Fill Your Hand, You Son of a Bitch - A Cowpoke Quest

[X] Stay and explain. Even if you technically shot first.

I would state, that if you wish to get technical, these two drew and fired first. However, I will concede that there was some amount of time between the two exchanges.
[X] Stay and explain. Even if you technically shot first.

"Look here, I've even got her picture on my rider's license!"
[X] Stay and explain. Even if you technically shot first.

Not guilty I said, you've got the wrong man
Nothing touched the trigger but the devil's right hand
[X] Stay and explain. Even if you technically shot first.

They wouldn't have been shot if they just dodged the bullets, officer. Really, it's their fault.
You keep an eye on the man in front of you. There's blood dripping from the wreckage of his wrist and the other is still groaning on the ground, a pool of his blood spreading around him. There's lots of yelling and there's a crowd pushing at the saloon doors, trying to see what's going on. People aren't exactly happy about a shoot-out, you'd guess. They had it coming, though, and you weren't about to let them go riding out of town with your horse and gear - well, what's left of it.

"What in the Hell is going on here?"

It's Marsley and despite his even tone, you can hear the anger simmering under the surface. You glance behind you to see him holding a scattergun, flanked by a deputy with a six-shooter in his hand.

"Miss Elwing, you put that shooting iron down or I swear, you will not like what's comin'."

Relucantly, you carefully put your revolver on the planks of the sidewalk. Marsley snorts.

"Good. Now would you mind telling me why you just shot up my town?"

You feel a bit of a rage burning in your heart, still. You were just taking care of the men who tried to put paid to you not more than two or three days ago. This was your right. Despite that, you keep your hands where he can see them and you back off to one side as you jerk your head in a nod, "These are the two that jumped me a few days back. They tried to kill me - almost did - and stole all of my gear!"

Marsley's gaze narrows and shifts to the man still standing - Tommy, if you had to guess. Tommy shakes his head with a venomous hiss, "She's lyin'! I ain't seen her before in my life."

Well, he's a god-damned liar to boot. You jerk your head toward the horses tied up in front of the building, "That's my horse, sheriff. My tack, as well. My name is carved in there-"

You nod toward the saddle with confidence. You've got this one. Marsley glances at his deputy - a gangly young man who looks to be younger than even you - and he goes over to the horse and carefully undoes some of the straps so he can lift the saddle and get a look. There's a pregnant silence.
"Uh. Says here… K… a… t...e-"

"Good enough. Thanks Georgey," Marsley responds. His eyes are flinty and he gives you a very long look before he shakes his head, "I'm not going to run you in for this. But you ever shoot my town up again, there's going to be Hell to pay. You hear me?"

You nod. He doesn't seem like the kind of man to cross, honestly.

After that, events blur a bit. You don't know what happens to the two men and quite frankly you don't really care anymore. You secure your gear - most of it, anyway. Most of your cash is gone at this point, but at least you have your horse and ammunition and some supplies. So you spend some money on a hot bath, a room, and a meal.

By the next morning you feel positively human again and you have to figure out what you're going to do next. There are bounties to hunt. The board in front of the Sheriff's officer has a series of posters and noticed hung up, some with artist's renderings and some without, but they're all a good way to try and earn some money again. You study the various postings and narrow down the likely prospects to three or four. Now you just have to decide which one of these you're actually gonna go hunting after..

[ ] Willhelm "Little Bill" Kirschenbaum; a criminal of Dysch extraction. Wanted in connection to a string of cattle thefts over the last nine months. Known to roam with with a gang of three or four other thieves, typically unarmed. Believed to be in the vicinity of Santa Rita. $200 reward - alive. $100 reward - dead
[ ] Zachariah Litten, wanted for the murder of Shen Kang-Tow proprietress of the Cathayan Laundry in Oxwater and the wounding of her co-proprietess, Soo-yami Heesoomatsoo, of Akitsoonee extraction. It is believed they argued over a bill. Thought to be hiding out in Inde country in the San Carlos Hills. $600, dead or alive.
[ ] Jane Burns, wanted for the theft of two horses over the course of a week, taken at gunpoint from a Mr. Garcia. Was was last seen riding west to Silverton. Armed, dangerous, drunk. $500, alive, $250 dead.
[ ] Mister Carlos Toltechoehua and Miss Cuicatl de Cruz, formerly of Texcoco. Wanted in connection to the armed hold-up of the Mills & Stendahl Stagecoach in Sandy Bank. Known to operate in the vicinity of the stage road between San Luis and Willow Creek. $400 reward for each, alive.

Your room for the night cost $.50, a box of cartridges cost another $.50, breakfast and dinner both cost $.10, and the bath cost another $.10. A few pounds of salt pork, coffee, lard, and flour for trail rations will run you about $1.80. Your recovered gear includes a small frying pan and some other useful implements (including a blanket, your heavy overcoat, your saddlebags, and a few other things).

After all that, you've got about $7.00 left over.

What, if anything do you buy besides the bare essentials?

[ ] New canteen - $1.00
[ ] New boots - $5.00
[ ] A compass - $4.00
[ ] A used, single-shot, muzzle-loading rifle-musket and 25 paper cartridges; $7.00
[ ] Write-in; I'll tell you if you can afford it.
[X] Zachariah Litten, wanted for the murder of Shen Kang-Tow proprietress of the Cathayan Laundry in Oxwater and the wounding of her co-proprietess, Soo-yami Heesoomatsoo, of Akitsoonee extraction. It is believed they argued over a bill. Thought to be hiding out in Inde country in the San Carlos Hills. $600, dead or alive.

no murderer bad. no shooting the lesbians

[x] A compass - $4.00

let's not get lost again
[X] Zachariah Litten, wanted for the murder of Shen Kang-Tow proprietress of the Cathayan Laundry in Oxwater and the wounding of her co-proprietess, Soo-yami Heesoomatsoo, of Akitsoonee extraction. It is believed they argued over a bill. Thought to be hiding out in Inde country in the San Carlos Hills. $600, dead or alive.
[X] A compass - $4.00