At that question, the girl from Academy City nodded. "Since my appearance here, I have developed a strange sense which has led me to create a copy of the cat. I did not have this ability before that, or at least I wasn't aware of it, explains Misaka.
It seems that when talking about her Planeswalker abilities Misaka refers to herself in the first-person. Which makes sense, as these experiences and memories are solely hers, and have never been shared with the network. I'm curious to see if her speech continues to evolve as she gains more and more memories of her own.
Is it important that the gun makes a return later on, or is your intent just to get rid of it? If it's the latter, you could just as easily have it broken by Accelerator prior to 8912 walking.

For the most part the latter, someone with a semi-autmatic rifle and actual Military training is not nearly as endangered as one would expect. She is probably going to get a new gun sooner or later anyway, but just now it is a bit of a bother.

I considered Accelerator breaking it, but wasn't quite sure if that would be better. I have no clear plans for the gun appearing again, though I think the possibility exists that it could Show up again at some point. Of course unless they accidentally activate the safety, it will probably change Hands quite often. A semi-automatic rifle is dangerous and all, but without training in the use, they are likely going to waste much ammo. And you can still be killed if you are sleeping. (We see in the first book of the magician trilogy how one character secretly gets into the house of two thugs to leave a message on the desk in their bedroom.)

It seems that when talking about her Planeswalker abilities Misaka refers to herself in the first-person. Which makes sense, as these experiences and memories are solely hers, and have never been shared with the network. I'm curious to see if her speech continues to evolve as she gains more and more memories of her own.

Someone on SB mentioned that Misaka don't always talk in third person, especially if the sentence is short. So I am trying to not overdo it with the third Person. I didn't have such a reasoning when writing it, but there always interesting things like this pointed out by readers.
I mean honestly aside from Last Order and Worst the sisters...are pretty bland, yes they do have emotions and all love each other but......

It cannot be helped, there are over 9.000 sisters, giving a significant number of them screen time and showing how their personalities start to differ (which is likely a time-consuming process) wouldn't make for a very interesting Story and take a bunch of time. Before the end of the Level 6 Shift program they exchanged Information all the time, so the differences are only just starting to Pop up over time.

Though why the Will would "want her back" is beyond me, considering the Misaka Network is not a hivemind in the stricter sense, and more like some Kind of telepathic Facebook/Skype hybrid with the Will being some Kind of by-product of the communications.
It cannot be helped, there are over 9.000 sisters, giving a significant number of them screen time and showing how their personalities start to differ (which is likely a time-consuming process) wouldn't make for a very interesting Story and take a bunch of time. Before the end of the Level 6 Shift program they exchanged Information all the time, so the differences are only just starting to Pop up over time.

Though why the Will would "want her back" is beyond me, considering the Misaka Network is not a hivemind in the stricter sense, and more like some Kind of telepathic Facebook/Skype hybrid with the Will being some Kind of by-product of the communications.

Just throwing ideas and left, I am horrible with Details and stuff so most likely? I know of Othinus but already forgot several details of the plot and kinda got bored of Majutsu after the Karma Houdini she gained. But this story is interesting and a Sister becoming completely independent was something that always interested me so here I am.

I'd image to protect her from Othinus during that arc, considering how much bullshit that Gungnir is can you imagine what Othinus would do if she discovered an Entire Race of people that can do what she chased all her life -World Hopping- with No Effort at all? Planeswalker Magic God is a scary idea. And considering Magic of the Gathering System is tied more to existence and emotions/state of mind its most likely Espers can use it as well without blowing up
That is not what Othinus wants...
she was the Person who created the To aru verse, or at least the current Version of it. Her power allows her to create anything, even new layers for the Formation of a new world. At some Point she regretted her Actions, wanting to return to her original world in hopes of finding someone that can stand on the same level as her. But she couldn't quite remember all the Details of her original world. And she cannot remove any layers, only make new ones. So she continued travelling until she met Touma, then they had their one Million lives where Touma grew to understand her. No Problem if you don't know Details btw. can happen to anyone.

