So I was gonna start the next part now, but the alignment is stuck in a tie right now so I'm just gonna post the tallies.

Male: 11
Female: 3

Lawful Good: 3
Chaotic Neutral: 3
Chaotic Evil: 3
Chaotic Good: 2
Lawful Evil: 2
Lawful Neutral: 1

Association Member: 4
Bounty Hunter: 3
Hedge Mage: 3
Executioner: 2
Clock Tower Student: 2

I'll start writing in an hour if a tiebreaker that doesn't cause another tie is cast, in the event there is still a tie I'm casting my own vote to break it.
[X] Plan: Last Chance
-[X] Male
-[X] Lawful Good
-[X] Mages Association member. You are a decent mage with a strong family crest, but you can get no standing within the association because of your lack of political skill. When this false war was revealed, only you stood up to represent the association because after so many catastrophes in the past no magus in their right mind wants in on another one of these things. This is literally your only chance to get any form of standing, so you are willing to do what it takes. You will be able to determine your servant's class and as a magus with a high talent your servant will receive a rank up in all parameters.
Executioner is a pretty nice second choice.

Bounty hunter sounds too much like a fanboy tbh.

I'm pretty apathetic towards the clocktower and the mage association member.

But hedge mage has two big advantages of the other choices.

1. We have local knowledge,and have the most independence.
2.We are much better at learning,and adapting.

With that said, I really don't want be good for the hundredth time.
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Looks like the vote is in: Last Chance wins.

With that said, I really don't want be good for the hundredth time.

If it means anything really, the alignment is purely used to lean options in affinity questions to match the servant's alignment. Though I'd say it's about as likely as rolling a die twice and getting the same number both times, it is possible to get the chaotic evil servant despite the lawful good alignment. This doesn't mean much but I just wanted to say that.
Chapter 1: Last Chance
Clock Tower, two nights until the war begins...

You are an idiot. You came to that conclusion a long time ago, but what you did this time clearly sunk you to new levels of stupid.

You felt so dumb, in fact, that you don't even care that you are embarrassing yourself by slamming your head into the wall in the middle of Clock Tower's hallway while muttering all your many life's regrets to yourself. It couldn't look nearly as idiotic as you felt.

You admit- you're desperate. You consider yourself a great mage but that has clearly meant nothing to you once you joined the Mages Association, you carry yourself like a clumsy fool who acts first and thinks later. How could you possibly stand a chance in the association much longer if you're one to let a few childish snickers and remarks about "that fool Alshir" from men up to twice your age get to you? Is being the only member willing to participate that funny to them? Whatever. This is your final try at being an open mage, if you fail and live to admit it you're getting out of the association and all its ridiculous politics, isolating the Alshir family for as long as you draw breath, and passing your crest on to an heir as soon as possible so you can leave all your problems behind. That is IF you live of course.

You snap out of it. This isn't the end for you. You calmly try to hold a proper stance and take your decision in stride.

"I am a master in the next Holy Grail War." You calmly tell yourself as you place your left hand on the corner of your chest, just under your right shoulder. As the heir to the powerful Alshir family this is your opportunity to prove you are worthy to hold the family crest. Funnily enough, to you it had always resembled ...

[ ] A lion, the proud creature that dominates the land as if it were a king. Almost the complete opposite of you really... but it fits the family practice. Though you only mastered the basics like reinforcement and hypnosis, outside of, the family practice, generations have gone in to resist magecraft targeted towards the crest holder by continuously learning, mastering, and subconsciously activating spells that strengthen your resistance. Mages can never assert their position as better than you because they can hardly even touch you... at least when politics isn't involved...

[ ] An elephant. Large, immovable, and with a bit of wisdom. Your family has mastered Barriers, Bounded Fields, and, to a small extent, Alchemy as well as reinforcement to strengthen your protections. You don't really like having a set of crests shaped into an elephant on your torso but it's not like it isn't helpful...

[ ] A canine creature of some sort. If you were to guess, it would be a fox. As masters of trickery in some legends, they match up with your family's practice of illusions, hypnosis, and other forms of mental interference. You also dabbled a bit in bounded fields.

[ ] Ten circles randomly intersecting each other. You once heard they represent the ten rings of Solomon, king of magic. You remember how your father once proudly told you that you were descended from Solomon. As such, your family mastered "binding and control". Slavery... isn't exactly what you want to call it even if that's what it is.

