets.

Aria's Syndicate/Omega:
Built in the mined-out husk of a metallic asteroid that is located right on one of the transit points between Citadel Space and the Terminus systems, Omega has been a haven for criminals, terrorists, and malcontents for thousands of years. The Asari name for it translates as "the heart of evil", the Salarian name as "the place of secrets", the Turian name as "the world without law", and the Krogan name it as the "land of opportunity", clearly reflecting their cultural attitudes towards the society within Omega. The famous Elcor poet Xeltan once described it as a "dark mirror of the Citadel" and indeed nowadays Omega is one of the biggest space stations in known space, home to millions of lifeforms.

Control of the station is split between hundreds of different factions, ranging from small time criminal gangs to the respected Merchants Association, who constantly compete with each other for more territory but above them all thrones one single person, the Asari matriarch Aria T'Loak- the pirate queen of Omega. She is the leader of one of the most powerful criminals syndicates in existence though interestingly enough she is seldom directly connected to any open criminal activity, instead preferring to get her cut from the proceedings going on in "her" territory (which roughly encompasses the whole of the Omega Nebula). Instead her power is based on a massive network of informants, agents and friend carefully cultivated over the centuries that extends from the farthest reaches of the Terminus systems to the Citadel itself, perhaps only rivaled by that of the Shadow Broker or STG.

She also often serves as a middleman and mediator between the various organizations active in the Terminus systems, being viewed as close to a neutral authority as it gets in this part of space. However her control over Omga has been recently challenged by the Eclipse, Blue Sons and Blood Pack who have all started to carve out their own little empires on Omega and view themselves as being equal to Aria.

Criminal Organizations:
Groups that exist outside of the law and which make their money from preying on the weak and helpless can be found everywhere but especially on the border regions between "civilised" space.

Shadow Broker:
Half myth half reality, the Shadow Broker is an individual at the head of an expansive organization which trades in information, always selling to the highest bidder. The Shadow Broker appears to be highly competent at its trade: all secrets that are bought and sold never allow one customer of the Broker to gain a significant advantage, forcing the customers to continue trading information to avoid becoming disadvantaged, allowing the Broker to remain in business.

The Broker is active in the Terminus systems but nobody is sure to what extent.

The Consortium (Lystheni):
A Lystheni criminal organization that mostly operates in the legal greyzone and is heavily involved in the smuggling of drugs and weapons. While its main centre of operation is the Confederacy it is also known to be active in Eastern Frontier and Omega Nebulae.

Black Sun (Lystheni):
A ruthless Lystheni criminal organization that dominates the criminal underground in the Confederacy and which is known to be heavily involved in the illegal slave trade as well as piracy. It is especially active in the border regions of the Confederacy and rumored to well connected with the rest of the criminal network in the terminus systems.

Red Flight (Akvian):
A nationalistic and xenophobic paramilitary group which opposes any form of cooperation with other species. Mainly active in the Dominion though it has recently started to attack outside of it as well.

Dah'tan Cartel (Batarian):
Officially an shipping company it is an open secret that the Cartel is heavily involved in smuggling and other criminal activities in the Eastern Frontier and neighbouring regions.

The Horde (Vorcha):
One of the biggest criminal groups in the galaxy the Horde controls most of Hell's Gate and has been threatening the regions neighbouring it for centuries. Multiple attempts to stamp them out have failed since nobody in the region posses the ability or will to actually invade and pacify the planets hold by the Horde. Luckily the Vorcha from Hell's Gate are horrible shipbuilders making them incapable of truly threatening the major powers.

Batarian Privateers (Batarian)
With the Batarian Hegemony officially slowing down its aggressive slave raids it left many Batarian captains without a job. They have since then formed the Privateers and continue to plague the Terminus systems, using their contacts in the Hegemony to sell their product there. Many of them have been operating in the area for decades and they are known to have close ties with several of the Batarian colonies in the eastern frontier.
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Interlude: First Contact IV
First Contact: Part IV

You came here to talk with the aliens so you see little reason to reject Nisyxa M'priros invitation and thus you and your escorts are soon following her (and her escorts) to transports waiting nearby. The transports themselves once again surprise you with their similarity to human vehicles though they are considerably smaller than a typical human anti-grav vehicle, further strengthening you suspicion of the alien possessing powerful anti-gravity technology. After some initial confusion and discussion about who would board what vehicle and in what order you lift off and make your way to what you think is the royal palace located in the centre of the city. During this flight you made your first acquaintance with the talkative and open nature that you would later learn was typical of the Asari. In that moment Nisyxa lengthy explanations of the sights and buildings you passed on your journey seemed however quite strange with you and your escort being surprised by the willingness of an alien to share so much information with an outsider and you were willing to attribute them to her seeming youth (only to later learn that she was several hundred years old).

The initial meeting with the royal council was a rather grandiose and formal affair, not unlike to public events in Kusari or Bretonia, and your security detail nearly had a nervous breakdown due the large number of people and (camera) drones participating in the event. The actual initial talks were naturally conducted in a far smaller setting and went rather well in your opinion with both you and the Asari clearly being interested in a peaceful and civilised dialogue. Since it quickly became that the talks would take a considerable amount of time you and your team were offered rooms in the palace, hermetically sealed and thoroughly sanitized to allow you to leave your suits, which you decided to accept (though you were careful to not discuss any sensible material there or anywhere else on the planet even after you team had scanned for possible eavesdropping devices).

During the talks you quickly came to understand why the Asari seemed react so relaxed to meeting a new race since according to them they were part of a thriving galactic society considering of many different races that covered a significant part of the galaxy. You were honestly a bit overwhelmed by the sheer amount of races and entities they mentioned, some of them seeming to dwarf the various Houses of Sirius to a worrisome degree. The fact that many of them where organized in a single galactic polity called the Citadel Council did little to settle your nerves though the Asari of Larrisa (which you cam to understand where in fact a splinter group of one of the most powerful races that made up said council) were quick to point out the peaceful and democratic nature of said council (though you also noticed how they made a point of also mentioning its unmatched military power and the fact that it had defeated a race called the Rachni before). You yourself focused your explanation of the humans on ancient history and the general culture diversity of the humanity which, as you could judge such a thing, was relatively well received. The situation became a bit tense when some of the Asari began to ask questions regarding the current extent and power of humanity but you managed to calm the situation by mentioning that humanity had only recently had been involved in a hostile first contact scenario with the nomads (which you were happy to hear didn't seem familiar to the Asari though many of them compared them to the Rachni) and that your people were thus cautious about giving away to much information.

But while they were happy to discuss the various aliens that made up the galaxy and even shared some of their maps with you they far less willing to discuss their technology, especially once it became clear just how different it was to yours. From what little you could gather a significant part of it was based on something called the Mass Effect which was somehow able to manipulate the gravity in ways that made the more scientific members of your crew shake their hands in pure astonishment. While you made several tries to discover more about the technology it quickly became clear that this was one area they weren't their talkative self and that what little they did say was so vastly different than what you were used to that it provided very little useful information. They did however tell you that they utilised something called Mass Relay's for long distance travel and that said Relays did in fact originate from a precursor race. At first you thought they meant Dom'Kavash Hypergates but when you where shown pictures and vids this quickly turned out to be wrong and instead you saw a station eerily similar to the alien construct you discovered in Voss (Alpha 3). You were also told that the Citadel Council reacted very poorly to the unauthorized activation of said Mass Relays and that this had caused problems in the past.

The last thing you and the Council discussed was the area claimed by you/humanity which also went rather well with none of your claimed territory conflicting with any existing claims that Asari of Larrisa knew off. though they mentioned their surprise at you being so near their world. The royal council also promised to respect your borders provided you did the same which you were only happy to do and after that there where only a few points to settle before you could return back home though it seems likely that it will only be a matter of time before a more permament relationship between your two groups will be established.

Point 1: Mind Melding
The Asari seem to posses some form of telepathic ability, the exact function of which has escaped your understanding so far, and Nisxya, with the support of the agreement of the royal council, has offered to "meld" with you. According to her it would give her a better understanding of your and thus humanities nature while doing the same for you. You are unsure about this since while it might help to build trust between your factions you can't help but think that it might be a very bad idea to let somebody else into your mind, even if she is adamant that she won't be able to read your thoughts.
[] Accept Mind Meld
[] Don't Accept Mind Meld

Point 2: Invitation
While the Asari haven't stated it directly they clearly seem interested in visiting a human world or space station in the near future. It is a understandable request and in principle you think it a good idea (even if you would prefer to have said meeting on for example the new station you have built in the Hyrule station) but considering the sheer amount of new information you need to process it might be a good idea to delay said visit.
[] Issue Invitation
(Asari will visit in two turns)
[] Delay Invitation

Point 3: Technological Trade
This Mass Effect seems quite interesting and you might be able to convince them to part with some of their knowledge if you part with some of yours
[] Open Negotiations
[] Don't Open Negotations

Point 4: Disclosure
While the Asari don't think that they will be able to keep your existence a secret they are willing to willing to do their best to limit the leaked information. On the other hand letting the information circulate freely could be useful in future negotiations and might even cause some of the local players to approach you instead of the other way around.
[] No Disclosure
[] Full Disclosure

Point 5: Write In
Is there anything you want to do or ask them?

GM: There you go. Not really that much of an update but hopefully enough to get the ball rolling again. I didn't want to include to much info-dumb in this update but if there is anything you would like to know feel free to ask, especially regarding basic mass effect technology etc. I think most you have played the games but I am happy to explain stuff for those who haven't.

Edit: I have also updated the front page with the interlude information.

Mass Effect Universe:
Citadel Nations/States:

Citadel Council:
The Citadel Council is a multi-species coalition who have united to form the most powerful government in the known galaxy. It takes it name from the impressive Citadel station, one of the few active (suspected) Protean relics besides the Mass Relays, located in the centre of Serpent Nebula in Citadel space. Its economic, cultural and military is unmatched by any political organization in known space resulting in it having a huge influence in galactic politics. Despite being the supreme authority in Citadel space the various member states do whoever enjoy a large degree of autonomy with the core principle that anything to explicitly decided by the Council is up to the member states themselves.

The membership of the Citadel is divided into two tiers, the full members who are part of the executive council consisting of the Asari, Turian and Salarians, and the associates members who don't have a seat on the council but maintain permanent embassies on the Citadel and are granted limited participation rights like for example the right to submit opinion pieces regarding new legislation, speak during council meetings etc. There also a exists a third, less.official, group made of a selected group of influential megacompanies and non-Citadel states who have been granted observer status on the Council and also maintain a presence on the Citadel.

While the Council generally doesn't openly interfere with people outside its borders there are two major policies it tries to enforce galaxy wide. Those are the Citadel Conventions regarding the use of weapon of mass destruction against Garden worlds and the unauthorized activation of new Mass Relays.

Asari Republics:
The Asari Republics are likely the most influential nation in space. Though its military is outmatched by the Turians and its intelligence agencies are no match for the Salarians the Asari Republics are the economic and cultural centre of the Citadel and thus the galaxy.

Unlike most other races they lack an central government besides their representation on the Citadel council and are instead organized around smaller "republics" following an extreme basic/e-democratic model. Policy debates take place at all hours of the day, in official chat rooms and forums moderated by specially-programmed virtual intelligences. All aspects of policy are open to plebiscite at any time. In any given debate, the Asari tend to lend the most credence to the opinions of any Matriarchs present, nearly always deferring to the experience of these millennia-old "wise women".

Culturally speaking the Asari are a very open and communal society that puts great value into cultural endeavours. They are also highly xenophile and interested in new discoveries, especially during their Maiden years, and are of the few nations known to regularly grant citizenship to other races.

The Asari possess one of the most powerful navies in the galaxy, favouring smaller units like frigates and corvettes but also fielding a significant number of dreadnoughts. Like their government the Asari military tends to be organized decentrally and lacks a powerful permanent central authority. It land based forces meanwhile are something of a mixed bag, the longevity and biotic nature of the Asari make them some of the finest infantry soldiers in the galaxy, exemplified by their nearly unmatched commando teams, but their decentral organization and lack of a heavy armour and machines put them at a distinct disadvantage on any modern battlefield.

The Asari Republics activities in the Terminus sector are mostly limited to diplomatic missions by the Citadel council.

Status: Great Power
Inspiration: Mass Effect, Greek City states

Turian Hierarchy:
The Turian Hierarchy is one of the three full members of the Citadel Council and is generally viewed as its guardian. Famous for its massive military and ruthless, pragmatic nature the Turians are one of the most feared races in the galaxy and the ultimate bogeyman for many in the Terminus sector.

The Turian government, known as the Turian Hierarchy, is a hierarchical meritocracy. While it has great potential for misuse, this is tempered by the civic duty and personal responsibility turians learn during their childhood. Their society is organized into 27 citizenship tiers, ranging from lowly civilian or client races to Primarch. There is a strong focus on doing one's duty and following orders though superiors are encouraged to take note of the subordinates concerns and criticisms.

Turians enjoy broad freedoms. So long as one completes their duties, and does not prevent others from completing theirs, nothing is forbidden. For example, there are no laws against recreational drug use, but if someone is unable to complete their duties due to drug use, their superiors step in. Judicial proceedings are 'interventions.' Peers express their concern, and try to convince the offender to change. If rehabilitation fails, turians have no qualms about sentencing dangerous individuals to life at hard labor for the state.

