I'm not sure what Peridot's getting at in regards to the idea of Fossils being able to become pregnant being this massive issue or change to Gem society.

The hugs were hilarious and adorable, though.

Oh, and here's Rebecca Sugar on Gems as nonbinary: "Steven Universe" Creator Rebecca Sugar Comes Out as "Non-Binary Woman
To reproduce, the gems need to turn a life-bearing planet into a Kindergarten, this is a procedure that both take a very long time, and eventually consume the planet, on comparison, the Fossils method of reproduction only take a comparatively short time, and unlike the Kindergarten method it's sustainable, the Fossils require food to reproduce of course, but unlike a Kindergarten that uses a planet up, growing food for the Fossils is sustainable as long as it's done right, and it don't even strictly need a life-bearing planet, while a life-bearing planet is the easiest way to grow food, you can grow food on a space-ship, you just need to put a greenhouse in.

Of course at least first generation Fossils, need to consume gemshards to be created, so unless they can create gems from non-gemshard minerals, the Fossils are merely able to recycle dead gems into new gems, not able to make new gems from nothing but food.

It's a huge deal either way, but unless the Fossils can produce new Fossils without gemshards, they're limited to keeping the gem population from going down, they can't actually increase it.

If Fossils are also able to make more Fossils without eating gemshards, then they might actually be a threat to the Diamonds authority, as while the Diamonds partly rule due to their great strength, they also rule due to the fact that no rebels can replenish their numbers.

If Fossils can reproduce without a supply of gemshards, then it would just be a matter of a few thousand Fossils hiding and reproducing for a few millennia, and a great army would be created.

So the Fossils are such a gamechanger, because they're at minimum Kindergarten independent, and might even be Diamond independent.
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Lookit him. So fancy and happy. Thank you, so very much
You're welcome. You can probably expect to see the other three Fossils sometime within the next week or so and, after that, perhaps Holly Blue Agate's new Pearl once I can find a description of her.
Due to being on mobile data I cannot find a good way to convey my excitement with an image, but I want you to know it's going from zero to sixty muscle car style.

Also here's what I've given y'all for Holly-Blue's pearl.

Chapter Six said:
Behind her was a waify figure, thinner even than the humans with a light blue uniform, a lace mantle in mimicry of Holly-Blue's, and a perfectly round gemstone set into her head – Holly-Blue's pearl had finally arrived.
and determines who has geas power over it
I thought all diamonds have geas over all gems. I mean, Blue has Geas over Jet, despite Jet being a Rose Quartz, one of PINK'S gems.
Is that a thing from the show? I just thought there was a generic life energy and resources that the Kindergartens sapped. Also, is the issue just that the Ambers could replace Peridots and the fossils could replace Quartzes, or is it something larger? Peridot mentions a change of the power dynamics of Homeworld, is there an implication here I'm missing?
They ALSO do that, but the Injector injects "colorful goo stuff" into the ground that serves as the seed for the gem. Said stuff is made from the Diamond's Extractions.

Well, one of the big things is NOT NEEDING extractions from the Diamonds. They can just make more and more and more at an exponential rate that is completely unmatchable.

Fossil Fan Art
Current Jet
I don't see any pictures.
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They ALSO do that, but the Injector injects "colorful goo stuff" into the ground that serves as the seed for the gem. Said stuff is made from the Diamond's Extractions.

Well, one of the big things is NOT NEEDING extractions from the Diamonds. They can just make more and more and more at an exponential rate that is completely unmatchable.
We don't know if that's the case, we saw them munching on gemshards in an earlier chapter, so there's 2 possibilities, either they need to eat gemshards to make new Fossils at all, or eating gemshards speed up how fast they can reproduce significantly.

They might only be able to recycle dead gems(which is already a major improvement, over the only source of new gems being extractions) or they might be able to produce new gems from just food, but without gemshards to eat, it might take centuries to produce enough gem material, to grow a new Fossil.

Either way it's a game changer, but only one of the possibilities, mean that the Fossils don't have any need for extractions at all.
I thought all diamonds have geas over all gems. I mean, Blue has Geas over Jet, despite Jet being a Rose Quartz, one of PINK'S gems.

