First Command - Torchship Captain Quest

Character Sheet
Vehicle Commander Smith
Dakota "Kodi" Smith
Kodi is fascinated with space travel, other cultures, and stories her mama told her about the war. She sees fighting as an unfortunate burden she is taking on to spare others. More of a cat person.
Investigate Everything, Pursue Truth Relentlessly, Be Merciful, Avoid Social Awkwardness
Friend -
Crush -
Rival - Selena Green​
Montana "Monty" Smith
Monty has always wanted to be an explorer, to tell his mom stories about far-away places. Though not inclined to violence, he never backs down. Loves dogs.
Make New Friends, Be Forward and Direct, Try New Things, Be A Show Off
Friend -
Crush -
Rival -​

Void-Born: You never take complications from 0g or space suits, but take -2d6 to feats of strength and double complications from high gravity.
Shifting Gears: You can spend 1 Determination to switch profiles. Costs +1 Determination each time per episode.
Well-Connected: You can spend 1 Determination to create an old friend, comrade, instructor, etc on any appropriate ship, facility, station, etc you might visit. They are always willing to help if you help in turn.
Wild Animal 5+, Physical Instrument 5+, Social Being 5+, Cosmonaut 4+
English 3+, Russian 5+, OSL 4+
Artillery Officer 4+, Drone Pilot 3+, Missile Plotter 4+, Space Marshal 4+
Diplomat +4, Leader +4, Bureaucrat +4, Social Scientist +4
Modern Small Arms 4+, Damage Control 4+
Hobbies: Animal Handling,

Star Patrol Vessel Yeager-1
Statline will be linked above when ready.

Corvette Dock, Transmaterializer

x1 Sandblaster, x2 250MW Laser, x2 Probe Bay

7/42 Crew Assigned!​
PersonDepartment 1Department 2ExpertiseOther Certs & NotesTraits
VC SmithTacticalAdminDemolitionModern Small Arms, Working With Working AnimalsSpacer, Plural, Well-Connected
XO Evelyn Rosa Paz-Admin-SlugthrowersVeteran, Cyborg
SPC Nyiko Shilubana-BolonkinEngineering-Jury-Rigging, FlashfabSpacer
SPC Kroshtnyr SatkolResearch-SensorsAugment (Mental/Medical), Heavyworlder
SPC Selena GreenSecurity--YOUR RIVALHeavyworlder
SPC Kerman Ó CaolaidheAstrogationOrbits-
SPC Ariadna StrunaTacticalDrones-
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1-11: Eye in the Sky
You glanced to Evelyn, and she grinned.

"I'll get the corvette prepped and wake the reserve pilots," she said without hesitation, striding off through the bridge doors. You settled back in your chair.

"Alright, take us in and orient us so that corvette has a straight shot," you said, then rubbed your eyes. This had been a long day. "I have no idea what we're even going to be able to do, but we'll take a look as promised. Oh, make sure we have comm relays laid out so we can communicate."

Yeager-1 was put into a close polar orbit, so close that you felt you could reach out the window and grab hold of the tiny orb crawling by below. The gravity of the tiny rock was so low that even this close, you barely had to be moving to maintain altitude. The corvette detached as you began to cross over one of the poles and dove away with a pulse of its engine, heading for the clearly artificial sinkhole that was revealed as you crested the edge.

It disappeared into the dark, the red and green of its navigation lights fading until it disappeared, and the screen flipped over to the corvette's external cameras. The stone around it had been polished to a mirror-like sheen, perfect and featureless.

"We're descending. Looks like a straight shot straight to the core of the planet. Take it nice and slow, though, just in case," Evelyn reported. "So… when are we going to give this corvette a name?"

"We'll organise a vote right after you get back," you assured her. "To think, our mission hasn't even started properly yet."

"That's the nature of beast, Captain. Wow, it just keeps going. Helm, watch that drift, we just got this thing."

The minutes ticked by with agonising slowness. It wasn't even clear from the visuals that the ship was moving, that the walls were scrolling by, it was impossible to tell. Like falling down a hole made of mirrors. All you had was the map on the screen and the tiny dot of the corvette slowly sinking down it. But then…

"Picking something up ahead. A platform, I think… that might be a door," Evelyn said. "It's so cold, we didn't see it on scoops. Yeah, start our braking manoeuvre, put us right up against it, and suit up. Let's take a look."

