[X] Archer and Circe's room. You could let them know via your link that you'll be a bit, but frankly you'd rather Chaldea get used to the idea of your Servants being around, and you want to thank them in person anyway.
First things first. Archer and Circe have been locked up for about a day because you were unconscious when you returned, and you're not going to put up with that. Whatever way Olga wanted to run Chaldea with the Servants she'd intended to summon, plans have changed, and you're not going to let them be trapped a moment longer because they don't want to cause trouble. Your stomach is growling at you, your eyes are heavy despite all the time you spent passed out, and your muscles still feel like they're made of particularly wobbly jelly, but you owe your Servants that much, at least.
After taking a step forward, you hesitate, Fou glancing up at you as you blink. You'd never expected that you'd be the one campaigning for them to release Servants being held in custody. Part of you wants to suggest that it's because you've got more personal power now, and don't have to be afraid, but...well, you know yourself a little too well for that.
You're going to have to be careful not to get too attached to either of them. Bael's betrayal hurts bad enough and you knew him for all of a few hours. However long it takes to fix history, Servants are an inherently temporary existence. You are their Master, they are your Servants. Nothing more, nothing less. Just business. It's better for both of you that way.
With a sigh, you move towards the elevator along with your passenger. At least there's probably no harm in petting him a little more.
You're halfway through realising you don't actually know where you're meant to go to let your Servants out, before you once again remember that you've got mental links that let you talk to them whenever you like. Frankly, anything that lets you get out of talking to Animusphere before you do it is something you'll take. She's not going to be pleased, but she can suck it up and live with it. No one helping you is going to be a prisoner.
<"Archer, could you let the guards know that they should contact me with your location?">
You'll trust the responsibility to Archer instead of Circe, if only because Archer seems a little more polite about it. You're not totally convinced Circe wouldn't include a few threats of piggification.
<"As you wish, Master.">
A few moments pass as you rise in the soundless elevator, and by the time it opens on the third floor for the private rooms, your communicator is beeping. A flick of your finger opens the message, and you give a little relieved sigh as you scan over it. You'd worried that maybe Animusphere had given them instructions to make life difficult for you and yours, but all the message has is a location. Not exactly the warmest response, but you can sympathize. If you were put guarding two Servants with no guarantee that they wouldn't get bored and try to break out of the room, you'd probably be high-strung too.
With Fou safeguarding your delicate neck from any cold air that might find its way through Chaldea's artificial heating, you set off towards the very end of the crescent that was Chaldea's top floor. There's very little damage around here, which you suppose makes sense. If Flauros wanted to get the priority targets, there wasn't any sense in going for empty rooms. Small blessings, you suppose.
Picking out where your Servants are being kept is easy enough. Most of the rooms are closed with either a red or green light beside the doors, but only one has two heavily armed and armored guards outside it. You're not at all knowledgeable enough to tell what exactly they're equipped with, but you've learned from painful experience that big guns hurt quite a lot and are difficult to stop, and armor thick enough that it seems to add another half a foot to their height is harder to punch through than you like. Involuntarily, you think back to New Orleans and scowl. Guns.
At the very least, they aren't wearing helmets. One of them is a pale man about your height, you'd guess probably Eastern European, while the other is a tall woman with darker skin, about an inch or two on you. Mundanes, definitely, but even that feels weird. There's no question that something like Chaldea would need mundane staff to make everything work, but mundane soldiers? You'd be the last to discount what a bullet can do to an unsuspecting magus, but against Servants that seems a little bit less than effective.
"Sir." The guard on the left nods as he sees you, and you're a little taken aback. Considering what he's been doing for the last while, you'd expected a bit more venom. "Archer and Caster are inside. The Director ordered that they'd be released once you came for them, she's arranged for rooms for them both."
"She what?" You can't keep the surprise out of your voice, and the other guard nods, turning to the door and tapping in a code as she speaks.
"We've been prepared for having at least fifty or so Servants for a long time, sir. Just being careful while their Master wasn't around."
The door hisses open before you can respond, and as soon as it does you're accosted by five feet of ancient Greek witch. She stops short of tackling you, but her wings are spread and she's floating without a care, rising to eye level and giving you a radiant smile.
"There you are, piglet! You came for me as soon as you were awake? Oh, how sweet! Come on, I was going stir-crazy in there without anything to mess around with, Archer kept on stopping me any time I tried making anything just in case something happened and it inconvenienced you...mm, she's a little dull, honestly, she needs to lighten up a bit. Anyway! I need to set up a workshop, so let's go!"
