First Command - Torchship Captain Quest

Character Sheet
Vehicle Commander Smith
Dakota "Kodi" Smith
Kodi is fascinated with space travel, other cultures, and stories her mama told her about the war. She sees fighting as an unfortunate burden she is taking on to spare others. More of a cat person.
Investigate Everything, Pursue Truth Relentlessly, Be Merciful, Avoid Social Awkwardness
Friend -
Crush -
Rival - Selena Green​
Montana "Monty" Smith
Monty has always wanted to be an explorer, to tell his mom stories about far-away places. Though not inclined to violence, he never backs down. Loves dogs.
Make New Friends, Be Forward and Direct, Try New Things, Be A Show Off
Friend -
Crush -
Rival -​

Void-Born: You never take complications from 0g or space suits, but take -2d6 to feats of strength and double complications from high gravity.
Shifting Gears: You can spend 1 Determination to switch profiles. Costs +1 Determination each time per episode.
Well-Connected: You can spend 1 Determination to create an old friend, comrade, instructor, etc on any appropriate ship, facility, station, etc you might visit. They are always willing to help if you help in turn.
Wild Animal 5+, Physical Instrument 5+, Social Being 5+, Cosmonaut 4+
English 3+, Russian 5+, OSL 4+
Artillery Officer 4+, Drone Pilot 3+, Missile Plotter 4+, Space Marshal 4+
Diplomat +4, Leader +4, Bureaucrat +4, Social Scientist +4
Modern Small Arms 4+, Damage Control 4+
Hobbies: Animal Handling,

Star Patrol Vessel Yeager-1
Statline will be linked above when ready.

Corvette Dock, Transmaterializer

x1 Sandblaster, x2 250MW Laser, x2 Probe Bay

7/42 Crew Assigned!​
PersonDepartment 1Department 2ExpertiseOther Certs & NotesTraits
VC SmithTacticalAdminDemolitionModern Small Arms, Working With Working AnimalsSpacer, Plural, Well-Connected
XO Evelyn Rosa Paz-Admin-SlugthrowersVeteran, Cyborg
SPC Nyiko Shilubana-BolonkinEngineering-Jury-Rigging, FlashfabSpacer
SPC Kroshtnyr SatkolResearch-SensorsAugment (Mental/Medical), Heavyworlder
SPC Selena GreenSecurity--YOUR RIVALHeavyworlder
SPC Kerman Ó CaolaidheAstrogationOrbits-
SPC Ariadna StrunaTacticalDrones-
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[x] Plan: Strange Isotopes?
-[x] launch another torpedo to determine if the range is the same on an elliptical trajectory
--[x] attempt to start the engine when its orbit takes it back outside the established range
-[x] ask the Holdfast to check if their fuel stores have deteriorated into (nonfusile?) isotopes
-[x] begin making preparations to teleport the crew/passengers aboard
-[x] spend insight to introduce SPC Kroshtnyr Satkol (sensors)
-[x] attempt to scan the planet for anomalies and structures (Satkol)

Here's an updated plan exploring the dampening effect further, looking into the fuel issue, and scan the planet for weirdness. Also introduces SPC Satkol! Figured that sensors fits their background?
[x] Plan: Strange Isotopes?
-[x] launch another torpedo to determine if the range is the same on an elliptical trajectory
--[x] attempt to start the engine when its orbit takes it back outside the established range
-[x] ask the Holdfast to check if their fuel stores have deteriorated into (nonfusile?) isotopes
-[x] begin making preparations to teleport the crew/passengers aboard
-[x] spend insight to introduce SPC Kroshtnyr Satkol (sensors)
-[x] attempt to scan the planet for anomalies and structures (Satkol)
I wonder if the fuel or reactor on the Holdfast and the torpedo could have been swapped by teleporter? That would not require metric tech.

I think teleportation doesn't work through shields, so we could ask when Holdfast had their shields down.

