"Want two easy enemies out of the competition in favor of one worse alliance? Do this. It's what's best for me too so..."
This is a bit confusing so does it get rid of two easy-to-make enemies in exchange for not being able to ally with them or by getting rid of them we get two easy to beat enemies instead in exchange for not having a good ally against the designated bullshit enemy in the war, or maybe they're still our enemies but by making him regret what he did we're actually making them easy to beat with our punishment?

On a side note I'm not sure that what's good for a mysterious voice is necessarily good for us
[x] Let it go, literally. The last thing you need is to stress yourself out when you're going to be on a plane tomorrow. Go home, get some rest, and mentally prepare yourself for the magical death tournament instead of trying to act petty to an annoying student.
[X] Use your family's magecraft to steal ownership of the familiar so he doesn't send it after you a third time. Send it to die since you don't need it.
- [X] Before you do, look into its memories to see what he told this thing to do.
This is a bit confusing so does it get rid of two easy-to-make enemies in exchange for not being able to ally with them or by getting rid of them we get two easy to beat enemies instead in exchange for not having a good ally against the designated bullshit enemy in the war, or maybe they're still our enemies but by making him regret what he did we're actually making them easy to beat with our punishment?

On a side note I'm not sure that what's good for a mysterious voice is necessarily good for us

It's a spoiler, but the choice determines whether they fight in the war or not. Though whether or not that is a good thing is entirely dependent on how the story plays out.
[x] Let it go, literally. The last thing you need is to stress yourself out when you're going to be on a plane tomorrow. Go home, get some rest, and mentally prepare yourself for the magical death tournament instead of trying to act petty to an annoying student.

Gonna go with this then, since I feel like keeping em, though I'd prefer not to show off our skills, and to keep them thinking we're a really dense idiot, rather than just not wanting to go through the hassle when the information they listened in on was basically nothing
Chaoter 4: Mind the waterfowl
Winner said:
[X] Use your family's magecraft to steal ownership of the familiar so he doesn't send it after you a third time. Send it to die since you don't need it.
- [X] Before you do, look into its memories to see what he told this thing to do.
"You're all welcome btw, see you in the war."
You're done with this. He's likely immature, sure, but ultimately the best way to grow up is to face the consequences of your bad decisions, and this was a particularly bad one for him. Plus, this is something you need to practice more, it will potentially be useful to you when the war kicks off.

You hold your free hand over the duck's head and slowly charge mana through you and it. You imagine the energy from your circuits taking the form of several links chained together, wrapping around the familiar, binding it into a contact that cancels all others. This is your family magic, a fraction of the amazing feats committed by the King of Magic in order to send the demons to build his temple.

It eventually is bound, you begin to pull it's spiritual core to you. Making it truly an extension of you just as it snaps its bond with its previous master fully, the only resistance it has to you pulled away. Something more powerful could fight you, but this is child's play.

You open your eyes to see your familiar turn to look into them. You have a very good idea of what to do with it. You cast a simple spell and look into the creature's mind, time to see what this kid was thinking, or at least told this thing. You eventually see all of the recent memories play out for you.

Seren sat in the corner, messing around with a smartphone. You briefly wonder why a mage would carry such a thing, did she not care about her reputation?

"He said Astoria?" She asks her friend. He nods and she continues, "first result is a city in the western part of the states. But seriously though, promise me this is only your curiosity, not a legit desire to fight in a death tournament."



"It's the Holy Grail. Why wouldn't I want to see it myself."

"It's a fake, and we'll die."

"One of those things doesn't matter, the other is impossible since we're both so strong!"

"I'm not gonna talk you out of this, am I?"

"Nope." He gave her the largest grin, as if he just accomplished something others would think was impossible. In a sense though, he was trying to do just that.

"You, Gareth, are going to die out there. I'm going to have to risk my life just to lower your chances of dying am I?"

He let loose an exaggerated fist pump, "yes! We're gonna be unstoppable together."

Seren sighed as she stood up and walked out of the room, "you're gonna need more info if we're really going to do this."

He pointed to you as she exited, "Lucille! Jeffery is running away so I'm going to send you out to spy on him during his meeting! I need you to also try to get some info in his place."

