Five Nights With Harry (HP/FN@F Cross)

Harry, on rereading the latest segment, I did see one point that might need an edit. When the Springsuit goes into the design flaw failure mode on Vincent, you describe it as the endoskeleton snapping back into place during the kill scene. It's a minor quibble, but aren't those actually the costume's endoskeleton support struts, and not the actual endoskeleton? As I understand the design of the animatronic bodies, they consist of the central endoskeleton, the support frame which is sort of a flexible "wire model" set of linking and stiffening struts that give a flexible surface that defines the body outline, and finally the outer costume covering in whatever medium is most appropriate for that generation of animatronic. The semi-collapsable strutwork framing is the part of the Springsuit that causes the damage when it has a spring lock failure, as the struts pop back and attempt to relink with the internal metal endoskeleton and instead find squishy human and penetrable bones instead.
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Harry, on rereading the latest segment, I did see one point that might need an edit. When the Springsuit goes into the design flaw failure mode on Vincent, you describe it as the endoskeleton snapping back into place during the kill scene. It's a minor quibble, but aren't those actually the costume's endoskeleton support struts, and not the actual endoskeleton? As I understand the design of the animatronic bodies, they consist of the central endoskeleton, the support frame which is sort of a flexible "wire model" set of linking and stiffening struts that give a flexible surface that defines the body outline, and finally the outer costume covering in whatever medium is most appropriate for that generation of animatronic. The semi-collapsable strutwork framing is the part of the Springsuit that causes the damage when it has a spring lock failure, as the struts pop back and attempt to relink with the internal metal endoskeleton and instead find squishy human and penetrable bones instead.
Actually, going by what we can see of the withered animatronics in FNAF 2 compared to SpringTrap, it looks like the endoskeleton is indeed inside of said animatronic:

When one looks at the endoskeleton as shown by FNAF 2, it actually begins to make sense how it works:

Basically in a springsuit, when one cranks it into suit mode the endoskeleton opens up and acts like a sleave of sorts as well as additional support for the suit. When the locks fail, the endoskeleton snaps back acting like a bear trap of sorts. There's also the fact that if an endoskeleton was not there already, then one has to wonder where the one SpringTrap obviously has comes from...
Slumping into a chair, Harry rubbed the side of his head as Erika explained things to Olive who frowned. "So... the bad man that killed me is gone then?"

Nodding, Erika glanced at Harry and Michelle, who chose that moment to sit on one arm of the chair before leaning into Harry. "That's right, honey. He's dead and never going to hurt anyone else ever again."

Michelle shuddered a bit and hugged Harry around the shoulders. "Yeah... that's not in doubt at all."

It wasn't too surprising that the original Fazbear Gang had been mostly quiet even as the hours stretched into almost a full day of Harry and the others being interviewed over what had happened exactly. In fact, when Freddy spoke with a odd tone in his voice only partially that of relief, everyone jumped. "It's almost hard to believe that after all these years... all the pain we went through because of him... that he's finally gone."

From where she was slumped against the wall, Rose just nodded. "I know... it's something that I never expected and now that it's over..."

However, Vicky spoke up at that point. "Is it?" At their looks, she waved a paw around. "Don't get me wrong or anything, I'm happy for you that the guy who did that stuff to you is finally dead. But... he was stuffed into a Fazbear costume, so isn't there a chance that he might come back? Possess it or something?"

A soft snort caused them to turn to see Mike shake his head as he popped open a bottle of beer and take a swing. "Nah." At their looks, he sat down on the table and stared into the distance. "They figure that he opened the gas lines on purpose, probably to cover his tracks or something, since they ran through that room. And when it blew, it broke the gas line as well so... WHOOSH!" Taking another swing of his drink, he shook his head. "It was basically a crematorium in there, probably melted the suit and burnt whatever was inside considering it took them an hour to shut it off. I've seen what gas fires can do."

Remembering that Michelle had told him that her father worked as a volunteer firefighter, Harry just nodded. "So that's that then."

Something about his tone caused Chica to look at him before she walked over and kneeled next to the chair, reaching out and taking his hands in hers. "Harry... is something wrong?"

Uncomfortable, Harry leaned forward and placed his head into his hands as he sighed. "It's... I don't know. Now that he's dead aren't you all at rest? You've been avenged after all now so..." Even though it looked like he didn't want to say his next words, he did so in a very small voice. "Doesn't that mean that you can move on now?"

