Freelancer: Terminus (Freelancer/MassEffect)

Turn 6: Alien Discoveries
Turn 6: Alien Discoveries
Date: 07/813 AS

A simple stroll through Solitude makes it clear how much DSX has changed over the years. No longer do you stumble over quickly assembled electric lines or get lost in badly illuminated, eerily silent storerooms while everything smells of fresh paint. Instead the thousands of people now working and living here have filled the former empty halls with life and a sense of purpose. Be it the laboratories on deck 9 where some of the brightest and best of Sirius are analysing every single speck of dust coming from Pandora to the machinist shops near the main hangar which bring back memories of your youth with Tobias in his shop on Leeds, thousands of lightyears away and yet so similar. Truly, you can be proud of what you have accomplished so far-

You have 6 Action Points that you can spend anyway you wish at 1 point per action. You can also add 1 Focus Point (giving a + 20 Bonus) to a chosen action, representing DSX focusing on that action.
(Survey actions, especially in the Terminus sector will also have a chance of unveiling new Jumphole connections/unlocking new systems)

Sirius Sector:
You may be hundreds of light-years removed from the Sirius sector with the goal of exploring a completely new part of space but that doesn`t mean you can ignore what happens in the Sirius sector.

[] Expanded Escorts: Southern Route

Omicron Theta, your supply base, can generally be reached via two possible routes. The northern route, through the Sigma systems, leads to the GMG and Kusari and is currently one your transports only use rarely (though it is the main smuggling route for artifacts for the Corsairs). The southern route, through most of the Omega system, meanwhile is your main supply line and connects you to both your contacts in Rheinland and Bretonnia.

The ships, many of them not working directly for you but the Zoners, on that route have so far required only minimal escorts since the Corsair, who claim most of that territory, generally respect both their agreement with you as well as Zoner neutrality. And even with the conflict in Sigma 17 winding down Alexandra, your intelligence adviser, fears that the Red Hessians, a ruthless Rheinland criminal faction and avowed enemies of the Corsairs, could try to expand into Corsair territory and thus endanger your transports.

And with the additional reinforcements that Lord Admiral Hamilton of the BAf has promised you scheduled to arrive in the near future you would actually have enough manpower to give your patrols some bite, especially since the Zoner's have agreed to give you basing rights for their Freeport 5 base.

Cost: Small, Result: Long Range patrols along the southern supply route, more information about events there

[] Hired Gun's:
Both Samura and Cryer hired a lot of extra security during the Sigma 17 crisis to protect their investments in the area. With the crisis over they are now in the process of downsizing their military forces which means that a lot of experienced mercenaries are suddenly looking for a job. It is a buyer's market and a nice opportunity to further expand your military forces.
Cost: Small, Result: Hire several wings of experienced Freelancers

[] The Hood:
With the Molly presence in Dublin now a thing of history the IMG plans to expand their operations there which means that the Hood is no longer viewed as a suitable base of operations. In return for your help in securing some claims in the former Molly Gold Field, which shouldn't be that difficult for a man of you connections, they would be willing to give it to you. Granted the Hood is little less than a hulk of metal but with your contacts in the BAF there might be a way to change that.
The term battleship is something of a misnomer considering that most of the ships classified as such act far more as carrier and command centers than as frontline ships. Even so they command a fearsome array of large weaponry that very little in Sirius can stand against it for any amount of time while their defensive capabilities, both active and passive, make attacking them with anything less than a fleet a suicidal endeavour.

Bretonian battleships are known for their robustness and reliability while generally being less advanced compared to the ships built by the other houses.

[] Option 1: Refurbishment:
The BAF would be willing to repair, or perhaps rebuilt would be a better word, the Hood for you at the Southampton shipyard for little more than factory costs. Granted even they are unwilling to give a civilian like you openly access to capital ship grade weaponry which means those parts would have to be transported separately to Solitude and installed there but it would still represent a possibly game changing upgrade in firepower available to you. However maintaining such a massive ship, especially in active combat, could be beyond the capabilities of your current organization.
Cost: Extreme, Time: 3 turns, Result: Access to an old but still dangerous battleship, most Sirius factions will take notice of you

[] Option 2: Civilian variant
A less ambitious plan would be to rebuilt the Hood according to civilian spec. It would mean a slight downsizing of its original reactor and defensive system and foregoing the installation of any capital ship offensive weaponry, making it somewhat similar in capability to for example the luxury cruisers of Orbital Spa and Cruises. It maintenance would be somewhat less likely to break you and the ship could still serve as an mobile carrier and command base. Plus such an action would be far less likely to arouse the suspicion of other Sirius factions of just why you need that ship since everybody is aware of just how dangerous the Border Worlds can be.
Cost: High, Time: 2 turns, Result: Access to a slightly less powerful Hood, Sirius factions will still take note of you

[] Option 3: Trade-in:
The easiest option however would be to "trade" the Hood for a more useful ship. Several officers you met during the festivities on New London after the defeat of the Molly's expressed a desire to either turn the Hood, now that it no longer serves as a constant reminder of the humiliation it suffered at the hands of the Mollys. into a museum ship or perhaps even a training ship for the BAF. In return for gifting them the Hood you might get acces "retired and demilitarized" gunboat or corvette (naturally including a separate shipment of the necessary weapons to remilitarize it).
Cost: Low, Chance of success: 70% (to get a corvette, otherwise a gunboat), Result: Some positive publicity, access to a gunboat or corvette

[] Artefact Trade:
The excavation of Kappa 4 is progressing as planned and you are slowly amassing significant amounts of artefacts, which are currently being stored in secure warehouses on Kappa 4. There are several possible ways of how you and the DSX could make use of those artefacts.

[] Option 1: Illegal
Unlike the Corsairs you actually have connections in the highest echelons of the various governments that you could utilise to allow you to trade the artifacts legally. You would likely make less profit than if you did so illegally but the greatest effect would probably the massive public attention such an action would entail (though some of your directors actually see that as an advantage..).
Cost: Medium, Chance of success: 60%, Result: Legal trade of artifacts established
Bonus: BAF +10, Daumann +5

[] Option 2: Cold Trade
With the help of some your less legitimate friends and allies, especially in the Zoner's, it should be possible to create your own smuggling network and supply the various black markets in Sirius. You could likely make a significant profit and establish connections to various criminal factions but establishing such a thing could take quite some time and upset certain people.
Cost: Significant, Chance of success: 60%, Result: Smuggling operation established, more options unlocked
Bonus: Zoner +10

(Corsairs and artefacts - Most known Dom'Kavash ruins are located in Corsair territory and this has resulted in them having a near monopoly over the artefact trade. However while the Corsairs maintain their own smuggling lines directly into the Houses they are generally pretty open minded when it comes to "independent" organisations arranging their own routes (caveat being that of course they still get their cut due to being the source of the stuff) ).

The other question you would have to answer is how you plan to deal with the Corsairs who are unlikely to be very happy about getting a serious competitor

[] Option 1: Ignore them
Omicron Kappa is not their territory and thus they have no claim over what you find there. Either they accept that or they will learn that they are not the only skilled pilots in the Omicron systems.
Chance of success: 30% , Result: Corsairs allow you to trade unhindered

[] Option 2: Protection racket Mk2
Paying of pirates is not something you like to do but you can't really afford to get drawn into a conflict with them at this state.
Cost: Medium, Result: Pay Corsairs

[] Option 3: Cooperation
The Corsairs have a lot of experience in dealing with artifacts so it might be good idea to look into cooperating with them, even if it means cooperating with known criminals.
Chance of success: 50%, Result: Cooperation with Corsairs in the artifact trade (+10 if you take Cold Trade)
Bonus: Previous dealings +5, Zoner +5

[] Outpost Kappa:
With you steadily increasing your presence in Omicron Kappa it might be time to establish a proper outpost in the system to assist your operations there and serve as an administrative and military center.
Cost: High, Result: Outpost established in Omicron Kappa (allows for example further development of your mining operations)

[] Frontier Post Lambda:
Despite Omicron Theta and Freeport 9 only being a single jump away it might be a good idea to build a small outpost in Omicron Lambda. It would give your transports and patrols a place to rest and resupply and, more importantly, allow you to keep a close eye on the only known route to your homebase. And thanks to your previous exploration of the system several suitable sites for a base have been located, lowering the cost of considerably.
Cost: Low, Result: Small base in Omicron Lambda, increased surveillance of the system

[] Cretan Embassy:
The close proximity of the Corsair territory as well as current events make dealing with the criminal organisation a necessary fact of life. Because of that Alexandra and Davis have suggested that you look into establishing a permanent mission on Crete to assist with that.
Chance of success: 60%, Result: Embassy on Crete
(Boni possible if you pick other pro-Corsair options)

[] Red Hessians:
Alexandra still hasn't found any definitive proof of Outcasts and Red Hessian cooperation but she strongly suspects it. Hoping to counter the threat before it becomes truly problematic she has prepared several plans on how to deal with the problem.

[] Option 1: Political pressure:
One area the Red Hessians have been very active in lately is the Omega systems, which mark the border between Bretonia and Rheinland where they capitalize on the lack of cooperation between the two Houses. Your friends in Daumann and the BAF might however be able to convince the two governments to start working together.
Cost: Small, Chance of success: 60% , Result: Closer cooperation between Rheinland and Bretonia in the Omega systems

[] Option 2: Infiltration:
Rheinland has had very little luck when it came to infiltrating the Red Hessians but Alexandra has access to an avenue the Federal Police didn't, the IMG. The two groups share an interesting history for the IMG was initially one of the few groups which maintained some positive ties with the Red Hessians, viewing them as something akin to brother in arms in opposing the evil mega-companies and their exploitation of the common worker. However as time went one the two groups drifted apart, the IMG moving away from its more radical positions and viewpoints and becoming a well respected mining consortium while the Red Hessians grew ever more radical and violent, eventually becoming the violent and ruthless criminal organization it is today. Even so, some ties between the two organization still exist and your Director of Intelligence wants to exploit them to insert some of your own men into the Red Hessians.
Cost: Small, Chance of success: 70%, Result: More information about Red Hessians

[] Option 3: Shadow War:
Even if the Outcasts and Red Hessians have started to cooperate it can't have gone on for long. And since trust, especially since two organizations like these, takes time to grow it should still be possible to slow down or even derail their cooperation if one is daring enough. False flag operations, anonymous rumours that suggest one side is crossing the other and the many other tools of subterfuge and misdirection. If successful it's payoff would be immense, however if it fails and the two organizations find out it was you it could mean open war with two of the biggest criminal organizations in Sirius.
Cost: Medium, Chance of success: 40%, Result: Cooperation between Red Hessians and Outcasts stopped/slowed down.

Terminus Sector:
The new frontier, full of alien artifacts to discover and resources to exploit.

[] Another ruin:
While not exactly the most pressing matter you could extend Sinclair's operations to the ruins found on the supermassive planet in Alpha01/Nirn.
Result: Research alien ruins, more artefacts

[] Science Base:
The massive alien construct in Voss/Alpha03 has so far resisted any attempt of your scientists to even begin to understand it and even the most optimistic of them has to admit that it could years if not decades before they make any notable progress. They have also asked for your okay to begin constructing a small space-station near the tuning fork like object to assist in their research. As a side note, they have also suggested that you held off of exploiting the system till they can be sure that the object is truly as passive as it seems which seems surprisingly sensible to you.
Cost: Medium, Result: Small science base near Mass Relay

[] Explore Alpha04:
While seemingly devoid of any alien constructs the survey of Alpha04 suggests that several notable mineral resources can be found there making it a tempting target for a in-depth study.
Result: Survey of Alpha04 finished

[] Explore Alpha05:
Located in the same asteroid field that also houses Pandora your people have discovered a jumphole leading to a unexplored system.
Chance of success: 70%, Result: Alpha06 explored IMG+10

[] Explore Alpha06:
Found in the outer parts of Alpha02 the system this jumphole leads to a so far unexplored system.
Chance of success: 70%, Result: Alpha06 explored IMG+10

[] Explore Alpha07:
The newly discovered Jumphole to Alpha07 is located deep inside the system and leads to a so far unexplored system.

[] Frontier Post:
Henry, you military adviser, would like to establish a small station in Alpha02 to assist in patrols and other projects there.
Cost: Medium, Result: Small base built in Alpha02[/SPOILER]

Events in Sirius
Liberty: Liberty has unveiled its new battleship class in a bombastic ceremony last month and news of it being fully stealth capable have shocked the people of Sirius. While rumours stubbornly persist that several Rheinland ships also had that capability during the crisis of 800 AS this is the first time that the public has definitive proof of the technology. The repercussions of this are difficult to predict and will likely depend on just how good their stealth system is
In less welcome news LPI had to admit that both of its Texas prison orbital facilities have suffered multiple mass breakouts in the last few months leading to severe doubts of the LPI ability to actually do it's job. Some even go so as to suggest that another company should take over the running of the facilities if LPI continues to be unable to do its job.

Kusari: Kusari and Bretonian official are expected to meet in the coming weeks to discuss Kusari plans to annex the Tau 29 system as well as the continued problem of the Outcasts in the Tau systems.
Meanwhile both Golden Chrysanthemum and Blood Dragons have continued to lose ground against the KNF offensive with former group even forced to give up their base in the Hokkaido system.

The defeat of the Mollys lead to widespread celebrations on the streets of New London, Leeds and Cambridge. Both BMM and Bowex have increased their expected profit margins and the mood on the New London stock exchange is optimistic, though the falling gold price has led to some problems

Rheinland: It is official, Rheinland will sell all it claims to both the Bering and Hudson to Liberty, opening them up for a complete annexation and exploitation by its rich neighbour. Traditionalists may call Chancellor Gerhardt Schmidt a greedy, incompetent republican in public but in private even they have to admit that this was probably a necessary move.
The rumours of the Rheinland government coming to an agreement have also solidified over the last year with several leading Bundschuh figures openly seen on New Berlin though so far there has been no official statement.

The Brotherhood (Bretonia)
A relatively new criminal organization operating in Bretonia. Founded by a group of disillusioned Gaians who found a life of crime more rewarding than ideologically purity the group found widespread popularity with many of the small time criminals ignored by the other big criminal organizations in Bretonia. Inspired by the example of the Liberty Rogues, who through seemingly nothing but pure gut and willpower managed to secure a premium position in Liberty underworld, the Brotherhood is currently mostly involved in theft, smuggling and maybe some opportunistic piracy. The recent addition of members of the former Mollys have brought this this group into the limelight and Bretonian Police has sworn to eradicate the threat.
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Turn 6: Alien Discoveries - End
Turn 6: Alien Discoveries
Date: 12/813 AS

You have 6 Action Points that you can spend anyway you wish at 1 point per action. You can also add 1 Focus Point (giving a + 20 Bonus) to a chosen action, representing DSX focusing on that action.
(Survey actions, especially in the Terminus sector will also have a chance of unveiling new Jumphole connections/unlocking new systems)

Sirius Sector:
You may be hundreds of light-years removed from the Sirius sector with the goal of exploring a completely new part of space but that doesn`t mean you can ignore what happens in the Sirius sector.

[] The Hood:
With the Molly presence in Dublin now a thing of history the IMG plans to expand their operations there which means that the Hood is no longer viewed as a suitable base of operations. In return for your help in securing some claims in the former Molly Gold Field, which shouldn't be that difficult for a man of you connections, they would be willing to give it to you. Granted the Hood is little less than a hulk of metal but with your contacts in the BAF there might be a way to change that.

The term battleship is something of a misnomer considering that most of the ships classified as such act far more as carrier and command centers than as frontline ships. Even so they command a fearsome array of large weaponry that very little in Sirius can stand against it for any amount of time while their defensive capabilities, both active and passive, make attacking them with anything less than a fleet a suicidal endeavour.
Bretonian battleships are known for their robustness and reliability while generally being less advanced compared to the ships built by the other houses.

[] Option 2: Civilian variant
A less ambitious plan would be to rebuilt the Hood according to civilian spec. It would mean a slight downsizing of its original reactor and defensive system and foregoing the installation of any capital ship offensive weaponry, making it somewhat similar in capability to for example the luxury cruisers of Orbital Spa and Cruises. It maintenance would be somewhat less likely to break you and the ship could still serve as an mobile carrier and command base. Plus such an action would be far less likely to arouse the suspicion of other Sirius factions of just why you need that ship since everybody is aware of just how dangerous the Border Worlds can be.

Cost: High, Time: 2 turns, Result: Access to a slightly less powerful Hood, Sirius factions will still take note of you

Convincing the Bretonia government to award some choice claims to the IMG proves a tad more difficult than expected but the BMM lobbyists prove unprepared for the Bretonian Armed Forces, normally a staunch supporter of BMM, speaking out in support of the underdog. In return for those claims the IMG is more than happy to turn the Hood over to you and you in turn then turn it over to a team of BAF technicians who have the unenviable task of making sure the Hood arrives at the shipyard in more or less one piece.

Result: Hood starts refit into "civilian" variant

[] Frontier Post Lambda:
Despite Omicron Theta and Freeport 9 only being a single jump away it might be a good idea to build a small outpost in Omicron Lambda. It would give your transports and patrols a place to rest and resupply and, more importantly, allow you to keep a close eye on the only known route to your homebase. And thanks to your previous exploration of the system several suitable sites for a base have been located, lowering the cost of considerably.

Cost: Low, Result: Small base in Omicron Lambda, increased surveillance of the system

The base in Lambda, named Cintra, is practically an (extremely) small copy of Solitude and located near Omircon Theta jumphole. The asteroid base will serve as an ideal starting point for your patrols in the system as well as a nice little supply base for your transports. And deep within its bowels Alexandra's people have installed some of the most powerful surveillance available to DSX and the Order which together with the spy-satellites you seeded the system with should make it nearly impossible for anybody to remain undecided near the supply route and known jump holes.

One of the first things you Cintra command did after its base was finished was to organise a thorough search for any additional jump holes leading into the system but so far the search has been fruitless.

Result: Small base established in Omicron Lambda, increased surveillance of the system, high likelihood of no additional jumphole leading into Lambda

[] Red Hessians:
Alexandra still hasn't found any definitive proof of Outcasts and Red Hessian cooperation but she strongly suspects it. Hoping to counter the threat before it becomes truly problematic she has prepared several plans on how to deal with the problem.

[] Option 1: Political pressure:
One area the Red Hessians have been very active in lately is the Omega systems, which mark the border between Bretonia and Rheinland where they capitalize on the lack of cooperation between the two Houses. Your friends in Daumann and the BAF might however be able to convince the two governments to start working together.
Cost: Small, Chance of success: 60% , Result: Closer cooperation between Rheinland and Bretonia in the Omega systems

Needed: 40 Rolled: 45

If you had ever had any doubt if the decision to make DSX an independent organisation was the right one this odyssey would have removed it. Because despite both sides agreeing with you that the Red Hessians were a threat that would be best fought by cooperating each other it took ages for them to actually agreeing on how to accomplish that. You expected there to be difficulties, there always is when two Houses have claims in the same region, but the sheer pettiness and bureaucratic nature of the thing exceed everything you believed possible. You actually thought the whole thing would fail when the two delegation couldn't come to an agreement of where the headquarter of their shared taskforce, that they had finally agreed to after months of back and forth, should be located but luckily your contacts in the IMG were willing to offer their base in Omega 7, Freistadt, as a possible compromise which was acceptable to both Rheinland and Bretonia.