The Turian military is not only unmatched in size but also their discipline and morale that mean that Turian units almost never break, no matter how horrendous the losses are. Lacking the biotic powers of the Asari, the technical genius of the Salarians or the sheer strength of the Krogan the Turians follow a combined arms approach that is heavily depended on heavy armour and drones. Since almost every Turian serves at least 15 years in the military, with many deciding to stay on and become "lifers", the Turian military outnumbers its enemies often by several degrees. Turian planets and colonies are also notoriously difficult to conquer with the cities often designed as fortresses and extreme resistance by the general population that often requires extreme measures to break.

The Turian Hierarchy also possess several (alien) client states, originally conquered due a perceived superiority by the Hierarchy and wish the bring order to uncivilised barbarians. Nowadays however those clients races enjoy nearly the same opportunities as the Turian and can increase their social standing through service like any other Turian, though higher ranking aliens remain a rare sight. And while the Hierarchy reserves the right for further conquests the opposition of both the Asari and Salarian (as well as the associates members of the council) make it highly unlikely that the Hierarchy will return to its imperialist past anytime soon.

Due to its role as the peacekeeper of the Citadel the Turian navy is active in the border regions of the Terminus systems where it works with the Batarian Hegemony to secure the often porous border. The various Turian colonies present in the Terminus system are however not connected to the Hierarchy and are in fact often with viewed with distrust if not hostility by its.

Status: Great Power
Inspiration: Mass Effect, Starship Troopers

Salarian Union:
The second species to join the Citadel, the Salarians are warm-blooded amphibians native to the planet Sur'Kesh. Salarians possess a hyperactive metabolism; they think fast, talk fast, and move fast and they are known for their observational capability and non-linear thinking. This manifests as an aptitude for research and espionage.

The salarian government is a labyrinthine web of matrilineal bloodlines, with political alliances formed through interbreeding. In many ways, the salarian political network functions like the noble families of Earth's Medieval Europe. Structurally, the government consists of fiefdoms, baronies, duchies, planets, and marches (colonization clusters). These are human nicknames, as the original salarian is unpronounceable. Each area is ruled by a single Dalatrass (matriarchal head-of-household) and represents an increasing amount of territory and prestige within the salarian political web.

The Salarian culture is perhaps described as "knowledge is power" with information gathering and even spying being viewed as natural. Normally, the rare salarian females are cloistered on their worlds out of tradition and respect from where determine the political course of their respective regions through shrewd negotiation. Though male salarians rise to positions of great authority in business, academia, or the military, they rarely have any input on politics which has led to conflicts in the past. Due to their method of reproduction, salarians have no concept of romantic love, sexual attraction, or the biological impulses and social rituals that complicate other species' lives. Male-female relationships are rare (due to the scarcity of females) and more akin to human friendship. Sexuality is strictly for the purpose of reproduction. Ancient social codes determine who gets to fertilize eggs, which produces more daughters to continue the bloodline. Fertilization generally only occurs after months of negotiation between the parents' clans, and is done for purposes of political and dynastic alliance. No salarian would imagine defying this code.

The Salarian military is relatively small and volunteer based, focusing on maneuver warfare. What makes them special is their cutting edge equipment and focus on intelligence activities. Well before fighting breaks out, they possess complete knowledge of their enemy's positions, intentions, and timetable. In war Salarians always follow a first strike policy with the goal being to defeat the enemy before he has time react and organise itself.

Officially the Salarians are not active in the Terminus systems, but rumours suggest the Special Task Group (STG ), the top salarian intelligence agency, is very active in the area.

Status: Great Power
Inspiration: Mass Effect, Renaissance+Spies

Batarian Hegemony:
The Batarian Hegemony is a relatively newcomer to the galactic stage and despite a being a member of the Citadel has long be viewed as something of a rogue state. Especially during the early days of its membership clashes with the Council were common and with being still being locked in a heated dispute with the Council regarding the issue of slavery.

The Batarian Hegemony is organised according to a strict caste system led by an autocratic Hegemon that is based on the wealth of an individual, with it not being unusual that a Batarian "buys" himself a better position. Nation states still play an important role in internal politics of the Batarian core systems but over the last few decades the Hegemon has strengthened his position significantly and now reigns supreme. The Batarian Hegemony maintains a massive bureaucracy and is active and present in nearly every part of society, either directly or indirectly through state owned corporations.

Compared to the rest of the Citadel the Hegemony is considerable more restrictive when it comes to its citizens rights with a censorship and state propaganda relatively common and open criticism being rare. While violent oppression has thankfully become relatively rare the lower classes, who proportionally make up a large part of society, are still often ignored and social services are extremely limited. Economically speaking the Hegemony has long suffered from the fact that its techbase is and to some degree still is rather primitive compared to the other Citadel races, a fact Batarians blame on the fact that the Prothean ruins in their system were heavily damaged. However over the last few decades the Hegemony has managed to capitalise on its relatively cheap labour cost and has become the prefered location for the production of various "low-tech" consumer goods. This and the continued pressure/influence of the Asari has led to the creation of a more liberal middle class that is slowly growing in power.

The Batarian military is the fourth largest in the Citadel and is modelled after the Turian model though it struggles to reach its level of discipline and skill. Its leadership especially suffers from the negative impact of its caste system with many officers having their position due to their social rank and not their skill while its reliance on drafted lower, less educated caste members to fill the ranks can cause issues with discipline, especially when coupled with the Hegemony's tendency to accept extreme casualties to accomplish its strategic goals. The Batarian military however also possess several elite regiments, most notable the feared SIU, that have in the past competitions beaten even famed Turian and Asari formation. In regards to its navy the Batarian is currently cooperating with the Turian to modernize their aging fleet though its fleet remain top heavy, with the Batarian leadership pressing for ever more dreadnoughts due to political reasons despite them being not that useful when it comes to operations in the border regions or Terminus systems.

The Batarians Hegemony is also the only nation within the Citadel that still practices slavery , which has led to repeated diplomatic conflicts with the other members. Slavery plays an important role in the cultural makeup of the Batarian society (indeed its economic impact in negligible) and the Hegemony reacts quite aggressive when pressed on the issue. In recent years however the Hegemon, following immense political pressure, introduced several new laws intended to prevent the targeting of other Citadel members (and nations allied to it) as well as to provide some basic rights for the slaves, making it for example impossible for a slave owner to kill a slave without proper justification. The actual implementation of said laws is however still incomplete with several leading families and especially the border regions (where slave trade is a highly profitable business) doing their best to sabotage the process. The Batarian leadership however remains dedicated to its successful implementation, viewing it is a necessary step to fulfill their long held dream of getting made into a full member of the Citadel Council (and thus assume their rightful position as a leader of the galaxy).

The Batarians have always been active in the Terminus sector but their recent activities into the border regions have increased those activities considerably. And contrary to public opinion those activities do not only consist of slave raiders and other criminal groups, many of which are in fact also raiding proper Hegemony colonies, but also of extensive business activities with Batarian being famed for their cheap and somewhat reliable guns that can be found on pretty much every battlefield in Terminus. In recent years to Hegemony has also tried to establish proper diplomatic channels with the bigger states within the expanse though so far the negative image of the Batarians has prevented those efforts from bearing fruit.

Status: Major Power
Inspiration: Mass Effect, Ancient Rome/Modern China

Vol(us) Protectorate:
The bankers of the Citadel and something of an odd case due to their double status as an associate member of the Council while at same time being an client state of the Turian Hierarchy (interestingly enough not due to being conquered but due to petitioning for such a status themselves after the Krogan rebellion).

Despite being a client state of the Turian the Vol-Protectorates government, based on esoteric mix of meritocratic and oligarchical principles, enjoys comparatively wide-reaching autonomy rights, especially in regards to internal matters. It is however limited in it ability to conduct external diplomacy and only maintains diplomatic ties with the Council and other member states. It is also tightly connected to the finance sector of the Citadel and several of the regulatory agencies are located on Irune.

Volus culture is dominated by trade, whether it be of land, resources, or even other tribe members and they have a reputation as traders and merchants. Due to the volus not being physically adept, they tend not to be violent, and can even seem overly-pacifistic and cowardly to other, more militant species. The volus homeworld Irune is remarkable for having done away with warfare as an institution of the state, as the volus lack the romantic view of war found in the galaxy's more aggressive species. Physical skirmishes between groups rarely last long, and are almost always ended by social castigation, bargaining agreements, or harsh economic sanctions.

As a client state of the Turian the Volus military is tightly entwined with the Turin military. Volus troops serve as auxiliaries alongside their Turian masters where they make up for their small stature with highly advanced power armour and top of the line weaponry. Where possible the Volus prefer to focus on air-combat and the Protectorate maintains several flotillas of heavy-bomber frigates capable of warfare in any atmosphere.

The Vol-Protectorate is not active in the Terminus systems though several Volus led-companies have extensive operations in the area.

Status: Medium Power
Inspiration: Mass Effect, Venice

Illuminated Primacy (Hanar):
The only non-humanoid as well as the only (mostly) aquatic member of the Citadel the Illuminated Primacy of the Hanar is often looked by the casual observer. Their unique anatomy as well as spiritual nature means they are rarely seen outside their own territory and even rarer outside Citadel space.

Little is commonly known of government of Illuminated Primacy other than that it also serves as its high priesthood.

The Hanar homeworld, Kahje, has 90% ocean cover and orbits an energetic white star, resulting in a permanent blanket of clouds. Due to the presence of Prothean ruins on Kahje, the hanar have developed a religion centered on the ancient species, calling them the "Enkindlers". Hanar myths often speak of them as an elder race that uplifted and civilized them by teaching them language. Hanar value politeness and precise speech to the degree that Hanar expecting to communicate with outsiders tend to undergone special training to become more accepting of perceived insults. The Hanar economy is the smallest of all Council members and trade with other races is limited.

The Hanar military is small and its ships don't tend to follow traditional design philosophies making it hard to predict their effectiveness. Its military doesn't tend to leave its borders and has yet to be tested in a true galactic conflict but the Hanar have repeatedly stated their willingness to participate in Citadel operations if so requested by the Council. It is unclear if the Hanar maintain any land based army though it is suspected that they have significant naval forces, which coupled with the aquatic nature of their cities makes any invasion a daunting task. Dreel combat specialists are also part of the Hanar military and are known to exceptionally well trained and equipped though they are only very rarely deployed outside of Drell space.

The Hanar interactions with other races tend to be limited and are often connected to their worship of the Prothean. They are however are also known for their generosity and willingness to help others, being the major contributor to a number of relief agencies in citadel space and beyond.

There is no known Hanar activity in the Terminus sector.

Status: Minor Power
Inspiration: Mass Effect

Two centuries ago, the Hanar helped 375,000 members of the Drell race migrate to the hanar homeworld, Kahje, to escape the environmental extermination that had claimed most of the remaining 11 billion drell.

Nearly all Drell demonstrate tremendous loyalty to their famously reclusive saviors. The intimacy of their relationship, expressed in a formal sociopolitical alliance called the Compact, also results in extremely close personal relations in which some drell actually learn hanar Soul names. While most drell reside on Kahje, some assist hanar off-world as envoys, researchers, co-investors, wayfarers, assassins or otherwise, eager to help their saviors. For a century, galactic wisdom has held that behind any high-ranking hanar hides a resourceful and fanatically devoted drell.

The few Drell active in the Terminus system are thought to be originating from the ruins of the Drell home-world of Rakhana and not connected to the Hanar​

Courts of Dekuuna (Elcor):
Another of the associate members of the the Citadel the Elcor where only starting to expand into the wider galaxy when the Asari discovered them but have since than become a well respected member of the galaxy.

The Elcor venerate their Elders and their government consequently consists of a council of the oldest and wisest Elders of their race, who spend years poring over ancient records of jurisprudence to determine the precedent that should be followed in any given situation. The Elders record closely argued and minutely detailed instructions on what course to follow in any theoretical crisis. These are filed away in huge libraries of data discs and are consulted when needed. This makes elcor policies very predictable, provided one has done a great deal of research. The Elcor ability for long term planning is famous and perhaps only matched by the Asari.

Elcor usually prefer to stay on their colonies rather than travel in space, which may be why few elcor are seen on the Citadel or on other worlds. Possibly because of their size or evolution in the open air, the elcor find the necessary confines of space travel uncomfortable, and many modern elcor indeed prefer the open sky to the former. Evolving in a high-gravity environment where a fall could be lethal has made elcor psychology deeply cautious and conservative. Their culture is built on small, tight-knit groups, and their conservative nature means the elcor government is extremely stable. Despite this, they are always welcoming to outsiders.

Elcor are traditionally migratory in nature. This reflects on their choice of twin capitals on their homeworld, one for the wet season and one for the dry season. Modern technology has rendered the tradition obsolete, though elcor still observe it. The Elcor economy is no match for the industrial juggernauts that are the Asari or Turians but still compares favourably to similar sized nations. It is also famous for its near total self sufficiency with imports into Elcor spaces being extremely rare.

The Elcor military suffers from the Elcor dislike of space travel and is thus on the smaller side while their thoughtful and careful nature has led to a large degree of automatization as well as widespread use of VI's. The slow speed and immense size of the elcor makes them easy targets in ground combat. Fortunately, their durable hide allows them to shrug off most incoming fire, especially once augmented by sophisticated armour and defense systems. Elcor warriors don't carry small arms; their broad shoulders serve as a stable platform for the same size of weapons typically mounted on fighting vehicles leading to Elcor soldiers being called "living tanks" by their enemies.

