She looks beautiful, thank you Coshiua!

I really dig the way the shadows in her dress look like silhouettes of people. References Blue being haunted by the past, and Jet being a reformatted rose quartz.
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She looks beautiful, thank you Coshiua!

I really dig the way the shadows in her dress look like silhouettes of people. References Blue being haunted by the past, and Jet being a reformatted rose quartz.
You're more than welcome.

I didn't plan for the shadows in her dress to look like the silhouettes of people: the shadows of her dress looking the silhouettes of people is an unintended side effect of how the colors dried as I layered them. My actual intention was to make her dress look like it had been made out of one enormous thundercloud, but after I added the black trim to the bottom of it things changed. Instead of a thundercloud, it became a captured slice of the night sky: the stars, the darkened skies beneath the stars, the darkened earth beneath the skies. Still, whether it be thundercloud, the night sky, or the silouhettes of people... I'm very pleased with how well it turned out.
Now I'm wondering if the fossils are ageless like full gems, or are just long lived/have normal lifetimes. Because if the latter, then when Steven comes along and and does his thing, Blue might think she has a chance to reunite with Jet. And that would be sad.
They are "possible", but they do not seem to be the exact same as normal Gem fusions. When Stevonnie was first made, it did not seem like Steven and Connie becoming one united being. It by large actually just seemed like Connie given a bigger body and some of Steven's emotions. It seemed to be mostly Connie, and the lack of a Steven actually was starting to upset her after a while.

Something to note is the scale of the fusions of Stevonnie and Greg. They are big. More than big enough to physically house the the human in the fusion. Steven's maleable light form encompasses their physical immutable form

While Steven is a super-hologram, I kinda have doubts about a piece of that super-hologram being able to exist separated from him for prolonged periods of time. Maybe he could make a baby in a way semi-akin to Lion and Lars... but Lion doesn't really age and we aren't given any reason to believe Lars is either.

Gems are only female in physical appearance. A very malleable physical appearance at that. I very much doubt anything approaching normal human reproduction went into Steven's making.

lol Stevonnie isn't a bigger Connie with Steven's emotions. That makes no sense as they're supposed to be the first human gem fusion. The thing that bothered them is the Connie and Steven side of Stevonnie missed each other. I.E talking face to face. And defused because of that. Not because Steven was no longer a part of "her".
lol Stevonnie isn't a bigger Connie with Steven's emotions. That makes no sense as they're supposed to be the first human gem fusion. The thing that bothered them is the Connie and Steven side of Stevonnie missed each other. I.E talking face to face. And defused because of that. Not because Steven was no longer a part of "her".
They're supposed to be. Doesn't mean they are. Humans are also suppose to not be able to fuse. Like, literally. Their bodies are not malleable enough to do it, given they, you know, aren't made out of light. It then stands to order that a fusion with a human would also not act like it's "supposed to", given how it's "supposed to be impossible".

Stevonnie was, like, 95% Connie in mannerisms and what not. There definitely WAS some Steven, but the way she acted, that was by large Connie. Connie was even starting to feel alone, not in the "Can't see Steven's Face" sense, but in the legit alone sense. She even straight up talks to Steven as a separate entity, wondering why she isn't sharing Steven's joy of dancing, when as a fusion she should be able to have steven's enjoyment, wishing he was there because if they were together she could at least enjoy being with him and goofing off with him even if she didn't particularly care for the dancing.
Summary One
Summary of Important Events One.

  • Pink Diamond theorized that humans could metabolize gem shards due to their ability to digest minerals.
  • This has proven largely correct.
  • Holly-Blue Agate on orders from Blue Diamond pursued this line of inquiry to create gem-human hybrids: Fossils.
  • Four categories of fossil currently exist:
    • Gembones, agatized bones, whose gemstones are orange and yellow and veined with black throughout.
    • Ambers, petrified tree resin, whose gemstones are golden yellow and have bubbles around the edges.
    • Ammonites, opalized bones, whose gemstones are spiraled, and opalescent in their colors.
    • Jets, decayed rose quartzes whose gemstones are blackened.
  • Jets and ammonites have powers relating to their voices; jets induce sleep, while ammonites are hypnotic.
  • Ambers have the ability to heal and/or repair gems/gem tech.
  • Gembones have not demonstrated a unique ability.
  • Jasper has been called in by Yellow Diamond to whip the fossils into shape.
  • Jasper largely finds them horrifying.
  • Holly-Blue Agate is quite protective and motherly of her fossils.
  • Peridot has made significant strides in understanding how an amber's powers function.
  • When a gem does a task better than an extant gem, they replace the extant gem and bump them down in the caste system.
  • Yellow Diamond finds Blue's continued production of fossils to be cruel.
  • Jasper is considered an off-color by surviving members of Pink Diamond's court due to behavioral issues.
  • Jasper has been trying to seriously injure or kill fossils during training. The famethyst has kept her from succeeding so far. But the fossils have begun to notice.
  • In the caste system, opals are gladiators.
  • Blue Diamond has begun a new colony, which will help resolve the resource crisis on Homeworld.
  • To expand fossil production, Homeworld has been mounting raids of Earth-born humans to bring them to the zoo.
  • When removed from the zoo, fossils display advanced observational learning abilities.
  • The fossils with the fewest defects are referred to as 'display models'.
    • Bee-Four is the display model gembone.
    • Jay-Eight is the display model ammonite.
    • The display model amber has yet to be named.
    • Aych-Two is, by default, the display model jet.
  • Holly-Blue has been developing some rebellious tendencies, for a Homeworld gem.
  • Pink Diamond is said to have had a personal relationship with every member of her court, even her soldiers.
Daaaaaamn, Jet's getting exiled. I really wonder how earth will change with an immortal depressed human gem wandering around.
They're supposed to be. Doesn't mean they are. Humans are also suppose to not be able to fuse. Like, literally. Their bodies are not malleable enough to do it, given they, you know, aren't made out of light. It then stands to order that a fusion with a human would also not act like it's "supposed to", given how it's "supposed to be impossible".