The actual cooperation between the military of both nations meanwhile proved to surprisingly unproblematic, the military tradition of both nations being quite similar after all, and some early success make you feel confident that this whole thing will have a notable impact on the operations of the Red Hessian.

Result: Bretonia and Rheinland start to cooperate in the Omega region, Red Hessian operations diminished, Corsairs are torn about the whole thing since their raids also suffer

Terminus Sector:
The new frontier, full of alien artifacts to discover and resources to exploit.

[] Science Base:
The massive alien construct in Voss/Alpha03 has so far resisted any attempt of your scientists to even begin to understand it and even the most optimistic of them has to admit that it could years if not decades before they make any notable progress. They have also asked for your okay to begin constructing a small space-station near the tuning fork like object to assist in their research. As a side note, they have also suggested that you held off of exploiting the system till they can be sure that the object is truly as passive as it seems which seems surprisingly sensible to you.
Cost: Medium, Result: Small science base near Mass Relay

Building even a small base this far from civilization takes several months during which the alien object continues to do absolutely nothing. The scientist hope that the more powerful sensors installed in the station will allow them make them a breakthrough but have also started preparing for some more direct approaches should it become necessary.

Result: Small science base established in Voss, called Voss-Ka, Mass Relay remains mysterious and inactive

[] Explore Alpha04:
While seemingly devoid of any alien constructs the survey of Alpha04 suggests that several notable mineral resources can be found there making it a tempting target for a in-depth study.
Result: Survey of Alpha04 finished

Despite what some may think, properly surveying a star system is a difficult job that takes a lot of time simply because star systems are so damn big. Luckily you have access to some of the best in the business and the exploration of of Alpha04 finishes according to schedule.

The actual report trakes several hundred pages but of special interest to you and DSX are two finds. The thrid planet in the system has not only a rudimentary atmosphere that makes him an ideal candidate for terraforming but your explorers have also located several large deposits of interesting titanium alloys (often used in armour production). The other big find is several deposits of Californium, used for example in neutron weapons, in the asteroid belt around the gas giant

Result: Survey of Alpha04 finished
Owned: DSX
Organizations present: DSX

Connected to:
Alpha01- Jumphole

Inner system:
1 planet (no resources)
asteroid field (resources: common ores)

Middle system:
2 planets (resources:titanium on III) one is a possible terraform candidate (III)
1 gas giant (resources: Californium (rare metal))
Nirn Jumphole

Outer system:
Asteroid field (resources: ice)
2 planet's (resources: silicates (medium value) )

[] Explore Alpha05:
Located in the same asteroid field that also houses Pandora your people have discovered a jumphole leading to a unexplored system.
Chance of success: 70%, Result: Alpha05 explored IMG+10

Using an unexplored jumphole for the first time is always a dangerous endeavour for nobody knows what exactly awaits you on the side. There have been cases where a unlucky explorer ended up right next to a neutron star or in a system awash in radiation (and some whose fate still remains unclear for nobody and nothing seems to be able to return). Captain Yeager, commander of the small taskforce granted the "honour" to make the first jump", is therefore quite relieved when he arrives in the new system in one piece and without any environmental alarms going off. That relief lasts exactly 154 seconds when a whole different sort of alarm goes off.

"Non standard emissions detected. High likelihood of active alien activity. Silent running mode activated. Directive 9 is in effect immediately"

"Oh shit" curses Yeager as he brings up the up the relevant checklist, already memorized but wanting to make absolutely sure he doesn't make a mistake, his HUD while simultaneously checking his navigational display for any activity.

"Okay, still nothing on the Lidar or GravSen so maybe I will actually survive this" he mutters as he switches channels and activates the tight beam com.

"Alpha leader to Alpha team. Directive 9 is in effect. Retreat via Jumphole immediately"

"Roger", "Understood" "Aye"."More than happy to do so."


Yeager is the last man making the jump through Jumphole, 400 seconds after getting the warning and without ever seeing an alien or in fact any indication they have noticed him at all. Analysis of the data collected by the team during the short, but still informative, stay in the system makes it clear that the emissions (both radio and light based) he detected were of alien, non natural nature and have originated from a third planet within the Alpha05 system which is interestingly enough located in the habitable zone. Gravitational analysis shows several anomalies which could be space stations or space ships suggesting a relatively advanced civilisation though. As Yeager reported there seems little indication of anybody noticing him though the relatively little timeframe makes any definitive statement there impossible, However the exit of the Jumphole seems to lie in an slightly radioactive asteroid field in the outer part of the system which would have made the incursion all but impossible to detect for your own systems.

Naturally you immediately increased the defences around Alpha05 jumpholes location in Hyrule/Alpha02 with several squadrons of fighters being on standby at all times. However so far it seems like nobody has followed your explorers back home which means you have some time to decide how to proceed.

[] First Contact:
The best way to find out what you are dealing with is to go out there and meet it. In the worst case it might shoot at you (or prove to be an alien parasite who takes over human bodies) but if they aren't homicidal maniacs (or sentient bioweapons/guard dogs) the direct approach would jump start any relationship and provide you with an wealth of information.
Result: Start mini-turn First Contact scenario

[] I'm not ready yet:
On the other hand it might be a good idea to prepare a bit more before you go and meet and aliens, friendly or not.. After all you currently have a lot of things on your plate and you doubt that a few months will change things that much.
Result: Continue with normal turn, New options unlocked (on of which will be the free option to initiate First Contact)


Name: Deep Space Exploration (DSX)

Reputation: Relatively Unknown
Your organization has so far managed to stay secret though rumours about your presence in the Omicron region have begin to surface, especially since Daumann Exogensis has started to operate.

Ethos: Lawful
The large presence of highly trained military and industrial personnel means that your people tend to follow the rules and avoid ethically questionable actions.

Supply: Well supplied
The support of Daumann and Zoner's mean that your organisation is well supplied with basic resources and construction materials and the increased support from the BAF means you are well supplied with military goods as well.

Manpower: 8.000
You are reasonably well staffed with many experienced people in non-combat roles, especially space exploration and mining. Your organisation has expanded significantly to deal with the increased need for manpower. Space on Alpha base is getting sparse and your security and intelligence operation had to work overtime to screen the new hires.

Level of equipment: Standard
Your military is well equipped and can maintain several ongoing operations

Average experience:
Veteran: Nearly all your pilots and soldiers have proven their mettle on various battlefields and skirmishes.

Size (compared to other factions in Sirius): small to average
- You command a military force roughly equivalent to two aircraft Groups

Force composition:
The large majority of you military force consists of (former() BAF pilots who mostly field heavy and medium fighters. You also employ a double strength squadron of heavy fighters from the Order while the rest of your forces flies a wide spread of semi-"civilian" ships.


Current deployments:
Short ranged patrols - minimal strain towards military operations

"Ground" Forces:
A battalion of Royal Marines (BAF)


Solitude/Alpha Base: The main base of DSX is located in one of the bigger asteroids, circa ten kilometers in diameter, of the outer asteroid field in the Alpha01 system. The metal heavy composition of the asteroid paired with advanced stealth systems mean that the base is hard to detect for any known sensors.

The base is still undergoing construction but can already house more than five thousand people as well as their associated ships and equipment with the current goal to create enough room to comfortably house ten thousand people. Recently a small industrial complex has been added to it, allowing it to produce a small amount of basic materials.

It is also home to a well equipped pilot training school where the next generation of DSX is getting trained.

In regards for active defenses it features numerous military grade point defense turrets as well as a lesser number of anti fighter guns.

Omicron Lambda:
Cintra: Located near the Omicron Theta jumphole in Omicron Lambda this small asteroidbase primarily monitors said jumphole and to oversee the local patrols.

VossKa: Located near the Mass Relay in the Voss system this small station is currently home to a detachment of scientist trying to research said Relay.

Mining operations:
Small mining operation (rare metals) in Omicron Kappa
Small mining operation (diamonds) in Omicron Kappa
Small mining operation (Ice) in Omicron Kappa

Small mining operation (diamonds) Alpha01

GM: In case your were wondering Directive 9 includes, besides the general guidelines of how to act in face of possible alien presence, also orders to avoid capture as well as loss of sensitive technology at any cost (in most cases this would happen via reactor overload)
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Turn 7: The Slow Approach
Turn 7: The Slow Approach
Date: 01/814 AS

<< Progress Report: Archaeological dig Omicron Kappa 4 >>

The excavation of the Dom'Kavash ruins on Kappa 4 has made steady if slow progress over the last few years and we have now explored most of the initial digsite. As we initially suspected this planet to has been settled towards the end of the Dom'Kavash activities in the Sirius sector and the colony presents a surprisingly uniform building design if compared to other, older dig sites like the one on Sprague and the ice, though devastating to the general structure of the city, has protected and conserved many artifacts. I expect that we may soon be able to pain a much clearer picture of Dom'Kavash society and maybe even their physiology though deeper understanding of their technology continues to elude us. We have however found what we think is a map of several nearby Dom'Kavash installations which, once properly deciphered, could prove highly useful for the Order.

Prof. Sinclair

<< Report: End >>

In appreciation of your continued support of Sinclair's dig and perhaps more importantly the fact that you have finally encountered active aliens, the Order has decided to transfer some of its troops to your organization.
What boon do you pick?

[] Stealth Fighter Squadron:
Equipped with some of the few remaining intact stealth generators originally created by the Nomad infiltrators of the Rheinland military those fighters are nearly impossible to detect (Though the House militaries have made significant advances in that area since the Nomad War which they will likely intensify after the Orion announcement by Liberty)
Result: Stealth Fighter squadron

[] Infiltration Team:
The Order has always preferred to operate in the shadow and Orillion's operators are some of the best in the business. Be it gathering information, sabotaging an enemy base or the discrete elimination of a problematic enemy VIP this team has done it all.
Result: Infiltration Team

[] Order technology cache:
The Order employs some of the best scientists in the Sirius sector and over the years they have not only come with some truly powerful weapon and shield system but even developed a heavy fighter that is on par, if not better than anything the House militaries have to offer. The Order would be willing to grant your access to most of their technology though it would likely be years before you can properly capitalise on them.
Result: Access to Order technology (roughly equivalent with high-end House military technology)

You have 6 Action Points that you can spend anyway you wish at 1 point per action. You can also add 1 Focus Point (giving a + 20 Bonus) to a chosen action, representing DSX focusing on that action.
(Survey actions, especially in the Terminus sector will also have a chance of unveiling new Jumphole connections/unlocking new systems)

Sirius Sector:
You may be hundreds of light-years removed from the Sirius sector with the goal of exploring a completely new part of space but that doesn`t mean you can ignore what happens in the Sirius sector.

[] Expanded Escorts: Southern Route
Omicron Theta, your supply base, can generally be reached via two possible routes. The northern route, through the Sigma systems, leads to the GMG and Kusari and is currently one your transports only use rarely (though it is the main smuggling route for artifacts for the Corsairs). The southern route, through most of the Omega system, meanwhile is your main supply line and connects you to both your contacts in Rheinland and Bretonnia.

The ships, many of them not working directly for you but the Zoners, on that route have so far required only minimal escorts since the Corsair, who claim most of that territory, generally respect both their agreement with you as well as Zoner neutrality. And even with the conflict in Sigma 17 winding down Alexandra, your intelligence adviser, fears that the Red Hessians, a ruthless Rheinland criminal faction and avowed enemies of the Corsairs, could try to expand into Corsair territory and thus endanger your transports.

And with the additional reinforcements that Lord Admiral Hamilton of the BAf has promised you scheduled to arrive in the near future you would actually have enough manpower to give your patrols some bite, especially since the Zoner's have agreed to give you basing rights for their Freeport 5 base.

Cost: Small, Result: Long Range patrols along the southern supply route, more information about events there

[] Artefact Trade:
The excavation of Kappa 4 is progressing as planned and you are slowly amassing significant amounts of artefacts, which are currently being stored in secure warehouses on Kappa 4. There are several possible ways of how you and the DSX could make use of those artefacts.

[] Option 1: Illegal
Unlike the Corsairs you actually have connections in the highest echelons of the various governments that you could utilise to allow you to trade the artifacts legally. You would likely make less profit than if you did so illegally but the greatest effect would probably the massive public attention such an action would entail (though some of your directors actually see that as an advantage..).
Cost: Medium, Chance of success: 60%, Result: Legal trade of artifacts established
Bonus: BAF +10, Daumann +5

[] Option 2: Cold Trade
With the help of some your less legitimate friends and allies, especially in the Zoner's, it should be possible to create your own smuggling network and supply the various black markets in Sirius. You could likely make a significant profit and establish connections to various criminal factions but establishing such a thing could take quite some time and upset certain people.
Cost: High, Chance of success: 60%, Result: Smuggling operation established, more options unlocked
Bonus: Zoner +10

(Corsairs and artefacts - Most known Dom'Kavash ruins are located in Corsair territory and this has resulted in them having a near monopoly over the artefact trade. However while the Corsairs maintain their own smuggling lines directly into the Houses they are generally pretty open minded when it comes to "independent" organisations arranging their own routes (caveat being that of course they still get their cut due to being the source of the stuff) ).

The other question you would have to answer is how you plan to deal with the Corsairs who are unlikely to be very happy about getting a serious competitor

[] Option 1: Ignore them
Omicron Kappa is not their territory and thus they have no claim over what you find there. Either they accept that or they will learn that they are not the only skilled pilots in the Omicron systems.
Chance of success: 30% , Result: Corsairs allow you to trade unhindered

[] Option 2: Protection racket Mk2
Paying of pirates is not something you like to do but you can't really afford to get drawn into a conflict with them at this state.
Cost: Medium, Result: Pay Corsairs

[] Option 3: Cooperation
The Corsairs have a lot of experience in dealing with artifacts so it might be good idea to look into cooperating with them, even if it means cooperating with known criminals.
Chance of success: 50%, Result: Cooperation with Corsairs in the artifact trade (+10 if you take Cold Trade)
Bonus: Previous dealings +5, Zoner +5

[] Outpost Kappa:
With you steadily increasing your presence in Omicron Kappa it might be time to establish a proper outpost in the system to assist your operations there and serve as an administrative and military center.
Cost: High, Result: Outpost established in Omicron Kappa (allows for example further development of your mining operations)

[] The aliens of Omicron Lambda:
The alien organisms found in the Omicron Lambda system might not be anything special but with Cryer, who is always interested in such stuff, operating a major base only a few jumps away it might still be worth setting up a small harvesting operation.
Cost: Small, Result: Small income increase and small reputation boost with Cryer

[] Blood Dragons:
Some of your old contacts in the Blood Dragons have contacted you and asked for your help in acquiring large quantities of building materials and machines. They have been unwilling to say just why the need them but the sheer amount, as well as their current problems in Hokkaido, suggest they are looking into relocating their main base. Ozu, the Blood dragon who assisted you during the Nomad crisis, was a good friend and this may be a chance to start repaying his sacrifice.

[] Option 1: Middleman:
While you personally feel indebted to the Blood Dragons it might not be a good idea to get the DSX get too deeply involved in the whole matter. You will introduce the Blood Dragons to several of your friends in the Zoner movement as well as some of the more opportunistic Daumann leaders but not more.
Chance of success: 80% Result: Help Blood Dragons to make a deal with some of your allies while keeping your own hands mostly clean

[]Option 2: Salesman:
Building materials and machines are one of the things you have in abundance and so you could sell them directly to the Blood Dragons. This would implicate the DSX to considerable larger degree, potentially upsetting some of your allies, but you would be far from the first mega company preferring a quick buck over deep background checks (which is how you would sell it to any Kusari inquiry).
Cost: Small, Result: Sell goods to the Blood Dragons

[]Option 3: Gift-giver:
Ozu and the Blood Dragons helped you when you needed it most and it feel wrong to to turn them away in their moment of need. Giving them the required resources might upset some of your backers (mostly Daumann and BAF who feel slightly uncomfortable getting implicated in such a thing) but repaying your old debt is well worth that price.
Cost: High, Result: Give goods the Blood Dragons

[] Cretan Embassy:
The close proximity of the Corsair territory as well as current events make dealing with the criminal organisation a necessary fact of life. Because of that Alexandra and Davis have suggested that you look into establishing a permanent mission on Crete to assist with that.
Chance of success: 70%, Result: Embassy on Crete
(Boni possible if you pick other pro-Corsair options)

[] Red Hessians:
Your spies have finally managed to observe several meetings between leading Red Hessians and Outcasts members on the Junker's base in New Berlin, proving what you long suspected. And while this cooperation may not strictly fall within your area of responsibility you still worry that this could have serious negative impacts on the stability of your "neighbourhood" which turn would seriously complicate the smooth running of your organisation. Getting Bretonia and Rheinland to cooperate has already had a notable impact on Red Hessian operations in the Omega area and rumours from Rheinland suggest they have also something in the works but when dealing with organization like those overkill is practically impossible.

[] Option 1: Infiltration:
Rheinland has had very little luck when it came to infiltrating the Red Hessians but Alexandra has access to an avenue the Federal Police didn't, the IMG. The two groups share an interesting history for the IMG was initially one of the few groups which maintained some positive ties with the Red Hessians, viewing them as something akin to brother in arms in opposing the evil mega-companies and their exploitation of the common worker. However as time went one the two groups drifted apart, the IMG moving away from its more radical positions and viewpoints and becoming a well respected mining consortium while the Red Hessians grew ever more radical and violent, eventually becoming the violent and ruthless criminal organization it is today. Even so, some ties between the two organization still exist and your Director of Intelligence wants to exploit them to insert some of your own men into the Red Hessians.
Cost: Small, Chance of success: 65%, Result: More information about Red Hessians

[] Option 2: Shadow War:
Even if the Outcasts and Red Hessians have started to cooperate it can't have gone on for long. And since trust, especially since two organizations like these, takes time to grow it should still be possible to slow down or even derail their cooperation if one is daring enough. False flag operations, anonymous rumours that suggest one side is crossing the other and the many other tools of subterfuge and misdirection. If successful it's payoff would be immense, however if it fails and the two organizations find out it was you it could mean open war with two of the biggest criminal organizations in Sirius.
Cost: Medium, Chance of success: 35%, Result: Cooperation between Red Hessians and Outcasts stopped/slowed down.

Terminus Sector:
The new frontier, full of alien artifacts to discover and resources to exploit.

[] Another ruin:
While not exactly the most pressing matter you could extend Sinclair's operations to the ruins found on the supermassive planet in Alpha01/Nirn.
Result: Research alien ruins, more artefacts

[] Vega exploitation:
The survey of the Vega system, formerly called Alpha04, has revealed it to be rich in resources making it an ideal candidate for further development.

