Ah, great teambuilding moment, DP."Us goblins don't live long with tribe, away from tribe even less," your friend points out, fluttering his large ears, not all that troubled by the proclamation.
"We are together," Gorok cuts in. "Tribe of four isn't usually that much, depends which four."
That's a feature, not a bug, IMO. Not that Diplomacy necessarily makes things easy, per se, but it sure does feel like it sometimes. Playing this differently than previous quests is fun, not only because it's new but also because it makes us work harder at some things we've just been able to breeze past before. It's also kinda liberating in that we don't always have to worry about being diplomatic.Also I will note here you are not playing a diplomatic character, there is a reason Kori feels less smooth than Viserys.
@DragonParadox, I'm glad you mentioned the Gloom Blade in this update. I forgot we had it.![]()
I need to add that to Kori's sheet when I get a chance, along with Cob's new dagger and goggles. If using have time this evening, I'll try to get to it in the morning before work.
And in my opinion it's a serious bug
Here are the updated sheets, @DragonParadox. I added the Gloom Blade for Kori, the Bane Dagger and spectacles for Cob (and included the Survival bonus to Tracking in Gorok's sheet for when that's relevant), and added Mina's new bonus feat.
Here are the updated sheets, @DragonParadox. I added the Gloom Blade for Kori, the Bane Dagger and spectacles for Cob (and included the Survival bonus to Tracking in Gorok's sheet for when that's relevant), and added Mina's new bonus feat.
Name: Akorian
Alias: N/A
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Age: 25
Race: Caligni (Medium Humanoid)
Level: 3 (8601 XP/9000 XP)
Class: Oracle 3 (Shadow Mystery) [Friendless Curse]
Feats: Extra Revelation (Cloak of Darkness), Skill Focus (Bluff)
Traits: Fate's Favored, Reactionary, Seeker
Drawback: Umbral Unmasking
Class Features: Orisons, Mystery (Shadow), Curse (Friendless), Revelations (Cloak of Darkness, Dark Secrets, Stealth Mastery)
Languages: Dark Folk, Duergar, Learning (Draconic, Goblin)
HP: 26
AC: 10 + 2 (DEX) + 1 (Shield) + 3 (Spidersilk Armor) OR + 4 (Cloak of Darkness)* = 16/17* (Touch AC 12)
Initiative: +2 (DEX) + 2 (Reactionary) = +4
Spell Save: 10 + 3 (CHA) + spell level
Base Attack: +2
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Oracles are proficient with all simple weapons, light armor, medium armor, and shields (except tower shields).
- Heavy Crossbow: +2 (BAB) + 2 (DEX) = +4 [1d10/x2]
- w/Divine Favor: +6 [1d10+2]
- Masterwork Dagger: +2 (BAB) + 2 (DEX) + 1 (Masterwork) = +6 [1d4-1; 19-20/x2]
- w/Divine Favor: +8 [1d4+1]
- Gloom Blade:
- In Bright Illumination: +2 (BAB) + 2 (DEX) + 1 (Masterwork) = +6 [1d6-1; 19-20/x2]
- In Dim Light: +2 (BAB) + 2 (DEX) + 1 (Enhancement) = +6 [1d6; 19-20/x2]
- In Darkness: +2 (BAB) + 2 (DEX) + 2 (Enhancement) = +6 [1d6+1; 19-20/x2]
- In Supernatural Darkness: +2 (BAB) + 2 (DEX) + 2 (Enhancement) = +6 [1d6+1; 19-20/x2]. Special: Wielder gains the benefits of the Blind-Fight feat.
- w/Divine Favor: Increase attack and damage bonus by +2.
