Five Nights With Harry (HP/FN@F Cross)

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Yup, a Harry Potter/Five Nights at Freddy's cross. Prepare for shenanigans. Also, this post is...
As he walked across the darkened parking lot, Harry glanced around continuously. Not even a week into the summer after his Fourth Year, he had finally had enough. His friends had cut off all contact from him and there was nothing on the news about Voldemort. Even worse was when he decided to read the rest of the Prophets and discovered what they had said about him.

Needless to say, he had felt betrayed and depressed.

Strangely enough, it was his uncle who had come up with a solution and had told him that if he was just going to laze around, then he should get a job. Of course, the walrus-like man had then thrown a newspaper at him, but that was beside the point. Upon checking the job section, he found that there was an opening for a night watchman at Freddy's Fazbear's Pizzeria. And while the pay was lousy, it would get him out of the house. Not to mention giving him a place where he could work on his summer homework in peace without needing to worry about his relatives stumbling on him.

Harry continued to walk across the parking lot, taking a moment to put on his cap and pull out his keys. Meanwhile, he continued to think about that day. He had been rather excited as the restaurant was the one place he had any good memories of from when he was a child. The young wizard had used to run inside to escape Dudley and his gang as well as the summer heat. Hours would pass while he listened to the songs of the Fezbear band.

The fact that the old manager sometimes gave him free food helped. Though even then it had looked run down due to problems relating to a "Bite of '77" and disappearing children. His younger self had ignored that though as it was a safe place and one where he could have fun. The fact that his aunt was scared of it and despised it helped. Though Harry had thought it odd that while she wanted Dudley nowhere near it, she had no problems with him being there.

The reasons being what he found out later on.

Having closed and locked the door behind him, Harry checked the clock in the security office. "Hmm... Only 11:25... I got some time I suppose..." Doing a check of the pizzeria, Harry gave a wave at the band on stage and called out a greeting toward the Cove as he made his way to the kitchen. 'At least this summer I won't starve. Pay's bad, but at least I get free food and drink.'

As the wizard in training made himself a sandwich, he thought back to his first week. A week of terror and danger as he worked to keep himself alive. Thankfully though, he had become rather used to such things over the years at Hogwarts, so killer animatronics were not too out there. And when they turned out to be possessed by the spirits of murdered children who had been stuffed into them, it became rather normal.

A fact that still caused Harry to pause whenever he thought about that. Well, that and the fact that it was normal due to being a wizard.

But he made it through the first week, though the animatronics had begun acting weirdly toward him after a "Golden Freddy" had appeared in the security office and stayed there for several minutes just staring at him before it vanished. Then a strange puppet one appeared and had tried to kill him, controlling the other four to help. It seems that it had a thing for 'The joys of creation" and saw him as a way to continue on. Turned out that it was responsible in the end for all the disappearances. In fact, he nearly died that night...

Having reached the security office, Harry set down his sandwich and a soda he had grabbed before he sat down. He then noted that it was midnight and stretched before he started to check the cameras. "Hmm... The band hasn't left the stage yet, and Foxy is still in the cove..."

As he checked the hallway and saw a familiar poster of a golden Freddy, he smiled. Yes, he should have died that night except a relative he had never known about saved him and stopped the puppet with his help once and for all. "Heh."

Harry then looked up to see a golden Freddy costume slumped in the room.

It was weird that he had never known that he had another aunt...

The costume slowly rose up.

An aunt who was magical like his mother and who had decided to protect him when possible...

With a groan, the costume faced him.

The aunt who had one summer day disappeared the year before she had been going to go to Hogwarts along with four other children...

There was silence and then two green eyes opened in the costume's face and it gave him a smile as it opened it's arms. "Hello, Harry dear."