[] Option 1: Outpost:
You normally set up an outpost after you have already established a significant presence in the system since that way you can get started on exploiting the local resources as soon as possible but going the other way would mean that the base could assist in setting up the other industries, likely lowering their initial costs significantly.
Cost. High, Result: Set up a small outpost in the Vega system

[] Option 2: C-mining:
Even in space Californium remains a relatively rare resource meaning that it would be worth setting up a mining operation in Vega despite its distant location (since your own industry is as of yet not up to the task of utilizing it themselves to any significant degree).
Cost: High, Result: small mining operation set-up

[] Option 3: Silicates:
The outermost planet of the Vega system is an ice giant with several deposits of useful and rare silicates as for example used by the Kishiro in the production of their optical chips. Setting up a mining operation would be doable though most of the profit would likely be eaten be the effort of shipping them into Kusari space alongside the currently only sparsely used northern route.
Cost: High, Result: small mining operation set up

[] Jumphole Fortification:
With Jumpholes being the only known method of traversing space quickly it makes a lot of sense to fortify the Jumphole leading to their system. Automated turrets, minefields and the works should give you as a defender a definitive advantage.
Cost: High, Result:Fortify Alpha05 Jumphole

[] Border Post:
In fact in might be a good idea to build a dedicated defense station near the Jumphole where said minefield and turrets can be controlled from while also serving as a base for your fighters
Cost: High, Result: Defense Station established near Alpha05 Jumphole
(This action can but doesn't have to picked as a "booster" for Jumphole fortification at no additional action point cost)​

[] Here be dragons:
The initial exploration group prioritised getting back alive and undetected over getting information, which was the correct action but which also means you know far less about the the aliens that you would prefer. Sending additional expeditions into the system is a risk but probably one you have to take at some point.

[] Option 1: Like a Ghost:
The most important thing is staying undiscovered, even if it means a less than optimal intelligence yield. By sending only a minimal task force and focus on passive surveillance systems you can reduce the risk of discovery significantly.
Chance of discovery: 5%, Result: Gain information about aliens, crit failure impossible

[] Option 2: Like a Snake:
Staying undetected is important but so is getting actual intel. If you requisition some of BAF's high tech spy-satellites you can increase the amount of information gathered significantly while still being quite sure that you won't be discovered.
Chance of discovery: 10%, Result: Gain information about aliens, crit failure impossible

[] Option 3: Like a Ninja:
Humanity didn't get where it is without taking some risks and this may yet be another place where such an approach is needed. You employ some of the best pilots in Sirius so perhaps you should trust them and let them dotheir job?
Chance of discovery: 20%, Result: Gain additional information about aliens

[] Explore Alpha06:
Found in the outer parts of Alpha02 the system this jumphole leads to a so far unexplored system.
Chance of success: 70%, Result: Alpha06 explored

[] Explore Alpha07:
The newly discovered Jumphole to Alpha07 is located deep inside the system and leads to a so far unexplored system.
Chance of success: 70%, Result: Alpha07 explored

[] Frontier Post:
Henry, you military adviser, would like to establish a small station in Alpha02 to assist in patrols and other projects there. This project has become especially pressing now that you know that one of the Jumpholes in Hyrule leads to an system inhabited by aliens.
Cost: Medium, Result: Small base built in Alpha02[/SPOILER]

GM: So here you go, I hope I didn't forget anything this time (if you feel something is missing say so). And since I am pretty sure that the question will come up -at your current resource/supply level you can do 2 High (~ 4 medium) cost actions without any negative effects on your current logistical situation. More are possible and not that dangerous, especially since your current supply situation is quite good, but may have negative impacts.

Name: Deep Space Exploration (DSX)

Reputation: Relatively Unknown
Your organization has so far managed to stay secret though rumours about your presence in the Omicron region have begin to surface, especially since Daumann Exogensis has started to operate.

Ethos: Lawful
The large presence of highly trained military and industrial personnel means that your people tend to follow the rules and avoid ethically questionable actions.

Supply: Well supplied
The support of Daumann and Zoner's mean that your organisation is well supplied with basic resources and construction materials and the increased support from the BAF means you are well supplied with military goods as well.

Manpower: 8.000
You are reasonably well staffed with many experienced people in non-combat roles, especially space exploration and mining. Your organisation has expanded significantly to deal with the increased need for manpower. Space on Alpha base is getting sparse and your security and intelligence operation had to work overtime to screen the new hires.

Level of equipment: Standard
Your military is well equipped and can maintain several ongoing operations

Average experience:
Veteran: Nearly all your pilots and soldiers have proven their mettle on various battlefields and skirmishes.

Size (compared to other factions in Sirius): small to average
- You command a military force roughly equivalent to two aircraft Groups

Force composition:
The large majority of you military force consists of (former() BAF pilots who mostly field heavy and medium fighters. You also employ a double strength squadron of heavy fighters from the Order while the rest of your forces flies a wide spread of semi-"civilian" ships.


Current deployments:
Short ranged patrols - minimal strain towards military operations

"Ground" Forces:
A battalion of Royal Marines (BAF)


Solitude/Alpha Base: The main base of DSX is located in one of the bigger asteroids, circa ten kilometers in diameter, of the outer asteroid field in the Alpha01 system. The metal heavy composition of the asteroid paired with advanced stealth systems mean that the base is hard to detect for any known sensors.

The base is still undergoing construction but can already house more than five thousand people as well as their associated ships and equipment with the current goal to create enough room to comfortably house ten thousand people. Recently a small industrial complex has been added to it, allowing it to produce a small amount of basic materials.

It is also home to a well equipped pilot training school where the next generation of DSX is getting trained.

In regards for active defenses it features numerous military grade point defense turrets as well as a lesser number of anti fighter guns.

Omicron Lambda:
Cintra: Located near the Omicron Theta jumphole in Omicron Lambda this small asteroidbase primarily monitors said jumphole and to oversee the local patrols.

VossKa: Located near the Mass Relay in the Voss system this small station is currently home to a detachment of scientist trying to research said Relay.

Mining operations:
Small mining operation (rare metals) in Omicron Kappa
Small mining operation (diamonds) in Omicron Kappa
Small mining operation (Ice) in Omicron Kappa

Small mining operation (diamonds) Alpha01
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Turn 7: The Slow Approach - End
Turn 7: The Slow Approach
Date: 06/814 AS

What boon do you pick?
[] Order technology cache:
The Order employs some of the best scientists in the Sirius sector and over the years they have not only come with some truly powerful weapon and shield system but even developed a heavy fighter that is on par, if not better than anything the House militaries have to offer. The Order would be willing to grant you access to most of their technology though it would likely be years before you can properly capitalise on them.
Result: Access to Order technology (roughly equivalent with high-end House military technology)

When you were young you seldom planned beyond the next meal but as directors of DSX your plans now span entire years, if not decades. You have big, ambitious plans for your organization and access to the technologies developed by the Order will almost certainly be a very useful boon later on.

Result: Access to Order technology

You have 6 Action Points that you can spend anyway you wish at 1 point per action. You can also add 1 Focus Point (giving a + 20 Bonus) to a chosen action, representing DSX focusing on that action.
(Survey actions, especially in the Terminus sector will also have a chance of unveiling new Jumphole connections/unlocking new systems)

Sirius Sector:
You may be hundreds of light-years removed from the Sirius sector with the goal of exploring a completely new part of space but that doesn`t mean you can ignore what happens in the Sirius sector.

[] Blood Dragons:
Some of your old contacts in the Blood Dragons have contacted you and asked for your help in acquiring large quantities of building materials and machines. They have been unwilling to say just why the need them but the sheer amount, as well as their current problems in Hokkaido, suggest they are looking into relocating their main base. Ozu, the Blood Dragon who assisted you during the Nomad crisis, was a good friend and this may be a chance to start repaying his sacrifice.

[]Option 3: Gift-giver:
Ozu and the Blood Dragons helped you when you needed it most and it feel wrong to to turn them away in their moment of need. Giving them the required resources might upset some of your backers (mostly Daumann and BAF who feel slightly uncomfortable getting implicated in such a thing) but repaying your old debt is well worth that price.
Cost: High, Result: Give goods the Blood Dragons

The decision to proceed with the Blood Dragons request is a difficult one that involves many heated debates with the other directors but in the end you manage to convince them of the benefits, mostly the possibility of gaining a new ally and source of intelligence in the Kusari sector, of supporting the Blood Dragons. The Blood Dragons delegation is clearly surprised by your generosity and promises to not forget that it ways you helped that them during this dark time.

The actual transaction meanwhile is comparatively easy to organise with the assistance of the Zoner's of Freeport 9, who have a lot of experience when it comes to moving goods of questionable origin. Most of the material gets picked up in Omicron Theta by agents of the Blood Dragons, many of whom intelligence identifies as members of Kishiro Technologies, and transported through GMG territory to wherever the Blood Dragons are building their new base, with sympathizers in the GMG and KNF ensuring nobody looks too closely at the transports and their destinations.

And while the Blood Dragons seem unwilling to tell you where they are building their new base Alexandra, ever vigilant, estimates, based on average time it took the transports to make it back for another round, that the new Blood Dragon base is located somewhere near the eastern border of Kusari space.

Result: Blood Dragons assisted and initial ties established, new options unlocked

[] Cretan Embassy:
The close proximity of the Corsair territory as well as current events make dealing with the criminal organisation a necessary fact of life. Because of that Alexandra and Davis have suggested that you look into establishing a permanent mission on Crete to assist with that.
Chance of success: 70%, Result: Embassy on Crete
(Boni possible if you pick other pro-Corsair options)

Needed: 30 Rolled:60

A little over a hundred years ago Crete was a planet barely habitable whose population was made of small clans constantly struggling to survive. Malnutrition and starvation were common and settlements bigger than a few thousand souls were nearly non existent. What little industry there was barely managed to keep the few captured, stolen or salvaged spacecraft of the Corsairs flying.

Now, a hundred years later. your diplomatic mission is greeted by a Corsair gunboat, a bit bigger and likely less powerful than what the Houses field but still a very impressive display of technological and economic ability, newly built by Tripoli shipyards when it passes through the jumphole. When they approach Crete the planet is ringed by a number of small space stations, some of which are still in construction, who serve as centers for a busy orbital industry which is busy mining the loca asteroid fields and, perhaps most impressively, an orbital elevator leading to it's capital city of Heraklion where your small embassy will be located. The city might not match Manhattan or New Berlin in scope or sophistication but still offers many of the amenities and luxuries found in Sirius proper.

After being greeted by one of the aides of the ruling council, which consists of the leaders of the most influential families of the Corsairs and is the nearest they come to having a government, your ambassador settles in a mansion in the foreign quarter of the city and gets started on the slow process of establishing ties with the local leaders.

Result: Embassy on Crete established, information about Corsairs gained and initial ties established, more options unlocked

[] Red Hessians:
Your spies have finally managed to observe several meetings between leading Red Hessians and Outcasts members on the Junker's base in New Berlin, proving what you long suspected. And while this cooperation may not strictly fall within your area of responsibility you still worry that this could have serious negative impacts on the stability of your "neighbourhood" which turn would seriously complicate the smooth running of your organisation. Getting Bretonia and Rheinland to cooperate has already had a notable impact on Red Hessian operations in the Omega area and rumours from Rheinland suggest they have also something in the works but when dealing with organization like those overkill is practically impossible.

[] Option 1: Infiltration:
Rheinland has had very little luck when it came to infiltrating the Red Hessians but Alexandra has access to an avenue the Federal Police didn't, the IMG. The two groups share an interesting history for the IMG was initially one of the few groups which maintained some positive ties with the Red Hessians, viewing them as something akin to brother in arms in opposing the evil mega-companies and their exploitation of the common worker. However as time went one the two groups drifted apart, the IMG moving away from its more radical positions and viewpoints and becoming a well respected mining consortium while the Red Hessians grew ever more radical and violent, eventually becoming the violent and ruthless criminal organization it is today. Even so, some ties between the two organization still exist and your Director of Intelligence wants to exploit them to insert some of your own men into the Red Hessians.
Cost: Small, Chance of success: 65%, Result: More information about Red Hessians

Needed: 35 Rolled:50

Alexandra's plan doesn't work perfectly but at the end of the turn you have managed to place several agents in the Red Hessian organization. Initial information is sparse, after all it is likely that the Red Hessians closely monitor new initiates, but you are confident this will change with time.

What your men can say with certainty is that the Red Hessians have started to use and sell Cardamine, though their operation is clearly still in it's early stages. There also seem to be rumors about them receiving several shipments of weapons from the Outcasts but the extent of that is as of yet unclear to your agents.

Result: Agents infiltrated Red Hessians, some information, new options

Terminus Sector:
The new frontier, full of alien artifacts to discover and resources to exploit.

[] Vega exploitation:
The survey of the Vega system, formerly called Alpha04, has revealed it to be rich in resources making it an ideal candidate for further development.

[] Option 1: Outpost:
You normally set up an outpost after you have already established a significant presence in the system since that way you can get started on exploiting the local resources as soon as possible but going the other way would mean that the base could assist in setting up the other industries, likely lowering their initial costs significantly.
Cost. High, Result: Set up a small outpost in the Vega system

Over the last few months your engineers were hard at work building Padraic station, your first outpost in the Vega system. It's crew, numbering around a hundred or so, is currently busy planning the next steps of the colonization of the system.

Result: Padriac station set up

[] Here be dragons:
The initial exploration group prioritised getting back alive and undetected over getting information, which was the correct action but which also means you know far less about the the aliens that you would prefer. Sending additional expeditions into the system is a risk but probably one you have to take at some point.

[] Option 3: Like a Ninja:
Humanity didn't get where it is without taking some risks and this may yet be another place where such an approach is needed. You employ some of the best pilots in Sirius so perhaps you should trust them and let them do their job?
Chance of discovery: 20%, Result: Gain additional information about aliens

Rolled: 32 -> no discovery

Your observation of the Alpha05 system wields several very interesting finds. One is that the planet inhabited by the aliens has an atmosphere whose make-up is remarkably similar to the one found on human planets should actually be perfectly breathable for humans. It also seems to only be relatively sparsely settled with most population centers located on one central continent (though it is possible that undergrounds or specially shielded cities exist/escape detection). It seems therefore likely that this world is a colony of some form.

That possibility is supported by the very limited orbital infrastructure, at least compared to the ones found in Sirius. There only seems to be a single orbital base deserving the name, located in a geosynchronous orbit over the central continent, as well as a small mining operation in the inner asteroid field. Observation of the later have unveiled some very intriguing readings connected to gravity and dark matter of all things that our scientist are still trying to understand.

Similar readings are however also emitted by the handful of ships, none of which exceed escort size, present in orbit around the planet in what we suspect is a patrol/guard formation. The ship seem to be generally similar to known human designs with a long, cylindrical shape with very few sharp edges. Your ships and satellites also gathered a large amount of SIGINT but deciphering them has so far proven to be difficult, perhaps not surprising considering the likelihood of them utilizing a totally different technology base.

The biggest discovery however was when you observed one of their ships breaking orbit, their in-system speed seems to be comparable to your own, and suddenly "jump" away. If your data can be believed the ship had suddenly a far lower weight and managed to reach FTL speeds within seconds. This is something far beyond the capabilities of either the humans or even the Nomads and its possible effects are nearly impossible to predict. Depending on the range and technology requirements of those drives your own ships could be horribly outclassed, especially if their weapon technology is similarly advanced. For the moment you have recalled your ships while you consider about how to proceed and wait for you intelligence depart to crack their communications.

Result: Gathered information about Alpha05 aliens.

[] Frontier Post:
Henry, you military adviser, would like to establish a small station in Alpha02 to assist in patrols and other projects there. This project has become especially pressing now that you know that one of the Jumpholes in Hyrule leads to an system inhabited by aliens.
Cost: Medium, Result: Small base built in Alpha02

Unlike your bases in Vega or Omicron Kappa military considerations play a far more important role in setting up your new base in Hyrule. Located near the Nirn Jumphole Hylia Base spots an impressive array of large "calibre" weapons while it's oversized generators also power an BAF shield generator.

Result: Hylia base built, further projects unlocked and modified.

Name: Deep Space Exploration (DSX)

Reputation: Relatively Unknown
Your organization has so far managed to stay secret though rumours about your presence in the Omicron region have begin to surface, especially since Daumann Exogensis has started to operate.

Ethos: Lawful
The large presence of highly trained military and industrial personnel means that your people tend to follow the rules and avoid ethically questionable actions.

Supply: Well supplied
The support of Daumann and Zoner's mean that your organisation is well supplied with basic resources and construction materials and the increased support from the BAF means you are well supplied with military goods as well.

Manpower: 8.500
You are reasonably well staffed with many experienced people in non-combat roles, especially space exploration and mining. Your organisation has expanded significantly to deal with the increased need for manpower. Space on Alpha base is getting sparse and your security and intelligence operation had to work overtime to screen the new hires.

Level of equipment: Standard
Your military is well equipped and can maintain several ongoing operations

Average experience:
Veteran: Nearly all your pilots and soldiers have proven their mettle on various battlefields and skirmishes.

Size (compared to other factions in Sirius): small to average
- You command a military force roughly equivalent to two aircraft Groups

Force composition:
The large majority of you military force consists of (former() BAF pilots who mostly field heavy and medium fighters. You also employ a double strength squadron of heavy fighters from the Order while the rest of your forces flies a wide spread of semi-"civilian" ships.


Current deployments:
Short ranged patrols - minimal strain towards military operations

"Ground" Forces:
A battalion of Royal Marines (BAF)

Solitude/Alpha Base: The main base of DSX is located in one of the bigger asteroids, circa ten kilometers in diameter, of the outer asteroid field in the Alpha01 system. The metal heavy composition of the asteroid paired with advanced stealth systems mean that the base is hard to detect for any known sensors.

The base is still undergoing construction but can already house more than five thousand people as well as their associated ships and equipment with the current goal to create enough room to comfortably house ten thousand people. Recently a small industrial complex has been added to it, allowing it to produce a small amount of basic materials.

It is also home to a well equipped pilot training school where the next generation of DSX is getting trained.

In regards for active defenses it features numerous military grade point defense turrets as well as a lesser number of anti fighter guns.

Omicron Lambda:
Cintra: Located near the Omicron Theta jumphole in Omicron Lambda this small asteroidbase primarily monitors said jumphole and to oversee the local patrols.

VossKa: Located near the Mass Relay in the Voss system this small station is currently home to a detachment of scientist trying to research said Relay.

Padirac Station: A small space station whose primary duty is to serve as an logistical and command hub for any DSX activities in the Vega system,

Hylia Base: A well armed base located in the Hyrule system it serves the dual purpose of a military staging ground as well as a launching pad for further projects of the system.