For several moments there was silence as the Fazbear Gang looked toward Freddy who closed his eyes and then nodded. "Yes... if we wanted to we could move on. Pass to the next life as it were I think."

At that moment, Foxy spoke up. "Arr, but ye know what, matey? We decided tha' we not be passing on to Fiddler's Green jus' yet."

Utterly confused, Harry looked between them as the others kept silent. "But... why not? I mean..."

Bonnie walked over and sat down next to the chair and shook his head. "You said it yourself, Harry. We're all family and family sticks together, so you're kind of stuck with us."

With a chuckle, Rose shook her head with a smile. "Bonnie's right, Harry. We already talked about this and we decided that we're not going to leave for a long time. In fact..." Getting up, she made her way over and kneeled down in front of the chair and placed one paw on Harry's leg. "We decided that when it's time, we're going to pass on as a family. Not just us, but we're going to wait until it's your turn as well then we go together."

Tears were in Harry's eyes as he reached over and pulled Rose into a hug. "Aunt Rose..."

Moving off the chair, Michelle watched as the rest of the Fazbear Gang walked over into the group hug. At the same time, the other animatronics all shared a look and nodded as they came to the same decision. Several minutes passed before they slowly moved away from the hug. Having waited until they were done, Theodore coughed to attract their attention. "So... uh, you're not in trouble or anything for his death, are you? I mean... there were police there and everything, not to mention it exploding."

Lisa shook her head from where she sat down and rubbed her eyes, tired herself from what seemed like a long day. "Well, for one thing the issue with the gas explosion is not being laid at our feet, thankfully. Like Mike said, that was the fault of that Vincent guy. But it was also the fault of the utilities as well as everything was supposed to be shut off to the building including the gas. The fact that it wasn't can be laid at their feet. Our, uh... solicitor?" At Harry's nod, she continued. "Andromeda is already putting through the paperwork. The utilities are likely to settle out of court not just with us, but with the other businesses. As to the police investigation..."

Snorting, Michelle rolled her eyes. "Turns out that the two officers had prototype body cams which caught the whole thing. When you add in our own statements and his history..." Just shrugging, she grunted. "According to the police, his death is being ruled as accidental... though some of them said it might as well have been a suicide due to the tapes we turned over about the springsuits."

With a sigh, Harry tried not to groan. "Yeah, they weren't too pleased about what they heard but are laying that at the feet of the old management. After all, they should have gotten rid of them or locked them out of suit mode."

Only grunting, Mike nodded as he glanced over to where Doll was on another chair sleeping fitfully before he noticed that Michelle was again on the couch and leaning into Harry. However, he didn't say anything about that or how the two held each other's hands considering what happened. Slowly, he shook his head and finished his beer. That done, he walked over to where Doll was and lifted her into his arms. "I'm going to head to bed... so I'll talk to you bunch later."

Getting mutters and goodbyes in return, Mike made his way to the staircase as Doll curled toward him. "Thank you..."

Mike stopped and looked down before raising an eyebrow and shrugging. "Kid's a good guy." And with that, he continued toward the guest bedroom put aside for him and Doll.

The sounds of boots echoed through the halls of the Department of Mysteries as two Unspeakables walked toward a sealed room. "An interesting discovery, Croaker."

Chuckling, the male of the two, Croaker, shook his head in amusement. "When I saw what I did during the meetings with the Order, I just had to. All that knowledge that we thought was lost to us because of foolish shortsightedness of some... honestly, what Dumbledore and them were thinking was beyond me."

Simply humming, the female shook her head as they entered the room. "Do you think he will come back?"

All Croaker did was look at her with a grin hidden on his face. "By all accounts... he always does." Then he looked around the room with an amused snort. "It's a good thing that we have a place for him."

It was then that a groan could be heard and the two looked at springsuit that once belonged to Spring Bonnie. It was rotted, but through the holes, rips, and tears congealed blood still seeped. Yet another moan escaped from the ruined throat as both Unspeakables watched with amusement as two, glowing and baleful eyes, glared at them behind the decayed grin of the suit. "And he's going to be staying with us for a long time yet as we unlock his secrets..."

Behind them, the door to the room slowly closed...
...My ability to form sentences is failing me. Please wait while I find an appropriate pre-made sentence or sentences to express my feelings...

Ah yes, here they are. "You idiots." "Urrrgh... NO! Unbelievable! This can't be happening...! You... YOU...! I can't believe you're all so STUPID."
...Pretty sure these wizards are WORSE than our good friend Tom.
I'm not sure how in the world you've managed it Harry, but you've made me feel sorry for Springtrap of all beings! I will never forgive you for this!