Status: Medium Power
Inspiration: Mass Effect, Lawyers

The Krogan Imperium:
Once called the saviors of the galaxy the Krogans of today are but a pale shadow of their former glory and stand as a memorial for the dangers of uplifting a species before its time. Used to rebel the Rachni the Krogan were for several decades a well respected member remember of the Council till the Krogan Rebellion and the resulting genophage which destroyed the Krogan nation and culture, leaving behind an small and embittered populace of warriors without a cause.

Nowadays the Krogans are organised in small clans numbering at best several thousand individuals and lack any form of central government or authority.

The Krogan follow a warrior culture where the only way to gain attention is though martial deeds. This make them superb warriors but has prevented nearly all social, cultural or scientific development for several decades. This is not helped by the fact that the few Krogans who are interested in those topics tend to be ostracized by their brethren and thus tend to either get killed or immigrate. Since the genophage fertile females have become the most valuable commodity for Krogans and it is not unknown for wars to be fought over the possession of a young and fertile female.

There is no official Korgan military but theoretically every Krogan is a deadly soldier though the disunity of the clans makes it highly unlikely that they will ever again become a threat to the galaxy. The Krogan government, should it somehow come into existence, is also forbidden from owning anything bigger than a frigate for at least the next three hundred years and it is well known the the STG keeps an eye out for any Krogan would be warlord trying to change that,

While Krogans are a comparatively common sight in the Terminus Sector the lack of an government means those are nearly always independent actors or mercenaries.

Status: Minor Power
Inspiration: Mass Effect, Knights

The Migrant Fleet (Quarians):
Once a powerful member of the Citadel numbering in the billions the Quarians of today are a sad remnant of this once proud civilization and have become a nomadic people travelling all over the galaxy looking for a new home or a way to defeat the Geth.

The leadership of the Quarian people now consists of two parts. The democratically elected Conclave which can roughly be described as the legislative body and the Admiralty Board, the executive. However the various ship captains enjoy large degrees autonomy when it comes to handling issues on their own ships and thus rules and punishment for minor action can vary from ship to ship.

The Quarian culture is dominated by the fact that they are refugees and that their civilization is constantly teetering on the brink of collapse. Families and ship crews tends to be extremely close to each other and the common good is viewed as far more important than individual freedoms/wishes. Quarians can be highly emotional and hot tempered which at times clashes with the rather limited space. Due to the limited room and resources available to the Quarian people the Migrant Fleet maintains a zero population growth policy that is strictly enforced.

Officially the Quarian military is rather small consisting only of a few thousand marines and a few, mostly outdated, dedicated combat ships. In truth however nearly every ship of the Migrant Fleet is armed meaning that is it the biggest military force in the known galaxy, maybe even a match for the Turian fleet. Its marines are well trained but suffer from the same problem that every Quarian faces which is that their weak immune system makes every little injury potentially life threatening.

Young Quarians are expected to undergo a pilgrimage to become full adults (via being accepted into a new crew) which means leaving the fleet and traveling to galaxy in search of something of value to bring back to the fleet. While it is not unknown for somebody to return with little more than a few hundred credits and some new skills the true heroes are those who bring back something truly substantial and many young Quarian dreams of bringing back new technology or, the biggest prize of all, a new ship.

The relationship of the Migrant Fleet with the rest of the galaxy is complicated which is partly due to them being blamed for unleashing an AI on the galaxy, partly because a mostly undeserved reputation as thieves and scoundrels but also due to several Migrant Fleet practices like dumping its criminals on other worlds and their strip mining of the system the fleet is passing through.

The decision to abandon the Quarian during the initial Geth rebellion remains of the most controversial to date and is still debated by philosophers and lawmakers all over Citadel space.

Status: Medium Power
Inspiration: Mass Effect, Sinti and Roma/Refugees

Swarm intelligence with a tendency to utilise human-like synthetic bodies/platforms. Defeated the Quarian state in a bloody rebellion and has since then not interacted with the rest of the galaxy, seemingly content to remain within the original Quarian borders beyond the Perseus Veil. The few explorers who have tried to make contact with them have never returned and the Citadel has declared a prohibited area, closed to any form of travel.

Status: ???
Inspiration: Mass Effect, Every AI book/movie ever

An alien species that disappeared around fifty thousand years ago and whose ruins seem to be the basis for most of the technology used by the races of the Milky Way. While the Prothean Empire/State is said to have covered most of the galaxy its centre seems to have been in the galactic south-east with Prothean ruins relatively rare in most of the Terminus sector.

Status: Extinct
Inspiration: Mass Effect
Terminus Governments:
Lystheni Confederacy:
Lystheni is an archaic Salarian term and originally meant exiled or clanless and was used to describe those banished from their clan/family, a fate far worse than death in the eyes of the ancient Salarians. The term experienced a revival shortly after the Salarian Union met the Asari and joined the Citadel Council where it was used to describe the emerging political movement demanding a more democratic system modelled after the Asari and an end to the oppressive and outdated matriarchal dictature by the Dalatrasses.

Originally little more than a political fringe group its popularity exploded in the aftermath of the League of One scandal, viewed by many at the time as a betrayal of loyal (male) Salarians by a corrupt and power hungry elite, with several minor Dalatrasses joining the movement. Still paralysed by the assassination of the majority of its leadership the Union was unable to effectively oppress the movement and acts of civil unrest and even sabotage started to appear all over the Salarian Union. The Salarians were in the midst of mobilizing their military when the Asari intervened and mediated a compromise between the two factions which resulted in the majority of the Lystheni leaving the Union and settling in the, then barely explored, Terminus systems, far away from the Union and its meddling Dalatrasses.

Nowadays the Lystheni Confederacy is one of the major powers in the eastern Terminus sector and posses its own vibrant and distinct culture. Theoretically it is a representative democracy with two chambers, one directly elected and one made up of representatives from the major colonies, which in fact also enjoy a high degree of autonomy and often compete with each other. Every free citizen has the right to vote and elections are scheduled every two years. However its political system also includes strong meritocratic and oligarchic elements, higher positions are for example reserved for those who made significant contributions to the well being of the state and the sale and buying of votes is permitted. In reality this leads to a political system that is dominated by the corporate and intellectual elite though the population seems generally quite satisfied with the situation and wins by outsiders/populists candidates are not unknown.

Culturally the Lystheni resemble the Salarian Union, favouring the gathering of knowledge over more mundane activities, though they also put a high value on personal freedoms and political transparency, which coupled with their pragmatism often leads to political decisions that outsiders have difficulty to follow/understand. Viewing the clan based breeding policies of the Salarian Union as one of the key reasons for its, in the eyes of the Lystheni, outdated political system the Lystheni breeding is organised directly by the state which is also responsibility for the education and upbringing of the new children, though couples or interested individuals can apply for partial adoptions. Unlike the original Salarians the Lystheni have also no problem with the permanent genetic modification of their genome which over time has resulted in far higher percentage of females, who enjoy the same legal standing as males, and a slightly longer lifespan. The Confederacy also has significant alien minority populations which for the most part are totally assimilated.

While maybe not as advanced as the Citadel Council races the Confederacy is netherless famous for it's highly competitive and advanced economy which maintains extensive ties to Citadel Space. Due to its extremely relaxed laws, which in many cases are practically non-existent, it's is the favoured destination of those finding Citadel regulation to constricting but outsiders should be aware that patent law is generally viewed as a suggestion at best and that corporate espionage is nothing unusual. The same laws also make it the favorite destination for mercenaries, and other organisations operating in the legal grey zone, looking for something more advanced than what Batarian State Arms can provide. There is however also a darker side to those laws since practices like indentured labor, though outright slavery is officially forbidden, and the sale of highly addictive drugs are also permitted (and often exploited by criminal organizations)

The Lystheni military is one of the more powerful in the Terminus sector and the Lystheni shipbuilders, like their Salarian counterparts, favour a modular approach though with no powerful allies like the Turians to fall back on the Lystheni ships tend to be of a more generalist nature than the specialised tools of war the Union fields. Its land based army is fairly small, consisting mostly of non Lystheni troops, and where possible the Confederacy prefers to use mercenaries instead. In cases of emergency the Confederacy has however shown its ability and willingness to field what basically amounts to clone troops, made of specially designed Lystheni.

The Lystheni come sporadically into conflict with the Akvian Dominion regarding their shared border but otherwise maintain cordial ties to most other legitimate factions in the Terminus systems. Their wealth has however made them an repeated target for pirate attacks and it is suspected that several criminal organizations operate in their border areas.

Status: Medium Power
Inspiration: Mass Effect, Cyberpunk

Hogane Protectorate/Kingdoms of Bellatania:
The Hogane, a species of amphibian aliens looking a bit like upright walking alligators who are capable of breathing both in the air and water, were just entering their equivalent of the industrial era when an Lystheni explorer came across them three centuries ago and decided that they were just what he needed to get an edge over his competitors. When the trader returned to Lystheni space it was far too late to do anything and the Lystheni government saw no other choice than to support his plan to uplift the whole species.

While the Hogane society underwent massive changes in the last few years its nobility has far so managed to retain its control over the various kingdoms that make up the Hogane Protectorate. The highest authority on Bellatania is the council of kings, consisting of the nine most powerful nobles, though it tends to focus on internal matters, content to follow the Lystheni on nearly all other matters.

Public speaking plays an important role in the cultural life of the Hogane with theatric ability often just important as the actual information conveyed. Court trials are seen as prime entertainment and have in the past known to draw audiences numbering in the tens of thousands (and are now some of the most watched media) and it is not unusual for talented speakers to gain patents of nobility. The Hogane are no stranger to personal conflict and small scale, nearly ritualised warfare but have never experienced the horrors of a total war. For the Hogane there is no dishonour in surrendering to a superior enemy and captives, especially those of sufficient nobility, are often treated as honoured guests rather than prisoners.

The Hogane have no independent naval force and depend on the Lystheni for protection. However several thousand Hogane serve as shock-troopers in the Lystheni military where they are famous for their expertise in close-quarter-combat.

The relationship between Lystheni and Hogane is perhaps described as a patron-client relationship with the Hogane being extremely helpful to the Lystheni for their assistance. Lystheni technicians especially enjoy a an high social standing in the eyes of the often less comparatively poorly educated Hogane and are sometimes viewed as having near mystical powers (much to the amusement of said technicians). Hogane are often willing to work for a far lower wage than other races and are often employed for janitorial duties and the like. With a population still numbering in the single-digit-billions Hogane are only commonly seen in the Lystheni space.

Status: Minor Power
Inspiration: Mass Effect, Stellaris

Akvian Dominion:
The Akvians are an avian race originating from the low gravity world of Serenity who have managed to establish their control over nearly fifty systems, making the Dominion one of the more powerful factions in the sector. Akvians are superb pilots, making extensive use of small strike craft in their combat operations, and their origin from a low gravity homeworld means that they are quite comfortable in a zero-g environment, resulting comparatively high percentage of their society living in space stations scattered around their realm.

The highest authority of the Dominion is the (High) Senate, consisting of over one thousand elected senators, who serves as the highest tier of the legislative, executive and judicative. The position of the Speaker, nominally the leader of the Senate, is decided by lot and changes every month making it a largely ceremonial role.The true power is therefore found in the leadership of the various parties which make up the Senate, organised alongside regional divides or special interests, who often form temporary coalitions. One of the quirks of the Senate is that a simple majority is enough to implement a new policy while a two-third majority is needed to repeal or change an old one, which was originally intended to provide a certain stability to the whole system but has ended up creating something of a bureaucratic nightmare.

The Akvian's are communal creatures and tend to favour cooperative activities over direct competitions. Their theatre productions are famous for their combination of breathatking aerial maneuvers, intricate costumes and music (even if many races in fact require body modification or external translators to hear the total tonal range involved in said music). While the Akvians have left their tribal origins they still place a high value on where they come from, which can often be seen by miniature differences in their clothing or styling of their feathers (well by Akvians at least - outsiders have proven to be notoriously inept at this task).

Like many in the Terminus systems the Akvians suffer from the fact that Prothean ruins in the Terminus sector are rare and seldom as big as the ones found in Citadel space which has put them at a distinct disadvantage in the technological field. Nethertheless the central location of the Akvian Dominion means that a lot of the trade is passing through its systems and Akvian companies are slowly beginning to catch up to their Lystheni and Batarian competitors.

The Akvians maintain a sizeable military that unlike many others in Citadel Space focuses on strike craft, which has proven especially effective against the less advanced ships fielded by the various pirates and other criminals in the area. Its army however is more difficult to categorize since its focus on the low-g environment normally inhabited by the Akvians puts them at a distinct disadvantage when forced to operate in "normal" g environments.

The relative prosperity of the Akvian's makes them an attractive target to many in Terminius, especially the warlords of the Omega region or pirates operating out of Hell's Gate, with raids and counter raids being a common occurrence.

It's relationship with the Citadel is a bit more complicated. The wealth, influence and security of the Citadel races is admired and envied by the Akvians, who have expressed their desire to join several times, but the imperious way the Citadel, especially the Batarians, have treated them in the past has created a lot of anger and mistrust.

