With 3 Turns to burn, you guess the fuel crisis can settle down a bit, allowing Minor Votes back on the menu, but you cannot waste time, you must also make use of this moment:
Major Vote:
[X] - Establish a safe perimeter. You're sure SOMETHING heard the racket you've made!
[X] - Review the contents needed for the report package. Now seems like a good time to look it over, right?
[X] - Inquire to A.I.D.E. what the amount of time you spent in stasis could mean for you.
[X] - Gather Material to construct additional Pillar Blocks. The Firmament Pillar looks barren now!
Minor Vote:
[ ] - Free-for-all, you're waiting for the Drill to be built, so maybe a distraction is in order?
Major Vote:
[X] - Establish a safe perimeter. You're sure SOMETHING heard the racket you've made!
Minor Vote:
[X] - Can you fabricate things? If so, see if you can create a drone to scout out the area around you so you and AIDE can learn more about your surroundings.
Building time, of course, forgot those were a thing.
Major Vote:
[X] - Review the contents needed for the report package. Now seems like a good time to look it over, right?
Want to know our overall mission.
Minor Vote:
[X] - Some dirt might have landed on the platform. Better start cleaning-- a tidy home is a tidy mind.