"W-Wait, Circe-" You had been expecting some more tension, maybe some fear, threats to the guards, something like that, but instead you've got Circe wrapping her arms around one of yours and trying to yank you away, you can all but feel the smirks on the two guards despite it all, and when Archer walks out of the room as demure and well-behaved as ever, she doesn't even try to draw her weapon on Circe. Even Fou is just snuggled around your shoulders like he's staking claim to them, and it's all so...
Well, bizarre. A day ago, you were fighting for your life in a ruined city against corrupted Servants that wanted nothing more than to kill you all and destroy all of history. Now, everything's downright cheerful despite it all. You're away from the repairs and the wounded, you're with your two Servants who helped to take your first Grail, and everything seems...fine.
You definitely don't trust it.
"Just send the room numbers to me, I'll be fine. Just get some rest or something." You dismiss them with an attempt at friendliness, and one of them gives a shrug before pulling up a note on his communicator.
"Right, Servants are being given a wing to themselves as per the original arrangements...we didn't want to have a mix between Master and Servant and all that. You won't be too far from each other, at least...right. Rooms three-oh-one to three-sixty are designated for Servants. They can have their pick of any of those." Circe seems even more eager now that she's realised that it's not actually a big deal to get her own room, while Archer's gone very still. Before you can speak with her, the guard continues. "And, uh...thank you, sir."
"...Thank you?" If the general vibe around this area caught you off guard, what he just said felt like you'd been hit by a hammer. Why on earth was this person you'd never met thanking you? For taking the Servants off their hands?
"Uh...yeah. You know. For the whole thing with Fuyuki." That was public knowledge? "We were all here trying to patch things up and keep everyone alive after the bombs went off, and you, well...you were in a Singularity and fighting to fix everything there, without us. So, uh...thanks." He seems embarrassed, but earnest. His partner is giving you a smile too, and you just now you've got some kind of awful, gormless expression on your face so you quickly turn aside and mumble something about not needing thanks, you barely even know yourself. When they leave, they don't seem to awkward, but you're standing there with Circe giving you a look and Fou purring around your neck and Archer stock still and...
And they thanked you.
"Edward?" Circe's dropped her nickname for now, reaching up to poke your cheek. "It's just a thank you. Really, they should have thanked me too, but...well, I suppose you were the one that got us all together in the end. You are our Master, after all. You needn't look like they've just upended your whole world."
"Right. Right, I'm just...still a little tired." It's not, strictly speaking, a lie. But you can't really remember the last time you were thanked for any job you did. Mundanes and mages mingling, people not being afraid of Servants, being thanked for the work you're doing, all of it is a little overwhelming when it happens all at once. Still, you've freed your captive Servants and they've got rooms available, so there's no sense dawdling. Maneuvering your arm to see if Circe will let go results in her floating a few inches off the ground with a coy smile, so you give a sigh and decide to just enjoy the brief contact. It's not like you're made of stone, after all, even if Circe really could do with stopping her seduction act. You're her Master already, for gods' sake. It's not like there's much more she needs you off balance for.
Much more you're letting yourself think about, anyway. The possibility she's being completely honest has occurred to you, but you've read up on your classics. If she's calling you "piglet" already, you don't think it'd be a good idea to let it go any further, even if she is beautiful and you enjoy her company despite yourself. Fortunately for your self-control and continued bipedal existence, she all but dashes for the first room available as soon as it's within reach, tapping at the panel on the side until the door hisses open and she gives a pleased hum.
"Well! This will do nicely, it's big enough for a decent enough workshop, and maybe I can knock down some walls..." You suck in a breath at that before she turns around and sticks out her tongue, and you let it out in a resigned sigh. You're being teased now. Great. "Don't worry, I won't do anything to wreck things. I might need to set up a doorknob though, I can't see the panel working for what I need...mmmh..."
"I'll leave you to it, then. I don't know what Animusphere is doing with the Servants here, so I...suppose I'll be in touch later. I don't think you're under house arrest, but don't make too much of a hassle." Speaking of hassle... "I summoned another Servant by accident when I stored the Grail, Ishikawa Goemon. Keep an eye out for him, he seemed...well, he seemed like a pain in the ass."