Stevonnie was, like, 95% Connie in mannerisms and what not. There definitely WAS some Steven, but the way she acted, that was by large Connie. Connie was even starting to feel alone, not in the "Can't see Steven's Face" sense, but in the legit alone sense. She even straight up talks to Steven as a separate entity, wondering why she isn't sharing Steven's joy of dancing, when as a fusion she should be able to have steven's enjoyment, wishing he was there because if they were together she could at least enjoy being with him and goofing off with him even if she didn't particularly care for the dancing.

95% Connie? Like who are you to say what Connie is even like? You don't have animated frames of what Connie would have done in Stevonnie's situation.

Hell, neither Connie nor Steven would have had the confidence to talk about their honest opinions to Lars/Sadie or Kevin at that point in the timeline. Neither of them are Stevonnie themself.

"She" straight up talks to "Steven" as a separate entity? Wondering why Steven isn't there to enjoy dancing with? What episode did you watch? Stevonnie wasn't even talking about Steven going missing, they were having a conversation about consent, you noodle head.

Or are you talking about Stevonnie's melt down at the dance about why all of those eyes were on them and everyone literally wasn't dancing because their presence shocked everyone into stopping?? I think you need to watch Alone Together again, it did not have Connie talking to herself and Steven as a second entity.

Look at Garnet in times of distress, Ruby and Sapphire talk to each other because they're coming apart at the seems, their fusion becoming unstable. Stevonnie says both of Steven's and Connie's conversation out loud, not Connie talking to herself because Steven disappeared. I mean look at their dance moves, their mannerisms, it's both of them. They even have Steven's dumbass laugh.

To quote Garnet "You're not two people and you're not one person; you're an experience."

Anyway why are you talking about Stevonnie before their character growth anyway? You should watch Jungle Moon when they're now talking to themself out of habit and not loneliness. Connie and Steven getting to know each other independently helped out their fusion too.

EDIT: They're supposed to be?? Doesn't mean they are?? Are you literally denying the fact that Stevonnie is a straight up fusion between a human and a gem hybrid??? what the fuck are you even saying? That Steven handed Connie his magic rock powers and left the room??

If you literally slow down the frames in the episode Smoky Quartz is formed for the first time, you can literally see Amethyst infusion from Steven's corporal body!! Are you going to tell me that Smoky Q isn't a fusion either?? Because Steven is half human, which is the legit reason why Stevonnie is even possible??? Like dude you don't even need word of God when not only do Smoky Q and Rainbow Quartz 2.0 and Sunstone exist, but so do Stevonnie and Steg.

EDIT 2.0: I guess that's it everyone. No need to even hold the phone. Steven has left the building. It's only Connie in an older body now. By herself.

Alone. Obviously.
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You know... if the fossils keep doing well the stores of shattered gems may become exhausted, it's not like Homeworld tries to produce those on purpose afterall. Would that inspire them to dig up the cluster?

I can see that being awkward for everyone.
You know... if the fossils keep doing well the stores of shattered gems may become exhausted, it's not like Homeworld tries to produce those on purpose afterall. Would that inspire them to dig up the cluster?

I can see that being awkward for everyone.

I doubt it. The cluster is made out of Crystal Gems who died in the Rebellion. Also, Gems probably become shattered all the time by accident, or in combat. Plus White is looking to find a way to make shattering impermanent and use it as a punishment.

I wouldn't be surprised with the way she thinks of Steven, that she would punish Pink and shatter her for real this time because she could then just heal her.

Also, I can understand Blue exiling Jet but I don't see why she requested Jets never be made again. We can see with Rhodonite that lower class Gems are replaced all the time. Honestly? If anyone asked she could have said he was off color in a way that wasn't immediately obvious. Heck, being Blue Diamond she probably didn't need to answer why. It's actually suspicious that she did that because that would bring every Fossil suspect and not just Jet if she gives a reason of Rose Quartz personality showing through. Look at CG Pearl she didnt get her entire cut bubbles because she's a Pearl and they're overlooked. I'm just saying Jet is supposed to be a servant class Gem and they're supposed to be overlooked and replaced all the time.