You laugh internally, not just at the fact that all his familiars have names, but because he told it what to do when he controlled all its functions anyway.

So that was it. You realize he has no idea what he's in for and run straight back to El-Melloi's room. Upon getting there, however, you see it completely deserted. He likely ran off when you stole his familiar.

Speaking of which, you turn to it, it's neck was still in your hand. You considered killing it before looking in its mind, but you're suddenly reminded that you can make use of it to perform a summoning ritual, so you set it down and will it to follow you for the time being. You make sure you have everything you were given and begin contemplate what to do next.

[ ] You have time, study a bit of magecraft. Memorize or adapt a spell for combat use, just in case.

[ ] You should try to find Gareth, or Seren, but preferably both. Talk them out of the war no matter how badly it may go.

[ ] You're tired. Just get home and get some rest. You will be traveling tomorrow so you only have tonight to relax before you potentially die.

[ ] Write-in
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[X] You should try to find Gareth, or Seren, but preferably both. Talk them out of the war no matter how badly it may go.
>Be me
>Make quick update on the bus home from work
>Don't pay attention as I write
>See typos next morning

Also next update will be tomorrow instead, hopefully I can get more votes by then.
[x] You're tired. Just get home and get some rest. You will be traveling tomorrow so you only have tonight to relax before you potentially die.
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[x] You're tired. Just get home and get some rest. You will be traveling tomorrow so you only have tonight to relax before you potentially die.
[x] You're tired. Just get home and get some rest. You will be traveling tomorrow so you only have tonight to relax before you potentially die.
>Be me
>Decide to take a day off to get more votes
>Take another because not enough votes
>see tie happen after announcing it
>wait another day

Pls break
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Final alignment call
Changed my vote to break the tie.
"Okay I lied, I'm gonna help you cheat again."
You sigh as you step out of the empty room. You need to go home, a pair of students leaving to fight in a false holy grail war isn't unheard of, nor is it your problem. In fact, you might just benefit from a pair of inexperienced magi being your opponents rather than a more capable fighter, dark as it sounds.

You carefully close the door after stepping out, only to end up reopening it partway through after a simple "What are you doing?" makes you jump practically two meters in the air.

El-Melloi stares expectantly at you as you stammer out your explanation.
"Affinity choices resulted in 1/2 ties
[ ] Tell him about Seren and Gareth.
Choice will decide lawful or chaotic
[ ] Lie to him.
The story won't change much otherwise"
"Gotta love squeezing my text in there"
12 hours until the Holy Grail War
You stretch a bit as you finally step out from the hotel. It's late at night but you need to get something done before you can sleep in your comfy bed. You go over the phone call you received just moments before from Mr. Belfaban.

"Alshir." You heard your superior say through the small machine, grateful that the green button indeed meant that you were to answer. You never had a cell phone before, so you're glad that this dated version of the machine is something you quickly learned to use.

"Sir." You acknowledged him dutifully. If he's calling you before the war starts, then something must have changed in the rules at the last moment.

"Good. I'm calling to inform you that there has been a bit of a situation involving the representative from the church. The founder would not reveal what exactly happened but he contacted me to inform you that he will be serving as a mediator instead of the one sent by the church."

"Understood," You told him. He then has you write down the address of his office and mark it on the town map given to you.


"Yes sir."

"I'm going to leave it up to you to trust this information. It feels... a bit dubious. Representatives in the past have had a bad time working with the founders of false grail wars... most of them were killed in underhanded fashions to allow the grail war to be fought with no interference from us. I personally feel as though he is lying about being mediator and trying to get you to go to him so he can kill you before you become a master in this war. However, there is a chance he is being truthful. Again, this is your choice."

"Alright. I'll think over the possibilities."

"Good luck." He says before a click shows that he hung up the phone. You hit the red button and turn to begin unpacking before you decide on what to do.

A waterfowl staring at you through the window flew away, but not before you see it staring at you.

The presence of your familiar confirms who you will he facing as an enemy master in this war. You sigh, they're gonna need to be protected before someone kills them.

You think over what to do now that you're ready to start the war.

NOTE: vote two, do so as follows.
[x] First event
-[x] Second event

[ ] Go to Mr. Northam's office and see what this "situation" is. You cannot choose to go to the church if you go here.