Actually, going by what we can see of the withered animatronics in FNAF 2 compared to SpringTrap, it looks like the endoskeleton is indeed inside... Basically in a springsuit, when one cranks it into suit mode the endoskeleton opens up and acts like a sleave of sorts as well as additional support for the suit. When the locks fail, the endoskeleton snaps back acting like a bear trap of sorts. There's also the fact that if an endoskeleton was not there already, then one has to wonder where the one SpringTrap obviously has comes from...
Given those screenshots, I have to agree, but in that case I'm even more surprised that any Fazbear employee ever volunteered for suit duty, since moving around with that hip armature and the shoulder joints rubbing against a human body would have been sheer torture for any sort of normal shift work. No wonder they retired the suits, even outside of the other hazards involved.
If it wasn't for the utter devastation that would result, I'd say they should sneak a nuke into the DOM. They're CLEARLY up to no good.
They mentioned him 'returning' it also sounds like horrible experiments are going to happen. I don't envy them, for they won't go quietly into the night, not with Vincent there. Hopefully they take him with them.
Walking out onto the balcony, Harry hummed a bit as he looked up at the night sky as he came to a stop beside Michelle. "Lovely night for New Year's, isn't it?"

For her part, Michelle looked up herself and nodded even as she leaned into him a bit. "Yeah... it is..." Looking down at the glass in her hands, she ran one finger along the rim as the sounds of the party going on inside the house drifted out. "It's been a really eventful year, hasn't it? A lot of changes and things moving forward."

Slowly, Harry nodded a bit and hummed. "It has actually, been eventful that is."

The two of them just stood there as they soaked in each other's presence while the noise from the party inside the house drifted out to them. Finally, Michelle broke the silence as she looked over at Harry with a slightly brittle smile. "I just want to say... thank you." Seeing his confusion, she shook her head. "For being there for me the past few days, it really helped."

Just shrugging, Harry chuckled a bit. "It was nothing really." Rubbing the back of his head, Harry then continued. "Besides, you've been there for me as well the past few days. And... it's a lot better then it was this summer."

Michelle could only nod to that as she reached over and grabbed Harry's hand in her own and gave it a small squeeze, with him squeezing back. "Changing the subject a bit, how are the others doing?"

Glancing at her, Harry knew that she was trying to distract herself and only nodded. "Well... they're still getting over the fact that the man who killed them is dead. I know that Olive seems a lot more happy now while Chica and the others just stare off into space at times... though Faith from what I can see was bouncing off the walls and hitting on Aya even more."

That caused Michelle to snort as said shade's antics were pretty well known and expected by them. Suddenly, she frowned and stared at something only she could see. "You know... it's really weird but I can't help but think that all of them are getting peace. Freddy and the others have Vincent now dead... Barb and her brother paid for what they did... Umbridge from what we've been told is never going to be hurting anyone ever again, so Vicky and the others have been avenged. The Marionette is also gone so Laika and Polly have had justice served there as well. Now all that's left is... well, Veronica, Theodore and the others really and the Death Eaters who wronged them."

With a grunt, Harry nodded. "It certainly seems like that sort of year, doesn't it? And I think that they'll get their justice as well at some point." Shaking his head, he turned back to Michelle and smiled. "Anyways, enough of that stuff, it's New Years Eve after all. We're supposed to be looking forward to brighter things and stuff."

Chuckling, Michelle shook her head as she smiled a bit more. After all, Harry was right in a sense. "Well... in a few months time I'll be heading back to school to put another year of learning how to become a teacher under my belt, and then one more year after that before I start being a student teacher. I'll be getting some practice in though on that end." Seeing the raised eyebrow on Harry's face, she grinned. "Well, the animatronics won't have much to do and most of them have missed out on what they're supposed to know, so... I'll be teaching them some things. Mom says that it'll be good practice for the future."

Harry suddenly had the image of Foxy and the others squeezed into elementary school desks and had to hold back a snort at the thought of it. "Yeah... I can see that."

Suddenly, Michelle frowned and looked toward Harry. "What about you? What are you aiming for this year?"

A frown was on Harry's face as he looked up at the sky and tilted his head back and forth. "Well, I've been thinking about becoming an Auror, a magical police officer." His frown became a grimace for a moment before he shook it off. "Which means that I'll need to do better in potions... Or at least, I wanted to become one."