Sometimes for being defective, sometimes for no reason at all. I mean if Jets are discontinued that would mean Jet did something rebellious.

Also, Blue hinted that Pink used to fuse with Pink Pearl before she was taken away, but that doesn't make sense because we know that Pink had never witnessed or been a part of a cross Gem Fusion in Now we're only falling apart or something.

Unless you're hinting that Pink and Pink Pearl used to do it the organic way because they saw animals do it. That'd be really weird.
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No one but Blue, her pearl, and Jet knew Jet was to be a servant caste gem. As far as the empire outside knew, she was evaluating Jet's abilities to find a role that would suit him. She ordered jets discontinued because, per her decree, their powers and abilities are unsuited for any role in the empire. If you take a look at how sentimental Blue is, it's not hard to see the real reason for having jets discontinued.

And when Blue says Pink and her Pearl were that way, she meant they blurred the lines between diamond and servant. They were friends, perhaps more, and Pink considered her an equal in the relationship.
95% Connie? Like who are you to say what Connie is even like? You don't have animated frames of what Connie would have done in Stevonnie's situation.

Hell, neither Connie nor Steven would have had the confidence to talk about their honest opinions to Lars/Sadie or Kevin at that point in the timeline. Neither of them are Stevonnie themself.

"She" straight up talks to "Steven" as a separate entity? Wondering why Steven isn't there to enjoy dancing with? What episode did you watch? Stevonnie wasn't even talking about Steven going missing, they were having a conversation about consent, you noodle head.

Or are you talking about Stevonnie's melt down at the dance about why all of those eyes were on them and everyone literally wasn't dancing because their presence shocked everyone into stopping?? I think you need to watch Alone Together again, it did not have Connie talking to herself and Steven as a second entity.

Look at Garnet in times of distress, Ruby and Sapphire talk to each other because they're coming apart at the seems, their fusion becoming unstable. Stevonnie says both of Steven's and Connie's conversation out loud, not Connie talking to herself because Steven disappeared. I mean look at their dance moves, their mannerisms, it's both of them. They even have Steven's dumbass laugh.

To quote Garnet "You're not two people and you're not one person; you're an experience."

Anyway why are you talking about Stevonnie before their character growth anyway? You should watch Jungle Moon when they're now talking to themself out of habit and not loneliness. Connie and Steven getting to know each other independently helped out their fusion too.

EDIT: They're supposed to be?? Doesn't mean they are?? Are you literally denying the fact that Stevonnie is a straight up fusion between a human and a gem hybrid??? what the fuck are you even saying? That Steven handed Connie his magic rock powers and left the room??

If you literally slow down the frames in the episode Smoky Quartz is formed for the first time, you can literally see Amethyst infusion from Steven's corporal body!! Are you going to tell me that Smoky Q isn't a fusion either?? Because Steven is half human, which is the legit reason why Stevonnie is even possible??? Like dude you don't even need word of God when not only do Smoky Q and Rainbow Quartz 2.0 and Sunstone exist, but so do Stevonnie and Steg.

EDIT 2.0: I guess that's it everyone. No need to even hold the phone. Steven has left the building. It's only Connie in an older body now. By herself.

Alone. Obviously.
You don't need animated frames, you just need a basic grasp of their two personalities.

They didn't give any opinions to Lars/Sadie, besides the "That's nto a good way to run a business" thing, and that is Connie. Not something Steven would say. All the things Stevonie says is Connie things. As for Kevin, Connie would totally be capable of getting mad and saying she doesn't want to dance no more. That's another reaction that Steven really wouldn't have, Steven takes A LOT to get mad, a lot more than just some guy complimenting him and asking 2 times.

[When they got the donuts]

StevonnieSweet, two doughnuts! One for me and one... for... uh, me.
(Stevonnie pauses by a wooden bench and looks to the side, uncertainly. They look down at the doughnuts in their hands. Camera focuses on the two doughnuts, which are touching each other slightly.)
StevonnieAre you okay? *blinks*
(Stevonnie pulls the doughnuts apart.)
StevonnieWe can stop if you...
(Stevonnie puts the doughnuts together.)
StevonnieNo. No.
[Camera zooms out]
(Stevonnie looks to the side.)
StevonnieDon't worry.
(Stevonnie sits down on the bench, crosses their legs, and bites into a doughnut.)
[Dancing alone]

Stevonnie*laughs nervously* I- thought this was a dance party. *looks around* Why isn't anyone else dancing.
(The people in the crowd are speechless and continue to stare.)
Stevonnie*starting to panic* This is what being cool at a cool dance is, right? This is how it's supposed to be... Why isn't it like it's supposed to be? *hyperventilates and closes their eyes*

[Off to the side]

Stevonnie*pants* I don't understand what's wrong. You have fun dancing but this dance isn't fun. You're supposed to like this. Why- don't we like this?
(Stevonnie sighs and stands up.)
Stevonnie*sad* I wish you were here. *anxiously crosses arms and slumps against the wall* If we were together, it would be okay. But we are together, and it's not. *voice quivers* I'm alone. *closes eyes*

Unlike when Garnet talks to herself, NONE of these lines are Steven. They are all, very obviously, Connie. Connie talking to an absent Steven, who she can sorta feel, as to know he's responding to what she's saying, but HE is not saying anything.

