Five Nights With Harry (HP/FN@F Cross)

Uh, he did see Nagini bite Arthur and sent Veronica to save him. Which lead to Peter being captured and a pissed off Voldemort to try and possess Harry, and then leading to the Horcrux being ripped out by a pissed off Aya and Black Mass.

Oh right. Sorry, it's just been a while since I read the relevant sections.
However, Harry just rolled his eyes with a snort. "I lived through being a night guard at Freddy's, trust me, there's not much that frightens me anymore." Then in one movement, Harry tore open the curtains as everyone jumped... just to reveal the Toy Foxy plush sitting on his bed. Looking over the rest of his bed, Harry noted the other plushies that he had been given were in their proper place before shrugging and picking up the Toy Foxy plush and holding it up. "Oooo! Scary monster."

Even as others grumbled and snorted, Dean and Seamus just stared at the toy. "B-b-but there was... it was on your bed and... it screeched and..."

Just raising an eyebrow, Harry shook his head and sighed. "Uh-huh." Once everyone left, Seamus and Dean being the quickest under the looks and laughs, Harry looked at the Toy Foxy plush with a slight frown. "Hmm... Well, I guess that I should thank you for keeping guard over my bed in any case." He then looked at the other plushies. "All of you." Setting it back into place, he shook his head and muttered to himself about getting Dean and Seamus back for their stunt as he closed the curtains...

Not noticing that the plushies all seemed to be watching him...

Hmm. This could get... interesting.
So, Harry's got a nearly complete set of the Nightmare Plushies. I wonder who or what is handling their animation? I guess they could be like the Cupcakes, but with the speed of that response I'm more likely to believe that the Black Mass is handling them as a guard detail.
Even as he smiled and shook off some of the wet from his coat, Harry smiled at Erika and Olive as the three entered the animatronic workshop. As she put up her own coat and leaned down to help Olive take off hers, Erika gave him a smile. "Thanks for coming, Harry. I figured that you might want to see our work and since the others are gone... well, except for Richard, but he's an okay guy."

Simply shrugging as he watched Erika take the small booties off Olive, Harry chuckled. "I don't mind and besides, I've been rather interested in what's been done..." For a moment, his expression shifted and he swallowed a bit. "Besides, I needed something to take my mind off what's happening tomorrow."

Glancing around, Erika frowned up at him. "Peter's trial, right?"

Hands in his pockets, Harry nodded. "Yeah, Fudge has dragged the whole thing on long enough and it doesn't help the stunt he pulled." At Erika's confusion, he shook his head. "When he found out that Peter was in custody, he barged into his cell and demanded that they free a hero... Only for Peter to use it in an attempt to escape by transforming. Thankfully, Amelia Bones was there and stunned the rat before he could get out. From what I've heard, Amelia tore a strip off both him and his Auror bodyguards for what happened."

All Erika did was facepalm at what she was hearing. "Oh for... You know what? I'm not going to ask."

Looking up, Olive blinked and tilted her head to the side. "Um... Uncle Harry? Does this mean that Uncle Sirius will get freed?"

For several moments, Harry hummed as he scratched his chin. "Well... from what I've been told if Peter is convicted of killing the people that Sirius was thought of, it throws the rest into doubt. And since Peter hid, despite being a hero, for more then a decade then it's pretty much certain that they'll clear Sirius. At the worst, they'll take off the Kiss on Sight order and ask for him to come in for a trial. I'm going to be making sure though as I'm being called on as a witness."

Clapping her hands, Olive grinned. "Yay!"

That caused Erika to look over at him with a raised eyebrow. "Wait, I thought that the Ministry was painting you as some sort of liar? Why would they bring you in as a witness?"

Harry frowned a bit and shook his head with a snort. "Apparently it's Neville's Grandmother and Amelia Bones who pushed for me to be used as a witness and to describe what happened at the end of my Third Year. Remus thinks that they're going to use it as a bludgeon against Fudge and his smear campaign. After all, if I was telling the truth about what happened then, maybe I was telling the truth about what happened with Voldemort. Or that's his thoughts anyways."