After a few minutes, the cameras switched to a helmet cam from Evelyn, emerging from the airlock. You noticed the gleaming silver shape of her slugthrower in one hand, a hand scanner in the other sweeping across the platform. There was a simple round indent in the wall, and a circular panel beside it.

Carefully, slowly, they drifted toward it, their magboots finding no purchase on the rock under their feet. She glanced behind her to show the rest of the crew, all of them wearing lines clipped to the nose of the corvette, which loomed in the dark behind them.

"Alright, I'm touching the button. Here goes," she said, pushing the barrel of her pistol into the round panel. For a second, nothing happened, then there was a soft white light, and the door was open. You didn't see it retract or split or roll aside, it was just gone. There was light inside.

"Spooky. Let's press on."

The camera tracked down the hall to what looked like a control centre, of sorts, the kind you saw on old spaceships which had no kind of artificial gravity. Controls stuck to every surface, and all of them had curious round symbols, series of dots, all around them.

"Are those labels?" you asked, and the visual bobbed as Evelyn nodded her head.

"Yep, I can read them with the translator. Uh… power, power… power! Here we go," she said, pressing it. One of the flat areas lit up, dots scrolling by. The psychic translator wasn't catching it through the camera, but Evelyn didn't seem to have trouble. "Huh. Well, that ought to be pretty easy. It's not broken, it's just a prompt. Looks like a queued work log that's been finished, the dates don't translate to anything that makes sense to me but the timescale… these jobs took years, and there's… thousand, tens of thousands of them."

"What are they?" you asked. "Can you tell?"

"I'm lookin', uh… it's a pretty straightforward interface. Ah, records." She tapped another button and started scrolling through. "Alright, opening a job, and… oh wow." Lights lit up all around the room, and Evelyn scanned them closely, taking it all in for the camera. The dark chamber was filled now with a hologram, showing a galaxy hanging in the centre of the room. "Look at that, that's a hell of a scan. Anyone recognize it?"

"Computer, identify that galaxy," you instructed.

"Image processing… processing… match with 80-ish percent certainty to NGC 4088, a member of the M109 group located fifty-ish million light years away. However, this render contains structures we have not been able to verify with natural light, and structures have shifted somewhat."

"Computer, are you just amending -ish to things because I asked for approximate values?" you asked.

"More or less."

"Thank you, computer. That's a hell of a long way away, so I guess there's some kind of telescope here?"

"That'd be a hell of a telescope, to show the back side of a galaxy in such details. And the shifting structures… that's time, right, stars orbiting. It must be a tachyon scan," one of the away team members added, circling around the hologram. "Right?"

"Hold on, zoom controls?" Evelyn said, and the hologram shifted, as though a ship were flying into the galaxy. Stars flicked by at high speeds, some of the brightest revealing themselves to be dense clusters. Massive structures of dust loomed like cliffs.

"Tachyon sensors don't pick up enough information for that, not in any useful timeframe. You'd need a huge sensor and a long time to gather enough data, and then computing it would take…"

"A brain the size of a planet?" you guessed.

"... I suppose, yes," she confirmed. "It's a rendering farm for a galactic scanner."

"Wait… places of interest…" Evelyn muttered, scrolling through. "They aren't labelled, let me just pick one. Whoa, okay, we're moving, you seeing this Yeager-1?"

"We are seeing this," you confirmed, watching as the hologram zoomed in and in toward a star, then further and further, veering off toward a planet, two moons, and…

Tiny dots, moving and then resetting in a loop, all around the world. Orbiting. Spacecraft.

"Oh my God," Evelyn muttered. "I… I can't zoom in any further, but look, you can… that's a rocket, a torchship, you can see the fuzzy little hydrogen burner. There's hundreds…"

"Holy shit," you gasped. I… I agree. No other words for it. "Any more?"

"Let me pick another… here…" The hologram flicked to another star, this one partially obscured by something. Dust? No… there was movement, a dyson swarm under construction. Then, shifting again, a world cracked in half by some calamity. A black hole about to swallow another. What you thought was a massive comet that on inspection might actually be a ship. An array of sensors, looking back.