8 (-1) Strength
14 (+2) Dexterity
14 (+2) Constitution
12 (+1) Intelligence
10 (+0) Wisdom
17 (+3) Charisma
FORTITUDE: 1 + 2 (CON) = +3
REFLEX: 1 + 2 (DEX) = +3
WILL: 3 + 0 (WIS) = +3
+3 bonus to Will saves vs Enchantment effects
Bluff: 6 + 3 (CHA) + 3 (SF) = 12
Knowledge (Dungeoneering): 4 + 1 (INT) = 5
Perception: 6 + 0 (WIS) + 1 (Seeker) = 7
Sense Motive: 6 + 0 (WIS) + 3 (CHA) = 9
Spellcraft: 5 + 1 (INT) = 6
Stealth: 6 + 2 (DEX) + 3 (SF) + 2 (CoD) = 11/13
Knowledge (Geography): 1 + 1 (INT) = 2
Knowledge (History): 4 + 1 (INT) = 5
Linguistics: 2 + 1 (INT) = 3
Lore (Azlanti History): 5 + 1 (INT) = 6
Spells Known (CL 3):
Level 0: Create Water, Detect Magic, Guidance, Mending, Stabilize (At will)
Level 1: Bless, Blurred Movement (B), Cure Light Wounds (B), Divine Favor, Protection from Evil, Shadow Trap (B) (6/Day)
Special Abilities:
Curse & Drawbacks:
- Fate's Favored: Whenever you are under the effect of a Luck bonus of any kind, that bonus increases by 1.
- See in Darkness: You have the See in darkness special ability allowing them to see perfectly in darkness of any kind, including that created by Deeper Darkness.
- Cloak of Darkness (Su): You conjure a cloak of shadowy darkness for up to 1 hour per day that grants you a +4 Armor bonus to AC and a +2 Circumstance bonus on Stealth checks. The duration does not need to be consecutive, but it must be spent in 1-hour increments.
- Dark Secrets (Su): You can add a number of Sorcerer/Wizard spells equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum 1, maximum equal to half your Oracle level) to your list of spells known as Divine spells. You can only add spells from the Illusion (Shadow) subschool or with the Darkness descriptor.
Band of Clarity
- Light Sensitivity: You are Dazzled in areas of bright light.
- Friendless: You do not gain your Charisma bonus to Diplomacy checks, and if you use Diplomacy to make a request of someone, their attitude worsens one step (but no worse than unfriendly) after the request succeeds or fails.
- Umbral Unmasking: The shadow you cast is monstrous. Under normal lighted conditions, this is not hard to observe—but uncommon to notice. Creatures that succeed at a DC 15 Wisdom check notice it plainly (an additional Perception check may be required based on environmental conditions). This telltale sign of wickedness cannot be concealed by Misdirection, Nondetection, or illusions, except those that also affect shadows (such as Invisibility).
Description: This crescent of barely solid moonlight merges with the head of the bearer, opening their mind to the song of the world, that they might know the hearts of those nearest to them. Once they were as common as lanterns on a dark street in the hands of those blessed by the moon above, but the world was changed, the sky blackened and all were extinguished... all but one it seems.
Ability: Can cast Detect Thoughts 3/Day
Equipment of Note: Drow Spidersilk Armor, Gloom Blade, Heavy Crossbow, Masterwork Dagger, Masterwork Light Steel Shield, Morningstar
Cob the Goblin Rogue
Name: Cob
Alias: N/A
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Age: 14-ish
Race: Goblin (Small Humanoid)
Level: 3
Class: Unchained Rogue 3 (8201 XP/9000 XP)
Feats: Roll With It, Skill Focus (Stealth), Weapon Focus (Dagger) (B)
Traits: Color Thief, Goblin Foolhardiness, Mathematical Prodigy
Drawback: Magical Klutz
Class Features: Finesse Training (Daggers), Rogue Talent (Weapon Training [Dagger]), Sneak attack (+2d6)
Senses: Darkvision 60ft
Languages: Goblin, Duergar
HP: 26
AC: 10 + 4 (DEX) + 1 (Size) + 3 (Hide Shirt) + 1* (Dodge; Danger Sense) = 18/19* (to avoid traps) (Touch AC 15/16*)
Initiative: +4 (DEX)
Base Attack: +2
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Unchained Rogues are proficient with all simple weapons, plus the hand crossbow, rapier, sap, short sword, and shortbow. They are proficient with light armor, but not with shields.