Because it's the most obvious showcase of how their "Fusion" is different. Later on, when they're more comfortable in their skin, the differences are less obvious for they have learned how to jive together and ignor the problems.

Steven is "half-Human" in that his body is a hyper-detailed hologram. His body is made of light, just said light is simulating an entire body's worth of cells. He HAS to be made of light, for him to be capable of the various gem-based powers, like fusion and shapeshifting. That is something explicitly stated in the show. Steven is able to fuse with other gems just fine, those fusions operate as normal because his body is made of light and can meld and fuse perfectly. Connie and Greg, on the other hand, are NOT made of light. Their bodies are physically incapable of undergoing the requisite transformation. So, Steven's body does all the work for them. It engulfs them, encompassing them in a much larger form. But they are still solid meat, making the mental-connection not work as well. Steven can still jack in, but it's not a near-perfect fusing of two entities, it's one person having an emotional connection with another.

And that is what I meant, they are fused, but the fusion works completely differently from what you get when two gems fuse. This is not a gem fusion, for one of the parts is physically incapable of doing what is required.
Steven is "half-Human" in that his body is a hyper-detailed hologram. His body is made of light, just said light is simulating an entire body's worth of cells.
It... explicitly isn't, though? There's more to him than just the flesh, obviously, he's stronger and more durable than a pure human should be, but...

Well, when gems unfuse, their bodies shift into the shapeshifting glow. When steven unfuses...
not so much. Shapeshifting takes time, and shapeshifting and simulating as much detail as you're describing would presumably take longer - at the very least, you'd think he'd return to having discernable features after amethyst, who is at most imitating a digestive system.
You don't need animated frames, you just need a basic grasp of their two personalities.

They didn't give any opinions to Lars/Sadie, besides the "That's nto a good way to run a business" thing, and that is Connie. Not something Steven would say. All the things Stevonie says is Connie things. As for Kevin, Connie would totally be capable of getting mad and saying she doesn't want to dance no more. That's another reaction that Steven really wouldn't have, Steven takes A LOT to get mad, a lot more than just some guy complimenting him and asking 2 times.

Unlike when Garnet talks to herself, NONE of these lines are Steven. They are all, very obviously, Connie. Connie talking to an absent Steven, who she can sorta feel, as to know he's responding to what she's saying, but HE is not saying anything.

Because it's the most obvious showcase of how their "Fusion" is different. Later on, when they're more comfortable in their skin, the differences are less obvious for they have learned how to jive together and ignor the problems.

Steven is "half-Human" in that his body is a hyper-detailed hologram. His body is made of light, just said light is simulating an entire body's worth of cells. He HAS to be made of light, for him to be capable of the various gem-based powers, like fusion and shapeshifting. That is something explicitly stated in the show. Steven is able to fuse with other gems just fine, those fusions operate as normal because his body is made of light and can meld and fuse perfectly. Connie and Greg, on the other hand, are NOT made of light. Their bodies are physically incapable of undergoing the requisite transformation. So, Steven's body does all the work for them. It engulfs them, encompassing them in a much larger form. But they are still solid meat, making the mental-connection not work as well. Steven can still jack in, but it's not a near-perfect fusing of two entities, it's one person having an emotional connection with another.

And that is what I meant, they are fused, but the fusion works completely differently from what you get when two gems fuse. This is not a gem fusion, for one of the parts is physically incapable of doing what is required.

What's up with your evidence?? So what if Stevonnie is more thoughtful than Steven, I'm not saying that Stevonnie doesn't have Connie, but that they're a fusion. And how can you say none of these line are from Steven!? You know the boy who chased after Pearl just to ask if she was okay???

Anyway, I didn't say that Connie is incapable of ever standing up for herself, jus that the two of them each lacked confidence to do certain things by themself, that they could do together as Stevonnie at this point in time. I was arguing for the fact that Stevonnie is a person in their own right and not an older Connie with Steven's skin tone.

Also, you're forgetting that in the episode where Stevonnie drag races Kevin, Steven is the one that's super upset with how Kevin treats them, even more so than Connie. So who's to say that reaction you're talking about isn't Steven? Or both? Or Stevonnie?

Connie might have been missing being two separate people, but Steven's the one asking if Connie was okay with being a fusion. Y'know—fusion—Steven's power? Like why the heck would Connie ask herself, the non powered human, if she herself wanted to stop fusing?? That makes absolute no sense. Are you trolling me or something??

Your logic makes no sense and you're literally providing me the evidence for my own argument.

Your Steven is a hologram just like other Gems except the holo cells are confused and think they need to function like an organic Theory is debunked so many times in the show it's not even funny. Open your eyes and look at the evidence. It's been Revealed that Steven will die 100% if he were stabbed and not reform like a full Gem. And please, observe Smoky Quartz's defusion. You can literally see Amethyst's hard light form unfusing itself from Steven's legit Corporeal body. What? Did Steven's holo-cells forget that they're supposed to be made of light?