"Okay, wait, hold on. We… we came here to fix things, right? What's broken?"

"Nothing's broken, it just needs a new job," Evelyn said. "Right?"

"We… we could scan anything." Satkol said reverently." "We could… we could look beyond the cosmic horizon, see so much of the universe, as it is now. The scans of Andromeda must be beautiful, there has to be some, right? Oh, there's so much…"

"We could use it to spy," Evelyn said immediately. "That's… we can input coordinates here, see? Nothing stopping us from peeking across the DMZ if we wanted."

"Is that safe? What if we piss the planet off?" you asked.

"The planet didn't even know that nothing was broken. I don't… I don't think it consciously understands what this is, it might not even know what it was built to do, just to guard the processes." Evelyn speculated.

"How would that be possible?" you asked.

"Do you think about your metabolism, actively? No, you just protect and feed it. Maybe it's the same, we were talking to some high-level sentient process for… this. We could, God, with a scanner like this we could see what the Empress was having for breakfast." Evelyn said triumphantly. "And we'll queue up some jobs, get Holdfast free. Win-win, right captain?"

"I think we should put this to a vote," Satkol muttered quietly.


You should. However, as captain, you can frame the vote, and a lot of people will follow your recommendation if you make one. More than enough to tip things.
On the one hand, the material benefits of an ongoing scan of Aquillian space would be enormous. But would it be right? Would it be safe?
What do you vote for?
[ ] Pick a strange, exotic galaxy far away, and leave it to its work. The scientific data will be enough. (2 Credits)​
[ ] Train the scanner on the Aquillian core worlds. (4 Credits)​
[ ] Write In​
Credits are the long-term currency, representing funding availability for your program. More is better.
3 Insight​
4 Determination​
"Vehicle Fuel Interfaces"
"Structural analysis of Holdfast"
"Beamed Power Operations"
"Remass scanning"
"Metric technology bullshit"
"Hostage negotiation"
"Drone warfare"
Personality Keywords​
Curious, Relentless, Shy​
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Maybe we could try setting up just a simple programming loop for queuing random points to scan, to allow the planetary brain to go about its business metaphorical metabolism safely secured?

[] Queue a very short job, so that we can sell this entire site to the scientific community, and they get to pick the fancy targets
[] Scan empty systems around the border
[] Scan the area we're here to explore
[] Look at the direction the scanner antenna is pointing? Where did it gets it's orders from. Scan in that direction. Let's find the planetmasters.
i understand the planet much more now, i too get grouchy without some kind of stimulation
[X] Go explain the situation to the planetbrain and ask for its opinion.

This isn't our shit to be messing with, at least not without permission.
[X] Go explain the situation to the planetbrain and ask for its opinion.

Not only is this just polite, we need the planetbrain's cooperation if we want to scan more than once, once it knows what we're up to.

(That being said, if we're forced into choosing one, I say scan the Aquillians. Like, "where exactly are our enemy's ships and bases" is an incredibly valuable piece of information for Star Force.)
[X] Go explain the situation to the planetbrain and ask for its opinion.

If it's permitted, this is definitely the one I want. Failing that, though, I'd go for the 'scan a bunch of random galaxies', rather than misuse someone else's property to violate interstellar treaties. I mean, who do we think we are, Captain Archer?
I don't want to try to trick it. And I sure as hell don't want to piss it off. It might have some way to retaliate, and who knows how bad that would be?
Explaining to the planetbrain what is going on might very well piss it off.

This is a machine dedicated to maintaining the functionality of the neutron telescope, and the primary error it has identified is that new orders are not coming in.
It might react poorly when we explain that that component will never work again because the civilization which constructed it has abandoned it (or has been destroyed), which also means that there is no point whatsoever anymore to it's current actions.
It's duty is meaningless, which also means that we lose our only bargaining ship. We still have to rescue the crew, after all.

Also, gotta have money.
We spent quite a lot of resources in these events, and we don't have anything to show for it.
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If it's permitted, this is definitely the one I want. Failing that, though, I'd go for the 'scan a bunch of random galaxies', rather than misuse someone else's property to violate interstellar treaties. I mean, who do we think we are, Captain Archer?
Would it violate any treaties? It's purely passive observation. It's a really big telescope. Unless there's some sort of blanket "no using Star Gods for your military" treaty, but I don't think that would be a thing in the Space Cold War setting we're in.