Whatever it may be, you were told to visit Rocco Belfaban to discuss the grail war before you left for America. You quickly spin around and start on your way to him.

"Ghaaa!" Shouts a girl as you bump into her upon turning around. The papers she was carrying suddenly go flying as she stumbles a bit.

"I am so sorry!" You say as you try to pick the sheets up. You quickly have them in a neat stack and ready to place on top of her own. The girl herself appears to be a student, her brown eyes held a dull shade which added to the bemused look on her face.

"You should watch where your going, I could have been holding something more important than a few hundred copies of the same sheet of paper." She tells you. You sigh internally, she has the makings of an excellent magus written all over her.

"Again, I am so sorry. Do you need any help with these? Where are you headed?" You ask her politely, the offer of help being the least you can do it make up for your error.

"No, professor El-Melloi II is just down the hall," She tells you, "who are you?"

"Oh. I am Matthias, seventh heir to the Alshir crest."

"Cool, do me a favor and leave me alone, Matt." And with that, she begins on her way.

[ ] Catch up to the girl and offer to help one more time. Really you need an excuse to avoid the thing you signed up for more than anything. Plus, El-Melloi fought in a grail war. Maybe he has some advice for you...

[ ] Whatever, you should head to Mr. Belfaban's office and discuss the war. The girl didn't want your help anyway (not to mention she was so rude.)
[X] A canine creature of some sort. If you were to guess, it would be a fox. As masters of trickery in some legends, they match up with your family's practice of illusions, hypnosis, and other forms ofmental interference. You also dabbled a bit in bounded fields.
[X] Catch up to the girl and offer to help one more time. Really you need an excuse to avoid the thing you signed up for more than anything. Plus, El-Melloi fought in a grail war. Maybe he has some advice for you...
[X] Ten circles randomly intersecting each other. You once heard they represent the ten rings of Solomon, king of magic. You remember how your father once proudly told you that you were descended from Solomon. As such, your family mastered "binding and control". Slavery... isn't exactly what you want to call it even if that's what it is.
[X] Whatever, you should head to Mr. Belfaban's office and discuss the war. The girl didn't want your help anyway (not to mention she was so rude.)

slavery is cool I guess (actually would prefer the lion but I wanna see how this stuff works; and it seems more useful/growing for a grail war)
[X] A canine creature of some sort. If you were to guess, it would be a fox. As masters of trickery in some legends, they match up with your family's practice of illusions, hypnosis, and other forms ofmental interference. You also dabbled a bit in bounded fields.
[X] Catch up to the girl and offer to help one more time. Really you need an excuse to avoid the thing you signed up for more than anything. Plus, El-Melloi fought in a grail war. Maybe he has some advice for you...
[X] Ten circles randomly intersecting each other. You once heard they represent the ten rings of Solomon, king of magic. You remember how your father once proudly told you that you were descended from Solomon. As such, your family mastered "binding and control". Slavery... isn't exactly what you want to call it even if that's what it is.
[X] Catch up to the girl and offer to help one more time. Really you need an excuse to avoid the thing you signed up for more than anything. Plus, El-Melloi fought in a grail war. Maybe he has some advice for you...
[X] A lion, the proud creature that dominates the land as if it were a king. Almost the complete opposite of you really... but it fits the family practice. Though you only mastered the basics like reinforcement and hypnosis, outside of, the family practice, generations have gone in to resist magecraft targeted towards the crest holder by continuously learning, mastering, and subconsciously activating spells that strengthen your resistance. Mages can never assert their position as better than you because they can hardly even touch you... at least when politics isn't involved...
[X] Catch up to the girl and offer to help one more time. Really you need an excuse to avoid the thing you signed up for more than anything. Plus, El-Melloi fought in a grail war. Maybe he has some advice for you...
[X] Ten circles randomly intersecting each other. You once heard they represent the ten rings of Solomon, king of magic. You remember how your father once proudly told you that you were descended from Solomon. As such, your family mastered "binding and control". Slavery... isn't exactly what you want to call it even if that's what it is.
[X] Catch up to the girl and offer to help one more time. Really you need an excuse to avoid the thing you signed up for more than anything. Plus, El-Melloi fought in a grail war. Maybe he has some advice for you...
[X] Ten circles randomly intersecting each other. You once heard they represent the ten rings of Solomon, king of magic. You remember how your father once proudly told you that you were descended from Solomon. As such, your family mastered "binding and control". Slavery... isn't exactly what you want to call it even if that's what it is.
[X] Whatever, you should head to Mr. Belfaban's office and discuss the war. The girl didn't want your help anyway (not to mention she was so rude.)
[x] An elephant. Large, immovable, and with a bit of wisdom. Your family has mastered Barriers, Bounded Fields, and, to a small extent, Alchemy as well as reinforcement to strengthen your protections. You don't really like having a set of crests shaped into an elephant on your torso but it's not like it isn't helpful...
[x] Whatever, you should head to Mr. Belfaban's office and discuss the war. The girl didn't want your help anyway (not to mention she was so rude.)
[X] Ten circles randomly intersecting each other. You once heard they represent the ten rings of Solomon, king of magic. You remember how your father once proudly told you that you were descended from Solomon. As such, your family mastered "binding and control". Slavery... isn't exactly what you want to call it even if that's what it is.
[X] Catch up to the girl and offer to help one more time. Really you need an excuse to avoid the thing you signed up for more than anything. Plus, El-Melloi fought in a grail war. Maybe he has some advice for you...
Chapter 2: Procrastination
Winning votes said:
[X] Ten circles.
[X] Catch up to the girl.
"Wait!" You say, a little louder than you intended. It gets her attention back at least. She turns to face you, saying nothing but giving you a bemused look that seems to tell you to just do what she said.

