Firaxis Reveals New Interstellar Strategy Game, Sid Meier's Starships

I'm expecting Ace Patrol in space. This is not a bad thing as Ace Patrol is a really fun computer board game. I hope no one is expecting something without some board game influences as Sid has been heavy into that for years now.
I'm a bit cautious with my excitement, because it's also for the iPad. We know what mobile games look like...
It Is A Pity. Apparently no biomonstrov for Harmony. This is sad. But we can see what exactly is there all 3 Affiniti .
It Is A Pity. Apparently no biomonstrov for Harmony. This is sad. But we can see what exactly is there all 3 Affiniti .
Eh. There are a lot of problems with pure Bioships when it comes to space stuff.
I can see their ships utilizing organic equipment (Neural Tissue Substrata for computers, DNA Computing and so on.)
Eh. There are a lot of problems with pure Bioships when it comes to space stuff.
I can see their ships utilizing organic equipment (Neural Tissue Substrata for computers, DNA Computing and so on.)
This did not prevent Harmony, have completely organic satellite.

Well I wonder who will be the captains of those that will be evident as a leader in civilization. May be completely new characters. Descendants may have already known for Civ: Be characters. Or maybe even clones leaders Civ: BE.
Wow, this looks pretty damn cool. Definitely going to consider buying it.

But I still need to finish my game on Civ: Beyond Earth first. :(
I have not yet looked at all the videos but obviously we're playing the leaders of the CIV: BE, and that all three affinity presented.
So the reviews on Steam are about 50/50. Actually, they have been almost exactly 50/50 all day, never getting more than one or two reviews ahead. Suspsicious.

Most of the negative reviews are complainging about how it's too simplistic and a mobile/casual game though, but there does seem to be a theme of 'crashes'.
So the reviews on Steam are about 50/50. Actually, they have been almost exactly 50/50 all day, never getting more than one or two reviews ahead. Suspsicious.

Most of the negative reviews are complainging about how it's too simplistic and a mobile/casual game though, but there does seem to be a theme of 'crashes'.

Well, that's not good. Then again, he did kind of rush it. Eh, PLAY IT ANYWAY BECAUSE IT'S WHAT I WANT!

To properly express my feelings for this:

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So far, pretty damn awesome. Difficult, kinda simplistic so far, but awesome.

Also, Carriers are fucking OP, as well as torpedo ships when aimed right.
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Decided to go and see if people had figured out what bonuses you get for sending a save up from BE on the 2K forums.

FUCK that. They have crappy anti-bot software. Only way I can justify having a bot that's gone on for the last 2 hours posting a new thread in one sub forum every minute. And it not being the only bot.

Of course, their choice of security question is also lame. It's "Type the word e v o l v e without any spaces"
Replace evolve with random other game. All the letters having spaces between them. Does not surprise me that it's got bots with a security question like that.

I really dont feel safe getting advince on their forums with that amount of fail.

So, anyways, any ideas on the bonuses of using a game you played in Civ:BE to base your start with?