Status: Medium Power
Inspiration: Master of Orion, Original

Chad Theocracy:
The Chad Theocracy was one of the first races discovered during the initial exploration of the Terminus sector but it remains a mystery to this very day due to its isolationist policy and location inside a dense nebulae, causing problems for most scanners.

Status: ???
Inspiration: ???

Madaniak Ascendency:
The Madaniak Ascendency has only recently appeared on the galactic stage and not much is known about it. If the rumours on the Holonet are to believed the Ascendency, lacking any local Prothean ruins, was restricted to its home system for thousands of years before finally cracking the secret of the Mass Effect themselves. It seems however that during this time the Ascendency has grown quite comfortable with its situation and now sees little reason to actually leave its home system, favouring to instead enjoy vast virtual worlds and drug induced hallucinations.

Status: Minor Power
Inspiration: Hedonism

Grimgor's Empire/Amerath :
Grimgor was born several hundred years after the Krogan Rebellion on a remote and desolate colony in the Krogan Demilitarized Zone (Krogan DMZ). He is said to have been a smart child and somehow caught the attention of a young Asari officer visiting the colony. When the Asari left the planet young Grimgor accompanied her and for over five hundred years the two travelled all over the galaxy, first in service for the Asari military and then as military contractors for the Asari PMC Elanus Risk Control Services. When the Asari reached Matriach age and announced her intention to retire to Thessia and teach at the prestigious Kal'no military academy she invited Grimgor along but he decided to instead try his luck in the Terminus systems, reportedly seeking a worthy challenge for his talents. Using his extensive military contacts he gathered a sizeable army of mercenaries and conquered the Vorcha occupied planet of Amerath, formerly part of the ill-fated corporate sector. Since then he has been busy restoring the planet's industrial facilities while fending of repeated attacks by the Horde and other Vorcha pirates.

Grimgors Empire is the picture book example of a military dictatorship with all power being held either directly by Grimgor or his lieutenants. They use their army of several thousand Krogan, Turian and Batarian mercenaries to control the several million Vorcha that survived the initial invasion and are currently in the process of training and reconditioning the most promising of those.

Unlike many other would-be warlords Grimgor is well aware that there is more to war than just winning battles and has worked tirelessly to restore some of the old industrial facilities found on the planet back to life. He success on that front has been limited so far but his low prices and -no questions asked policy have ensured a steady supply of criminals and down on their luck merchants looking to fix the rust-buckets that serve as their ships. And even importantly he recently managed to convince the two Lystheni mega companies, Tri Technical and Anyc to relocate part of their infantry weapon production to Amerath.

Grimgor's fleet is rather small, consisting of a single cruiser and a number of smaller ships of varying quality. His army is a bit more impressive consisting of several thousand hardened combat veterans, including the famed, all Krogan Black Guard, supported by large masses of Vorcha irregulars.

Most of Terminus is still unsure what to think of the Krogan warlord. While many would be happy if he dealt with the Vorcha plaque of Hell's Gate others worry if this doesn't simply replace one problem with an even an bigger one and fear that they might be next. For the moment though most are content to wait and see, after all he would not be the first would be conqueror getting eaten by Hell's Gate.

Status: Minor Power
Inspiration: Warhammer - Black Orks, Mass Effect

Republic of Larrisa:
Founded by the Asari Matriach Voniy M'priros who, with her followers, was exiled from Thessia due to her unconventional views regarding body-modification and gene-modding shortly after the Rachni Wars. She and her followers were of the opinion that self-improvement via implants and genemodding were necessary for the continued survival and prosperity of the Asari race, a view strongly opposed by the cultural and religious authorities of the time. After her banishment Voniy severed all ties to the rest of the galaxy and travelled for over a decade through the Milky Way before deciding to settle on Larrisa, a temperate planet in the Terminus expanse.

Rediscovered by a Lystheni prospector just a few decades ago the Asari of Larrisa have developed their own society and culture and quickly made a name for themselves in the bionic and medical field while keeping their distance from the Citadel races.

Larrisa's government is one of the more strange in the galaxy. It is led by a queen, which must be of M'pririos descent, but said queen is elected during a democratic election every fifty years. There is also a royal council, consisting of the most influential matriarchs on the planet, which exists to advise the queen and practically serve as its ministers. And last but not least it has kept its basic democratic elements with its always active e-democracy that can only be vetoed by the queen directly.

Self improvement plays a very important role in Larrisan culture with genemods and extensive augmentations being common. Extreme sports like free climbing or a high intensity for of soccer are popular but it is not uncommon to see somebody trying to master a particularly difficult instrument or researching a philosophical treaty. Asari on Asari relationships are fairly common, after all there weren't that many aliens available, but seldom represent a lifelong commitment and the Larrisan have kept most of the openness and curiosity that is so typical for Council Asari.

Its military is small and exist mainly for self defense purposes. In terms of naval capacity the Larrisan's field a handful of frigates, bought from the Lystheni, and otherwise depend on a network of defense satellites. They maintain only a small professional army, though every citizen goes through basic military training and may be called upon to be part of the militia.

Larrisa is only slowly reconnecting with the rest of the galaxy with their premiere trading partner being the Lystheni Confederacy.

Status: Minor Power
Inspiration: Deus Ex Series

Candarian Republic:
The Candarian Republic was founded three centuries ago by the mutinous crew of the Batarian cruiser "Choli's Pride" on the planet of Candara and over time developed into one of the few truly independent Batarian colonies with its own distinct culture. Disdaining the class system and its resulting inequality the Candarians set out to create a society where everybody was equal which resulted in a communist type of government where everybody may be theoretically equal but also a place where any form of deviation from the norm is viewed as highly suspect, leading as far as widespread genetic modification to ensure maximum conformity. The other defining trait of the Republic is its chronic fear of an attack from the Batarian Hegemony, resulting in the Candarian solar system being one of the best fortified systems in all of Terminus.

Status: Minor Power
Inspiration: Mass Effect

Terminus Sector Factions:
Government forces:
Forces under the direct control of a "main" faction/nation, mostly military and intelligence agencies. Nearly all of the forces here can field significant military assets and all of them are well connected to their related factions and organizations.

Citadel Fleet:
The Citadel Fleet is under the direct command of the Citadel Council and consist of ships provided to it by mainly the full members of said Council. Its duties during peacetime are limited to guarding the Citadel and to act as an emergency reaction force in case of a humanitarian crisis. In times of war it is responsible for coordinating the various member fleets. Its current flagship is the Asari super-dreadnought Destiny Ascension, widely reported to be most powerful ship in the galaxy.

The Citadel fleet almost never leaves Inner Council space and is thus only seen in the Terminus system when they provide an escort for a top-level diplomatic mission.

Office of Special Tactics and Reconnaissance (Spectres):
Little is known about the Spectres. Said to be the top-level agents of the Council and generally viewed as being above the law, given complete discretion by the Council as to the methods used to accomplish their mission. Normally operating on the basis of total deniability the actual identities of the agents are generally kept a secret till their death or even beyond that though exceptions exist. Having one of your "species" being chosen as a Spectre is being thought of as an huge honour, especially by the Citadel affiliates, and generally viewed as an important step to full membership.

The Terminus systems are known to be one of the main areas of operation of the Spectres though little hard evidence exists.

Thessian League:
The Asari possess one of the most powerful navies in the galaxy, favouring smaller units like frigates and corvettes but also fielding a significant number of dreadnoughts. Like their government the Asari military tends to be organized decentrally and lacks a powerful permanent central authority. Its land-forces meanwhile are something of a mixed bag, the longevity and biotic nature of the Asari make them some of the finest infantry soldiers in the galaxy, exemplified by their nearly unmatched commando teams, but their decentral organization and lack of a heavy armour and machines put them at a distinct disadvantage on any modern battlefield.

The Asari military is not active in the Terminus systems though rumours of commando operations surface from time to time.

Turian Military:
The Turian military is not only unmatched in size but also their discipline and morale, meaning that Turian units almost never break, no matter how horrendous the losses are. Lacking the biotic powers of the Asari, the technical genius of the Salarians or the sheer strength of the Krogan the Turians follow a combined arms approach that is heavily depended on heavy armour and drones. Since almost every Turian serves at least 15 years in the military, with many deciding to stay on and become "lifers", the Turian military outnumbers its enemies often by several degrees. Turian planets and colonies are also notoriously difficult to conquer with the cities often designed as fortresses and extreme resistance by the general population that often requires extreme measures to break.

The Turian military has a number of flotillas operating in the border areas of the Terminus sector, especially around Omega, whose mission is the prevention of pirate raids and other criminal activities. Those efforts are however hampered by the need to not upset the local powers too much and Turian ships are known to operate according to very strict rules of engagement. Terminus factions meanwhile do their very best to keep their distance to Turian ships, thinking it common sense to avoid poking the bear.

Blackwatch is the special operations branch of the Turian military and known to have conducted several anti-piracy operations in the Omega cluster as well its neighbouring regions.

Salarian Defense Force (SDF):
The Salarian military is relatively small and volunteer based, focusing on maneuver warfare. What makes them special is their cutting edge equipment and focus on intelligence activities. Well before fighting breaks out, they possess complete knowledge of their enemy's positions, intentions, and timetable. In war Salarians always follow a first strike policy with the goal being to defeat the enemy before he has time react and organise itself.

The Salarian Defense Force normally stays outside of the Terminus systems but is known to have a few ships seconded to the Turian fleet for intelligence gathering and weapon testing purposes.

Salarian Special Tasks Group (STG):
The Special Tasks Group (STG) is a Salarian espionage organization, usually deployed by the Citadel Council or at the order of the Salarian High Command. STG operators work in independent cells, performing dangerous missions such as counterterrorism, infiltration, reconnaissance, assassination, and sabotage.

They are currently very active in the Terminus Systems and have a longstanding rivalry with Lystheni counter-intelligence.

United Batarian Navy (UBN):
The Batarian military is the fourth largest in the Citadel and is modelled after the Turian model though it struggles to reach its level of discipline and skill. Its leadership especially suffers from the negative impact of its caste system with many officers having their position due to their social rank and not their skill while its reliance on drafted lower, less educated caste members to fill the ranks can cause issues with discipline, especially when coupled with the Hegemony's tendency to accept extreme casualties to accomplish its strategic goals. The Batarian military however also possess several elite regiments, most notable the feared SIU, that have in the past competitions beaten even famed Turian and Asari formation. In regards to its navy the Batarian is currently cooperating with the Turian to modernize their aging fleet though its fleet remain top heavy, with the Batarian leadership pressing for ever more dreadnoughts, mostly due to political reasons, despite them being not that useful when it comes to operations in the border regions or Terminus systems.

In the past there was little difference between the various Batarian aligned slavers and other criminal groups active in the Terminus systems and the official Batarian military with it often organising, assisting or even participating in raids itself which has led to it being very negatively in the sector, especially in the border regions. However with the closer cooperation with the rest of the Citadel the Batarian navy has officially distanced itself from said groups and now opposes piracy and (most) slave raids. That said it is a well known fact in the Terminus sector that many Batarian captain tend to be less than zealous in their pursuit of Batarian criminals or anybody else willing to offer a large enough bribe.

Since the stop of its raiding activities the main duty of the Batarian navy in the Terminus systems is the protection of the Batarian aligned planets and colonies in the sector, mainly found in the Eastern Frontier and Omega clusters, as well as general anti-piracy patrols.

Batarian Office of External Affairs (7th Bureau):
The Batarian Office of External Affairs, also known as the 7th Bureau, is the part of the massive bureaucracy that controls the Hegemony and not only responsible for diplomatic missions in the Terminus sector but also the various Batarian planets and colonies found there, well at least those who have submitted to the control of the Hegemony.

It hasn't the best reputation, partly due to the legacy of Batarian activities in this region of space but also due the its often oppressive and confrontational approach to diplomacy, but it tends to keep its agreements (at least on the surface) which is more than many Terminus citizens had initially expected. The 7th Bureau has so far concentrated on establish control over the local Batarian colonies but its recent outreach to several of the local organization suggest that this policy might change soon.

Faithful Guardians of the Illuminated Primacy (Hanar Navy):
Very little is known of the Hanar navy since it tends to keep to its own regions and is rarely if ever seen outside Citadel space. If rumours can be trusted its ships tend to be heavily automated and operating with near zero gravity on its ships. Due to the aquatic nature of the Hanar most of their, very limited, groundside forces are either Drell auxiliaries or combat robots.

Protectors of Dekuuna (PD):
Compared to their sizeable industrial base the Elcor navy is rather small, mostly due the fact that Elcor tend to dislike spaceflight as a whole. The ships they do field are however extremely robust and highly efficient and said to be equipped with the most advanced combat VI's in Citadel space.

Quarian Migrant Fleet (Migrant Fleet):
Also known as the Flotilla, the Migrant Fleet is the massive collection of starships that became home to the Quarians after they were driven from their home world by the Geth. The Migrant Fleet consists of roughly fifty thousand ships that house seventeen million quarians in total. The Fleet is so large it can take days for all the ships to pass through a Mass Relay. Some of the vessels date from the original flight from the Geth three centuries ago.While the level of armament can vary immensely between the ships of the Flotilla it is still the biggest concentration of naval firepower in known space and even the Turian Hierarchy fleets tend to be careful around it. The Migrant Fleet fields only a minimal ground force made up of well trained marines that while not as dangerous in a firefight as most of other races are some of the best combat engineers in the galaxy.