- Stonebow: 2 (BAB) + 1 (Size) + 4 (DEX) = +7
- Damage: 1d6 [x2], +2d6 damage with Sneak Attack
- Switchblade: 2 (BAB) + 1 (Size) + 4 (DEX) + 1 (WF) + 1 (MW) = +9, Special: +1 attack bonus when facing a larger foe with no allies nearby)
- Damage: 1d4+4 [19-20/x2], +2d6 damage with Sneak Attack
- Bane Dagger: 2 (BAB) + 1 (Size) + 4 (DEX) + 1 (WF) + 1 (Enhancement) = +9, Special: +1 attack bonus when facing a larger foe with no allies nearby)
- Damage: 1d4+5 [19-20/x2], +2d6 damage with Sneak Attack
- Special: Unknown Bane effect (Increases Enhancement bonus against designated foes by +2 and inflicts additional +2d6 damage against them)
8 (-1) Strength
18 (+4) Dexterity
14 (+2) Constitution
14 (+2) Intelligence
14 (+2) Wisdom
8 (-1) Charisma
FORTITUDE: 1 + 2 (CON) = +3
REFLEX: 3 + 4 (DEX) + 1 (DS)* = +7/*8 (to avoid traps)
WILL: 1 + 2 (WIS) = +3
Acrobatics: 6 + 4 (DEX) = 10
Appraise: 5 + 2 (INT) = 7
Climb: 6 - 2 (STR) = 4
Disable Device: 6 + 4 (DEX) + 1 (TF) = 11
Escape Artist: 6 + 4 (DEX) = 10
Knowledge (Dungeoneering): 6 + 2 (INT) = 8
Knowledge (Local): 4 + 2 (INT) = 6
Perception: 6 + 2 (WIS) + 1 (TF)* + 1 (DS)* + 5 (Spectacles) = 13/*14 (to find traps or avoid being surprised)
Ride: 4 + 4 (DEX) +4 (Racial) = 12
Sleight of Hand: 5 + 4 (DEX) = 9
Stealth: 6 + 4 (DEX) + 4 (Size) + 4 (Racial) + 2 (Color Thief) + 3 (SF) = 23
Survival: 0 + 2 (WIS) + 5 (Spectacles)* = 2/7* (to follow tracks)
Swim: 6 - 2 (STR) = +4
Craft (Alchemy): 6 + 2 (INT) = 8
Knowledge (Engineering): 6 + 2 (INT) + 1 (Trait) = 9
Special Abilities:
Tracker's Friend
- Trapfinding: Cob adds 1/2 his level on Perception checks to locate traps and on Disable Device checks (minimum +1). He can use Disable Device to disarm magic traps.
- Finesse Training (Ex): In addition to applying his Dexterity bonus on attack rolls instead of his Strength bonus when wielding daggers, Cob also applies his Dexterity bonus on damage rolls instead of his Strength bonus.
- Evasion (Ex): Cob can avoid even magical and unusual attacks with great agility. If he succeeds at a Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, he instead takes no damage.
- Danger Sense (Ex): Cob gains a +1 bonus on Reflex saving throws to avoid traps and a +1 Dodge bonus to AC against attacks made by traps. He also gain a +1 Perception bonus on checks to avoid being surprised by a foe.
Description: Made of bone, though of what origin none can say, these spectacles have in place of glass a dark oily film that clings to the frame. Colors are muted in their sight, contours blurred, except the target, the thing most sought.
Ability: These Spectacles let their wearer detect minute details, gaining a +5 competence bonus on Perception checks. It also aids in tracking, adding a +5 competence bonus on Survival checks when tracking.