Mining operations:
Small mining operation (rare metals) in Omicron Kappa
Small mining operation (diamonds) in Omicron Kappa
Small mining operation (Ice) in Omicron Kappa

Small mining operation (diamonds) Alpha01
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Turn 8: Battleship Hood
Turn 8: Battleship Hood
Date: 07/814 AS

The Voyages of the DSX Hood:
Despite the uniqueness of their task the Southampton shipyards finish the refurbishment of the Hood on schedule and the ship is officially transmitted to your service in 05/814 AS as a civilian carrier. It is commanded by Archie Clifford, a former BAF cruiser commander who always dreamed of commanding a battleship but lacked the connections (or the extreme skill and luck needed otherwise) to reach such a position inside the BAF and was thus willing to join your organisation. He might not be the best captain in Sirius but he is and experienced and calm one who shown an aptitude for teaching which is important considering over half of crew never served on anything bigger than a corvette before.

Luckily the initial journey from New London to Sigma 17 (the nearest system with a JumpGate connection) proceeds smoothly with the only accident being a dispute between near the Frankfurt JumpGate where a Sumara ship expressed its displeasure at what it viewed your ship cutting in line taking a few potshots at it, naturally no danger for even a lightly shielded ship but enough to give your crew a taste of excitement. All in all it took the ship a bit over two weeks to make the trip, which basically meant crossing the Sirius sector, showing once again the speed possible thanks to Trade Lanes and JumpGates.

Getting from Sigma 17 to Solitude meanwhile took almost two month, most of its spent in Omicron Lambda waiting for a more suitable wormhole configuration and required extensive escorts to prevent any opportunistic attacks on your new ship.

But in the end the Hood survived the trip intact and is now ready to deployed at your order.
(Both deployments allow you to use it in a First contact scenario and moving the ship at a later date is certainly possible)

[] Reserve:
The easiest and cheapest thing to do would be to station the Hood in the Nirn system near Solitude for the time being. The easy access to Solitude would reduce its upkeep posts and you could always redeploy if a situation requiring to do so comes up. However as the trip here showed jomhole travel with such a big ship can be an exercise in patience (at least if you don't want to risk possible damage) which means redeployment could be a bit slow.

[] Alpha05 Jumphole:
Stationing the hood near the Alpha05 jumphole meanwhile would give you a powerful military force right at the border to the aliens, though their newly discovered drive means this might not be as useful as it would be otherwise.

[] Write-in:

You have 6 Action Points that you can spend anyway you wish at 1 point per action. You can also add 1 Focus Point (giving a + 20 Bonus) to a chosen action, representing DSX focusing on that action.
(Survey actions, especially in the Terminus sector will also have a chance of unveiling new Jumphole connections/unlocking new systems)

Sirius Sector:
You may be hundreds of light-years removed from the Sirius sector with the goal of exploring a completely new part of space but that doesn`t mean you can ignore what happens in the Sirius sector.

[] Expanded Escorts: Southern Route
Omicron Theta, your supply base, can generally be reached via two possible routes. The northern route, through the Sigma systems, leads to the GMG and Kusari and is currently one your transports only use rarely (though it is the main smuggling route for artifacts for the Corsairs). The southern route, through most of the Omega system, meanwhile is your main supply line and connects you to both your contacts in Rheinland and Bretonnia.

The ships, many of them not working directly for you but the Zoners, on that route have so far required only minimal escorts since the Corsair, who claim most of that territory, generally respect both their agreement with you as well as Zoner neutrality. And even with the conflict in Sigma 17 winding down Alexandra, your intelligence adviser, fears that the Red Hessians, a ruthless Rheinland criminal faction and avowed enemies of the Corsairs, could try to expand into Corsair territory and thus endanger your transports.

And with the additional reinforcements that Lord Admiral Hamilton of the BAf has promised you scheduled to arrive in the near future you would actually have enough manpower to give your patrols some bite, especially since the Zoner's have agreed to give you basing rights for their Freeport 5 base.
Result: Long Range patrols along the southern supply route, more information about events there

[] Artefact Trade:
The excavation of Kappa 4 is progressing as planned and you are slowly amassing significant amounts of artefacts, which are currently being stored in secure warehouses on Kappa 4. There are several possible ways of how you and the DSX could make use of those artefacts.

[] Option 1: Illegal
Unlike the Corsairs you actually have connections in the highest echelons of the various governments that you could utilise to allow you to trade the artifacts legally. You would likely make less profit than if you did so illegally but the greatest effect would probably the massive public attention such an action would entail (though some of your directors actually see that as an advantage..).
Cost: Medium, Chance of success: 60%, Result: Legal trade of artifacts established
Bonus: BAF +10, Daumann +5

[] Option 2: Cold Trade
With the help of some your less legitimate friends and allies, especially in the Zoner's, it should be possible to create your own smuggling network and supply the various black markets in Sirius. You could likely make a significant profit and establish connections to various criminal factions but establishing such a thing could take quite some time and upset certain people.
Cost: High, Chance of success: 60%, Result: Smuggling operation established, more options unlocked
Bonus: Zoner +10

(Corsairs and artefacts - Most known Dom'Kavash ruins are located in Corsair territory and this has resulted in them having a near monopoly over the artefact trade. However while the Corsairs maintain their own smuggling lines directly into the Houses they are generally pretty open minded when it comes to "independent" organisations arranging their own routes (caveat being that of course they still get their cut due to being the source of the stuff) ).

The other question you would have to answer is how you plan to deal with the Corsairs who are unlikely to be very happy about getting a serious competitor

[] Option 1: Ignore them
Omicron Kappa is not their territory and thus they have no claim over what you find there. Either they accept that or they will learn that they are not the only skilled pilots in the Omicron systems.
Chance of success: 40% , Result: Corsairs allow you to trade unhindered

[] Option 2: Protection racket Mk2
Paying of pirates is not something you like to do but you can't really afford to get drawn into a conflict with them at this state.
Cost: Medium, Result: Pay Corsairs

[] Option 3: Cooperation
The Corsairs have a lot of experience in dealing with artifacts so it might be good idea to look into cooperating with them, even if it means cooperating with known criminals.
Chance of success: 50%, Result: Cooperation with Corsairs in the artifact trade (+10 if you take Cold Trade)
Bonus: Previous dealings +15, Zoner +5

[] Outpost Kappa:
With you steadily increasing your presence in Omicron Kappa it might be time to establish a proper outpost in the system to assist your operations there and serve as an administrative and military center.
Cost: High, Result: Outpost established in Omicron Kappa (allows for example further development of your mining operations)

[] The aliens of Omicron Lambda:
The alien organisms found in the Omicron Lambda system might not be anything special but with Cryer, who is always interested in such stuff, operating a major base only a few jumps away it might still be worth setting up a small harvesting operation.
Result: Small income increase and small reputation boost with Cryer

[] Blood Dragons Smuggling Routes:
Normally the Blood Dragons either produce what they need themselves or get it via their sympathisants inside Kusari but with the recent troubles in Hokkaido and likely relocation of their base the Blood Dragons looking for new sources of goods. With the discovery of the Alpha05 aliens you don't think you can justify to supply them yourself beyond what you already did but you could use your contacts with the Zoners and Blood Dragons to convince both sides to cooperate, strengthening the local Zoners and giving you a possible in with the Blood Dragons in the future.
Chance of success: 90% Result: Zoners start trade with the Blood Dragons

[] Zoner Relocation:
With Liberty fully annexing the Bering and Hudson system the majority of the Zoners population of Freeport 2 is now looking to relocate. From what your friends in the Zoner movement tell you they are considering several region, one of them in fact being your neighborhood. If you promised them to help with setting up their new base you could likely swing the decision in your favour. That would not only result in you making some new friends in the Zoner movement but it would also strengthen the "local" economy, perhaps even attracting other organisations to your region.

[] Option 1: Freeport 7 Mk2
Till its destruction in the starting stages of the Nomad war Freeport 7 was located in Sigma 17 where its people made a solid living supplying the local powers with goods and supplying freelancers and miners coming to edge of civilised space in search of riches and fame. As far as locations go it is ideal for a Freeport.
Cost: High, Result: Zoners build a new Freeport in Sigma 17

[] Option 2: Freeport 9
Freeport 9 is already one of the bigger Zoner stations in Sirius but that doesn't mean you can't expand it. Doing so would be easier than building a totally new station and the expanded Zoner presence would likely positively impact your logistics but it could also draw the ire of the Cosairs who would likely be a bit unhappy about such a massive station being build on their doorstep. The Zoner's themselves are also a bit apprehensive when confronted with the idea since they tend to prefer more solitary environments.
Cost Medium, Chance of success: 80%, Result: Freeport 9 expanded

[] Red Hessians:
Despite the best efforts of Rheinland police the Red Hessians have managed to get a Cardamine smuggling operation started inside Rheinland, with it becoming a popular drug for the young socialites of New Berlin. It is still a small affair, especially compared to the epidemic that Liberty faces, but it does soften the blow their operations in the Omega system have taken in recent months. You agents are starting to send you useful information but Alexandra still prefers to wait for a clearer picture before taking any further action, especially since rumours from the Order and Daumann suggest the chancellor of Rheinland has something in the works.

That said with your agents on Crete starting to making some useful contacts it might be a possible to establish some sort of cooperation with them to deal with the Rheinland pirates. Some of the members of the Council might be open to idea to share information regarding the Red Hessians, hopefully giving you a better picture of the military situation.
Result: Cooperation with the Corsairs started, a bit more information

Terminus Sector:
The new frontier, full of alien artifacts to discover and resources to exploit.

[] Another ruin:
While not exactly the most pressing matter you could extend Sinclair's operations to the ruins found on the supermassive planet in Alpha01/Nirn.
Result: Research alien ruins, more artefacts

[] Vega exploitation:
The survey of the Vega system, formerly called Alpha04, has revealed it to be rich in resources making it an ideal candidate for further development.

[] Option 1: C-mining:
Even in space Californium remains a relatively rare resource meaning that it would be worth setting up a mining operation in Vega despite its distant location (since your own industry is as of yet not up to the task of utilizing it themselves to any significant degree).
Cost: Medium, Result: small mining operation set up

[] Option 2: Silicates:
The outermost planet of the Vega system is an ice giant with several deposits of useful and rare silicates as for example used by the Kishiro in the production of their optical chips. Setting up a mining operation would be doable though most of the profit would likely be eaten be the effort of shipping them into Kusari space alongside the currently only sparsely used northern route.
Medium: High, Result: small mining operation set up

[] Border Post:
The recent discovery of the fact that the aliens of Alpha05 don't seem to dependent on jumpholes for interplanetary travel means that fortifying the jumphole would probably be less effective than it would be against a normal foe. However JHenry still thinks that establishing a fully fledged defense station near the Jumphole would be a worthwhile investment, giving your pilots a base to operate from now while also serving as a possible border checkpoint once you have made contact/other Sirius organizations start to become active in your systems..

[] Enigma:
You have captured a lot of signal intelligence during your operations in Alpha05 but deciphering them takes a lot of time. With the current resources available to you Alexandra estimates that it would take you at least one more year before you have even a basic of just what your ships managed to "overhear", more if their language or basic encryption turns out to be more complicated than currently estimated. But she might be able to reduce that time if she gets additional funding and resources.
Chance of success: 70% Result: Decode alien language and data more quickly

[] First Contact:
It is time to approach the aliens of Alpha05 directly and see whatever there is to see.
Result: Start First Contact

[] Explore Alpha06:
Found in the outer parts of Alpha02 the system this jumphole leads to a so far unexplored system.
Chance of success: 70%, Result: Alpha06 explored

[] Explore Alpha07:
The newly discovered Jumphole to Alpha07 is located deep inside the system and leads to a so far unexplored system.
Chance of success: 70%, Result: Alpha07 explored

[] Solitude Industry:
As your organization continues to grow so does its need for basic goods and resources which means it might be time to expand the fabrication capability of Solitude.
Cost: Medium, Result: More Industry

[] Solitude Gardens:
As the number of your employees continues to grow so does your need for food. Müller and Davis do a good job of keeping your men healthy and fed but there is only such much nutritious paste somebody can eat before going crazy. As such it might be a nice idea to establish a botanical area to supplement the meals and be less dependent on food shipments.

Name: Deep Space Exploration (DSX)

Reputation: Minor Power
People are starting to treat you like a proper, if rather small, mega-company.

Ethos: Lawful
The large presence of highly trained military and industrial personnel means that your people tend to follow the rules and avoid ethically questionable actions.

Supply: Sufficiently supplied
The recent addition of the Hood has put a strain on your current resources that should soon normalize.

Manpower: 9.000
You are reasonably well staffed with many experienced people in non-combat roles, especially space exploration and mining. Your organisation has expanded significantly to deal with the increased need for manpower. Space on Alpha base is getting sparse and your security and intelligence operation had to work overtime to screen the new hires.

Level of equipment: Standard
Your military is well equipped and can maintain several ongoing operations

Average experience:
Veteran: Nearly all your pilots and soldiers have proven their mettle on various battlefields and skirmishes.

Size (compared to other factions in Sirius): small to average
- You command a military force roughly equivalent to two aircraft Groups

Force composition:
The large majority of you military force consists of (former() BAF pilots who mostly field heavy and medium fighters. You also employ a double strength squadron of heavy fighters from the Order while the rest of your forces flies a wide spread of semi-"civilian" ships.


Current deployments:
Short ranged patrols - minimal strain towards military operations

"Ground" Forces:
A battalion of Royal Marines (BAF)

Solitude/Alpha Base: The main base of DSX is located in one of the bigger asteroids, circa ten kilometers in diameter, of the outer asteroid field in the Alpha01 system. The metal heavy composition of the asteroid paired with advanced stealth systems mean that the base is hard to detect for any known sensors.

The base is still undergoing construction but can already house more than five thousand people as well as their associated ships and equipment with the current goal to create enough room to comfortably house ten thousand people. Recently a small industrial complex has been added to it, allowing it to produce a small amount of basic materials.

It is also home to a well equipped pilot training school where the next generation of DSX is getting trained.

In regards for active defenses it features numerous military grade point defense turrets as well as a lesser number of anti fighter guns.

Omicron Lambda:
Cintra: Located near the Omicron Theta jumphole in Omicron Lambda this small asteroidbase primarily monitors said jumphole and to oversee the local patrols.

VossKa: Located near the Mass Relay in the Voss system this small station is currently home to a detachment of scientist trying to research said Relay.

Padirac Station: A small space station whose primary duty is to serve as an logistical and command hub for any DSX activities in the Vega system,

Hylia Base: A well armed base located in the Hyrule system it serves the dual purpose of a military staging ground as well as a launching pad for further projects of the system.

Hood: The Hood is a refurbished battleship that now serves as a civilian carrier. It can carry up to four wings of fighters and operate independently from any base for long amounts of time. It may lack most of its offensive weaponry but even its current state it packs a nasty punch when going up against smaller spacecraft.

Mining operations:
Small mining operation (rare metals) in Omicron Kappa
Small mining operation (diamonds) in Omicron Kappa
Small mining operation (Ice) in Omicron Kappa

Small mining operation (diamonds) Alpha01
Last edited:
Turn 8: Battleship Hood - End
Turn 8: Battleship Hood
Date: 12/814 AS

But in the end the Hood survived the trip intact and is now ready to deployed at your order.
(Both deployments allow you to use it in a First contact scenario and moving the ship at a later date is certainly possible)

[] Reserve:
The easiest and cheapest thing to do would be to station the Hood in the Nirn system near Solitude for the time being. The easy access to Solitude would reduce its upkeep posts and you could always redeploy if a situation requiring to do so comes up. However as the trip here showed jomhole travel with such a big ship can be an exercise in patience (at least if you don't want to risk possible damage) which means redeployment could be a bit slow.

You decide to keep the battleship close at hand and train its crew a bit more before deploying it. This also gives you an opportunity to get to schedule a few training operations with the rest of your military, giving you a chance to develop new tactics and familiarize your pilots with them- You also get to know the the captain and its command crew a bit better, solidifying your opinion of him being a solid military commander that you can trust to do the job.

Result: Hood remains in reserve

You have 6 Action Points that you can spend anyway you wish at 1 point per action. You can also add 1 Focus Point (giving a + 20 Bonus) to a chosen action, representing DSX focusing on that action.
(Survey actions, especially in the Terminus sector will also have a chance of unveiling new Jumphole connections/unlocking new systems)

Sirius Sector:
You may be hundreds of light-years removed from the Sirius sector with the goal of exploring a completely new part of space but that doesn`t mean you can ignore what happens in the Sirius sector.

[] Blood Dragons Smuggling Routes:
Normally the Blood Dragons either produce what they need themselves or get it via their sympathisants inside Kusari but with the recent troubles in Hokkaido and likely relocation of their base the Blood Dragons looking for new sources of goods. With the discovery of the Alpha05 aliens you don't think you can justify to supply them yourself beyond what you already did but you could use your contacts with the Zoners and Blood Dragons to convince both sides to cooperate, strengthening the local Zoners and giving you a possible in with the Blood Dragons in the future.
Chance of success: 90% Result: Zoners start trade with the Blood Dragons

Needed: 10 Rolled: 50

As expected the normally quite isonalistic Blood Dragons are in fact looking for new sources of resources and with some subtle support from you the Zoners are more than happy to capitalise on that. In exchange for weapons, rare resources or simple credits the Zoners supply the Blood Dragons with basic consumer goods, machinery and everything else a rogue organization needs. They are also more than happy to act as fences for the goods secured by the Dragons during one of their attacks on Samura and their pilots are slowly becoming a regular sight on Freeport 9 and Freeport 17. The Gas Mining Guild, through which territory most of the trade flows, seems so far happy to ignore ships from either side, at the most expecting a small bribe from time to time.

Result: Smuggling Routes established, Blood Dragons presence in eastern Kusari strengthened

[] Zoner Relocation:
With Liberty fully annexing the Bering and Hudson system the majority of the Zoners population of Freeport 2 is now looking to relocate. From what your friends in the Zoner movement tell you they are considering several regions, one of them in fact being your neighborhood. If you promised them to help with setting up their new base you could likely swing the decision in your favour. That would not only result in you making some new friends in the Zoner movement but it would also strengthen the "local" economy, perhaps even attracting other organisations to your region.

[] Option 1: Freeport 7 Mk2
Till its destruction in the starting stages of the Nomad war Freeport 7 was located in Sigma 17 where its people made a solid living supplying the local powers with goods and supplying freelancers and miners coming to edge of civilised space in search of riches and fame. As far as locations go it is ideal for a Freeport.
Cost: High, Result: Zoners build a new Freeport in Sigma 17

As you though the offer of your assistance is enough to convince the Zoners to move to Sigma 17 and over the last few months they and your organization have been busy constructing a new spaceport. The Zoner's sold their old base in Bering to Universal Shipping and used the money to buy the necessary materials, including several biomes from Synth Foods, to build a truly impressive space station. Construction is still ongoing but Freeport 17, named so in honour of Freeport 7 as well as the system the base is located in, already serves as a neutral trading place in Sigma 17 with people from all ways of life haggling and trading for goods and information. The Bounty Hunters Guild also announced their intention to establish an office on the station in the near future, likely intending to profit from the after effects of the Sigma 17 crisis.