Yeah, she definitely would make an excellent magus one day.

"Are you sure you don't need any help with those? I was going over to talk to professor El-Melloi anyway." You tell her.

She shrugs, "Sure, but be sure to add 'the Second' after his name. He hates it when people don't." She walks over to you and drops the stack in your hands. They nearly slip, not because they're too heavy but because you're caught off guard by how sudden she let's go. She places her hands in the pockets of her sweat shirt and begins on her way again, this time with you following behind.

"So, uh," you begin, trying to make small talk, "calling me something so informal like 'Matt' when I don't even know you was a bit rude."

"Oh? Are you one of those mages who only answers to one or all of your numerous titles?" She says without turning to face you.

"Well no, I don't really mind even though I am your superior around here. Though I'd prefer to at least know your name." You answer to the orange locks on the back of her head, "also nobody calls me 'Matt.'"

She's silent for a few seconds. You can only guess she's weighing whether or not you're worth giving her name to. You, a magus ten years her senior, have to have your worth weighed by her.

Apparently deciding it doesn't matter, she says "Call me Seren."

"It's nice to meet you Seren." It really isn't, but you aren't going to be impolite. That is where your short conversation ends. The both of you enter the simple room to see a man with long-green hair, clearly lord El-Melloi, standing by a table with a boy seated in front of it. He seems so busy massaging his forehead that he doesn't even acknowledge you as you enter. Around him are several ducks that you can only wonder the reason for being present.

"Just set the sheets on the table." The girl tells you as she takes a seat next to the boy.

After a few seconds of pure silence and you standing there having no idea what to do, the professor speaks, "you know what, I don't care anymore. I asked you to bring a familiar to me and you bring seventeen waterfowl that serve as such. Good work Torrin. I need a cig."

The boy, Torrin, gives a beaming smile to his professor as he walks around you and out of the room. He then turns to his friend "Seren! I did it!"

"Good job Gareth, you now have seventeen ducks at your beck and call." Seren responds with mock-enthusiasm. That's as much as you catch as you turn and attempt to talk to the professor.

"Excuse me!" You say, again louder than you intended, "I was hoping to ask you something."

"Shoot." He tells you with a wave of his hand.

"I'm uh, I'm going to be in the next false Holy Grail War, the one going on in Astoria." You explain as you catch up to him, "I heard you survived the fourth real war almost twenty-five years ago and was hoping for some advice."

"Astoria... I have no idea where that is. As for the war itself, I got nothing for you, best I can say is 'don't die.'" He answers.

"E-excuse me?" You're shocked at how little he had to say.

"Really, I did hardly anything back there. I summoned a powerful servant and was by his side as he did what he thought best in the war. I'd add something like 'I am who I am today thanks to him' but that wouldn't help you. It all depends on what you have, what your opponents have, and everyone acts with what they got." He turns to you, no emotion showing on his face, "any other questions?"