Don't really have a Problem with her not getting killed myself personally, it makes sense and it was the whole Point of Touma going on that Journey through Denmark after all.
That is not what Othinus wants...
she was the Person who created the To aru verse, or at least the current Version of it. Her power allows her to create anything, even new layers for the Formation of a new world. At some Point she regretted her Actions, wanting to return to her original world in hopes of finding someone that can stand on the same level as her. But she couldn't quite remember all the Details of her original world. And she cannot remove any layers, only make new ones. So she continued travelling until she met Touma, then they had their one Million lives where Touma grew to understand her. No Problem if you don't know Details btw. can happen to anyone.

Don't really have a Problem with her not getting killed myself personally, it makes sense and it was the whole Point of Touma going on that Journey through Denmark after all.

As I've said- BAD with details-heck I've already dropped Majutsu a while back
Actually, Othinus might be VERY interested in Planeswalkers if she hear of them.
It depends entirely on whatever or not 'walkers can replicate the full effects of the Imagine Breaker. The reason she went throught all the trouble of (trying to) breaking Touma was to make him give up on it willingly. If someone can use it without taking it from Touma first, she will do everything in her power to get us to do it for her. Thats all caps BAD, by the way, nothing good can come out of it.
Actually, Othinus might be VERY interested in Planeswalkers if she hear of them.
It depends entirely on whatever or not 'walkers can replicate the full effects of the Imagine Breaker. The reason she went throught all the trouble of (trying to) breaking Touma was to make him give up on it willingly. If someone can use it without taking it from Touma first, she will do everything in her power to get us to do it for her. Thats all caps BAD, by the way, nothing good can come out of it.

Eh I think it would be

"I wonder if any of them can be my equal."

She only accepts Touma as a equal after his Resolve OUTDOES hers
Maybe they do, and that's the real reason for the cloning experiment. Awakening a spark is supposed to be a one in a million occurence, on top of their initial rarity.

As if. Aleister is NOTHING compared to an Experienced Planeswalker and trying to control one is a disaster. Hell can you even 'steal' a spark from a Walker?
I think it is linked to the heart because Vensor gave Karn his heart which allowed Karn to become a planeswalker. Karn initially gave p his planeswalker powers to fix the multiverse.
Chapter 5: Pathway of Change
Shadows in the Dark

The next days were something entirely new and curious for Misaka.

Experimentation with the constructs she could create went well, even when she was alone. There were a number of interesting things that she discovered.

First, she could create around 3 cat constructs with the energy she gained from the White stream before she had to wait for it to refill in whatever way it did. That took around an hour if she had to guess, maybe a little less.

And second, Misaka could keep around twelve of the cats materialized without side-problems. If she tried to go over this soft limit, a headache would develop, grow over time and become exponentially worse with each further construct.

At first, Misaka had worried that people would soon notice if she kept the cats around and that she would have to dismiss them every time after experimentation. Fortunately, it appeared like she had quite the great range and they could move through the city without her having to micro-manage everything.

Of course there were some things that could only really be tested with someone's help.

"Okay, how many fingers am I holding up."

A moment of silence before the answer came.


There was the sound of movement before the first voice asked again.

"And how many am I holding up now?"

"Seven..." A short pause followed before the voice continued: ",and now you are sticking your tongue out at me, exclaims Misaka in mock anger." A short giggle sounded behind the brunette and she turned to the other person present. Sonea only winked at her, amusement shining in her eyes.

Both were in an empty space hidden behind a few houses. Sonea had shown her the small field which was a hidden spot in the less problematic parts of the slums. It was surprising just how sturdy some of the buildings in this place were, some wouldn't have been out of place in the city proper.

On the other hand there was an old warehouse which had apparently formerly belonged to a somewhat successful merchant, but the same had gone bankrupt years ago due to some business problem. There had been whispering that it involved the thieves, the organized crime of the city, back when the whole thing took place. Well, at least that was what Sonea had told her. It was suitable to hide anything they didn't want to show and nobody seemed to use it since it was leaky and air easily blew through the thin walls.

"Okay, you can notice anything they see, but you say you don't really share their sight, right?" She asked finally.

"Yes, explains Misaka. I seem capable of noticing whatever happens around them, but unless Misaka actively searches for it or it is somehow important, she doesn't notice it. And I cannot actually see what they see in the literal sense." Just yesterday evening, she had noticed that one of the cats had been attacked by a dog and she had been forced to dismiss it. She hadn't wanted anyone to find the construct after it got hurt after all. Her guess was that her sub consciousness kept the knowledge back so as to not distract her unless necessary.