Result: Freeport 17 built (at least partially), economy and trade in the Sigma and Omicron (mostly the area northwest of you) systems strengthened

[] Red Hessians:
Despite the best efforts of Rheinland police the Red Hessians have managed to get a Cardamine smuggling operation started inside Rheinland, with it becoming a popular drug for the young socialites of New Berlin. It is still a small affair, especially compared to the epidemic that Liberty faces, but it does soften the blow their operations in the Omega system have taken in recent months. You agents are starting to send you useful information but Alexandra still prefers to wait for a clearer picture before taking any further action, especially since rumours from the Order and Daumann suggest the chancellor of Rheinland has something in the works.

That said with your agents on Crete starting to making some useful contacts it might be a possible to establish some sort of cooperation with them to deal with the Rheinland pirates. Some of the members of the Council might be open to idea to share information regarding the Red Hessians, hopefully giving you a better picture of the military situation.
Result: Cooperation with the Corsairs started, a bit more information

Really trusting outsiders and treating them as equals is not something that comes easy to the Corsairs, a result of their rather bloody and conflict rich history where everyone was in a constant competition with each other over the few resources available to them. However with new generations growing up in a far more metropolitan time where artifact smugglers and other traders are becoming common on Crete the mentality of the Corsairs has started to change, though they still take huge pride in their autonomy and independence. But the truly important factor is simply that the Corsairs really hate the Red Hessians, perhaps even more than they hate their Outcast cousins, and that even the most stubborn Corsair has to admit that their resources are stretched a bit thin after the rather costly conflict in SIgma 17. So when your agents approach several of the Dons known to be involved in the military they manage to find enough common ground to establish some basic information sharing between the Corsairs and DSX in regards to the Reed Hessians.

In exchange for information about the extent and status of the Red Hessian Cardamine operations the Corsairs confirm that the Red Hessian military has grown more formidable over the last few months, likely due to extensive Outcast training and equipment. While the Corsairs are confident in their ability to defend against them they admit that they can no longer treat the Red Hessians as a minor inconvenience and will likely need to dedicate a lot of resources to that fight.

Lore: The Battle of Omega 5

Omega 5 is a relatively unknown border system located between Rheinland and Bretonia, southward of the major tradelanes between those two Houses. It is the main site of the ongoing conflict between Red Hessians and Corsairs over supremacy in the Omega systems who both have established large, well defended bases in the system. Historically speaking the Corsairs have had the clear advantage in the conflict, easily containing the Red Hessians and coming very near to destroying their base at several occasions. In the last few months however the balance has started to shift with Red Hessians pilots becoming more skilled and their craft better equipped, forcing the Corsairs to assign ever more of their military to the area.

Terminus Sector:
The new frontier, full of alien artifacts to discover and resources to exploit.

[] Enigma:
You have captured a lot of signal intelligence during your operations in Alpha05 but deciphering them takes a lot of time. With the current resources available to you Alexandra estimates that it would take you at least one more year before you have even a basic of just what your ships managed to "overhear", more if their language or basic encryption turns out to be more complicated than currently estimated. But she might be able to reduce that time if she gets additional funding and resources.
Chance of success: 70% Result: Decode alien language and data more quickly

Needed: 30 Rolled: 15

Despite Alexandra hiring several leading scientists in the area of computer science and encryption as well as a major upgrade to your computing capabilities little to no actual progress is made in decoding or understanding the alien transmissions. They simply didn't make the breakthrough they were hoping for.

Result: No progress on the decryption front, likely needs another year till progress is made

[] Explore Alpha06:
Found in the outer parts of Alpha02 the system this jumphole leads to a so far unexplored system.
Chance of success: 70%, Result: Alpha06 explored

Needed: 30 Rolled: 47

So far you have been quite lucky with your jumpholes explorations but now your luck has finally run out. Alpha06 is a system awash in extreme radiation, dominated by a massive red giant in the late phase of its existence that is absolutely unsuitable for human habitation. It might be interesting to establish a science station here once your organisation has grown more but otherwise this system is likely unsuited for future development.

Result: Gratulations, you have found the one useless system I generated/planned when I started this quest. On the bright side you don't need to worry about defending it either.

[] Solitude Gardens:
As the number of your employees continues to grow so does your need for food. Müller and Davis do a good job of keeping your men healthy and fed but there is only such much nutritious paste somebody can eat before going crazy. As such it might be a nice idea to establish a botanical area to supplement the meals and be less dependent on food shipments.
Result: High Morale, more food

The majority of your new botanical area is made of highly efficient greenhouses but Müllers also builds a indoor park like structure for people to relax in and experience a change of scenery. This and the added variety and quality of food has done wonders for your morale and recent surveys have shown a high job satisfaction throughout your organization, not only leading to your people being more productive but also minimising the risk of leaks.

Result: High Morale maintained

Events in Sirius:
The Holmann Agreement:
Kusari and Bretonia officials have finally announced that their talks for a solution for the territorial disputes in the Tau region have come to an end. The Holmann Agreements not only divide the already developed and Jumpgate connected systems between the two Houses but also many of as of yet only sparely or fully unexplored systems in the area and interestingly enough also give several megacompanies, like for example the IMG, wide reaching autonomy rights regarding their operations in the tau region. Key features of the agreement are that the sovereignty of the Tau 29 system is to be transferred to Kusari while Bretonia gets to claim both the Tau 31 and Tau 29 system as their own, though in the later case Kusari companies have been awarded comprehensive claims in regards to the resources found in the system. It is hoped that the agreement will lower tensions between the two Houses and allow them to concentrate their efforts on combating the various criminal and terrorist organizations active in the region.

LSF and LNF were able to announce several successful operations against Liberty Rogues and Lane Hackers in the last few months, most notably the destruction of a major Rogue base in the Colorado system. A major role in such operations played the new Orion class battleships whose excellent stealth abilities managed LSF to ambush the criminals on many occasions. According to the newest numbers from Interspace Commerce the number of attacks on civilian transports has reached a ten-year low and many in Liberty hope that the LPI will regain their former dominance over the local crime syndicates. Critics however say that such attacks only combat the symptoms of the illness and that as long as Cardamine epidemic doesn't get stopped the criminals will continue to be a major issue.

Rheinland: The Holstein Deal
For months New Berlin has been buzzing with rumours of an armistice, maybe even a general amnesty, with the Bundschuh but even so the sheer scope of the actual agreement surprised and shocked the Rheinland capital world when Chancellor Schmidt announced it last month. In it the Bundschuh rebels are not only pardoned but granted the right to an actual semi-autonomous republic inside Rheinland, containing parts of the recently terraformed planet of Holstein as well as a significant part of the Frankfurt system. For many on New Berlin this was too much and riots broke out, with it looking very possible that Schmidt's coalition would break apart. Most of the protest however quietened down the next day when the chancellor, accompanied by the military high command, was able to announce that the Rheinwehr, in cooperation with Bundschuh elements, had conducted a successful large scale offensive against several Red Hessian and Union supply bases in Rheinland territory, killing hundreds of terrorists and destroying significant amounts of equipment and weapons. WIth this the being the biggest blow dealt to the hated separatists in years the media the political world of Rheinland is torn between condemning the chancellor for his treatment of the Bundschuh or gratulating for his success against the Red Hessians. Needless to say the next few months will be very interesting.

Name: Deep Space Exploration (DSX)

Reputation: Minor Power
People are starting to treat you like a proper, if rather small, mega-company.

Ethos: Mostly Lawful
The large presence of highly trained military and industrial personnel means that your people tend to follow the rules and avoid ethically questionable actions. Your recent activities however have started to encourage a more open minded and practical position when it comes to criminals.

Supply: Sufficiently supplied
Your supply network is still trying to meet the increased needs of your growing organization but if nothing unforeseen happens you should be back to making your regular surplus early next year.

Manpower: 9.000
You are reasonably well staffed with many experienced people in non-combat roles, especially space exploration and mining. Your organisation has expanded significantly to deal with the increased need for manpower. Space on Alpha base is getting sparse and your security and intelligence operation had to work overtime to screen the new hires.

Level of equipment: Standard
Your military is well equipped and can maintain several ongoing operations

Average experience:
Veteran: Nearly all your pilots and soldiers have proven their mettle on various battlefields and skirmishes.

Size (compared to other factions in Sirius): small to average
- You command a military force roughly equivalent to two aircraft Groups

Force composition:
The large majority of you military force consists of (former() BAF pilots who mostly field heavy and medium fighters. You also employ a double strength squadron of heavy fighters from the Order while the rest of your forces flies a wide spread of semi-"civilian" ships.


Current deployments:
Short ranged patrols - minimal strain towards military operations

"Ground" Forces:
A battalion of Royal Marines (BAF)


Solitude/Alpha Base: The main base of DSX is located in one of the bigger asteroids, circa ten kilometers in diameter, of the outer asteroid field in the Alpha01 system. The metal heavy composition of the asteroid paired with advanced stealth systems mean that the base is hard to detect for any known sensors.

The base is still undergoing construction but can already house more than five thousand people as well as their associated ships and equipment with the current goal to create enough room to comfortably house ten thousand people. Recently a small industrial complex has been added to it, allowing it to produce a small amount of basic materials.

It is also home to a well equipped pilot training school where the next generation of DSX is getting trained.

In regards for active defenses it features numerous military grade point defense turrets as well as a lesser number of anti fighter guns.

Omicron Lambda:
Cintra: Located near the Omicron Theta jumphole in Omicron Lambda this small asteroidbase primarily monitors said jumphole and to oversee the local patrols.

VossKa: Located near the Mass Relay in the Voss system this small station is currently home to a detachment of scientist trying to research said Relay.

Padirac Station: A small space station whose primary duty is to serve as an logistical and command hub for any DSX activities in the Vega system,

Hylia Base: A well armed base located in the Hyrule system it serves the dual purpose of a military staging ground as well as a launching pad for further projects of the system.

Hood: The Hood is a refurbished battleship that now serves as a civilian carrier. It can carry up to four wings of fighters and operate independently from any base for long amounts of time. It may lack most of its offensive weaponry but even its current state it packs a nasty punch when going up against smaller spacecraft.

Mining operations:
Small mining operation (rare metals) in Omicron Kappa
Small mining operation (diamonds) in Omicron Kappa
Small mining operation (Ice) in Omicron Kappa

Small mining operation (diamonds) Alpha01
Turn 9: Rogue Trader
Turn 9: Rogue Trader
Date: 01/815 AS

Report: Voss Ka
The investigation of the alien object in the Voss system has made significant advances after the team finally managed to crack the outer hull of the construct with a specially constructed high energy lance. Analysis of the broken hull parts revealed it to be an extremely dense crystalline structure capable of withstanding insane amounts of energy and it also seems to have limited "self-healing" capabilities, somewhat similar to shape-memory alloys. A separate taskforce has been created to look into the possibility for reproduction of the material but it could take decades before any real progress is made on that front. More interesting is the fact that with the hull finally partially cracked the team managed to insert a probe into the structure, capturing extremely high energy readings which make it highly unlikely that this is simply an artistic or inert structure. It will take some time to fully analyse the readings but the team of Voss Ka hopes that this is the breakthrough they were waiting for.

You have 6 Action Points that you can spend anyway you wish at 1 point per action. You can also add 1 Focus Point (giving a + 20 Bonus) to a chosen action, representing DSX focusing on that action.
(Survey actions, especially in the Terminus sector will also have a chance of unveiling new Jumphole connections/unlocking new systems)

Sirius Sector:
You may be hundreds of light-years removed from the Sirius sector with the goal of exploring a completely new part of space but that doesn`t mean you can ignore what happens in the Sirius sector.

[] Artefact Trade:
The excavation of Kappa 4 is progressing as planned and you are slowly amassing significant amounts of artefacts, which are currently being stored in secure warehouses on Kappa 4. There are several possible ways of how you and the DSX could make use of those artefacts.

[] Option 1: Illegal
Unlike the Corsairs you actually have connections in the highest echelons of the various governments that you could utilise to allow you to trade the artifacts legally. You would likely make less profit than if you did so illegally but the greatest effect would probably the massive public attention such an action would entail (though some of your directors actually see that as an advantage..).
Cost: Medium, Chance of success: 60%, Result: Legal trade of artifacts established
Bonus: BAF +10, Daumann +5

[] Option 2: Cold Trade
With the help of some your less legitimate friends and allies, especially in the Zoner's, it should be possible to create your own smuggling network and supply the various black markets in Sirius. You could likely make a significant profit and establish connections to various criminal factions but establishing such a thing could take quite some time and upset certain people.
Cost: High, Chance of success: 60%, Result: Smuggling operation established, more options unlocked
Bonus: Zoner +10

(Corsairs and artefacts - Most known Dom'Kavash ruins are located in Corsair territory and this has resulted in them having a near monopoly over the artefact trade. However while the Corsairs maintain their own smuggling lines directly into the Houses they are generally pretty open minded when it comes to "independent" organisations arranging their own routes (caveat being that of course they still get their cut due to being the source of the stuff) ).
The other question you would have to answer is how you plan to deal with the Corsairs who are unlikely to be very happy about getting a serious competitor

[] Option 1: Ignore them

Omicron Kappa is not their territory and thus they have no claim over what you find there. Either they accept that or they will learn that they are not the only skilled pilots in the Omicron systems.
Chance of success: 60% , Result: Corsairs allow you to trade unhindered

[] Option 2: Protection racket Mk2
Paying of pirates is not something you like to do but you can't really afford to get drawn into a conflict with them at this state.
Cost: Medium, Result: Pay Corsairs

[] Option 3: Cooperation
The Corsairs have a lot of experience in dealing with artifacts so it might be good idea to look into cooperating with them, even if it means cooperating with known criminals.
Chance of success: 70%, Result: Cooperation with Corsairs in the artifact trade (+10 if you take Cold Trade)
Bonus: Previous dealings +15, Zoner +5

[] Outpost Kappa:
With you steadily increasing your presence in Omicron Kappa it might be time to establish a proper outpost in the system to assist your operations there and serve as an administrative and military center.
Cost: High, Result: Outpost established in Omicron Kappa (allows for example further development of your mining operations)

[] The aliens of Omicron Lambda:
The alien organisms found in the Omicron Lambda system might not be anything special but with Cryer, who is always interested in such stuff, operating a major base only a few jumps away it might still be worth setting up a small harvesting operation.
Result: Small income increase and small reputation boost with Cryer

[] Saarland:
Your friends in Daumann have informed you that the Rheinland government is starting to look into fully developing a new star system to revitalize the economy and quieten the more nationalistic members of the coalition. Several possible options are on the table and it has approached Daumann (and other mega companies) for their input/suggestions, who in turn approached you due to your deeper understanding of the political situation in the border worlds as well as the possible economic prospects of the new sector. They are currently favouring a system near New Berlin, located deep within Rheinland, but are willing to consider alternatives if you think it worthwhile to do so.

And after looking over the possible locations you have in fact noticed a system that is suitable for development and lies within possible jumpgate reach of the Omircon Theta system, making it an ideal location for establishing safe and fast connection from your region to Rheinland, and from there the rest of Sirius. Granted this would be a longterm plan with the normal build time of a jumpgate raging between 5 years (if both sides are easily accessible and worked on at the same time) to a decade or more if facing less ideal circumstances but it is never to early to plan for the future.
Chance of success: 80%, Result: Rheinlands decides to pick a spot on its eastern border

[] Fuel Supply:
With the Sigma systems and the GMG being relatively near your location getting enough fuel is not that much of an issue for you, even with your fleet steadily expanding. It is however getting quite expensive and so Davis, the director responsible for logistics and finance, has suggested that you approach the GMG and see if you can negotiate a better contract.
Result: Easier/cheaper access to fuel

[] Corvettes:
The aliens of Alpha05 seem to field several small capital ships of as yet unknown capabilities which makes Henry a bit nervous about your fighters having to fight them without any capital ship support of their own. To counter that threat you could look into buying some small corvettes of your own, though it would be rather costly.

[] Option 1: BAF
Your contacts in the BAF would be willing to transfer one of their older corvettes into your service though its age mean maintenance would be quite high and that its technology might be a bit outdated.
Cost: Medium, Result: Get an old corvette

[] Option 2: Daumann
You could also order a civilian variant from Daumann. Though less capable than its pureblood military cousins it would still be powerful force (a match for an aging Bretonian corvette at the very least) and likely requires less maintenance. However such an acquisition so short after the Hood might cause people to wonder why exactly you are assembling a small fleet for.
Cost: High. Result: Get a new (civilian) corvette, raise questions about your activities

[] Expand Northern Route:
Most of your "trade" is transported a southern route to your contacts in Bretonia and Rheinland but it might be time to look into branching out and looking to expand into the northern part of your neighbourhood, especially since the recently build Freeport 17 is a perfect base for such an endeavour. From it you could start selling some of your mined resources to the GMG and Kusari companies like Kishiro and Samura. And while such a move is certain to raise awareness of DSX it could also serve as a misdirection that leads to people think of it as a simply another mining conglomerate like the IMG. However some of supporters in the IMG and Daumann might be less than thrilled to see you cooperate with their competitors.
Cost: Medium, Chance of success: 70%, Result: Northern trade route established

[] Grey Market:
Crete population might be small if compared to worlds like New Berlin or New Tokyo but they still represent a massive market of people hungry for various consumer goods. And with the rest of Sirius viewing them as ruthless pirates, which admittedly they are, it is very difficult for them to really feel that need, after all raiding and smuggling can only go that far. Which puts you in quite an interesting situation since you have contacts on both sides of aisle and could try to play middleman again.