Just shaking her head as Harry shrugged, Erika stood up. "Whatever, enough of that I think." It was then that she spotted something walking toward them and smiled. "Anyways, I think that I should introduce you to someone, Harry."

Turning, Harry blinked at the sight of a massive animatronic bunny the size of Bonnie. However, there were differences though. For example, the costume was shaped in a way that it gave it a feminine look while her fur was a chocolate brown color. Another difference was that her eyes were a warm amber as she gave a smile. "Hello, you must be the guest that Erika told Richard and I about. I'm Spring Bonnie, or just Spring."

As he took the offered paw, Harry nodded. "Pleasure to meet you, Miss Spring, I'm Harry Potter, just Harry though." He then looked over her costume as they let go of their handshake. "Lovely costume you have."

Giggling, Spring waved a paw at her face as if to cool off. "Oh my, a real gentleman." Her head tilted, she turned toward Erika with a hum. "So you and Erika are boyfriend and girlfriend?"

Eyes wide as she sputtered, Erika shook her head. "NO! Harry's not my boyfriend, just a really good friend. Besides, someone else has dibs on him."

Spring just tittered in amusement. "Ah, I see. I just thought that since you said that you were bringing someone... no matter." Turning, Spring let out a sound as if she was clearing her throat. "Richard, dear, our guests are here!"

It took almost a minute, but Richard finally came into view with a grunt. "Sorry about that." At seeing Harry though, he blinked and gave Erika a look of confusion. "I thought that you were going to bring the owner of Fazbear Entertainment?"

The green eyed wizard just grinned a bit as his eyes had amusement twinkling in them. "Yes, she was. In fact... you're looking at him."

Utter silence met him before Richard brought up a finger to point at him and then look toward Erika who facepalmed before nodding. "Wait... so you're actually..." Harry nodded and Richard gulped a bit. "Um, aren't you a bit..."

Raising an eyebrow, Harry grinned a little more. "Young to be an owner of a business? Why yes, yes I am." He then shook his head a far off expression on his face. "I... got left a lot of money by my parents. And Freddy's was a place that I always felt welcome at as a kid, a spot of light so when I found out that they were closing..." Shaking it off, Harry shrugged. "I got others I trust running it until I become an adult and learn some things about running a business. But I prefer to keep my ownership as secret right now, but Erika trusts you, so I do as well."

Just taking that at face value, Richard nodded. "Uh, right... so, what do you think so far?"

The wizard could see the nervous expression on Richard's face and just smiled a bit. "Actually, I'm pretty impressed with all the work you guys got done so far, both here and on the animatronics." Turning, Harry gave a nod toward Spring. "I'm really amazed at Spring, she looks beautiful and her costume is amazing."

Lights came on in Spring's cheeks as she waved a paw at him. "You flatterer." Calming down, she straightened her back a bit. "But Richard and the others have done a lot of work on my, I really am most thankful to them."

Beside Harry, Erika glanced to where Olive was heading for one of the chairs to sit down on and spin around. "Her costume actually wasn't that hard. We took one of Bonnie's and modified it a little bit and added some of the ideas we were going to use for the toys such as soft rubber over the joints. Then we recolored her fur to what it was in the old days."

Nodding with her ears flopping, Spring smiled. "Something that I am thankful for."

A few seconds later, Erika gestured for Harry to follow as they began to walk. "We're also working on an animatronic to use as a secretary of sorts up front using one of the Plushtraps."

Richard straightened a bit at that. "I've already got the basic AI program running and learning as a matter of fact."

That got a raised eyebrow from Harry as he blinked in surprise. "Really? How?"

Chuckling, the programmer shook his head. "Well, I've been running the program looking at instruction videos for secretaries as well as actual video. All sped up to help the program learn faster until the body's done. So a month lets it learn as much as in a year of normal work-"

He then got cut off by Erika with a grin. "He's also having it watch 'Secret of NIMH' because he wants to base it somewhat on Mrs. Brisby from the movie."

Much to Harry's amusement, Spring reached across and poked Erika in the shoulder. "Be nicer to Richard, Erika. He is a nice young man and doesn't deserve much teasing."

Just raising an eyebrow as Richard blushed even more, Harry softly smiled and nodded. "I can't wait."

