And before I forget, since I told you my name, would you kindly give me yours?
'Hakuno Kishinami. That is my name.'
Very well. Hakuno Kishinami, may your life be long, pleasant, and quite productive. Because I will not accept anything less.
The walk back to your house was at once informative, exciting, relieving and boring. Informative since Cyte was giving your body a full diagnostic and tune-up; exciting since he (the mental voice
sounds like a man) was remarking about the various ways your body can be improved, relieving because your new heart was beating regularly (which it was not before due to Cardiac Arrhythmia) and slower than normal despite the brisk pace; and boring because nothing else of note happened. Oh there were rumors of gas leaks but nothing like the mass murders that happened ten years ago.
You walked up to your plain suite (304) at the Semina Apartments in Shinto, still creeped out by how empty it feels since your parents left. They went to India for a 'business trip,' which usually was a euphemism/excuse for your parents to go an exotic locale to have a quote 'second honeymoon'. Why they brought your ten-your old sister Tsubasa along for the trip is... beyond your current reasoning. 'I really hope they don't do something stupid with her... like arranging a marriage for her.'
Was I supposed to hear that, as that thought had nothing to do with improving your immune system.
'Sorry, just thinking about how weird this place is when no one is around.' You paused your thought as you set the table for dinner... if several containers of micro-wave ramen counts as a meal. 'As well as some of the more... idiotic things my parents have done.'
Apology accepted, be careful of what you think.
'Why?' you mentally snort. 'Am I going to meet a mind-reader?' Cyte was silent for a few moments then responded.
In all likelihoods, yes. You will meet some Psychics, Psykers, or anything else that has powers of the mind.
You stopped pouring water into the first bowl, 'Really?' You then continue with the preparation.
Yeah, the former are annoying as hell when they are not dangerous or frauds. The latter are extremely lethal, insane, annoying, and/or not entirely there.
On a side note, You have a weird secondary nervous system that does not connect with anything. Utterly bizarre.
The microwave hums as the current bowl of noodles is half-way done. 'Next you will be telling that magic exists.'
It does. While I have not seen it myself, my family has plenty of experience with magic, mad science, and magi-tech used on us.
'That is bull shit!' The microwave dings as the first batch of noodles is complete.
Says the guy effectively having a conversation with the voice in his head and was walking around town with a fist-sized hole in his shirt, front and back, where the heart is located.
Yeah... you can not dispute that point.
So... any other questions while you eat dinner?
[ ] Write in questions
[ ] No, no questions now, too tired (Skip to next morning)