Secondary Ability: When worn by someone with the Light Sensitivity weakness, these spectacles negate the penalties of being in bright light.
Bane Dagger
Description: This plain steel dagger has seemingly nothing to recommend it beyond solid workmanlike construction, perfect for slitting throats, but it resonates destructively with some distant sphere.
Ability: +1 Enchantment, Bane (???)
Equipment of Note: Bane Dagger (Unknown Type), Common Thieves Tools, Dagger x4, Stonebow, Switchblade, Tracker's Friend
Gorok the Lizardfolk Ranger
Name: Gorok
Alias: N/A
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Age: ???
Race: Lizardfolk (Medium Humanoid[Reptilian])
Level: 3 (8201 XP/9000 XP)
Class: Ranger 3 (Lantern Bearer)
Feats: Harvest Parts, Improved Initiative, Shield of Swings (B)
Traits: Reactionary, Seeker, Silent Hunter
Drawback: Scarred
Class Features: Combat Style (Two-Handed Weapons), Enhanced Vision, 1st Favored Enemy (Magical Beasts), Track
Senses: Low-Light Vision
Languages: Draconic, Duergar
HP: 33
AC: 10 + 3 (DEX) + 1 (Natural Armor) + 5 (Scale Mail) = 19 (Touch AC: 13)
Initiative: +3 (DEX) + 2 (Reactionary) + 4 (Improved Initiative) + 2* (FT) = +9/11* (underground or in dungeons)
Base Attack: +3; Additional +2 attack & damage bonus vs Magical Beasts
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: A Ranger is proficient with all simple and martial weapons and with light armor, medium armor, and shields (except tower shields).
- Natural Attacks: 2 Claws: +6 (1d4+2) & 1 Bite: +6 (1d3+2)
- Masterwork Greataxe +3 + 1 (MW) + 2 (STR) = +6,
- Damage: 1d12+ 3 (1-1/2 STR) [x3]
- Masterwork Rapier: +3 + 3 (DEX) + 1 (Masterwork) = +7
- Damage: 1d6 + 2 (STR) [18-20/x2]
14 (+2) Strength
16 (+3) Dexterity
16 (+3) Constitution
10 (+0) Intelligence
14 (+2) Wisdom
8 (-1) Charisma
FORTITUDE: 3 + 3 (CON) + 4 (PS)* = +6/10* (vs poison)
REFLEX: 3 + 3 (DEX) = +6
WILL: 1 + 2 (WIS) = +3
Climb: 6 + 2 (STR) = 8
Heal: 4 + 2 (WIS) = 6
Knowledge (Nature): 6 + 0 (INT) = 6
Perception: 6 + 2 (WIS) + 1 (Trait) + 2 (FT)* = 9/11* (underground or in dungeons)
Ride: 4 + 3 (DEX) = 7
Stealth: 6 + 3 (DEX) + 1 (Trait) + 2 (FT)* = 10/12* (underground or in dungeons)
Survival: 6 + 2 (WIS) + 1 (Track)* + 2 (FT)** + 5 (Spectacles)* = 8/14* (to follow tracks) or 10/16** (underground or in dungeons))
Swim: 4 + 2 (STR) + 8 (Racial) = +14
Handle Animal: 6 - 1 (CHA) = 5
Knowledge (Geography): 5 + 0 (INT) + 2 (FT)* = 5/7* (underground or in dungeons)
Profession (Hunter): 4 + 2 (WIS) = 6
Special Abilities:
Equipment of Note: Bone Earthbreaker, Masterwork Greataxe, Masterwork Rapier, Scale Mail
- Enhanced Vision (Ex): Gorok gains Low-Light Vision.
- Poison Resistance (Ex): Gorok gains a +4 bonus on saving throws against poison.
- Track (Ex): Gorok adds half his level (minimum 1) to Survival skill checks made to follow tracks.