Suddenly, Spring snapped her fingers. "Erika, Richard, are you going to show him Silver?"

Blinking, Harry looked between the two as they shared a look. "Silver?"

With a sigh, Erika began to guide him around tables. "Remember how we were going to go to the warehouse and have a look around inside to see what could be salvaged from there, Harry? As well as Fazbach's old home?"

Eyebrows furrowed, Harry nodded some. "Yeah, I do actually. Never did hear about what you found there."

Hand waving around in the air, Richard shrugged. "Most of it was animatronic parts, costumes, spare endoskeletons... and the equipment to build and maintain them. Pretty sweet actually, especially as we found more of Fazbach's old notes on his work. But we found one thing in his home that he was apparently working on before he became senile..." Reaching one of the tables, Richard reached down and pulled the sheet off to reveal what looked like Chica. "We found Silver here."

It took Harry a few moments before he realized that besides the color, which was indeed silver, there was other differences. For one thing, like his Shadow Chica suit, it was slightly taller then Chica while being more bulky, giving it a more male appearance. The other thing he noticed sent a shiver down his back. "It's a springsuit?!"

Behind him, Spring nodded. "Yes, Silver was the old Chica at Fredbear's Dinner. Mister Fazbach took him after the dinner closed down and I never did see him again before being placed in... that room." A shudder ran through her as Richard reached up and patted her shoulder. None of the animatronic engineers, outside of maybe Erika who wasn't sure, could figure out how she developed a fear of dark, enclosed spaces, but she had. They had just accepted it. Much to Harry's surprise though, Spring's cheeks lit up again in a blush. "I do hope that they can help him. I remember talking with Silver for a year after the dinner closed while we were being worked on before... we were put away. They had us on all the time you know."

Slowly, Harry just nodded as he spotted the thoughtful expression on Richard's face. "I see..."
Nice introduction for Spring Bonnie's new animatronic, and I like that Richard and the tech crew decided to use the original Bonnie as the basis for her new form. I think that Richard's work on the new secretary AI sounds like a good idea, and if it does pick up a flavor of Mrs. Jonathan Brisby at the same time, there are a lot worse role models out there. As for Silver, I'm sure that just knowing the faults of the SpringSuit design probably has everybody a little on edge knowing the history, but if it can be locked in animatronic mode, I don't see any reason not to give the external shell the normal upgrades and let him join the rest of the Crew.

Actually, if Silver was being kept at Fazbach's home, I'd guess he was a testbed for any designs the old guy might have been working on to improve the SpringSuit to reduce the chance of a lethal accident. You still couldn't pay me enough to put it on, but it might be interesting to see what sort of notes are in the journals they picked up from the house.
Yet again, Vicky found herself wandering through a thick fog. Slowly rubbing her arms, she looked around and growled. "Who are you?! Why do you keep bringing me here?!"

For a moment there was nothing and then a familiar sound could be heard. "*Krrrrsh!* Bod*Crackle* eler!"

Before Vicky could say anything, there was a flash of movement and she twisted to see a shadow dart through the fog and disappear. Another flash and she twisted again only to just miss whatever it was. Despite everything, Vicky swore that she could feel her heart trying to leap from her chest. Even though she knew it was no longer there. "L-look, can't we just talk?"

She barely had a second before she got a reply. "*Crackle*ive bac*Krrrsh!*"

With another look around, Vicky just nodded as she muttered under her breath. "Okay... Running sounds good right about now..." Listening, she tried to pinpoint the sound and then began running as she could hear the static from what seemed like behind her. It didn't take her long, as she began to run, for her to reach her top speed. Said speed being much faster then anything she could reach as a normal human. "JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!"

At her top speed though, she didn't notice the shadow that darted out and tripped her. And at the speed she was going, that meant a very painful meeting between her face and the "Ground" below her. Through the spike of pain, part of Vicky noted that her mask gave the sound of something cracking. "Ta*krrrrrsh!* dy*Krackle*ck!"

Slowly, and painfully, Vicky stumbled to her feet and reached up to her face before grimacing. All throughout it, she could feel small cracks and it felt rather loose. 'Hopefully there's no damage that's apparent... Outside of wherever this is.'