The young teen just placed the tablet to the side and got up before he hugged the animatronic. "Hey, Aunt Rose..."
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Creepy but I'm liking the idea. The animatronics all deserve Hugs, even though they are robots possessed by murdered children... they still need Hugs :)
...huh kinda heartwarmingly creepy
Yes, yes it is.
Well that was certainly something, I'll give you that.
Look, I had plot Bonnies in my head and had to get rid of them somehow... and the plot Foxys were just as bad, let me tell you...
Creepy but I'm liking the idea. The animatronics all deserve Hugs, even though they are robots possessed by murdered children... they still need Hugs :)
Which they'll be getting from Harry. :)
As Harry walked down the hallway chatting with his undead aunt after having eaten his snack, he could just barely hear sounds from the dining room. A moment later he turned at the sounds of running just in time for a reddish blur to nearly run into him if not for Golden Freddy yanking him to the side. Said blur then tripped and went tumbling before it came to rest on it's back to reveal Foxy. "Ow... Tha be not fair me mateys..."

It was then that a yellow blur passed them before it resolved into an angry Chica who grabbed Foxy and lifted him into the air. "GIVE! ME! BACK! MY! BIB!"

Freddy walked up with what could only be an annoyed expression on his face as Chica continued to shake Foxy. "Give Chica back her bib, Foxy."

The pirate fox just tried to shake his head as it went back and forth from Chica shaking him while he held the bib out of her reach to the side. "NAY! I BE NOT GIVING ME BOOTY BACK!"

What he had not noticed was Harry sneaking up on him before the night watchman grabbed the bib and leaped away. Harry then held it out to the animatronic chicken. "Here you go, Chica."

With a smile, Chica dropped Foxy none too gently on his ass before she took the bib and spoke up in a shy voice. "Would you mind helping me tie it, Harry?"

All the wizard did was shrug. "No, not at all."

After he tied it, Chica turned and pulled him into a hug. "Thank you, Harry." She then shot a glare over her shoulder at Foxy, not seeing Harry strugging to breath. "At least some people know how to treat a lady properly!"

As he blinked and flipped up his eyepatch, Foxy made a show of looking her up and down. "Ye be a lady, lass?"

So it was to no one's surprise that he had to dodge a swipe from an angry Chica before he ran off with a chotle. Meanwhile, Freddy facepalmed. "A bunch of freaking children..."

While she snickered, Rose/Golden Freddy patted him on the shoulder. "There, there." With a smile, she looked over to where a concerned Chica was apologizing to a breathless Harry for nearly sufficating him. "Don't mind them, Freddy. They're still getting used to be free of the Marionette's control after all. And we were kids at one time after all..."

Freddy just rolled his eyes. "I know that, Goldy. But still... even with that, we're all old enough to be better."

She just snickered again. "You were always rather uptight, weren't you?" The golden bear suit ignored his scowl before she turned back to the scene before her as Bonnie walked up. "Besides, Harry doesn't mind in the least..."

Having spotted her thoughtful tone, Freddy turned to her. "Any idea what plan Harry has to rescue the pizzeria? He said he had some ideas to stop us from closing..."

All he got was a shake of the head. "No, he hasn't told me a thing." If anyone else was there except for Harry and the others, they would have been shocked at the sight of an animatronic pouting as she crossed her arms. "He's too much like his mother in that way..."

As the two Freddy's softly talked, Chica continued to apologize. "I am so sorry, Harry, I forgot how strong I am..."

With a wave of his hand, Harry smiled up at her. "No real harm done, Chica. Just be a bit more gentle next time, okay?"

The chicken animatronic just nodded. "I will, I will!" She then got a serious look on her face as she walked off. "I'll even bake you a pizza for you to make up for it."

Bonnie and Harry shared a look and a snicker before the rabbit tapped his chin. "Er, Harry?" At the nod he got, he continued. "Did you get my extra strings for my guitar? That broken one is really throwing me off and I know that management won't replace it..."