[] Option 1: Zoner
The Zoner from Freeport 9 already do a brisk business with the Corsairs but with some help from you they could expand that significantly, solidifying their positions as friends rather than enemies in the eyes of the Corsairs. Some of the Zoners however have expressed themselves feeling uncomfortable supporting such a ruthless criminal faction in such a direct way.
Result: Zoner deepen their relationship with Corsairs

[] Option 2: Daumann
The second possibility is far more radical but something that you like the more you think about it. Unlike Bretonia or even Liberty Rheinland has had only minimal contact with the Corsairs, mostly due the fact that the Red Hessians are very aggressive in defending their turf, which means there is less negative baggage to deal with, plus both sides already agree on one thing - hating the Red Hessians. With some luck you might be able to convince both sides to start trading with each other. It would be a highly risky maneuver since Daumann could catch a lot of negative press if this came out but it could also be very profitable for Daumann and you as well as a way of strengthening the more moderate parts of the Corsairs.
Chance of success: 50%, Result: Daumann starts trading with Corsairs

[] Red Hessians:
The Red Hessians are reeling after the numerous attacks on them in the last few months and it is highly unlikely they will be able to threaten your souther supplies anytime soon but if experience has taught you anything it is that this is the perfect opportunity to push the blade even further in. With the added experience form the Corsairs and some very interesting information from your infiltrators Alexandra has come up with several options to truly put the heat on the Red Hessians
(You can pick multiple actions if you want though every single option costs one action)

[] Option 1: Bounty Hunter
Zoner intelligence stumbled across information that indicates that several high ranking Outcast and Red Hessian smuggler are scheduled to meet on board of the Orbital Spa and Cruise luxurycuiser Hawaii in the SIgma 19 system. It is a bit beyond you own area of operations and Alexandra would like to avoid drawing the direct ire of the Outcast if possible which is why she suggest hiring the Bounty Hunters Guild to act on your behalf. Hiring pilots of the necessary quality would be expensive but it would be nice to be one ordering them around for a change.
Cost: High, Chance of success: 60%, Result: Red Hessian and Outcast meeting interrupted

[] Option 2: Police Informant
The Rheinland Federal Police would very likely be quite interested in your information and Alexandra is quite confident in her ability to keep your sources secret.
Result: Give information to Federal Police

[] Option 3: Omega 41 Offensive
It is often said that the best defence is offence and while you don't one hundred percent agree with that statement you can see the reasoning behind it. Based on Alexandras information Henry thinks that it may be possible to push the Red Hessians out of the Omega 42 system, an important waystation on your southern route to Rheinland and Bretonia (which also makes a perfect staging ground for further military advances). Such an direct attack would however almost certainly make you an direct enemy of the Red Hessians and make you a target for retaliation.
Cost: High, Chance of success: 70% Result: Attack Red Hessians in Omega 41
[] Option 3.1: Deploy Hood:
This might also be a good opportunity to test your battleship in actual combat
Cost: Medium, Result: +20 to the roll, Hood unavailable for the turn (possibly more depending on how the battle goes)
(Free Action)​

Terminus Sector:

The new frontier, full of alien artifacts to discover and resources to exploit.

[] Another ruin:

While not exactly the most pressing matter you could extend Sinclair's operations to the ruins found on the supermassive planet in Alpha01/Nirn.
Result: Research alien ruins, more artefacts

[] Vega exploitation:

The survey of the Vega system, formerly called Alpha04, has revealed it to be rich in resources making it an ideal candidate for further development.

[] Option 1: C-mining:
Even in space Californium remains a relatively rare resource meaning that it would be worth setting up a mining operation in Vega despite its distant location (since your own industry is as of yet not up to the task of utilizing it themselves to any significant degree).
Cost: Medium, Result: small mining operation set up

[] Option 2: Silicates:
The outermost planet of the Vega system is an ice giant with several deposits of useful and rare silicates as for example used by the Kishiro in the production of their optical chips. Setting up a mining operation would be doable though most of the profit would likely be eaten be the effort of shipping them into Kusari space alongside the currently only sparsely used northern route.
Medium: High, Result: small mining operation set up

[] Border Post:

The recent discovery of the fact that the aliens of Alpha05 don't seem to dependent on jumpholes for interplanetary travel means that fortifying the jumphole would probably be less effective than it would be against a normal foe. However Henry still thinks that establishing a fully fledged defense station near the Jumphole would be a worthwhile investment, giving your pilots a base to operate from now while also serving as a possible border checkpoint once you have made contact/other Sirius organizations start to become active in your systems..

[] Enigma:

You have captured a lot of signal intelligence during your operations in Alpha05 but deciphering them takes a lot of time, even with the added manpower you recruited last year. It might be time to approach Junko Zane, currently back in the LSF, as well as your friends in the order for some truly specialised help.
Chance of success: 70% Result: Decode alien language and data more quickly

[] First Contact:

It is time to approach the aliens of Alpha05 directly and see whatever there is to see.
Result: Start First Contact

[] Explore Alpha07:

The newly discovered Jumphole to Alpha07 is located deep inside the system and leads to a so far unexplored system.
Chance of success: 70%, Result: Alpha07 explored

[] Solitude Industry:

As your organization continues to grow so does its need for basic goods and resources which means it might be time to expand the fabrication capability of Solitude.
Cost: Medium, Result: More Industry

GM: Before you celebrate understanding Mass Relay lets me say you that you are still miles and miles away from that. Otherwise this turn is bit more weighted to the Sirius side of things but I plan to give you a bunch of options for that next turn.

Name: Deep Space Exploration (DSX)

Reputation: Minor Power
People are starting to treat you like a proper, if rather small, mega-company.

Ethos: Mostly Lawful
The large presence of highly trained military and industrial personnel means that your people tend to follow the rules and avoid ethically questionable actions. Your recent activities however have started to encourage a more open minded and practical position when it comes to criminals.

Supply: Sufficiently supplied
Your supply network is still trying to meet the increased needs of your growing organization but if nothing unforeseen happens you should be back to making your regular surplus early next year.

Manpower: 9.000
You are reasonably well staffed with many experienced people in non-combat roles, especially space exploration and mining. Your organisation has expanded significantly to deal with the increased need for manpower. Space on Alpha base is getting sparse and your security and intelligence operation had to work overtime to screen the new hires.

Level of equipment: Standard
Your military is well equipped and can maintain several ongoing operations

Average experience:
Veteran: Nearly all your pilots and soldiers have proven their mettle on various battlefields and skirmishes.

Size (compared to other factions in Sirius): small to average
- You command a military force roughly equivalent to two aircraft Groups

Force composition:
The large majority of you military force consists of (former() BAF pilots who mostly field heavy and medium fighters. You also employ a double strength squadron of heavy fighters from the Order while the rest of your forces flies a wide spread of semi-"civilian" ships.


Current deployments:
Short ranged patrols - minimal strain towards military operations

"Ground" Forces:
A battalion of Royal Marines (BAF)


Solitude/Alpha Base: The main base of DSX is located in one of the bigger asteroids, circa ten kilometers in diameter, of the outer asteroid field in the Alpha01 system. The metal heavy composition of the asteroid paired with advanced stealth systems mean that the base is hard to detect for any known sensors.

The base is still undergoing construction but can already house more than five thousand people as well as their associated ships and equipment with the current goal to create enough room to comfortably house ten thousand people. Recently a small industrial complex has been added to it, allowing it to produce a small amount of basic materials.

It is also home to a well equipped pilot training school where the next generation of DSX is getting trained.

In regards for active defenses it features numerous military grade point defense turrets as well as a lesser number of anti fighter guns.

Omicron Lambda:
Cintra: Located near the Omicron Theta jumphole in Omicron Lambda this small asteroidbase primarily monitors said jumphole and to oversee the local patrols.

VossKa: Located near the Mass Relay in the Voss system this small station is currently home to a detachment of scientist trying to research said Relay.

Padirac Station: A small space station whose primary duty is to serve as an logistical and command hub for any DSX activities in the Vega system,

Hylia Base: A well armed base located in the Hyrule system it serves the dual purpose of a military staging ground as well as a launching pad for further projects of the system.

Hood: The Hood is a refurbished battleship that now serves as a civilian carrier. It can carry up to four wings of fighters and operate independently from any base for long amounts of time. It may lack most of its offensive weaponry but even its current state it packs a nasty punch when going up against smaller spacecraft.

Mining operations:
Small mining operation (rare metals) in Omicron Kappa
Small mining operation (diamonds) in Omicron Kappa
Small mining operation (Ice) in Omicron Kappa

Small mining operation (diamonds) Nirn
Last edited:
Turn 9: Rogue Trader - End
Turn 9: Rogue Trader
Date: 06/815 AS

You have 6 Action Points that you can spend anyway you wish at 1 point per action. You can also add 1 Focus Point (giving a + 20 Bonus) to a chosen action, representing DSX focusing on that action.
(Survey actions, especially in the Terminus sector will also have a chance of unveiling new Jumphole connections/unlocking new systems)

Sirius Sector:
You may be hundreds of light-years removed from the Sirius sector with the goal of exploring a completely new part of space but that doesn`t mean you can ignore what happens in the Sirius sector.

[] Artefact Trade:
The excavation of Kappa 4 is progressing as planned and you are slowly amassing significant amounts of artefacts, which are currently being stored in secure warehouses on Kappa 4. There are several possible ways of how you and the DSX could make use of those artefacts.

[] Option 1: Illegal
Unlike the Corsairs you actually have connections in the highest echelons of the various governments that you could utilise to allow you to trade the artifacts legally. You would likely make less profit than if you did so illegally but the greatest effect would probably the massive public attention such an action would entail (though some of your directors actually see that as an advantage..).
Cost: Medium, Chance of success: 60%, Result: Legal trade of artifacts established
Bonus: BAF +10, Daumann +5

Needed: 40 Rolled: 119

(Corsairs and artefacts - Most known Dom'Kavash ruins are located in Corsair territory and this has resulted in them having a near monopoly over the artefact trade. However while the Corsairs maintain their own smuggling lines directly into the Houses they are generally pretty open minded when it comes to "independent" organisations arranging their own routes (caveat being that of course they still get their cut due to being the source of the stuff) ).
The other question you would have to answer is how you plan to deal with the Corsairs who are unlikely to be very happy about getting a serious competitor

[] Option 3: Cooperation
The Corsairs have a lot of experience in dealing with artifacts so it might be good idea to look into cooperating with them, even if it means cooperating with known criminals.
Chance of success: 70%, Result: Cooperation with Corsairs in the artifact trade (+10 if you take Cold Trade)
Bonus: Previous dealings +15, Zoner +5

Needed: 30 Rolled: 68

Ever since the Nomad War commercial artefact trade in Sirius is highly regulated and only a few trusted companies and auction houses have the necessary licenses to operate in this area, though even they are often limited to a single House. And the first reaction of the various agencies to your request for such a license is far from optimal, with only Bretonia and Rheinland signalling the possibility of a positive outcome.

But then lady luck strikes, for somehow news of your actions reach the ears of several Liberty philanthropes and collectors who, unwilling to lose to their rivals from the other houses, start to lobby on your behalf. A few well placed rumours about you possessing several amazing and unique pieces fan the flames even more and soon the hype spreads to the other houses, with collectors, museums and Co. pressuring their governments to allow you to trade.

The only holdout seems to be Kusari where the Hogosha, which controls the illegal artifact market there, and violently suppresses any would be contender but Davis, Alexandra and you come up with a plan to overcome that hurdle. Thanks to your newly established ties to the Blood Dragons, who also hate the Hogosha, you manage to convince them to mobilize their sympathisers on your behalf which proves to be enough to tip the balance and convince the Shogunate to rule in your favour.

To surprise of all DSX thus manages to secure trading licenses for all four Sirius Houses, transforming your organization from a non-entity to a, if not the, major player in the artefact trade within a few short months.

The Houses are however not the only battlefield in this campaign, your agents are also busy on Crete where they try to convince the Corsairs to cooperate with you in this project. Here your reputation as a trustworthy and honourable partner that you built over the last few years pays off with many of the major smugglers willing to entertain the notion. And once you convinced them that you were able to guarantee similar if not higher prices to their current partners from the Junkers and Hogosha it was a relatively simple matter of politics and negotiation to get the Corsairs to agree to let you handle most of the artifact trade.

At the moment you still in the progress of building up the infrastructure behind the whole trade and establish and staff offices on the major worlds but the first few preliminary auctions have been very promising indeed. But it is not only the money that you stand to make that makes you happy but also the added contacts and political influence that will come in very handy in the future. The amonisity of the Hogosha and Junkers is in your opinion a small price to pay.

Result: Big artefact trading organization established, massive reputation increase, local economy strengthened, Junkers irritated + Hogosha are starting to view you as rivals, ties with Corsairs and Zoners strengthened

[] Saarland:
Your friends in Daumann have informed you that the Rheinland government is starting to look into fully developing a new star system to revitalize the economy and quieten the more nationalistic members of the coalition. Several possible options are on the table and it has approached Daumann (and other mega companies) for their input/suggestions, who in turn approached you due to your deeper understanding of the political situation in the border worlds as well as the possible economic prospects of the new sector. They are currently favouring a system near New Berlin, located deep within Rheinland, but are willing to consider alternatives if you think it worthwhile to do so.

And after looking over the possible locations you have in fact noticed a system that is suitable for development and lies within possible jumpgate reach of the Omircon Theta system, making it an ideal location for establishing safe and fast connection from your region to Rheinland, and from there the rest of Sirius. Granted this would be a longterm plan with the normal build time of a jumpgate raging between 5 years (if both sides are easily accessible and worked on at the same time) to a decade or more if facing less ideal circumstances but it is never to early to plan for the future.

Chance of success: 80%, Result: Rheinlands decides to pick a spot on its eastern border

Needed: 20 Rolled: 96

Your arguments in favour of your preferred system are apparently so convincing that Daumann not only uses them to convince the Rheinland government but they cause them to decide they should contribute to the financing of the jumpgate. This in turn not only allows Rheinland government to speed up the whole process but also proves to be a great PR coup for Daumann, causing many in Rheinland to view them far more favourable. Talks with Deep Space Engineering are scheduled for early next month and the hopes are that the project will begin early next year with the the goal being a 820-21 completion.

Result: Rheinland will expand toward its eastern border, Daumann becoming more popular + government is thankful for their help, whole process sped up considerably

[] Red Hessians:

The Red Hessians are reeling after the numerous attacks on them in the last few months and it is highly unlikely they will be able to threaten your souther supplies anytime soon but if experience has taught you anything it is that this is the perfect opportunity to push the blade even further in. With the added experience form the Corsairs and some very interesting information from your infiltrators Alexandra has come up with several options to truly put the heat on the Red Hessians
(You can pick multiple actions if you want though every single option costs one action)

[] Option 2: Police Informant
The Rheinland Federal Police would very likely be quite interested in your information and Alexandra is quite confident in her ability to keep your sources secret.
Result: Give information to Federal Police

One of your agents has managed to secure a position as bartender on Vogtland, the Red Hessian headquarter in the Dresden system, and his information about smuggling routes and drop-off points have been of great use for the Rheinland Police who managed to intercept several Red Hessians smugglers. After years of growth and expansion the Red Hessian are forced back for the first time in decades but they remain a dangerous foe and attacks in Dresden and Omega 11 have increased, with both Rheinland police and corporate security reporting a marked increase Red Hessian combat ability. Nevertheless the Rheinland Police is thankful and owes you a favour, which may come in handy in the future.

Result: Red Hessians operations hindered, Rheinland Police thankful

Terminus Sector:
The new frontier, full of alien artifacts to discover and resources to exploit.

[] Enigma:
You have captured a lot of signal intelligence during your operations in Alpha05 but deciphering them takes a lot of time, even with the added manpower you recruited last year. It might be time to approach Junko Zane, currently back in the LSF, as well as your friends in the Order for some truly specialised help.
Chance of success: 70% Result: Decode alien language and data more quickly

Needed: 30 Rolled: 67

As you hoped the help provide by Juni and the Order is enough to allow you people to at least partially crack and translate the intercepted transmissions from Alpha05. Once understood it seems like the technology behind those transmissions is not nearly as advanced as suspected and near if not below human capabilities which surprises many of your scientist since the alien jump-drive suggested a far higher technological level.

You haven't yet cracked their video encryption and so don't have a picture of how they looked by you have managed to crack some of their audio and text files. Content wise most of them seem to be status updates between the various ships and their base(s) and the planet, quite similar to what you would expect to see on a human world and lacking in any interesting cultural or military information. Of more interest is however that many of your linguists, anthropologists and xeno scientists think that the intercepted messages suggest that the colony world views itself as an independent faction and that contact with the rest of the galaxy is a rare occurrence. Also of interest is that the actual spoken alien language lies within the spectrum of what a human can hear and could theoretically be at least partially reproduced by a human. Their language also seems to be monogendered which could either point to a monogendered civilisation or an interesting cultural tick. A deeper analysis will likely unveil more information but your scientist are already confident that they could produce a primitive but workable translator in the coming weeks which could be be very useful if you decide to contact the aliens.

Result: Alien transmission partially cracked, information suggests independent colony and comparable technology level (at least in information/computer sciences), primitive translation possible, more information in the upcoming turns

[] Explore Alpha07
The newly discovered Jumphole to Alpha07 is located deep inside the system and leads to a so far unexplored system.
Chance of success: 70%, Result: Alpha07 explored

Needed: 30 Rolled: 85

After the disappointment of the last system you hoped that the last known jumphole would lead to a more interesting system and you weren't disappointed. On the first glance Alpha07 might be an ordinary system consisting of five planets, one of the located in the life bearing region, orbiting around the small, beautiful blue sun. Initial survey showed several noteworthy mineral deposits but the true find was the fact that the the terrestrial pülanet has a breathable atmosphere as well an active biological system. The true surprise however was when a close survey of the planet showed signs of it being populated by what appears to be a "primitive" civilization with technological capabilities that similar to the medieval age on ancient earth. YOu expect that debates about how you should proceed will be fierce but for the moment you are simply astonished to have discovered a second, possibly even third, alien civilisation so quickly after you arrival in this part of space.
Inner system:
1 lava planet

Middle system:
asteroid field - transitional metals, especially notable deposits of palladium
terrestrial planet

Outer system
2 barren rock planets - ???
Gas giant+moons - several valuable gases that may be possible to extract as well as deposits of nickel (one one of the moons)

Result: Alpha07 scouted

[] Solitude Industry:
As your organization continues to grow so does its need for basic goods and resources which means it might be time to expand the fabrication capability of Solitude.
Cost: Medium, Result: More Industry

After expanding the food supply last time you now turn your attention to the industrial capabilities of Solitude. Even more of the asteroid is hollowed out to make place for the advanced machinery and installations necessary to transform raw resources into useable goods. Naturally your focus lies producing goods that help you with maintaining your numerous spacecraft and bases and at the end of year you have increased the amount of in-house production of replacement parts from 10% to 25%, which will have a positive effect on your fiscal balance. The added infrastructure and experience means that you may soon be able to look into establishing production facilities for more complicated machinery and goods.

Result: Industrial capability of DSX increased, Solitude is nearing full capacity

GM: sorry for delay. I am visiting my parents of Christmas and forgot the charger for my laptop at home. Still I should hopefully be able t do one update per day. I am also sorry for the rarther underwhelming crit on the Saarland option but I really couldn't come up with something suitable impressive for that option.

Name: Deep Space Exploration (DSX)

Reputation: Powerful Minor Power
People are starting to treat you like a proper, if rather small, mega-company and as always success begets envy. Competitors start to take you seriously and criminals start to take note of your ships and their contents.

Ethos: Mostly Lawful
The large presence of highly trained military and industrial personnel means that your people tend to follow the rules and avoid ethically questionable actions. Your recent activities however have started to encourage a more open minded and practical position when it comes to criminals.