The Migrant Fleet is active in the Terminus systems but its tendency to strip mine entire systems, often claimed by the local powers, has not made it very popular and only its massive size has prevented a military escalation so far though skirmishes between the Flotilla and other factions have occurred on several occasions.

On the other hand Quarian engineers, and their talent to maintain and repair almost anything, are highly sought after by many of the smaller colonies and space stations who thus often play host to Quarians on a pilgrimage or on detachment from the Flotilla.

Lystheni Confederal Navy (LCN):
The Lystheni military is one of the more powerful in the Terminus sector and the Lystheni shipbuilders, like their Salarian counterparts, favour a modular approach. However with no powerful allies like the Turians to fall back on the Lystheni ships tend to be of a more generalist nature than the specialised tools of war the Union fields. Its land based army is fairly small, consisting mostly of non-Lystheni troops, and where possible the Confederacy prefers to use mercenaries instead.

The LCN is one of the very few organizations outside of Citadel space with the capability to build and field dreadnought class ships though considering the massive cost involved in such a project the LCN only tends to field one or two of said class.

Lystheni Foreign Intelligence (LFI)
Like the Salarian Union the Lystheni Confederacy views information as the most important good in the universe and maintains a sizeable intelligence apparatus of which the LFI is part of. Unlike the STG the LFI however tends to focus on "HUMINT" and is said to employ agents from every known species.

Akvian Senatorial Fleet (ASF):
The Akvian Senatorial Fleet is main force of the Akvian military and is centered around their famous carrier formations whose fighters who are rumored to be some of the best in the galaxy. In battle the Akvian employ unique swarm formations that take advantage of their natural instincts as well as a highly advanced network VI that so far nobody has been able to duplicate.

The Senatorial Fleet is tightly entwined with the Akvian Senate and famous for its political infighting with membership in of the leading parties being a necessity for career advancement.

Akvian Frontier Guard:
The preference of Senatorial Fleet for big fleet formations may have its advantages in battle but has proven somewhat unsuited for the many small scale pirate attacks that are common in the border regions of the Akvian Dominion. To counter this problem the Senate created the Akvian Frontier Guard who are responsible for patrolling the frontier and maintaining garrisons. Unlike the main fleet the Frontier Guard mostly fields smaller ships like frigates and corvettes which are often modelled after the Lystheni as a mobile force while the fighters wings are stationed as a defensive force on key locations.

Grimgor's Company:
Consisting of solid core of experienced veterans, mostly Batarians, Krogans and Turians, that are augmented by an ever growing number of Vorcha auxiliaries Grimgor's Company is on the the first glance little different than other mercenary companies. But in a region where many governments employ mercenary companies as their security Grimgor's Company is one of the few companies that "employs" a government.

The biggest weakness of the Grimgor's company is its lack of naval assets with their navy consisting of little more than a cruiser and a handful of frigates.

While generally not as independent or powerful (at least in relation to the government) as their Sirius cousins, Citadel space and the Terminus systems is nevertheless home to several mega companies. Those are galaxy wide operating business with tens of thousands if not millions of employees and budgets rivalling those of planetary governments who are often active in nearly every part of the economy, if not directly than via subsidiaries. While in Citadel space competition between those companies rarely gets beyond industrial espionage the relative lawlessness of the Terminus systems can result in a more direct confrontation, often via mercenary proxies.

Armali Council (Asari):
The Armali Council is an affiliation of Asari manufacturing guilds recognized for maintaining consistent standards of excellence. Armali make high-grade omni-tools and their bio-amps are widely recognized as the finest money can buy, though these are only available to a select list of clients.

Armali maintains a small presence on the Lystheni capital planet but is otherwise not active in the Terminus region.

Serrice Council (Asari):
An Asari consortium, the Serrice Council is the creator of the most powerful bio-amp on the market. Not just concerned with profit, they typically make customers undergo a rigorous screening process before being approved to purchase their products. Serrice Council amps are incredibly rare—and highly prized—items on the galactic market.

T'Athos Company (Asari):
One of the oldest and most powerful companies T'Athos is famous for both its Eezo mining and processing as well as its wide range of high end consumer products.

Armax Arsenal (Turian):
The main supplier of elite Turian military units, Armax Arsenal weapons and armor are high quality, high priced and very difficult to acquire for most non-Turians. They also make a basic grade omni-tool which is available to the general public

While Armax itself is not active in the Terminus systems it maintains close ties with the Blue Sons.

Haliat Armory (Turian):
The partly state-owned Haliat Armory is the main supplier of the Turian military and produces everything from simple guns to dreadnoughts. While it customers are normally limited to the Citadel militaries Haliat is also responsible for mustering out outdated or otherwise surplus equipment, with the majority of the naval assets of many a mercenary company of PDF coming from here.

Agarp Capital:
Agarp Capital is the result of a fusion between a Salarian hedgefond and a Volus bank and has since then grown into of the major provides of financial services in Citadel space. Agarp finances everything from a simple consumer credit to entire colonies and is headquartered on the Asari border world of Ilium.

While Agarp itself maintains no presence in the Terminus systems it has financed a number of mining and colony efforts in the area and is known to have campaigned for a larger military Citadel presence in the region numerous times.

Culop R&D (Salarian):
One of the many high tech focused Salarian companies Culop is said to be the technological leader in genetic research and modification. Culop maintains extensive research facilities in Lystheni space and is known to regularly sponsor expeditions to discover new alien life forms.

Synthetic Insights:
Synthetic Insights, Ltd. is one of few corporations licensed by the Citadel Council to develop artificial intelligence though it makes most of profits by selling highly advanced, specialist VI's. The company is also rumored to maintain a close relationship with the research department of the Quarian Migrant Fleet.

Batarian State Arms (Batarian):
Batarian State Arms is a military-controlled hardware manufacturing company who supplies the majority of the goods needed by the Batarian Hegemony and which is famous for its cheap products and loose background checks. BSA is said to sell guns to everybody who has credits to spare and its guns can now be found on pretty much any battlefield in the galaxy. Citadel authorities have started numerous investigations but the protective hand of the Hegemony and the sheer scale of the economy has so far prevented any serious legal challenge.

BSA is very active in the Terminus systems with it not only supplying the defensive forces of many colonies (as well as their attackers) but also have relocated a significant part of its production to the Eastern Frontier.

Bambelor (Batarian):
Focused on labour intensive heavy industries and mining Bambelor is very much the stereotypical Batarian company. It has recently started to expand its operations into the southern Terminus regions stating that it wishes to exploit the many untapped resources found here. Critics however say that Bambelor recent expansion has a far more sinister reason in that the company wishes to escape the tightening regulation regarding slaves and other indentured servants.

Baria Frontiers :
Baria Frontiers is a corporation which specializes in selling star charts and surveying new star systems and is one of the factions pressing for an opening of the Tion and Xian cluster.

Elkoss Combine (Volus):
A Volus manufacturer based in the Terminus Systems, the Elkoss Combine produces less expensive versions of items carried by high-end manufacturers. Functional yet affordable armor, weapons and omni-tools are all available from the Elkoss Combine. It's headquarter is located on the southern border of Hell's Gate and due to the continued danger of Vorcha raids heavily fortified, with Elkoss being of the main clients of the Blood Pack.

Tri Technical (Lystheni):
Founded not even a century ago by a pair of Lystheni gunsmiths who started their business by selling mods for BSA guns over the extranet Tri Technical has become one of the major military companies in the Terminus systems with its weapons and mods being highly popular with the many mercenary companies found in the region.

Anyc Industries (Lystheni):
While Anyc also dabbles in weapons manufacturing its main focus is in providing the booming economy with the resources it needs and it maintains countless mining operations all over Lystheni space as well as the regions bordering it.

Tanith Prospecting (Lystheni):
A rival of Baria Frontiers, Tanith Prospecting makes most of its money by selling claims to the eezo deposits it finds and is heavily invested in the continued exploration of the Tion cluster.

Tai Yong Medical (Larissa)
Despite being a relative newcomer to the galactic market the Larissa based biotechnological company of Tay Yong Medical has won a considerable amount of fame for their highly advanced augmentations.

Cyniad Salvage and Rescue (Quarian):
One of the stranger companies to be found in the galaxy CSAR, whose headquarter is located on Korlus, has specialised on space based salvage and rescue operations. Be it industrial accidents on an asteroid mining base, cleaning up the orbital space of a core planet or salvaging an abandoned freighter in the far reaches of space CSAR has done everything and managed to establish itself as an household name in the industry.

Private Military Companies:
The PMC's are a special breed of megacompanies who focus on providing military services that can range from simply security services or logistical support to providing and supply entire armies, including naval forces. While they have existed for a long time they only became truly powerful in the last few centuries when the Citadel polities started to expand beyond their traditional borders into the Attican Traverse and Terminus sector. Many of these companies operate with a complicated system of subcontractors and companies which it not being unusual to see one of the big companies hiring a small, semi-independent mercenary company for a job or service.

Elanus Risk Control Services (ERCS):
Elanus Risk Control Services (ERCS) is a private security corporation that employs mostly Turians and Asari and which provides a host of services ranging from simple event security to professional mercenary companies and starships to counter piracy. It is very well regarded within Citadel space and its near spotless reputation make it a favourite of Citadel based companies with even the Citadel Council known to hire on it occasions.

Compared to many other PMC's ERCS isn't that active in the Terminus sector, preferring to focus on areas nearer to Council space, but several of the wealthier colonies in the Eastern Frontier and Omega Nebulae are known to employ as a security force.

Eclipse is a relative young mercenary corporation that was founded by Asari commando Jona Sederis. The organization provides effective security and firepower for prospective employers; they have few scruples about the nature of those who hire them, so long as they can afford their services. Eclipse in general favors stealth, discrimination, and "intelligent" ways of conducting battles and is rumored to have close ties with several Lystheni companies. Hiring predominantly Asari and Salarians Eclipse is also known to often deploy combat mechs.

Eclipse is very active in the Terminus systems and its very combative pricing has resulted in being the security service of choice for many company operating the area. It also has a license to operate in Citadel space but recent rumours of it being connected to several smuggling operating have brought it to the attention of law enforcement agencies.

Blue Sons:
Consisting primarily of Batarians and Turians the Blue Sons are known to be the biggest and most powerful mercenary company currently operating in known space. While they provide normal security service, for example guarding warehouses or production facilities, their real focus lies in combat operations that can scale from small commando raids to planetary invasions with it being said that hiring the Blue Sons is the closest you can get to hire a complete army.

The Blue Sons are well connected to the military industrial complex in both Citadel and terminus space and the company maintains stakes in everything from mining companies to cinema's.

Blood Pack:
Many mercenaries companies skirt the law or even break it occasionally but the Blood Pack disregard it entirely. Infact many would indeed dispute that the Blood Pack is a mercenary company in the first place, viewing them as a little more than criminal thugs, though few would dare to voice that opinion near one of its members. Made of mostly Krogan and Vorcha the Blood is a terrifying and destructive force both on the battlefield and off it, famous for the collateral damage they cause whenever they are deployed. Indeed it is not unknown for them to deploy nuclear weapons against particular difficult targets which has resulted in them getting banned from Citadel space as well as many other planets.

Aria's Syndicate/Omega:
Built in the mined-out husk of a metallic asteroid that is located right on one of the transit points between Citadel Space and the Terminus systems, Omega has been a haven for criminals, terrorists, and malcontents for thousands of years. The Asari name for it translates as "the heart of evil", the Salarian name as "the place of secrets", the Turian name as "the world without law", and the Krogan name it as the "land of opportunity", clearly reflecting their cultural attitudes towards the society within Omega. The famous Elcor poet Xeltan once described it as a "dark mirror of the Citadel" and indeed nowadays Omega is one of the biggest space stations in known space, home to millions of lifeforms.

Control of the station is split between hundreds of different factions, ranging from small time criminal gangs to the respected Merchants Association, who constantly compete with each other for more territory but above them all thrones one single person, the Asari matriarch Aria T'Loak- the pirate queen of Omega. She is the leader of one of the most powerful criminals syndicates in existence though interestingly enough she is seldom directly connected to any open criminal activity, instead preferring to get her cut from the proceedings going on in "her" territory (which roughly encompasses the whole of the Omega Nebula). Instead her power is based on a massive network of informants, agents and friend carefully cultivated over the centuries that extends from the farthest reaches of the Terminus systems to the Citadel itself, perhaps only rivaled by that of the Shadow Broker or STG.

She also often serves as a middleman and mediator between the various organizations active in the Terminus systems, being viewed as close to a neutral authority as it gets in this part of space. However her control over Omga has been recently challenged by the Eclipse, Blue Sons and Blood Pack who have all started to carve out their own little empires on Omega and view themselves as being equal to Aria.

Criminal Organizations:
Groups that exist outside of the law and which make their money from preying on the weak and helpless can be found everywhere but especially on the border regions between "civilised" space.

Shadow Broker:
Half myth half reality, the Shadow Broker is an individual at the head of an expansive organization which trades in information, always selling to the highest bidder. The Shadow Broker appears to be highly competent at its trade: all secrets that are bought and sold never allow one customer of the Broker to gain a significant advantage, forcing the customers to continue trading information to avoid becoming disadvantaged, allowing the Broker to remain in business.