"Hmph." She gives a little scoff, before shaking her head. "Well, I don't intend on coming out for a little while more, but if he somehow finds his way in here I'll let you know. Oh, but don't be afraid to come and visit! I'll always have a space ready for you, Master." You really could have done without the wink she gave, but thankfully you're at least keeping yourself under control well enough to avoid blushing like a schoolboy. One of these days you're going to have to talk with her about this whole thing because you're not going to live in fear of being turned into a pig because you started thinking with your libido instead of your brain.
And before that, you need to have a serious talk with yourself. She's a Servant, not a human. You shouldn't be thinking about it at all, no matter how much she teases you with the idea.
You see her off as she summons her staff and begins to chant softly, the door closing as you start to walk. A few steps later you realise that Archer hasn't moved, and you recall how oddly she reacted to the news that she had a room picked out. You're half-tempted to just avoid any more issues, but...oh, damn it. She's doing her best to look like nothing is wrong and failing miserably, and your heart isn't made of stone, as your fuzzy scarf can attest to. With a soft tone, you approach Archer and speak.
"What's wrong, Archer?" She meets your eye and bites her lip for a moment, and you get the impression she's trying very hard to avoid any sort of reaction at all.
"I...our lodgings are spaced quite far apart. I had assumed that we would be closer together, as I am your Servant. Forgive me, Master. I had no intentions of displeasing you. I swear that I will do better next time." Despite her best efforts, you can see a little flicker of fear in her eyes, and all at once it's like every reminder you've given yourself about Archer's nature as a Servant never happened at all. Damn your soft heart.
"Archer, I had nothing to do with this, I promise. You saved my life at least three or four times since I summoned you. I'm not upset. Okay?" It seems like much too little, and when Archer's voice hitches just a bit and her eyes widen at the sound, you know for certain it is, but you've got this. You can handle this.
"I do not wish to disappoint you in any way, Master. I swear that I will be your most loyal Servant. So, if possible...please don't..." She trails off, shaking her head and taking a deep, shaky breath. "...Forgive me. I will be more in control of myself in the future, Master."
Well, you might as well try to help, if she's going to be so stubborn about it.
"I'm not going to abandon you, Archer." You're speaking like you're tiptoeing around a landmine, soft and gentle and quiet, but all the same Archer stiffens up just a bit. With all the secrecy, all her reactions, everything you've seen, you're reasonably sure you understand. She's some kind of monster, and she doesn't want you to know just yet. "I don't care what you are. You're my Servant, and I need you. You did everything right, fighting Lancer and Saber. So don't worry, alright?"
It's not enough to totally erase all her worries, whatever they are. If she's got enough baggage that not being given a room beside her Master makes her this afraid she'll be tossed by the wayside, you doubt that any amount of conversation could do that. But at the very least, it might help make her a little less miserable. There's a long few moments where the two of you are simply standing in silence, but after just long enough you're almost ready to speak up again, she raises her head and gives you a small smile.
"Thank you, Master."
Archer's Bond Level has increased.
Archer picks the room just opposite Circe's, and with the same warning you gave Circe about Goemon and a promise that Archer can contact you if she needs anything, you're walking towards the elevator a few moments later. Fou is yawning beside your ear and it's a little bit catching, but you're not going to be able to sleep for a while. Between food, Animusphere, and...and Niamh, you aren't going to get a chance to rest for a while.
Time to figure out what problem to deal with next.
our stomach is growling at you, your eyes are heavy despite all the time you spent passed out, and your muscles still feel like they're made of particularly wobbly jelly, but you owe your Servants that much, at least.
No sense in putting it off any longer than we already have.
[X] Olga's office.
A status update could go along way in revealing just what we got ourselves caught up in. We can also figure out the reasoning behind Niamh's recruitment, whether it's mere coincidence or something else.
"Right. Right, I'm just...still a little tired." It's not, strictly speaking, a lie. But you can't really remember the last time you were thanked for any job you did. Mundanes and mages mingling, people not being afraid of Servants, being thanked for the work you're doing, all of it is a little overwhelming when it happens all at once.
Edward is basically a character from a supernatural horror story who's found himself as the protagonist of a sci-fi fantasy harem comedy, so he's just going to keep getting suckerpunched every time Chaldea isn't as dark and edgy as he expects it to be.
A few steps later you realise that Archer hasn't moved, and you recall how oddly she reacted to the news that she had a room picked out. You're half-tempted to just avoid any more issues, but...oh, damn it. She's doing her best to look like nothing is wrong and failing miserably, and your heart isn't made of stone, as your fuzzy scarf can attest to. With a soft tone, you approach Archer and speak.