Furthermore, it makes absolutely no sense in the face of Change Your Mind when it's revealed that Steven is a Gem-Human Fusion himself and that's why he's able to fuse. The two Stevens even had a fusion dance before they rejoined together. Not an overly complicated theory that you want to use to explain away Stevonnie's existence and what they stand for.

Not only are they not a Cis woman but they're also canonically intersex. Look that up because that's not even a gender identity. I'm pretty sure that part of Stevonnie didn't come from Connie.
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It... explicitly isn't, though? There's more to him than just the flesh, obviously, he's stronger and more durable than a pure human should be, but...

Well, when gems unfuse, their bodies shift into the shapeshifting glow. When steven unfuses...
not so much. Shapeshifting takes time, and shapeshifting and simulating as much detail as you're describing would presumably take longer - at the very least, you'd think he'd return to having discernable features after amethyst, who is at most imitating a digestive system.
That ONE time Steven unfused, that happened. But, let's look at ANOTHER time Steven unfused from Smokey Quartz

It's a completely normal defusion. That is how most of his defusing scenes are handled, making the one you reference the exception not rule.

And yeah, making that much detail took time. About 14 years, AKA, Steven's entire life. It took 9-ish months to form baby him (assuming Rose had normal human gestation time), and then the rest of his life to slowly grow. Changing and altering your form, ESPECIALLY with that much detail, takes time. Changing your "default settings" takes a lot of time, but returning to what you previously had is pretty instantaneous. Proof is Amythest, she is known for having really fast reform times, but when she took the time to actually reshape her form, she took days to come back.

What's up with your evidence?? So what if Stevonnie is more thoughtful than Steven, I'm not saying that Stevonnie doesn't have Connie, but that they're a fusion. And how can you say none of these line are from Steven!? You know the boy who chased after Pearl just to ask if she was okay???

Anyway, I didn't say that Connie is incapable of ever standing up for herself, jus that the two of them each lacked confidence to do certain things by themself, that they could do together as Stevonnie at this point in time. I was arguing for the fact that Stevonnie is a person in their own right and not an older Connie with Steven's skin tone.

Also, you're forgetting that in the episode where Stevonnie drag races Kevin, Steven is the one that's super upset with how Kevin treats them, even more so than Connie. So who's to say that reaction you're talking about isn't Steven? Or both? Or Stevonnie?

Connie might have been missing being two separate people, but Steven's the one asking if Connie was okay with being a fusion. Y'know—fusion—Steven's power? Like why the heck would Connie ask herself, the non powered human, if she herself wanted to stop fusing?? That makes absolute no sense. Are you trolling me or something??

Your logic makes no sense and you're literally providing me the evidence for my own argument.

Your Steven is a hologram just like other Gems except the holo cells are confused and think they need to function like an organic Theory is debunked so many times in the show it's not even funny. Open your eyes and look at the evidence. It's been Revealed that Steven will die 100% if he were stabbed and not reform like a full Gem. And please, observe Smoky Quartz's defusion. You can literally see Amethyst's hard light form unfusing itself from Steven's legit Corporeal body. What? Did Steven's holo-cells forget that they're supposed to be made of light?

Furthermore, it makes absolutely no sense in the face of Change Your Mind when it's revealed that Steven is a Gem-Human Fusion himself and that's why he's able to fuse. The two Stevens even had a fusion dance before they rejoined together. Not an overly complicated theory that you want to use to explain away Stevonnie's existence and what they stand for.

Not only are they not a Cis woman but they're also canonically intersex. Look that up because that's not even a gender identity. I'm pretty sure that part of Stevonnie didn't come from Connie.
Because if you look at what Steven says during all those times, the way he talks, it's not the way Stevonnie talks. He's more verbose, and actually rather pushy. It's not just Connie being more thoughtful, her style of dialog is also telling.

What did they do that they wouldn't have the confidence to do seperately? Steven has plenty of confidence, and so does Connie.

Connie was also super upset, she just is better at managing her emotions. She admits as such when Steven is venting. But see WHAT Steven had a problem with
StevenHe didn't even care about how we felt -- At all!
Stevonnie instantly didn't like the guy, before there was even the chance for him to "not care".

Because Connie is super thoughtful, and can feel Steven's feelings. Like I said.

When was it proven that Steven would die if stabbed? He's afraid of being stabbed, but he's never been "poofed" before to know if he COULD be poofed. As for smoky quartz, see above

That was the Gem re-uniting with the super-hologram. One made that precisely with that much detail easily could exist without the gem for a hot few seconds. Not WELL, Steven was legit dying, but it can.

I'm not sure what their gender has to do with it. Connie having a dude in her brain would totally effect that, even if she is the one primarely at the wheel.
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That ONE time Steven unfused, that happened. But, let's look at ANOTHER time Steven unfused from Smokey Quartz

It's a completely normal defusion. That is how most of his defusing scenes are handled, making the one you reference the exception not rule.

