We need to avoid fighting Mordred if she is Berserker, we'll likely get a mutual kill against her if we do because history loves repeating itself. On the other hand, a well placed command seal from the girl who basically has an infinite number of them should be able to pull our ass out of the fire.
And even if we end up in Heavens Feel-ish route, things be off-the-rails yo. I don't think Arturia is going to let anything stop her from saving Mordred from becoming a dog of Alaya.
On Mordred and Madness Enhancement... isn't hers a low-level one at best since her madness was fairly low-key throughout the legend? Sure it snowballed into something horrible, but the madness itself wasn't very high, I think. So she should be sane-ish if we meet her, the only question is the when/which her is summoned. Lancelot had a couple of different versions depending on whether he was sane or mad I think, so would a Berserker Mordred have memories of their ending or would the Counter Guardian situation over-ride that.
Also, we are saying we Love her? Right? It doesn't say it explicitly, so... *Shrug* I figure you wouldn't do that, but I'm also paranoid from other GMs screwing voters over from that kind of thing.
And even if we end up in Heavens Feel-ish route, things be off-the-rails yo. I don't think Arturia is going to let anything stop her from saving Mordred from becoming a dog of Alaya.
On Mordred and Madness Enhancement... isn't hers a low-level one at best since her madness was fairly low-key throughout the legend? Sure it snowballed into something horrible, but the madness itself wasn't very high, I think. So she should be sane-ish if we meet her, the only question is the when/which her is summoned. Lancelot had a couple of different versions depending on whether he was sane or mad I think, so would a Berserker Mordred have memories of their ending or would the Counter Guardian situation over-ride that.
Also, we are saying we Love her? Right? It doesn't say it explicitly, so... *Shrug* I figure you wouldn't do that, but I'm also paranoid from other GMs screwing voters over from that kind of thing.