[x] Plan: Strange Isotopes?
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The teleporter can only teleport too and from the ship. So we risk spilling fuel indoor/getting contaminated.
I'm not suggesting that we teleport stuff. I'm suggesting that the saboteur (probably in the gas giant, possibly on Holdfast) might be teleporting stuff. It's that or hacking or metric bullshit, I think.

Whoever the saboteur is, we're getting close to being able to escape with the rescued crews. If the saboteur is hostile rather than just defensive then we can expect to be attacked very soon to prevent us from leaving.

Might be a good time to broadcast a message to the system with our intent to peacefully rescue the crew and leave?
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You CAN teleport through shields, but teleporters are very short ranged!

We can teleport across one orbital zone, that could be far enough, and our opponents might have better teleporters.

Perhaps a ship or floating station hiding near the top of the gas giant could have targeted the other ships without being seen? The variation in when the torpedo and Holdfast were targeted could be down to the whims of the attackers or because the ship/station was not at the right point in its orbit.

Just trying to think of ways that our adversaries might not be metric.
I will just point out that because we haven't given Kroshtnyr her departments, we'll need to spend two insight to giver her Research as a department, because NPCs can only get Expert ratings in their departments and non-departmental electives. So we can't, for example, take Doc from down in medbay and say she's expert at Drones without also making sure she's Tactical. If she already has something else? I don't know, I think we could make her Skilled but not Expert.

I do know that there are limits to much we can define an NPC but I don't know what those limits are.

We could, however, make Krostnyr a total humanaboo by giving her Expert rating in… I dunno… 1980's grunge rock, without giving her a department. (And so help me Klono somebody on this tin can is going to be expert in 1980's grunge rock. :p

I think the general tone is aiming less for "Aliens are greatly moved by Bach" from ST and more "Aliens spend a week trying to figure out WTF is up with the Hokey Pokey" from B5)
Wouldn't the Holdfast have reaction wheels to go with their RCS system? You don't want to have to always thrust to maintain orientation control. I can see that the reaction wheels might not be strong enough to control the vehicle if there are aerodynamic forces on it from skimming the atmosphere which is why they needed their non-operable RCS thrusters. However, if they have pushed up the apoapsis then hopefully the aero forces stop soon enough that they can get pointed the right direction even with a small angular rate from the reaction wheels.
Reaction wheels have costs and benefits. They're neat if you have something that needs to rotate in place a lot without losing a lot of RCS fuel, but they're also pretty heavy.

The ones on the ISS weight a ton, and they're not all that powerful. They're useful mainly because the ISS is in orbit, so you can use the gravity torque of the planet for free unloading.
For a free moving spacecraft that benefit is gone, and most of the maneuvers that you want the spacecraft to do will need to be done so fast that your reactor wheel isn't fast enough.

So, it might simply not be worth it to install them.

edit: Also, it might be possible to replicate the function of the reaction control system using the FTL's spatial manipulation or the anti-grav, although in both cases energy consumption will be far higher than on an actual reaction control system.
Been struggling with insomnia and lack of motivation of late, but in the meanwhile...

Here's your beautiful little ship! This should really give you an idea of how cramped it is in here.

Been struggling with insomnia and lack of motivation of late, but in the meanwhile...

Here's your beautiful little ship! This should really give you an idea of how cramped it is in here.

That's an awesome render! What did you use to make it? Did you make a 3D model of the ship or is it a 2d drawing? Also I hope you feel better soon, no pressure on writing new content, just take care of yourself.
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That's an awesome render! What did you use to make it? Did you make a 3D model of the ship or is it a 2d drawing? Also I hope you feel better soon, no pressure on writing new content, just take care of yourself.
Blender! I'm working with an amazing 3d artist for the eventual art for Torchship!
Been struggling with insomnia and lack of motivation of late, but in the meanwhile...

Here's your beautiful little ship! This should really give you an idea of how cramped it is in here.

That's a big mood on not getting enough sleep, hope it gets better for you.