Hearing a sound behind her, Vicky turned to see the shadow there. Only this time it crawled from the mist revealing herself... Or rather, what had been her current body before Erika had fixed it up. "*Krrrrsh! Krackle!*"

Eyes wide, Vicky took a step back. "I... What the..."

The Mangle though also took a step forward as both heads snarled. "Body*Krsssh* Stealer! *Krackle*Give body*Krackle Krrsh!* back!"

Swallowing, Vicky shook her head as she took another step back. "Wha... What? Body stealer?! Lo-look, I would love to give it back, I would!" The two eyes watching her from different heads just looked hungry though which sent a shiver down Vicky's back. "B-but I can't! My old body is... Kind of dead, you know?"

Much to her surprise, the Mangle stopped as it considered this. For a brief second, Vicky thought that it might calm down. But then her hopes were dashed as it growled and narrowed it's eyes. "Then... *Grabble* Take*Krrrrsh!* body*Krackle* BACK!*Krrrsh! Krackle!*"

Vicky could only scream as the Mangle leapt at her, the other animatronic's weight and momentum knocking her to the ground. Almost unheard was the sharp series of cracking sounds made as the back of her head struck the ground. "WAKE UP! WAKE UP! WAKE UP!" When that didn't work though, Vicky tried to throw Mangle off her. "GET THE HELL OFF OF ME!"

Just barely able to stop either head from biting her by grabbing the necks, Vicky was unable to do anything about Mangle's limbs which grabbed her shoulders and lifted her up slightly. And then they slammed her down with her head striking the ground.



Three times, Mangle slammed Vicky's head against the ground the whole time screaming through garbled static to give back her body. After the third time, Vicky was stunned even as her head felt strangely loose. With her grip loosened though, Mangle lunged and forward with her jaws wide. Vicky just closed her eyes as with a final crack, she could feel like something fell off...

Several seconds later, almost a minute as a matter of fact, Vicky had still not felt the pain she had expected. With an agonizing slowness, she opened one eye only to see the Mangle frozen in place. Then she realized that it wasn't frozen, just shocked as it's eyes roamed over her face, part of her muzzle she could see as the rest had broken off and she could also see her nose partially inside the still there part...

It was then that she realized that she could see her human nose as if the Toy Foxy face was just a mask that was now partially broken. 'Wha... What?!'

Mangle slowly reached forward with one paw and paused for a moment as Vicky flinched. Then she continued and grasped the piece of mask that Vicky could still see and pulled it away. Much to Vicky's surprise though, after a moment the Mangle recoiled as if burned and leapt off her. "Is... *Krackle!* Child?! Hurt... Child?!"

Despite everything, Vicky scowled a bit. "I'm thirteen, not a kid!" Then, feeling the back of her head fall off, Vicky slowly reached up and ran a paw along her face...

Her human face.

And when she ran her hand behind her, she could also feel her hair which caused to her stare. 'Holy shit... What the bloody hell?!' An odd sound caused Vicky to look up and see that the Mangle had curled into herself. But that wasn't all and she had to blink at the sounds. 'Is she... Crying?' For a moment, she felt a flash of satisfaction before she squashed it as she realized something else. 'She didn't know... And if I was in her place...'

Meanwhile, Mangle continued her garbled sobbing with only one thought running through her program. 'Hurt... Child... Hurt... Child...'

Flinching as she felt a hand on her "Shoulder" (or, rather, what passed as one), Mangle looked up to see a nervous Vicky there. "Um... So..." Vicky's expression then softened as she noticed the utter devestated look the other animatronic was giving her. It was then that the conversations with both Veronica and Richard. "You've been aware this whole time, haven't you... And when I possessed you..."

Nodding, Mangle spoke through the garble of static. "Thought*Krackle!*Was *Krrrsh!*Virus*Krackle* Did not know was*Krackle!* Child*Krrsssh!*But... How..."

With a grimace, Vicky shook her head. "Well... Um, I kind of died and my spirit has been inside your body since then, controlling it. I can't really leave as then I'll be kind of... Dead then." Suddenly, she noted that Mangle's body seemed more insubstantial and before her eyes seemed to be fading. Eyes wide, she shook the other animatronic. "Whoa! What are you doing?!"