Raising an eyebrow, Michelle looked over at him. "You don't want to anymore?"

Even as he sighed, Harry shook his head. "It'll depend on whether things change with the Ministry by the time that I graduate. As things are right now? I'm kind of iffy on if they'll even let me into the Ministry, so I'm just going to wait and see."

Interested, Michelle put down her drink and then placed both arms on Harry's shoulders as his arms went around her waist. "And if you don't go into being an Auror? What then?"

Humming, Harry looked up at her and smiled a bit. "Well, I might follow your lead and become a teacher, Defense Against the Dark Arts."

While she thought it over, Michelle glanced at her watch and smiled a bit. "Well, we'll find out some more in the new year, won't we?"

Confused, Harry glanced at her watch and then felt his eyes widen before he looked up at Michelle and began to pull her toward the house. "Almost time, come on." Before he could get very far though, Michelle pulled him back. "Michelle? What's the-"

He suddenly got cut off by Michelle's lips pressing on his as she pulled him into an embrace. For almost a second, Harry's eyes were wide before they drifted closed and the two just stood there. Eventually though, Michelle pulled away and gave him a smile. "Happy New Year, Harry."

On Harry's face was a somewhat goofy smile as he nodded. "Happy New Year, Michelle..."

Reaching over, Michelle grabbed her drink before linking her arm with Harry's and going back into the house. The two of them reached the sitting room just in time for Freddy to hold up a finger before everyone began to count down. "Ten... Nine... Eight... Seven... Six... Five... Four... Three... Two... One... HAPPY NEW YEAR!"

With laughter, Harry grabbed the drink that Mike offered him and held it aloft. "Happy New Year, everyone!"

Linking their arms together, the Fazbear Gang hummed a bit with Veronica before they began to sing Auld Lang Syne together as they ushered in a new year.
Roll credits! OK, everybody take five and get things set for the sequel!

Seriously, if this were the video game, we'd now be waiting for the next installment to come out. Lots of primary plot resolution, with a bunch of hooks dangling to drag our heroes into the next series of face offs leading to the next big boss battle. Looking forward to the next bit, Harry.

And, just to feed the plot bunnies, anyone wonder what might happen to someone with multiple horcrux backups who gets into a SpringSuit and then tries to make it activate? We've seen SpringFreddy, SpringFoxy, and SpringBonnie, logic dictates there is a SpringChica still lurking somewhere in the wings besides Harry's custom ShadowChica suit.

To set that up, Harry would have to be somewhere he could encounter a DE raid and decide that the extra protection of his Shadow Chica would be a good thing. Cue the suit actually proving to be pretty much attack proof as he stomps the bad guys, but they still mostly manage to get away. Voldemort goes nuts trying to locate an equivalent suit for himself, eventually turning up a deserted muggle restaurant with a bricked up room.... (Not sure just how Harry & company missed that location, but maybe they just hadn't gotten to it in the rotation yet. He does have a lot on his plate, after all.)
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Nice to see that Harry actually considers his options instead of just deciding to become an Auror. Always thought it was a bit odd that he would think that he would work for the Ministry after all the crap they were pulling on him in canon. If I were in his shoes, I might have considered finding work that would keep me as far from those slanderous bastards as possible. The later books would not improve my opinion as well unless the Ministry went through a massive cleansing.

Now I wonder when we are finally going to meet some Death Eaters? Voldemort has been on the side for quite some time. Let alone most of the wizardry world.
Roll credits! OK, everybody take five and get things set for the sequel!

Seriously, if this were the video game, we'd now be waiting for the next installment to come out. Lots of primary plot resolution, with a bunch of hooks dangling to drag our heroes into the next series of face offs leading to the next big boss battle. Looking forward to the next bit, Harry.

And, just to feed the plot bunnies, anyone wonder what might happen to someone with multiple horcrux backups who gets into a SpringSuit and then tries to make it activate? We've seen SpringFreddy, SpringFoxy, and SpringBonnie, logic dictates there is a SpringChica still lurking somewhere in the wings besides Harry's custom ShadowChica suit.