It's so much more compact that I envisioned! Ok I see the extra engines, the twin lasers, and the sandblasters, and the emotional support frigate, but I can't figure out where the probe bay launch tubes are.

Edit: Wait, are those round bits on the roof launch tubes? They kind of look like it and I'm wondering if you used a standard asset and forgot to double the number. :V
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That's a big mood on not getting enough sleep, hope it gets better for you.

It's so much more compact that I envisioned! Ok I see the extra engines, the twin lasers, and the sandblasters, and the emotional support frigate, but I can't figure out where the probe bay launch tubes are.

Edit: Wait, are those round bits on the roof launch tubes? They kind of look like it and I'm wondering if you used a standard asset and forgot to double the number. :V
Nope, that's them! I decided to actually go with three tubes, and the ship has a rapid loader from a ready rack instead.
[x] Plan: Strange Isotopes?
-[x] launch another torpedo to determine if the range is the same on an elliptical trajectory
--[x] attempt to start the engine when its orbit takes it back outside the established range
-[x] ask the Holdfast to check if their fuel stores have deteriorated into (nonfusile?) isotopes
-[x] begin making preparations to teleport the crew/passengers aboard
-[x] spend insight to introduce SPC Kroshtnyr Satkol (sensors)
-[x] attempt to scan the planet for anomalies and structures (Satkol)


Roll me 8d6 for Satkol, needing 4s.
1-7: Long Shift
You yawned. Everything took so long around gas giants, the scale was simply incomprehensible. You were perched 'just' above the rings, so close you'd need a decimal point to relay the difference in your inclination, and they were still so far away that on the camera it looked like a solid object, instead of billions of clumps of ice and dust.

Coffee helped.

"Ariadna, prep another probe like the first, put it on an elliptical trajectory similar to the one Holdfast was on. We'll try restarting it ourselves when it gets out of the death zone."

You were trying to make an effort to use given names, when you could remember them. Forty-two people mean that you were still struggling with not just calling people by their job titles, and honestly you just found it a bit uncomfortable generally. You struggled with being familiar, the casual way Monty could be everyone's friend; it'd taken you months on Mendel-5, but you'd get better at it.

"See if it's universal, or if they did something to piss it off?" she asked.

"That's the idea." You squinted at the screen. "Alright, well, we're not fusion powered, but I'm not in the risk-taking mood. I think we prep the telemat, and find space for some guests. Computer, calculate how long that'll take with the power load."

"Calculating," the computer intoned, whirring and clacking.

Teleporting the crew off wasn't going to be without cost. The telemat was the single most power-hungry device on the ship, and conservation of energy meant you still had to pay to pull people up the gravity well. The load was so enormous that the power had to be drawn from the ship's capacitor banks, the ones that powered the defensive screens; every person pulled into the ship by the telemat was the rough equivalent of a spread of nuclear warheads detonating in close. This was a big well.

"Captain?" Specialist Kroshtnyr asked, "Permission to take control of the conn for a full scan of the gas giant?"

"Good idea, ship's yours," you replied. The planet shifted on the screen as the ship turned to bring the main scanner array to bear. The computer's ready light started flashing insistently, and you tapped it.

"Results. And summarise, with rough estimations," you instructed. Computers would be overly specific unless you told them otherwise.

"It will take roughly eight hours to teleport everyone off of Holdfast," the computer replied. Was it… annoyed with you for preempting it, or was that your imagination? "If we expend ballast, that time will be cut in half. Additionally, if we mass-teleported crew until the capacitors were drained instead of playing it safe, an hour would be saved."

"Would that be safe?" you asked.

"Results of that question beyond the parameters of current calculations," the computer replied. Yes, it was definitely annoyed.

"Thank you," you replied stupidly. Too long watching nothing happen, your brain was starting to shut down. You glanced at your watch; how had you been in this chair for nine hours? "Right, everyone who's been here since this morning, get your tasks queued and then brief your relief, take it easy, get a nap in if you can. You're still the A-team on this, so I want you well rested when things start moving again."