(Also, like most Cold War spying, it's only cheating if you get caught, and we're extremely unlikely to get caught by passive observation.)
Our current rival states:
The Incorporated People's Democratic Republic- on the far side of former Aquillian space, mainly proxy conflicts.

The Narine Ecological Protectorate- Bunch of ecofash, only other polity that doesn't have an Exploration Taboo. Even less popular than the Aquillians amongst the cosmonauts of the UAS. (The Aquillians at least had P R E S E N T A T I O N). Younger than everyone except the UAS

The Divine Empire- the largest of the Aquillian remnants, and one with enough military power we are, kinda-sorta, still actually at war, though IIRC we're in something of an indefinite ceasefire at the moment.

assorted Aquillian remnants- see above, but less powerful and more "oops, we need to fix this" some of the time

The Zinovian Sphere- I was told there would be alien communist catgirls Honestly probably could steamroll the UAS and all the Aquillian remnants if they could all get pointed in the same direction. But given their internal politics, we're more likely to see opportunistic border raids and incursions, especially commerce raiding. "OpFor is Star Patrol, the enemy is the Ministry of Agriculture."

The Voxyte Cooperative: Only very technically rivals in that we agree on 95% of everything and that last few percentages are the real sticklers. Friend computer is very friend-shaped UwU. Over in Onward, Nhi has cute Voxyte waifu. (The opinion on the Voxyte ship is that Lilum Rho Three has cute human waifu and the two of them are very cute together.)
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… not to mention pirates, or the dreaded Engons who show up sometimes

but yeah the UAS is surrounded by hostile powers which is why it's so desperate for resources and allies. the UAS survives atm by dint of a lot of bluffing
… not to mention pirates, or the dreaded Engons who show up sometimes

but yeah the UAS is surrounded by hostile powers which is why it's so desperate for resources and allies. the UAS survives atm by dint of a lot of bluffing
Because they accidentally the Aquillian Empire.

[X] Train the scanner on the Aquillian core worlds. (4 Credits)
I'm torn on this one. The planetmind will probably be quite happy to scan our enemies for us, but we would be concealing that its controllers are gone, and that might or might not matter to it. Depending on how free the planetmind already is, there's a risk that deception would rob the planetmind of the opportunity to decide for itself what it wants to do.

The risk is that the planetmind reacts badly to the news and harms the hostages. The mind might also end up very distressed by the news, or be compelled to suicide, and we know so little about it that we are unlikely to be able to help.

I'm going to go with the truth. Though we should compliment them on their work and specifically ask them to look for things for us. If they try to harm the hostages then we will hopefully still have enough options available to us to get them away safely.

[x] Go explain the situation to the planetbrain and ask for its opinion.

[x] Go explain the situation to the planetbrain and ask for its opinion.
- [x] Compliment them on their work
- [x] Ask if they'd be willing to look for things for us. If you would like payment of some kind, our civilisation may be able to pay. Have a think about what you might want! People to talk to about what you see; suggestions for what to look for next; information about the outside world; a remote controlled drone so that you can access the relay yourself.
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[x] Go explain the situation to the planetbrain and ask for its opinion.

I say we shouldn't ask it for anything else until the other ship is safe. Once everyone is clear of the anti-fusion effect, we can maybe think about trying to buy access to its telescope.
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[X] Try to target Aquillian logistic bases - to watch for build up of fleets and nothing more.

This way, you get the strategic defense intelligence, without being...quite as invasive and privacy stealing!
[X] Go explain the situation to the planetbrain and ask for its opinion.

Do not piss off the planet sized computer.
I'm in favor of letting it decide its future. My only issue is we aren't securing the hostages' safety first. But if this all works out, this could be a powerful ally.

[x] Go explain the situation to the planetbrain and ask for its opinion.
- [x] Compliment them on their work
- [x] Ask if they'd be willing to look for things for us. If you would like payment of some kind, our civilisation may be able to pay. Have a think about what you might want! People to talk to about what you see; suggestions for what to look for next; information about the outside world; a remote controlled drone so that you can access the relay yourself.
[X] Go explain the situation to the planetbrain and ask for its opinion.

I'd rather not piss this thing off.