To set that up, Harry would have to be somewhere he could encounter a DE raid and decide that the extra protection of his Shadow Chica would be a good thing. Cue the suit actually proving to be pretty much attack proof as he stomps the bad guys, but they still mostly manage to get away. Voldemort goes nuts trying to locate an equivalent suit for himself, eventually turning up a deserted muggle restaurant with a bricked up room.... (Not sure just how Harry & company missed that location, but maybe they just hadn't gotten to it in the rotation yet. He does have a lot on his plate, after all.)
Yeah, in case your memory is a bit faulty, the Shadow Chica suit is a regular (miscolored) Chica suit for an endoskeleton, which has had the supports for the bot removed, then enchanted to fit Harry and be comfortable. To the best of my knowledge, it doesn't offer much protection outside of shielding Harry during that shadow teleport, and being made out of felt over steel (so, immune to a angry punch from Hermione). On the flip side, it also hasn't seen any actual combat yet, so there's likely still a surprise or two in store.

Either way, the key thing is it's not a Springsuit, so it likely won't have any of the special functions those have.
Yeah, in case your memory is a bit faulty, the Shadow Chica suit is a regular (miscolored) Chica suit for an endoskeleton, which has had the supports for the bot removed, then enchanted to fit Harry and be comfortable. To the best of my knowledge, it doesn't offer much protection outside of shielding Harry during that shadow teleport, and being made out of felt over steel (so, immune to a angry punch from Hermione). On the flip side, it also hasn't seen any actual combat yet, so there's likely still a surprise or two in store.

Either way, the key thing is it's not a Springsuit, so it likely won't have any of the special functions those have.
Well, it's been established that the external costume forms for the endoskeletons do come with those secondary control chipsets in the heads, the only question would be whether or not Harry's Shadow Chica had them removed when Remus was modifying the thing for Harry's use. Unless I'm misremembering things, that was even a point that it was the reason that guards were getting soul trapped when shoved into empty costume forms, because of the head chipsets. Besides, Harry's suit already would give him at least a measure of protection from any DE spell fire, just by virtue of it being what amounts to an old-style armor. Not too much of the standard death eater spell list is aimed at penetrating a sheet of metal, after all, and since Harry's sort of floating inside that suit and remote manipulating most of it he's got some protection even from Unforgivables, at least for one or two spells. And after a first hit seemingly does nothing, how many Death Eaters are likely to stick around for a second attempt?
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Besides, Harry's suit already would give him at least a measure of protection from any DE spell fire, just by virtue of it being what amounts to an old-style armor. Not too much of the standard death eater spell list is aimed at penetrating a sheet of metal, after all, and since Harry's sort of floating inside that suit and remote manipulating most of it he's got some protection even from Unforgivables, at least for one or two spells. And after a first hit seemingly does nothing, how many Death Eaters are likely to stick around for a second attempt?
If that reasoning were true, everyone would be doing it.
I think spells work more on a level that they change the description of a thing. The conditions 'armored' and 'dead' or 'on fire' are not mutually exclusive.

Power of words is real baby!
If that reasoning were true, everyone would be doing it.
I think spells work more on a level that they change the description of a thing. The conditions 'armored' and 'dead' or 'on fire' are not mutually exclusive.

Power of words is real baby!
You have a point, but Harry's Shadow Chica is sort of unique in that normal armor is fitted to the wearer physically with points of contact. Harry's suit is the outer shell of a CyberInferus design with a magical cushioning that adapts his body to operate the limbs and face. Fire spells are still going to cause problems, but just about anything else ought to have a single shot blocked by the shell before his own body comes into play. And if any of the magic absorption effect if the animatronic resides in that outer shell, it could blunt that first attack even further. We really won't know just how effective it might be as a defense until Harry (either one) has it actually facing a magical attack.
Dean glanced at Seamus with a frown on his face before looking out the dorm door. "Are you sure about this? I mean... come on, man."

All the Irish wizard did was snort as he turned to give his friend a grin. "Aw, come on. It's just a little prank on Harry, you know? He'll take it as good fun and all that."

Still, Dean gave him a nervous look. For some odd reason sometimes when he woke up in the middle of the night, Harry's bed with it's closed curtains gave him the creeps. He swore that his instincts kept telling him not to disturb them. The fact that Dean, being a half-blood who grew up in the Muggle world knew about the urban legends around Freddy's and that Harry had worked there while also having toys from the place set up on the shelf above his bed only made it worse. "Yeah, but..."

Pulling out the stink bomb, Seamus just chuckled at his friend. "So it'll stink up his bed a little bit as a welcome back from hols prank that's just a few days late. Guy insulted me mum and I haven't paid him back for it. At worst, he'll be a bit pissed."