And yeah, making that much detail took time. About 14 years, AKA, Steven's entire life. It took 9-ish months to form baby him (assuming Rose had normal human gestation time), and then the rest of his life to slowly grow. Changing and altering your form, ESPECIALLY with that much detail, takes time. Changing your "default settings" takes a lot of time, but returning to what you previously had is pretty instantaneous. Proof is Amythest, she is known for having really fast reform times, but when she took the time to actually reshape her form, she took days to come back.

Because if you look at what Steven says during all those times, the way he talks, it's not the way Stevonnie talks. He's more verbose, and actually rather pushy. It's not just Connie being more thoughtful, her style of dialog is also telling.

What did they do that they wouldn't have the confidence to do seperately? Steven has plenty of confidence, and so does Connie.

Connie was also super upset, she just is better at managing her emotions. She admits as such when Steven is venting. But see WHAT Steven had a problem with
StevenHe didn't even care about how we felt -- At all!
Stevonnie instantly didn't like the guy, before there was even the chance for him to "not care".

Because Connie is super thoughtful, and can feel Steven's feelings. Like I said.

When was it proven that Steven would die if stabbed? He's afraid of being stabbed, but he's never been "poofed" before to know if he COULD be poofed. As for smoky quartz, see above

That was the Gem re-uniting with the super-hologram. One made that precisely with that much detail easily could exist without the gem for a hot few seconds. Not WELL, Steven was legit dying, but it can.

I'm not sure what their gender has to do with it. Connie having a dude in her brain would totally effect that, even if she is the one primarely at the wheel.

Do we really need to make an analysis of Stevonnie's personality compared to Steven and Connie?

Traits from Connie: thoughtful, intellectual and introspective personality. Agility from her sword training. Graceful. The line about giving free donuts being a bad business decision

Traits from Steven: Goofball, weird laugh, dance moves learned from the Crystal Gems. Empathetic, spontaneous and passionate/emotional personality. The line: "Are you okay? We can stop if you want."

Stevonnie: thoughtful, introspective, spontaneous and emotional personality. Can dance gracefully but that can be disturbed by emotional turmoil, although that can be said of both of them eventually. We don't get a lot of Stevonnie outside of fighting, so we don't really get a personality out of them, but I bet somewhere in there they like things neither Steven or Connie likes/dislikes, similar to the fact that Garnet sometimes likes to eat food, but neither Ruby or Sapphire do.

Stevonnie is literally called Steven's first fusion, I don't understand your insistence that they're not a real fusion, or that they're not their own person like Garnet or Opal.

Also it makes no sense that Steven would be in Connie's brain but not be a part of the fusion that is Stevonnie!!

EDIT: And how can Steven be a hologram whiles he's disconnected with the hologram generators, aka Gems? Heck n' Hell this Theory is disproven when Steven is revealed to be immune to the hard light body destabilizers because he has a corporeal body. It's disproven when the Rejeuvenatoronly semi works on Steven and doesn't cause him to poof either! He's literally flesh and blood, and being 'more' complicated wouldn't save him from all of this. Full Gem hard light bodies are already complicated as all hell, why would an organic one be considered more so? It's not like Gems can't shapeshift organic systems themselves and still be destabilized.
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Do we really need to make an analysis of Stevonnie's personality compared to Steven and Connie?

Traits from Connie: thoughtful, intellectual and introspective personality. Agility from her sword training. Graceful. The line about giving free donuts being a bad business decision

Traits from Steven: Goofball, weird laugh, dance moves learned from the Crystal Gems. Empathetic, spontaneous and passionate/emotional personality. The line: "Are you okay? We can stop if you want."

Stevonnie: thoughtful, introspective, spontaneous and emotional personality. Can dance gracefully but that can be disturbed by emotional turmoil, although that can be said of both of them eventually. We don't get a lot of Stevonnie outside of fighting, so we don't really get a personality out of them, but I bet somewhere in there they like things neither Steven or Connie likes/dislikes, similar to the fact that Garnet sometimes likes to eat food, but neither Ruby or Sapphire do.

Stevonnie is literally called Steven's first fusion, I don't understand your insistence that they're not a real fusion, or that they're not their own person like Garnet or Opal.

Also it makes no sense that Steven would be in Connie's brain but not be a part of the fusion that is Stevonnie!!
Move Goofball, empathy, spontaney, etc up to Connie. She also has those things when she is relaxed and enjoying herself.
Laugh and Dance Moves are cause of body, which literally Steven. Steven is literally what made teh physical form of Stevonnie, so when Connie passes along the thought "Hey, let's dance", steven begins dancing.

Garnet has never eaten food on screen, despite what Greg says. She once ALMOST ate a piece of popcorn, before stopping herself, and smirkingly shaking her head.

Stevvonie is literally called Steven's first fusion, but she is also literally called impossible. You can't take one without the other. It proves there is more going on than what the Crystal Gems know (which is pretty common).

I never said he wasn't a part of the fusion. I literally said the opposite. He's, like, 5% of Stevonnie's personality. He does have some influence, emotions and stuff Connie can clearly feel, but he never says a word and doesn't seem to ever take control.