- Favored Terrain [Underground] (Ex): Gorok benefits from a +2 bonus on Initiative checks, and Knowledge (Geography), Perception, Stealth, and Survival skill checks when underground (in caves or dungeons). He also leaves no tracks while underground and cannot be tracked.
- Shield of Swings: When you take a Full-Attack Action while wielding a two-handed weapon, you can choose to reduce the damage by 1/2 to gain a +4 Shield bonus to AC and CMD until the beginning of your next turn. The reduction in damage applies until the beginning of your next turn.
- 1st Favored Enemy (Magical Beasts): Gorok gains a +2 bonus on Bluff, Knowledge, Perception, Sense Motive, and Survival checks against Magical Beasts. Likewise, he gets a +2 bonus on weapon attack and damage rolls against them. He may make Knowledge skill checks untrained when attempting to identify Magical Beasts.
Mina the Changeling Witch
Name: Mina
Alias: N/A
Alignment: Neutral Good
Age: 20
Race: Changeling (Medium Humanoid, Changeling/Hag)
Level: 3 (8301 XP/9000 XP)
Class: Witch 3 (Patron: Spirits)
Feats: Blood Hex (Abeyance)(B), Extra Hex (Evil Eye), Potent Hex
Traits: Child of the Temple, Mediator, Precise Treatment
Drawback: Uncanny Seeming
Class Features: Cantrips, Hexes (Evil Eye, Healing, Slumber), Familiar
Languages: (Read & Write only): Celestial, Draconic, Kelish, Sylvan, Taldane (Common)
HP: 22
AC: 10 + 2 (DEX) + 1 (Armored Kilt) + 4 (w/Mage Armor*) = 13/17* (Touch 12)
Initiative: +2 (DEX)
Spell Save: 10 + 4 (INT) +1 (Enchantment) +1 (Enchantment Without Ongoing Control) + spell level
Hex DC: 10 + 1 (CL/2) + 4 (INT) + 1 (Potent Hex) +1 (Mediator)
Base Attack: +1
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: All Simple Weapons and no Armor. Subject to Arcane Spell failure from all armor.
- Dagger: 1 + 2 (DEX) = +3 [1d4-1]
- Stonebow: 1 + 2 (DEX) = +3 [1d6; x2]
8 (-1) Strength
14 (+2) Dexterity
12 (+1) Constitution
18 (+4) Intelligence
12 (+1) Wisdom
12 (+1) Charisma
FORTITUDE: 1 + 1 (CON) = 2
REFLEX: 1 + 2 (DEX) = 3
WILL: 3 + 1 (WIS) = 3
Heal: 4 + 4 (INT) +1 (Precise Treatment) = 9
Knowledge (Arcana): 6 + 4 (INT) = 10
Knowledge (Religion): 6 + 4 (INT) + 1 (CoT) = 11
Knowledge (The Planes): 6 + 4 (INT) = 10
Spellcraft: 5 + 4 (INT) = 9
Stealth: 4 + 1 (DEX) + 3 (Familiar) = 8
Use Magic Device: 4 + 1 (CHA) = 5
Knowledge (History): 6 + 4 (INT) = 10
Knowledge (Nobility): 6 + 4 (INT) + 1 (CoT) = 11
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 3):
Dancing Lights, Detect Magic, Disguise Self, Pass Without Trace (1/Day)
Spells Known (CL 3):
Level 0: Arcane Mark, Bleed, Dancing Lights, Daze, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Guidance, Light, Mending, Message, Putrefy Food and Drink, Read Magic, Resistance, Spark, Stabilize, Touch of Fatigue
Level 1: Command, Cure Light Wounds, Ear Piercing Scream, Hermean Potential, Ill Omen, Mage Armor, Recharge Innate Magic, Sleep, Web Bolt, Remove Sickness
Level 2: Glitterdust, Web
Spells Prepared:
Level 0: Daze, Detect Magic, Guidance, Resistance, [At-Will]
Level 1: Ear Piercing Scream, Mage Armor, Sleep
Level 2: Glitterdust, Web
Special Abilities:
Curse & Drawbacks:
- Hexes: Abeyance, Evil Eye, Healing, Slumber
- Ever Shifting Tongue: The Changeling will address any intelligent interlocutor in their native tongue unless blocked by Mind Blank or equivalent magic. The effect does not trigger on writing or any recording that does not have an intelligence behind it.