The Broker is active in the Terminus systems but nobody is sure to what extent.

The Consortium (Lystheni):
A Lystheni criminal organization that mostly operates in the legal greyzone and is heavily involved in the smuggling of drugs and weapons. While its main centre of operation is the Confederacy it is also known to be active in Eastern Frontier and Omega Nebulae.

Black Sun (Lystheni):
A ruthless Lystheni criminal organization that dominates the criminal underground in the Confederacy and which is known to be heavily involved in the illegal slave trade as well as piracy. It is especially active in the border regions of the Confederacy and rumored to well connected with the rest of the criminal network in the terminus systems.

Red Flight (Akvian):
A nationalistic and xenophobic paramilitary group which opposes any form of cooperation with other species. Mainly active in the Dominion though it has recently started to attack outside of it as well.

Dah'tan Cartel (Batarian):
Officially an shipping company it is an open secret that the Cartel is heavily involved in smuggling and other criminal activities in the Eastern Frontier and neighbouring regions.

The Horde (Vorcha):
One of the biggest criminal groups in the galaxy the Horde controls most of Hell's Gate and has been threatening the regions neighbouring it for centuries. Multiple attempts to stamp them out have failed since nobody in the region posses the ability or will to actually invade and pacify the planets hold by the Horde. Luckily the Vorcha from Hell's Gate are horrible shipbuilders making them incapable of truly threatening the major powers.

Batarian Privateers (Batarian)
With the Batarian Hegemony officially slowing down its aggressive slave raids it left many Batarian captains without a job. They have since then formed the Privateers and continue to plague the Terminus systems, using their contacts in the Hegemony to sell their product there. Many of them have been operating in the area for decades and they are known to have close ties with several of the Batarian colonies in the eastern frontier.
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Turn 11: Contact Blue
Turn 11: Contact Blue
Date: 01/816 AS

Freeport 9, 1 month after First Contact

Normally you try to keep the operations of the Order and of the DSX separate but considering the sheer scale of of your recent discoveries you decide to arrange a meeting with the Order leadership to brief them on the new information and discuss how to proceed from here. To ensure the safety and secrecy you ordered a whole sub section of the Freeport cleared, officially due to an chemical spill, and a joint team of DSX and Order operatives spent over a day going over it inch by inch to make sure everything was safe. The team, including both Orillion as well as you old friend Junko Zane, from the Order arrived in cloaked ships and after some small talk you all gather in a specially prepared briefing room, ready to go over what is likely to be the most significant discovery in human history.

… the Asari are a monogendered race with the appearance similar to that of a female human, possessing a skeleton structure that seems nearly identical with that of humans, for example they also posses five digits on both hands which nearly the same range of motion than a human. The exact way of how they reproduce is still unclear though statements suggest something akin to a telepathic joining. Our scientist have developed several theories regarding that … While their speech differs from our own and incorporates several pitches normally not used by humans we think that a skilled human might still be able to learn their language… Of special interest is also the fact that nearly all of the Asari are said be capable biotics which is a of yet not understand telekinetic ability connected to the Mass Effect which might give them a certain advantage in close to mid range combat. I strongly suggest that we focus our studies on this field… While a full psychological profile is not yet available what we have seen suggest that Asari not only behave similar to a human but also possess emotions similar to us. This could be an advantage in further talks but might also lead to us making wrong assumptions in the areas where they differ from us… Though we unable to conduct large scale testing our research suggest that most human react positively to images and videos with only a small part reacting hostile or fearful. This makes them an ideal candidate for generating publicity and we suggest we focus on them in our initial disclosure to the public instead of a more exoctic race like the Salarians or Batarians… Those similarities should make trading between our two races relatively easy with most technology needing little or no modification for use by Asari or Batarian…

… while our limited information makes it nearly impossible to say how powerful this "Citadel" is with an degree of certainty we are unanimous in our belief that it dwarfs even the combined power of the Houses by perhaps several orders of magnitude. Even if we should have the technological edge the sheer territory hold by them makes any conquest practically impossible and would most likely allow them to simply trade territory for time till we lose our technological edge. We therefore strongly suggest against aggravating the Citadel Council… It is fair to say that we got rather lucky that the Hypergate connected to the Terminus systems which seems to outside of the Citadel area of influence. The factions there, while still powerful, are less overwhelming though a lot of course depends on the precise technological differences between them and us… We are also happy to say that Sirius Sector itself seems to be located outside of any claimed territory, in fact the northwestern part of the galaxy where it is located seems only minimally explored and of no interest to any of the bigger factions though we still suggest a thorough search of for possible Mass Effect located within our territory ... In regards to the general spread of the alien, while they seem to have spread of a majority of space they in fact seem to settle in clusters around the MAss Effect Relays with most of the space between those cluster being unexplored and comparisons with our use of the Jumpgates seem apt.

… While our understanding of the alien FTL is still extremely limited we have discerned two major forms of transportation, both of which are related to the Mass Effect technology. One of them seems to be based on so called Mass Effect Relays which seem to allow near instantaneous travel over large distances though are hampered by the need of a Relay being present on both ends. The Relays seem to be at last partial originate from a precursor race with it being not clear if the various races have the ability the fully reproduce them. We have found what we believe to be such a Relay in our territory and our research so far suggests… while the other method of transportation is a FTL drive that allows their ships to reach speeds of around ten light-years per day. Compared to us this gives them an insane advantage in any kind of manoeuvre based warfare and securing this technology should be our highest priority… Sublight speeds seem comparable if not lower to our own though we have only very little data on this field….

… most of the alien weaponry seems to be based on the Mass Effect technology and we have seen little evidence of direct energy weapons though it is too early to make any definitive statement. Scans of their ships suggest they employ a graviton based shield but there are notable differences to our own as can be seen in… I would also like to point out that the alien media makes several mention of personal shields, something that humanity has so far been unable to achieve in any practical manner and which could have a significant impact on ground combat…

… the relative isolation and comparable small population and thus limited industrial capability of Larissa makes them a comparatively attractive market for human products, especially for mass produced consumer products. During our stay one we had a tour of one of the local malls and …

"So how do you plan to proceed then, Trent?"

"Well our short term priority clearly should be to validate the information we have gathered so far, expand on it and to secure as much of their technology as possible. The Mass Effect technology especially seems to be a possible gamechanger which is why I have entered in talks with the Larissan Republic that have been

[] not successful
Mass Effect may be valuable but you see a scam when you see one!

[] somewhat successful
You managed to convince the Asari to trade the theoretical basics of the technology in exchange for
[] Option 1: A thorough medical test of one of your crewmembers, including blood and tissue samples
[] Option 2: Write-In

[] Successful
You managed to convince the Asari to trade you the basics of the technology including some simple models in exchange for.
[] Option 1: A fully functional jump engine (the thing that allows you to use Jumpholes), including an explanation of how to use it.
[] Option 2: Write In

"... Medium to short-term I think we should focus on establishing a diplomatic relationship with the various alien factions and establish ourselves in the Terminus systems. The Republic of Larissa seems like an ideal basis for that which is why I have invited them to to visit one of our stations so that they can get a better picture of us."

"Where do you propose to hold that meeting?"

"I had planned to hold it on Hylia station, it is isolated enough of us being able to worry not too much about its location spreading and while it is not the most impressive station it should be enough to allow us to present several of our strengths."

"You don't worry that the Asari will expect something more?"

"It is a worry, I admit. But I think we can use the nomad angle as an explanation for a more cautionary approach from us and all our research so far suggest that the Asari are a patient people. That said we are also considering to use our own ships to shuttle them from Pandora to Solitude to present a more impressive vista and better showcase some of our technology while still maintaining information control."

"Any plans to involve the Houses?"

"This an topic we are still discussing.We will need to disclose at least some of finding soon if don't want to risk angering the Houses but on the other hand as soon as we disclose the various parties will want to have their say in any possible talks and it might be hard to provide a unified. I would honestly prefer to keep it secret for a bit longer till we have a better idea what we are dealing with and may have established some initial ties with Larissa."

"Hm, I am not sure if I agree but I see your point. Provided you don't keep it secret to long I will support you. Meanwhile the Order will prepare for a worst case and step up its research programs. Silvertide for example could provide a necessary…"

You have 6 Action Points that you can spend anyway you wish at 1 point per action. You can also add 1 Focus Point (giving a + 20 Bonus) to a chosen action, representing DSX focusing on that action.
(Survey actions, especially in the Terminus sector will also have a chance of unveiling new Jumphole connections/unlocking new systems).

Sirius Sector:
You may be hundreds of light-years removed from the Sirius sector with the goal of exploring a completely new part of space but that doesn`t mean you can ignore what happens in the Sirius sector.

[] Buyout:
Currently your four main allies, BAF, Daumann, Zoner and IMG, provide most of your supplies in exchange for a promise of prefered treatment in regards to whatever is found in the Terminus sector. Not only does this give them a signifcant influence over your decisions but the "debt" is also increasing with every new shipment you get from them. And while this system has worked well so far the unexpected succes of the artifact trade has created the possibility of you partially replacing their support with the capital gained through this trade, meaning your backers would be less influential. If you decide to go that route there are several possible options to choose from.
(Thanks to the success of the artifact option you can currently support up to 4 high cost Actions (and get a number special options) - if you pick this one that reduced back to 2-3. You will however remain partners and continue to cooperate with each other )

[] Option 1: Partial
You will strive to keep a balance between your various allies while reducing the overall support they give you.
Cost: Extreme, Result: General support dependency lowered

[] Option 2: IMG
Or you could focus your efforts on replacing a singular ally like for example the IMG.
Cost: Extreme, Result: Independence from IMG supply gained

[] Option 3: Zoner
… or the Zoners
Cost: Extreme, Result: Independency from Zoner supply gained

[] Kappa Mining:
Omicron Kappa asteroid fields rich in several valuable resources like gold, tungsten and so on. So far your operations have been limited but with the new base, Fortitude, you should be able to maintain far larger operations.
Cost: High , Result: Expand mining operations in Omicron Kappa

[] Share the loot:
Initially you planned to keep your operation in the Omicron systems a secret but your recent discoveries make that a highly unlikely prospect which means that it might be time to repay some of your supporters for their contributions. The IMG has provided you with significant knowhow and manpower which has led to some of your advisors suggesting that you transfer some of your claims in the Omicron Kappa system over to them and allow them to start their own operation there. While there is some risk of information about your activities there leaking the IMG is used to operating under a cover of secrecy.
Result: IMG starts operation in Omicron Kappa, part of your debt to them repaid

[] The aliens of Omicron Lambda:
The alien organisms found in the Omicron Lambda system might not be anything special but with Cryer, who is always interested in such stuff, operating a major base only a few jumps away it might still be worth setting up a small harvesting operation.
Result: Small income increase and small reputation boost with Cryer

[] Gateway to Heaven:
You could also use the profits from the artifact trade to start a Jumpgate project of your own. While it is unlikely that you could shoulder the complete financing of such an project on your own, your new fame and the Rheinland eastern expansion should allow you to attract enough other investors to make it possible. Connecting the Omicron Theta system to the rest of Sirius would not only dramatically simplify your logistics and strengthen the economic viable of any other project in the area but would also be a step on the way to connecting the Hypergate to the rest of Sirius. It would however also upset many of the more traditional Corsairs and mean that you would need to intensify your efforts on the front while operating on a very tight schedule.
(Like the Buyout option this would put you back to your previous level of supply)

[] Option 1: Sigma 17
Building a Jumpgate covering the distance between Sigma 17 and Omicron Theta would normally be impossible or at least prohibitively expensive and complicated, but you, or to be precise DSE, may be able to utilize the already existing jumphole to allow you to bridge that extreme distance. This connection is preferred by the more independent minded people of your organization and less likely to cause issues with the Corsairs since it still means that there is a serious distance between Omicron Theta and the actual House regions.
Cost: Extreme: Result: Start constructing a jumpgate to Sigma 17 (5 years =10 ten turns)

[] Option 2: Saarland
The other possibility is to build the jumpgate to Saarland, the system Rheinland is currently building a jumpgate to. Since that option would give the Rheinland military a nearly direct path to Corsair core territory opposition from them would likely be considerable. On the other hand it also means a very quick access to Sirius proper which could have enormous economic and military benefits which could save the DSX if the alien prove hostile and more numerous/powerful than expected, .
Cost: Extreme: Result: Start constructing a jumpgate to Saarland (7 years =14 turns)

[] Expand Northern Route:
Most of your "trade" is transported a southern route to your contacts in Bretonia and Rheinland but it might be time to look into branching out and looking to expand into the northern part of your neighbourhood, especially since the recently build Freeport 17 is a perfect base for such an endeavour. From it you could start selling some of your mined resources to the GMG and Kusari companies like Kishiro and Samura. And while such a move is certain to raise awareness of DSX it could also serve as a misdirection that leads to people think of it as a simply another mining conglomerate like the IMG. However some of supporters in the IMG and Daumann might be less than thrilled to see you cooperate with their competitors.
Cost: Medium, Chance of success: 75%, Result: Northern trade route established

[] Grey Market:
Crete population might be small if compared to worlds like New Berlin or New Tokyo but they still represent a massive market of people hungry for various consumer goods. And with the rest of Sirius viewing them as ruthless pirates, which admittedly they are, it is very difficult for them to really feel that need, after all raiding and smuggling can only go that far. Which puts you in quite an interesting situation since you have contacts on both sides of aisle and could try to play middleman again.