Supply: Extremely well supplied
Your supply network not only finally catched up to your increased demand but the recent influx of capital and resources from the artifact trade have allowed Müller and Davis to seriously "future" proof your logistics network and you now have to resources for a number of serious investments

Manpower: 11.000
You are reasonably well staffed with many experienced people in non-combat roles, especially space exploration and mining. Your organisation has expanded significantly to deal with the increased need for manpower but your security has been up to the task so far. However some of fellow directors have started to complain about lacking personnel skilled enough for upper/middle management positions, especially since your recent additions to DSX have increased the need for those immensely.

Level of equipment: Standard
Your military is well equipped and can maintain several ongoing operations

Average experience:
Veteran: Nearly all your pilots and soldiers have proven their mettle on various battlefields and skirmishes.

Size (compared to other factions in Sirius): small to average
- You command a military force roughly equivalent to three aircraft Groups

Force composition:
The large majority of you military force consists of (former() BAF pilots who mostly field heavy and medium fighters. You also employ a double strength squadron of heavy fighters from the Order while the rest of your forces flies a wide spread of semi-"civilian" ships.


Current deployments:
Short ranged patrols - minimal decrease of ready military forces
Long range escorts for artifact trade - notable decrease of ready military forces

"Ground" Forces:
A battalion of Royal Marines (BAF)


Solitude/Alpha Base: The main base of DSX is located in one of the bigger asteroids, circa ten kilometers in diameter, of the outer asteroid field in the Alpha01 system. The metal heavy composition of the asteroid paired with advanced stealth systems mean that the base is hard to detect for any known sensors.

The base is still undergoing construction but can already house more than five thousand people as well as their associated ships and equipment with the current goal to create enough room to comfortably house ten thousand people. Recently a small industrial complex has been added to it, allowing it to produce a small amount of basic materials.

It is also home to a well equipped pilot training school where the next generation of DSX is getting trained.

In regards for active defenses it features numerous military grade point defense turrets as well as a lesser number of anti fighter guns.

Omicron Lambda:
Cintra: Located near the Omicron Theta jumphole in Omicron Lambda this small asteroidbase primarily monitors said jumphole and to oversee the local patrols.

VossKa: Located near the Mass Relay in the Voss system this small station is currently home to a detachment of scientist trying to research said Relay.

Padirac Station: A small space station whose primary duty is to serve as an logistical and command hub for any DSX activities in the Vega system,

Hylia Base: A well armed base located in the Hyrule system it serves the dual purpose of a military staging ground as well as a launching pad for further projects of the system.

Hood: The Hood is a refurbished battleship that now serves as a civilian carrier. It can carry up to four wings of fighters and operate independently from any base for long amounts of time. It may lack most of its offensive weaponry but even its current state it packs a nasty punch when going up against smaller spacecraft.

Mining operations:
Small mining operation (rare metals) in Omicron Kappa
Small mining operation (diamonds) in Omicron Kappa
Small mining operation (Ice) in Omicron Kappa

Small mining operation (diamonds) Nirn
Turn 10: The Reward for Hard Work
Turn 10: The Reward for Hard Work
Date: 07/815 AS

You have 6 Action Points that you can spend anyway you wish at 1 point per action. You can also add 1 Focus Point (giving a + 20 Bonus) to a chosen action, representing DSX focusing on that action.
(Survey actions, especially in the Terminus sector will also have a chance of unveiling new Jumphole connections/unlocking new systems)

Sirius Sector:
You may be hundreds of light-years removed from the Sirius sector with the goal of exploring a completely new part of space but that doesn`t mean you can ignore what happens in the Sirius sector.

[] Artefact Trade:
You remarkable success in establishing yourself as a major player in the artefact trade brings with it its share of problems. One of them is the animosity of the Junkers and Hogosha, which while somewhat annoying is manageable, another is the challenge of ensuring the safe transport of the artifacts to your distributions centers on Manhattan and Co. Your transports are an attractive target to the many criminal organizations that plague the space lanes all over Sirius and thus require large and powerful escorts, resulting in you redirecting a lot of your military power away from your base of operations and that at a moment where a First Contact scenario with another galactic power becomes ever more likely. Having to escort your transports also puts a lot of your ships within reach of other, possibly antagonistic, organisations. Granted you could take the risk and hope that nothing to dramatic happens while you slowly build up your military forces but the Directorate also developed several alternative plans if your prefer a more proactive approach.

Option 1: Universal Shipping
One way to solve the problem would be to hire a transport company to do most of the job for you. The best choice for the job would probably be the Liberty company Universal shipping, which not only has ample experience in high risk transportation but also can ship anywhere in Sirius which could be problematic with a Rheinland or Kusari company. In praxis this would mean you transport the artifacts to Freeport 17 or the GMG base in Sigma 19, a relatively short route well within the means of your current fleet, where Universal will take over and ship them to your offices in the rest of Sirius.It would be a costly option and make you somewhat depended on the Liberty company but it would also mean you could avoid having to practically create your own shipping company and all the problems that entails.
Cost: Medium (but ongoing), Result: Universal Shipping will take over the transportation of artifacts for most of the way.

Option 2: Bounty Hunters
Another options would be to outsource the escorts duty to the Bounty Hunters Guild and Freelancers. While still expensive this would be cheaper than a complete outsourcing and give you a more direct control over the shipping aspect of the trade. And in the future, once your military has grown a bit more, you could relatively easily replace the the Bounty Hunters with your own ships if you wanted. It would also limit your presence in the rest of Sirius, hopefully making attacks on your ships less likely if you ever get in a big conflict with another Sirius organization.
Cost: Medium (But ongoing), Result: Bounty Hunters and Freelancer take over escort duties for your artifact transports

Option 3: In-House
Last but least you could also use the capital you stand to get from the artifact trade and use it to expand your military and transport capabilities significantly. Buying specially armoured transports , large numbers of combat ships, basing rights etc. in such a short amount of time will be very expensive, especially once you add the necessary crew, but would mean that keep control complete control over the whole process and give a basic transport organization that you could expand relatively easy in the future. However as previously said it would also increase your presence in all of Sirius which would make it easier to attack you if somebody wished to do so.
Cost: High, Result: New ships and transports lower strain on DSX military

[] Buyout:
Currently your four main allies, BAF, Daumann, Zoner and IMG, provide most of your supplies in exchange for a promise of prefered treatment in regards to whatever is found in the Terminus sector. Not only does this give them a signifcant influence over your decisions but the "debt" is also increasing with every new shipment you get from them. And while this system has worked well so far the unexpected succes of the artifact trade has created the possibility of you partially replacing their support with the capital gained through this trade, meaning your backers would be less influential. If you decide to go that route there are several possible options to choose from.
(Thanks to the success of the artifact option you can currently support up to 4 high cost Actions (and get a number special options) - if you pick this one that reduced back to 2-3. YOu will however remain partners and continue to cooperate with each other )

[] Option 1: Partial
You will strive to keep a balance between your various allies while reducing the overall support they give you.
Cost: Extreme, Result: General support dependency lowered

[] Option 2: IMG
Or you could focus your efforts on replacing a singular ally like for example the IMG.
Cost: Extreme, Result: Independence from IMG supply gained

[] Option 3: Zoner
… or the Zoners.
Cost: Extreme, Result: Independence from Zoner supply gained

[] Outpost Kappa:
With you steadily increasing your presence in Omicron Kappa it might be time to establish a proper outpost in the system to assist your operations there and serve as an administrative and military center.
Cost: High, Result: Outpost established in Omicron Kappa (allows for example further development of your mining operations)

[] The aliens of Omicron Lambda:
The alien organisms found in the Omicron Lambda system might not be anything special but with Cryer, who is always interested in such stuff, operating a major base only a few jumps away it might still be worth setting up a small harvesting operation.
Result: Small income increase and small reputation boost with Cryer

[] Gateway to Heaven:
You could also use the profits from the artifact trade to start a Jumpgate project of your own. While it is unlikely that you could shoulder the complete financing of such an project on your own, your new fame and the Rheinland eastern expansion should allow you to attract enough other investors to make it possible. Connecting the Omicron Theta system to the rest of Sirius would not only dramatically simplify your logistics and strengthen the economic viable of any other project in the area but would also be a step on the way to connecting the Hypergate to the rest of Sirius. It would however also upset many of the more traditional Corsairs and mean that you would need to intensify your efforts on the front while operating on a very tight schedule.
(Like the Buyout option this would put you back to your previous level of supply)

[] Option 1: Sigma 17
Building a Jumpgate covering the distance between Sigma 17 and Omicron Theta would normally be impossible or at least prohibitively expensive and complicated, but you, or to be precise DSE, may be able to utilize the already existing jumphole to allow you to bridge that extreme distance. This connection is preferred by the more independent minded people of your organization and less likely to cause issues with the Corsairs since it still means that there is a serious distance between Omicron Theta and the actual House regions.
Cost: Extreme: Result: Start constructing a jumpgate to Sigma 17 (5 years =10 ten turns)

[] Option 2: Saarland
The other possibility is to build the jumpgate to Saarland, the system Rheinland is currently building a jumpgate to. Since that option would give the Rheinland military a nearly direct path to Corsair core territory opposition from them would likely be considerable. On the other hand it also means a very quick access to Sirius proper which could have enormous economic and military benefits which could save the DSX if the alien prove hostile and more numerous/powerful than expected, .
Cost: Extreme: Result: Start constructing a jumpgate to Saarland (7 years =14 turns)

[] Fuel Supply:
With the Sigma systems and the GMG being relatively near your location getting enough fuel is not that much of an issue for you, even with your fleet steadily expanding. It is however getting quite expensive and so Davis, the director responsible for logistics and finance, has suggested that you approach the GMG and see if you can negotiate a better contract.
Result: Easier/cheaper access to fuel

[] Corvettes:
The aliens of Alpha05 seem to field several small capital ships of as yet unknown capabilities which makes Henry a bit nervous about your fighters having to fight them without any capital ship support of their own. To counter that threat you could look into buying some small corvettes of your own, though it would be rather costly.
(Multiple picks possible)

[] Option 1: BAF
Your contacts in the BAF would be willing to transfer one of their older corvettes into your service though its age mean maintenance would be quite high and that its technology might be a bit outdated.
Cost: Medium, Result: Get an old corvette

[] Option 2: Daumann
You could also order a civilian variant from Daumann. Though less capable than its pureblood military cousins it would still be powerful force (a match for an aging Bretonian corvette at the very least) and likely requires less maintenance. However such an acquisition so short after the Hood might cause people to wonder why exactly you are assembling a small fleet for.
Cost: High. Result: Get a new (civilian) corvette, raise questions about your activities

[] Expand Northern Route:
Most of your "trade" is transported a southern route to your contacts in Bretonia and Rheinland but it might be time to look into branching out and looking to expand into the northern part of your neighbourhood, especially since the recently build Freeport 17 is a perfect base for such an endeavour. From it you could start selling some of your mined resources to the GMG and Kusari companies like Kishiro and Samura. And while such a move is certain to raise awareness of DSX it could also serve as a misdirection that leads to people think of it as a simply another mining conglomerate like the IMG. However some of supporters in the IMG and Daumann might be less than thrilled to see you cooperate with their competitors.
Cost: Medium, Chance of success: 70%, Result: Northern trade route established

[] More Guns:
Thanks to your pilot school your military is expanding although more slowly than you and Henry would like. Because of that he has suggested that you revisit the idea of hiring Freelancers and other pilots to bolster your forces immediately.
Cost: High, Result: Hire additional fighters

[] Grey Market:
Crete population might be small if compared to worlds like New Berlin or New Tokyo but they still represent a massive market of people hungry for various consumer goods. And with the rest of Sirius viewing them as ruthless pirates, which admittedly they are, it is very difficult for them to really feel that need, after all raiding and smuggling can only go that far. Which puts you in quite an interesting situation since you have contacts on both sides of aisle and could try to play middleman again.

[] Option 1: Zoner
The Zoner from Freeport 9 already do a brisk business with the Corsairs but with some help from you they could expand that significantly, solidifying their positions as friends rather than enemies in the eyes of the Corsairs. Some of the Zoners however have expressed themselves feeling uncomfortable supporting such a ruthless criminal faction in such a direct way.
Result: Zoner deepen their relationship with Corsairs

[] Option 2: Daumann
The second possibility is far more radical but something that you like the more you think about it. Unlike Bretonia or even Liberty Rheinland has had only minimal contact with the Corsairs, mostly due the fact that the Red Hessians are very aggressive in defending their turf, which means there is less negative baggage to deal with, plus both sides already agree on one thing - hating the Red Hessians. With some luck you might be able to convince both sides to start trading with each other. It would be a highly risky maneuver since Daumann could catch a lot of negative press if this came out but it could also be very profitable for Daumann and you as well as a way of strengthening the more moderate parts of the Corsairs.
Chance of success: 50%, Result: Daumann starts trading with Corsairs

[] Red Hessians:
The Red Hessians are reeling after the numerous attacks on them in the last few months and it is highly unlikely they will be able to threaten your southern supply route anytime soon but if experience has taught you anything it is that this is the perfect opportunity to push the blade even further in. With the added experience form the Corsairs and some very interesting information from your infiltrators Alexandra has come up with several options to truly put the heat on the Red Hessians.
(You can pick multiple actions if you want though every single option costs one action)

[] Option 1: Two birds one stone
One of Alexandra's subordinates has developed a plan for a black op with the goal of putting Junkers and Red Hessians against each other. If successful it would not only weaken the Red Hessians supply base but also distract the Junkers from dwelling on your indirect attack on their artifact smuggling.
Cost: Medium, Chance of success: 60%, Result: Red Hessian and Junkers hostilities started

[] Option 2: Coincidence?
The Corsairs are preparing for another offensive in Omega 5 and Alexandra has suggested that you use your favour from the Federal Police to get them to mount an attack on the same time on the Red Hessian holdings in the neighboring system of Omega 11, ideally preventing the Red Hessian from reinforcing each other.
Chance of success: 50% Result: Corsairs and Rheinland attack at the same time

[] Option 3: Omega 41 Offensive
It is often said that the best defence is offence and while you don't one hundred percent agree with that statement you can see the reasoning behind it. Based on Alexandras information Henry thinks that it may be possible to push the Red Hessians out of the Omega 42 system, an important waystation on your southern route to Rheinland and Bretonia (which also makes a perfect staging ground for further military advances). Such an direct attack would however almost certainly make you an direct enemy of the Red Hessians and make you a target for retaliation.
Cost: High, Chance of success: 70% Result: Attack Red Hessians in Omega 41
[] Option 3.1: Deploy Hood:
This might also be a good opportunity to test your battleship in actual combat
Cost: Medium, Result: +20 to the roll, Hood unavailable for the turn (possibly more depending on how the battle goes)
(Free Action)​

[] Omicron Kappa Jumpholes:
A closer survey of the Omicron Kappa system unveiled the existence of two additional viable jumpholes. Satellites and rudimentary defensive system have been placed on each and probes have been send through each for a preliminary report.

Option 1: Omicron Iota
Located north of your current area of operation in area nominally claimed by the Outcasts and near several known Nomad sightings.
Chance of success: 80%, Result: Explore Omicron Iota

Option 2: Omicron Phi
Located on the southern part of the Edge Nebula near or perhaps even in Corsair territory this system is where the tablet found on Omicron Kappa suggest another Dom'Kavash ruin might be found.
Chance of success: 80%, Result: Explore Omicron Iota

Terminus Sector:
The new frontier, full of alien artifacts to discover and resources to exploit.

[] Another ruin:
While not exactly the most pressing matter you could extend Sinclair's operations to the ruins found on the supermassive planet in Alpha01/Nirn.
Result: Research alien ruins, more artefacts

[] Vega exploitation:
The survey of the Vega system, formerly called Alpha04, has revealed it to be rich in resources making it an ideal candidate for further development.

[] Option 1: C-mining:
Even in space Californium remains a relatively rare resource meaning that it would be worth setting up a mining operation in Vega despite its distant location (since your own industry is as of yet not up to the task of utilizing it themselves to any significant degree).
Cost: Medium, Result: small mining operation set up

[] Option 2: Silicates:
The outermost planet of the Vega system is an ice giant with several deposits of useful and rare silicates as for example used by the Kishiro in the production of their optical chips. Setting up a mining operation would be doable though most of the profit would likely be eaten be the effort of shipping them into Kusari space alongside the currently only sparsely used northern route.
Medium: High, Result: small mining operation set up

[] Border Post:
The recent discovery of the fact that the aliens of Alpha05 don't seem to dependent on jumpholes for interplanetary travel means that fortifying the jumphole would probably be less effective than it would be against a normal foe. However Henry still thinks that establishing a fully fledged defense station near the Jumphole would be a worthwhile investment, giving your pilots a base to operate from now while also serving as a possible border checkpoint once you have made contact/other Sirius organizations start to become active in your systems..

[] First Contact:
It is time to approach the aliens of Alpha05 directly and see whatever there is to see.
Result: Start First Contact
(Free Action)

[] Observation Post:
As expected there your scientist are hotly debating on how to proceed with the aliens of the Cimmeria system, formerly known as Alpha 07. Some argue that you should study them only passively and let them develop on their own, both for ethical reason and because this is a perfect opportunity to study the technological development of another species. Other argue that humanity can't afford to be squeamish and that every measure needs to be taken to make sure those aliens are no threat to you. Complicating the issue is that the planet is potentially inhabitable by humans which raises even more questions of how to proceed. As always the decision is up to you and your fellow Directorate members.

[] Option 1: Passive Observation
Humanity shouldn't interfere with the the planet in any way and only passively observe the developments. You will build a small station from which your scientist can study the planet and its inhabitants but otherwise follow an hands off approach.
Cost: Medium, Result: Passive study of the planet, no immediate benefits, small observation post

[] Option 2: Compromise
You agree that the aliens should be let in peace, at least for now, but that doesn't mean you have to ignore the rest of the planet. It should be relatively easy to avoid the alien inhabitants and still conduct research on the actual planet. This actions would be a bit more expensive do to the additional equipment and manpower needed to study the planet while leaving no signs of your doing so.
Cost: High, Result: Study alien planet but avoid aliens, more information, small observation post

[] Option 3: Aggressive Observation
It may be distasteful but you agree that you need as much information as possible as quickly as possible, even if that means dissecting some aliens. You will still build a small observation pos but give your scientist free reign over how they want to proceed.
Cost: Medium, Result: Study alien planet and aliens, detailed information, possible morale loss due to unethical behaviour

[] Officers school:
The recent expansion of the artefact trade as well as the many additional bases you built have drastically increased the number of leadership positions you have to fill. While the problem will likely fix itself over time, Davis and Henry think that this is a good opportunity for your to establish something akin to a officer training school where your personel gets the training necessary for higher positions as well as some subtle indoctrination to ensure their loyalty to DSX.
Cost: Medium, Result: More skilled personnel available, higher loyalty

[] Jumpholes:
You and Henry recently oversaw and in depth search for additional jumpholes in the newly discovered systems and you have found several new system to explore, as well as some interesting interconnections between existing systems.
(Only useful connections shown, systems like Alpha 06 are ignored for now)

Option 1: Explore Alpha 8
Chance of success: 70%, Result: System explored

Option 2: Explore Alpha 9
Chance of success: 70%, Result: System explored

Option 3: Explore Alpha 10
Chance of success: 70%, Result: System explored

Name: Deep Space Exploration (DSX)

Reputation: Powerful Minor Power
People are starting to treat you like a proper, if rather small, mega-company and as always success begets envy. Competitors start to take you seriously and criminals start to take note of your ships and their contents.

