Firmament's Pillar

Major Vote:
[X] - There must be more of them in the soil, start clearing it away from the Pillar.

Minor Vote:
[X] You see why a tidy home is a tidy mind.
[X] - Use the Multipurpose Surface to research the creature.
Minor Vote
[X] Contemplate your mental stability at the fact that you may be hearing voices.
[X] - Use the Multipurpose Surface to research the creature.

[X] You see why a tidy home is a tidy mind.
[X] Contemplate your mental stability at the fact that you may be hearing voices.
[X] - "So if it wasn't you that spoke, then it must not have been speaking to me. Maybe it was actually talking to... THE MONSTER!"
-[X] - "Oh, also, I absolutely heard something speak. That wasn't a guilt-induced hallucination, considering it happened before I killed it."
Major Vote:
[X] - There must be more of them in the soil, start clearing it away from the Pillar.

Minor Vote:
[X] You see why a tidy home is a tidy mind.
Hmm, mystery voice remains so, but at least we have fuel now.

Best to learn about locals.

[X] - Use the Multipurpose Surface to research the creature.

[X] - Keep cleaning up dirt in meanwhile.
[X] - Use the Multipurpose Surface to research the creature.
[X] - There must be more of them in the soil, start clearing it away from the Pillar.

[X] Ask Aide if they have any theories about the lifeforms on this planet.
Step 1-7

As the Multipurpose Surface does it's thing, you better get to work yourself:​

Major Vote:
[X] - Start looking for Materials to construct more Pillar Blocks with.
[X] - There must be more of them in the soil, start clearing it away from the Pillar.
[X] - The Drills have been noisy, maybe another perimeter check would be necessary.
[X] - Bother Aide with questions to kill some time.

Minor Vote:
[ ] - Free-for-all, the fuel crisis being over has removed the pit from your stomach.

Thank you all for reading so far, seriously! Thank you!

And, you might have noticed that the minor votes are often incorporated into the Major Vote's action somewhere. I hope that is okay.
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[X] - There must be more of them in the soil, start clearing it away from the Pillar.

[X] - In fact, there are probably even more of them outside of the soil! Contemplate the logistics of cheap sandbag walls made from the dirt.
Hmmmm...wouldn't it be blue? Because our blood is red because of iron inside...and if we had copper, it would be blue. Slight mistake but that is okay.
[X] - There must be more of them in the soil, start clearing it away from the Pillar.

[X] The precence of the creature has proven how important tidiness is!

I'm feeling like a one issue voter:p
The blood looking fuel makes me think of a creepy blood harvesting game, lol.

I'm sure nothing scary and eldritch will come out of that!

Major Vote:
[X] - Start looking for Materials to construct more Pillar Blocks with.

Minor Vote:
[X] - Make a note of anything interesting flora or fauna-wise while searching for Materials.

Best to look for material, which we can use to make fuel storage soon.
[X] - There must be more of them in the soil, start clearing it away from the Pillar.

[X] - Name the new fuel type "earthblood".
[X] - There must be more of them in the soil, start clearing it away from the Pillar.

[X] - Name the new fuel type "earthblood".
[X] - There must be more of them in the soil, start clearing it away from the Pillar.

[X] - Name the new fuel type "earthblood".
[X] - There must be more of them in the soil, start clearing it away from the Pillar.

[X] - Name the new fuel type "earthblood".
Shambling corpses, blood as oil, no way to contact our superiors.

Clearly all above board, nothing to worry about.

[X] - There must be more of them in the soil, start clearing it away from the Pillar.
[X] - The Drills have been noisy, maybe another perimeter check would be necessary.'

[X] The precence of the creature has proven how important tidiness is!