Arturia Character Sheets.
[] Name: Arturia
[] Age: 20
[] Species: Human/Esprit hybrid
[] Job Class: Dragoon
[] Side jobs: Paladin
[] Appearance:
[] Personality: Confidant. Prideful. Arrogant some would say. But is it arrogance if you can really live up to it?
Arturia succeeded. With time and effort she could quickly catch and surpass those who would be called masters of their fields.
And this was where her vanity began.
[] History: Arturia hit the ground running and didn't stop even in her childhood. She liked to compete and she liked to win. Thrived in it even.
And so she was indulged.
She grew from a young age, the flexibility of youth lending astounding heights to her progress, spurred on by a spark of want and ambition that is rarely seen in those much her senior.
She competed, she lost, she advanced, she competed again, she won.
And with each win her pride in her abilities and strengths grew.
It was a self-aware Pride though. Not one of bluster and hot air, so easily exploited and destroyed. No, it was a Pride born of hard work and winning again and again and knowing just how much better she was than those around her.
It was a Pride not easily destroyed, even as she lorded it over others and incited others to fight her. Even would the odd master beat her she would learn and either challenge them again or acknowledge the gap of experience and age between them and promise herself that she would catch up at a much sooner age than they had taken to achieve their skill.
Not sure if one can have excessive, healthy pride, but she does. She's... genuinely noble. But she takes Pride in it and ends up lording it above others. It's a case of "Praise Me!" except she actually deserves it when she demands/asks for it. Like 95% of the time anyway.
Also, couldn't really figure out how to figure it into the story, but I pegged her as being a little bit hedonistic when she grew...
... I'm sorry, what were we talking about? I got distracted.
And a commoner/fallen noble version?
[] Name: Arturia
[] Age: 20
[] Species: Human/Esprit hybrid
[] Job Class: Dragoon
[] Side jobs: Dark Knight
[] Appearance:
[] Personality:
[] History:
Right, not too sure how to purple prose this one as much. Kinda tired, lost steam, etc.
Anyway, she's the above's commoner, or perhaps family of fallen nobles, version. Instead of Pride she's Wrath. Basically got kicked down far more harshly and wasn't really nurtured. She clawed for every scrape of progress and she fucking made it work. I also see her being quite a bit more hedonistic and reckless than Pride!Arturia as she's kind of trying to distract herself a lot of the time from her shit childhood.
A bit of me is stuck on her history for that as well, I don't know how modern/medieval/other the setting is. Or what the caste system is like especially.
Also, crapton of Saber Alt pics. Might craft another character or two. I'll try to change it up from Dark Knight though.
[] Age: 20
[] Species: Human/Esprit hybrid
[] Job Class: Dragoon
[] Side jobs: Paladin
[] Appearance:

[] Personality: Confidant. Prideful. Arrogant some would say. But is it arrogance if you can really live up to it?
Arturia succeeded. With time and effort she could quickly catch and surpass those who would be called masters of their fields.
And this was where her vanity began.
[] History: Arturia hit the ground running and didn't stop even in her childhood. She liked to compete and she liked to win. Thrived in it even.
And so she was indulged.
She grew from a young age, the flexibility of youth lending astounding heights to her progress, spurred on by a spark of want and ambition that is rarely seen in those much her senior.
She competed, she lost, she advanced, she competed again, she won.
And with each win her pride in her abilities and strengths grew.
It was a self-aware Pride though. Not one of bluster and hot air, so easily exploited and destroyed. No, it was a Pride born of hard work and winning again and again and knowing just how much better she was than those around her.
It was a Pride not easily destroyed, even as she lorded it over others and incited others to fight her. Even would the odd master beat her she would learn and either challenge them again or acknowledge the gap of experience and age between them and promise herself that she would catch up at a much sooner age than they had taken to achieve their skill.
Not sure if one can have excessive, healthy pride, but she does. She's... genuinely noble. But she takes Pride in it and ends up lording it above others. It's a case of "Praise Me!" except she actually deserves it when she demands/asks for it. Like 95% of the time anyway.
Also, couldn't really figure out how to figure it into the story, but I pegged her as being a little bit hedonistic when she grew...

... I'm sorry, what were we talking about? I got distracted.
And a commoner/fallen noble version?
[] Name: Arturia
[] Age: 20
[] Species: Human/Esprit hybrid
[] Job Class: Dragoon
[] Side jobs: Dark Knight
[] Appearance:

[] History:
Right, not too sure how to purple prose this one as much. Kinda tired, lost steam, etc.
Anyway, she's the above's commoner, or perhaps family of fallen nobles, version. Instead of Pride she's Wrath. Basically got kicked down far more harshly and wasn't really nurtured. She clawed for every scrape of progress and she fucking made it work. I also see her being quite a bit more hedonistic and reckless than Pride!Arturia as she's kind of trying to distract herself a lot of the time from her shit childhood.
A bit of me is stuck on her history for that as well, I don't know how modern/medieval/other the setting is. Or what the caste system is like especially.
Also, crapton of Saber Alt pics. Might craft another character or two. I'll try to change it up from Dark Knight though.