- Uncanny Seeming : Your eyes are grey as polished moonstone and when you close them strange runes can be read upon the lids. You take –2 penalty on Bluff, Diplomacy, and Disguise checks
Name: Pepper
Cat (Figment-Sage Witch's Familiar)
N Tiny animal
Init +2; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +5
AC 15, Touch 14, Flat-Footed 13 (+2 Dex, +2 Size, +1 Natural)
HP 5 (22/4)
Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +4
Speed 30 ft.
Melee 2 claws +5 (1d2-4), bite +5 (1d3-4)
Space 2-1/2 ft.; Reach 0 ft.
Str 3, Dex 15, Con 8, Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 7
Base Atk +1; CMB +1; CMD 6 (10 vs. trip)
Feats: Figment's Fluidity
Skills: Climb +6, Perception +5, Stealth +14; Knowledge (Arcana) +5, Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +12, Knowledge (Local) +4, Knowledge (Nature) +4, Knowledge (Religion) +5, Knowledge (The Planes) +5
Racial Modifiers: +4 Climb, +4 Stealth
Familiar: The master of a cat familiar gains a +3 bonus on Stealth checks.
Recurring Dream (Su): A figment has a total number of hit points equal to 1/4 of its master's total hit points. If the figment dies, it vanishes, appearing again with 1 hit point after its master awakens from a full night's sleep. If a figment ever strays more than 100 feet from its master or enters an antimagic field, or if a figment's master is unconscious or asleep, the figment disappears until the next time its master prepares spells or regains her spells per day.
Manifest Dream (Su): Each time Mina awakens from a full night's rest, she can apply to the figment 1 evolution point's worth of Eidolon evolutions that don't have a base form requirement.
Dazzling Intellect (Ex): A sage's Intelligence score is always equal to 5 + its master's class level, but it gains natural armor increases as if its master's class level were half what of the actual class level.
- Current Evolution:
- Skilled (Knowledge: Dungeoneering): Pepper becomes especially adept at a specific skill, gaining a +8 racial bonus on that skill.
Sage's Knowledge (Ex): A sage stores information on every topic and is happy to lecture its master on the finer points of a subject. A sage can attempt all Knowledge checks untrained and gains a bonus on Knowledge checks equal to half its master's class level. Additionally, a sage gains 2 skill ranks each time its master gains a class level. Its maximum number of ranks in any given skill is equal to its master's class level.
Equipment of Note: Armored Kilt, Dagger, Stonebow, Healer's Kit, Illusionist's Staff
I think we should buy Mina a light crossbow before we leave Cauldron. Not because she needs a new ranged weapon, but because of her new feat; Abeyance.
She can use that feat to shut down all of the Spell-like Abilities of any enemy she has damaged with a metal weapon since the previous round. If they fail a Will save, they lose their SLAs for 1 minute. That's a really solid ability for a low level Witch with limited spell slots, and it doesn't even have a short range limit like most other Hexes.
A ton of enemies are mostly dangerous because of their SLAs, like the Lich we just fought that Blinded Mina. Almost all the trouble we had with it stem directly from its SLAs, from Dispel magic to Blindness.
Oh well, there's always next time, and in a pinch she can use Kori's crossbow instead.You guys did not choose the market so you do not have time to buy anything unfortunately.
A Witch in Pathfinder... is it the same as a Warlock, in that the individual's power comes from an otherworldly patron?
What does it take to know for sure what she is? Come to think about it, how does Pepper not know it?