Fear Cuts Deeper Than Swords: A Song of Ice and Fire/D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder Quest

I was looking at the Orisons and 1st level spells....

Can we mix the Orison for Create Water with the 1st Level Create Holy Water?

Either merge the two into one spell or be able to cast the two together for a combined effect?

About replacing Spells.... Do you mean on Level Up or that each we can each day pick from our Spell List different options?

On the matter of Spells that stood out to me:


Detect Magic: Seems like just what we need.

Detect Poison: We really need this with Ramsey around, but I'm not sure if it would be 4th wall breaking to pick it or not?

Create Water: Useful if we can combine with Bless Water/Make Holy Water but could also be used to make a drink or to create muddy and slippy terrain I suppose.

Light: Could be useful for night fighting on weapons/armour or to pull off a knock off lightbringer?

Purify Food/Drink: Would this get rid of Poison or just make Food close to going off palatable, if it removes poison then we need detect poison less as we can just nullify poisoned vittals.

Mending: could be useful to do field repairs of Weapons, Armour and equipment or to fix damaged things to then sell on at a profit?

Read Magic: Would this allow reading of Magic Texts not in our Language?

Spark: We could coat our sword in oil and then use this to have a fiery blade?

1st Level Spells:

Abundant Ammo: Has obvious uses but seems easier to just carry more Ammo.

Air Bubble: could help us loot underwater areas or survive noxious gasses and avoid smoke inhalation if there is a fire.

Bless: Good for now for us and or Allies.

Bless Water: As before useful and could synergise with Create Water.

Burning Disarm: This is useful against armed enemies but I think it would be great used on Armour or Jewellry too.

Carrion Compass: Very Useful! Necromancer Tracker.

Cure Light Wounds: We need this now.

Enhance Water: This would make us very popular! Lol

Firebelly: A nice Offensive Magic with some Fire Resistance too.

Hedging Weapons: Very Useful if alone and fighting multiple foes, double the blades like we use Polearm and Axe for range or Falchion assists defense. Could have a sword defend as we use Archery too.

Ironbeard: Fantastic but only versus Fae.

Magic Weapon: Just Great til we get better gear.

Sanctuary: Wow! Guest Rights that not even the Freys could break!

Shadow Trap: Would this work on a Flying Creature?

Summon Minor Monster: We could call Crows to peck out peoples eyes? Or better yet, Snow Shrikes?

Summon Monster: useful if outnumbered, could be good with in conjunction with the Hedging Weapon Spell.

Sun Metal: Undeniably good but Spark on a sword coated with oil can be done just as well.

Touch of Truthtelling: Would be really useful to deal with Ramsey in front of Witnesses.
Get him to incriminate himself.

Weaponwand: Great if we find a Wand. Useless otherwise.

Ghostbane Dirge: Good very good.

Positive Pulse: Good if lots of undead, better if have Allies with us.

Swift Girding: We could use this to loot Enemies Armour while protecting our Allies.
[X] Agree immediately and head for the town
-[X] Bid the hunter to appraise Steelshanks who is no doubt tearing after you at a worried dash.
-[X] Offer some parting words of encouragement before riding out. He is one of your subjects who did well to inform you of this.
[X] Nickan
What's this?
First vote, and already a write-in?
Provided they are allowed, indeed. Would hate for miscommunication to occur while dear Bolton goes forth to do paladin things.
[X] Agree immediately and head for the town
-[X] Bid the hunter to appraise Steelshanks who is no doubt tearing after you at a worried dash.
-[X] Offer some parting words of encouragement before riding out. He is one of your subjects who did well to inform you of this.
@TotallyNotEvil @TheOmnimercurial you guys have the combat buffs well in hand but I think we need a social/utility load-out too. Domeric is a lord's son after all

Here would be my sugestions:

Level 0:

  1. Enhanced Diplomacy (+2 is nothing to sniff at at level 1 and since Orsions are at will we can just keep spamming it)
  2. Detect Magic (as important in social situations as in combat, if someone has magic or is under it's influence we want to know)
  3. Detect Poison (Domeric is not paranoid enough for this yet but he will be)
  4. Amanuensis (Being able to copy texts at will means we can get a lot of lore down for reading later)

Level 1:
  1. Aspect of the Nightingale (might be a nice to accompany the harp)
  2. Bless Water (Magic for our mundane allies us use, yes please)
  3. Build Trust (More social buffs and it stacks with Enhanced Diplomacy)
  4. Clear Mind (Relatively long lasting, if we know we are going up against anything that uses enchantment that bonus could be a life-saver)
  5. Diagnose Disease (what is says on the tin, we have no heal skill but at lest we can tell what's wrong)
  6. Honeyed Tongue (diplomacy re-roll)
  7. Know the Enemy (pretty circumstantial, but a +10 anything his early is remarkable, we can always prepare it and use it on the bodies of ded enemies after we kill them)
  8. Read Magic (Same as the detect above, if we find a magic writing it is very important to know what is on it)
  9. Sanctify Corpse (for when we need to keep something from rising again but can't burn it for social reasons)
  10. Songbird (More abilities to enhance harp singing)
  11. Touch of Truthtelling (a good way to interogate people without traditional Bolton tactics)
[X] Agree immediately and head for the town
-[X] Bid the hunter to appraise Steelshanks who is no doubt tearing after you at a worried dash.
-[X] Offer some parting words of encouragement before riding out. He is one of your subjects who did well to inform you of this.
[X] Agree immediately and head for the town
-[X] Bid the hunter to appraise Steelshanks who is no doubt tearing after you at a worried dash.
-[X] Offer some parting words of encouragement before riding out. He is one of your subjects who did well to inform you of this.
[X] Agree immediately and head for the town
-[X] Bid the hunter to appraise Steelshanks who is no doubt tearing after you at a worried dash.
-[X] Offer some parting words of encouragement before riding out. He is one of your subjects who did well to inform you of this.
[X] Go back for Steelshanks, he's a trained warrior, he may be able to help

Changing vote
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[X] Agree immediately and head for the town
-[X] Bid the hunter to appraise Steelshanks who is no doubt tearing after you at a worried dash.
-[X] Offer some parting words of encouragement before riding out. He is one of your subjects who did well to inform you of this.
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This is sounding more like an ambush by our dear brother for us rather than actual walkers.

-Reek like character in an isolated area
-going to lead presumably to a slaughtered town.
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