Ethos: Mostly Lawful
The large presence of highly trained military and in
dustrial personnel means that your people tend to follow the rules and avoid ethically questionable actions. Your recent activities however have started to encourage a more open minded and practical position when it comes to criminals.

Supply: Extremely well supplied
Your supply network not only finally catched up to your increased demand but the recent influx of capital and resources from the artifact trade have allowed Müller and Davis to seriously "future" proof your logistics network and you now have to resources for a number of serious investments

Manpower: 11.000
You are reasonably well staffed with many experienced people in non-combat roles, especially space exploration and mining. Your organisation has expanded significantly to deal with the increased need for manpower but your security has been up to the task so far. However some of fellow directors have started to complain about lacking personnel skilled enough for upper/middle management positions, especially since your recent additions to DSX have increased the need for those immensely.

Level of equipment: Standard
Your military is well equipped and can maintain several ongoing operations

Average experience:
Veteran: Nearly all your pilots and soldiers have proven their mettle on various battlefields and skirmishes.

Size (compared to other factions in Sirius): small to average
- You command a military force roughly equivalent to three aircraft Groups

Force composition:
The large majority of you military force consists of (former() BAF pilots who mostly field heavy and medium fighters. You also employ a double strength squadron of heavy fighters from the Order while the rest of your forces flies a wide spread of semi-"civilian" ships.


Current deployments:
Short ranged patrols - minimal decrease of ready military forces
Long range escorts for artifact trade - notable decrease of ready military forces

"Ground" Forces:
A battalion of Royal Marines (BAF)

Solitude/Alpha Base: The main base of DSX is located in one of the bigger asteroids, circa ten kilometers in diameter, of the outer asteroid field in the Alpha01 system. The metal heavy composition of the asteroid paired with advanced stealth systems mean that the base is hard to detect for any known sensors.

The base is has nearly construction and currently can house over ten thousand people as well as their associated ships and equipment. The recent expansion of its industrial complex has greatly increased the amount of material that you can procedure yourself. It is also home to a well equipped pilot training school where the next generation of DSX is getting trained.

In regards for active defenses it features numerous military grade point defense turrets as well as a lesser number of anti fighter guns.

Omicron Lambda:
Cintra: Located near the Omicron Theta jumphole in Omicron Lambda this small asteroidbase primarily monitors said jumphole and to oversee the local patrols.

VossKa: Located near the Mass Relay in the Voss system this small station is currently home to a detachment of scientist trying to research said Relay.

Padirac Station: A small space station whose primary duty is to serve as an logistical and command hub for any DSX activities in the Vega system,

Hylia Base: A well armed base located in the Hyrule system it serves the dual purpose of a military staging ground as well as a launching pad for further projects of the system.

Omicron Theta:
Freeport 9: You rent significant space on Freeport 9 to serve as an logistical hub and a base for your patrols.


Hood: The Hood is a refurbished battleship that now serves as a civilian carrier. It can carry up to four wings of fighters and operate independently from any base for long amounts of time. It may lack most of its offensive weaponry but even its current state it packs a nasty punch when going up against smaller spacecraft.

Mining operations:
Small mining operation (rare metals) in Omicron Kappa
Small mining operation (diamonds) in Omicron Kappa
Small mining operation (Ice) in Omicron Kappa

Small mining operation (diamonds) Nirn
Last edited:
Turn 10: The Reward for Hard Work - End
Turn 10: The Reward for Hard Work
Date: 07/815 AS

<<<DSX Intelligence Briefing: 3rd Quarter 815 AS >>>

The last quarter was a busy one for the intelligence section since, as expected, several organizations have tried to use our most recent recruiting drive to place agents within our ranks. Many of the agents are from organizations also operating in the Omircon or Sigma systems like Samura or the GMG, which are probably simply trying to keep an eye on an possible competitor but a handful come from more antagonistic organizations like the Hogosha and in once case counter-intelligence also managed to locate an LSF undercover agent trying to get access to Solitude.

So far our screening process seems to work and most of the enemy agents were caught before or quickly after becoming part of DSX and we are reasonably certain that our opponents are yet unaware of our true purpose or capabilities. We even managed to manoeuvre some of the enemy agents into positions from which we can keep them away from the rest of DSX operations while using them to feed their backers false information should that become necessary.

(GM: The advantage of having high morale and focusing on internal security - you stop a lot of plots before they even begin)

You have 6 Action Points that you can spend anyway you wish at 1 point per action. You can also add 1 Focus Point (giving a + 20 Bonus) to a chosen action, representing DSX focusing on that action.
(Survey actions, especially in the Terminus sector will also have a chance of unveiling new Jumphole connections/unlocking new systems)

Sirius Sector:
You may be hundreds of light-years removed from the Sirius sector with the goal of exploring a completely new part of space but that doesn`t mean you can ignore what happens in the Sirius sector.

[] Artefact Trade:
You remarkable success in establishing yourself as a major player in the artefact trade brings with it its share of problems. One of them is the animosity of the Junkers and Hogosha, which while somewhat annoying is manageable, another is the challenge of ensuring the safe transport of the artifacts to your distributions centers on Manhattan and Co. Your transports are an attractive target to the many criminal organizations that plague the space lanes all over Sirius and thus require large and powerful escorts, resulting in you redirecting a lot of your military power away from your base of operations and that at a moment where a First Contact scenario with another galactic power becomes ever more likely. Having to escort your transports also puts a lot of your ships within reach of other, possibly antagonistic, organisations. Granted you could take the risk and hope that nothing to dramatic happens while you slowly build up your military forces but the Directorate also developed several alternative plans if your prefer a more proactive approach.

Option 3: In-House
Last but least you could also use the capital you stand to get from the artifact trade and use it to expand your military and transport capabilities significantly. Buying specially armoured transports , large numbers of combat ships, basing rights etc. in such a short amount of time will be very expensive, especially once you add the necessary crew, but would mean that keep control complete control over the whole process and give a basic transport organization that you could expand relatively easy in the future. However as previously said it would also increase your presence in all of Sirius which would make it easier to attack you if somebody wished to do so.
Cost: High, Result: New ships and transports lower strain on DSX military

Creating what is practically your own small shipping company is a difficult project, even with the experience of Zoners, Daumann and IMG to fall back on and causes you to respect companies like Universal Shipping or BoWex quite a bit more. In the end it is only the relatively small scale of our operation, for the amount of artifacts you transport small compared to the massive amount of goods one of the big companies transports everyday, that makes this whole thing even possible.

As planned you buy several armoured and armed transports from Daumann and also seriously invest into expanding your military to provide the necessary escorts for them. The limited time means you couldn't be as rigid in your hiring than you would usually have been but on the other hand you generally don't need the best when it comes to escort duties anyhow, especially for operations in the core systems.

In fact Henry plans to rotate many of his greener and more inexperienced pilots through those positions to allow them to gather some actual experience before they have to go up against outcasts or aliens and as nice side effect it also provides a good place for some of the less trustworthy new recruits you want to keep away from Solitude and Co.

Result: Military force expanded, handle artifact trade completely yourself, increased presence in Sirius

[] Outpost Kappa:
With you steadily increasing your presence in Omicron Kappa it might be time to establish a proper outpost in the system to assist your operations there and serve as an administrative and military center.
Cost: High, Result: Outpost established in Omicron Kappa (allows for example further development of your mining operations)

The idea of building a proper outpost in the Omicron Kappa system is not a new one but with the added activities of the artifact trade building it becomes a priority for DSX. Located halfway between Kappa 4, with its alien ruins, and the alien Hypergate, the new station, named Fortitude, not only serves as the new origin for your artifact transports but also provides additional security for the Hypergate and coordinates the ever increasing industrial activities in the system.

Result: Fortitude built, new options unlocked,

[] Fuel Supply:
With the Sigma systems and the GMG being relatively near your location getting enough fuel is not that much of an issue for you, even with your fleet steadily expanding. It is however getting quite expensive and so Davis, the director responsible for logistics and finance, has suggested that you approach the GMG and see if you can negotiate a better contract.
Result: Easier/cheaper access to fuel

The Gas Miners Guild is in your opinion one of the more interesting organizations in Sirius. Being a strange mix between a Kusari aligned mega company and an independent state the GMG has always taken great care to not get involved too deeply in (Kusari) politics which is why it is very interesting that they seem to tolerate the Blood Dragons setting up their new base near them. In fact, according to Davis, who handled the talks, they signaled their willingness to continue to ignore any dealings in that direction as long as they don't directly impact the GMG. In his and Alexandria's opinion this suggest that the GMG likely views the Blood Dragons as an opportunity to indirectly combat the increasing Kusair presence in the era which is quite interesting though not immediately relevant to your operations.

What is immediately relevant is that Davis managed to secure a number of very beneficial trade deals that not only should secure your access to cheap H-fuel in the foreseeable future but also ensured your ships will not only be allowed to travel through GMG but may also land at the GMG spaces along their way to rest and resupply.

Result: Lower maintenance for ships, information

[] Corvettes:
The aliens of Alpha05 seem to field several small capital ships of as yet unknown capabilities which makes Henry a bit nervous about your fighters having to fight them without any capital ship support of their own. To counter that threat you could look into buying some small corvettes of your own, though it would be rather costly.
(Multiple picks possible)

[] Option 2: Daumann
You could also order a civilian variant from Daumann. Though less capable than its pureblood military cousins it would still be powerful force (a match for an aging Bretonian corvette at the very least) and likely requires less maintenance. However such an acquisition so short after the Hood might cause people to wonder why exactly you are assembling a small fleet for.
Cost: High. Result: Get a new (civilian) corvette, raise questions about your activities

Your new corvette, the Valiant, might not be the most elegant ship for it follows the Rheinlands militaries utilitarian design philosophy but in your opinion it's impressive firepower and maneuverability more than make up for it. Spanning just short over one hundred meters the ship is designed to hunt and destroy fighters while its forward missile batteries are enough to threaten a proper station or capital ship if handled correctly. It's crew, made up of some of the best and brightest of DSX, is currently still a bit green, unused to operate on such a ship, but Henry is confident that given enough time they will soon be a match for anybody in Sirius.

At the moment the ship is patrolling parts of the northern supply-line to ensure the Outcasts don't decide to attack your artifact transports.

Result: Corvette added to your forces, DSX is slowly gathering the necessary experience for crewing and maintaining such ships

[] Red Hessians:
The Red Hessians are reeling after the numerous attacks on them in the last few months and it is highly unlikely they will be able to threaten your southern supply route anytime soon but if experience has taught you anything it is that this is the perfect opportunity to push the blade even further in. With the added experience form the Corsairs and some very interesting information from your infiltrators Alexandra has come up with several options to truly put the heat on the Red Hessians.
(You can pick multiple actions if you want though every single option costs one action)

[] Option 1: Two birds one stone
One of Alexandra's subordinates has developed a plan for a black op with the goal of putting Junkers and Red Hessians against each other. If successful it would not only weaken the Red Hessians supply base but also distract the Junkers from dwelling on your indirect attack on their artifact smuggling.
Cost: Medium, Chance of success: 60%, Result: Red Hessian and Junkers hostilities started

Needed: 40 Rolled:98

You have to admit that despite your acknowledging their necessity you don't like some of the more questionable aspects that being a leader of an organization like the DSX entail. But then that is why you employ people like Alexandria and the rest of the Intelligence directorate to handle that part of the business for you. And Alexandra's latest plot certainly succeeded far beyond your, or the Directorate's, expectations.

With the help of your infiltrators you managed to identify a group of especially greedy and ruthless Red Hessians and, through several cut-outs hired them, to destroy and plunder a Junker convoy. Unknown to them the leader of the convoy was Myranda Blackwood, who was not only the daughter of Jake Blackwood, one of the most influential Junkers in Rheinland, but also married to Thomas Fritzroy, who himself lead another highly influential Junker clan. When news of the attack spread the Junkers were beyond angry and banned the Red Hessian from landing on any of their bases till they apologized and provided restitution.

The Red Hessians had no choice but accept that deal and send a peace delegation to Kreuzberg, especially since the original perpetrators had died in an Federal Police operation shortly after the attack. However your agents leaked the route of the delegation, led by an influential Red Hessian leader, to Jake Blackwood who, viewing himself as honorbound to avenge his daughter, ambushed the Red Hessians and killed them to the last man. This fanned the flames even more and the enraged Red Hessians now demanded that the Junkers give up Jake and his fellow attackers which in turn caused the Junkers to close ranks even more and not only denied any such request but also restated and increased their demand for restitution for the original attack.

The conflict escalated quickly from there and Red Hessians and Junkers are now practically in a state of open warfare with each other. Unable to oppose the Red Hessians on the battlefield the Junkers are not only mobilizing their contacts in the criminal world t even the balance somewhat but also have started to supply the Federal Police with information regarding their enemy.

Result: Conflict between Red Hessians and Junkers started

Terminus Sector:
The new frontier, full of alien artifacts to discover and resources to exploit.

[] First Contact:
It is time to approach the aliens of Alpha05 directly and see whatever there is to see.
Result: Start First Contact
(Free Action)


[] Officers school:
The recent expansion of the artefact trade as well as the many additional bases you built have drastically increased the number of leadership positions you have to fill. While the problem will likely fix itself over time, Davis and Henry think that this is a good opportunity for your to establish something akin to a officer training school where your personel gets the training necessary for higher positions as well as some subtle indoctrination to ensure their loyalty to DSX.
Cost: Medium, Result: More skilled personnel available, higher loyalty

The new institution might be called a "school" but in practice it is a military academy mixed with an civilian university where the new leaders of DSX are trained in fields ranging from single unit command to philosophy. During their time at the academy the "students" are also not only subtly encouraged to cut the ties to their previous lives and replace them with in-house relationships.

Result: Steady stream of skilled and loyal officers

News from Sirius:
The KNF offensive in the Hokkaido system suffered a significant setback when infiltrators from the Golden Chrysantheme managed to sabotage the reactors of the battleship Matsumoto. The explosion killed over fifty crewmembers and forced the Matsumoto to return to the shipyards in New Tokyo for extensive repairs. The Shogunate is however still confident that the Chugoku Gate will be completed next year and vowed to repay this attack tenfold.

With LSF and LPI continuing their operations against the Liberty Rogue it seems like several hundreds members of the Rogues have decided to leave Liberty in search for greener pastures. Most of them seem to have ended up in Bretonia where they joined the Brotherhood, strengthening the ties between the two groups even further. Bretonia Police reports a marked increase in the sophistication of the Brotherhood and it seems only a matter of time before they too start to participate in the Cardamine smuggle.

It seems like the Outcast are very dissatisfied with Red Hessians and are seriously considering decreasing their support, perhaps even pulling out completely. Especially the recent attacks on the Junkers, a longtime partner in the Cardamine smuggle, has upset the Outcast leadership and they are putting serious pressure on the Red Hessians to deliver positive results soon or face the consequences.

Name: Deep Space Exploration (DSX)

Reputation: Powerful Minor Power
People are starting to treat you like a proper, if rather small, mega-company and as always success begets envy. Competitors start to take you seriously and criminals start to take note of your ships and their contents.

Ethos: Mostly Lawful
The large presence of highly trained military and industrial personnel means that your people tend to follow the rules and avoid ethically questionable actions. Your recent activities however have started to encourage a more open minded and practical position when it comes to criminals.

Supply: Extremely well supplied
Your supply network not only finally caught up to your increased demand but the recent influx of capital and resources from the artifact trade have allowed Müller and Davis to seriously "future" proof your logistics network and you now have to resources for a number of serious investments.

Manpower: 11.000
You are reasonably well staffed with many experienced people in non-combat roles, especially space exploration and mining. Your organisation has expanded significantly to deal with the increased need for manpower but your security has been up to the task so far.

Level of equipment: Standard
Your military is well equipped and can maintain several ongoing operations

Average experience:
Veteran: Nearly all your pilots and soldiers have proven their mettle on various battlefields and skirmishes.

Size (compared to other factions in Sirius): small to average
- You command a military force roughly equivalent to three and a half aircraft Groups
- Capital ships: 1 corvette (Valiant)

Force composition:
The large majority of you military force consists of (former() BAF pilots who mostly field heavy and medium fighters. You also employ a double strength squadron of heavy fighters from the Order while the rest of your forces flies a wide spread of semi-"civilian" ships.


Current deployments:
Short ranged patrols - minimal decrease of ready military forces
Long range escorts for artifact trade - notable decrease of ready military forces (~ half a Group busy with escort duties )

"Ground" Forces:
A battalion of Royal Marines (BAF)

Solitude/Alpha Base: The main base of DSX is located in one of the bigger asteroids, circa ten kilometers in diameter, of the outer asteroid field in the Alpha01 system. The metal heavy composition of the asteroid paired with advanced stealth systems mean that the base is hard to detect for any known sensors.

The base is has nearly construction and currently can house over ten thousand people as well as their associated ships and equipment. The recent expansion of its industrial complex has greatly increased the amount of material that you can procedure yourself. It is also home to a well equipped pilot training school where the next generation of DSX is getting trained.

In regards for active defenses it features numerous military grade point defense turrets as well as a lesser number of anti fighter guns.

Omicron Lambda:
Cintra: Located near the Omicron Theta jumphole in Omicron Lambda this small asteroidbase primarily monitors said jumphole and to oversee the local patrols.

VossKa: Located near the Mass Relay in the Voss system this small station is currently home to a detachment of scientist trying to research said Relay.

Padirac Station: A small space station whose primary duty is to serve as an logistical and command hub for any DSX activities in the Vega system,

Hylia Base: A well armed base located in the Hyrule system it serves the dual purpose of a military staging ground as well as a launching pad for further projects of the system.

Omicron Theta:
Freeport 9: You rent significant space on Freeport 9 to serve as an logistical hub and a base for your patrols.

Omicron Kappa:
Fortitude: A well armed base located in the Hyrule system it serves the dual purpose of a military staging ground as well as a launching pad for further projects of the system. It also the main logistical centre of your artifact trade and from it your ships transport the artifacts to the rest of Sirius.

Hood: The Hood is a refurbished battleship that now serves as a civilian carrier. It can carry up to four wings of fighters and operate independently from any base for long amounts of time. It may lack most of its offensive weaponry but even its current state it packs a nasty punch when going up against smaller spacecraft.

Mining operations:
Small mining operation (rare metals) in Omicron Kappa
Small mining operation (diamonds) in Omicron Kappa
Small mining operation (Ice) in Omicron Kappa

Small mining operation (diamonds) Nirn

Other Operations:
Artifact Trade: Active in all of Sirius
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