"No sir," you say, dissapointed at learning so little. As you turn around you hear him give you a "good luck" before you're both on your separate ways.

On your way to Mr. Belfaban's office, you happen to see something out of the corner of your eye as you turn. Knowing you saw it it, the duck that must have been following you suddenly begins to waddle away.

[ ] Ignore it, you need to get the discussion out of the way and get on to the war. Whatever that student saw through his familiar isn't worth hiding anyway, so it's no big deal.

[ ] Chase it, catch it.
-[ ] Bring it back to him personally, then scold him for attempting to invade your privacy. He should respect his superiors!
-[ ] Use your family's signature magecraft to steal ownership of this familiar. If he wanted to send it after you he should know it could be stolen. You admittedly don't need a familiar... especially one that is a duck, but you do need to teach that kid a lesson.

[ ] Write-in
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[x] Chase it, catch it.
-[x] Bring it back to him personally, then scold him for attempting to invade your privacy. He should respect his superiors!
[X] Chase it, catch it.
-[X] Use your family's signature magecraft to steal ownership of this familiar. If he wanted to send it after you he should know it could be stolen. You admittedly don't need a familiar... especially one that is a duck, but you do need to teach that kid a lesson.
I've got a feeling that Seren and the kid are the student opponents in the grail war, though I'm undecided what to do for now


[X] Ignore it, you need to get the discussion out of the way and get on to the war. Whatever that student saw through his familiar isn't worth hiding anyway, so it's no big deal.

I suppose there's nothing particularly important that will be taught in the infodump, and no point showing off what our magic does yet, but still damned kids these days and their spying ducks, back in the olden days this was worth a hundred lashes, and we'd spy on people ourselves too!
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In fate stay night there are spells to see and listen through your familiars. If it was watching the entire time then capturing it does nothing other then provoke whos familiar it is.

Also there is no point in showing just what our magecraft is capable of by using it on a familar that we could make anytime we want.

[X] Ignore it, you need to get the discussion out of the way and get on to the war. Whatever that student saw through his familiar isn't worth hiding anyway, so it's no big deal.
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Apologies for forgetting to include a [ ] Write-in option these past few updates. It's fixed for the most recent one.

EDIT: Holding off vote until tomorrow. I only got 3 votes and each were for a different thing (4 now, with a tiebreaker but it's a bit late and I'm lazy so update tomorrow anyway). I don't know if it's my frequent updates or the short length of said updates but I am doing a horrible job retaining voters and the quest only just started. I need a lot of decisions hit before the servant is summoned, so I can't fix the latter. I was pushing one a day so I can have an average rate of words written per week once updates get longer due to the lack of need to determine how the war is set up. I'm sorry for failing to deliver after just three days but oh well...
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Chapter 3: Exposition
Winner said:
[X] Ignore it, you need to get the discussion out of the way and get on to the war. Whatever that student saw through his familiar isn't worth hiding anyway, so it's no big deal.
"Ren is dumb and unoriginal" a voice says with a slight laugh, "wait? You introduced me early? Sweet, I'm gonna help them all cheat!"
You leave it be, really there is no point in making yourself look more ridiculous. Whatever the kid was doing can't possibly hurt you.

Before you know it, you find yourself walking into Mr. Belfaban's office with little more than an "Ah, Alshir. You're here." to greet you.

He continues once you're seated at the couch in front of his desk, "I assume you know the gist of what is happening at the very least."

"I do," you respond, "seven masters, seven spirits of heroes of legend as servants. Killing masters is unnecessary but recommended because they serve as the anchor the servant has to the world. Last master-servant pair alive get the grail."

"Good, saves me the trouble. Though I will point out that these are not true heroic spirits that will be summoned here. The way around weaker leylines that the founder, Mr. Northam, used was to merge several wraiths to imitate a servant's strength. They, as well as their noble phantasms, lack any true names."

"I... don't really get how a large amount of wraiths summoned is any less costly in mana than a true heroic spirit."

Rocco shrugged, "your guess is as good as mine, though mine is that these are beings who lack the true history to draw strength from. They are amalgams of ideas. The grail may end up creating a cohesive set of memories that are untrue for the servant, or it may shove those contradicting ideas together in such a way that the servant my be a living abomination. Either way, it can make a servant without nearly as much history."

