Character Sheet
Sergeant Maria (Martin) Dubios
Escadrille 148
Age 23

Hard: +0
Keen: +0
Calm: +0
Daring: +0

Stall Recovery





XP: 0
MXP: 2

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And I'll take the d10s

EDIT: well this could be going better. Hope our buddy knows where they're going, I guess?
Wiadi threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Navigation Total: 6
2 2 4 4
1-7: The Way Home
You checked around you again, nervous, well aware how easy it was to overlook another aircraft. If you went for the wounded plane, you might bring more heat down on yourself. Moreover, as much as you loathed it, you were scared.

You wheeled around west and began slowly descending, letting off the throttle a touch and gliding into formation next to the other plane. It was one of the SPADs, and you could see now holes around the nose where the radiator had been perforated. As you got within a winglength of him, you recognized the pilot as the other fellow from the car ride, the one from Oregon, and he pulled down his scarf to yell across the gap between you.

"Radiator's out!" he cried, his voice only barely audible between you despite the short distance. You nodded, a big exaggerated motion to show you were hearing him. "I almost had him!"

"Next time!" you replied, and he gave a little OK sign and pointed ahead. Back home then. You indicated to get some altitude before you passed over the line, worried about flak and ambushes, and for a moment his machine outran yours even as you stayed in pace in the climb. Looking guilty, he pulled back the throttle.

The white cloud from his engine slowed, and soon stopped.

The front line came back into view as a storm of activity. The clouds of yellowish gas looked even thicker now, mostly obscuring the line, but now you could see the fort even from the other side of the line and you felt stupid for not realizing what it was. Your field was to the south of the fort, at least on the maps, so you indicated south and he followed you as you flew down the length of the line and across. One of the things your trainers had told you was that, paradoxically, you were safer on their side of the line if you had to reposition, because it was more likely their fellows would still be climbing to altitude. Your friend's engine was sounding lower and throatier than before, but he didn't look concerned.

You flew on for a short period, then began to bank back across the line proper this time. There was a pair of tiny dots flying parallel about three kilometres away, but they were far below you, and you figured it was likely they were friends rather than foes. There were one or two flak bursts, but none of them came even remotely close, being just short, dull rumbles and a black dot somewhere in the sky. Down below, the landscape was completely obscured by the enormous cloud of poison gas, and you swore you saw the land behind it writhe with the bodies of German soldiers making their way cautious forward behind it.

The dull rumble of the SPAD's engine became a shuddering roar, then silence.

You glanced over to see the propeller lock in place with a thunk, and the pilot level out the shallow climb. You were barely just over the German side of the line, and you didn't know how far the SPAD could glide. Eyes wide, the man from Oregon glanced down below at the yellow-green cloud.


What do you do?
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What's our altitude? We were at 1700 meters last time it was mentioned, but we dived a bit then climbed a bit. That climb probably didn't help the SPAD's engine much, but hopefully that energy will be enough to get him a good distance away from the gas and Germans.

Overall, though, it's down to him I think. If he can glide his way to a decent landing in a field a few kilometers behind the line, he should be able to make his way back. If necessary we can tell him such and try to keep him covered as well as we can until then. Maybe try to find a decent landing spot for him while he focuses on keeping his plane going and not stalling.
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What's our altitude? We were at 1700 meters last time it was mentioned, but we dived a bit then climbed a bit. That climb probably didn't help the SPAD's engine much, but hopefully that energy will be enough to get him a good distance away from the gas and Germans.

Overall, though, it's down to him I think. If he can glide his way to a decent landing in a field a few kilometers behind the line, he should be able to make his way back. If necessary we can tell him such and try to keep him covered as well as we can until then. Maybe try to find a decent landing spot for him while he focuses on keeping his plane going and not stalling.
You're back to about 1700 now. You are unsure how well the SPAD glides or how far the danger zone of the gas spreads.
Do we have any ammo at all to reload with, or did we run out completely? I wasn't clear on that. Otherwise the best idea I have is try and guide him into a safe landing zone.
[X] Point him back towards Germany and press on.

No idea, but it doesn't feel like he'll make it beyond the gas. Better captured and alive than choking to death on your own lungs.
[X] Bring your aircraft alongside his wingtip and encourage him to jump across. You can set him down in a field behind french lines as soon as you clear the gas.
Well, hopefully the SPAD can make a few kilometers. Even an awful glide ratio should be able to manage at least 3 with some room to spare for the landing, better if the glide ratio is less terrible (though I'm not counting on it being good). Not exactly a good distance, but hopefully he can get enough distance on the gas that he can outrun it on foot. If we feel like being a hero we could try to land and pick him up, but I would, prefer not to try that.

The only other option is that he tries to glide to the German side of the line, which is presumably more free of gas (assuming they waited for favorable wind and it doesn't blow back). Of course, the German side of the line is not free of Germans. They will definitely take him prisoner, assuming they don't just kill him either in the air or on the ground.

As for trying to transfer him to our plane midair, that seems like a good way to spin out and die. Or collide and die. Or get our interplane strut ripped out and die. There are many ways we could die. Could be fun though.

[X] Tell him to focus on gliding west as far as he can manage. Get a bit ahead and try to find a decent spot for him to put down.

Equally little idea as to whether this is the right call. Tough choices all round.
[X] Tell him to focus on gliding west as far as he can manage. Get a bit ahead and try to find a decent spot for him to put down.

If this was regular Flying Circus... but no...we must remember we're in a world that lacks sexy shark girls

...for now...

*looks ominously at the half finished Device in his room*
well, if the gas is moving west that means the wind is too, right? should be favorable for gliding.

[X] Tell him to focus on gliding west as far as he can manage. Get a bit ahead and try to find a decent spot for him to put down.
[X] Tell him to focus on gliding west as far as he can manage. Get a bit ahead and try to find a decent spot for him to put down.
[X] Tell him to focus on gliding west as far as he can manage. Get a bit ahead and try to find a decent spot for him to put down.

Possibly the least worst out of many bad options
[X] Tell him to focus on gliding west as far as he can manage. Get a bit ahead and try to find a decent spot for him to put down.
[X] Tell him to focus on gliding west as far as he can manage. Get a bit ahead and try to find a decent spot for him to put down.
[X] Tell him to focus on gliding west as far as he can manage. Get a bit ahead and try to find a decent spot for him to put down.
[X] Tell him to focus on gliding west as far as he can manage. Get a bit ahead and try to find a decent spot for him to put down.

We should reload next, just in case we have to do something crazy or we get attacked again.
[x] Observe and escort him on the way down, report where he lands wherever that may be.

I'm not sure there is anything we can do directly, and we have to trust the guys judgement on if he can make it over the gas or not as he probably knows his plane glide characteristics better than we do. Best we can do is escort and try and dissuade anyone from taking pot shots at the stricken plane while he sorts himself out.
Not sure what we can do for this guy, but we can for sure make sure we are ready for any other bad news by reloading our gun.
[X] Reload
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[X] Tell him to focus on gliding west as far as he can manage. Get a bit ahead and try to find a decent spot for him to put down.

Roll 3d10: I'm treating this as their rolling Go Down and you're giving them Advantage. The last dice is yours, so if its a 1 that'll matter.