They ALSO do that, but the Injector injects "colorful goo stuff" into the ground that serves as the seed for the gem. Said stuff is made from the Diamond's Extractions.

Well, one of the big things is NOT NEEDING extractions from the Diamonds. They can just make more and more and more at an exponential rate that is completely unmatchable.

I don't see any pictures.
I don't know why it isn't showing up for you, but it's showing up for me. Are you on mobile?
I thought all diamonds have geas over all gems. I mean, Blue has Geas over Jet, despite Jet being a Rose Quartz, one of PINK'S gems.
Jet isn't a rose quartz anymore. Taxonomy-wise, a jet is a decayed rose quartz gem that has been reformatted for Blue's court.

Regarding the picture, I don't know how to fix that.
We don't know if that's the case, we saw them munching on gemshards in an earlier chapter, so there's 2 possibilities, either they need to eat gemshards to make new Fossils at all, or eating gemshards speed up how fast they can reproduce significantly.
I don't recall ever seeing fossils eat shards. They eat some fruit from the tree, but I don't think it's lined with shards. You mind quoting the scene?
I don't know why it isn't showing up for you, but it's showing up for me. Are you on mobile?
Nope. Computer. This is what I see

If you could post the raw-link I should be able to just use that.
Jet isn't a rose quartz anymore. Taxonomy-wise, a jet is a decayed rose quartz gem that has been reformatted for Blue's court.
If you can just reformat a gem, then it doesn't sound like it matters what they were originally made with.
I don't recall ever seeing fossils eat shards. They eat some fruit from the tree, but I don't think it's lined with shards. You mind quoting the scene?

Nope. Computer. This is what I see

If you could post the raw-link I should be able to just use that.

If you can just reformat a gem, then it doesn't sound like it matters what they were originally made with.

I have to go into town, but Ill send links to both places I posted it once I get back.
I don't recall ever seeing fossils eat shards. They eat some fruit from the tree, but I don't think it's lined with shards. You mind quoting the scene?
Apparently I remembered a scene wrong, it was indeed unturned humans who ate gemshards, I got confused by Jasper constantly expecting them to eat her, and thought that they kept eating gemshards after turning.
If you can just reformat a gem, then it doesn't sound like it matters what they were originally made with.

You're being flippant. It isn't easy, it involved combining Pink's theories on human-gem hybrids and Yellow's forced fusion process and has only resulted in one specimen.
Lookout her, demure and petit. Let's get her into some trouble, and characterized.
Man, crazy thought, but could you imagine anything more horrifying then a crossover with Synthesis? Pink Diamond "coming back from the dead" and discovering all of this fossil business was carried out in her memory?
It would seem that the reason why Jet, En-seven and Eye-five are displaying rapid learning is that they have been removed from the low-stimulus environment of the zoos.

I don't think Ambers would fully displace Peridots, but why assign a bunch of Peridots when one could get the same results with a few Peridots and many Ambers?

Blue may be learning the wrong lessons from her dreams, but she is learning.

Jasper is either going to result in a train wreck or a Fossil emotionally bonding with her. Either way it shall be entertaining to watch.
Because it's been asked a couple times, the story will switch from its current Homeworld focus to Earth focus, and then mix the focuses up when the two settings interact with one another.

Also, your rendition of an amber is great Coshiua, many thanks!
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Because it's been asked a couple times, the story will switch from its current Homeworld focus to Earth focus, and then mix the focuses up when the two settings interact with one another.

Also, your rendition of an amber is great Coshiua, many thanks!

Wait, what's going on on Earth?
Because it's been asked a couple times, the story will switch from its current Homeworld focus to Earth focus, and then mix the focuses up when the two settings interact with one another.

Also, your rendition of an amber is great Coshiua, many thanks!
Gotta agree with Delta. I didn't know there was anything going on on Earth to even care about. Everyone seemed curious of what'll happen when the Empire and Earth interact, not what was just happening on earth all on it's lonesome.

I mean, if stuff more interesting than just, you know, canon is happening, the alright. We just didn't know anything appreciable was. Large groups of humans just dissappearing isn't that unusual in history.