You let the lack of a conclusive answer slide, no use forcing a discussion about the nature of something you have yet to see for yourself when your pride as a magus is on the line.

"Now, as for your tools," he hands you a marked map, a simple cell phone that seems to be about ten years old (you can't be sure, you never owned one), and two sheets of paper. One lists fourteen lines, each separated into groups of two. The other shows instructions for how to set up the ritual. "Add the lines of your choosing to the end of your summoning if you wish to summon a servant of your preferred class. The other sheet shows you how to alter the rules somewhat to strengthen your servant by tricking the vessel into believing it to be in its cultural sphere, much less have one in existence. Be warned though, that it may have... adverse effects that could range from nullifying it's own parameter increases to outright collapsing them into pure prana. I have no means to tell you which will happen."

He looks to you as you look over everything you were given, "The marked location on the map of the city is where an abandoned church is. It is apparently the location where the war's mediator will be acting. You are to report there as soon as you can upon arriving in the city, preferably do so before the war officially begins. As for the phone, it can be used as an efficient way to stay in contact with myself and any others here at the association, or contact the local authorities if you encounter a situation where involving mundanes can be done, and would be more efficient if done as such, there is a non-zero chance of such a thing occurring. You may summon your servant at any point after ten o' clock in the city's time, when a solar eclipse will signal the beginning of the war. Finally, you may contact us for funds but we would prefer you do so sparingly. Any other questions?"

You shake your head no, this is all you need to know. You put the phone in your pocket and walk off with the sheets in your hand.

"Oh, and one more thing, Matthias." You turn to hear his final words to you, "If, after everything you have done, you still lose your servant, simply return here to Clock Tower. It has long ago been proven that these rituals are unsustainable. In fact, there have been pushes to make any recreation of the Heaven's Feel illegal, none passed yet, but discussion is there. My point is, there is too much violence caused by these failures to allow the risk of you seeking church aid until you contract with a masterless servant. There will be no shame in retreating entirely."

You nod, but you know you can't agree with that last part: if you come back without the grail, you will go from barely staying in the association to having zero chance of doing anything simply because of the mages who will call you a coward to get you out of their way, never mind that none of them were even willing to fight in the war!

You sigh, knowing that cowardice was far from their reason for not volunteering to take part in this. There is a fine line between having courage and having a death wish, but you don't really have a choice in crossing that line.

Unfortunately, as you were going over the thoughts you've been having a million times now, you find that your map was snatched into the bill of a very familiar duck as it flew over you and off down the halls. You quickly enter a chase with it, and to your luck catch up to the duck before it got to far away from you. Before you know it you have the waterfowl by the throat. You find yourself having to contemplate what to do with this duck a second time now and that just makes you want to give that Gareth Torrin kid a piece of your mind! You should...
"Hora motherfuckers! I'm not even the right color to be invisitext so you should see me!"
[ ] Take it to that damn kid and really scold him. You let him off the hook and he tried to actually sabotage you. Ask him what he's thinking and really make him regret taking your map.
"Want two easy enemies out of the competition in favor of one worse alliance? Do this. It's what's best for me too so..."
[ ] Use your family's magecraft to steal ownership of the familiar so he doesn't send it after you a third time. Send it to die since you don't need it. "This nets you 1 evil point."
- [ ] Before you do, look into its memories to see what he told this thing to do.
"This reveals a bit of useful info about the kids you'll have to kill."
[ ] Let it go, literally. The last thing you need is to stress yourself out when you're going to be on a plane tomorrow. Go home, get some rest, and mentally prepare yourself for the magical death tournament instead of trying to act petty to an annoying student.
"Don't do this, the cannon option is the worst one, all it gets you is one good point."
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[X] Use your family's magecraft to steal ownership of the familiar so he doesn't send it after you a third time. Send it to die since you don't need it.
- [X] Before you do, look into its memories to see what he told this thing to do.
[X] Use your family's magecraft to steal ownership of the familiar so he doesn'tsend it after you a third time. Send it to die since you don't need it.
- [X] Before you do, look into its memories to see what he told this thing to do.
[x] Take it to that damn kid and really scold him. You let him off the hook and he tried to actually sabotage you. Ask him what he's thinking and really make him regret taking your map. "Want two easy enemies out of the competition in favor of one worse alliance? Do this. It's what's best for me too so..."