"Good, then the next test, if you would get ready." Sonea grabbed a stone from the ground and waited while Misaka held out one hand and made another chocolate coloured cat form from white light. With a sharp movement, the older girl threw the stone at the cat. It seemed to try moving, but it was slow and sluggish and the stone hit easily. The feline hissed before it was silenced by its controller's will.

"Okay, you are right; they are slow right after you make them. Does that happen every time?" At this question, Misaka nodded.

"Yes, Misaka's observation say that they reach full mobility after around a minute, says Misaka while making the poor kitty vanish again." As she spoke, the cat turned into a multitude of white sparks which then floated for a few seconds before vanishing too.

The esper nodded in satisfaction before yawning and wondering.

This was more or less how the training went, Misaka would mention something she had noticed and which she wanted to test or Sonea would have an idea. There was more though. The younger girl had mentioned to her host that she had also gotten a plan for a construct when she had touched her much earlier. Although the older girl was somewhat hesitant at the idea of creating a humanoid construct, they still decided to try it. Sadly, attempts to materialize anything from that particular pattern didn't show any success.

"It is just not right, like I am trying to use water to put something on fire." That was the closest thing Misaka could think of. Unless she somehow managed to turn the "Water" into the equivalent of hydrogen, she didn't think it would work.

Sonea's construct gave of a feeling of Blue and Red, both of which felt equally important. The white energy from the stream dissipated shortly after trying to use it on them.

Trying to feel out the area around the city, the slums that formed the outer city met with limited success. It felt... off and dark and bright at the same time. Maybe she would need more time, or there was something just not right with it. There was also a strange feeling that sometimes appeared on the edge of her mind again. Still, it didn't seem important and there were more important things to do.

While they experimented, there was also another event. Sonea suggested that Misaka could go and try to get more construct blueprints and that she should test what she could use. For that they went through the city and tested various things. Most items were barely of any worth and although they didn't feel white, Misaka could easily create copies of them.

It was curious to note that items didn't seem to have the same feel to them as most animals. Where animals were filled with... life, they were cold things that felt like they could be filled with anything.

Another notable thing that happened was a certain assignment that they got, which Sonea used to their advantage.

"It is beautiful, says Misaka in awe of the bird." The brown haired girl looked inside a cage that held a brown hawk. It sat on a wooden stick that placed inside the cage. Its head was covered by a leather cap and it looked all in all like it was sleeping if not for the sporadic movements of its heads that betrayed such a thought.

"Yeah, let us get the birdie back home; I am sure the nobles want to have their hunting aid as soon as possible. By the way, how many of the animals in that shop were useful?" The older girl looked down the dirty streets, avoiding groups of people with habitual ease. The close one came to the town gates, the more people would fill up the street.

Misaka frowned and tilted her head in thought.

"The owl is unusable, though it was very pretty to see, says Misaka. But the fox feels like it is correct and I think I can also use the Hawk. Maybe we can test them tomorrow?"

Of course there were other animals, but for the most part, mice and similar small creatures weren't really interesting or useful for that matter. And the fox and owl were the only bigger animals that Misaka had gotten the chance to touch since they were out in the open. The biggest animal she had found other than them was a small hedgehog, which felt Green and thus was likely unusable. It wasn't like a modern animal shop sadly and there were many animals that were dead and of which only pelts, bones and similar things remained. These unfortunately didn't have any use except giving out another random item to copy for her.

When they came close to the outer walls Sonea murmured and then smiled.

"Hey, I have an idea."

"Oh, what is it asks Misaka in curiosity?"

"Try it on the wall. I wonder if you can make a copy of the outer city walls."

Misaka didn't think that she could make something that big, at least not without a big open space. Still, she let herself be pulled by the other girl. When they were somewhat away from the main road, Misaka went and touched the wall.

She grasped for a plan, the pattern which she had gathered from many other items in the last days. Surprisingly, the wall was mostly White, not the strange absence of colour that most man-made things seemed to emit. As she took the pattern into herself, Misaka understood more and more of it. This wall had been built generations ago, it was big and old and made with the intent to protect these inside. Although it was much simpler than many animals, the sheer size made it hard for her to take everything in. It took Misaka a few moments to collect herself after stepping back.