For a moment, Harry blinked before he grinned and pulled out a bag of guitar strings. "Yeah, I did. How about while Chica is making that pizza, we go and fix your guitar? Sound good?" With a nod from Bonnie, the two walked off as Freddy and Golden Freddy followed.
Harry had just bitten into a slice of Chica's famous pizzas when said animatronic took a seat next to him. "Um, Harry?"

Hurriedly swallowing, Harry turned to her with a raised eyebrow as beside them, Freddy sat down with one of the newspapers Harry brought for him. "Yes, Chica? What is it?"

For a few moments she thought over what she had been going to ask before she did so. "Um... I noticed the other day that you took two of the hallway posters with you... Can I ask why?"

With a hum, Harry took another bite of pizza...

Tossing and turning, Ron finally sat up in bed with a groan. "Bloody hell..." Part of the reason, of course, was a small amount of guilt. The guilt came from the fact that despite Harry sending letters, they had not replied to a single one. Though Hermione was the one who felt far more guilty over that fact. But they had been ordered to not contact him.

That thought caused him to glance toward the desk where the latest letter to him sat. Harry had demanded an explanation why they would not talk to him, as well as asking if he had done something to cause them not to. He had even asked if they no longer wanted to be friends. Even though the tone of the letter seeped with feelings of frustration and betrayal, neither of the two replied. That had gotten them a glare from Hedwig, but they just shooed her off. After all, Dumbledore had told them not to.

Of course, then there was the two posters. For some reason that Ron still could not understand, Hermione had freaked out when she found out that Harry was working at some pizzeria. Something about a person getting their frontal lobe bitten off by a animetronik, whatever that was. From what she explained, it sounded like an animated armor or something of that sort. Then there was a bit about missing kids. Sounded a bit freaky, but Ron really could not fault his friend for wanting some cash, even if it was muggle stuff. Heck, he wondered if he could get free food.

Having took a deep breath, Ron frowned as he could have sworn that he could actually smell pizza. He shrugged it off though as he spotted the poster on the floor. Ron got out of bed and picked it up and blinked. "What the bloody Hell?" The poster had shown a strange looking brown bear when he had gotten it. But now it showed a really creepy golden one with empty eyes. "Weird..."

He had just set it down and turned when he stopped. There, by the door slumped, was what looked like the bear on the poster. "Wait, where did this come from?" Not really taking an eye from it, Ron glanced around the room as if expecting the twins to be seen.

And then the costume leaped up and screamed in his face, with the red head soon joining. When the rest of the house rushed in, they found him up against the wall looking around, claiming that there was a costume that screamed at him. Something that they just figured was a nightmare or a boggart...

That was until the next night when Hermione also screamed and stated that she had seen it as well. A fact that caused some to want to check out Harry's place of work...

After he swallowed, Harry shrugged some. "Aunt Rose suggested that I show my friends where I'm working right now, so I sent them the poster."

Chica just shrugged before she grabbed a piece of pizza and bit into it. Somehow, despite being a robot, she could still taste it. Besides, the old pizza stains on them were gone after Harry used some kind of spray potion to get rid of them. Beside them, Freddy was trying to stop Foxy from grabbing his paper. "Foxy, bugger off!"

The pirate was having none of it though as he kept trying to grab it. "Arrrgh, I jus' be wantin' ter get the funnies! Yeh not one to appreciate them."

What none of them noticed was Bonnie sneak up behind Freddy and grab some pages. "Yoink! Thanks for the entertainment section, Freddy!"

With a snarl, Freddy whipped around. "Damnit Bonnie!"

Which gave Foxy the chance to grab the funnies and lead to both the rabbit and fox getting chased by an annoyed bear...
Author's Note: Before anyone says anything, in canon, Harry pretty much was pissed off enough at them that when he saw that their hands had been pecked by Hedwig, he didn't really feel bad. Here, he's just having his aunt give them jump scares.
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Consider this watched and enjoyed.

On another note, here is a list of spells used in the Harry Potter novels in case you need to check on them. Special mention to Reparo and Scourgify, the standard repair and clean spells could really help out at Fazbear's.
Rabbit and FOX getting chased by an annoyed bear, not rabbit and bear.
Fixed. :p
Consider this watched and enjoyed.

