Bloodweed - a fast growing bamboo like plant whose fibers make excellent thread, its name comes from both its color and the small spiked nodules that tear up the fingers of the slaves who usually harvest them
Burnlands - The surface, can be used generally as a place of torment
Crossing Shadows - Working together for important or secret purpose [Nidelesse]
Dancer - Dark Dancer, tend to serve as traveling entertainers, most are not bound to a tribe
Dead rat hunt - a wild goose chase; From the habit of deep ghoul packs of killing dire rats or other common Darklands prey animals and reanimating them in their natural ranges to draw humanoid hunters away from their tribes in order for the ghouls to hunt them.
Drow Silk - One of the most luxurious forms of clothing in the darklands, it can be surprisingly sturdy for its weight
Duergar - Literally 'the enduring' this breed of grey skinned dwarfs cherishes grudges and is known for unparalleled greed, but they are more likely than most other residents of Nar Vroth to keep their word
First Prayer - The tale of the Darkfolk's communing with the darkness and descent into the underground
Fivefold Path - The caste system of the Darkfolk
Flash Eel - Dire Electric Eel, due to a combination of their stealth and their ability to shock the unwary few of the Caligini dare to hunt them and fewer still survive
Hall of the Young - Communal creche of a tribe of Darkfolk
Hollow Fiends - In Caligni mythology these nameless entities serve the role of both antagonist and tester on the Long Descent, though invoking them in times of misfortune the people of Zul the Cave-Taker do not hold with tales of the Hollow Fiends, considering them something akin to the tales children tell to scare each other past Last Bell
Hunter - Dark Stalker, the leaders of most darkfolk tribes as well as their most skilled warriors
Grave Dancer - Necromancer, most necromancers among the People are Bards
Long Walk, the - the main trade route in Nar Vroith, heavily used and paroled by the Duegar
Knife Gifting - A young Caligini's coming of age where their caste is officially acknowledged
Last Bell - Lights' out in the Hall of the Young
Nar Voth - The uppermost realm of the Darklands where most Dark Folk live
Old Goat, The - Name given to Asmodeous by agitators during the People's Revolt popularized by a satiric play wherein the Lord of the Ninth is tricked by a farmer into eating celery for a whole year instead of the hearts of his family. Despite being denounced by the Church of Erastril of Iomedae and Abadar for making fun of a great evil it remains in use in Andoran and Galt to this day as well as being a favored insult among the Cult of Milani.
People, The - Darkfolk broadly, various tribes append a descriptor to it, such as 'the People of the Spiral Cavern'
Raglichen - The most abundant source of cloth in the Darklands rag lichen will grow wherever there is flowing water, but it is far from aesthetically pleasing, ranging in color from off white to sickly yellow
Prickle-Pods - The fruit of a carnivorous black briar plant, covered in just as many thorns as the rest of the plant for the span of its long maturation the thorns all fall off when the fruit is ripe leading to a rush to various Nar Voth denizens to pick the plants clean during the early Season of Rushing Waters
Red in head - Goblin expression meaning riled up
Rock Gut - Name given to tar pits and quicksand collectively by the residents of the dark lands. Various cults, particularly those who worship powers of stone and claustrophobia consider these to be the eternally hungering stomachs of their preferred gods. Few of those who might have the misfortune of being sacrificed in such pits are inclined to disagree
Tale Teller - Dark Empath, the keppers of the tribe's traditions and lore, serving as judges and moral guides
Tongue-biter - Literally someone who takes advantage of romantic relationships to 'bite the other person's tongue', that is to get ahead in some way reputational or material. Though the Calgni do not follow bloodlines, raising all the children of the tribe collectively, this quality is thought to be hereditary. Though it can and is used as an insult it can also have playful connotations of 'cunning bastard'.
To pin one's hand to a wall - To the cornered; at the end of one's rope though still with
some chance of escape
Shinny - Valuables to the goblin in question, actually shining is helpful but not required
Slopperr - Any of a number of shapeless oozes (such as gray ooze or ochre jelly) that stalk the deep tunnels.
Spider Lizard - Common it short lived pets of Caligni, contrary to their name they are all lizard, the spider part referring to how well they climb on splayed sucker equipped fingers
Stacking Pebbles - Woolgathering [Darklands]
Steel-mole - Slow and ponderous
moles make the most of their resistance to the vitriolic secretions of common cave snails. When threatened it takes advantage of the stiffening of its iron infused neck mane to make itself seem larger than it is.
Stinker - Goblin name for corporeal undead as goblins do not often encounter non-malodorous undead and live
Stone-Water - Water that is clear, good to drink as opposed to muck water, water which must be filtered as well as boiled before it can be safely drunk
Thousand-Beat - Literally a thousand heartbeats, about 20 minutes, the Darkland unit of time most analogous to an hour.
Warm-Souled: Literally empathic or kind, though it has a negative connotation as warm light is the most filling so it can also be read as 'easy meat'
Whisper Foot - Dark Creepers, the most common sorts of Darkfolk, serving as craftsmen laborers and growers of the fungus the tribe lives off of
Whoozy - Substance ingested by a goblin in the hopes of recreational use
Worm Oil - Oil harvested from rendering down purple worms and their kin
Xulgath - The reptilian people surface dwellers call 'troglodites'
Zul the Cave-taker - Warlord of Akorian's tribe who conquered their present home from the Xulgath