Just looking up at her, Mangle blinked. "Preparing*Kssssh!*Decompiling *Krackle!*Will delete self, so can have body.*Krsssh!*Children must... Be kept safe..."

Much to her surprise though, Vicky grabbed her. "STOP THAT!" Seeing that the fading had stopped, Vicky took a deep breath. "Look, you don't have to kill yourself!"

All the other animatronic did was blink in utter confusion. "But*krackle!* Cannot share..."

Utterly exasperated, Vicky shook her head and waved her free hand around. "We'll figure out something, okay? I mean... We've been sharing this long, right? Maybe I can let you see out of my eyes or something. At least until I can convince Erika to build you a body of your own to transfer you to!"

Tilting her head to the side, the Mangle just blinked. "Have*Krrrsh!* new body?"

Relaxing some, Vicky nodded. "Yeah, I'll be able to get you a new body so we can each have our own." At another burst of static, she frowned. "That's... Kind of annoying." When she looked around though, she frowned. "But if this is in our head... And I have no doubt that you want to be fixed..."

Confused, Mangle looked at her, only to feel strange. It seemed like a few seconds, but she could feel parts of her body shifting and, slowly, she stood up for the first time in years on her repaired legs. "I'm... Fixed?"

There was a grin on Vicky's face as she nodded. "Yup! Hey, if this is all in our heads then it makes sense that we can change things, right?" Frowning, she looked over Mangle. "I wonder how we compare and wish there was a mirror..."

Blinking, Mangle pointed at a spot behind Vicky. "Like that one?"

When she turned, Vicky just blinked at the large mirror there. "... Yeah, like that." Looking over the two of them side by side, Vicky tilted her head. In the mirror, Vicky could see her human features for the first time in months. Over the shoulder of the Toy Foxy suit spilled dirty blonde hair while two hazel eyes looked out from a lightly freckled face. Besides that, Vicky's version of Toy Foxy's body had a more human figure to it, almost as if it had been changed to fit her actual body as a costume. Suddenly she grinned as she looked over at Mangle. "Hey, would you look at that? We look like sisters. Hell! We could be twins!"

Befuddled, Mangle looked at her. "Sisters...? Twins...?"

Just nodding, Vicky laughed lightly. "Well, yeah! Look at how much we look like each other, hmm?" A far off expression crossed her face as she tapped her chin with one flaw. "Kind of always wanted a sister..."

Still confused, Mangle looked back and forth. "I see..."

A yelp escaped her as Vicky pulled her into a hug. "Anyways, what's you name?"

Mangle just blinked and looked at her. "I am called The Mangle."

For several moments, Vicky stared at her before snorting. "Bullshit! Nah... From now on you're Maggie, 'Kay?"

The only response that Mangle, now Maggie, had was filing that away in her data banks and nod. "I see..."
Hmmm... Looks like soul co-habitation can lead to the actual programming becoming sapient over time? That's rather interesting.
When Richard extracts the costume AI module from the head to transfer it to a new animatronic, it will be interesting to see which personality transfers with it in this case, since there was never a physical body in the Mangle to create the linkage. And I'd be willing to bet that even once the two are in separate bodies, they are likely to continue a sort of twin telepathy; at least as long as both bodies are on the same wireless network anyway. I suspect one test that will happen is checking to see if the effect acts as a VPN across the internet. It would seem to me to be a likely effect, since the animatronics have the two modules anyway in each suit and they have to be interfacing constantly, so some sort of network linking protocol has to be going on.
Softly whistling, Sirius shoved his hands into his pockets as he walked beside the goblin who just sneered. "Do try and be a bit serious, sir. After all, you were the one who made such an... unusual request of us."

All Sirius did was wave off the goblin with a slight smile. "Hey, can't blame me for being in a great mood. I got exonerated and tonight, I have an appointment I need to go to, one long overdue." He then reached up and scratched at the slight stubble on his chin in thought. "Besides, it's not that unusable and perfectly in line for my duties in regards as the head of the Black Family."

