[X] Stay and fight
-[X] Support Berserker
Taking into account Archer's parameters compared to Berserker's the choice seems simple. The only thing that worries you is that you don't know where her Master is and her confidence. Why would she threaten an obviously more powerful Servant when her own abilities are so very low? She's far below average so she's either bluffing or her Noble Phantasm is one that will turn any fight in her favour. But you know that. Berserker must know that. Whatever advantage she thinks she has you are prepared for it. This is
a risk you can and will take for the chance to eliminate an enemy Servant, even if she is rather pathetic.
"I will support your efforts to teach her a much needed lesson." Berserker shows his teeth, it might have counted as a smile without the blood lust emanating from him.
"Just make sure she doesn't shoot you." Berserker says quietly, more of a growl than his usual smooth speaking voice. On her cross-spar Archer stands to her full height, shorter than Vlad and yourself both, and her free hand dips into one of her coat pockets.
Berserker strikes in a heartbeat, arm snapping forward launching his spear at Archer like a missile. The air screams at the passage of Berserker's weapon as it shoots towards Archer. She skips to the side, spear rocketing past her face.
You run along the wall, away from Archer, trickling pranna into your limbs to go faster. Berserker launches himself at Archer, stone shattering under his feet.
Metal screams against stone. A hail of metal bolts crater the brick wall at your heels. Metal? Those aren't regular crossbow bolts she's shooting!
Berserker smashes into the mast, wood splintering, and his spear reappears in his hand. Archer swings her crossbow towards him but she's too slow. Berserker rushes her, a growl tearing over the docks, and sweeps his spear at her. An arc of white and silver in the night.
Archer leaps cleanly over his head, executing a perfect flip to land facing him. From inside her coat she pulls out something that glints like glass.
You change direction, pounding along the high wall back towards the gate house. If you can get into range before she....
With the same motion she throws the thing at Berserker, arms blurring with speed, and he doesn't have time to duck or dodge. All Berserker manages is to raise one arm in front of his eyes.
Glass shatters against Berserker's raised arm. Liquid splashes over him and smoke rises from where it hits skin. Little curling wisps of it. Is doesn't seem that Berserker's hurt much at all, just irritated.
Archer laughs a little. "Guess now I know why I don't like you Servant." She says and squeezes off another hail of bolts. You raise your right hand, focussed on those bolts. You can burst through her low magic resistance but why bother when those bolts aren't protected at all.
Raffica di vento!" The pebble shatters, your circuits burn and a gale springs from your outstretched fingers. It howls between Archer and Berserker, scattering the metal bolt things into the dark sea below. You focus on her again and....
Her parameters are all raised, by at least a rank some of them by two. What the hell!? Who is this Servant?
She shoots a dark look your way and hops off the cross-spar. As she falls to the deck she throws something at you, something dark and spinning. Hurling yourself towards the stone decorations of the gate house a trio of metal disks whizz past your face. A chunk of auburn hair drifts free of your head, whipped away with the disks.
That was too close. The fear pools in your stomach. You may walk with death but you wouldn't be human if you didn't feel something when it whizzes past your face.
"Stay still!" Berserker roars, voice almost inhuman with rage and he dives after her. His black coat flares up from his shoulders like huge bat wings. Archer hand springs back from him, crossbow coming up again.
Berserker's spear impacts the deck first and he carves it up towards Archer. She pulls the trigger of her crossbow. Berserker's spear blocks some of them, pinging them off along the length of the ship. Others make it past and a couple lodge in his chest.
He ignores them and his weapon tears up Archer's front, ripping a slash in her duster, cutting at least her face and tossing her hat to the winds.
"You bastard, that hat was expensive!" Archer's shout is high and strident as she runs, light and agile, towards the stern of the ship. She's faster than Berserker but there's nowhere for her to go.
You gasp a little as the pranna draining from you to Berserker leaps up. Did he just...? "Run insect! I don't need to see you to find you as you bleed all over this ship!" He did, the madness enhancement just raised at least rank.
"Come at me then." Archer yells back as she hops over the far side of the ship and out of sight. "If you can." Her voice has to be coming from somewhere but you have no idea where that is. It's seems just as clear to your ears as it does to Berserker's.
