Yeah, for perspective this thing has about 1600 times the mass of the Sagittarius A* (
which has 4 million solar masses); M87's supermassive black hole makes ours look like a little minnow by comparison, never mind that Sagittarius A* is probably by far the biggest single object in our galaxy (I dunno, maybe some nebulae rival it, I'm pretty sure nothing else would come within two orders of magnitude of it; the biggest
star in the neighborhood of our galaxy is
RMC 136a1 in the Large Magellanic Cloud, which is "only" 300 solar masses).
Really puts the scale of this object on perspective.
I wonder what the sky would look like from a planet orbiting near the accretion disk of this thing. I imagine it might be
Probably best enjoyed in a radiation-resistant transhuman robot body.