With one last look down the stairs, Dean shook his head. 'That might be putting it mildly...' Having noticed that Seamus had stopped by Harry's curtains with an odd look, Dean raised an eyebrow. "Something wrong?"

Frowning, Seamus shook his head a bit. "I could have sworn that I heard something." His wand in his hand, Seamus waved it around in a spell and then shrugged. "But it's just us here in the room."

Now curious himself, Dean walked over with a frown and scratched his head. "What did it sound like?"

Seamus turned toward Dean and scratched his head in utter confusion. "Sounded like some kind of weird growl, really."

That really caused Dean to furrow his eyebrows as he tried to figure it out, even as his instincts told him to get out of the room for some odd reason. But surely it was just him not wanting to be caught, right? "Did Crookshanks decide to go nap on Harry's bed or something? I mean, it must be pretty dark in there thanks to the curtains being closed." Giving it some thought, Dean shook his head. "Uh... if it is Crookshanks, maybe we shouldn't. I mean, that would piss Hermione off and she's pretty damn scary..."

After a few moments, Seamus snorted and shook his head. "Mate, if Crookshanks gets hit by the prank, then it's that stupid cat's whole fault." Grabbing the curtain, he yanked it open. "See-"

Both him and Dean froze at the sight of what met them. There, on Harry's bed, was a monster of sorts. It had multiple metal limbs everywhere and the face looked like it was supposed to be a fox colored pink and white with one glowing yellow eye. Except the face was broken and battered with pieces missing. Beside it on another head was what looked like a metal skull with one eye as well. More frightening was that both mouths were filled with rows of needle sharp teeth. What caused the two boys to pale was that the monster's eyes focused on them and lunged forward. "SKREEEEEEE!"

Hearing the screams, Harry and Ron were the first ones up into the room followed by Neville and other members of Gryffindor. The first thing that hit them when they entered the room was the smell which caused Harry to pinch his nose. "What the bloody Hell?"

Neville had a grimace on his face before he looked to where both Seamus and Dean had thrown themselves against the wall furthest from Harry's bed. "What did the two of you do?"

Behind him, Fred took a sniff and raised an eyebrow. "Smells like one of Zonko's stink bombs."

Stuttering, Seamus pointed at Harry's bed. "We... we... we were... monster! Metal monster!"

All Harry did was raise an eyebrow and walk toward his bed with a frown. "Really now?"

Eyes wide, Dean tried to scramble further away from the bed but was stopped by the wall that was in the way. "It was just a damn prank! A prank! Holy Merlin's balls!"

That caused Harry to stop where he was and turn to give the two a glare. "Let me guess... stink bomb in the bed?" Shaking his head, Harry reached for the curtains with a scowl. "Then both of you got what you bloody well deserve."

Getting to his feet, Seamus looked around. "Don't!"

However, Harry just rolled his eyes with a snort. "I lived through being a night guard at Freddy's, trust me, there's not much that frightens me anymore." Then in one movement, Harry tore open the curtains as everyone jumped... just to reveal the Toy Foxy plush sitting on his bed. Looking over the rest of his bed, Harry noted the other plushies that he had been given were in their proper place before shrugging and picking up the Toy Foxy plush and holding it up. "Oooo! Scary monster."

Even as others grumbled and snorted, Dean and Seamus just stared at the toy. "B-b-but there was... it was on your bed and... it screeched and..."

Just raising an eyebrow, Harry shook his head and sighed. "Uh-huh." Once everyone left, Seamus and Dean being the quickest under the looks and laughs, Harry looked at the Toy Foxy plush with a slight frown. "Hmm... Well, I guess that I should thank you for keeping guard over my bed in any case." He then looked at the other plushies. "All of you." Setting it back into place, he shook his head and muttered to himself about getting Dean and Seamus back for their stunt as he closed the curtains...

Not noticing that the plushies all seemed to be watching him...
Serves those two idiots right...

Uh-oh. The fragment of Riddle's soul in Harry's scar is gone, right? So that means, Harry didn't see Nagini bite Arthur Weasley...
Serves those two idiots right...

Uh-oh. The fragment of Riddle's soul in Harry's scar is gone, right? So that means, Harry didn't see Nagini bite Arthur Weasley...
Uh, he did see Nagini bite Arthur and sent Veronica to save him. Which lead to Peter being captured and a pissed off Voldemort to try and possess Harry, and then leading to the Horcrux being ripped out by a pissed off Aya and Black Mass.