"What's wrong, Archer?" She meets your eye and bites her lip for a moment, and you get the impression she's trying very hard to avoid any sort of reaction at all.
"I...our lodgings are spaced quite far apart. I had assumed that we would be closer together, as I am your Servant. Forgive me, Master. I had no intentions of displeasing you. I swear that I will do better next time." Despite her best efforts, you can see a little flicker of fear in her eyes, and all at once it's like every reminder you've given yourself about Archer's nature as a Servant never happened at all. Damn your soft heart.
"Archer, I had nothing to do with this, I promise. You saved my life at least three or four times since I summoned you. I'm not upset. Okay?" It seems like much too little, and when Archer's voice hitches just a bit and her eyes widen at the sound, you know for certain it is, but you've got this. You can handle this.
"I do not wish to disappoint you in any way, Master. I swear that I will be your most loyal Servant. So, if possible...please don't..." She trails off, shaking her head and taking a deep, shaky breath. "...Forgive me. I will be more in control of myself in the future, Master."
Well, you might as well try to help, if she's going to be so stubborn about it.
"I'm not going to abandon you, Archer." You're speaking like you're tiptoeing around a landmine, soft and gentle and quiet, but all the same Archer stiffens up just a bit. With all the secrecy, all her reactions, everything you've seen, you're reasonably sure you understand. She's some kind of monster, and she doesn't want you to know just yet. "I don't care what you are. You're my Servant, and I need you. You did everything right, fighting Lancer and Saber. So don't worry, alright?"
It's not enough to totally erase all her worries, whatever they are. If she's got enough baggage that not being given a room beside her Master makes her this afraid she'll be tossed by the wayside, you doubt that any amount of conversation could do that. But at the very least, it might help make her a little less miserable. There's a long few moments where the two of you are simply standing in silence, but after just long enough you're almost ready to speak up again, she raises her head and gives you a small smile.
"Thank you, Master."
Archer's Bond Level has increased.
Archer picks the room just opposite Circe's, and with the same warning you gave Circe about Goemon and a promise that Archer can contact you if she needs anything, you're walking towards the elevator a few moments later.
Well, Archer is even more self conscious about the whole "I'm a horrible monster who nobody loves" thing than expected, but Edward is remarkably capable of dealing with social situations for a Fate protagonist, so I'm sure it will never become a plot relevant issue.
I don't really have any other smart ass remarks to make about this update, other than Circe being cute, so I guess I'll just vote for self-care Sunday again.
Finally caught up properly on the quest. Interesting stuff.
I am going to take issue with one major derivation from canon though - Ed is not an artificially created teenage girl, so obviously, Galahad would never willingly possess him. (It happens twice canonically, and then the original version, from the planning for the DEEN anime.)
You're going to have to be careful not to get too attached to either of them. Bael's betrayal hurts bad enough and you knew him for all of a few hours. However long it takes to fix history, Servants are an inherently temporary existence. You are their Master, they are your Servants. Nothing more, nothing less. Just business. It's better for both of you that way.
Accepting that Servants are inherently transitory existences who will eventually disappear? Good.
Deciding that this means you should avoid forming serious emotional connection to them? Bad idea, and unlikely to happen! Look at the Bond level, Ed, that thing is only going to go up!
"Sir." The guard on the left nods as he sees you, and you're a little taken aback. Considering what he's been doing for the last while, you'd expected a bit more venom. "Archer and Caster are inside. The Director ordered that they'd be released once you came for them, she's arranged for rooms for them both."
"She what?" You can't keep the surprise out of your voice, and the other guard nods, turning to the door and tapping in a code as she speaks.
Olga is very high-strung, but she is also running an organisation that aimed to save humanity, Ed.
Assuming her characterisation from FGO holds, she even has issues with unethical experiments! Even if Mash is Matthew and not a designer baby with a Servant inside.
Hmmmmm. Food, Olga, medicine or Niamh...
Food, Olga, Medicine...
Food, Olga...
The eternal question.
[X] Olga's office.
I'm kind of curious to see how she's, uh, taking everything. Given that two of the men she's known and trusted for the last ten years have both turned out to be murderous traitors!
[X] Olga's office.
I know we're hungry, but Olga's been through, uh, a lot.
Like having your base blown up and finding out two of your closet confidants are evil demons.