[ ] You see how Mr. Belfaban's argument is likely the case. You should visit the church and meet the person who is supposedly not the war's mediator. You cannot choose to go to Mr. Northam's office if you go here.

[ ] Most magi would let these kids get killed in the war, probably would take their lives themselves. You however... were always considered too nice to be a magus. Find them asap and offer alliance so you can both protect them and have help in the war.

[ ] You might need to organize and plan for how you are going to act in the war. Perhaps log all the mysteries you can perform to see what you can do should you need to fight without servant aid.

[ ] Prepare your summoning circle early. Might as well have it there so you can be the first one to summon a servant when that eclipse pops up tomorrow morning.

[ ] Go to sleep. You'll need all the energy you can get tomorrow when the war kicks off, anything you miss can be done tomorrow. If you choose this first you cannot have a second choice.

[ ] Write-in
"Okay, this time really is a 'see you tomorrow.' I'll be an enemy servant so let's have fun killing each other!"
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By the way. Updates from here on out will be at least twice the size of the usual to accomodate story actually kicking off. So I'm going to start updating every few days without posting that an update will be delayed because low votes (unless of course more votes need to be cast in which case I will shamelessly bump this.)
[X] Tell him about Seren and Gareth.

[X] Most magi would let these kids get killed in the war, probably would take their lives themselves. You however... were always considered too nice to be a magus. Find them asap and offer alliance so you can both protect them and have help in the war.
-[X] You see how Mr. Belfaban's argument is likely the case. You should visit the church and meet the person who is supposedly not the war's mediator. You cannot choose to go to Mr. Northam's office if you go here.
[X] Tell him about Seren and Gareth.

[x] You see how Mr. Belfaban's argument is likely the case. You should visit the church and meet the person who is supposedly not the war's mediator. You cannot choose to go to Mr. Northam's office if you go here.
-[x] Prepare your summoning circle early. Might as well have it there so you can be the first one to summon a servant when that eclipse pops up tomorrow morning.
[X] Tell him about Seren and Gareth.

[x] You see how Mr. Belfaban's argument is likely the case. You should visit the church and meet the person who is supposedly not the war's mediator. You cannot choose to go to Mr. Northam's office if you go here.
-[x] Prepare your summoning circle early. Might as well have it there so you can be the first one to summon a servant when that eclipse pops up tomorrow morning.
El-Melloi's response
Winning vote said:
[X] Tell him about Seren and Gareth.

"Well," El-Melloi said while he gave you an expectant look, "why are you here?"

"Professor El-Melloi! I, uh..."

"The second."

"Sorry, I was here because... well..."

"Because..." The impatient look he was starting to develop made you feel no less nervous, but you were able to somehow swallow your words enough to explain things.

"Your students... might be planning on running off to America to fight in the grail war."

There is a brief pause... but to you it felt like several minutes. Finally a sigh breaks the pause. The sigh turns into a groan by the time the professor's hand pinches the bridge of his nose. "Every time..." he softly mutters.

"I, um, I tried to find them to convince them otherwise. But it seems they're gone."

"It's fine." He tells you.


"It's fine, just don't kill them, okay?"

"I... wasn't planning on it."

"Good," he says as he steps around you and into the room. He then shuts his door.

Well... you did what you could. Maybe they wouldn't even make it to America is what you think to yourself as you head home.

You chuckle at yourself for thinking about how nothing is that easy, then begin on your way.
I was gonna write a full update but this has only 3 votes. So voting on what to do will still be open.

Also, I noticed all 3 wanted to stop by the church. This isn't a bad thing, no matter what protag has plot armor and it isn't even night 1 yet, but I will remind you that even if Matthias would be likely to take Rocco's word, ooc I did say the enemy masters would consist of the other potential protagonist options. Now, even if you're invincible tonight and on night 1, who do you think a hyperzelous executioner would mark as a priority to kill in this war upon learning of their existence over all the others?

Just putting that out there, you can vote anything anyway. Each decision besides sleep gives early introduction to at least one of the enemy masters so up to you who to try to social link.
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Whelp it's been a few days time to check the votes so I can make the next update.


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