EDIT: And how can Steven be a hologram whiles he's disconnected with the hologram generators, aka Gems? Heck n' Hell this Theory is disproven when Steven is revealed to be immune to the hard light body destabilizers because he has a corporeal body. It's disproven when the Rejeuvenatoronly semi works on Steven and doesn't cause him to poof either! He's literally flesh and blood, and being 'more' complicated wouldn't save him from all of this. Full Gem hard light bodies are already complicated as all hell, why would an organic one be considered more so? It's not like Gems can't shapeshift organic systems themselves and still be destabilized.
You know what WOULD save him from destabilizers and rejuvenaters? Being a Diamond. Blue gets hit with Yellow's lightning bolts, which are literally what the destabilizers are based off of, and she doesn't go poof.

A gem's body is not complicated. It's basically just a coloreful golem. When gems shapeshift organic systems, like a stomach, they aren't doing it cell by cell, they are just doing the overall structure.
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Move Goofball, empathy, spontaney, etc up to Connie. She also has those things when she is relaxed and enjoying herself.
Laugh and Dance Moves are cause of body, which literally Steven. Steven is literally what made teh physical form of Stevonnie, so when Connie passes along the thought "Hey, let's dance", steven begins dancing.

Garnet has never eaten food on screen, despite what Greg says. She once ALMOST ate a piece of popcorn, before stopping herself, and smirkingly shaking her head.

Stevvonie is literally called Steven's first fusion, but she is also literally called impossible. You can't take one without the other. It proves there is more going on than what the Crystal Gems know (which is pretty common).

I never said he wasn't a part of the fusion. I literally said the opposite. He's, like, 5% of Stevonnie's personality. He does have some influence, emotions and stuff Connie can clearly feel, but he never says a word and doesn't seem to ever take control.

Why is Stevonnie, Connie but now Ratatouille? From a cool new kind of fusion, to controller of Steven's dance moves, how nice.

Also 5%? Steven is the one to bring out all of those traits in Connie in the first place, because all of the times we see Connie relax is with Steven, he's a good influence on her!

Like how Sapphire learns it's ok to live in the present, how it's okay to be angry and show it! Also, it's really hard to tell who's who in a fusion and who's the fusion (the more than the two of them part). Like are we getting Garnet's opinion when she's saying she doesn't want to go to the ball? Ruby? Sapphire? We don't know.

Because fusion is complicated for Full Gems, nevermind an "impossible" one, but it's really weird that in a Steven fusion, there's only 5% of him in there and not like 50%.

And he literally takes control in the episode where they race against Kevin, and Connie like you said had more control in the end. The public meltdown Stevonnie has during the rave could be argued to be Steven, because Connie wouldn't have danced in public in the first place. Only the newfound confidence that the two of them had together could they dance like that. Or maybe because they're their own separate entity.
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Why is Stevonnie, Connie but now Ratatouille? From a cool new kind of fusion, to controller of Steven's dance moves, how nice.

Also 5%? Steven is the one to bring out all of those traits in Connie in the first place, because all of the times we see Connie relax is with Steven, he's a good influence on her!

And he literally takes control in the episode where they race against Kevin, and Connie like you said had more control in the end. The public meltdown Stevonnie has during the rave could be argued to be Steven, because Connie wouldn't have danced in public in the first place. Only the newfound confidence that the two of them had together could they dance like that. Or maybe because they're their own separate entity.
Because that is what she is. Stevonnie does not act like other fusions. Blame Rebecca Sugar if you don't like that, it's what she wrote the story to go.

Yeah, he's a good influence, but he isn't literally in her brain. That is connie, happy and relaxed and with her friend, but still Connie. Learning to be more is character development, and is something seperate from fusion. Sapphire spent a LONG LONG time fused with Ruby and never learned it woudl be ok to live in the moment. She didn't really learn that till they STOPPED being fused.

Connie was entirely gungho to go racing as soon as Steven offered the workaround (fuse so they are "legally old enough" to drive). Connie was dancing because dancing was SUPPOSED To be fun. She's fused with Steven, and Steven likes dancing, so she is supposed to like dancing too. That is literally what she says during their breakdown.
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Because that is what she is. Stevonnie does not act like other fusions. Blame Rebecca Sugar if you don't like that, it's what she wrote the story to go.

Yeah, he's a good influence, but he isn't literally in her brain. That is connie, happy and relaxed and with her friend, but still Connie. Learning to be more is character development, and is something seperate from fusion. Sapphire spent a LONG LONG time fused with Ruby and never learned it woudl be ok to live in the moment. She didn't really learn that till they STOPPED being fused.

Connie was entirely gungho to go racing as soon as Steven offered the workaround (fuse so they are "legally old enough" to drive). Connie was dancing because dancing was SUPPOSED To be fun. She's fused with Steven, and Steven likes dancing, so she is supposed to like dancing too. That is literally what she says during their breakdown.

I'm referencing the fact that Sapphire learned all of that by talking to Ruby while they're separated, that's my whole point. How Steven's friendship influences Connie on how to relax and be herself.

