Fell Omens [Dungeon Quest]

[M1W1] It Begins
Tunnelling isn't particularly difficult. A small twist of your will, and the earth melts away to form a path wide and tall enough for most monsters to comfortably pass through. The tunnels themselves are unfortunately more 'cave network' than anything, but pleasing aesthetics will come once you begin reinforcing the tunnels with Malevolence. And that can be done once the amenities are fixed up.

Two hours of light work sees the basis of your dungeon set up. You start with a box of corridors that links to the Chapel, from which you can start adding rooms as you see fit. You continue in a similar vein, adding another floor above you, before you decide to take a breather.

Evil Stirs in the Ruins of the Obsidian Keep
Reward: +3 Malevolence

As the dungeon readily accepts a new master, the local spirits are naturally attracted by the activity. Which is thankful, since without them, you would've been stuck with just the chapel. There's a hundred and one things you're going to need for a successful dungeon, but it'll be best to start with the essentials. Food, living quarters and secure storage.

Now, uh, how do you make these rooms again?


[] Having already spent time as a mini-boss dungeon apprentice, you've seen how your old master used to do it. (Recall Skills: [Dungeon Knowledge – Basic] & [Boss Fight - Easy])
[] You spent most of your life learning to become a sorcerer and you took a quick course on Dungeon Mastery (Recall Skills: [Arcane Knowledge – Basic] & [Dark Arts Major]
[] You don't know much about Dungeoncraft, specifically, but you have a working knowledge of real architecture, so that shouldn't be a problem...Right? (Recall Skills: [Scientific Knowledge – Basic] & [Mother of Invention]
[] Write-In (I'll make up the relevant skills)
[] You have no clue at all. You're going to need to look this up somewhere. (EVENT)

* * * * * * * *

Since a 12 hour vote cycle will end when I'm long asleep today, I'll call this some time tomorrow morning, and add an information box thing some time tonight.
[X] You don't know much about Dungeoncraft, specifically, but you have a working knowledge of real architecture, so that shouldn't be a problem...Right?
[X] You don't know much about Dungeoncraft, specifically, but you have a working knowledge of real architecture, so that shouldn't be a problem...Right?
[X] You don't know much about Dungeoncraft, specifically, but you have a working knowledge of real architecture, so that shouldn't be a problem...Right? (Recall Skills: [Scientific Knowledge – Basic] & [Mother of Invention]
[X] You don't know much about Dungeoncraft, specifically, but you have a working knowledge of real architecture, so that shouldn't be a problem...Right? (Recall Skills: [Scientific Knowledge – Basic] & [Mother of Invention]

What we need is basic plumbing: the most important feature of any evil lair.
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[X] Having already spent time as a mini-boss dungeon apprentice, you've seen how your old master used to do it. (Recall Skills: [Dungeon Knowledge – Basic] & [Boss Fight - Easy])
[X] You don't know much about Dungeoncraft, specifically, but you have a working knowledge of real architecture, so that shouldn't be a problem...Right? (Recall Skills: [Scientific Knowledge – Basic] & [Mother of Invention]

dungeon make over!!!
Rocks and Stalactites are so 3000 years ago
Cystal lights, underground aquaducts and hidden rooms are in this century...
I dont know why i typed that
[X] You don't know much about Dungeoncraft, specifically, but you have a working knowledge of real architecture, so that shouldn't be a problem...Right? (Recall Skills: [Scientific Knowledge – Basic] & [Mother of Invention]
[X] You spent most of your life learning to become a sorcerer and you took a quick course on Dungeon Mastery (Recall Skills: [Arcane Knowledge – Basic] & [Dark Arts Major]
[X] You don't know much about Dungeoncraft, specifically, but you have a working knowledge of real architecture, so that shouldn't be a problem...Right? (Recall Skills: [Scientific Knowledge – Basic] & [Mother of Invention]
[Loading Screen] On the Subject of Dark Gods
What is the definition of a 'Dark God'?

The glib answer often given by mischievous children is some variation on 'a god who isn't light'. Though these answers usually invite scorn or physical chastisement, there's more truth to them than is usually given credit. Though we often assume that dark gods are simply naturally evil, most are driven to such ends by necessity.

When a rival pantheon (or an independent god, in some circumstances) is brought before the Celestial Chamber, there are often only two options. Join or die (though it's never put in such honest terms). To join the Chamber is to become essentially a figurehead; the values of the Chamber are enforced upon the pantheon and their believers are added to the juggernaut that is the Celestial Empire. Thus, many such pantheons decline the offer, not realising the alternative is rarely better.

Though it sometimes depends on the circumstances (sometimes, missionaries are all that are required), the first response to this is for the Celestial Chamber to martial their physical forces and declare a holy war upon the target. With the combined might of all nations that worship the chamber, there are few that can stand against such an army. After the inevitable capitulation of their worshippers, the empire prohibits the worship of these 'Dark Gods'.

