Fire Emblem: Awakened Sword aka Morgan Quest (Blazing Sword/Awakening)

[X] Tiki
[X] Go out and follow Lyn

Interested in Divine/Fell Manakete hybrid. Also follow Lyn because we can actually fight, need to get that early game exp.
[X] Tiki

[X] Go out and follow Lyn

Honestly, Morgan should already be in her 2nd tier realistically. If she got nerfed... well this is the tutorial level of the tutorial arc and Morgan is at least experienced in actual battle. Which is better than Lyn can say, and she turned into a badass in most of my runs... I think. Its been a while.
Not capped? You slacker.

Well, our Morgan is a girl, btw, because Robin is our dad.
We know.
Well, our Morgan is a girl, btw, because Robin is our dad.
You didn't see anything. :V
Not capped? You slacker.
Never actually played the game. But roflstomp would be boring, and I doubt GM is going to let us have it that easy.
And you actually didn't see anything. Huzzah for editing.

Edit: And I double posted... I blame being tired.
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Well, for the sake of balance, I'll nerf Morgan a little. It can be attributed to her harsh landing, I guess? Her starting class is still Tactician, though.
Well, for the sake of balance, I'll nerf Morgan a little. It can be attributed to her harsh landing, I guess? Her starting class is still Tactician, though.
Dimensional jump screwing with her powers? Especially if Tiki wins as our mother since the air/athmosphere/whatever in Elibe is harmful to dragons so they fuck off to the Dragon Gates.
Dimensional jump screwing with her powers? Especially if Tiki wins as our mother since the air/athmosphere/whatever in Elibe is harmful to dragons so they fuck off to the Dragon Gates.
Of course having the blood of two Dragon Gods in our blood probably protects us from that effect pretty well, but I can see it as a good excuse for a bit of a nerf.
...Do we get Shadowgift if we vote for Aversa as the mother?

Otherwise, I'd be fine with Tiki.
[X] Tiki
[X] Go out and follow Lyn

I'm going love seeing lyn's reaction when we transform
Also, I'm borrowing the concept of Holy Blood from FE4, or rather take a few aspects from the concept.

Which means, our Morgan has Grima as her Major Blood or rather, Fellblooded.