"Good call. People were starting to flag," Paz whispered. You'd given her some time earlier when it clear it was just going to be a lot of watching dots move slowly.

"Thanks. Let me know if anything fun happens, send somebody if I'm not back in an hour-" She glared. "Two? Two hours."


You didn't actually fall asleep; you just lay in your bed for that two hours and had that sort of hazy, indistinct mental exchange you and I have about nothing. Outside your window, the rings of the gas giant stretched out into eternity, the shimmering stars and light flickering off the constellations of moons as the ship shifted for the scans. If nothing else, it was a blessed relief to be back in normal gravity after a shift at nearly a G. You'd gone soft in the last month home.

Your watch chimed, and you stepped out, smoothed your uniform out, and stepped back onto the bridge. The relief team was still there, Paz already standing up from the captain's chair, and Specialist Kroshtnyr was just sitting down.

"Torpedo's outside the death zone and still won't restart. It's just the torpedo," Paz reported. "We asked Holdfast's crew to scan their fuel, and double-checked. Fuel's normal, the effect is, uh, more fundamental."

"Metric," you deadpanned. She nodded.

"Whatever it is, it has turned off the part of physics that makes fusion happen," she summarized. Cool, that was just great. It was hardly unprecedented; that's what metric technologies did. The teleporter you were considering using worked by somehow convincing the quantum field underlying reality to exchange the energy states between two completely unconnected areas, merely preventing atoms from fusing wasn't that special.

"Satkol?" you asked.

"Preliminary results just computed," she responded, looking over her screens. Scanning something this big, you were surprised it only took that long. "Maybe we'll find… Oh."

"Oh?" you asked, taking your seat. "Good oh, bad oh, what are we looking at?"

"Well," she said stiffly, clearly a bit overwhelmed. "I thought I'd have to do more investigation, but this seems pretty obvious. Did… was there a proper scan of this world when the last group went through?"

"No, they just declared it a boring system and moved on," you said. "Why?"

"There are fairly obvious structures in the lower levels of the gas giant," she said, clicking something on her console. An image showed up on your screen, but it just looked like a swirling blue kaleidoscope to you, pulsing with electricity.

"Structures, do you mean, like, buildings?" you asked, squinting.

"No. Patterns of electrically conductive gas, linked in a web. Not buildings… Neurons," she said, sitting back in her chair. "It's a brain. The planet is a brain."


Current Insight: 5
Current Determination: 4
"Vehicle Fuel Interfaces"
"Structural analysis of Holdfast"
"Beamed Power Operations"
"Remass scanning"
"Metric technology bullshit"
"Hostage negotiation"
"Drone warfare"
Speeding up the teleporting process will cost 26 supply.
What's the plan, folks? This is probably a good time for a bunch of insight questions too.
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[X] Plan : High energy negotiations
-[x] Activate lasers... In low power mode, to start reflecting mathematical sequences of the rings to try and make contact.
-[x] Observe the gas giant : Are there any parts of the gas giant that would undergo fusion if the field were down? Is fusion suppression a weapon, or a part if the mechanism?
-[x] Check the trajectories on our probes. Are we about to drop a bomb into this giant brain?
-[x] Plot the atmospherics of the gas giant. Is there any chance that the ship's refuelling procedures disrupted some important convection shell?
-[x] Does the brain interact with any other part of the gas giant system?
-[x] Launch a long term warning beacon, identifying this system as not boring. We have to do our duty and leave apocryphal logs for the next people to come here.
-[x] What powers the gas giant brain? How long will said power last, and how long has it been active?
-[x] These kind of patterns will affect the gas giants magnetic field and radio emissions. Send some crew and a battery over to the other ship (bonus, they count as ballast) to look at their sensor logs. Is there a pattern in the noise?
-[x] Someone else give these peeps an appropriate name
-[x] Look at the expedition logs of the previous mission in detail. Crossreference with current obsercation. Did something change?