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Fool Bloom (A Magical Woman Quest)
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Koyomi was a magical girl, was. One of many Hanazakari that fought the immortals who tried to steal all human emotion, but that was decades ago.

And then she meets Miyako, a fangirl who's ecstatic to talk to a real Hanazakari. Unfortunately, Koyomi's not what she expected...
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Miyako and Koyomi sketch - ArlequineLunaire
For more art, I did my own sketch of (left to right) Miyako and Koyomi. I didn't have access to any references when I drew it in a cafe, so I wouldn't say this quite matches my mental image of both of them. Still, what do you think?

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Koyomi atop the Cliff in the Moonlight - ArlequineLunaire
Another sketch from me. This is of the scene at the end of Arc 2, where Koyomi first transforms in decades atop the cliff, about to confront the Heart Leech:
They're a bit hard to make out, but I added some wrinkles and crow's feet to emphasise her age
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Koyomi's Darkness Power - by ArlequineLunaire
Another sketch I did of Koyomi in Black Rose form, I'd say it does a good job capturing the 'dark author' vibe. In hindsight, her quill-sword could be bigger, and her white hairstreak is a bit hard to make out. The bookcase is undetailed, but it's not the focus here and is more there for scene setting and height comparison
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Black Rose redesign - by ArlequineLunaire

I wanted to redesign Koyomi's transformed self from my previous pictures of her, as I was concerned that she didn't really look Magical Girl-y enough. I recently got done watching of all Magic Knight Rayearth, and you can see the influence with the armour. Actually, I made the crystals hexagons instead of spheres to not make them too Rayearth-y
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Kazuya Kai - by ArlequineLunaire

Hadn't drawn any of the boys yet, so I wanted to fix that. You may recognise this as the scene in Arc 2 where Miyako and Reiji meet him at his attic window.

I specifically drew him for Inktober, the 'one pen drawing a day' challenge I've been undertaking
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