[] Option 1: Zoner
The Zoner from Freeport 9 already do a brisk business with the Corsairs but with some help from you they could expand that significantly, solidifying their positions as friends rather than enemies in the eyes of the Corsairs. Some of the Zoners however have expressed themselves feeling uncomfortable supporting such a ruthless criminal faction in such a direct way.
Result: Zoner deepen their relationship with Corsairs

[] Option 2: Daumann
The second possibility is far more radical but something that you like the more you think about it. Unlike Bretonia or even Liberty Rheinland has had only minimal contact with the Corsairs, mostly due the fact that the Red Hessians are very aggressive in defending their turf, which means there is less negative baggage to deal with, plus both sides already agree on one thing - hating the Red Hessians. With some luck you might be able to convince both sides to start trading with each other. It would be a highly risky maneuver since Daumann could catch a lot of negative press if this came out but it could also be very profitable for Daumann and you as well as a way of strengthening the more moderate parts of the Corsairs.
Chance of success: 50%, Result: Daumann starts trading with Corsairs

[] Red Hessians:
The Red Hessians are reeling after the numerous attacks on them in the last few months and it is highly unlikely they will be able to threaten your souther supplies anytime soon but if experience has taught you anything it is that this is the perfect opportunity to push the blade even further in. With the added experience form the Corsairs and some very interesting information from your infiltrators Alexandra has come up with several options to truly put the heat on the Red Hessians. The conflict with the Junkers has decreased their access to the black market and your spies report a marked decrease in the morale of the Red Hessians.

(You can pick multiple actions if you want though every single option costs one action)

[] Option 1: Omega 41 Offensive
It is often said that the best defence is offence and while you don't one hundred percent agree with that statement you can see the reasoning behind it. Based on Alexandra's information Henry thinks that it may be possible to push the Red Hessians out of the Omega 42 system, an important waystation on your southern route to Rheinland and Bretonia (which also makes a perfect staging ground for further military advances). While such a direct attack would put you on the radar of the Red Hessians their ability to fight back is severely limited.l
Cost: High, Chance of success: 80% Result: Attack Red Hessians in Omega 41

[] Option 1.1: Deploy Hood:
This might also be a good opportunity to test your battleship in actual combat
Cost: Medium, Result: +20 to the roll, Hood unavailable for this turn (possibly more depending on how the battle goes)
(Free Action)

Option 2: Junker Support
The Junker's have so far proven surprisingly resourceful and put up a good fight but the Red Hessians have been at this game for a long time and the famous scavengers are unlikely to have the resources for what seems destined to be a lengthy and bloody conflict. Luckily for them you not only have to necessary resources to spare but also several useful contacts in Rheinland that could assist them with their fight. If you provide them with that support you would not only strengthen the Junkers but also minimize some of the anger they feel about you practically usurping the artifact trade.
Chance of success: 65%, Result: Junkers get more support and are thankful

[] Omicron Kappa Jumpholes:
A closer survey of the Omicron Kappa system unveiled the existence of two additional viable jumpholes. Satellites and rudimentary defensive system have been placed on each and probes have been send through each for a preliminary report.

Option 1: Omicron Iota
Located north of your current area of operation in area nominally claimed by the Outcasts and near several known Nomad sightings.
Chance of success: 80%, Result: Explore Omicron Iota

Option 2: Omicron Phi
Located on the southern part of the Edge Nebula near or perhaps even in Corsair territory this system is where the tablet found on Omicron Kappa suggest another Dom'Kavash ruin might be found.
Chance of success: 80%, Result: Explore Omicron Iota

[] Disclosure:
While you initially didn't plan to do it Orillion might be right that it is better to involve the Houses as early as possible to secure their support and backing. It would likely result in a significant loss of autonomy, at least regarding to the talks, but you are almost certain the the Houses would in turn focus a significant amount of resources to secure (their access to) the eastern region of the Sirius sector.
Result: Brief the House government's on your discoveries

Terminus Sector:
The new frontier, full of alien artifacts to discover and resources to exploit.

[] Another ruin:
While not exactly the most pressing matter you could extend Sinclair's operations to the ruins found on the supermassive planet in Alpha01/Nirn.
Result: Research alien ruins, more artefacts

[] Vega exploitation:
The survey of the Vega system, formerly called Alpha04, has revealed it to be rich in resources making it an ideal candidate for further development.

[] Option 1: C-mining:
Even in space Californium remains a relatively rare resource meaning that it would be worth setting up a mining operation in Vega despite its distant location (since your own industry is as of yet not up to the task of utilizing it themselves to any significant degree).
Cost: Medium, Result: small mining operation set up

[] Option 2: Silicates:
The outermost planet of the Vega system is an ice giant with several deposits of useful and rare silicates as for example used by the Kishiro in the production of their optical chips. Setting up a mining operation would be doable though most of the profit would likely be eaten be the effort of shipping them into Kusari space alongside the currently only sparsely used northern route.
Medium: High, Result: small mining operation set up

[] Border Post:
The recent discovery of the fact that the aliens of Alpha05 don't seem to dependent on jumpholes for interplanetary travel means that fortifying the jumphole would probably be less effective than it would be against a normal foe. However Henry still thinks that establishing a fully fledged defense station near the Jumphole would be a worthwhile investment, giving your pilots a base to operate from now while also serving as a possible border checkpoint once you have made contact/other Sirius organizations start to become active in your systems..

[] Observation Post:
As expected there your scientist are hotly debating on how to proceed with the aliens of the Cimmeria system, formerly known as Alpha 07. Some argue that you should study them only passively and let them develop on their own, both for ethical reason and because this is a perfect opportunity to study the technological development of another species. Other argue that humanity can't afford to be squeamish and that every measure needs to be taken to make sure those aliens are no threat to you. Complicating the issue is that the planet is potentially inhabitable by humans which raises even more questions of how to proceed. As always the decision is up to you and your fellow Directorate members.

[] Option 1: Passive Observation
Humanity shouldn't interfere with the the planet in any way and only passively observe the developments. You will build a small station from which your scientist can study the planet and its inhabitants but otherwise follow an hands off approach.
Cost: Medium, Result: Passive study of the planet, no immediate benefits, small observation post

[] Option 2: Compromise
You agree that the aliens should be let in peace, at least for now, but that doesn't mean you have to ignore the rest of the planet. It should be relatively easy to avoid the alien inhabitants and still conduct research on the actual planet. This actions would be a bit more expensive do to the additional equipment and manpower needed to study the planet while leaving no signs of your doing so.
Cost: High, Result: Study alien planet but avoid aliens, more information, small observation post

[] Option 3: Aggressive Observation
It may be distasteful but you agree that you need as much information as possible as quickly as possible, even if that means dissecting some aliens. You will still build a small observation pos but give your scientist free reign over how they want to proceed.
Cost: Medium, Result: Study alien planet and aliens, detailed information, possible morale loss due to unethical behaviour

[] Blue Preparations:
You have and the Asari of Larissa agreed that they would come and meet you in roughly a years time which doesn't give you taht much time to prepare.
(Needs to be taken this or next turn)
Result: Prepare for Asari visit (You will be able to choose how exactly you want the meeting)

[] Jumpholes:
You and Henry recently oversaw and in depth search for additional jumpholes in the newly discovered systems and you have found several new system to explore, as well as some interesting interconnections between existing systems.
(Only useful connections shown, systems like Alpha 06 are ignored for now)

Option 1: Explore Alpha 8
Chance of success: 70%, Result: System explored

Option 2: Explore Alpha 9
Chance of success: 70%, Result: System explored

Option 3: Explore Alpha 10
Chance of success: 70%, Result: System explored

[] Mass Effect:
Understanding Mass Effect technology is of extreme importance and you will have your best people working at it 24/7, no matter how much it costs.
(Only possible if you have traded for the technology)

Name: Deep Space Exploration (DSX)

Reputation: Powerful Minor Power
People are starting to treat you like a proper, if rather small, mega-company and as always success begets envy. Competitors start to take you seriously and criminals start to take note of your ships and their contents.

Ethos: Mostly Lawful
The large presence of highly trained military and industrial personnel means that your people tend to follow the rules and avoid ethically questionable actions. Your recent activities however have started to encourage a more open minded and practical position when it comes to criminals.

Supply: Extremely well supplied
Your supply network not only finally catched up to your increased demand but the recent influx of capital and resources from the artifact trade have allowed Müller and Davis to seriously "future" proof your logistics network and you now have to resources for a number of serious investments

Manpower: 11.000
You are reasonably well staffed with many experienced people in non-combat roles, especially space exploration and mining. Your organisation has expanded significantly to deal with the increased need for manpower but your security has been up to the task so far. However some of fellow directors have started to complain about lacking personnel skilled enough for upper/middle management positions, especially since your recent additions to DSX have increased the need for those immensely.

Level of equipment: Standard
Your military is well equipped and can maintain several ongoing operations

Average experience:
Veteran: Nearly all your pilots and soldiers have proven their mettle on various battlefields and skirmishes.

Size (compared to other factions in Sirius): small to average
- You command a military force roughly equivalent to three aircraft Groups

Force composition:
The large majority of you military force consists of (former() BAF pilots who mostly field heavy and medium fighters. You also employ a double strength squadron of heavy fighters from the Order while the rest of your forces flies a wide spread of semi-"civilian" ships.

Readiness: 100%

Current deployments:
Short ranged patrols - minimal decrease of ready military forces
Long range escorts for artifact trade - notable decrease of ready military forces

"Ground" Forces:
A battalion of Royal Marines (BAF)

Solitude/Alpha Base: The main base of DSX is located in one of the bigger asteroids, circa ten kilometers in diameter, of the outer asteroid field in the Alpha01 system. The metal heavy composition of the asteroid paired with advanced stealth systems mean that the base is hard to detect for any known sensors.

The base is still undergoing construction but can already house more than five thousand people as well as their associated ships and equipment with the current goal to create enough room to comfortably house ten thousand people. Recently a small industrial complex has been added to it, allowing it to produce a small amount of basic materials.

It is also home to a well equipped pilot training school where the next generation of DSX is getting trained as well as a officer's school/internal university capable of providing top tier education and training.

In regards for active defenses it features numerous military grade point defense turrets as well as a lesser number of anti fighter guns.

Omicron Lambda:
Cintra: Located near the Omicron Theta jumphole in Omicron Lambda this small asteroidbase primarily monitors said jumphole and to oversee the local patrols.

VossKa: Located near the Mass Relay in the Voss system this small station is currently home to a detachment of scientist trying to research said Relay.

Padirac Station: A small space station whose primary duty is to serve as an logistical and command hub for any DSX activities in the Vega system,

Hylia Base: A well armed base located in the Hyrule system it serves the dual purpose of a military staging ground as well as a launching pad for further projects of the system.

Omicron Kappa:
Fortitude: A well armed base located in the Hyrule system it serves the dual purpose of a military staging ground as well as a launching pad for further projects of the system. It also the main logistical centre of your artifact trade and from it your ships transport the artifacts to the rest of Sirius.

Hood: The Hood is a refurbished battleship that now serves as a civilian carrier. It can carry up to four wings of fighters and operate independently from any base for long amounts of time. It may lack most of its offensive weaponry but even its current state it packs a nasty punch when going up against smaller spacecraft.

Mining operations:
Small mining operation (rare metals) in Omicron Kappa
Small mining operation (diamonds) in Omicron Kappa
Small mining operation (Ice) in Omicron Kappa

Small mining operation (diamonds) Nirn

Other Operations:
Artifact Trade: Active in all of Sirius

A day late but I am getting back on track. In case you are wondering - you are focusing on researching the information you got from the First Contact and you will get to likely see some of that in result page i just felt it would be pointless to put it up for a votes since it is pretty clear you would have all picked it.
Turn 11: Contact Blue - End
Turn 11: Blue Contact
Date: 06/816 AS

You have 6 Action Points that you can spend anyway you wish at 1 point per action. You can also add 1 Focus Point (giving a + 20 Bonus) to a chosen action, representing DSX focusing on that action.
(Survey actions, especially in the Terminus sector will also have a chance of unveiling new Jumphole connections/unlocking new systems)

Sirius Sector:
You may be hundreds of light-years removed from the Sirius sector with the goal of exploring a completely new part of space but that doesn`t mean you can ignore what happens in the Sirius sector.

[] Kappa Mining:
Omicron Kappa asteroid fields are rich in several valuable resources like gold, tungsten and so on. So far your operations have been limited but with the new base, Fortitude, you should be able to maintain far larger operations.
Cost: High , Result: Expand mining operations in Omicron Kappa

Some might question how you can focus on something as mundane as expanding your mining operations after learning what you did but you and the rest of the directorate know that for the DSX to continue to be successful and influential it needs a stable economic base. Because of that you make a serious investment into new machinery, new forges, new mining ships and hiring more crew, resulting in a significantly bigger operation in the Omicron Kappa system. A lot of the rare materials are shipped to either contacts in Rheinland and Bretonnia or sold in one of the local Freeports but a notable part of it also goes to Solitude where it gets used in the production of spare parts etc.

