Fractious Future Proofing
6th of Abadius 4708 A.R. (Absalom Reckoning)
"But I still don't get it... why?"
The girl, Sirim was forced to admit, asked a lot of questions,
too many perhaps. If he had been so bold with his questions at her age he never would have been trusted with the casting of a single cantrip, but still he couldn't quite bring himself to chastise her for her. Hag transformation, the remolding of mind, body, and soul into wholly novel configurations capable of henceforth impossible feats of strength, stamina, and sorcery, had been the lifetime study of more than one of the great thaumaturges of the Umbral Court; seeking to reach beyond the bounds of humanity without abandoning the pleasures of life for the sharper, supposedly more refined, tastes of undeath.
"One would as soon ask why caterpillars become butterflies. There is no moral impetus to transformations of the flesh, and if there was at some divine plan for these women than it is surely lost to memory now unless one were to suppose that Gyronna's ascension in the River Kingdoms was part of some grand plan, or that only she, unlike other gods, possesses the ability to transform her favored into greater forms..."
"Law of Exchange. Hags become ugly, don't they?" the girl cut in. "All the books say so."
"In what is rather dubiously deemed their 'true' form." The shade curled closer to the ground so that the girl could look at him without craning her head. "Tell me, what does 'true' matter when most of them can choose to take on other shapes, as beautiful as can be, or when they can change their voices to be as soft and soothing as they want?"
"Well, if they walk into a no magic zone..."
Very common those," Sirim muttered, knowing that would make her just annoyed enough to
"You're saying the true shape of things doesn't matter, only the most common form? If a dragon should have the power to take on the shape of a man and use that form for a hundred years, does it remain a dragon, or is it just a man who retains the power to change into a dragon? Do you mean the Law of Form applies to everyone, not just
Class Six Transformations?"
"To a... degree, most things that you or I might encounter exist upon a gradient. Leave ideal forms to the bureaucrats of Axis and the vaults of careless gods."
"You don't like Abadar?"
"No." Sirim was curious what she would do with a single syllable answer.
The child went quiet for a bit, hands tucked in her lap, the mark of early training, always have spell reagents to hand. "Alright."
If there was one thing the journey had taught Anippe it was just how big the world was and just how strange some of the powers in it were. It brought into question the notion, previously unexamined, that she would grow up to be just like her mother, maybe a bit more skilled in some things, conjuration and translocation, a bit less so in others,
alchemy, but still basically the same, an Archlord of Great Nex. She bet master Sirim's parents never expected him to be a snakey shadow and that princess
definitely wasn't supposed to become a hag, but she was still a bit scared of getting too close to her, hags were supossed to
eat children after all. Lady Mina was also out since she was talking to said potential child devourer.
So who did that leave? The young wizard wondered as she wandered among the stars, sailcloth, and rope of a deck magically animated.
Trying to talk to Master Cob the Goblin was sure to be fu,n but not very elucidating about magic. He claimed to have gotten his power by poking 'the thing with all the crystals and knobs', which was of course a way of keeping the secrets of his peculiar tradition.
Ooh, the seer, seers liked answering questions like this. She tugged on his cloack.
"Master Akorian, do you think people like us, people with magic, mostly turn out like we expect, or are we cast adrift on the seas of fate to take on forms unguessed?"
He looked down from under the heavy lining of his cloak, a frown of confusion on his ashy features, not used to being called out when the sun was out maybe.
How does Kori answer?
[] I think this age is rightly named for omens lost, everyone's fate is adrift.
[] Why do you care so much of fate?
[] I do not know enough to judge, my sight is not that clear
[] Write in
OOC: Enjoy.