On another note, here is a list of spells used in the Harry Potter novels in case you need to check on them. Special mention to Reparo and Scourgify, the standard repair and clean spells could really help out at Fazbear's.
Well, Harry can't really use spells, but there is a bunch of magical cleaning products that can work...
Oh, Harry... Wait, that can apply to two people in this thread... Hmm, well then, in order...

Mr. Leferts, you have once again proven you can come up with seemingly wacky ideas and make them work. This is going on the (not actually written down) list of fics I eagerly await the next part of.

Mr. Potter, on the other hand... Are you insane? Drawing attention to where you work is the last thing you want to do, especially when the Order is around! (Although... Is Harry even aware of the Order's existence at this point in time?)

Anyways, I can only imagine the ways this can go, and they are glorious.

EDIT: I just noticed, you set the events of the games back a decade or so, didn't you?
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Maybe Harry could arrange to invest/buy out the properties and upgrade the place (with some magical features and house elves) to make it into a fancy child-friendly party/dining/entertainment establishment (and have a number of features to withstand/counter/repair against attacks by Dark Lord [and the Ministry and other unfriendly] forces). It could serve a possible investment, home, and base. The upgrades would likely require hiring various professionals, presumably he has enough money in his vault.
There are enchanted objects available and harry has the coin to buy heaps.
That is true, but right now there's only so much that he can do.
Oh, Harry... Wait, that can apply to two people in this thread... Hmm, well then, in order...

Mr. Leferts, you have once again proven you can come up with seemingly wacky ideas and make them work. This is going on the (not actually written down) list of fics I eagerly await the next part of.
Thank you. I really have no idea where these ideas come from, they just seem to pop up.
Mr. Potter, on the other hand... Are you insane? Drawing attention to where you work is the last thing you want to do, especially when the Order is around! (Although... Is Harry even aware of the Order's existence at this point in time?)
No, Harry's not aware of the existence of the Order. At the best, he knows that Ron and Hermione might be in the same place together, but that's about it.
Anyways, I can only imagine the ways this can go, and they are glorious.
Many, many ways indeed. Such as some Order member trying to check out the place (Harry getting sick and Remus taking over for him unknown to Harry, with said boy showing up at one point to the shock of the werewolf when the animatronics don't attack him, or McGonagall hanging out in the vents when Harry and the animatronics decide to relive "Old times")...
EDIT: I just noticed, you set the events of the games back a decade or so, didn't you?
Yeah, everything has been pushed back a decade, so the "Bite of '87" instead is the "Bite of '77" and so on.
Maybe Harry could arrange to invest/buy out the properties and upgrade the place (with some magical features and house elves) to make it into a fancy child-friendly party/dining/entertainment establishment (and have a number of features to withstand/counter/repair against attacks by Dark Lord [and the Ministry and other unfriendly] forces). It could serve a possible investment, home, and base. The upgrades would likely require hiring various professionals, presumably he has enough money in his vault.
Well... Harry himself can't buy it due to his age and raising too many questions, but that does not rule out him using a proxy...
Still wearing his uniform, Harry had switched out his normal cap for a bandana as he scanned around the ship with a telescope. He turned though as he heard footsteps behind him. "Captain Foxy!"

The animatronic walked up to him and patted him on the shoulder as he looked out on the sea. "So, mister Potter, how goes things today!"

Harry just nodded with a smile. "It's going fine, Captain!"

Having been walking past Pirate Cove with a pizza, Chica stopped and looked up at them with a disbelieving look. "What the heck are you two doing up there...?"

She was ignored by them as Foxy smiled. "Arrrgh. Tha' be good then, my First Mate! Tis' a fine day for sailing the open sea!"

Unimpressed, Chica blinked. "You're on a fake sailing ship in a pizzeria..."