Result: Expanded Mining Operations in Omicron Kappa

[] Grey Market:
Crete population might be small if compared to worlds like New Berlin or New Tokyo but they still represent a massive market of people hungry for various consumer goods. And with the rest of Sirius viewing them as ruthless pirates, which admittedly they are, it is very difficult for them to really feel that need, after all raiding and smuggling can only go that far. Which puts you in quite an interesting situation since you have contacts on both sides of aisle and could try to play middleman again.

[] Option 2: Daumann
The second possibility is far more radical but something that you like the more you think about it. Unlike Bretonia or even Liberty Rheinland has had only minimal contact with the Corsairs, mostly due the fact that the Red Hessians are very aggressive in defending their turf, which means there is less negative baggage to deal with, plus both sides already agree on one thing - hating the Red Hessians. With some luck you might be able to convince both sides to start trading with each other. It would be a highly risky maneuver since Daumann could catch a lot of negative press if this came out but it could also be very profitable for Daumann and you as well as a way of strengthening the more moderate parts of the Corsairs.
Chance of success: 50%, Result: Daumann starts trading with Corsairs

Needed: 50 Rolled: 69

As expected it takes some time to convince the both groups that it would be in their mutual interest to start trading with each other, with significant ideological differences to overcome on both sides. Many of the Corsairs are of the opinion that they should simply take what they need instead of paying for it while the Daumann delegation naturally has some apprehension to dealing with a known criminal organization but in the end the promise of easy profits is enough to sway both sides. Soon the Corsairs are trading raw (and often rare) materials for a variety of consumer goods as well as advanced machinery and parts used in shipbuilding. According to your men on Krete positive effects on the local economy can already be seen and several prominent industrial leaders, most notably a don connected to some of the most influential shipbuilders, have voiced their support for this policy. At the moment the Corsairs can afford to pay for those "imports" because they are considerable cheaper than the smuggling they relied on before but it is already becoming clear that if he Corsairs want to increase this operation they will need to come up with new ways of generating wealth - or step up their raiding operations.

And with most of Rheinland busy with the renewed government offensive against the Red Hessians as well as a bloody conflict besides several criminal groups the few rumors of this deal were quickly counter by your and Daumann's agents. As it stands your contacts in the Federal police ensure you that the risk of discovery is minimal which gives you some leeway when it comes to how to proceed from here.

Result: Daumann and Corsairs start trading with each other, commerical/industrial faction of the Corsairs strengthened

[] Red Hessians:
The Red Hessians are reeling after the numerous attacks on them in the last few months and it is highly unlikely they will be able to threaten your southern supply routes anytime soon but if experience has taught you anything it is that this is the perfect opportunity to push the blade even further in. With the added experience form the Corsairs and some very interesting information from your infiltrators Alexandra has come up with several options to truly put the heat on the Red Hessians. The conflict with the Junkers has decreased their access to the black market and your spies report a marked decrease in the morale of the Red Hessians.
(You can pick multiple actions if you want though every single option costs one action)

Option 2: Junker Support
The Junker's have so far proven surprisingly resourceful and put up a good fight but the Red Hessians have been at this game for a long time and the famous scavengers are unlikely to have the resources for what seems destined to be a lengthy and bloody conflict. Luckily for them you not only have to necessary resources to spare but also several useful contacts in Rheinland that could assist them with their fight. If you provide them with that support you would not only strengthen the Junkers but also minimize some of the anger they feel about you practically usurping the artifact trade.
Chance of success: 65%, Result: Junkers get more support and are thankful

Needed: 35 Rolled: 41

The clannish and suspicious nature of the Junkers was key in your to plan to bring them into conflict with the Red Hessians but it sadly has also seriously hampered your efforts to support the Junker's in this conflict. When your agents initially approached the Junkers they were turned back almost universally and it took a considerable effort to convince them that your were honest in your intentions. In the end your support was mostly limited to you providing them with some surplus weaponry, several useful contacts in the Rheinland underworld (courtesy of your friends from Daumann) as well as what of your intelligence and intercepts that Alexandra felt comfortably giving away.

But even with the limited support from you the Junkers did an exceptional job of keeping the Red Hessians occupied. Smartly avoiding an open confrontation in space they instead focused on undermining the support and contact network of the Red Hessians on New Berlin and the rest of Rheinland. It is a bloody and dirty conflict with countless drive-bys, hit squads burning down money lenders and copious amounts of blackmail and bribery going on but it has resulted in the Red Hessians losing a lot of their influential in northern and central Rheinland. Indeed it was only thanks to the Unioners, a comparatively minor Rheinland criminal group mostly active in active in the Hamburg system (west/central Rheinland), joining the Red Hessians that they were able to avoid a more decisive defeat on this front.

While this loss of territory hasn't affected the combat power of the Red Hessians to much it has led to the Outcasts further minimising their support with them no longer viewing the Red Hessians as allies (though the sale and smuggling of Cardamine will continue) with the majority of Outcast agents being recalled.

However the Junkers suffered some serious losses towards the tail end of the this turn and have recently entered talk with the Red Hessians regarding an armistice, though the loss of Red Hessian influence in northern and central Rheinland will likely be somewhat permanent.

While the Junker's were unable to oppose the Red Hessians in space the Rheinland police and military did so with gusto and continued its offensive, still helped by the Bundschuh. Raids on commercial and civilian traffic have decreased by 45% percent and while Red Hessians are still dangerous they are no longer able to openly oppose the Rheinland government.

Result: Junkers somewhat thankful for your support, Red Hessians really feeling the heat

Terminus Sector:
The new frontier, full of alien artifacts to discover and resources to exploit.

[] Border Post:
The recent discovery of the fact that the aliens of Alpha05 don't seem to dependent on jumpholes for interplanetary travel means that fortifying the jumphole would probably be less effective than it would be against a normal foe. However Henry still thinks that establishing a fully fledged defense station near the Jumphole would be a worthwhile investment, giving your pilots a base to operate from now while also serving as a possible border checkpoint once you have made contact/other Sirius organizations start to become active in your systems..

While your military command is still reeling from the after-effects of the First Contact and its verification of a new form of FTL they still manage to plan and organise the construction of the new border post. Since the technology of the alien makes it less important as a defensive stations you instead decide to focus on equipping it with powerful scanners, extensive hangars, quarantine capable departments and other tools suited for dealing with a large amount of traders and people coming through as well as a specially designed sub station for foreign dignitaries/visitors which is isolated from the rest of the complex. You also station a significant portion of you marines on the station to assist your normal security teams.

Result: Border post Goron established

[] Blue Preparations:
You have and the Asari of Larissa agreed that they would come and meet you in roughly a year's time which doesn't give you that much time to prepare.
(Needs to be taken this or next turn)
Result: Prepare for Asari visit (You will be able to choose how exactly you want handle the meeting)

When you and Orillion founded the DSX you honestly never thought you would have to host a meet and greet for a group of alien, mostly blue, females with a tentacle fetish… On the other hand you can't really complain that you job is ever boring.

During your initial talks with the Asari you stated that the Hyrule system should be used for any and all diplomatic (or otherwise) approaches, both due to the fact that nothing truly irreplaceable is located in the system and since its direct connection to Larissa would almost certainly result in it becoming known anyhow. But while this means that the Asari will arrive in this system it doesn't necessarily mean you have to hold the majority of the meeting(s) there.

Possible Meeting location:

[] Border Post Goron:
Your newly constructed station might not be the most impressive location for a meeting but it is easy to secure (for example against possible electronic spying attempts), has hermetically sealed rooms and highly advanced air and water filters to combat the risk of an alien virus or bacteria spreading.
Cost: None

[] Hylia Base:
Hylia base is currently your biggest installation in the Hyrule system and capable of housing over a thousand people (though its current population is in the low hundreds). It could serve as a good example of human engineering and its designers made sure it also had extensive defensive capabilities.

[] Solitude:
Alternatively you could have the Asari switch over to your ships and transport them to Solitude itself, a far more impressive base. While such a request might initially upset some of the Asari you are confident that the demonstration of Jumphole travel and the sheer size of Solitude is more than enough to make up for that.

Focus of the talks:

[] Write-In
What do you want to talk with the aliens about? Do you want to look into possible trade or do you want to pursue an (initially) more isolationist policy? Do you want to stage a military manoeuvre or feats them with Kusari delicates?

[] Mass Effect:
Understanding Mass Effect technology is of extreme importance and you will have your best people working at it 24/7, no matter how much it costs.
(Only possible if you have traded for the technology)

Mass Effect technology is truly a fascinating topic that will keep you researchers busy for years if not decades to come. Luckily for you however the key principles behind the Mass Effect are relatively quickly understood and practically come down to one thing - a new element called element zero (or short Eezo) which if used correctly allows one to directly manipulate dark energy and gravity. Granted how exactly the alien manage to manipulate the element so precisely is still unclear but one your scientists are confident, perhaps even overconfident, in their ability to overcome if they had access to enough Eezo to experiment with. However while there are several mentions in scientific journals about findings which could be eezo none of them have ever been really followed up upon and thus it may be up to you to find the stuff for them. As a side note, your scans of Larrisa suggest that the big minings ite you made out is likely connected to the eezo production of said alien planet.

Your scientist on Voss-Ka meanwhile are quite interested to finally get a hint at how the massive structure they are studying is supposed to function. They decide to delay their more invasive experiments and instead work together with the team on Solitude to understand how Mass Effect technology might used to activate and use the structure. But while they make progress it will still take them some time to truly uncover its secrets and have repeatedly asked you to get them more information from the Asari regarding the Mass Effect.

Result: Eezo importance recognised (can start looking for it now), starting to "understand" Mass Effect, Mass Effect research jump started

Name: Deep Space Exploration (DSX)

Reputation: Powerful Minor Power
People are starting to treat you like a proper, if rather small, mega-company and as always success begets envy. Competitors start to take you seriously and criminals start to take note of your ships and their contents.

Ethos: Mostly Lawful
The large presence of highly trained military and industrial personnel means that your people tend to follow the rules and avoid ethically questionable actions. Your recent activities however have started to encourage a more open minded and practical position when it comes to criminals.

Supply: Extremely well supplied
Your supply network not only finally catched up to your increased demand but the recent influx of capital and resources from the artifact trade have allowed Müller and Davis to seriously "future" proof your logistics network and you now have to resources for a number of serious investments

Manpower: 13.000

You are reasonably well staffed with many experienced people in non-combat roles, especially space exploration and mining. Your organisation has expanded significantly to deal with the increased need for manpower but your security has been up to the task so far. However some of fellow directors have started to complain about lacking personnel skilled enough for upper/middle management positions, especially since your recent additions to DSX have increased the need for those immensely.

Level of equipment: Standard
Your military is well equipped and can maintain several ongoing operations

Average experience:
Veteran: Nearly all your pilots and soldiers have proven their mettle on various battlefields and skirmishes.

Size (compared to other factions in Sirius): small to average
- You command a military force roughly equivalent to three aircraft Groups

Force composition:
The large majority of you military force consists of (former() BAF pilots who mostly field heavy and medium fighters. You also employ a double strength squadron of heavy fighters from the Order while the rest of your forces flies a wide spread of semi-"civilian" ships.


Current deployments:
Short ranged patrols - minimal decrease of ready military forces
Long range escorts for artifact trade - notable decrease of ready military forces

"Ground" Forces:
A battalion of Royal Marines (BAF)

Solitude/Alpha Base: The main base of DSX is located in one of the bigger asteroids, circa ten kilometers in diameter, of the outer asteroid field in the Alpha01 system. The metal heavy composition of the asteroid paired with advanced stealth systems mean that the base is hard to detect for any known sensors.

The base is still undergoing construction but can already house more than five thousand people as well as their associated ships and equipment with the current goal to create enough room to comfortably house ten thousand people. Recently a small industrial complex has been added to it, allowing it to produce a small amount of basic materials.

It is also home to a well equipped pilot training school where the next generation of DSX is getting trained as well as a officer's school/internal university capable of providing top tier education and training.

In regards for active defenses it features numerous military grade point defense turrets as well as a lesser number of anti fighter guns.

Omicron Lambda:
Cintra: Located near the Omicron Theta jumphole in Omicron Lambda this small asteroidbase primarily monitors said jumphole and to oversee the local patrols.

VossKa: Located near the Mass Relay in the Voss system this small station is currently home to a detachment of scientist trying to research said Relay.

Padirac Station: A small space station whose primary duty is to serve as an logistical and command hub for any DSX activities in the Vega system,

Hylia Base: A well armed base located in the Hyrule system it serves the dual purpose of a military staging ground as well as a launching pad for further projects of the system.
Border post Goron: Designed to monitor to the Larissa Jumphole and any ships travelling through it it has also extensive facilities specially designed to deal with aliens.

Omicron Kappa:
Fortitude: A well armed base located in the Hyrule system it serves the dual purpose of a military staging ground as well as a launching pad for further projects of the system. It also the main logistical centre of your artifact trade and from it your ships transport the artifacts to the rest of Sirius.

Hood: The Hood is a refurbished battleship that now serves as a civilian carrier. It can carry up to four wings of fighters and operate independently from any base for long amounts of time. It may lack most of its offensive weaponry but even its current state it packs a nasty punch when going up against smaller spacecraft.

Mining operations:
Mining operation (rare metals) in Omicron Kappa
Small mining operation (diamonds) in Omicron Kappa
Mining operation (Ice) in Omicron Kappa

Small mining operation (diamonds) Nirn

Other Operations:
Artifact Trade: Active in all of Sirius
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