In the wake of this, the god must demand greater displays of faith by those still devout. Often, this begins with blood sacrifices or the offering of live animals. As believers continue to dry up, those who follow the god must go to further and further extremes to sustain their being of worship. And since the nature of a god's believers affects the nature of the god, the god begins to genuinely act in ways that vindicate their label.

- An abridged excerpt from the heretical text, 'On The Subject of Divinity'.

The original was must longer and much, much drier.

(And no, the light gods aren't just 'oh hey we're evil, but we've got the most worshippers so it doesn't matter'. Nor are they a strict metaphor for imperialism. Just clarifying that :p)
[X] You don't know much about Dungeoncraft, specifically, but you have a working knowledge of real architecture, so that shouldn't be a problem...Right? (Recall Skills: [Scientific Knowledge – Basic] & [Mother of Invention]
[X] You spent most of your life learning to become a sorcerer and you took a quick course on Dungeon Mastery (Recall Skills: [Arcane Knowledge – Basic] & [Dark Arts Major]

[X] You don't know much about Dungeoncraft, specifically, but you have a working knowledge of real architecture, so that shouldn't be a problem...Right? (Recall Skills: [Scientific Knowledge – Basic] & [Mother of Invention]
No. of Votes: 8

[X] You spent most of your life learning to become a sorcerer and you took a quick course on Dungeon Mastery (Recall Skills: [Arcane Knowledge – Basic] & [Dark Arts Major]
No. of Votes: 2

[X] You have no clue at all. You're going to need to look this up somewhere. (EVENT)
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Having already spent time as a mini-boss dungeon apprentice, you've seen how your old master used to do it. (Recall Skills: [Dungeon Knowledge – Basic] & [Boss Fight - Easy])
No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 12
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[M1W1] Mechanical Aptitude
You have recalled...
Scientific Knowledge - Basic
You have an assumed knowledge of the basic elements of natural world. That's physics, chemistry, etc.
Mother of Invention
You have access to the 'Anachronism' research/tech tree.

Actively making a useable room takes a lot more effort than just churning out tunnels. Twice over, you're forced to increase the size of the room you're working on, as an errant thought takes a chunk out of the wall you're trying to smooth over. As time passes, the smoothing process becomes a little easier, and you find yourself in possession of a single, vaguely cubical room. Thankfully, the floor was the last thing you created, thus the room is still mostly in line with the corridor it opens into.

Now, for the room's contents.


You know there's ways for a dungeon master to create objects from nothing. To leverage the Malevolence of their dungeon to create things to populate their dungeon (and thus provide the tools to attract more Malevolence), but you don't know exactly…how, per say. Tunnelling was easy. It was almost instinctual. So was the consolidation of your power. The next step?


There's probably a long and difficult period of trial and error in your near future.

As you slowly try to feel out your new powers, you're reminded of the elements of how you got here. How different things are now…

You used to be…


[] An Extraneous Aristocrat. With few responsibilities and a painfully dull future ahead of you, you were allowed to indulge your sense of curiosity.
[] A Wandering Tinker. Your family spent much of your childhood mending ploughs and ignoring suspicious glares.
[] An Apprentice Artificer. Sometimes, as you think back, you wonder whether the Artificer's guild was meant to teach prospective inventors, or imprison them.
[] An Inapt Warlock/Witch. Though you were always fascinated with the natural world, the only forms of education that were available to you were through the Clergy or a Magic school.
[] Write-In

* * * * * * * *

It's probably about time to also start deciding on personal traits, so let's do that.

Firstly, gender.


[] Male
[] Female
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[x] An Inapt Warlock/Witch. Though you were always fascinated with the natural world, the only forms of education that were available to you were through the Clergy or a Magic school.

Although I'm amused that we apparently went with chapel because we have an architecture obsession, I'd like to see SOME form of religion in our background.

Don't care about gender.
[x] An Inapt Warlock/Witch. Though you were always fascinated with the natural world, the only forms of education that were available to you were through the Clergy or a Magic school.

Although I'm amused that we apparently went with chapel because we have an architecture obsession, I'd like to see SOME form of religion in our background.

Don't care about gender.

Any of the options (aside from the Tinker, I guess) could have religion in the background. They're all fairly general.

Also remember that, if you want something more specific, write-in is always an option :p
[X] An Apprentice Artificer. Sometimes, as you think back, you wonder whether the Artificer's guild was meant to teach prospective inventors, or imprison them.
[X] Male
[X] An Apprentice Artificer. Sometimes, as you think back, you wonder whether the Artificer's guild was meant to teach prospective inventors, or imprison them.
[X] Male

Now I want us to make a robot made out of wands.