With a smile, Foxy then closed his eyes and sighed as he moved his ears around. "Just listen ter the sounds of the wide open ocean! The waves against the bow! The seagulls drifting in the breeze!"

Still giving them a stare, Chica pointed to the side. "You've got a tape deck playing sounds of the open sea..."

As he took a deep breath, Harry smiled. "And the smell of the sea, Captain! The salt water smells wonderful to me!"

Bonnie, who had walked up, pointed toward the back of the Cove. "That would be the air freshener plugged in over there. I think you're using a sea breeze one..." He trailed off as he became thoughtful before he turned to Chica. "Are we even allowed air fresheners here?"

Now frowning herself, Chica blinked. "I... don't know..." Her frown only deepened. "I could have sworn that we're a scent free place..."

For a few moments, both Foxy and Harry were still before the animatronic continued. "Aye! This be a wonderful day for sailing upon the Saucy Vixen, me First Mate! Arrrgh!"

This time it was Freddy who rolled his eyes as he walked by with newspaper open in front of him. "Foxy, you know that's not what your ship is called, especially as that is not very kid friendly. It's the Flying Fox..."

As with Chica and Bonnie though, the two would-be pirates ignored him as Harry brought his spyglass up to his eye and looked around. Suddenly, he came to a stop on Chica and grinned. "Captain! I just found a load of some fine booty!"

The chicken animatronic's eyes flew wide open for a moment and if she could have, her whole face would have been red and felt like it was on fire. "O-o-oh my..."

Foxy pulled out his own spyglass and looked through it before he patted Harry on the shoulder. "Aye, that be a fine pizza indeed."

And as if a switch had been flicked, Chica's expression switched from being embarrassed and pleased to being deeply annoyed. "Screw you, Foxy. Screw you."
This whole scene cracked me up. I can't wait to see Dumbledore and the orders reaction to the place. My favourite fic on SV :)
I'm getting the feeling that although the spirits have mentally aged, they haven't emotionally. I'm also guessing they were around the 10 to 12 age range when they "died", and that Foxy was a somewhat insensitive boy (and closer to 10) while Chica was a fairly normal girl (and closer to 12).

And now that I've got the speculation out of the way, I can honestly say I haven't laughed so hard since... Sunday's Proton Jon stream, actually.
I'm getting the feeling that although the spirits have mentally aged, they haven't emotionally. I'm also guessing they were around the 10 to 12 age range when they "died", and that Foxy was a somewhat insensitive boy (and closer to 10) while Chica was a fairly normal girl (and closer to 12).

And now that I've got the speculation out of the way, I can honestly say I haven't laughed so hard since... Sunday's Proton Jon stream, actually.

It probably has something to do with the environment they spend their time in, it's a Pizzaria with a large focus on children party's and such. Links in with Animatronics appearances.
This whole scene cracked me up. I can't wait to see Dumbledore and the orders reaction to the place. My favourite fic on SV :)
Thank you.
I'm getting the feeling that although the spirits have mentally aged, they haven't emotionally. I'm also guessing they were around the 10 to 12 age range when they "died", and that Foxy was a somewhat insensitive boy (and closer to 10) while Chica was a fairly normal girl (and closer to 12).

And now that I've got the speculation out of the way, I can honestly say I haven't laughed so hard since... Sunday's Proton Jon stream, actually.
Well, you're kind of assuming that Foxy does not really know what he's doing rather then wanting to annoy Chica...
It probably has something to do with the environment they spend their time in, it's a Pizzaria with a large focus on children party's and such. Links in with Animatronics appearances.
Yeah, they're still rather childish at times. Oddly, Harry is the one who is emotionally oldest out of them. But he does like the chance to just let it go and be the kid he never really got the chance to be.
Having gotten the pizza, Foxy held up a plastic cutlass as he gestured forward. "Helmsbear! Let us be off east-nor'east!"

At the wheel for the ship, Goldy nodded as she saluted, a fake sword on her hip and a parrot plush on her shoulder. "Aye-aye, captain!"