Why would I blame Rebecca Sugar? I can see your redirection, Rebecca and the Crewinverse literally consider Stevonnie a fusion of Steven and Connie, not Connie with Steven's powers and 5% of his personality.

A fusion!

Are you also one of those people who don't take word of god and evidence in the show that states fusions are more than the sum of their parts and their own person?
I'm referencing the fact that Sapphire learned all of that by talking to Ruby while they're separated, that's my whole point. How Steven's friendship influences Connie on how to relax and be herself.

Why would I blame Rebecca Sugar? I can see your redirection, Rebecca and the Crewinverse literally consider Stevonnie a fusion of Steven and Connie, not Connie with Steven's powers and 5% of his personality.

A fusion!

Are you also one of those people who don't take word of god and evidence in the show that states fusions are more than the sum of their parts and their own person?
Yes, character development which has nothing to do with fusion. It all happens when they are NOT fused.

Because they are a fusion, but not like any normal gem fusion. As I've repeatedly said from the beginning. The Crewniverse are the ones who wrote it the way they do, and repeatedly hammered in the point that fusion is impossible without a body made of light. This is all stuff THEY put in the show. You act like it's ridiculous and a terrible downgrade, but that is what it is.

Yes, fusions are more than the sum of their parts, and we see that for every fusion EXCEPT Stevonnie and Mr Universe. They do not show the features we see in literally every other fusion. They are noticeably unique and different. For example, another "rule" about fusion, is how every fusion gets a new power or weapon or both, said by Sardonix. Stevonnie doesn't, and neither does Mr Universe. They break they rules, they are not a normal fusion, they operate by their own playbook.

Edit: Though by this point, we should perhaps stop this conversation. We're spamming the threat with a conversation only tangentially related to the quest. I would be happy to continue it in PMs if you'd prefer.
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I doubt it. The cluster is made out of Crystal Gems who died in the Rebellion. Also, Gems probably become shattered all the time by accident, or in combat. Plus White is looking to find a way to make shattering impermanent and use it as a punishment.

I wouldn't be surprised with the way she thinks of Steven, that she would punish Pink and shatter her for real this time because she could then just heal her.

Also, I can understand Blue exiling Jet but I don't see why she requested Jets never be made again. We can see with Rhodonite that lower class Gems are replaced all the time. Honestly? If anyone asked she could have said he was off color in a way that wasn't immediately obvious. Heck, being Blue Diamond she probably didn't need to answer why. It's actually suspicious that she did that because that would bring every Fossil suspect and not just Jet if she gives a reason of Rose Quartz personality showing through. Look at CG Pearl she didnt get her entire cut bubbles because she's a Pearl and they're overlooked. I'm just saying Jet is supposed to be a servant class Gem and they're supposed to be overlooked and replaced all the time.

Sometimes for being defective, sometimes for no reason at all. I mean if Jets are discontinued that would mean Jet did something rebellious.

Also, Blue hinted that Pink used to fuse with Pink Pearl before she was taken away, but that doesn't make sense because we know that Pink had never witnessed or been a part of a cross Gem Fusion in Now we're only falling apart or something.

Unless you're hinting that Pink and Pink Pearl used to do it the organic way because they saw animals do it. That'd be really weird.
If shattering is made impermanent digging up the cluster becomes more likely, because it's made of crystal gems. The crystal gems were meant to be wiped out. If shattering is no longer permanent then the gem shards of the old rebellion gems are no longer being as thoroughly neutralized as possible, and also might be revivable. Better to destroy them utterly by processing them into fossil production. Then realize that if shattered gems can be reconstituted that those shattered in accidents, for lesser crimes, or for future offenses might get hoarded for reconstitution later on, which decreases the number of shards available.

So you're kind of supporting the idea.
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If shattering is made impermanent digging up the cluster becomes more likely, because it's made of crystal gems. The crystal gems we're meant to be wiped out. If shattering is no longer permanent then the gem shards of the old rebellion gems are no longer being as thoroughly neutralized as possible, and also might be revivable. Better to destroy them utterly by processing them into fossil production. Then realize that if shattered gems can be reconstituted that those shattered in accidents, for lesser crimes, or for future offenses might get hoarded for reconstitution later on, which decreases the number of shards available.

So you're kind of supporting the idea.

I didn't think about using the cluster for Fossil creation at all, so that makes sense. I wonder how far along it is right now and whether going at it would wake her up early or not at all. Makes me wonder what would happen if you tried digging up a Gem still gestating...

Also, Ambers really would fill the roles of Peridots better than Peridots themselves. Not only would you not need more resources to fix things like the panels in the zoo but you would also have someone trained in Gem creation fixing up cracked and shattered Gems, so they'd actually know what they're doing. Unlike Peridots who would be using tech. Plus you would no longer need Kindergartens for the creation of Ambers, so there'd already be more Kindergarteners being made right at the site of a Colony instead of waiting for Peridots to arrive from another colony, or another Diamond as it is.

I wonder if White left the speculation Peridot made on Ambers or if White destroyed such a thing, or if White won't admit that Human Gems are sentient bit would look the other way while Blue uses Ambers in a Peridot's role.
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