"You dare hide from me!" Berserker sprints towards where Archer disappeared. That's stupid, she's not going to be there, it's got to be a trap!
Berserker don't....
Be silent girl! Berserker's mental voice rips through your mind, rattling your thoughts loose.
He reaches the edge of the ship and looks over. A flash of harsh white light puts him in stark silhouette and he jerks back with a yell of pain. Was that bottled sunlight? Set to go off when Berserker looked over the edge? Archer knows, she has to know or she wouldn't have set that trap.
Archer appears from behind the middle mast, almost like she walked out of its shadow, crossbow in one hand and a stake in the other. Silently she rushes Berserker, stake raised and ready to pierce his heart.
Berserker behind you! You're too far to help him, again, but at least your warning gives him time to catch Archer's wrist before she can put the stake through his heart.
"Got you now." Berserker's smiling a very disturbing smile now. It does little more than show that the little suggestions of fangs you saw before have grown to a respectable size. Even with the strange boost to her strength Archer is no match for Berserker's raw power.
He twists and her hand opens, stake falling to the floor, and Berserker pulls her closer, grabs the golden pony tail at the back of her head and pulls. Archer's head is forced back and Berserker focuses on her throat, fangs glimmering in the dim light like daggers. You want to look away but you can't.
Archer twists in Berserker's grip violently, trying and failing to get free of him. Something small falls out of her coat by her feet. She stamps on it and it shatters in an explosion of white light. Berserker howls again, scrambling back from Archer and bounces off the railing around the ship.
Archer replaces the cartridge on her crossbow and holds it in both hands. "I'd love to keep playing but my master has other ideas." She fires and a net springs from her crossbow tangling around Berserker tight. Smartly she steps forwards and fixes the net into place with silver stakes from her crossbow.
She climbs up the rigging, agile as a spider in its web, while Berserker struggles against the net. He's not exactly winning.
Archer she turns to face you, her green eyes are hard and empty of emotion. Oh, right, what she meant by her master having other ideas than fighting Servants. Killing the other masters.
"Well, goodbye girl." She raises her crossbow, aimed right for your heart. "It's probably better for the rest of the War that you and your Servant leave it now." She pulls the trigger.
Gettare! Metallo ripulsa!" Pranna floods down your circuits, they burn like molten iron changing your bones to metal and your blood to quicksilver. The pebble shatters and the crest on your back burns cyan and white.
Repulsion. All that is metal shall be repulsed. Nothing that is metal will come within two meters. Anything that tries will be shot back, rejected utterly.
It's not a boundary field, though you have incorporated a version of it into some you've laid in the past, just a wave that rejects all metal.
Invisible, the wave of your magecraft lashes from you towards Archer.
The silver bolts in the air between you are caught up in it and rejected, hurtling back at her at speed. Her green eyes widen in shock as her own hail of deadly ammunition is hurled back at her face. She touches a button or pulls a lever on her crossbow and shoots a bolt into the spar under her feet. The first bolt reaches her, driving itself into the meat of her left arm between shoulder and elbow.
She steps into the air and falls, crossbow in both hands. There's a rope trailing from the bolt in the spar and the crossbow. It goes taught and she swings up toward you.
"Berserker!" You need him back with you as soon as possible!
I am coming. Blasted ropes.... That's not exactly the most encouraging thing he could have said.
Archer lands on the gate house. Her left arm hangs uselessly at her side. She doesn't need it to shoot you though. If you leap her bolts with follow you down, you'll be dead before you reach the ground. Pin cushioned with silver.
You could try to deflect her bolts again but you can feel exhaustion creeping up on you. Berserker's taking more pranna than before and that spell used a great deal to be powerful enough to deflect so many bolts. Doing it again would be the last magecraft you perform tonight. Possibly forever.
[ ] Trust Berserker
[ ] By my Command Spell
-[ ] Save me right now!
-[ ] Kill Archer right now!
[ ] Jump
-[ ] Into the docks
-[ ] Out of the docks
It amuses me Myrna did more damage to Archer than Berserker has so far. If it had escaped your notice this is not a good match-up for Berserker, Archer's a bit too sneaky for him, poor dear. Also anyone who speaks Italian please excuse my horrible google translations for Myrna's spells.