As he nodded, Foxy grinned. "Arrrgh! We be getting not just loot, but a hostage to ransom back!"

Behind him, and tied up next to Harry, Chica blinked with an utterly annoyed look on her face before she turned to the boy next to her. "Did you guys really have to tie me up like this? Really?"

Harry just smiled and shrugged as he took a bite of his pizza. "Sorry, Chica, Captain's orders. And thanks for bringing me the pizza, by the way."

With a smile, Chica gave him a coy look. "You're very welcome." She then sighed and noticed that Harry was watching her with a raised eyebrow which caused her to look away. "It's nothing..."

A moment later though, the chicken animatronic found that a piec of pizza was being held out so that she could eat it. "Well, here you go." Having noticed her surprised look, Harry chuckled and held it closer to her beak. "You didn't honestly think that I was going to eat and not share with you, did you, Chica? I'm not that mean..."

If she could have, Chica would have blushed as she leaned forward as much as possible and took a bite of the pizza that Harry was hand feeding her. It was then that Foxy turned and raised an eyebrow at what his "First Mate" was doing. "And what be you doing now?"

The young wizard looked over at him as Chica froze. "I be feeding the prisoner, Captain Foxy!"

Foxy gave Chica a look before he rolled his eyes and turned around. "Very well then, me First Mate..." He was looking through his spyglass a few minutes later when he saw Freddy making his way toward them with Bonnie. "ME CREW! TO BATTLE STATIONS! WE GOT INCOMING TROUBLE!"

Getting up, Harry ignored the grumbling from the still tied up Chica. "What be the trouble, Captain?"

The pirate pointed toward where an annoyed Freddy stood as Goldy walked up behind Harry. "It be none other then dread pirate hunter Fezbear! Sworn enemy of the brotherhood of the waves, me crew!"

A growl escaped Freddy as he placed his hands on his waist. "Untie Chica this very moment you guys! And also get down here and clean up your mess or else I swear I will come over there!"

He got his answer a moment later as a foam ball hit him in the head as Foxy shouted at him. "WE BE PIRATES AND PIRATES NEVER SURRENDER!"

Freddy just blinked as Bonnie looked up before he looked at the foam ball. Then slowly he turned back to the ship in time to catch another foam ball between the eyes. For a moment, he took a breath as he closed his eyes. The "Pirates" all froze when he opened them to reveal that they were now completely black except for a small white dot. "THAT'S IT!"

While his own eyes widened, Harry reacted as Freddy grabbed one of the foam balls and ducked in time as he whipped it at them. Hearing a groan, he watched as Goldy stumbled back from the hit to the face. "Oh boy..."

He then turned just in time to see Foxy having thrown another ball... Only to get knocked on his ass as both Bonnie and Freddy hit him with two foam balls, one in the head and the other in the knees. "ARRGH! IF IT BE A WAR YEH WANTS, THEN A WAR YEH SHALL GET! FIRE THE CANNONS, ME MATEYS!"

Harry rushed over as foam balls went back and forth and grabbed one of the old pneumatic cannons that between him and Foxy, they had gotten working. He ducked another ball as he shoved one into the chamber then aimed it at Freddy and Bonnie who froze. The rabbit blinked and the ball he held dropped as he spotted the grin. "Oh... fiddlesticks..."

With a mad grin, Foxy gestured forward with his cutlass. "FIRE!"

A moment later, Freddy stumbled back as he got hit in the head before he tripped and fell onto his back. Beside him, Bonnie gasped. "Freddy!" With a growl, he turned toward Harry with a ball in his hands ready to throw, only to get hit by no less then three, including one from the cannon which knocked him onto his back as well. "GAH! NO FAIR YOU GUYS!"
...I can honestly say I never did anything like that with my friends when I was that age.

Of course, at that age, I didn't have friends, I had classmates I knew, and reasonably priced broadband was still a couple years off, so no net friends, either.