The wall was also felt costly, far more costly than anything she had tried to make until now. Misaka didn't think that the amount of energy she had access to, would be enough to make anything this big anytime soon.

This was how the days went by, experimentation with the creatures she could make, trying to find new things to test and so on. It was rather peaceful if one had to say.

It was Friday, the last weekday of Kyralia when the two were going to start with another round of experiments. Since it was the day after they had gotten the hunting hawk and Friday was a free day in Kyralia, this was a good chance.

Time had flown by surprisingly fast, Misaka couldn't help but wonder what her sisters were doing, was the experiment still continuing? She didn't think her sudden disappearance would be enough to stop it, but it was quite possible that it was being put on hold right now. They may very well investigate the events pertain her disappearance. But for how long would that last if it even happened?

The esper looked up at the horizon, where mountains still were snow tipped. Winter was very close to an end and spring was going to start soon. Normally, she wouldn't have cared about the time, but she had heard people talking about some kind of event that would take place soon, something called 'Purge'.

Misaka sighed, stepping into an alley between two houses. Sonea had gone ahead and only said that she had planned some kind of surprise. The girl from Academy City moved closer to the empty warehouse, shadows filling its open door and wondering whether she should ask the other girl about this purge.

Strange.... the broken windows of the warehouse should let enough light inside that one can see the inside. Maybe that was a part of Sonea's surprise? Had she covered the windows for some reason?

As she stepped into the shadows, hands suddenly grabbed her from the left, covering her mouth and then pushing her forward roughly.

That was certainly not Sonea trying to surprise her.

"Misaka should have sent a cat with her." The thought shot through the mind of the girl at the same time as she was pushed forward further by an unknown force.
Ah, so the book plot is strating. I have no idea how color affinities are chosen, but I see any Sister as having black as well as white. Death and power and all that. :p
Hmm, I'm surprised the wall isn't at least a little Black. The techniques they used for magical architecture are based on techniques for draining the life from others. If perverted to pour that energy into an inanimate object instead of the caster.
Hmm, I'm surprised the wall isn't at least a little Black. The techniques they used for magical architecture are based on techniques for draining the life from others. If perverted to pour that energy into an inanimate object instead of the caster.
You have... odd definitions of perverted. (Draining the life from others to put into yourself= A-OK. Put it into an inanimate object= What the hell is wrong with you, this is an abomination!)
It's not simply altered, it's a huge warping of both what it does and what it's purpose is. Altered is in no way a strong enough verb.

Wouldn't any Setting that uses mana=life energy have the entire magical System be black under that definition? Since they are using life-energy to do stuff like set things on fire, manipulate the elements and summon beings? In fact, supporting a Stone Body is not that different from supporting a living Body anyway....

Using ressources in ways that is different or even opposite of the natural order would likely be Blue (Opposite to Green in this way) from what I understand. Blue doesn't believe in destiny and thinks everything can be used in any way. White was chosen since it is used to protect and many People worked together. Black would be "power for every Price" and there is not any real inherent price to Black Magic. You can Regenerate any loss if you eat and then sleep for a night.

The colour isn't really decided by the thing itself from what I understand, but by the intent behind it. A summoning spell can be black or White depending on whether it is used to summon a demon or angel.

Similarly, you can use "Black" Magic to take power forcefully from a slave (Black), you can use it to get it from a servant that is paid for it and gets your protection in exchange (White/Green.) and with later methods that are likely related to it, you can share energy with others to create a combined spell (White) and put it to support buildings (White/Blue)

You can even use "Black Magic" to give your life-energy to another in a act of self-sacrifice, which would be very very White and possibly a bit Green.

It is of note that Kyralia wasn't a slave Holding Nation ever in any of the books I read. Thus, all transactions for magical energy were either between payed servants and a magician, or between a magician and his apprentice. Thus following rules and order, therefore fairly White.

Also, I am pretty sure the wall isn't actually supported by Magic considering it breaks pretty easily under the assault of the Black magicians in the third book.
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As i understood it, they only reinforced the walls to allow the structurally unsound architecture to work rather than to stand up to magicians attacks.
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