The only answer he got from the goblin was a sneer. "So you say."

Once more, all Sirius did was wave him off as the sneer was deflected by the sheer good mood that the wizard was in. He had been enjoying himself and being able to just walk around. The fact that Fudge had ended up with egg on his face on top of all his other woes, after everything the Minister had done to him and his godson, was just the cherry on top. "And your managers agreed. Besides, I'm being rather reasonable after you dunked me under that waterfall."

Nastily grinning, the goblin snorted. "We had to make sure that you were who you said you were and could not be too careful. After all, Gringotts prides itself on the security of our vaults and it would not be the first time that someone thought themselves clever and use a person to sneak in."

Humming, Sirius came to a stop before the blind dragon guarding the vault and waited for the goblin to drive it off. Part of him felt sorry for the creature though, even the small amount of knowledge he had about the dragons of Gringotts told him that it was a harsh existence to say the least. Especially with it being blind and the scars on it's body. It was only a few moments, but eventually the vault was open and Sirius could see inside of it. "Hmm..."

Just as he reached the edge of the vault door, the goblin reached out and stopped him with one hand while glaring. "You are only allowed to look into the LeStrange vault from the outside. Not walk in, no matter if you are the head of Bellatrix's House or not."

Simply nodding, Sirius just frowned as he looked around the room before glancing up at a shaded alcove, just out of sight. His hand reached into his pocket and the goblin stiffened until it saw that it was a piece of paper, though he could not see what was on it. Unknown to him, it was a poster with a golden bear on it and he brought the poster down as he continued to look at the alcove... Which was no longer empty and now contained Rose's slumped suit before it turned its head toward him a bit and nodded ever so slightly as it's hands was clinched around a destroyed book. "And I'm not allowed to enter until such time as Bellatrix, her husband, and her brother-in-law are all dead, correct?"

Giving him a raspy chuckle, the goblin nodded. "Quite. Though you could go and try to enter right now if you wanted..."

With a bark like laugh that caused the smaller being to flinch, Sirius shook his head as he turned around as he shoved the poster back into his pocket. "Oh, I'm certain that you would like that now. Fines would be the least of my troubles if I tried something that stupid. Anyways, I think that I've seen enough."

Unseen by Sirius, the goblin looked down at the floor in front of the vault and slowly nodded. No tracks were apparent there and since the dragon had not reacted besides a shiver, the goblin grunted and closed the vault. After all, if anyone was in there they would be trapped until someone opened the door again. Maybe in a few years unless Bellatrix or any of the other LeStranges wanted something. What he didn't notice was the two glowing green eyes watching the door closed before Rose stood up and hopped down into the rest of the vault and began to look around. "Now then... where is the Horcrux..." With the remains of the diary, it didn't take long for her to locate a goblet that was giving off the same feeling. "There we go..."

A rather interesting fact was that the curse that would multiply objects only really worked when something alive touched them first. So it wasn't much issue for Rose to grab the goblet and wait for the next few hours before she felt the pull of the poster and teleported. Neither her, Dumbledore, or Sirius had expected though for the goblet to be steaming with black smoke coming from it along with inky black ichor due to it's short trip though the In-Between. Raising an eyebrow, there was a glint of joy in Dumbledore's face as he looked at the goblet and cast some spells at it. "Well now... it seems that wherever it is that you go is quite hazardous to a horcrux under normal circumstances."

Frowning, Sirius looked over at him while trying to hold back a shudder at the reminder of what happened to Delores Umbridge before shoving it down. "And that means... what, exactly?"

Oddly, the grin on Dumbledore's face caused Sirius to blink. "What it means is that perhaps the treasures are no longer so tainted that they need to be destroyed. Now... now we can save them for future generations to see."

Looking at Rose who shrugged, Sirius just shook his head before leaving to get ready to meet up with old friends about promises not yet fulfilled.
I agree. Might even see if I can tempt my Muse into another omake. There are plenty of hooks left open, after all.
God, it's been ages since I read this. Currently writing my own snippets about a Harry Potter/FNAF crossover, but it's security breach themed, and focused more on leading up to the game...and possibly magical America when I get there.